Salt of the Earth falcons Mikit read online. Lecture: Student’s message about the plot of the story “Fatal Eggs”

Literary evening script

dedicated to the writer Ivan Sergeevich


(preparatory group)

Prepared by: Selyutina Ya. L.


-develop interest in the work of I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova

-encourage children to engage with books

-instill the ability to emotionally perceive a work of Russian literature

-get joy from reading, feel the need for it


-introduce children to the life and work of the writer

- to develop the ability to listen and understand literary works, to respond emotionally to them

-develop moral qualities

Preliminary work:

-acquaintance with the biography of the writer

-reading stories and fairy tales by I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov

-examination of illustrations

-guessing riddles about animals


-portrait of I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova

-writer's books

-pictures with traces of wild animals

-riddles about wild animals

-cards (confusion) with wild animals


-chocolate medals


Children enter the hall to the music “In the Animal World”

(seat on chairs, divide into two teams, choose team captains)

First team "Znayka"

Motto: To avoid being branded as a know-nothing, we must be friends with a book

Second team "Why"

Motto: Where! For what! And why! - I’ll solve the mystery, I’ll pick up the book and find out the answer.

Educator: Guys, there are many different stories and fairy tales in the world, but today we will not talk about all fairy tales and stories, but one author I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov. (show portrait)

Let's remember the stories of I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov. (Cuckoo, Beavers, Hedgehogs, Russian Forest, Foxes)

What about a fairy tale? (Salt of the earth)

What is the difference between stories and fairy tales?

(children's answers)

Well done, I think you know I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov very well, and now we will check it. And this is our first competition, for each correct answer the team receives a token.

  1. " Answer the question"
  2. What animals build two-story houses for living? (Beavers)
  3. What story did you learn this from? (Beavers)
  4. What was the very first fairy tale written by I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov? (Salt of the earth)
  5. Which characters of this fairy tale do you remember? (children's answers)
  6. What bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)
  7. What is the name of the story in which this is described? (Cuckoo)
  8. What do hedgehogs eat? (harmful insects, milk, snakes, mice...)
  9. Who wrote the story "Hedgehogs"? (I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Well done on your first task. The teams did a great job, and now it's time to play.

  1. P/ and "Freeze"

Children act according to the text of the game.

They scattered across the lawn (running into the loose)

Bears, foxes and bunnies

They started spinning merrily (spinning on their toes)

The animals began to have fun

One-jump, two-jump (jumping on two legs)

Freeze quickly, my friend (freeze until there is a command to die)

The game can be repeated several times.

Now let's see how smart you are and earn a token for your team.

  1. “Guess whose footprints?”

Pictures of animals and their tracks are laid out on two tables; children must correctly match the tracks to the animals.

Three people are selected from each team to pick up the tracks. The team that picks up the tracks faster and correctly wins.

The winning team receives a token.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task and you get a token. And our next competition is “Riddles”

  1. "Puzzles"
  2. The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger the bark

  1. Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it?


  1. There are lumberjacks on the rivers

In silver-brown fur coats.

And from trees, branches, clay

Build strong dams

  1. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.

  1. Red bird bird

I came to the chicken coop,

I counted all the punishments

And took it with me

  1. This little baby

I'm glad even for a bread crumb,

Because it's dark before

She is hiding in a hole.

  1. Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily,

Horns spread wide.

  1. Rustle, rustle the grass

The whip crawls alive,

So he stood up and hissed:

Come, if you are very brave.

Educator: You guessed all the riddles correctly and received tokens. Now we'll see how attentive you are. I will give each team a confusion card, and you must see one wild animal on this card and name it, then pass the card to your neighbor. First one team names the animals, then the other. Whichever team names the most animals wins.

  1. Competition "Confusion"

Children take turns looking for one wild animal on the confusion cards, name it and pass the card to their neighbor.

This concludes our quiz. Both teams did an excellent job in all competitions. Team captains count the tokens. Now I suggest exchanging your tokens for sweet coins.

Literary reading lesson

4th grade, educational complex "Harmony"

OU: MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1 in Orsk"

Teacher: Ulyanova T.V.

Topic: I. Sokolov-Mikitov. Russian forest.

Presentation of the results:

- competent and expressive reading

The purpose of the lesson: developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, familiarity with the work of I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Russian Forest”.

Lesson objectives:

Improve the skill of meaningful, correct and expressive reading; ability to draw up a quotation plan;

- develop the ability to adequately use speech means to solve various communicative problems;

Develop speech, thinking, attention,

Bring up respect for nature, the ability to feel and understand the surrounding nature; a sense of cooperation when working in pairs or groups.

Resources:-textbook by O.V. Kubasova “Literary Reading”, grade 4, part 2; TPO, part 2

Presentation for the lesson

Cards for pair work

Cards for individual work

N.M. Neusypova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

V.P.Zhukov A.V.Zhukov School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

S. Ozhegov, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language

Lesson steps

Contents of educational material

Formed UUD

Forms of work.

Methods and techniques.

1. Organizational moment.

Target: mobilize students to work

Literature is a wonderful lesson,

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines.

Is it a fairy tale or a story,

You teach them - they teach you.

Regulatory: formation

Ability to organize your activities

Personal: motivation to achieve a goal


2. Goal setting. Setting lesson objectives.

Target: creating conditions for activating basic knowledge, leading students to goal setting

Slide 1,2

Slide 3

3. Joint discovery of knowledge.

Target: creating conditions for children to discover the main provisions of new educational material on the topic of the lesson.

Systematization of educational material based on the diagram.

Slide 4.5

Today we will continue the conversation about the Motherland, about nature. We will learn a lot of interesting things. Guess the riddle:

The guys have a green friend,

Dresses up in spring

Cheerful friend, good,

He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them

And thousands of palms.


Solve the puzzle: Russian.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of I. Sokolov - Mikitov “Russian Forest”.

- How many of you guys have been to the forest? (children's answers).

Why can't you litter in the forest? (the forest helps clean the air; by polluting the forest, we pollute the air).

Where is it easier to breathe: in the forest or in the city? (In the forest. Trees release a lot of oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The forest is the lungs of the planet).

Why can't you make noise in the forest? (There are many inhabitants in the forest and everyone is busy with their own business. If you make too much noise, you can scare away the animals, but many of them breed offspring or care for cubs).

Let’s formulate the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

(acquaintance with the work of I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Russian Forest”.

Expand words knowledge;

Learn to make a quotation plan)

1.Getting to know the biography.

(speech by 3 students)

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov was born on May 30, 1892 in the Kaluga province. His father, Sergei Nikitich, was a forest manager for wealthy merchants.

In 1895, the family moved to their father’s homeland in the village of Kislovo, Smolensk region. When he was ten years old, his father took him to Smolensk, where he enrolled him in the Smolensk Alexander School

In 1910, Sokolov-Mikitov left for St. Petersburg, where he began attending agricultural courses. In the same year he wrote his first work - the fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth”. Ivan Sergeevich attends literary circles, meets many famous writers (Green, Shishkov, Prishvin, Kuprin).

Since 1912, Sokolov-Mikitov worked in Revel as secretary of the newspaper “Revelsky Listok”. In 1914, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, he returned to Russia. During the war, Sokolov-Mikitov, together with the famous pilot Gleb Alekhnovich, flew combat missions on the Russian bomber Ilya Muromets.

In 1919, Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov signed up as a sailor on the merchant ship Omsk. However, in 1920 in England the ship was arrested and sold at auction for debts. For Sokolov-Mikitov, forced emigration began. He lives in England for a year and then moves to Germany. There Sokolov-Mikitov meets Maxim Gorky, who helped him obtain the documents necessary to return to his homeland.

After returning to Russia, Sokolov-Mikitov travels a lot, participates in Arctic expeditions, as a correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper.

In 1930-1931, entire cycles of works by Ivan Sergeevich “Overseas Stories”, “On White Earth”, and the story “Childhood” were published.

On July 1, 1934, Sokolov-Mikitov was accepted as a member of the Union of Soviet Writers.

During World War II, Sokolov-Mikitov worked in Molotov as a special correspondent for Izvestia. In the summer of 1945 he returned to Leningrad.

Since the summer of 1952, Sokolov-Mikitov has lived in a house he built with his own hands in the village of Karacharovo. Here he writes most of his works.

Sokolov-Mikitov died on February 20, 1975 in Moscow. Prishvin wrote: “His prose is expressive and visual, since first of all he adheres to his own experience and conveys what he heard.”

Regulatory: goal setting,

planning educational cooperation together with the teacher


asking questions


independent goal formulation.

Cognitive: conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance, ordering


Regulatory: express your point of view.

Communicative: the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts and make decisions

Regulatory: express your point of view.



Method: partially search, analysis, generalization

Individual practical activities,


Method: partially search, analysis, generalization

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

2.Music sounds, two students read S. Pogorelovsky’s poem “Forest”:

Hello forest, dense forest!

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What kind of animal? What bird?

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

Open everything, don’t hide:

On a dark, stormy night?

You see, we are our own!

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Russian writers lovingly called forests forests mansions. Why do you think?

(Mansions in the old days were called large spacious rooms)

The forest also looks like a large room, only not people live in it, but various animals and plants.

*(by time)

What trees will we talk about? ? Guess:

This tree is blooming

Gives aroma and honey.

And saves us from the flu,

For colds the princess...


Strong, slender and strong,

After all, he is the ruler of the forest.

He is a living witness for us

In the oblivion of sunk centuries.

It's a good-quality log house.

Did you guess it? This …


Horny bitches,

Winged fruits

And the leaf - with your palm,

With a long leg.


You can always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.


Russian beauty stands in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress.


2 Vocabulary work.

Huddle together- located, placed in a small space.

Explanatory dictionary p.69

Fierce (cold)- very strong, very cold, harsh, merciless.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary – p.337

Purple- bright red, crimson. p.632

Birch bark- the top layer of birch bark. p.44

Famous- to enjoy fame in some respect. p.727

Fade- lose vital energy. p.823

3. Working with the textbook p.96-111

-initial acquaintance with the text

(with a feeling of respect and admiration).

Prove with lines from the text

(first sentence of each text).

4. Match.

Work with phraseological units

(work in pairs).

Get lost in three pines (Phraseological Dictionary - p. 161)

Let's check.

Communicative: pair work



Individual practical activities,


Method: partially search, analysis, generalization

Method: partially search, analysis, generalization

Working in pairs


Method: analysis, generalization.

4. Physical training

Target: creating conditions for preserving the health of students.

- visual

Audio recording “Sounds of the forest” (motor)

They quickly stood up, smiled,

They reached higher and higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turn right, turn left,

Touch your hands with your knees.

They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up.

And they walked on the spot.

Application of health-saving technology

5. Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation.

Target: creating conditions for applying new knowledge in practice

pair work with material

Checking completed work

Slides 9-12

A) Drawing up a quotation plan.

TPOs.60 No. 1 (work in groups).

Let's check.

B) Mikhail Prishvin wrote:

« Impossible convey the delights of being in the forest under a Christmas tree during a warm summer rain..."

Not only writers admired the beauty of the Russian forest.

For example, Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, the famous landscape artist. His “artistic element” was the forest, mainly northern, with its spruce, pine, birch and oak trees. Imbued with endless love for his homeland, Shishkin throughout his life sang of its extraordinary beauty, conveying the special, majestic spirit of Russian nature.

-"Morning in a pine forest".

- “Coniferous forest. Sunny day".

- “The forest before the storm.”

- “Mixed forest”.

Landscape - pictures of nature.

Explanatory dictionary – p.44 (in pairs)

(ICT - painting reproductions)

B) Retelling using reference words

(individual work in pairs).

Read it. Underline the supporting words in the text.

Old pines stand like fabulous giants among the young, growing forest. In the pine forests we picked berries in the summer - lingonberries and blueberries. Strong-legged boletus and slippery boletus found shelter under the pine trees. Here and there you can see fragile russula caps.

The tall pines are home to hawks and eagles.

The growing small pine forest is also good. Young pine trees covered with green needles huddle closely together. Thick-legged mushrooms hide in the shade of these trees both in spring and summer. In early spring you can collect morels here, and in summer - saffron milk caps.

Retell the article about pine using supporting words.

B) Reading “Announcer” (4 students)


Communicative: pair work

Regulatory: finding several options for solving a learning problem, evaluating the results of one’s actions, planning activities.

Personal: formation of a creative approach to solving educational problems.

Individual practical activity

Method: partially search, analysis, generalization

Working in pairs


Method: analysis, generalization.

Working in pairs


6. Monitoring learning, discussing mistakes made and correcting them (work in pairs)

Target: creating conditions for applying new knowledge in practice.

Pair work with handouts

Checking completed work

Choose proverbs that express the main idea of ​​the work.

There is a lot of forest - don’t destroy it, a little forest - take care, no forest - plant it.

The plant is a decoration of the earth.

Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

The mushroom lives more freely under a large tree.

Communicative: pair work

Regulatory: finding several options for solving a learning problem, evaluating the results of one’s actions, planning activities.

Personal: formation of a creative approach to solving educational problems

Working in pairs

Method: analysis, generalization, method of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity

Target: independent

Application of acquired knowledge in practical activities, adjustment of the result

Compiling a syncwine

*(by time)

(wood of choice)

Let's check.

Communicative: express your point of view

Cognitive: organizing and summarizing information, making adjustments

Personal: orientation to the situation of success

Customized Method: Independent work

7. Lesson summary. Reflection.


Target: creating conditions for organizing and summarizing the information received based on reflection

Systematization of acquired knowledge


Slide 13

Reflection “Unfinished sentence”.

I learned about the Russian forest......

Reflection "Landscape".

Choose the picture that matches your mood at the end of the lesson.

- What lesson objectives did you complete? Have you achieved your goal?

Regulatory: the ability to evaluate the results of one’s actions


Methods: generalization, classification, analysis

8. Homework

Target: creating conditions to encourage students to work with different sources of information.

Slide 14

Differentiated d/z

Group 1: p.93 No. 4 (work with additional sources and write a detailed story about one of the trees)

Group 2: passage by heart of your choice pp. 90-92

Group 3: p. 93 No. 7 write a discussion on the topic “We are the masters of our nature.”

Cognitive: working with information

Personal: formation of a positive attitude towards learning the Russian language and educational activities.


Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov

On warm ground

© Sokolov-Mikitov I. S., heirs, 1954

© Zhekhova K., preface, 1988

© Bastrykin V., illustrations, 1988

© Series design. Publishing house "Children's Literature", 2005

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (


Sixty years of active creative activity in the turbulent 20th century, full of so many events and shocks - this is the result of the life of the remarkable Soviet writer Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov.

He spent his childhood in the Smolensk region, with its sweet, truly Russian nature. In those days, the village still preserved its ancient way of life and way of life. The boy's first impressions were festive festivities and village fairs. It was then that he became one with his native land, with its immortal beauty.

When Vanya was ten years old, he was sent to a real school. Unfortunately, this institution was distinguished by bureaucratic behavior, and the teaching went poorly. In spring, the smells of awakened greenery irresistibly attracted the boy beyond the Dnieper, to its banks, covered with a gentle haze of blossoming foliage.

Sokolov-Mikitov was expelled from the fifth grade of the school “on suspicion of belonging to student revolutionary organizations.” It was impossible to go anywhere with a “wolf ticket”. The only educational institution that did not require a certificate of trustworthiness was the St. Petersburg private agricultural courses, where a year later he was able to get, although, as the writer admitted, he did not feel a great attraction to agriculture, just as, indeed, he never felt an attraction to settledness, property, domesticity...

Boring coursework soon turned out to be not to the liking of Sokolov-Mikitov, a man with a restless, restless character. Having settled in Reval (now Tallinn) on a merchant ship, he wandered around the world for several years. I saw many cities and countries, visited European, Asian and African ports, and became close friends with working people.

The First World War found Sokolov-Mikitov in a foreign land. With great difficulty, he made it from Greece to his homeland, and then volunteered for the front, flew on the first Russian bomber “Ilya Muromets”, and served in medical detachments.

In Petrograd I met the October Revolution, listened with bated breath to the speech of V. I. Lenin in the Tauride Palace. At the editorial office of Novaya Zhizn I met Maxim Gorky and other writers. During these critical years for the country, Ivan Sergeevich became a professional writer.

After the revolution, he worked briefly as a teacher at a unified labor school in his native Smolensk region. By this time, Sokolov-Mikitov had already published the first stories, noticed by such masters as I. Bunin and A. Kuprin.

“Warm Earth” - this is what the writer called one of his first books. And it would be difficult to find a more accurate, more capacious name! After all, the native Russian land is really warm, because it is warmed by the warmth of human labor and love.

The stories of Sokolov-Mikitov date back to the time of the first polar expeditions about the voyages of the flagships of the icebreaker fleet “Georgy Sedov” and “Malygin”, which marked the beginning of the development of the Northern Sea Route. On one of the islands of the Arctic Ocean, a bay was named after Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov, where he found the buoy of the lost Ziegler expedition, the fate of which was unknown until that moment.

Sokolov-Mikitov spent several winters on the shores of the Caspian Sea, traveling through the Kola and Taimyr Peninsulas, Transcaucasia, the Tien Shan Mountains, the Northern and Murmansk Territories. He wandered through the dense taiga, saw the steppe and the sultry desert, and traveled all over the Moscow region. Each such trip not only enriched him with new thoughts and experiences, but was also imprinted by him in new works.

This man of good talent gave people hundreds of stories and tales, essays and sketches. The pages of his books are illuminated with the wealth and generosity of his soul.

The work of Sokolov-Mikitov is close to Aksakov’s, Turgenev’s, and Bunin’s style. However, his works have their own special world: not outside observation, but live communication with the surrounding life.

The encyclopedia says about Ivan Sergeevich: “Russian Soviet writer, sailor, traveler, hunter, ethnographer.” And although there is a full stop next, this list could be continued: teacher, revolutionary, soldier, journalist, polar explorer.

Sokolov-Mikitov's books are written in a melodious, rich and at the same time very simple language, the same language that the writer learned in his childhood.

In one of his autobiographical notes, he wrote: “I was born and grew up in a simple working Russian family, among the forest expanses of the Smolensk region, its wonderful and very feminine nature. The first words I heard were bright folk words, the first music I heard were folk songs, which the composer Glinka was once inspired by.”

In search of new visual means, back in the twenties of the last century, the writer turned to a unique genre of short (not short, but short) stories, which he successfully dubbed epics.

To an inexperienced reader, these tales may seem like simple notes from a notebook, made on the fly, as a reminder of the events and characters that struck him.

We have already seen the best examples of such short, non-fictional stories in L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, V. Veresaev, M. Prishvin.

Sokolov-Mikitov in his epics comes not only from the literary tradition, but also from folk art, from the spontaneity of oral stories.

His tales “Red and Black”, “On Your Coffin”, “Terrible Dwarf”, “Bridegrooms” and others are characterized by extraordinary capacity and accuracy of speech. Even in his so-called hunting stories, man is in the foreground. Here he continues the best traditions of S. Aksakov and I. Turgenev.

Reading Sokolov-Mikitov’s short stories about Smolensk places (“On the Nevestnitsa River”) or about bird wintering grounds in the south of the country (“Lenkoran”), you involuntarily become imbued with sublime sensations and thoughts, the feeling of admiration for your native nature turns into something else, more noble - into feeling of patriotism.

“His creativity, having its source in a small homeland (that is, the Smolensk region), belongs to the big Motherland, our great land with its vast expanses, innumerable riches and varied beauty - from north to south, from the Baltic to the Pacific coast,” said about Sokolov-Mikitov A. Tvardovsky.

On February 24, 2005, the Smolensk Regional Children's Library was awarded
the name of the wonderful Russian writer, our fellow countryman I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova

Resolution of the Smolensk Regional Duma of February 24, 2005 No. 56

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov


“The greatest happiness is to do good to people...”
I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov

There is a writer in Russian literature whose books exude the coolness of a spring, the freshness of a spring meadow, the warmth of a native land warmed by the sun. The name of this writer is Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov. This name is especially dear to us, Smolensk residents, because we are its fellow countrymen.

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov was born on May 30 (NS) 1892 in the forest tract Oseki near Kaluga in the family of Sergei Nikitievich Sokolov, manager of the forest estate of the millionaire merchants Konshins. Three years later, the family moved to the Smolensk region - the father’s homeland, to the village of Kislovo (now the territory of the Ugransky district). Untouched nature, the banks of the full-flowing Ugra River, full of charm, the ancient life and way of life of Smolensk villages, fairy tales, and peasant songs were subsequently reflected in the works of I.S. Sokolov-Mikitova.

The father played a special role in the development of the future writer. “Through my father’s eyes, I saw the majestic world of Russian nature unfolding before me; the paths, the wide expanse of fields, the high blue of the sky with frozen clouds seemed wonderful.” From his mother, Maria Ivanovna, who came from a strong, wealthy peasant family, who knew an inexhaustible variety of fairy tales and sayings, and whose every word was appropriate, he inherited a love for his native language, for figurative folk speech. Vanya Sokolov was the only child in the family and absorbed all the warmth and love of his caring parents.

“From the bright spring of maternal and paternal love flowed a sparkling stream of my life.”

To literature I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov came as a man who had seen and experienced a lot, and was wise from life experience. Serene childhood years in the parental home, studying at the Kislovsk rural school and the first test of life - admission in 1903 to the Smolensk Alexander Real School, from the fifth grade of which in May 1910 Ivan Sokolov was expelled “due to poor academic performance and bad behavior” (according to “ suspicion of belonging to student revolutionary organizations"). In the same year, he moved to St. Petersburg in connection with enrollment in agricultural courses, then to Revel (Tallinn), from where he traveled all the seas and oceans on merchant ships.

The events of World War I (1914) found I.S. Sokolov-Mikitova is far from her homeland. Upon returning to Russia, he soon volunteered for the front. He served in a medical detachment, flew on the first Russian heavy bomber “Ilya Muromets” with the famous pilot, Smolyan Gleb Alekhnovich.

In February 1918, after general demobilization in the navy, Sokolov-Mikitov returned to his parents in Kislovo. For some time he taught in Dorogobuzh, traveled around the south of Russia, where he was unwittingly drawn into the events of the civil war. Later he sailed on the schooner “Dykhtau” and participated in the expedition of O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker "Georgy Sedov", on a tragic expedition to rescue the icebreaker "Malygin", visited the land of storytellers and epics - Zaonezhye, in Siberia, in the Tien Shan mountains...

During the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Sergeevich worked as a special correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper in the Perm region, the Middle and Southern Urals. In 1945 he returned with his family to Leningrad, and in 1952 he settled in a picturesque place on the banks of the Volga - in Karacharovo, Kalinin region, in a cozy wooden house, where he came both in winter and summer for more than 20 years, where a special atmosphere of warmth and creativity reigned, where Many guests from different parts of the country visited - writers, artists, scientists, art critics, journalists, fellow countrymen...

In the fall of 1967, the Sokolovs moved to Moscow for permanent residence.

Ivan Sergeevich lived with his wife L.I. Malofeeva is 52 years old and has three daughters. All of them died untimely: the youngest Lida, 3 years old (1931), Irina, at the age of 16, died in Crimea from tuberculosis (1940), Elena died tragically (drowned) at the age of 25 in 1951, leaving her parents with a two-year-old son, Sasha.

The last years of the writer’s life were overshadowed by a difficult circumstance - the loss of vision, but, despite blindness, Ivan Sergeevich continued to work, and until his last days the need to write and give his creativity to people did not fade away.

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov died on February 20, 1975. He was buried in Gatchina in the family cemetery, where the graves of his mother, two daughters and Lydia Ivanovna, who survived her husband by exactly one hundred days, were buried.

A traveler by vocation and a wanderer by circumstance, I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov, who had seen many distant lands, southern and northern seas and lands, carried with him everywhere the indelible memory of his native Smolensk region. This is where the origins of his first fairy tale “The Salt of the Earth” come from. It was here that his best works were written: “Childhood”, “Helen”, “Chizhikov Lavra”, “Sea Stories”, “On the Nevestnitsa River”...

“Read and reread I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov such a pleasure as breathing in the fresh aroma of summer fields and forests, drinking spring water from a spring on a hot afternoon, or admiring the silvery-pink shine of frost on a frosty winter morning. And thank him very much for this."

The Smolensk Regional Children's Library introduces readers to the works of Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov. A recommendatory literature index “Keeper of the Springs” and a multimedia disc about the life and work of the writer have been prepared and published; regional holidays “I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov for Children,” organized trips for readers to the writer’s house-museum in the village of Poldnevo, Ugransky district.

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