Dreaming of killing a dragon. Why does a woman dream about a real dragon?

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Mythical creature was dreamed

In Slavic mythology, the dragon is a giant winged monster, a serpent with the body of a reptile and the wings of a bird or bat, the personification of strength, wealth and power. If you dream of a dragon, the dream predicts that you will gain the patronage of some high-ranking person. Seeing a dragon is also a sign of your promotion, moving to a higher position with an appropriate salary level. In some cases, a dragon in a dream predicts your spiritual development, the knowledge of certain secrets inaccessible to mere mortals.

How to analyze a dream in which you see a dragon? A dragon in a dream is often a symbol of some alien will that dominates you, a force that you cannot resist, the personification of someone else’s semantic field, to the detriment of the dreamer himself, causing a feeling of his own powerlessness. If you dream of a dragon, this also predicts the destruction of your usual way of life, habitat, and environment. Or talk about the fact that insurmountable obstacles and obstacles will arise in your affairs. Probably, on a subconscious level, you yourself already understand why a dragon appears in a dream.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a Dragon mean in a dream?

The dragon is a symbol of strength, power and wealth. A is a messenger of fate, foreshadowing significant changes in your life. The dream often suggests that you will soon be able to significantly move up the ladder of your career, occupy a high position that gives you significant power, but also many responsibilities. To dream that a dragon is attacking you is a good sign that predicts receiving protection and patronage at the highest level.

The dragon is a mythological winged serpent, a fairy-tale creature with incredible power. He can either provide great support or destroy you in an instant. If you dream of a dragon, in most cases, the dream foretells you gaining power. Strength and wealth, but in the distant future. You should not despair, even if you are now in a truly unenviable position. The dragon says that you enjoy the protection of higher powers, and they will provide you with all possible support.

The meaning of the dream about Dragon Death (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

Dragon - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring. Dragon – Sitting on a dragon, you plunge into the water. - You will occupy a high position, you will become noble. Dragon sleeping in the water. – You will achieve what you strive for. The dragon stands in front of the gate. – Great happiness, prosperity. The dragon dies. - Foretells appointment to a position. The arriving dragon climbs the mountain. – What you wish will come true. The dragon hides in the well. - You will suffer humiliation from an official. The dragon is flying. “Your appointment to the position will be made public.” Riding a dragon into the market. – Portends a high appointment to a large position. A dragon and a snake crawl through the door. - Portends wealth, profit.

According to the dream book, to see in a dream that a dragon or snake is crawling into the hearth. – There will be an appointment to a position. The snake turns into a moving dragon. - Support of a noble person. The wife sees a dragon. – Foretells the birth of a noble offspring. Dragon - A dragon seen in a dream is a symbol of achieving a goal, appointment to a high position, a harbinger of gaining wealth. If a dragon is guarding something, the dream foretells an improvement in your health. Why do you dream about a dragon - If a dragon is in a cave in a dream, your goal is close, you just need to make the necessary efforts. If the dragon lies on the mountain, very important events in life await you; the dragon flies - to amazing news.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Dragon in a dream?

If you see in a dream a dragon - a mythological serpent with wings spewing fire from its mouth - this is a warning that you should change your own behavior. When the dreamer dreams of a dragon, it is obvious that he does not know how to control his own passions and allows himself to make unkind statements about people who, for some reason, he does not like. Or they really are his opponents, ill-wishers. Such behavior only leads to an escalation of the conflict; a dragon in a dream recommends that you learn to control yourself. Otherwise, you can completely ruin your relationships with others.

According to Russian folk beliefs, the dragon is a good symbol. If you see him in a dream, he predicts that you will gain power and wealth. When you dream of a dragon, the dream often suggests that you will be able to enlist the support of some high-ranking official, and this will greatly help you on your path to success. Seeing a dragon means in reality you will have the opportunity to become the owner of a real treasure. Dragon - unexpected wealth, gain.

Seeing a Dragon, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

If a woman sees a dragon in a dream, it means that she is in the grip of emotions and evil passions. The dragon you dream of warns that even if some people are unpleasant to you, this does not mean at all that you can afford to make some comments about them or spread rumors that defame them. After all, no one has to please everyone, not even you. Learn to control your behavior so as not to completely ruin your relationships with others. It won't do you any good either.

Dragon - This dream foreshadows danger and trouble if you dream it on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, this dream is favorable. You can bring any plans and ideas to life, fate is favorable to you. A three-headed dragon in a dream foreshadows contradictions between feelings and deeds. You will have to choose one thing or you will lose everything. A dragon with many heads - be careful, gossip will start spreading about you. If you dreamed of an aggressive dragon spewing flames, this indicates that your enemies are not asleep. Defeat the dragon - you will commit an act that you will regret.

Slavic dream book

What does a dragon mean in a dream?

You see a dragon, often predicting that you will gain access to spiritual secret knowledge. The dragon is the personification of the power that it will give you, your energetic realization. In other cases, a dragon in a dream may symbolize some force that will oppose you on the way to realizing your plans. It will be insurmountable for you. And all your efforts will be in vain. If you dreamed of a dragon biting its tail, this is a symbol of time, infinity, a self-sufficient cycle, spiritual realization, in which the energies in the practitioner’s body are closed (the so-called orbit), new discoveries and inventions.

Dragon - your pride is exorbitant. However, great wealth and a wonderfully ugly incident may await you that will benefit you. Jupiter. Dragon is a frightening emotion. To see a dream about you having a Dragon - loss of self-control. You will be provoked into an evil prank. Seeing a flying dragon spewing fire means wealth. Seeing a drawn dragon is a manifestation of endurance. Dragon - A dream portends sorrows and misfortunes. The only way to work through this dream is to imagine that you are boldly rushing at the dragon and killing it.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Dragon, what does it mean?

Dragon - This is a symbol of space, one of the most important symbols. Why are countless living beings in the material world, seething and raging like a sea of ​​passions? What attracts them here? - desire to play god. Only here can they dull their nature so much that they can imagine themselves as something that lives in complete independence from the whole and remain in the illusion of the only enjoyer. Seeing a dragon - the symbolism of such a dream turns out to be very ambiguous. In most cases, the dragon symbolizes your own fears that you cannot confront because they are beyond your understanding.

The dragon that you dream of also says that in your aspirations you will encounter a certain force with which you will have to reckon. Otherwise, she may simply destroy you. If the dragon you dreamed of had wings is a positive sign - in reality you will be able to enlist powerful support. Sometimes a dragon in a dream warns you that you will soon find yourself subservient to a domineering and powerful person.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Dragon

Dragon – Like unicorns, dragons are a very ancient and widespread symbol. While they sometimes do good, they are more often seen as malevolent, if not downright evil. If the dragon was destroying everything around you, is there really someone who is turning your life into a nightmare? If he guarded supplies or treasures, then you do not want to share your abilities with others - perhaps because you consider them unworthy? Or was the dragon on your side and protected you from your enemies? Dragon - You saw a dragon in a dream - the dream speaks of your temper; in the heat of feelings, you often commit actions that you later regret; you are prone to quarrels and rudeness; ill-wishers can use this feature of yours; perhaps they will use blackmail.

What is this dragon for? The dragon is a complex and universal symbol. In certain circumstances, if the dragon seems intimidating but we realize we can handle it, it represents our own indomitable nature. We must try to control our passions and chaotic beliefs. Often this can be achieved solely through dreams. In each of us there lives a hero, ready to enter into a dangerous battle in order to overcome the lowest part of our journey and reach inner resources. A dream helps in this conflict. The Dragon is traditionally the Guardian of Energy. By competing with the dragon, we spiritually become the guardians of our own future.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Dragon, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about a dragon - To meet a funny person who will threaten you, but you are not afraid of him.

In the summer, what the dragon dreamed about was a distortion of facts.

In the fall, what does a dragon mean in a dream – something unusual.

In winter, what does a dragon mean in a dream - resounding success awaits you - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

The fairytale dragon in many cultures is a symbol of wealth and influence. These concepts are often used when interpreting dreams with a fire-breathing character. A powerful mythical creature seen in a dream can be a harbinger of something good. But we should not forget that the dragon is a cold-blooded and insidious killer who spreads fear. Therefore, in order to understand exactly why a dragon is dreaming, you need to take into account all the details of the dream.

How famous dream books interpret vision: Miller, Vanga and others

According to the famous psychologist Gustav Miller, dreams about dragons are a kind of warning. They remind the dreamer of the need to restrain himself. The appearance of a mythical lizard in night dreams is a signal of disdain and arrogance towards others.

Soothsayer Vanga: dreams of an evil snake are a harbinger of some global problems, global disasters and, in general, evil. Thus, a dragon flying high in the sky warns of a possible earthquake. A person who sees such a dream must be prepared that this terrible natural phenomenon may occur in his area. Those who dreamed that a mythical beast flew right over their heads should be especially worried: as a result of the cataclysm, relatives and friends may suffer. But the vision in which there was a floating dragon reports an imminent drought. Lack of rainfall will lead to crop failure, and people and animals will suffer from thirst. In the end, heavy rains will still water the earth and bring relief.

A floating dragon dreams of drought

A battle with a formidable mythical lizard in a dream, from Vanga’s point of view, foreshadows a serious political conflict. And the outcome of the war in reality will depend on who won this battle. If the dreamer prevails and defeats the monster, then a ruler will appear on the world stage who can reconcile the parties. If the dragon killed the dreamer, then the struggle for world domination will become fiercer, even to the point of the use of nuclear weapons. A winged serpent that hides in a shelter, for example, in a cave, means the appearance of a secretive but very influential person. Most likely, he is hiding in the government agencies of one of the leading countries in the world, and when the time comes, he will emerge from the shadows to commit his crime. But there is no need to worry: all attempts by this person to carry out his insidious plan will be in vain. But a dragon, from whose mouth tongues of flame fly out, portends a fire of destructive force. All living things will die in the fire, and the environment will not soon recover from this tragedy.

Fighting a dragon in a dream - to world political conflicts

According to the Islamic dream book, a dragon in a dream is a warning about the presence of hidden enemies. Moreover, the more heads a monster has, the more dangerous they are. A person who dreams that he turns into a flying lizard is destined to live a long time. But if the dreamer is seriously ill in reality, then such a dream foreshadows his imminent death.

Dream interpreter Tsvetkov and medium Hasse agree that dreams about dragons prophesy fabulous wealth. A person who sees a fire-breathing beast will soon receive a large profit. He is likely to receive a big win in the lottery or an unexpected inheritance that will simply fall on his head.

A vision with a dragon promises wealth to the dreamer

If we talk about Freud, his interpretation of dreams about dragons is significantly different from everyone else. The master of psychoanalysis believes that the mighty mythical beast personifies the animal nature of man. Anyone who dreams of this creature is probably too fixated on sex; the intimate side of life has overshadowed the mind. It is better for the dreamer to moderate his ardor so as not to waste his resources. Fight a dragon in a dream and defeat it: the dreamer in reality will take control of his emotions.

A woman who watches a three-headed dragon in a dream will suffer in reality, choosing between worthy young people.

What does vision mean for a man, girl and woman

  1. If a man had a dream involving a dragon, then this only means that he is trying to hide his vicious inclinations; in real life, the dreamer may suffer as a result of someone else's dishonesty.
  2. A girl who encounters a mythical beast in a dream will achieve great success in life. In addition, such a dream may portend a meeting with a man who will try to dominate.
  3. A pregnant woman had a dream about a dragon: soon the dreamer will give birth to a strong and healthy boy.

A girl who sees a dragon in a dream will experience success in reality.

Fire-breathing dragon, black, gold and other colors

  1. To see a fire-breathing dragon in your night dreams - in real life, prepare for impending danger. Perhaps there will be a struggle with enemies or with one’s own “I”.
  2. Golden dragon in a dream: the dreamer may soon comprehend secret knowledge in reality; it will play a key role in his future life.
  3. A black lizard symbolizes health, longevity, and personal development.
  4. But the red dragon warns the dreamer of impending danger, the cause of which will be his own incontinence.
  5. A green monster from night vision promises complete harmony not only in work matters, but also in personal relationships.
  6. Wealth literally pouring from the sky, unprecedented success and luck - all this is prophesied by a white dragon seen in a dream.
  7. A blue dragon indicates that the dreamer is confident in himself in real life.

A red dragon in a dream warns of danger in reality

With and without wings, Chinese and multi-headed dragon

  1. A dragon with large wings in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer has fortitude and his moral principles are unshakable. A dream where the creature looked snake-like and without wings: the dreamer should be wary. Perhaps he suffers from some kind of addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony, etc.), which the time has come to fight.
  2. A Chinese dragon is a dream for those who will soon become rich in reality.
  3. A multi-headed monster in a dream communicates an internal struggle: it is important to set priorities, choose something, and refuse something. This is the time to take the plunge.

The nature of the monster from a dream

A mythological lizard that behaves aggressively in a dream and attacks the dreamer warns that the enemies are not asleep - they have taken decisive action and will soon strike. If the dragon in the dream was good-natured and affectionate, you should be wary of flattery from others. Conversely, a funny and playful creature may dream of upcoming fun; The dreamer in reality is surrounded by loyal and devoted friends.

Anyone who dreams of a cheerful dragon is surrounded by loyal friends

I dreamed that a dragon was flying...

  1. Do not be afraid if in a dream a fairy-tale monster circled the dreamer - such a dream comes with news in reality.
  2. A lizard that swam in the water is considered a good sign, because everything planned will soon come true.
  3. The dreamer is very close to realizing his most cherished dream in reality if the dragon in his vision was sitting in a cave. Don't stop there - everything will work out. The dream in which the beast stood in front of the gate has the same meaning.
  4. A creature resting on the top of a mountain or cliff is a rather rare dream and is generally considered a good sign. Anyone who is lucky enough to see such a vision can be sure that great events will soon happen in his real life.

Meanings depending on the actions of the dreamer

It is unlikely that in reality anyone will be “lucky” to meet a fire-breathing monster. But in a dream - it’s quite possible. And, naturally, the dreamer in the night vision has to do something to avoid, at a minimum, being eaten:

  • a dreamer who kills a dragon in his dreams will be able to overcome his own fears and complexes in reality. All this will improve the quality of life, reach a new level and discover previously unknown opportunities;
  • The one who fights with a monster in a dream is the one who in reality is fighting with conflicting feelings. This can be a confrontation between fear and love, desire and conscience. And it depends only on the person himself what exactly will prevail;
  • if the dreamer was afraid of a fantastic creature in a dream and ran away from it, then most likely he is experiencing problems of a sexual nature;
  • and the one who was able to ride the beast in a dream can count on incredible luck and success in all matters.

How the dragon behaved - the opinion of dream books

What is unlikely in reality is taken for granted in a dream. The same applies to the dragon seen in a dream:

  • a dragon who somehow helped the dreamer, for example, saved him: a dream testifies to unearthly protection. From now on, all the dreamer’s affairs are doomed to success;
  • The fulfillment of desires is also prophesied by the lizard who in the vision climbed the mountain. And, conversely, a fire-breathing snake falling down means humiliation and lies;
  • if a monster is guarding something or someone in a dream, then this can only mean one thing - you will soon feel such a level of potential in yourself that you will be ready to move mountains;
  • if a dragon crawled into the house in a night vision, you will soon experience all the delights of a rich life.

A dragon guarding someone in a dream means enormous potential, which will soon make itself felt

A dragon eats someone and other unusual situations

A dream in which a dragon devours someone (for example, a snake) warns the dreamer of a possible deterioration in health. If a person himself turns into a mythical beast in a dream, then in reality he will have a long life. Such visions also indicate good health. A dream about how a snake became a fire-breathing monster speaks of some influential patron in reality. The fear of losing something dear will be felt by those who dreamed of a huge lizard engulfed in fire.

Anyone who sees a burning dragon in a dream experiences fear of loss.

A dragon that gives up its ghost right before the dreamer’s eyes is a good sign, foreshadowing the receipt of a new position. If a fantastic creature was a toy in a dream, then in life a person will receive news that will cause him mixed feelings. And about someone who saw a statue of a formidable snake in a dream, we can say that he takes too much responsibility on himself. Such a person needs to realistically assess his capabilities.

The dragon is considered a controversial and complex symbol. On the one hand, it is a proud, wise and powerful beast. On the other hand, its destructive power frightens people. If this fantastic creature appears in a dream, it is important not to rush to conclusions. A person must not only remember what the dragon looked like and what it did, but also analyze his own emotions. You can give an accurate interpretation of the vision if you compare all the details of the dream.

Conflicts in relationships with people.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The Dragon- symbolizes fear that is beyond understanding. A force to be reckoned with.

Dragon with wings- powerful support.

The Dragon- shows that you will be subordinate to an imperious, powerful person.

Dream book of lovers

A young man dreamed of a dragon- warns him: he must control his emotions, otherwise he risks offending his beloved with an unpleasant statement.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Frightening-looking dragons in a dream- are usually a reflection of your daily fears and concerns. Most often, such dreams indicate that your fears are far-fetched. Moreover, the more exotic the monster looks, the less reason you have to fear in reality.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreams are often compared to fairy tales - and for good reason. Of course, many dreams reflect our usual everyday life, but there is no person who has never seen something fabulous in his night dreams.

Magical worlds, flights in the clouds, incredible palaces and mythical cities. And also amazing fairy-tale creatures that are found in reality only in fairy-tale science-fiction films and beautiful pictures.

What luck to see a dragon in a dream! A proud, incredibly beautiful, but unimaginably dangerous creature that comes from ancient legends - this beast evokes a sea of ​​​​emotions. Is it possible to forget such a dream?

How to interpret why a dragon dreams, to be afraid of such a dream, or to enjoy it? Dream books say a lot about this creature. It is worth knowing right away, before you begin to interpret dreams, that the dragon is an incredibly powerful symbol, and usually dreams of very significant, global events - and of a positive nature.

There is nothing to be afraid of! On the contrary, rejoice when you see this powerful creature in your dream. Everything that the dragon promises is always something very important - if it’s joy, then it’s huge and endless; if it’s change, then it’s on a global scale, that is, a completely new life.

Dragons do not dream of small events. So take the interpretations from the dream book in this way - and not otherwise. But before you start interpreting why the dragon is dreaming, remember all the details of the “dragon” dream - they will help you find the right answer.

For example, this creation could appear in the following form:

  • You just saw the dragon from the outside.
  • He was guarding something in his dreams.
  • Winged dragon in a dream.
  • Was in a cave;
  • He lay on the mountains, on the tops of rocks.
  • Multi-headed dragon in dreams.
  • Flew across the sky.
  • In a dream, a dragon stands in front of a gate.
  • He enters or creeps into the house.
  • Kill an animal in a dream.
  • Fight this creature.
  • Receive some help from a dragon in a dream.
  • Fly it across the sky.
  • A dragon attacks you in a dream.

Such dreams are a real fairy tale. As the dream book will say, a dragon - no matter what terrifying creature it is - does not foretell trouble. So take into account all the details of the “dragon” dream, and find out what changes are promised to you in reality.

If you were watching him from the side

Often in dreams you only have to contemplate a dragon from the side, from afar. In such cases, to interpret the dream, it is important to remember what the mythical creature was like, what it did and where it was.

1. As the dream book says, a dragon, simply seen in a dream from a safe distance, indicates the enormous strength of the dreamer, the flowering of his spiritual inner power. You have approached the main, most important stage of life, now your forces are intensifying, and you are ready for the most important and decisive actions.

Under no circumstances should you remain idle, the whole universe is ready to help you! Change your life, achieve your biggest and boldest goal!

2. Such a dream, in which a dragon is guarding something, for example, ancient treasures or a lovely princess, is an indication of the dreamer’s spiritual strength and good health. Soon you will feel such potential and strength in yourself that you will simply begin to move mountains!

3. A winged, beautiful dragon in a dream is a sign of spirituality, fortitude, moral principles that are strong and lead you in the right direction. You are invincible thanks to your strong and noble spirit, know this.

4. If you saw a dragon in a cave in a dream, know that now you are incredibly close to your cherished, big and desired goal.

Perhaps in reality it doesn’t seem so to you, you don’t see it, but it is so - and let this dream recharge you with strength and optimism. A little more, and the cherished goal will be achieved - act!

5. A dragon lying on mountains or rocks in a dream is a magnificent and rare sign that foreshadows the dreamer’s approach to the most important events in life.

Now the very peak of your life is approaching, its most important stage, on which everything depends. And now you can do anything; your future fate depends on your actions.

6. A multi-headed dragon in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer is experiencing an internal struggle. Certain qualities of character, different and contradictory, stand in the way of his goal, fighting among themselves.

You should set priorities, choose something, and abandon something forever. This is an important spiritual step that it is time to take.

7. If you saw a dragon flying across the sky in your dreams, in reality you will hear some truly amazing things.

8. A dragon standing in front of some gate is a wonderful sign that promises the dreamer the long-awaited achievement of a great goal, towards which he has probably been working for many years. You are already close, activate your strength to make the final push - and you will achieve everything!

9. If a dragon entered or crawled into your home in a dream, expect wealth.

If there was a meeting

Completely different emotions are left by dreams in which the dragon was not just a vision, but also interacted with the dreamer in one way or another.

What were you doing? Did you fight him, fly on his scaly back, or kill him?

1. Killing a dragon in a dream means, in reality, finally overcoming your old, tormenting fears, your complexes and doubts. This will give you a lot, open up previously unknown opportunities, and take life to a different level.

2. If you fought with a mythical beast in your dream, then in reality you are struggling with conflicting feelings. This could be a conflict of desires and conscience, love and fear, resentment and forgiveness - different feelings can fight inside your soul, and it depends on you which will prevail. Let this be the brightest and exclusively kind feeling.

3. If in a dream you suddenly received some kind of help from a dragon - for example, he saved you, or helped you fly across the sea - this is a great dream. It means life in complete harmony with the highest cosmic forces, with the Universe. You have nothing to fear.

4. Flying on a scaly dragon's back in a dream means that soon in reality you will achieve incredible, enormous success in everything. And rest assured, the interpreter is not exaggerating!

5. If a dragon attacked you in a dream, you will experience the protection and great support of a very important, great person. Don't even think about giving it up!

The dragon, as we see, is a very powerful and great symbol. And do not doubt - everything that the interpreter says regarding “dragon” dreams is true and not hyperbole - only your faith will allow the dream to fully come true.
Author: Vasilina Serova


Dragons are one of the most popular mythological creatures. For some peoples they symbolize greatness and power, while for others they symbolize evil and destructive force. The interpretation of a dream about a dragon is also ambiguous, so in order to accurately determine what it means in a dream, you need to take into account many details.

Some dream interpreters believe that the dragon seen in night dreams is a symbol of fear, while others promise that good opportunities will open up for the dreamer, taking advantage of which he will achieve success:

  • XXI century. You have every chance to get rich or take a high position.
  • American. You have great vitality and can achieve a lot.
  • English. You are overcome by a horror that is beyond your understanding.
  • Wangi. You have to submit to someone else's authority. You experience panic fear that you cannot control.
  • Veles. You will become more confident in yourself and you will be able to get rich. For sick people, night dreams promise recovery.
  • Oriental. Keep your emotions under control.
  • Denise Lynn. Inner fears keep you from moving towards your goal. It's time to conquer them and move forward.
  • Children's. You will achieve dizzying success.
  • For lovers. Control your emotions so as not to offend people you care about.
  • For the whole family. If you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then you are in danger. Night dreams seen from Saturday to Sunday are favorable. They report that fate is favorable to you, and the time has come to realize long-cherished plans.
  • For the bitch. Control your words and actions, otherwise quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided.
  • Winters. Your fears are unfounded. Take action instead of panicking.
  • Islamic. You will get rich or find a treasure.
  • Icelandic. I will honor and respect you.
  • Italian. You are at the mercy of another person, and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • Chinese. Achieving what you want, prosperity.
  • Miller. Instead of conflicting with people, learn to control your emotions.
  • Mythological. The dream symbolizes power and wealth. A meeting with an influential patron, promotion, knowledge of the truth and oneself are possible.
  • Newest. The dream indicates the presence of damage or the evil eye.
  • About animals. Strength, wisdom and secret knowledge.
  • From A to Z. Receive an inheritance or win the lottery.
  • Peter Leyman. You have enormous potential. Get rid of fears and prejudices and act.
  • Psychoanalytic. Internal fear and obstacles.
  • Family. You are at the mercy of passions that keep your mind bound. You need to learn to control your emotions to avoid conflict situations.
  • Modern woman. Be more restrained in your statements. Stinging phrases offend others and turn people against you.
  • Modern. You allow your emotions to take over your reason, which makes you vulnerable to your enemies.
  • Ukrainian. Welfare will increase in the future.
  • Tsvetkova. Well-being and financial independence.
  • Healers Seraphim. Due to intemperance, you risk entering into an argument with an influential person, which will greatly harm you in the future.
  • Gypsy. Take part in a dubious enterprise.
  • If in a dream a dragon tried to hide by going down a well, then you will have to humiliate yourself before a government official.

    If in a dream you and the dragon were on good terms, then success in a serious matter is guaranteed to you

    What can a dream mean for a girl, woman, man?

    The meaning of the dream is also influenced by who dreamed it:

  • To a girl. The vision foreshadows an acquaintance with a powerful and wealthy man, with whom you will later have a whirlwind romance. It is unlikely that the relationship will end in marriage. The difficult character of the partner and his cruelty will be to blame.
  • To a woman. According to Freud, communication with a rich and authoritative man awaits you.
  • Pregnant. Indicates your fears for your health and the life of your unborn baby. You should relax and stop stressing yourself out.
  • Married. You will become the heiress of a good fortune. According to the Islamic dream book, you will be promoted.
  • To a man. Defeat your opponent in love affairs. According to the dream book for lovers, keep your emotions under control, otherwise you risk offending the woman you love.
  • According to a modern dream interpreter, in women's dreams the dragon symbolizes a patron and protector, and in men's dreams it symbolizes a rival, by defeating whom the dreamer can easily win the heart of his beloved.

    If in your night dreams the dragon was calm and peaceful, then in real life you will receive unexpected wealth

    What is it like: fire-breathing, gold, black, red, green, etc.

    A significant role in the interpretation of night dreams is played by what the dreamed dragon looked like:

  • Fire-breathing. There is a hard fight ahead for your rights. According to Loff's dream book, you will have conflicts over money.
  • Gold. You will gain secret knowledge. This will help you make your wildest dreams come true.
  • Black. You find yourself in a difficult situation, and you just can’t control the overwhelming anger. Negative emotions take a lot of energy and strength from you. The more the conflict drags on, the more the state of affairs worsens. It is especially bad to see a black fire-breathing dragon in the kingdom of Morpheus. This suggests that after the passions stop raging, there will be only a scorched field left.
  • Red. You are an emotional person who is easily irritated and offended by others. Often your mind cannot keep up with your emotions, which leads to conflict situations. According to the Russian dream book, the vision foreshadows a wedding and the birth of a child.
  • Green. The dream foretells success in the professional sphere. There will also be an excellent opportunity to improve your well-being.
  • White. Wisdom, an internal state of happiness, thanks to which the dreamer lives in complete harmony with himself and the world around him.
  • Blue. The vision indicates confidence and calm, as well as a quiet and measured life.
  • Chinese dragon. An unexpected event will happen that will greatly surprise you.
  • Attacking. Your superiors will lend a helping hand. Wide prospects will open up before you.
  • Winged. Thanks to the support of an influential person, you will achieve unprecedented success in your professional activities.
  • Without wings. You have to work hard to get what you want.
  • Small. You feel that there is great potential hidden within you, but you are still afraid to use it.
  • Big. Testifies to the enormous strength and power of the dreamer. However, he should moderate his ardor and be more attentive to small details.
  • Three-headed. You are torn apart by internal contradictions. You are faced with a difficult choice and do not know what is the right thing to do.
  • Multi-headed. People will gossip about you.
  • Sleeping. Dreams will come true.
  • To see a beautiful dragon with a bright and unusual color in a dream is a sign of the birth of new ideas, the implementation of which will bring dizzying success.

    To see a dragon taking off in the kingdom of Morpheus - a dream come true

    The location of the dragon in the kingdom of Morpheus

    The place in which you saw a mythical creature in a dream affects the decoding of what you saw:

  • In the sky. You live in illusions and set unattainable goals for yourself. You need to reconsider your outlook on life and make more realistic plans for the future.
  • In water. Achieving what you want will not be difficult, even if the dragon jealously protected the pond in your dream. According to the Chinese dream book, you will occupy a high position in society.
  • In a cave. You are close to your goal. It is necessary to gather strength for the decisive throw. Another dream may indicate a fear of losing spiritual or material values. If the dragon in the cave guarded the gold, then get ready for global changes. Your behavior determines what impact they will have on your life.
  • On the mountain. An important stage in life is coming. Dizzying possibilities will open up before you.
  • Seeing a dragon and snakes in your night dreams means making a profit. If, before the dreamer’s eyes, the snake has turned into a fantastic character, then a high-ranking official will give you a helping hand.

    According to A. Vasiliev’s dream book, a dragon that appears to you in a dream indicates that the time has come to get rid of pride

    Actions in a dream: fly on it, run away, kill

    Remember the events taking place in the kingdom of Morpheus. They will help lift the veil of the future:

  • Fly on a dragon. You will occupy a high position in society, and you will be able to achieve what you want. The result obtained will exceed all expectations.
  • Run away from the winged serpent. The dream indicates the need for self-control. Without it, you are unable to make the right decisions and adequately perceive reality.
  • Fight a mythical creature. You strive to overcome obstacles to achieve what you want.
  • Win a victory. You will overcome difficulties and achieve your cherished dreams. The dream also suggests that you will be able to overcome your emotions.
  • Cut off the dragon's head. You will take a high position. For lovers, a dream promises victory over an opponent. If your loved one is married, he will soon leave his wife for you.
  • Kill. You can overcome your fear.
  • If in a dream a deceased relative appeared to you in the form of a winged serpent, then you are in danger, so be careful.

    According to Aesop, the more heads a dreamed flying kite has, the more conflicting thoughts torment the dreamer

    Interpretation of other dreams about a character

    A dream in which a dragon eats a snake suggests that difficulties along the way will resolve themselves. But if a mythical creature suddenly turns into one of your loved ones, then this person will soon need help and support. Have you turned into a winged serpent in your dreams? Good luck and many happy moments await you.

    To see a dragon eating something in the kingdom of Morpheus means your health will deteriorate. If a flying kite helped you in a dream, then you are a self-sufficient person living in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

    Dreaming of a wounded, exhausted or dead dragon is a bad omen. Due to the illness or death of an influential patron, problems will arise in business. This is how the healer Seraphim interprets the dream. But Prince Zhou Gong thinks differently. He believes that prosperity and appointment to a new position await you.

    The dream in which you saw the fall of a winged serpent suggests that an official may humiliate and greatly offend you.

    When you dream about a dragon, think about your behavior. Perhaps caustic words and rash actions offend others and turn them against you. Keep your emotions under control and deal with the inner fears that prevent you from achieving your goal. Don't forget that if you defeat yourself, you can win a thousand battles.

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