Dream interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about a nut? Why do you dream about walnuts?

In the world of dreams, all images carry a special meaning. Why do you dream about nuts? Often people do not notice the signs and warnings that come to them at night. Signs are skillfully disguised as ordinary things. For example, if you dreamed of nuts, who would think that such a dream could mean prosperity, promotion, or a bad moment to implement plans. Usually dreams with nuts promise joyful events, so there is nothing to worry about.

Why do you dream of nuts: dream books say that this is usually a good sign that promises you prosperity and well-being.

In order not to confuse the area in which the joyful event is planned, you need to correctly interpret the dream. To do this, try to reconstruct the picture of the night's events. The type of nuts is of great importance: they were in shells or without shells, you collected them or just ate them, etc. All this plays a role in the interpretation of the dream. Use our tips so you don't miss any important details. So, nuts in a dream, what is it for?

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

  • If a young girl dreams of nuts, this tells her about her imminent marriage. The marriage will work out well, harmony will reign in the relationship. Why dream of eating nuts in a dream - it promises her pregnancy. The nuts were dirty, which means there is a competitor somewhere nearby.
  • A woman is destined for a happy fate if she happens to see nuts in a dream. In work, family and other areas, everything will work out as well as possible, all that remains is to enjoy life. If a woman is pregnant, then the dream in which she saw nuts promises her the birth of a boy.
  • For a man, nuts in a dream indicate approaching sympathy for a representative of the fair sex. Also for men, this dream can mean sadness and tears, but if a man pricked them, then all difficulties will be easily overcome. If in a man’s dream someone fed his lady nuts, then the girl will bring problems that the man will have to solve. Keep an eye on her.
  • For children, nuts represent desires, or rather, what they cannot get. If a child saw nuts in a dream, it means that he will run into censure from adults.

What do walnuts mean in shell and without?

Why do you dream of walnuts in a dream - this is usually a favorable sign. If a person who is sick in reality sees a walnut in a dream, it means that he will soon be cured. If a person in love dreams of a walnut, this indicates the correct choice of a companion; the dream promises a successful marriage.

A more detailed interpretation will be given by the appearance of the nuts. Beautiful nuts predict monetary profit; most likely, you will have additional income. As the dream book says, walnuts in large quantities mean that wealth will not only be material. But if they were empty or spoiled, then your plans will not come true, or your plans are not realistic now, reduce your ambitions.

In a dream you came across nuts that were rotten inside - this dream is not the most favorable, someone plays the role of your friend, but in reality they are not, take a closer look at your surroundings, you need to figure out the hypocrite before he harms you.

Eating nuts is also an important sign; it’s good if you remember the taste you felt. Eating walnuts means getting sound advice from a friend, listen to him and take it into circulation. This advice will help you in the future. Eating sweet nuts means you will rejoice at an easy victory, ripe nuts bring confidence in the future, and bitter ones remind you that envious people are not asleep.

Why dream of walnuts in shells that need to be cracked - the dream indicates hard work, subsequently which you will achieve your goals. If there are a lot of nuts, but half of the volume has already been cracked, then in reality you are acting correctly. It remains to put in very little effort to reap the benefits of the work done. Why do you dream of shelled walnuts: someone helps you, and you just enjoy the process and the results.

Others: forest, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pine

Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews... each type of nut has a meaning according to the dream book.

  • Why do you dream of hazelnuts - such a dream predicts a long-awaited profit from a business you worked hard on. Collecting nuts in a dream means improved relationships with relatives and friends await you. A dream in which you were giving away nuts suggests that this is a good time for profitable deals. If you saw chopped nuts in a dream - having worked hard, you can now rest peacefully
  • Peanuts in most cases symbolize health. Just like other nuts, the interpretation takes into account their condition and appearance. If you come across rotten peanuts, you will lose a friend due to betrayal, or you will be let down in some matter.
  • Why do you dream of nuts: hazelnuts are a harbinger of not very good events; they foretell a decline in the business sphere. A woman will have to be patient, an unhappy time will come in family life, remember that only your wisdom will help set everything right. For unmarried girls, such dreams promise an unhappy marriage, so there is no need to rush. And unmarried guys are in danger of facing unrequited love.
  • A dream about a cashew nut warns that in the near future you will need the ability to abstract yourself from troubles. Try to avoid conflict situations and then you will be rewarded for your patience.
  • Almonds are nuts that the dream book interprets well; they will bring happiness and abundance to the sleeper, but if you manage to feel the bitter taste, expect unpleasant news.
  • Why do you dream of pine nuts? They promise prosperity and foretell family well-being. As the dream book says, holding pine nuts in your hands means that you will soon get rich.

What actions did you perform in the dream?

  • Buying nuts means facing a problem that can be solved with financial investments.
  • As the dream book says, collecting nuts in a dream means that you have to work a lot and hard, but the results will not keep you waiting, and a period of luck has begun for trade and business;
  • Seeing yourself peeling nuts means expecting problems, both in the family and at work. You can solve them if you don't act distant.
  • Eating nuts predicts prosperity, success and material wealth, the main thing is that they are tasty.

Cooking with nuts: baked goods, ice cream

There are very interesting dreams in which you can see not just nuts, but whole delicacies with their addition. Baking or baking says that you need to ignore secondary matters and focus on your main goal, this is the only way you will achieve success. If you dreamed about making ice cream, the dream predicts you a lot of joy and fun, as well as love and the recklessness associated with it.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

The interpretation of dreamed nuts varies not only depending on the actions performed on them. Interpretations also differ in well-known publications, because each author has his own vision of this image. For comparison, we present interpretations from dream books, the predictions of whose authors are considered the most truthful. You can compare them with each other and choose the closest value for you.

According to many dream books, collecting nuts in a dream means making a profit.

Miller's Dream Book - success in business

  • Why do you dream of collecting nuts - promotion at work or in business awaits you, success will accompany you in all matters. Matters of the heart will also not be left unattended - everything will turn out very positively.
  • Eating them means a favorable period has come for you, now you can realize all your plans, do not put them off for later, do not miss this chance;
  • For unmarried girls, nuts in a dream promise a happy family life and a quick marriage;
  • Seeing a good almond means experiencing abundance for a short period, followed by sadness. A bad almond indicates a collapse in plans if the situation does not change now.
  • A dream in which you see scattered hazelnuts predicts peace at home and profitable acquisitions.

Vanga's dream book - abundance and prosperity

Nuts reflect financial status. Good nuts predict abundance and unexpected profits. But empty nuts imply a long period of financial difficulties; it will be difficult to cope on your own; it is better to turn to close relatives for help.

Freud's Dream Book - Check your health

But Freud’s interpreter deciphers dreams with nuts as signals indicating your health. This is a warning. You treat your health poorly, carelessly, ignore symptoms and by such actions create a danger to the body. You need to take care of your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, relax and visit a prevention center. After all, Z. Freud, when interpreting dreams, was based primarily on the sensations of the body, so do not ignore the voice of your subconscious and take care of your health.

For men, the dream speaks of a real threat to sexual health; such careless attitude can lead to irreparable consequences. If in a dream you treated yourself to nuts, then in reality you experience pleasant emotions from communicating with your loved one.

Modern dream book - the solution to all problems

  • Dreaming of nuts promises the resolution of some long-standing unsolved issues. If they were beautiful and complete, it means that the issues will be resolved successfully.
  • Seeing a lot of hazelnuts means experiencing peace in the house and also expecting profit;
  • Walnuts symbolize the implementation of your plans, you have a lot of ideas, they also require implementation;
  • Spoiled nuts indicate wasted work; most likely you should give up your goals, because... they will not bear fruit;
  • In a dream you were cracking nuts - you are not doing enough in real life, you need to work more, try harder if you want to succeed;
  • Unyielding nuts indicate that your goals are correct, but the plan for their implementation has not been thought through to the end.


Nuts are not harbingers of some terrible events, and the messages encrypted in these dreams are not so complex. You need to listen, assess the situation and act. Dreams with nuts speak of hard work, only then will you be able to realize your ambitions. And avoid unreliable people who can appear in a dream in the form of a rotten fruit. We wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why Nuts Dream”

Nuts that appear in a dream most often symbolize good mood, good health, and stability. When interpreting what such a dream means, the dream book, as a rule, takes into account every detail: variety, size and shape, taste and appearance.

The actions of the dreamers also matter: interpretations can vary significantly depending on whether they were eaten or collected. Sometimes a dream warns of future difficulties or obstacles in business.

According to the interpretation of dreams, nuts in most cases represent a favorable symbol. The only exceptions are dreams in which the dreamer shows disrespect for these gifts of nature: he deliberately throws them away, tramples them, or destroys them in any other way.

Different varieties

Everything that walnuts mean in dreams is somehow related to negotiations. The dream book suggests that the result depends on your ability to lead them. You may have to seek the favor of a superior, seek help from various authorities, or arrange your personal life. You understand that you cannot do without eloquence.

Anyone who has at least once had to extract their small kernels from a stubborn shell will guess why pine nuts are dreamed of: in the near future you will not get anything like millet. It’s a completely different matter if the nuts came to you already in shelled form: in this case, untold financial success awaits you.

The dream book explains everything that hazelnuts mean in dreams by the weather in the house, which will turn out to be extremely favorable. A long period of enjoying the comfort and warmth of your home awaits you. What you see foreshadows many new things that will delight you for a long time.

The dream book associates why peanuts are dreamed of with an unexpected offer. You will receive financial assistance from where you did not expect at all. Don’t be surprised if an almost stranger soon offers you to earn a little extra money or make a profitable deal.

For a dreamer who is lucky enough to see hazelnuts in a dream, the dream book promises deliverance from troubles. True, not in one fell swoop, but step by step. However, what at the moment seems to the dreamer to be a global and insoluble problem will gradually fade away.

With their drop-shaped shape, almonds resemble teardrops. If in a dream they also had a bitter aftertaste, the dream book has no doubt: a great cry is coming. The interpretation does not at all mean that truly tragic events are coming: you can cry over mere trifles.

According to esoteric teachings, the walnut tree symbolizes good health. The dream book fully confirms this theory: just as in a dream a walnut tree requires care, so it does not bother you to worry about your health. In most cases, preventive measures or just good rest are enough for the dreamer.

Manipulations and actions

Interpreting why you dream of collecting nuts, the dream book warns that you will not soon be able to put your affairs in order. You may have to put in a lot of effort, the lion's share of which, unfortunately, will be in vain. As a result, you will be surprised to discover that the shortest way to solve the problem was literally under your nose all this time, and you will not miss the opportunity to use it.

If you happen to gnaw nuts in a dream, know that in reality you will have to put in a lot of effort. It is likely that physical activity is coming, it is possible that we are talking about sports training. As a result, you will receive a generous reward that will more than compensate for all labor costs. You will not regret the effort spent at all; you will be tough to crack.

Dreamers who have to crack nuts in their sleep are warned by the dream book of impending difficulties. True, he does not specify in which sphere of life. With equal probability, problems may arise at work, as well as troubles in the family or in your personal life that will upset you. Your participation will be needed to correct the situation.

When you happen to buy nuts in a dream, the dream book believes that in real life you will encounter a problem that, with the help of some, perhaps a considerable amount of money, can be solved quite easily and quickly.

Cooking recipes

If you were lucky enough to not just eat nuts in a dream, but real delicacies made from them, what you saw in a dream reflects your sincere love for sensual pleasures. True, in order to get exactly what you want without sacrificing yourself, you will have to use your best qualities, such as intelligence and spirituality.

When you see chocolate with nuts in a dream, be prepared for pleasant surprises. The dream book promises real surprises and amazing discoveries. What has always seemed painfully familiar can turn on a completely different side and sparkle with new colors.

What you dream of about a cake with nuts will certainly please the dreamer. The culinary dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of pleasures and all kinds of quite tangible pleasures.

Other interpretations

Miller's dream book considers nuts a good sign. The dream is especially favorable for a woman: she will have a long period of well-being. Even nuts scattered in a dream in reality bring advice and love, prosperity and wealth to the house. For a man, such dreams promise profitable large purchases.

Taflisi's dream book believes that seeing nuts in a dream is given only to those who honestly deserve everything they have. This is a sign of peace of mind, which will continue to contribute to success in business. By picking nuts in a dream, you gradually eliminate those adversities that are now haunting you in reality. If the nuts are tasty and attractive, the dreamer may become the owner of great value. Unexpectedly falling wealth will not cause trouble.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that everything that dreams of a lot of nuts portends a lot of ado about nothing. There will be a lot of tedious activities ahead, your head will go spinning from communicating with a large number of unfamiliar people. Unfortunately, the reward will be irritation and fatigue instead of the desired result.

According to the interpretation of Fedorovskaya’s dream book, if the dreamer is a woman, it can be said with a high degree of probability that nuts are a sign of pregnancy. If a woman eats nuts in a dream, its meaning intensifies.

As Freud’s dream book explains the meaning of sleep, nuts are often dreamed of by those who devote a lot of time and effort to their intimate life, without caring at all about their sexual health. You understand that the consequences can be very sad if you do not treat your own body properly.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of nuts, your subconscious mind says that you are very careless with your body and therefore there is a great threat to your sexual health. Treat yourself to nuts in a dream - your dream means that soon you will have to experience pleasant emotions in communication with a stranger.

Why do you dream about nuts?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

squabbles; prick - a strange, unpleasant meeting; yes - severe anxiety; collect - money worries.

I dreamed about nuts

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, collecting nuts portends successful entrepreneurship and favorable conditions in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity that will help you fulfill your every desire. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and successful purchases.

I dreamed about a walnut

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing walnuts in a dream is a sign that foretells a lot of joy and auspiciousness. To dream that you are cracking rotten walnuts means that your expectations will turn into regrettable disappointment. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding dirty walnuts in her hands, this means that her lover will transfer his attention to another, and she will regret her unreasonable behavior.

Why do you dream of clicking?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

nuts - difficulties.

The meaning of a dream about clicking

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you heard someone snapping their fingers, it means that you do not understand the sexual desires of your partner, although he constantly transparently hints to you what he would like and what does not suit him. Try to be less selfish and pay maximum attention to the emotions of your loved one. If you yourself snapped your fingers in a dream, it means that it is impossible to understand you, although it seems to you that you are making it very clear what you want from sex.

I dreamed about chestnuts

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are holding or sorting chestnuts in your hands foretells losses in business, but in life - a pleasant companion. Eating chestnuts is a sign of future sadness, but ultimately it will be replaced by happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or telling fortunes on them, portends a wealthy suitor and good health.

I dreamed about almonds

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are damaged, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a nut:

Collecting nuts is a sign of successful entrepreneurship and auspiciousness in love;
there is prosperity that will help you fulfill any of your desires;
for a woman - seeing nuts is a happy fate;
to see scattered ripe hazelnuts - a peaceful home life, successful purchases.
Also see Almond, Nutmeg, Walnut.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a nut in a dream means:

In a dream, collecting nuts portends successful entrepreneurship and favorable conditions in love.
Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity that will help you fulfill any of your desires.
If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate.
Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and successful purchases.

English dream book

A dream with a nut in the dream book is interpreted as:

If a sick person sees in a dream that he is eating delicious ripe nuts, it means that he will soon recover. If a healthy person sees such a dream, this is a sign that in the near future, and until old age, he will remain healthy and strong. This is a wonderful dream for lovers about to get married. If in a dream the nuts turn out to be empty or wormy, the dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes or the machinations of unfaithful friends who will let you down in difficult times. And lovers must mourn unfaithful lovers. If in a dream you see hazel bushes, this dream is a sign of wealth and happiness; for those who love it, it promises lovers with good character. If you dream that you are collecting nuts, this is an unkind sign: the investigation into your case will not turn out in your favor, and some problems will arise in life. If you crack nuts, this means that the one who is caring for you, or the one you are caring for, is indifferent to you and is not very faithful. Nuts with large ripe kernels promise you wealth, receiving money from relatives, a wedding and a friendly family. The rotten kernel of a nut warns: there is a person near you who hypocritically calls himself a friend, but is not one.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dreaming about a nut means:

break - temporary disagreement with the groom or husband
see - anxiety and labor
eating is a gift
trample - you ruin the farm
shaking off a tree is hard work, pitiful pay
plucking is an unexpected joy
Picking hazelnuts means minor worries will slowly go away.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Walnut dream meaning:

Also see Click.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a nut:

To break is a temporary disagreement with the groom or husband; to see - anxiety and labor; to eat is a gift; trample - you ruin the farm; shaking off a tree is hard work, pitiful pay; plucking is an unexpected joy; Picking hazelnuts - minor worries will slowly go away

Slavic dream book

What a nut can mean in a dream:

Squabbles; eat - displeasure; collect - a mess; shaking a walnut tree is speculation.

Culinary dream book

Walnut in a dream means:

Seeing and eating a nut in a dream means that the sensual pleasures that you strive for will require work, the manifestation of the mind, and certain spiritual qualities to achieve them.

Esoteric dream book

If a girl dreams of a nut, it means:

Seeing - to health, strong muscles.

Pricking, gnawing - torturing yourself with unbearable physical exertion. Planting walnut trees means you need to take care of your health, harden yourself, and do exercises.

Old Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream of a nut:

Correct dream book

Walnut in a dream from Correct dream book

winning with difficulty; walnuts - sadness; forest - tears

Ukrainian dream book

Walnut in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

As you dream about nuts, someone might scold it.

Dream book alphabetically

Walnut in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

Seeing a walnut tree in a dream means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets in the forest or on the shore of a lake - you will find a significant amount of money.

A dream about hazelnuts foretells peace in the family and tender relationships between relatives.

Shaking branches with nuts means a failed business venture. Collecting fallen nuts means chaos in business and confusion in feelings; tearing them from branches means a significant gain.

Unripe nuts mean a happy fate, ripe ones mean constant anxiety and hard work. Roasted nuts mean a change in fate. Gnawing nuts with your teeth - neglect household chores, stabbing with a nut cracker - harm yourself with frankness, with a hammer - meager wages, with doors - unexpected joy.

Eating hazelnuts means you will receive an expensive but unnecessary gift. If you eat hazelnuts, minor troubles will pass pretty soon; eating walnuts is good news; coconut is a sign of futile efforts and vain expectations of success.

Rotten nuts mean that your hopes will turn into bitter disappointment; empty - your lover will shift his attention to another.

Cooking dishes with nuts - you will regret your unreasonable behavior.

Baking confectionery with nuts or buying them means your wishes will come true; sweets or chocolate with nuts means a successful purchase.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Walnut in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If you dream that you are cracking nuts and eating them, the dream promises health and financial well-being.

If you dreamed that you could not crack a nut, no matter how hard you tried, this means that you will meet a very stubborn person, a “tough nut,” who will be almost impossible to win over to your side.

If you had just such a dream, imagine that you take a hammer made of the strongest metal and, with a precise blow, split a nut in half.

Collecting nuts in the forest means receiving a well-deserved reward. Seeing a walnut tree strewn with ripe nuts means your profit will be much greater than you expected.

If a woman dreams that she is eating nuts, the dream foreshadows pregnancy.

If the nuts were good, the pregnancy will proceed normally. If they are rotten, there may be a miscarriage. Imagine that all the nuts you ate were good.

If you dreamed that you were eating nuts in the company of friends or family, the dream foreshadows prosperity and excellent health for everyone who was present in your dream. Imagine that you are treating everyone to whom you wish health with nuts.

Dream book of the 20th century

Walnut in a dream from 20th century dream book

They foretell the solution to some difficult issue.

If they are not rotten: the dream promises success.

An abundance of hazelnuts in a dream: promises peace and prosperity in your home.

Walnuts: symbolize valuable thoughts and foretell success in your plans.

An empty or rotten nut: a sign of wasted efforts. Most likely, some decision that seems successful to you in reality is not so.

Chopping nuts in a dream: this is a call to act more decisively.

A hard nut to crack: suggests that a solution that can lead you to success is somewhere close, but you haven’t found it yet.

Rommel's Dream Book

Walnut in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Dreams about nuts for a man are actually an interweaving of joys and sorrows.

Everything good after such a dream is achieved by overcoming many obstacles and difficulties; the meaning of the dream is associated with a lot of specific life circumstances.

Seeing nuts: inheritance, winnings, sadness, sensual pleasure, squabbles.

Collecting nuts means success in business, love, and money worries.

Eating nuts means prosperity, anxiety, displeasure, wealth.

Chopping nuts means an unpleasant meeting.

Shaking a walnut tree means speculating.

A dream in which a woman sees or eats collected nuts promises her a happy fate and a successful marriage.

Dream book for girls

Walnut in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Girls

Collecting nuts in a dream means success in business, wonderful friendships.

Eating nuts means fulfilling wishes.

Why then does it sound so menacing: “Look, you’ll get your nuts!”

Dream Interpretation Maya

Walnut in a dream from Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed that you were eating nuts, you will soon meet an old acquaintance who will give you valuable advice. Grind the nut shells into powder and scatter them around the house at midnight.

If you dreamed that you were collecting nuts, in the near future you will be blamed for everything that happens around you.

Attach some nuts to your pillow.

walnut coconut fruit

Dream Interpretation Nuts Dreaming about nuts is an indication that you have acquired your property through hard work. When you dream that you are playing with nuts, get ready for a quarrel! If the nut kernels taste good, you will become the owner of a valuable product without breaking the law. The bitter taste of nuts foreshadows the machinations of envious people in reality. Dreaming of nuts without kernels means receiving goods as a result of an unfair combination. In general, possessing nuts in a dream means conflicts. Pressing oil from nuts means obtaining certain benefits for yourself as a result of communicating with a person who envies and hates you in everything. Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Nuts Collecting nuts in a dream means successful entrepreneurship and luck in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity and the fulfillment of any desires. For a woman, nuts in a dream foretell a happy destiny. Scattered ripe nuts dream of a peaceful home life and successful acquisitions.
Walnut in a dream Walnuts in a dream - to joyful events and a favorable combination of circumstances. Clicking rotten nuts in a dream means that your expectations will not come true. Stained walnuts in the hands warn the young woman against unreasonable behavior, as a result of which her lover will turn away from her. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Walnut A dream in which you collect nuts: promises you successful endeavors and good luck in matters of the heart. Eating nuts: a sign that wealth will help you taste the desired pleasures. For a woman to see nuts in a dream: it means that fate will lift her to brilliant heights. If you dreamed of nutmeg: this is a sign of prosperity and pleasant travels. Seeing walnuts in a dream: a sign that foretells a lot of joy and auspiciousness. To dream that you are cracking rotten walnuts means that your expectations will turn into regrettable disappointment. If a young woman dreams that she is holding dirty walnuts in her hands, this means that her lover will transfer his attention to another, and she will regret her unreasonable behavior. Modern dream book

Dream Nuts If you dream of almonds being green and dry, then they mean hidden wealth. If they make noise and crackling, then this means quarrel and hostility. Walnuts represent conversations, disputes, strife and hard-won possessions. Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about Nuts? Seeing a walnut tree in a dream means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets in the forest or on the shore of a lake - you will find a significant amount of money. A dream about hazelnuts foretells peace in the family and tender relationships between relatives. Shaking branches with nuts means a failed business venture. Collecting fallen nuts means chaos in business and confusion in feelings; tearing them from branches means a significant gain. Unripe nuts mean a happy fate, ripe ones mean constant anxiety and hard work. Roasted nuts - a change in fate. Gnawing nuts with your teeth - neglect household chores, stabbing with a nut cracker - harm yourself with frankness, with a hammer - meager wages, with doors - unexpected joy. Eating hazelnuts means you will receive an expensive but unnecessary gift. If you eat hazelnuts, minor troubles will pass pretty soon; eating walnuts is good news; coconut is a sign of futile efforts and vain expectations of success. Rotten nuts mean that your hopes will turn into bitter disappointment; empty - your lover will shift his attention to another. Cooking dishes with nuts - you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Baking confectionery with nuts or buying them means your wishes will come true; sweets or chocolate with nuts means a successful purchase.
Walnut in a dream A dream in which you see walnuts foretells good luck in business and lightness of heart. Collecting dirty walnuts from the ground means that your lover will shift his attention to another, and you will only regret your unreasonable behavior in your relationship with him. Eating walnuts in a dream means that your anxiety will be caused by completely groundless rumors. To crack nuts and discover that each of them contains spoiled insides means that your hopes and aspirations will turn into regrettable disappointment. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Nuts Collecting nuts in a dream means prosperity and success in matters of the heart. A dream in which you eat nuts is especially favorable. It foretells you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, the love of a person who will understand you perfectly. For a girl, a dream about nuts foretells a happy marriage. Ripe hazelnuts promise a quiet family life.
Walnuts in a dream Dreaming of walnuts promises success in matters of the heart. However, if a girl sees that she has dirty walnuts in her hands, this means that due to her unworthy behavior, her lover will find someone else, and she will regret her stupidity for a long time. If a girl dreams of mushrooms, this means that in the future she will not experience love for her husband, but will begin to neglect her family and seek dubious pleasures. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Nuts Nuts. In a dream, collecting nuts portends successful entrepreneurship and favorable conditions in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity that will help you fulfill any of your desires. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and successful purchases.
Walnut in a dream Walnut. Seeing walnuts in a dream is a sign that foretells a lot of joy and auspiciousness. To dream that you are cracking rotten walnuts means that your expectations will turn into regrettable disappointment. If a young woman dreams that she is holding dirty walnuts in her hands, this means that her lover will transfer his attention to another, and she will regret her unreasonable behavior. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Nuts In a dream you were collecting nuts - successful entrepreneurship and the joys of love lie ahead of you. Ate nuts - expect prosperity and fulfillment of desires. A woman who sees nuts in a dream will have a happy fate. Scattered hazelnuts promise a peaceful home life and successful purchases. If you dreamed of nuts, then you are very careless with your body. If you treated yourself to nuts in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions when communicating with a stranger.
Walnut in a dream Walnuts dream of joy. Rotten nuts are a disappointment. If a young woman holds dirty walnuts in a dream, then she will soon have a rival. If you ate a walnut in a dream, you will have to experience a false alarm. Knocked nuts from a tree - a not very pleasant explanation awaits. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Nuts If a sick person sees in a dream that he is eating delicious ripe nuts, it means that he will soon recover. If a healthy person sees such a dream, this is a sign that in the near future, and until old age, he will remain healthy and strong. This is a wonderful dream for lovers about to get married. If in a dream the nuts turn out to be empty or wormy, the dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes or the machinations of unfaithful friends who will let you down in difficult times. And lovers must mourn unfaithful lovers. If in a dream you see hazel bushes, this dream is a sign of wealth and happiness; for those who love it, it promises lovers with good character. If you dream that you are collecting nuts, this is an unkind sign: the investigation into your case will not turn out in your favor, and some problems will arise in life. If you crack nuts, this means that the one who is caring for you, or the one you are caring for, is indifferent to you and is not very faithful. Nuts with large ripe kernels promise you wealth, receiving money from relatives, a wedding and a friendly family. The rotten kernel of a nut warns: there is a person near you who hypocritically calls himself a friend, but is not one. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Walnut Eating nuts of any kind: indulge your sexual desires. Crack nuts: you will have a well-paid job that provides for your needs when you want them. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Nuts Dream Interpretation Nuts - “Die Hard” - a difficult task; “to figure out or crack a nut” - to complete a task, to come to a solution, and also to expose, to extract a confession. “split” - confess. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nuts Nuts. Seeing and eating a nut in a dream means that the sensual pleasures that you strive for will require work, the manifestation of the mind, and certain spiritual qualities to achieve them.
Walnut in a dream Walnut. Eating a walnut in a dream means experiencing false anxiety. Knocking walnuts from a tree has a very unpleasant explanation. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Walnut A nut in a dream: just as a nut has the potential to grow an entire tree, so your life is fraught with many untapped possibilities. Collecting nuts before winter: a sign of harvest and abundance. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Walnut Walnuts in a dream: to joyful events and favorable circumstances. Clicking rotten nuts in a dream means that your expectations will not come true. Stained walnuts in hands: warn a young woman against unreasonable behavior that will result in her lover turning away from her. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Walnut There are walnuts: a disease that has already affected you, but will go away on its own without any treatment. Chopping walnuts: expect a declaration of love, proposals for friendship, collecting (buying): plans for your lover will change. Nut: seek help from a wise person. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Walnut If you were collecting nuts in a dream, you have successful entrepreneurship and the joys of love ahead of you. Ate nuts: expect prosperity and fulfillment of desires. A woman who sees nuts in a dream: a happy fate awaits. Walnuts: dream of joy. Rotten: to disappointment. If a young woman holds dirty walnuts in a dream, she will soon have a rival. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Nuts Such a dream should alert you. This is a warning that you should be more careful about your health. You may get a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, do not forget about precautions. Eating nuts means pleasant communication.

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