Dream interpretation of a ghost of a woman. Why do ghosts appear in dreams according to various dream books?

How amazing our dreams are sometimes! Every evening, going to bed and getting ready for sleep, we will never know what awaits us, and what mysterious world we will have to plunge into this time.

Not only do you sometimes have to experience wonderful and magical phenomena, but sometimes you also encounter there, in the world of dreams, some frightening, creepy, blood-chilling things.

For example, ghosts and apparitions. After all, they are the very embodiment of mysticism, the afterlife, fear and trepidation on the verge of irresistible curiosity and delight. What do they promise from dreams?

It is not so easy to determine what a ghost means in a dream, because this symbol is very extensive, blurry, and complex. A ghost itself always means illusoryness, deceptiveness, illusoryness - after all, it itself consists of fog and illusory matter, which cannot even be touched.

In “ghostly” dreams, emotions play an important role - were you scared of this creature in your dreams or not? Or maybe they were even happy? This is important to remember.

A dream with a ghost in which you experienced fear and horror hints at your anxiety and stress - and often without good reason. On the contrary, positive emotions, calmness or even joy from meeting an otherworldly guest are always a wonderful sign.

But only a wise interpreter will give a detailed answer to why the ghost is dreaming. And he, in turn, offers a whole set of options that are different in meaning. Among them are the following:

  • Seeing a ghost in the distance in dreams.
  • I dreamed of the ghost of a friend, a deceased person, a relative.
  • The ghost of a certain man in a dream.
  • A ghostly image of some woman.
  • I dream about ghosts - ghosts of different people, strangers.
  • To see him and not be afraid in a dream.
  • The ghost scolds and scolds you in your sleep.
  • The ghost is telling you something in your dreams.
  • It is scary, creepy, and you experience fear or panic in a dream.
  • He disappears, dissolves in front of you in dreams.
  • Fight the ghost, fight it.
  • Run away from him, hide or hide.
  • Make friends, communicate with the ghost in a friendly way.

The strangeness of such dreams is difficult to overestimate - they are literally permeated with mysticism, they smell of something otherworldly, beyond the grave, creepy, but incredibly interesting and attractive in their own way.

Let's open the interpreter and find out why such strange phenomena occur in dreams! Perhaps in the future, important events await you in reality that you should know about in advance.

See it with your own eyes

In reality, we manage to see such phenomena only in movies or programs about the paranormal world, but in dreams everything is different.

If in your “ghostly” dream a mysterious ghost appeared to you, but you did not contact it in any way, but only looked from the side, you should carefully remember what this creature was like, what it did, and especially what emotions it evoked in you. All this will provide clues and help us look into the future.

1. As the dream book tells us, a ghost seen in the distance, at a safe distance, is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are in a state of uncertainty in your personal life. And it probably depresses you. The dream tells you that it’s time to make a decision.

What do you feel for a loved one, or maybe you should make a difficult choice from two or more candidates for your heart? One way or another, it's time to decide. Trust your heart.

2. According to the interpreter, you dream of the ghosts of dead people you previously knew in order to point out some unfinished business associated with these same people. In other words, the ghost of a deceased person in a dream is a hint that you should think about why this person will not let you go.

Maybe you haven't forgiven him? Or did you not have time to fulfill a certain promise? Do what is necessary to harmoniously end your relationship with this person and let him go.

3. If you saw the ghost of a man in a dream (it doesn’t matter whether you know him in reality or he is a stranger) - this indicates that you have a feeling in your heart for some man. But this feeling has not yet taken shape, it is only emerging and growing stronger.

So you should wait, don’t rush to conclusions, don’t make promises, don’t act rashly. Time will tell what the feeling will turn into.

4. Such a dream, in which the ghost of some woman loomed, is a hint that in reality you are suffering from jealousy. But the main thing is that this jealousy is completely unfounded. In other words, you are jealous of your loved one for the “ghost”.

5. Numerous ghosts are dreamed of to indicate to the dreamer his incomplete perception of the world around him. You are subject to illusions, are often deluded, believe in the illusory, but do not notice the real, present world.

6. If you saw a ghost in your dreams and weren’t scared at all, expect good and joyful news! They're coming!

Chat with an otherworldly guest

Of course, seeing a ghost in your dream world is one thing, but what about getting in touch with it, talking to it, or even fighting it? In such dreams, the meaning shifts towards your immediate actions - remember them and decipher what you saw.

1. If a ghost in your dreams scolds, scolds, calls you names, this is advice: in reality, stick to your chosen path, do not listen or react to criticism. You should confidently move in the chosen direction - if you listen to “ghostly” advice, you will go astray, and your enemies will triumph.

2. If you have similar dreams, where a ghost not only appears before you, but also says something, then the dream book also gives advice. In your waking life, you should not take everything that is said seriously.

Try to carefully and intelligently “filter” all incoming information, since you are surrounded by a lot of myths, illusory rumors and gossip. Listen only to authoritative people, those you trust - and even more so, carefully choose who to ask for advice.

3. If in a dream the ghostly guest was creepy, scary, and you experienced soul-chilling fear and trepidation - do not be afraid, calm down, nothing bad will threaten you in reality. This only indicates your stresses, fears and anxieties in reality.

But the main thing is that they have practically no real basis. Your fears are empty, stress arises as a result of “winding up” and exaggerating problems. Maybe you should rest?

4. It’s good if in a dream the ghost disappeared before your eyes. Also, in reality, your difficulties and problems will disappear and dissolve. And behind them will come a bright streak.

Fighting it is a sign that in reality you will conquer your fears. Work on it!

5. Running away from an otherworldly creature is a hint that you are hiding, running away from difficulties in reality. But this is not a solution - you should turn your face to them, overcome fear and overcome difficulties on your own.

6. If in a dream you were friends with a ghostly creature, that's good! Success awaits you in everything from personal to business life. Wait for the white stripe!

A ghost can be scary, but it doesn’t always promise anything bad. Often dream books give advice - listen and accept, because this will help make life more joyful, easier and brighter. And don't be afraid of anything! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream about ghosts? This dream can be interpreted in different ways. The correct interpretation largely depends on the details and nuances of the dream.

Ghosts dream of discomfort, various fears, anxieties and changes in the weather. This dream may also indicate that you need to remember your deceased relatives. If a person sees in a dream a ghostly figure with unclear outlines, then in reality he is overcome by feelings or events are approaching that he has not yet realized.

English dream book: why do you dream of ghosts?

This dream is a symbol of disappointment. The plans of the sleeper are not allowed to come true, even if circumstances favor them. If a person thinks that he has completely achieved the favor of his chosen one or chosen one, then he is mistaken. There is a high probability that a rival will soon appear who will confidently take his place. This dream can also foreshadow a quarrel with best friends, various griefs and loss of money.

American dream book

A ghost in a dream suggests that the dreamer has not yet decided on his attitude towards a certain person. Perhaps the person did not complete some business with the deceased.

Grishina's dream book: why do you dream of ghosts?

This dream symbolizes pangs of conscience. A person needs to pay attention to some circumstance that at first glance seems insignificant. It indicates a certain secret that the dreamer has touched. The dream can also mean that the sleeper has a deceptive idea of ​​something. If a ghost comes dressed in white, this dream foretells happiness and joy. When it is in black, illness and great grief await the dreamer.

Gypsy dream book: seeing ghosts in a dream

This dream suggests that the dreamer is very dissatisfied with some distant relative. If a familiar person appears in the role of a ghost, this most often foreshadows her imminent death.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If a person is frightened by a ghost in a dream, some great forces put pressure on him in reality so that he sacrifices something. Not being afraid of him in a dream is good news. Being friends with a ghost is a good omen for any project or undertaking.

Dream Interpretation of Winter: why do you dream of spirits, ghosts

When a sleeper dreams of figures and objects in a ghostly, unclear light, this indicates that in reality he does not adequately perceive some situation. Such dreams are a sign that a person has missed some important details that can greatly affect his fate. When a ghost appears to a dreamer in a dream, with whom he communicates in any way, in reality he has become hostage to some harmful illusion or delusion.

Dream book of the 21st century: why do you dream of ghosts?

When a person sees ghosts or phantoms in a dream, it means that in reality he himself does not know what he wants. If the sleeper talks to them, then in reality he wants to please someone. Running from a ghost means trying to solve some problems. However, this will create other difficulties. If a poltergeist moves objects in a dream, then the current mistakes of the sleeper will create many problems.

Ghosts or apparitions are usually considered to be the souls of dead people who cannot calm down and go to the other world, since they have not yet finished their affairs on earth. They appear to people in a pronounced bodily form, and often their appearance is a warning or prediction of the future.

Ghosts rarely appear to give thanks or predict good things. For example, Jerome Klapka Jerome, an English writer, generally believed that the greatest pleasure for a ghost is to ruin people's lives.

For most people, meeting them ends unfavorably.

Why do you dream about ghosts?

Basic meanings of dreams with ghosts

Why do we dream of ghosts of living people? Most often, such scenes are dreamed of if this person is trying to say something from afar, to warn about something. The subconscious minds of loved ones are very often interconnected.

For example, in a dream a person saw the ghost of a friend whom he once accused of wrongdoing. In the dream, the friend apologized. Later it turned out that this friend had died and immediately hurried to his friend - for some reason he was not able to apologize during his lifetime.

The sleeping person did not understand who appeared to him, and the plot of the dream is unclear - this is a warning about danger, which may concern health, economic status, career, emergency situations. During the month you should double your caution.

For young people, the dream foreshadows failures on the love front.

Running away from a phantom in a dream means trouble; catching up with a ghost means a minor problem can be resolved without serious financial and time costs.

Why do you dream of ghosts of living people you still know? If the phantom shines through, hesitates, tries to say something, but fails, it is necessary to warn the dream figure that serious health problems are emerging.

To see an energetic ghost in a dream who tries to “slip” past so as not to be recognized - in real life you should be wary of the machinations of relatives or close friends. They are preparing a “set-up” that concerns business or the monetary side of life.

The spirit of an unfamiliar woman floats freely across the sky - to success in studies, to wealth. It’s just that circumstances will develop in such a way that achievements will not bring the desired joy.

You dream about ghosts in this dream plot - you fly through the sky, you feel completely happy and calm, you experience euphoria. Suddenly, on one side you see a joyful man and on the other side a happy woman. They take hands and a general conversation begins. Such a dream is a harbinger of posthumous fame.

The arrival of a sad angel in a dream means the death of a close relative. Sometimes you can see in the facial features of the phantom whose life he has come to take.

Explanation of dreams in which we managed to remember the plots

Why see in a dream the arrival of a woman in dark clothes who begins a serious conversation, and you answer her? This plot is a hint for scientists or graduate students. They will be able to achieve success in scientific activities.

Why does a young girl dream of ghosts of men in her apartment? Everything will be wonderful, he will find love, have a wedding, and his first child will be born - a son.

Why do you dream of ghosts in the house? It means hormonal imbalances or the fact that in the near future you will have to go through a stressful situation.

For men, such dreams are empty.

The appearance of the ghost of a girl who takes you by the hand and leads you somewhere - to a long journey, during which many unpleasant moments will happen. The most offensive thing is that the traveler himself provokes them. The longer the child's hair is, the more difficult it will be to get out of the resulting situations.

An adult girl in the same circumstances is a favorable dream for a man. Things will go like clockwork, married people will not face conflicts in their family life, single people will meet their soulmate.

Instead of yourself, you saw a ghost in the mirror - you need to be more confident in yourself, change your character, mobilize yourself.

The dreamer is a young guy. He sees the ghost of a beautiful woman and tries to avoid meeting her. It's time to improve relationships with the opposite sex.

Seeing yourself in the role of a phantom means that you are to blame for the fact that others do not take you seriously. It's time to forget about false shame and show yourself from the winning side. You should no longer allow others to take credit for your own successes.

Fighting ghosts, trying to get rid of them by force - you need to completely change yourself and look for a new environment.

Meanings of dreams with ghosts according to famous dream books

Dream book of the 21st century

Adults should be able to make decisions and not change their minds every day. The dream is a warning - stop running away from problems, it’s time to solve them - without resorting to the help of strangers.

Mistakes will lead to adverse consequences, so decisions should be made with caution.

If you dreamed of a brownie:

  • cheerful spirit - to family happiness;
  • angry - to small-scale disasters - a faucet burst or the ceiling collapsed;
  • a quarrel with a brownie means a fire.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams with plots in which ghosts are present are in most cases unfavorable:

  • Phantoms in white - to illness;
  • in black - to deception;
  • in gray - to failure in business;
  • talking to them means difficult showdowns;
  • hearing a ghostly knock is unlucky;
  • ghostly music - to changes for the worse: changing an apartment due to circumstances to a smaller one, dismissal;
  • phantoms flying in the wind - a deliberate decision is wrong.

If you manage to recognize the person - disappointment in love, dead parents appearing - a warning of impending troubles.

A deceased person who came to warn the dreamer about something, or indicates a possible danger. Well-known dream books could not ignore what the ghosts of strangers dream about, and offered their own interpretations.

Dream meaning

Whose was he?

  • Ghost of a man in a dream indicates a person’s desire for harmony and constancy. For a girl, a dream speaks of her desire to get out profitably.
  • Ghost of a woman in a dream promises joyful events in life, triumphant victories and successful endeavors. The phantom of a woman in a beautiful long dress predicts positive changes in her personal life.
  • See the ghost of a little girl promises the dreamer a long journey, a journey. The phantom of a boy in a dream means that the dreamer needs to come to terms with himself and understand his desires. Ghosts of children in a dream mean that the dreamer incorrectly perceives reality and is engaged in self-deception.
  • The soul of a living person leaves the body in a dream - this indicates deception on the part of business partners or colleagues. The dream also foreshadows a trap that a loved one has set for the dreamer.
  • Seeing the ghost of an elderly person (grandmother or grandfather) speaks of the dreamer’s unfinished business or a decision that needs to be made immediately.
  • Seeing yourself as a ghost in a dream means that the dreamer is in an unstable emotional or psychological state. The dream also suggests that the dreamer does not adequately perceive reality.
    To see a ghost means to join mysticism, to encounter a supernatural phenomenon.

House with the ghosts

Seeing a house filled with ghosts in a dream means a loss of control over the situation, the inability to make the right choice. A person is pressured by external circumstances that he is unable to resist.

A young girl dreams of a haunted house. indicates that stress and strong feelings will negatively affect the health of the sleeping woman. If a man has a dream, then he should consult a doctor - most likely, his body is on the verge of illness.

Become an inhabitant of a “ghost” house yourself means that the dreamer cannot or does not want to accept himself as he is. The dream also indicates a change in a person’s worldview, the collapse of the previous ideology.

Ghost ships

  • Seeing a ghostly ship in a dream means that soon all a person’s dreams and plans will fail. Ghosts of ships sailing across the sky indicate the dreamer's enormous potential, which he is not even aware of. A person can do anything he wants if he learns to believe in himself.
  • Seeing an old ghost ship in a dream speaks of the dreamer's need for spiritual or intellectual food.
  • Seeing a ghost ship from a movie or book indicates a person, his desire to be understood and loved.


Seeing a ghost in the sky hovering above the earth portends good luck, triumph, and successful endeavors. Soon the dreamer will be able to make some discovery, make a splash in society, and create something beautiful.

Ghost in the mirror - this is the personification of human complexes and fears, his tendency to deceive himself and others, the inability to build normal communication with anyone.

Seeing a ghost in your house indicates stressful situations, experiences, possible health problems. The dream also predicts negative changes in life, changes for the worse. A ghost in a car portends serious danger and trouble.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If in your dream objects or figures appear before you in an unclear ghostly light, this is a hint that in reality you are inadequately assessing some situation. Such dreams are often a signal that you might have overlooked some important detail that could play a significant role in your destiny.

If in a dream a ghost appeared to you with whom you communicate in some way, such a dream says that in reality you are under the influence of some kind of false illusion or harmful delusion.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

British dream book

Ghost - Ghosts in dreams are usually images of people or sometimes pets that we have loved and lost through separation or burial; less often they are strangers. Why do you dream: Such dreams may be wish fulfillment, or your subconscious mind offers a means to complete unfinished business, especially if you had unfinished business with the dreamed ghost. This person could be a parent, relative or partner who died before you had a chance to apologize or explain yourself or tell them how you felt about them. It could be a lover who left after a fight that you now regret. Dreams about ghosts of strangers may indicate a desire to receive advice from an outside source. Pay attention to what the ghost says or does.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a Ghost mean in a dream - memories.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Ghost (ghost, phantom) - The spiritual nature of a dream, which can relate to the internal state of the individual. Self. Repressed.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Online dream book

If you dreamed of a ghost, this indicates that you have not yet decided on your goals.

If you talked to him, this is a warning that you will try to impress someone.

Hiding from him is a reflection of the fact that you are not able to fully resolve your problems.

According to the dream book, a ghost, especially a female one in a robe with a long hem, symbolizes your spiritual quest and intellectual work, which will bring you enormous financial benefits, but your soul will be restless.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

American dream book

Ghost - you have not yet decided on your relationship with someone. You have not completed any business with the person who has passed away.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

An old English dream book

Seeing a ghost in a dream is a sign of disappointment: Your plans may not come true. Externally favorable circumstances will not bring long-awaited success. You think that you have achieved the affection of your beloved, but a rival will appear who will confidently take your place. Oh, you will soon see the randomness of human passions! This dream can predict a quarrel with your best friend, which will bring you great grief. It promises dangers during travel and loss of money if you trustfully lend it to someone.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing ghosts is a sign of anxiety.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Ghosting is the spiritual nature of a dream, which can relate to the internal state of an individual.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Fairytale-mythological dream book

Ghost (in the folklore of different peoples, the disembodied spirits of the dead, the dead, appear, more often, in a field, unclear, cloudy form, or reflect the appearance of a familiar deceased person) - discomfort, fears, anxieties; weather change; the need to remember deceased loved ones.

A ghostly, unclear figure is a feeling, circumstance, influence that is still manifesting itself implicitly, gradually, is just approaching and is not realized.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a ghost, ghost, phantom in a dream means that you yourself don’t know what you want; talking to them means that you have to make a good impression on someone.

Running away from them means that you are trying to solve some problems, and because of this others arise. Better think about your situation, perhaps you are going the wrong way.

Seeing in a dream how a poltergeist moves objects is a warning: your mistakes and mistakes today will create problems and obstacles for you for a long time.

If you saw a brownie in a dream, it means that soon some events will ruin your mood; kicking him out of the house means quarrels, disagreements, scandals in the family.

A cheerful brownie in a dream can promise prosperity, good relationships in the family; angry or menacing - portends you a change of residence or work.

Seeing a scarecrow or scarecrow in a dream means that someone is trying to deceive you or harm you in some way.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

You have not yet decided on your relationship with someone.

You have not completed any business with the person who has passed away.

Why do you dream about a ghost?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Do you have unformed feelings for a certain person? Have you noticed that your perception of the world has not acquired clarity and clarity? - this may be a sign that you did not reach an agreement with the person who died. Take the time to tell him what you wanted to say.

The deceased is able to hear you - this may also indicate that a ghost has actually settled next to you. Remember, you should feel compassion for ghosts, not fear them. Be casual and compassionate with them and gently guide them towards the Light.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

17th lunar day

A dream, if interpreted correctly, can be significant for the sleeper. Pay attention to your emotional state after waking up. If it is good, you are on the right path, where interesting acquaintances and new business contacts await you. A bad dream promises a lack of communication.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

March 23

The picture you see usually tells about future problems in communication, business and financial spheres, or personal life. Such dreams come true in the same way as in a dream.

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