Essays for all classes. Essays for all classes The story of the end of winter noon

The famous painter Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon in his landscapes depicted with great love the beauty and grandeur of the nature of central Russia. His painting “End of Winter. Noon". created in 1929.

The artist chose his favorite places of the Moscow region for nature. The painting conveys all the slightest nuances of the midday time of the coming spring and gives a charge of vigor in anticipation of it. In this landscape, everything seems to be filled with bright sun rays, from which even the snow sparkles with all sorts of colors: white, yellowish and blue. It is clear that it is no longer December or January with its snow creaking underfoot. Here it is loose and slightly melted.

The airspace is all saturated with a bluish haze, which is especially noticeable against the backdrop of village buildings and the forest darkening in the distance. The shadows are dark blue, as if tinted.

Schoolchildren set off for a ski trip to the nearest forest with brisk steps. They are probably going to compete in speed before the snow begins to melt on the hill.

Not only skiers were happy about the warmth, but also poultry: a rooster and hens. The landscape in the picture is typically Russian, there are hills and ravines, a small river between steep slopes, and a darkening forest in the distance. You can imagine its immensity.

Yuon never painted snow, using only white paints, since snow, depending on the lighting, can have different color shades from light blue and green to scarlet, with glimpses of yellow and even brownish. And it seems to us that this is crystal white snow. Konstantin Fedorovich liked this effect. Perhaps this is why he created so many landscapes with winter and spring themes.

How nice it is to see this joyful rural landscape at the end of winter. The ground is covered with a blanket of snow. On one side of the canvas there is a picture of a house made of strong logs with a high cap of snow on the roof. The wooden fence seems to divide the canvas horizontally.

Poultry, tired of the long cold winter, came out of their chicken coop for a walk with the first warm rays of the sun. They are busily looking for something, rummaging in the snow. There are many footprints nearby that have already been filled with melt water and are therefore clearly visible. Chickens and a cockerel are like bright spots in a village yard. All this gives the canvas a special mood, bringing us closer to the peasant efforts.

The artist did not depict the sun, but its dazzling rays flood everything around, illuminating the dark green fir trees and white-trunked birch trees, without which there cannot be a truly Russian landscape. Yuon notes in the title of his work “The End of Winter” and that it is precisely noon before us, although this can be easily guessed, since only at this time of day the sun’s rays are so piercing. They make even an old building look cheerful, elegant and somewhat reminiscent of Berendey’s house.

Trees in snow-white robes, like court ladies preparing for a reception in the palace. They are still in wonderful outfits, but after a while they will be very happy to replace them with new, even more attractive ones. It seems that even the trunks of the birch trees are emanating light, and they are stretched out towards the sun like New Year’s candles. It connects a person with living nature - chickens are busily looking for food under the snow, children on skis go for a walk - and this reflects in the picture a special warm feeling and charm.

Yuon’s painting “End of Winter. Noon” seems to reflect the viewer’s anticipation of welcoming winter and the approaching slow, regal tread of the long-awaited beauty of spring. This is evidenced by the melting snow cover in some places. And on the roof of the village outbuilding he became flabby. This is a unique and amazing transition from one season to another. And every year it is done in a new way.

Yuona “End of Winter. Noon” you can start by comparing it with Boris Pasternak’s poems about February. They simply echo with aching joy, when the anticipation of the appearance of beautiful poems makes you want to write about the end of winter and cry bitterly.

First sun rays

The approaching spring is always unusually good - both in the slushy, sunless thaw, when the air is filled with the smell of melting snow, and in windy weather, when the clouds run fast and low, and the blue-blue sky peeks through them. But the feeling of jubilation is associated precisely with the first quiet sunny days, one of which is preserved by Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon".

The description of this wonderful landscape is a joy because there is not a single disturbing note in it. The peace and goodness diffused in nature seem eternal.

All-Pervading Joy

The amazing artist Yuon Konstantin Fedorovich (1875-1958) is a recognized master of landscape. He endlessly loved the nature of the outskirts of Moscow, and throughout central Russia. A good man who lived a decent life, he was happy in his family life and was not offended by his promotion up the career ladder. His paintings enjoyed success and were always in demand. Maybe that's why they are so light?

A fan of winter landscapes, Yuon loved to paint these particular months of the year - February and March. He was captivated by the blue-tinged snow under the shining first sun, the golden domes of Russian churches, animals delighted by the approaching warmth, and the feeling of approaching spring in the air. All this is transferred to his canvases, which are full of joy and evoke a kind smile. In 1929, Yuon painted “The End of Winter. Noon". The description of this organically continues the theme of the canvases with views of the winter Trinity-Sergius Lavra or a snow-covered street bathed in the March sun - the same space permeated with fresh air, and the goodness spilled in it.

Abundance of light and air

The canvas depicts the Moscow region, the artist’s favorite plein air. Plein air is a French word; it is a true representation of nature, in which light and air play a special active role. Therefore, Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon". The description of the air in this work can be continued using only enthusiastic epithets and exclamation marks. When you are next to the painting, you smell the snow that has just begun to melt. It is the snow that indicates that February is depicted on the canvas. The white cover is no longer elastic, does not creak underfoot - it is loose, slightly sagging. There is still a lot of snow, as evidenced by the tall cap lying on the roof of a tightly built house in the left corner of the picture. But the skiers are in no hurry to seize the passing moment; they know that this is not their last walk into the forest - the blue haze is so clearly visible in the background. It means that the squeaky frosts are behind us, but the snow will not melt tomorrow.

Snow as the main character

A talented painter who wholeheartedly loved the urban and rural Russian landscape, K. F. Yuon equally beautifully painted scenes for all seasons. However, his snow is so good and tells the viewer so much about the chosen plot that it becomes the main character of the work. And on the canvas described, the snow also talks to the viewer. There is a lot of it, it is different - in the distance it is still winter, cold. Winter is just on the horizon. And looking there, you understand that February is treacherous - it can still swirl with a snowstorm and cover everything with snow. This makes the first warmth seem even more captivating, and the joy of schoolchildren gathered for a ski trip is even more understandable.

Original Russian landscape

Snow by K. F. Yuon is eloquent, because the artist never painted it only with white paints - on this canvas, shadows of all shades of blue and even yellow lie on the snow in which paths are trodden. The children ran through the snowdrifts - the deep footprints suggest the presence of melted snow. Below is a description of Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter. Noon” can be continued with a story about trees, of which there are quite a lot on the canvas. Slender tall birch trees, casting long shadows, indicate that the picture depicts exactly midday - the sun is descending, and not standing at its zenith. The white-trunked beauties are located a little closer to several slender spruce trees that have not yet brightened, but the snow has already been shed, and the sun is drying their wet needles.

Health in everything

There is nothing wretched or dirty on the canvas that the melted snow could reveal - everything is strong, slender, clean and fresh, even the barn visible behind the spruce trees. A little further on you can see a river that has obviously disappeared. Description of the artwork “End of winter. Noon” by K. F. Yuon smoothly approaches the sparse mixed forest covering the hills located on the other bank. The sun is not depicted on the canvas, but the whole picture is full of it - the trunks of tall trees and the transparent crown of a small birch tree are filled with sunlight. The high school students, who decided to take a walk to the river after class, had already put on their skis, waiting for two sluggish or just arriving comrades. They also admired the blue snow visible in the distance. It’s still cold there, but everything is imbued with the expectation of the imminent arrival of spring.

Wonderful color scheme of the landscape

Yuon’s painting “The End of Winter” is very good. Noon". The description (no matter how hard the author tries) is not able to convey all the charm of the landscape. The hens and roosters who came running to bask in the sun deserve special mention. Perhaps one of the guys, before leaving the yard, threw food on the snow for them to peck. Or maybe, warmed by the first warmth, they jumped out of the chicken coop, tired of it during the winter, in the hope of extracting something from under the snow.

The color scheme of poultry fits very organically into the overall picture - yellow chickens and a bright red rooster, as well as the ocher color of the logs stacked near the fence - everything is filled with sunlight, everything screams about the approaching spring. The landscape is rustic, and the artist managed to convey the last winter calm before the spring harvest. Description of the painting by Konstantin Yuon “End of Winter. Noon” can be concluded with words of admiration about how amazingly accurately the artist was able to capture the moment of the meeting of two time periods of the year - the passing winter and the approaching, always beautiful spring.

K.F. Yuon is a true master of lyrical landscape. The tone of the artist’s creations is almost always optimistic and bright, perhaps because his creative destiny was extremely successful.

The main theme of the canvas is “End of Winter. Noon. Ligachevo,” painted in 1929, is a Central Russian landscape, a typical corner of the Moscow region.

In front of us are snow-covered distances and a country courtyard, flooded with sun. The wooden house on the hill is somehow surprisingly cozy. The snow is already loose like spring, and the trunks of birch trees seem dazzling under the rays of the sun.

The painter connects man with the life of nature - chickens dig in the snow, kids ski - and this gives the picture a special warmth and charm.

Painting “End of Winter. Noon. Ligachevo” seems to be a fragment of a large canvas: the tops of the trees seem to be “cut off” by the frame, and the viewer imagines the entire landscape with the house and fir trees. A competent compositional solution allows the artist to focus on the main thing - on the jubilant, triumphant beauty and power of nature.

The color scheme of the canvas is based on contrasting combinations. Dark green spruce trees contrast with the dazzling snow with intense bluish shadows. With great skill, the painter paints melting snow, a bluish haze enveloping the forest, and bluish shadows from the trees. Yellow woodpiles of firewood and a rooster in the snow are two spots that enliven the canvas.

It seems that the artist paints what he sees before his eyes, without thinking or embellishing. At the same time, the picture makes an indelible impression. We see nature awaiting the arrival of spring, waking up from the winter cold. However, the seemingly simple landscape is filled with spontaneity, naturalness, and real poetry.

With the help of painting, K.F. Yuon was able to convey the feeling of elation and festivity that invariably arises in anyone who looks at the awakening nature.

In addition to describing the painting by K.F. Yuona “End of Winter. Noon. Ligachevo”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


Bead weaving

Bead weaving is not only a way to occupy a child’s free time with productive activities, but also an opportunity to make interesting jewelry and souvenirs with your own hands.

The end of winter is the time when nature comes to life on the eve of the coming spring. The time when you want to breathe deeply, drinking in the fresh air. The sun is already warming up and the snow is melting from its rays. In the painting by K.F. Yuon depicts precisely this time, when winter recedes and is replaced by the long-awaited spring. The snow is no longer fluffy like in winter, but loose and wet. It is already beginning to melt, and very soon mischievous babbling rivulets will begin to run. Chickens and a rooster are trampling on this snow on the path, they are pecking something from the ground. They are like bright spots against the background of already dirty snow.

Everything is still covered in snow, even the roofs of the houses, but it feels like spring is coming very soon. The sky became somehow translucent and weightless. The air is humid and clean, it is intoxicating and it is impossible to breathe in it. As if there is not enough lung capacity to inhale and get enough of it. Just the warm rays of the sun and the heady air can breathe joy and desire to live into a person. You can feel how nature wakes up and a new life begins. The forest on the mountain is shrouded in a light haze; it seems that something new is being born behind the mountain and it is because of it that spring will come with all its delights.

There are several people standing near the fence who have decided to take advantage of what may be their last opportunity to ski. Two are standing leaning on sticks, and the third has already taken off his skis. The three of them are waiting for a friend who is crossing the bridge. Apparently they had already finished their walk on a warm day at the end of winter. Now they are waiting for each other to go home together and drink hot aromatic tea. It’s spring-like warm outside, which means that very soon the snow will melt and other chores will begin. K.F. Yuon knows how to convey the mood of a sunny day. His landscapes inspire and inspire. They give the person looking at them a feeling of lightness, freedom and weightlessness. You can feel the warmth of the sun's rays and the freshness of almost spring air.

Description of Yuon’s painting “End of Winter. Noon"

The end of winter is the time when nature comes to life on the eve of the coming spring.
The time when you want to breathe deeply, drinking in the fresh air.
The sun is already warming up and the snow is melting from its rays.
Yuon’s painting depicts precisely this time, when winter recedes and is replaced by the long-awaited spring.
The snow is no longer fluffy like in winter, but loose and wet.
It is already beginning to melt, and very soon mischievous babbling rivulets will begin to run.
Chickens and a rooster are trampling on this snow on the path, they are pecking something from the ground.
They are like bright spots against the background of already dirty snow.

Everything is still covered in snow, even the roofs of the houses, but it feels like spring is coming very soon.
The sky became somehow translucent and weightless.
The air is humid and clean, it is intoxicating and it is impossible to breathe in it.
As if there is not enough lung capacity to inhale and get enough of it.
Just the warm rays of the sun and the heady air can breathe joy and desire to live into a person.
You can feel how nature wakes up and a new life begins.
The forest on the mountain is shrouded in a light haze; it seems that something new is being born behind the mountain and it is because of it that spring will come with all its delights.

There are several people standing near the fence who have decided to take advantage of what may be their last opportunity to ski.
Two are standing leaning on sticks, and the third has already taken off his skis.
The three of them are waiting for a friend who is crossing the bridge.
Apparently they had already finished their walk on a warm day at the end of winter.
Now they are waiting for each other to go home together and drink hot aromatic tea.
It’s spring-like warm outside, which means that very soon the snow will melt and other chores will begin.
Yuon knows how to convey the mood of a sunny day.
His landscapes inspire and inspire.
They give the person looking at them a feeling of lightness, freedom and weightlessness.
You can feel the warmth of the sun's rays and the freshness of almost spring air.

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