Dream interpretation withered roses. The meaning of the image of a rose in a dream

Almost every woman loves flowers, especially roses.

Red, yellow, white - they delight many representatives of the fair sex.

Why do you dream about roses? And what can you expect after such a dream?

It all depends on what exactly happened in the dream and in what form the flowers appeared. Did someone give them to you or did they just grow in nature? Let's look at each individual case.

Red: colors of passion

Receiving a bouquet of red roses as a gift means subconsciously wanting sex with a married man. And putting them in a vase means dreaming of a romantic adventure.

If in a dream you cut the stems, then in reality you will be given a long-awaited proposal.

  • Feeling the aroma means a date.
  • Red roses in the trash can mean parting.
  • Giving it to a friend means unfounded accusations from your partner.
  • Long red roses - an attempt to assert oneself.
  • If they were broken, it means uncertainty in relationships with the opposite sex.

If you dream of a huge bouquet in the hands of your boyfriend, then you will soon go on an exciting journey.

And if your parents give them to you, this means that you should pay more attention to your loved one. Large red buds symbolize a feast, and small ones symbolize a love affair.

Yellow: to separation or happiness?

One yellow rose dreams of an unpleasant conversation with a loved one. A large bouquet warns of possible betrayal.

Seeing them in the garden means peace. And cutting it from a bush means finding an answer to a complex question that worries you.

Flowers in a car dream of a showdown. And on the train - to a pleasant meeting.

  • Giving yellow flowers means changes in your personal life.
  • Receiving as a gift is a joyful event.
  • A bouquet on the bed means jealousy.
  • Fading buds - to new ideas.
  • A yellow bouquet in a vase means a thrill.

As the dream book explains, yellow roses on the windowsill speak of a secret admirer. If in a dream you take them and put them in water, then now you should not start a new relationship. And if you throw a bouquet out the window, then you are quite ready for a romantic relationship.

Unopened yellow buds dream of a desire to leave for another country. And fallen petals mean looking for a new job.

White: symbol of pure love

But most often the question arises: why do we dream of white roses?

If in a dream you saw someone giving you a luxurious bouquet, try to take your mind off work and rest a little.

One flower dreams of betrayal, and three or five mean an attempt to prove one’s right.

  • Buying a white bouquet means confident advancement up the career ladder.
  • A white rose in a bouquet of daisies - for a passionate romance.
  • Large buds signify the completion of important work.
  • Small white buds - for a successful business trip.
  • Being pricked with a thorn means a valuable find.

If you dream of a wedding bouquet of fresh white roses, you will soon be declared in love. And artificial flowers speak of false feelings.

Many white petals on the bed promise joy and fun. And worries and troubles are foreshadowed by the bushes planted under your window. Watering them means cash receipts. And cutting buds from a bush is an unexpected insult.

Did you dream about something else?

In a dream, a person can see roses of different colors. For example, black flowers dream of a holiday, and blue flowers – a meeting with friends.

Live black roses in a vase can be seen before an exam or interview. They mean that you will definitely succeed.

And if you had a dream about trampling a bouquet of black roses, then be more restrained in life. And don't trust your secrets to strangers.

  • A cream-colored bouquet - for moving to a new place of residence.
  • Pink flowers in a vase - for a trip to another city.
  • Pink petals - for reciprocity in love.
  • Green flowers - for the continuation of an old novel.
  • Brown - to get rid of complexes.

If you dream that you are filming or photographing roses of unusual colors, you will soon be able to receive financial rewards. And drawing them is a sign of work that will delight the soul.

Multi-colored bouquets dream of frivolity and frivolous relationships. And one bud with petals of different colors means attention from a handsome man.

To determine what roses mean in your dreams, it is very important to remember their color and what you did with them in your dream. These beautiful flowers in a dream will help you find out what awaits you in the near future. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Roses are the favorite flowers of many women, symbolizing joy, love and mystery. But how can you interpret a dream involving these beautiful flowers? Dream interpreters will help you figure out what they mean in your dreams.

Interpretation according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Medea

  1. American. Innocence and purity of thoughts.
  2. English. People are drawn to you as a cheerful person, dreaming of making friends.
  3. Apostle Simon the Canaanite. Success in endeavors, happiness.
  4. Armenian. Carefree life, joy.
  5. Wangi. Love and boundless happiness.
  6. Female. Happiness in love.
  7. Imperial. The dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, good events await, and on the other, disappointment in a loved one.
  8. Icelandic. Fortune smiles on you: you will achieve what you want without putting much effort into it.
  9. Lunar. Happiness and financial well-being.
  10. Medea. The dream symbolizes inner beauty and integrity.
  11. Miller. Happy moments await you.
  12. Newest. Romantic date.
  13. Russian. Strong love, wedding.
  14. Russian folk. Your partner is crazy about you.
  15. Family. Good news, guests have arrived.
  16. Modern. New love, confessions and romance.
  17. French. A favorable stage has arrived in life.
  18. Healers Akulina. You have to fight for love.
  19. Gypsy. Delight and boundless fun.
  20. XXI century. Luck and prosperity.

If in a dream a dead person presented a bouquet of roses, then know that the spirits of the dead protect you from everything bad.

If in a dream you were given a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart, harmony and agreement reign in your relationship with your loved one

Who dreamed of flowers: a girl, a woman, a man

  1. For a girl to dream about a rose, she promises an acquaintance with an interesting man, which will eventually develop into a serious relationship. . According to the family dream book, you should expect a quick marriage.
  2. The vision warns a woman that other people may envy her happiness. This is how the Apostle Simon the Canaanite interprets the vision. According to the family dream book, true love awaits, which people have been looking for for years.
  3. A pregnant woman's dreams of roses foreshadow a declaration of love and pleasant surprises. According to the Wanderer's dream book, motherhood will bring happiness and joyful troubles.
  4. For a man, night vision indicates that he should take a closer look at his surroundings. Among your friends there is a girl with whom you will find true happiness.
  5. For family people, roses seen in the kingdom of Morpheus prophesy changes. One stage of life ends, and immediately after it something new begins. Changes in life will initially unsettle you, but do not be sad, because there are many interesting events ahead.

A Chinese rose in a dream symbolizes wisdom and long life.

Dream details

You need to pay special attention to the details of your dream. Try to reproduce them in memory. The more you remember, the more accurately you will decipher the dream.

Color: pink, red, white, yellow, orange

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the roses:

  1. Reds. You will experience strong and deep feelings. According to the women's dream book, love is mutual, and the relationship with a partner is now a complete idyll.
  2. White. Relationships with your loved one are developing in the right direction. You feel cozy and comfortable together. According to Miller's dream book, expect a bright future with your chosen one.
  3. Pink. They symbolize tender and devoted relationships. According to the modern dream book, a vision promises wealth.
  4. Yellow. You will experience jealousy and mistrust of your loved one. According to the Tarot dream book, you will encounter meanness and betrayal.
  5. Orange. The person next to you is destined by fate. Only together you will be happy. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, the dreamer’s life is filled with bright colors, now nothing bodes ill.
  6. Burgundy. The vision promises admiration and frantic passion. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, you are loved with all your heart, appreciate it.

A burgundy rose in a dream means that someone loves you with all their heart

Unusual flower colors: blue, purple, black

Why do you dream of roses with unusual colors? Interpreters give the following explanations:

  1. Black. Such a flower in night vision is considered a symbol of sadness and loss. Be prepared for someone close to you to leave this world. According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, a dark streak will come in life. According to the modern dream book, there is a chance of getting injured, getting sick, or having an accident.
  2. Blue. An unusual event will happen in life, after which your outlook on life will change. According to the modern dream book, a flatterer has appeared in your environment, dreaming of using you for his own purposes. Be careful and cautious.
  3. Blue. Problems that prevented you from enjoying life are a thing of the past. Finally, you can relax and breathe deeply. According to Grishina’s dream book, you will start living from scratch.
  4. Purple. Your loved one is a mysterious and unpredictable person. Being next to him, it is impossible to anticipate anything. Such relationships are quite tiring. Try to make them clear.
  5. Green. Such a dream prophesies cash receipts. Your financial situation will improve. According to the healer Akulina, the new business will bring good dividends.
  6. Multi-colored. Real life will be stormy and eventful. You definitely won't be bored. According to the Wanderer's dream book, something incredible will happen.

What kind of roses did you dream about: buds, petals, bushes

Seeing a bouquet of roses in your night dreams is a sign of a secret admirer. If there was a whole armful of flowers in the dream, you will meet your soulmate. According to Miller's dream book, events that will happen soon will be fateful.

Roses without thorns seen in a dream foretell a good outcome of the work begun. According to Gustave Miller, your love is mutual.

Rose petals in night vision promise a girl or an unmarried woman a quick marriage. For a family man, the vision indicates that the other half remains faithful to him.

Rose petals dream of marriage

Rose bushes in the kingdom of Morpheus promise an improvement in your financial situation. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, a joyful event will happen in the dreamer’s life. The number of bushes also matters:

  • one - organization and self-discipline are important to achieve the goal;
  • a lot of bushes in a dream promise changes for the better and useful acquaintances.

If the flowers on the rose bushes were in bloom, there will soon be a new addition to the family. Dry roses portend a serious illness of someone close.

Rosebuds in night dreams signify good luck and prosperity in business. If in a dream they have just begun to bloom, then income will grow every month. Opened buds promise a sharp enrichment, but fallen buds promise a loss.

Artificial roses in a dream are a harbinger of depression and disappointment in yourself and other people.

A tattoo on the chest in the form of a rose in a dream is a symbol of sincere love and devotion:

  • seeing it on your own body is a sign that the feelings are mutual:
  • on another person - to the groundless jealousy you experience.

Where were the flowers: in a pot or vase, in a garden bed, under a pillow

  1. If you dreamed that roses were in a vase, expect a pleasant surprise. Was the vase cracked or bruised? You will be presented with a present that will make you sad. If broken, you will lose a valuable item.
  2. If flowers were on the floor in the kingdom of Morpheus, get ready for hassle and instability. According to Vanga’s dream book, there will be discord in the relationship with your significant other.
  3. Did you dream of roses in a pot? Receive a valuable gift. According to the Muslim dream book, it is necessary to focus on current events and not dwell on the past. Live for today.
  4. Seeing a red rose under a pillow in a dream means renewing your relationship with your loved one. An unusual event will occur, after which the relationship will sparkle with new colors. According to the women's dream book, relationships that you have practically given up on will once again take on meaning.
  5. If you dreamed of roses in the garden, you will work hard and hard to achieve what you want. According to Vanga’s dream book, you will meet a powerful and strong person who will show you favor. However, remember: despite the positive attitude, this person only thinks about himself. Don’t follow his lead and don’t do anything that contradicts your life principles.

If in night vision a rose was lying on the snow, your plans will not come true

Number of flowers in a dream: even or odd number

It is also important to remember how many roses there were in the dream:

  1. One. Life will be filled with meaning. Soon you will be traveling or meeting an extraordinary person. Fortune will be favorable, this will allow you to make good money.
  2. Three. You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but there is no need to fall into despair, because the answer to your pressing questions is somewhere nearby.
  3. A lot of. The dream indicates the presence of strong and influential patrons, always ready to help. For girls and unmarried women, night vision promises a rich and generous groom.
  4. Even number. Prepare for shock. A dear person will deceive and betray. You will worry about this for a long time.

Seeing a million scarlet roses in a dream is a happy occasion that will completely change your life.

Actions in a dream: buying flowers, cutting, injecting yourself

Buying roses in a dream means improving your financial situation. The color of the purchased flowers also matters:

  1. White. You are a kind person, always ready to help your neighbor, and for this fate will generously thank you.
  2. Reds. Things will go uphill, you will be able to get rich.
  3. Pink. To achieve your goal, you will need to make every effort.
  4. Yellow - a friend will disappoint.
  5. Black. Get bad news.
  6. Green - possible health problems.

If you dreamed that you were selling roses, remember - nothing is impossible. Dream and your dreams will come true. The modern dream book claims that you will advance up the career ladder.

Did you dream that you planted roses in the ground? Prepare for disagreements with your partner. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, you are creating problems for yourself. Live and enjoy life.

If you are pricked by the thorns of a flower in a dream, then mental anguish and torment await you. According to Denise Lynn, a conflict with colleagues or relatives is looming.

Breaking roses in night vision means a major scandal. According to the esoteric dream book, you are in danger; try to avoid long trips over long distances in the near future.

Planting roses in a dream means disagreements with your partner

Pulling out rose bushes in a dream means a difficult situation in which you will find yourself. You will be scared to face the truth and really analyze what happened. However, this must be done, otherwise you will not solve the problems that have piled up.

Did you dream that you were throwing away a bouquet of roses? You feel like an unhappy person, but no one is to blame for your troubles. Try to figure out what exactly is stopping you from developing and moving on.

Watering rose bushes in night dreams means obstacles on the way. Something is stopping you from achieving what you want, but it's not your fault. Don't give up, take action and everything will work out. According to the family dream book, a loved one will need help.

Trampling roses in a dream means dissatisfaction arising from the inability to realize oneself. It is not in your power to change anything now, but there is no need to despair, because soon everything will return to normal.

Give a bouquet and receive flowers as a gift

The interpretation of a dream in which you were given roses depends on the gender of the dreamer, as well as on who exactly presented the bouquet. For a woman to see a dream with such a plot is a good omen:

  • a man who gives flowers in a dream has the most tender feelings towards you;
  • if in your night dreams you received flowers from your ex-boyfriend, know that he really regrets the breakup - thoughts about you do not leave him day or night;
  • flowers from a stranger received in the kingdom of Morpheus portend a successful acquisition; according to Miller’s dream book, expect a gift of fate;
  • if in a night vision another woman gave roses, then your efforts will be rewarded, and a favorable outcome of the situation will be ensured.

If a girl dreamed that she was giving flowers to her beloved, some joyful event would soon happen. But giving flowers to another representative of the fairer sex in a dream means conflicts and misunderstandings.

Giving roses to your beloved woman in a dream is a sign of true love

A man who dreamed that a girl gave him roses needs to take a closer look at his passion, who is not happy with something in their relationship. If you don't take action in time, separation cannot be avoided.

Sometimes the dreamer may dream that another man gave the flowers. Such a dream indicates that you have lost your way. Decline and failure in business are coming. According to the esoteric dream book, you are losing vital energy.

If a man dreamed that a rival was giving flowers to his beloved, then in real life one cannot do without scandals based on jealousy.

Giving roses to your beloved in your night dreams is a favorable sign. The relationship is full of tenderness and respect, you are simply made for each other.

Did you dream that you were giving flowers to a stranger? Your plans may not come true. According to the Tarot dream book, you will have to deal with solving other people’s problems.

Roses are the most beautiful flowers, which are pleasant to admire both in dreams and in reality. Dreams with their participation mainly symbolize love experiences, declarations of feelings and dates, but sometimes they can warn of impending troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Roses Blooming and fragrant roses foreshadow the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one. Withered roses are a symbol of loneliness and sadness. If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, material well-being awaits you. A bright bush of scarlet roses means the dreams of your family members come true. A dried rosebush may portend illness of people close to you or other sad events. If in a dream you smell the scent of roses, unclouded joy awaits you. If you see in a dream white roses on which the sunlight does not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, a serious illness may overtake you. If a girl sees armfuls of roses in a dream or dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets from them, she will be very happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a wonderful person. If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this portends her deception and destroyed hopes. To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Seeing blooming and fragrant roses in a dream means the approach of a joyful event. Your lover will be faithful to you. If a young woman dreams that she is picking roses, in reality she will soon receive the marriage proposal she has long dreamed of. Dried roses seen in a dream mean that you have not yet met your one and only chosen one. White roses, if you see them not in sunlight and without drops of dew: portend a serious or even fatal illness. Inhaling the scent of roses in a dream is a sign of pure joy. If a young woman dreams of armfuls of roses, which she collects and ties into bouquets, then in reality she will be proposed to by a man whom she greatly respects. Modern dream book

Rose's Dream Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work. Picking roses means getting married soon, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions. Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned. White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal. Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation of Roses Roses in a dream - a joyful event awaits you: a marriage proposal or a big win. People with choleric temperament often have dreams associated with the fire element. Universal family dream book

Dream Interpretation of Roses Dreaming of withered roses means that you do not have a loved one. A girl who dreamed that she was decorating her hair with roses will be deceived by her loved one. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Rose Roses: new flirtation, love adventure white: happy choice of a couple, pure love bouquet of roses: happiness awaits rose bush: happiness in marriage yellow: hidden love red: passionate love, the darker the color, the more passionate to receive as a gift: true love with big thorns: troubles and fear, obstacles in love tear down: quick marriage fading: your inclination will disappear blooming: love pleasures and joy await. Azar's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of Roses Roses. Blooming and fragrant roses in a dream promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one. If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like. Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love. If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means that a serious illness awaits you. If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy. If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly. If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you. A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows. A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family. If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception. To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one. If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead. If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about. Withered roses indicate your loneliness. If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you. If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, then her beloved will deceive her. A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation of Roses Seeing roses blooming in a dream is a sign of happiness, prosperity and long life. If the roses are large and fragrant, then this dream promises a young man an intelligent and friendly girlfriend; A worthy and happy marriage awaits them. This is a good dream for traders and for everyone in general, because it portends great success! If you see withered roses, this dream promises troubles or poverty, from which, however, you can quickly get out by showing some ingenuity. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Rose: someone wants you to receive trouble and death as a gift. Cutting: to tears, grief. Sniff: your love will bring you pain. To give: to wish misfortune on another, to become the cause of someone’s grief. Your conscience must stop you. Planting with your own hands: creating problems. Putting it on a grave: feeling guilty. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose According to gypsy beliefs, this flower is always a happy omen. Blooming rose flower: symbolizes health, joy and happiness. Bud: A wonderful friendship blossoming. Faded: means you are neglecting an old friend. White: symbolizes innocence, and red Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Rose on a tall stem: violent passion. Teahouses: sad news. White: to meet a loved one Black: to sad news. Roses in the snow: a period full of contradictions awaits you. Dream interpretation horoscope

Dream Interpretation Rose Since ancient times, among many peoples, the rose was considered the queen of flowers and the personification of the beauty and diversity of the world. In folklore and literature of different countries and times, there are many legends about the origin of red roses: they are red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on the thorns, or they are red from the blood of a poet who pressed the roses to his heart, or the roses became red because a girl pressed them to her chest, to place on the grave of a loved one. Red roses: in any case, they turn out to be a symbol of flesh and blood: a symbol of life, but also a symbol of sadness, since human life is not eternal. White: a symbol of aspiration to heaven, a symbol of the immortal human spirit and joy. If most people, despite the difference in tastes, love roses, it means that these flowers give them heavenly and earthly energy. But like all powerful magical objects, roses are not always favorable for everyone and not in all seasons. After all, any gift requires a response: if a bouquet of white roses is a gift symbolizing heavenly energy, this may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions will mean a lot here. Walking among roses in any season or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn Seeing white roses with a solemn feeling: preparing for an act that requires spiritual effort and receiving help in a dream. Walking in a dream among bright red roses: causes excessive delight, has a stimulating effect on the mind and heart and symbolizes a situation heated by passions in reality. But for ordinary people, the state of insensitivity to one’s problems is unfavorable: one’s own heart may not be able to bear the tension, those around them may not want to share the unnecessary tension, and the result will be damage to relationships and affairs. In special cases, bright red roses in such a dream mean taking on some responsible and dangerous task that requires sacrifice. Seeing rose bushes dead or torn out in a dream is unfavorable: this is a loss of the energy of Heaven and Earth. The same thing means a dried bouquet in water. If the dreamer definitely knows who gave the bouquet, then the dream means a break in the relationship or direct hostility hidden under the guise of friendship. In a dream, giving/receiving roses as a gift: flowers collected by human hands and some feelings acquire a special symbolic meaning. Roses especially have the ability to absorb and then give away feelings and emotions, so it is not recommended to give roses just like that, and in a dream you don’t just dream of roses, with roses you give away a part of yourself. What has been said here about white and red roses individually (according to inclination) can apply to any flowers of the corresponding color. From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, a rose is a masculine yang flower, so a man should not give roses to a woman; whoever gives roses to a woman, she gives only tears in return. In illness, see yourself among roses or gifted roses in warm colors: recovery red or scarlet roses: crisis of illness white roses: can symbolize parting with earthly life, favorable for the spirit: earthly life was not lived in vain and Heaven looks at it favorably. To see roses blooming in a cemetery: the abundance of family energy and the favor of the ancestors will bring good luck. Dead, dried roses in the cemetery: the depletion of the energy of the family does not bode well for the descendants. Perhaps the burials were done incorrectly. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose If you saw roses in a dream: consider that fortune smiled on you. Blooming roses seen in a dream: promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses: this means that true love has not yet come to you. A dream in which you see white roses: portends you a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, life will be favorable to you and will give you its blessings, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others. Love dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Blooming and fragrant roses: foreshadow the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one. Withered: symbol of loneliness and sadness. If you see in a dream a rose bush that has not yet blossomed, material well-being awaits you. A bright bush of scarlet roses: means the fulfilled hopes of your family members. Dried rosebush: may portend illness of people close to you or other sad events. If in a dream you smell the scent of roses, unclouded joy awaits you. If you see in a dream white roses on which the sunlight does not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, a serious illness may overtake you. If a girl sees armfuls of roses in a dream or dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets from them, she will be very happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a wonderful person. If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this portends her deception and destroyed hopes. To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in spring: fortunately, in winter Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation of Roses Roses. Interpretation: Blooming roses mean a joyful event in life and the fidelity of a loved one. The aroma of roses promises pure, unclouded joy, and unopened rose buds promise lasting material well-being. Plant dream book

Dream Interpretation Rose Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream: promise a joyful event and fidelity of the chosen one. If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses: there is unclouded joy ahead. If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about. Withered roses: speak of your loneliness. If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you. If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, her lover will deceive her. A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring: fortunately, in winter you dream Family dream book

Dream Interpretation of Roses For women: Every woman probably had a dream at least once in her life in which there were ROSES. These luxurious flowers, which in real life are considered a symbol of romantic love and passion, are interpreted differently by dream experts, which largely depends on the situation in which roses acted as the main image. So, for example, if a young girl dreamed that she was cutting roses in a dream, this means: soon she will be given a marriage proposal that she will like. Withered roses reflect the loneliness that reigns in the soul and the desire to find your other half. White roses dream of illness, scarlet roses - of fulfillment of hopes. If a girl dreams of an armful of roses or how she cuts them and makes chic bouquets, this means that she will be infinitely happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a person whom she values ​​and loves very much. Seeing an unblown bud or a whole unbloomed bush in a dream means that material well-being awaits you. It is worth thinking about a girl who in a dream decorated her hair with a beautiful scarlet rose: deception and betrayal await her.
For men: They portend a joyful event in your life or in the life of your chosen one. If you dreamed that you were giving roses to some woman, then you should take a closer look at her; probably, it is with her that you will have a long-term relationship, of a business or personal nature. Giving a woman red roses means love will bind you, or it serves as proof that she is worthy of your love. White roses, especially slightly wilted ones, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays symbolize the illness of one of your relatives. Withered roses of a different color indicate that your love will soon pass. Seeing in a dream a whole rose bush with blooming flowers is a promise of replenishment of your family, someone new will appear in it. If the roses are scarlet, then this addition will be welcome and will bring a lot of joy in the future. If the roses on the bush have dried up and died, then someone in your family will die or become seriously ill.
For children: ROSE - in order to achieve love, you will have to overcome a lot of obstacles.


They gave me two scarlet roses. And for some reason I sold them at the market, although I really liked them. Then some people chased me and my friend Nastya, who appeared from somewhere, we had two beautiful horses and they saved us in the church .


May, be sure to read “Psychology and Alchemy” - it explains a lot of symbols from your dreams. In particular, I remember there was a bear (prima matter, nigredo) and an eagle (spirit from matter, transition to albedo), etc... I’m finishing reading now, something is becoming clearer in my dreams, too, although it’s not very clear yet. It seems to me that the alchemists themselves did not fully understand everything :)


Really, wow! Well, it turns out that the Unconscious

It so gently hints to me that, dear, you already have all the ingredients, such as plants in pots,

a fountain and an area with a fence and space for a flowerbed, get to work, put everything in its place, water it, etc.

In general, it's time to start gardening in a philosophical sense, i.e. plant and cultivate. 8)

And, as always, many thanks to the inquisitive Naina!


Naina, I actually read psychology and alchemy, but I have a habit

“jump” back and forth through texts, I rarely read everything in order, maybe I’m on to something

I didn’t pay attention, or I just don’t always connect what I read with my dreams, I read it a relatively long time ago.

And I also read from one psychological auntie, I think Delany or maybe Faraday, that “Jungians have Jungian dreams, Freudians have Freudian dreams, etc.”

That is, whatever a person has read, in that language his Unconscious will communicate with him. Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Jung a lot in recent years? 8)


I dreamed that I, my mother and sister (who now lives in another country) came to the house of my aunt, who had already died, when I tried to open the gate, I saw that it was all in thickets and there was no passage, but the gate itself opened outward without obstacles, then my sister came up and it turned out that the thickets were just climbing roses, which she parted without any problems and opened the way for us, but we never went into our aunt’s yard




First I dreamed that at the end of the corridor there were roses on the windowsill and they were starting to bloom before my eyes. I open the window, the sun is shining outside, a warm wind is blowing, as if it’s summer. And then it’s winter, cold and dark, I’m running somewhere, dogs are barking. And then, near a house, a dog bit me on the hand. I scream, try to close myself, and a woman comes running in response to the scream. They take me into the house, everyone sits watching TV and doesn’t pay any attention to me. When I said that I felt bad, they replied that they would take me to the hospital after the film. In desperation, I took out my phone and tried to call home. But for some reason my home number can’t be dialed, they said something on the phone, like the number doesn’t exist. I’m already in a panic, I feel like I’m going to cry. And only then did these people turn off the TV and take me to the hospital. I also saw my hand, two large bites, treated with brilliant green.


I dreamed of burgundy and very beautiful roses. They made bouquets for me, each bouquet had 3 roses. In addition to red roses, they made me a bouquet of white roses, but I didn’t like it. Then they gave me another pink rose, I put it in my pocket, where it turned into a small green bud, after that they gave me another pink rose in the same place. About myself: gender female, 20 years old.


Hello, for the second time in a row I have had a dream: they give me a rose. It dries up, but suddenly I notice that a green shoot appears from it, at the end of which there is a bud. Help me decipher, please. Thank you.


Roses represent feminine charm and attractiveness. Therefore, the dream reflects both fears about this and sprouts of hope. On a deeper level, flowers indicate a deviation towards false femininity. Decorative flowers symbolize the appearance of fruits, but in reality they will not appear. Here, first of all, the attractiveness of a woman is implied with a shade of genital eroticism, which is absent in reality.


The unconscious is impartial. For him, a flower is “the possibility of a fruit appearing, but in reality there is no fruit.” Therefore, “the flower indicates feminine charm and attractiveness with a touch of genital eroticism, which in reality is absent.” White color is more positive for the unconscious than red. Therefore, if the white flowers are artificial, then this further emphasizes errors in behavior. That is, in this situation it was not worth flirting with your husband. It was not the best time for this.


Hello, Yaroslav! I have problems logging into the site when I use the line “Log in using personal data”, I type or copy the registered username and password, and a blank screen appears with the comment “Done”. And so the dream: In the first part I dreamed of some symbols (I remember one - a rose and a few more) and I do something with them (I don’t remember). In the second part: I am walking with my friend Galya along the road that runs through the territory of the former kindergarten (in real life, first-graders of the school where I studied 30 years ago now study there), we walk along the building to the gate. Galya tells me that Galya (I understand that she is telling me about her friend and classmate Galina A.) had delirium tremens. At first I think what is this? Then I remember that this happens to alcoholics. I am surprised and ask: When? G.: When she was expecting us to visit. At this moment we approach the gate (exit) and on the right I see a large rectangular mirror, I don’t want to look into it, but a glimpse of the image catches my eye and I see that the right eye is somehow narrower than the left. I don’t remember the last third plot of the dream. My friend Galina and her husband and daughter were out of town yesterday. With the word “wait” I associate those moments when I decided not to wait for them while they sorted each other out in the garden and went to the shore of the lake to settle down and swim, because I considered this a better solution than waiting for these three to get organized. The other day, my friend G. called me, warning me that they would come for a visit and bring some greens from the garden. I quickly tidied up something and prepared something to serve. A friend called me and said that my husband forgot and drove past, so they would deliver the greens when my husband went to work. At that moment, I was surprised by how disorganized they were as partners; lately it even seems to me that my husband and daughter influence G. destructively: everyone pulls the blanket on himself, and between them, she, focusing on them, loses herself. On this day, when we went for a catamaran ride, on my advice, G. left her shoes on the shore, like me. When they returned, her shoes were “taken away”, G. was upset, because the shoes are expensive, the house is currently undergoing renovations and there is no money, and it is difficult for her to choose shoes due to her deformed foot in the big toe area. I thought why did this happen and what could it mean? I remembered the story about Kh. Nasreddin, when a thief took his things out of the house and Kh. realized that it was time for him to move, and thanked the thief for helping him take his things out. Then I thought that yogis believe that nothing happens that easily. Then she realized what had happened: I advised leaving, being sure that no one would take it, she had doubts, but did not listen to herself and left. This is a lesson: I should not advise her (and I) to listen to my inner voice. When I came home, I still “looked in the mirror”: I advised... I should probably support my friend, give her a credit card for shopping, then he’ll give her the money.


In the first part I dreamed of some symbols (I remember one - a rose and a few more) and I do something with them (I don’t remember). In the second part: I am walking with my friend Galya along the road that runs through the territory of the former kindergarten (in real life, first-graders of the school where I studied 30 years ago now study there), we walk along the building to the gate. Galya tells me that Galya (I understand that she is telling me about her friend and classmate Galina A.) had delirium tremens. At first I think what is this? Then I remember that this happens to alcoholics. I am surprised and ask: When? G.: When she was expecting us to visit. At this moment we approach the gate (exit) and on the right I see a large rectangular mirror, I don’t want to look into it, but a glimpse of the image catches my eye and I see that the right eye is somehow narrower than the left. I don’t remember the last third plot of the dream. My friend Galina and her husband and daughter were out of town yesterday. With the word “wait” I associate those moments when I decided not to wait for them while they sorted each other out in the garden and went to the shore of the lake to settle down and swim, because I considered this a better solution than waiting for these three to get organized. The other day, my friend G. called me, warning me that they would come for a visit and bring some greens from the garden. I quickly tidied up something and prepared something to serve. A friend called me and said that my husband forgot and drove past, so they would deliver the greens when my husband went to work. At that moment, I was surprised by how disorganized they were as partners; lately it even seems to me that my husband and daughter influence G. destructively: everyone pulls the blanket on himself, and between them, she, focusing on them, loses herself. On this day, when we went for a catamaran ride, on my advice, G. left her shoes on the shore, like me. When they returned, her shoes were “taken away”, G. was upset, because the shoes are expensive, the house is currently undergoing renovations and there is no money, and it is difficult for her to choose shoes due to her deformed foot in the big toe area. I thought why did this happen and what could it mean? I remembered the story about Kh. Nasreddin, when a thief took his things out of the house and Kh. realized that it was time for him to move, and thanked the thief for helping him take his things out. Then I thought that yogis believe that nothing happens that easily. Then she realized what had happened: I advised leaving, being sure that no one would take it, she had doubts, but did not listen to herself and left. This is a lesson: I should not advise her (and I) to listen to my inner voice. When I came home, I still “looked in the mirror”: I advised it. . I should probably support my friend, give her a credit card for purchases, and then he’ll give her the money back.


There are two symbols in this dream that are worth understanding: roses and a mirror. Flowers represent feminine charm and attractiveness, which do not lead to anything good: there are no fruits. That is, this is “barren beauty” that can drive men crazy, but for everything someday the one who started it first, that is, the woman, has to pay. Here you need to tell yourself: this is how I behave in life, you can’t hide it from a dream.” And the mirror means: now I know myself and the world, looking at everything “from the outside,” that is, on the basis of external models that are alien to my body. That is, I am betraying my inner intuitive knowledge, which perceives the world not on the basis of reflection, but on the basis of something deeper: on the basis of “the secret unity of all people and the boundless spirituality of existence.”

I dreamed that I was sleeping with my boyfriend. I was sleeping with my back to him on my side and somehow I wake up from him placing a yellow rose in front of my face. I turn to him and say: “You could have said earlier that you want to break up with me,” and at that moment I observe that he simply smiles. This is where the dream ended. I always associate a yellow rose with parting. I'm very worried about what this could mean. Thank you in advance.

Flowers in a dream have a great symbolic meaning, which is covered in detail on the pages of classical and modern dream books. Many people strive to find out why roses appear, hoping that this means a change for the better. It’s nice to see a fragrant queen of garden flowers in a dream, but what awaits after such a dream in real life?

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of roses?

The rose is called the queen of the garden, and in dreams it is the most common, memorable flower. Many people associate its beauty and wonderful aroma with the most sublime feelings. However, we should not forget that the popular flower has thorns, and after being separated from the mother bush, the bud does not live long.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller:

  • If in a dream a person sees fresh blooming roses, then in reality pleasant events await him, for example, true love, words of admiration.
  • A young woman who sees herself in a dream cutting a rose from a bush in the garden should prepare to receive a marriage proposal from her beloved.
  • Observing unopened buds means that material well-being will strengthen in the future.
  • Withered flowers indicate a lack of romantic experiences in the dreamer's life.
  • The bright color of the petals promises joy and successful acquisitions.
  • Dried flowers - to disappointments and losses in life.

According to the interpretation of the symbol in Miss Hasse’s dream book, blooming roses mean happiness, joy, and receiving them means true love. Cutting it off means marriage. Seeing large thorns on bushes means trouble and terrible events.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the petals, their freshness, the presence of dew, as well as the events occurring around the symbol.

A person who takes a rose in a dream may in reality feel a lack of signs of attention from his environment. If a flower blooms, then such a dream will be followed by a favorable development of affairs and an improvement in financial situation.

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream

In reality, bouquets are given to loved ones, family and friends on birthdays, anniversaries, with or without an occasion. The once popular language of flowers has been almost forgotten, although many still try to see the secret meaning in the presented floral arrangements.

According to Miller, a beautiful bouquet of different flowers in a dream means a fun party. But a withered bouquet symbolizes illness and death, not necessarily of the dreamer, but perhaps of one of his relatives or friends.

Interpretation of sleep according to the modern dream book:

  • a luxurious bouquet of roses - personal happiness, joy, love affair.
  • white roses in a bouquet are a symbol of love, an attractive offer, generosity;
  • pink - mutual love and tenderness, pleasant events;
  • buying a bouquet means profit, a gift;
  • a withered bouquet, faded flowers - cooling in love.

Interpretation of the dream symbol according to E. Tsvetkov:

  • seeing one bouquet in a dream, you should expect a pleasant acquaintance in reality;
  • receive as a gift - constancy in love relationships;
  • but seeing a lot of bouquets is a sign of sadness.

According to Miss Hasse's dream book, a pink bouquet dreams of happiness in love.

Red, white, pink, black, yellow roses

The outstanding psychologist and philosopher C. Jung wrote that a rose in a dream symbolizes a holistic perception of the world. The contemplation of this flower brings great joy and evokes a feeling of admiration. The color of the petals is important in the interpretation of sleep.

The following interpretations of the symbol are possible:

  • White rose - shy, pure, innocent, platonic love.
  • Pink - love in youth, full of hope and enthusiasm.
  • Yellow - jealousy, passion hidden behind external indifference, perhaps daydreaming, isolation from reality.
  • Red - passionate, sensual, “earthly” love.
  • Blue - rationality, melancholy, detachment, anxiety.
  • Black - dying feelings, loss, fear.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, the color of a rose has the following meanings: white - a good choice, yellow - treason.

As the gypsy dream book indicates, seeing roses in a dream is fortunate. If you dream of a flower with white petals, then this symbolizes innocence, with pink petals - health and joy, red roses - sexual satisfaction.

I dreamed of flowers in the garden, in a vase or pot

In many religions, beautiful places are described as “paradise”, where carpets of wonderful, delightful plants stretch. The famous psychologist G. Miller in the world bestseller “Interpretations of 10,000 Dreams” explains that any flowering bushes in a dream are associated with the approach of favorable events.

Possible interpretations of the dream:

  • The seer Vanga believed that the dream of a wonderful garden full of beautiful flowers foreshadows an unexpected romantic meeting in reality.
  • Planting flowers in a garden in a dream means a noble and wise deed.
  • To see trampled flower beds - one should expect the machinations of enemies, the concealment of important information.
  • To receive an indoor flower in a pot as a gift in a dream means that in reality you will learn about the death of a person.
  • Seeing dried roses in the garden is a sign of unpleasant events, failures, and illnesses.
  • A dreamer who receives a flower wreath must be prepared for an argument in real life, feelings of guilt or hostility.

Withered roses

Such a dream most often symbolizes deception, danger, illness and grief in real life. The most unpleasant events are promised by a withered white rose in a dream. The destruction of buds by larvae also means trouble.

If a person observes the withering of flowers in a dream, then in reality he will regret the missed chance to improve his life. Such a dream may mean the approach of unexpected changes, the end of one period in life and the beginning of another.

Buds, petals, rose bushes

Seeing flowers that are not fully blossomed in a dream means planning your future in reality. It also promises prosperity and building a strong family. Buds can symbolize the birth of new ideas or relationships, entering the next phase of your life. A rose bush beginning to bloom in a dream foreshadows material well-being, but buds drying up on the branches promise problems.

Rose petals in a dream suggest that you need to rejoice even at grains of happiness. You will have to work hard to achieve success, build well-being and get the long-awaited result.

Interpretation of sleep, depending on the gender of the dreamer

The famous psychiatrist S. Freud believed that roses and other flowers are the embodiment of femininity. The thorns on the stems symbolize the male reproductive organ. Therefore, a dream in which a woman sees a rose may mean entering into an intimate relationship in reality.

  • A girl’s dream about a bouquet of roses foreshadows the dreamer’s increased interest in her from men.
  • Cutting beautiful roses in a dream means you will soon marry your loved one.
  • According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing flower beds for a woman means hope for personal happiness, and a flower in a pot means an unexpected acquisition.

For a man, a flower in a dream symbolizes a woman. If its petals dry out and fall off, then the sexual relationship will not continue.

As many years of experience in dream interpretation suggest, roses are almost always considered a favorable symbol. It is important to remember as many details of your night dreams as possible and your feelings from what you saw in order to correctly interpret the dream.

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