The deadly curse of the participants in the "battle of psychics." What is true and what is false in the show “Battle of Psychics” What battles of psychics are there?

By becoming participants in a popular project, ordinary people also become mega-popular in an instant. And then they realize that they were not ready for this.

The shows “Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics Are Investigating” are already legendary. Some say that this is all a stage show, others are sure that psychics really have paranormal abilities. However, no one will argue that the project participants are real people with real stories(and as a rule, all these stories are quite tragic).

But what then happens to the participants of the show?

Ilya Butenko is a young man who has no luck with girls. All three chosen ones left the guy right before the wedding. Admitting that more than anything he wanted a family, the man turned to psychics for help. Alexander Litvin said that it was all about the young man’s ancestors, and the witch Ilona Novoselova saw the curse. After the magical effects were removed, Ilya was promised happy life and a strong marriage. That's where it all started! After the program aired, Ilya’s page received messages from dozens of Russian girls who showered compliments on the guy and... offered themselves as his wife! At first, Ilya was open to communication and even set the status “I will answer everyone, but later...”, and then closed personal messages and removed the ability to comment on photos.

The witch Novoselova predicted for Ilya strong family, and now the guy can’t fight off the fans

Maryam Gasymova is a girl from Novosibirsk who committed suicide after a quarrel with her father. The grief-stricken family turned to psychics to understand whether the conflict was the only cause of the tragedy. All photos shown in the program “Psychics Investigate” were taken from the girl’s personal page on social networks. That is why viewers of the program were able to easily find the girl’s profile and…. start writing her private messages. Maryam’s family was shocked by this and even posted a status: “Stop writing messages to this! No one will answer you anyway!”

Another high-profile investigation concerned the unexplained death of a young couple in love. On July 16 last year, 17-year-old girl Olesya and her 21-year-old boyfriend Dmitry went for a ride in a car and never returned home. Later, investigators found an abandoned car 100 meters from the road, and a hanged couple in the bushes nearby. According to investigators, Dmitry first killed his beloved and then committed suicide. This version was confirmed by psychics Leonid Konovalov and Zulia Radzhabova, but Dima’s relatives and friends categorically denied it! Moreover, they react very painfully to all comments on social networks and sharply cut off any statements from users regarding the fact that the guy could really kill. Viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” program also seem to have studied Dmitry’s page on social networks inside and out. They found out that the guy was subscribed to groups about maniacs and murderers, some of which were labeled “21+,” and made their disappointing conclusions about the guilt of the ardent lover.

Photos with psychics can still be found on Artem’s personal page

Photo: Personal archive Artem Gaivoronsky

Artem Gaivoronsky - another hero popular show. The guy, as a former military man, was asked to portray the role of a sniper in one of the tests. There were six snipers in total, but it was Artyom who gained enormous fame after filming. The girls wrote him personal messages, liked his photos, wanted to meet him, and asked for his phone number. On Instagram, more than three thousand people subscribed to Artem’s page in a couple of days. At first they seemed to like this popularity young man, because he labeled most of his photos with hashtags related to the “Battle of Psychics,” but then he closed his personal messages and even changed his last name to a sonorous synonym associated with the name of the city where he was from.

Psychics discovered magical abilities one of the participants

Once on the screen, all participants in the mystical project automatically become popular. However, sometimes this popularity even begins to go off scale. This happened to a resident of the city of Pushkin. Yana called magicians and mediums to explain why some kind of devilry was happening in her apartment. As soon as he crossed the threshold, Alexander Sheps said that the apartment had a lot of “ souls of the dead", who are attracted here by Yana herself. They say that the girl has a special gift and, if she wants, psychics will discover it, and then Yana herself can become an excellent medium. “However, you need to remember the consequences and understand whether you need it,” said witch Victoria Rydos. During filming, Yana did not answer whether she would “discover” her gift, and after the program was released on the screen, the girl was attacked on social networks. The audience was divided into skeptics who were interested in the details of the filming, and those who were almost ready to make an appointment with Yana and couldn’t wait for her to reveal her gift.

“Everything that happened is true, but I haven’t decided or made up my mind yet!!!” – the girl wrote in her hearts.

“Battle of Psychics” is a popular TV show broadcast on the TNT channel since 2007. To date, fourteen seasons of the program have been released, and casting is underway for the fifteenth season. This article contains the whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics”.

Program format

"Battle of Psychics" was created in the likeness of a British TV show. Also, similar programs are published in the USA, Israel, Australia and many countries of the former USSR.

In order to become a participant in this project, you must go through several qualifying rounds. The very first and easiest one is never shown to the audience. People with paranormal abilities must determine which geometric figure drawn on a piece of paper hidden in an envelope. From several thousand applicants, three or four hundred people are selected to advance to the next round.

The second stages differ from each other in different seasons. There may be a test where they need to determine what or who is behind a black screen, and sometimes applicants are given the task of finding a person hidden in one of several dozen cars.

The third round, based on the results of which the final participants in the project are determined, is conventionally called “The Masked Man.” Blindfolded psychics need to determine what kind of person is sitting in front of them. During the existence of the program, Mikhail Porechenkov (who is also the host of the first seasons), Decl, Natalie and others managed to sit in the chair of the invisible man. In different seasons, the number of people included in the final list turned out to be different. The minimum is eight participants, the maximum is thirteen.

The episodes themselves consist of several tests (two to three), based on the results of which the jury members choose the strongest and weakest psychics of the week. The latter leaves the project.


Many viewers are interested in the question of whether the “Battle of Psychics” is true or a staged show? Of course, doubts may arise, since some participants pass the tests brilliantly, answer all the questions as if they had memorized the answers, while others fail the tasks. Perhaps it all depends on level of skill and long practice.

So, over fourteen seasons, more than a hundred people took part in the “Battle of Psychics.”

The first season was released in 2007. Nine people had the chance to prove themselves. The winner was Natalya Vorotnikova. The second and third seasons were filmed the same year. The number of participants was eight and ten, respectively. The second season was won by Zulia Radjabova. The third winner was Mehdi Ebrahimi-Vafa.

Three seasons were also released in 2008. Their winners were Tursun Zakirova and Alexander Litvin. The seventh season in 2009 was won by Alexey Pokhabov.

Also in 2009, the presenter changed. Mikhail Porechenkov was replaced by Marat Basharov. The winner of the eighth season was Vladimir Muranov. Season nine (2010) won

Every year interest in the project increased. Spectators were attracted not only by the mystical component, but also main secret program "Battle of Psychics". Is it true or a stage show shown to us on the screen? This intrigue has haunted television viewers for eight years.

Mohsen Norouzi (2010), (2011), Elena Yasevich (2011), Dmitry Volkhov (2012), Alexander Sheps (2013), Julia Wang (2014) also won the “Battle of Psychics”.

Rumors of a fake show

The project has been repeatedly criticized by the press and television personalities. It has been mentioned many times that by launching this program, the TNT channel is trying to advertise itself. Psychics are constantly under attack and accused of fraud. So, is the “Battle of Psychics” true or a staged show? Of course, like everyone else television program, "Battle" has a production director and other specialists working for " beautiful picture"But we must not forget that real people take part in the project, looking for solutions to real, not fictitious problems. They come and talk about their life tragedies and receive help, and completely free of charge.

Perhaps some psychics conduct receptions after the project and take money for it. But this is their job, which should also be paid. Whether or not to turn to people with unusual and extraordinary abilities is a personal choice for each person.

In each episode of the “Battle of Psychics” it is mentioned that participation in the program is free. The presenter also warns inattentive citizens against the tricks of scammers. Some latest broadcasts were dedicated to exposing them with the participation of real psychics, and people who suffered at the hands of attackers were able to receive free consultation.

Winners after the project

You can think a lot about whether the “Battle of Psychics” is true or a staged show, but you should understand that real people took part in it, whom you can easily run into on the street.

Some of the participants and winners have gone into the shadows and are no longer involved in extrasensory perception, while others, on the contrary, after the program decided to seriously work with mysticism and witchcraft. For example, Natalya Banteeva has her own coven, where she trains young witches and provides witchcraft services. Mehdi Ebrahimi-Wafa opened an online store where he sells various mystical souvenirs, amulets and more.

There are also participants who have never received money for their prophecies and do not intend to make money from it in the future. For example, Julia Wang announced to the whole country that she does not provide services to the population.

Mikhail Porechenkov about the "Battle of Psychics"

Porechenkov repeatedly noted in his interviews that he is an Orthodox man and everything mystical is alien to him. That is why he was interested in working on the project, in order to find charlatans and make sure there were no superpowers. Surprisingly, there were people who proved the opposite to the actor. Mikhail claims that each participant has his own characteristics and strengths. It was on the program that he became convinced of the existence of psychics.

Marat Basharov about the "Battle of Psychics"

The presenter was repeatedly asked by journalists and just onlookers: “The show “Battle of Psychics” - or a production?” According to Basharov’s apt expression, he has already erased the language of explaining that everything here is pure truth. After all, the essence of the program is to find out whether there are people with paranormal abilities, or whether the world is full of only charlatans.

Marat Basharov claims that rumors about leaking information to participants and the unreality of what is happening are spread by the “psychics” themselves, who left the project and harbored a grudge.

Skeptics' opinions

Skeptics, who are also co-hosts of the program, always side with the truth. Their goal is to expose unscrupulous participants and bring them to light. During the existence of the project, Lera Kudryavtseva, Elena Valyushkina, psychologists Mikhail Vinogradov and Alexander Makarov were skeptics.

Sergei Safronov, perhaps, can be considered the main skeptic of the project, and outside of it he also doubts psychics. He claims that in all time there have been only five people who really have any kind of power. The rest are either excellent psychologists or worthless charlatans. The whole truth about the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” will be described in his book, in which the reader will also find advice on how not to fall for a scammer, how to avoid disappointment in everything mystical.

Psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov mentioned in one interview that some of the tests (not related to human tragedies) were truly staged, but this was done to make the program more spectacular. In addition, he has no doubt about the existence of psychics, and some participants in the show work in his center and provide psychic assistance to the police and the investigative committee.

Psychics about the project

Of course negative reviews the program is most often left by those who left it on initial stages. But this criticism cannot be ignored, since the burning question remains about the “Battle of Psychics” project. Is everything we see on screens true or show?

In his diary on this question answered Valeks Buyak, a participant in the eighth battle. He said that there is a certain system of leaking information on the show. The first one is unauthorized. Someone from film crew over the phone (incognito) he offers to buy information from him about upcoming tests for money. But few psychics agree to this. Another form is sanctioned, when the organizers themselves can hint or ask a leading question. All this is needed for greater persuasiveness, and a lot of money is spent on filming, so good ratings are needed. One day, a test that not a single participant could complete was simply cut off the air.

The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” can also be found by an inquisitive viewer in interviews with some of the finalists of the project.

about "Battle"

The famous radio presenter Katya Gordon is famous for her loud statements and unleashing scandals. So, she stated on her blog that she was going to sue the TNT channel for fraud. The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” project, in her opinion, is that only charlatans are participating there. And the winner of the fifteenth battle cannot at all be a girl with paranormal abilities, since she worked as a hairdresser and personally, Katya Gordon, dyed her hair.

The girl also stated that she would pay a million rubles to anyone who would demonstrate her psychic abilities in person. According to the Internet public, this is not at all an exposure of the project on TNT, but a way to promote itself through a popular TV show.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" about the project

On their pages, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists exposed pseudo-psychics Daria Mironova, Natalya Nosacheva, and Mikhail Filonenko. Their activities after the “Battle” caused dissatisfaction among people who turned to them for help. It turned out that while they receive a lot of money for their appointments, they do not help in any way, and sometimes even worsen the situation.

It also became known that some psychics got into the project not because of their abilities, but with the help of connections. There are large centers where so-called psychics work, and they send their wards to promote their services on television, in the “Battle of Psychics” program. The truth or lie behind this statement is also unknown.

"Frank Confession" about the "Battle of Psychics"

An exposé program on the TNT channel released a story on the topic “The Magic of Money.” And, of course, such a popular project as “Battle of Psychics” did not go unnoticed. A woman was invited to the studio who claimed that she was somehow dependent on the “psychic” Daria Mironova. In fact, she gave her money for nothing. Mikhail Vinogradov confirmed that Daria is most likely a fraudster who does not have any special abilities other than psychoanalysis. And she completely accidentally ended up on the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” Fact or fiction is that Daria extorts money from ordinary people, is still unknown, since the girl refuses to comment.

People who fall into the clutches of scammers can only wish them sanity, no matter how difficult the situation they are in. You can't believe everything you see on TV, especially a TV show. "Battle of psychics" - real or show? Of course, the second one. This is not documentary, A entertainment. Even despite the participation of real heroes and the help provided to them, we must remember what television is and what it was invented for.

The sorcerers responded to Mikhail Porechenkov.

The reality show “Battle of Psychics” is at the epicenter of a scandal. The country is figuring out what kind of project this is? A huge scam or a unique experiment? Testing phenomenal abilities or the degree of gullibility of naive spectators?

Mikhail Porechenkov, who was at the origins of the creation of the “Battle of Psychics,” did not seem to be going to loudly expose anyone. I just said a couple of phrases on the radio about a project that I haven’t been working on for a long time. And he caused a real storm!

I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. All lies! Yes, completely. I'm telling the truth. Have I upset everyone? - the actor asked the audience.

It turned out that I was so upset! Moreover, both the audience and the psychics themselves. And those who firmly believe in sorcerers and witches, rituals and shamanic dances, and those who believe that they themselves have a unique gift, immediately took up arms against the former presenter. They accused him of deciding to do self-PR in the name of a program whose ratings were off the charts.

The profession of a psychic - under different names - is clearly older than the profession of an actor. Personally, speaking at the “Battle,” I did not doubt for a minute the superpowers of my main rivals,” the white witch was indignant. - The spotlights go out - and it begins usual life, that is, clients with their problems. So the title of psychic has to be justified every day! But for actors it is always important to attract the attention of the public. In different ways. And just like Mikhail.

But there were also those who rejoiced: finally a man was found who brought the charlatans who were fooling honest people into the open! By social networks there was even a call to close the “Battle of Psychics”, and to outlaw the “wizards” themselves!


However, it was not Porechenkov who began to discredit “Battle”. Reality show on TNT channel it's already underway 10 years. And all these years there are skeptics who claim: in fact, there is no miracle. All this is a staged show, played out according to the script. And not only amateurs - among the participants there are also professional artists.

The soothsayer Julia Wang, for example, graduated from acting courses at GITIS and was not famous for any special abilities before appearing on the show. She, then still Yulia Gavrikova, was busy with her film career: she starred in episodes of “Day Watch”, “The Most best film", flashed in the series "Balzac's Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. Well, when she came to the “Battle”, she quickly changed her biography and began to say that she was born from an alien.

But the shaman Ekaterina Ryzhikova - the one who looks more like a city madwoman - is actually a teacher at a children's film studio and the head of a theatrical art laboratory at the Stas Namin Theater.

Many other participants in the “Battle” also appeared in the acting field. On the Internet you can find dozens of sites where critics from the people dismantle the show literally to its bones and expose the participants.

They notice foreign objects in the frame, telling the sorcerers where the person is hiding. They find fraud in the program. Let's say here gravestone from afar, the date of death is visible on it. Change of frame - and now it’s a completely different year. One that fits into the concept of the story that “everyone in this family died within 12 years of each other”...

Viewers also found a girl who in one of the seasons was seen in a photograph allegedly “dead.” The beauty is alive and well, shining in the crowds of other TV shows.

All these blatant blunders in the program convince viewers that “Battle” is just a performance. And sometimes it's whipped up...

“I myself haven’t believed in “Battle” for a long time,” says clairvoyant Ziraddin Rzayev, finalist of the sixth season. - I am critical of last years. If at first it was a competition of professionals, now it is just a show. Participants know how to surprise by talking about the past. But this doesn't mean anything. Let them predict the future better, and it will be recorded by several media outlets. If it comes true, then the person is really worth something.


But the participants in the “Battle,” as it turns out, not only cannot predict someone else’s future, they also cannot see their own. That's why they constantly get into all sorts of troubles and shameful situations.

For example, the clairvoyant Irik Sadykov, having learned that they were looking for the missing Ilyin family in the Moscow region, offered his services in finding the parents and child. Arriving at the scene, he said: no, they didn’t drown, they were alive - they were kidnapped. He spoke loudly and poured out details. And literally half an hour later, divers lifted the bodies of the drowned from the bottom...

The high-profile PR that Irik was counting on did not work out.

After participating in the “Battle,” the price tag for the services of sorcerers and magicians grows by leaps and bounds: the cost of admission starts from 20 thousand and often exceeds a hundred. People in trouble bring their last money to change their fate, to receive hope or news about loved ones.

Alexey Druzhkov from Kurgan, as he himself says, is a sorceress Ilona Novoselova
for 30 thousand rubles she convinced him that his brother was alive and working at a construction site. Soon the man’s body was found; it turned out that he had been killed several months ago. “She's a fraud! He’s profiting from people’s grief!” - the deceived viewer cannot come to his senses.

You must understand that there are not so many unique specialists, nuggets in the country, there cannot be enough of them for all seasons, so all participants cannot be called professionals, explains psychic parapsychologist Daria Mironova. - In the first season, when I participated, everything was fair.

And now I assume that the “Battle of Psychics” has turned into purely commercial program.

All project participants are bound by a non-disclosure agreement regarding the terms of participation in the show. But their loved ones often spill the beans.

“I myself witnessed the drain,” says ex-girlfriend“black doctor” Evgeniy Znagovan. - They sent him an email in advance Full description next test, all the information about those people who will come with their problem, facts about their lives. So that on the set he would amaze everyone with something that no one knew.


Kursk astrologer Pavsekakiy Bogdanov assures: everything was bought in the show “Battle of Psychics”. If you want to go to the next stage, pay. Need a win? Give me 100 thousand dollars and call yourself the best.

All participants are scammers! - Bogdanov declares loudly. “Then people sell the latter in order to get an appointment with them, but these charlatans cannot help. Why weren’t I, Dzhuna, Chumak, Kashpirovsky invited to the program - us, who through our hard work earned the right to be called a psychic? Back in 2007, when the “Battle of Psychics” began, I wrote open letter TNT management with a call: “Stop the fuss of clowns!”

They tried to ban the transfer former members- those who lacked either money or the ability to make it to the finals. Yolanta Voronova filed a lawsuit against TNT last fall.

I want to stop deceiving people who go to the winners of the “Battle of Psychics” for huge amounts of money. These favorites work according to the script. They are not psychics, but actors! Let them write in the credits: the role of Pakhom was played by Sergei Pakhomov! - she is indignant.


But Ilya Sagliani, who was an independent expert on several programs, believes that everyone cannot be sized up with the same brush. They come to the casting of the project different people- one goes just to promote himself, the other - try your hand, and the third - show your unique abilities.

“All the characters and their stories in the program are real,” he assures. - And there is no script! Whatever result the psychic gave was the one that went on the air. Of course, there are those on the show who became “psychics” five minutes before coming to the “Battle”. But many specialists amazed me with their gift - Kazhetta, for example, or Nicole. They helped me with advice and predicted the future. Ziraddin Rzayev, for example, once said that I would work on television and buy a blue car. Three years have passed, I have already forgotten his words. But everything came true! And my car is blue!

Ilya, like Marat Basharov, who has been running the program for the last seven years, was surprised by Porechenkov’s words that “everything is a lie.” He believes that, perhaps, Mikhail is expressing some kind of personal resentment towards the creators of the project. Iranian psychic Mehdi Ibrahimi Vafa, winner of the third season of “Battle,” agrees with him:

I would like to note that Mikhail Porechenkov once asked me to help his close friend, who was depressed. If he thought I was a charlatan, would he do it?

Meanwhile, more than 200 people have already gathered for the casting of the new season of “Battle”, who also call themselves psychics. And, probably, there is a possibility that among them there will be at least one real one. Or maybe the only real magicians on the program are those who create this show? Editors and directors who can make anyone, even the most random participant, a star?..


Vlad Kadoni: It turns out that Porechenkov is a liar?

The host of “House-2” Vlad Kadoni could not ignore the controversy that flared up around “Battle”. After all, he himself is for the title the strongest psychic fought twice in the country and knows the entire “kitchen” of the TV show from the inside.

Vlad, how do you feel about Porechenkov’s recent words that the “Battle of Psychics” is “a bullshit, a lie”?

- It seems to me that it turned out that Mikhail set himself up. After all, whatever one may say, these words are against himself. Let's assume that "Battle" is a show with actors. Then it turns out that Porechenkov himself is a liar, who for three years, working as the host of this project, led everyone by the nose - he convinced viewers that psychics were real, although he himself knew that this was not the case.

Then how did he look into the eyes of those who came to the site with their pain for help - the mothers of killed and missing children, the relatives of those to whom misfortune happened? It turns out that he knew that the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” were charlatans and the entire program was a cruel setup, and together with everyone else, he fooled everyone for seven seasons for a good salary?

- But, they say, Porechenkov had a non-disclosure agreement - he could not immediately tell the truth.

There is no criminal liability for disclosing the secret of the creation of a program. You cannot go to jail - you only face a fine. Why didn’t he declare at the very first filming that he would not participate in this and leave, slamming the door? That's why clever man will understand that he simply decided to lie, playing on a provocative topic. All this is cheap PR.

They forgot about Mikhail a little, and he decided to create an information occasion. In my opinion, very unfortunate. And he has already had such mistakes - everyone remembers the huge scandal he created against the backdrop of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, when he was photographed with a weapon in his hands in Donetsk.

Stas Sadalsky “looked” into the future in his blog: “Vlad Kadoni was detained. I had with me photographs of Mikhail Porechenkov, as well as a small human figure with a needle stuck into it.” It's clear that this is a joke. But tell me honestly: should we really be afraid of magicians and psychics? Shouldn't they cross the road?

You should be afraid of stupid people. You can always come to an agreement with smart and adequate people. I don’t know what needs to happen to me for me to really be puzzled by the damage to someone’s life. When I was young, I used to scare people with this. But those were more teenage frustrations. Unfortunately, you only understand the value of life over the years...


- You returned to Dom-2 as a presenter. Do magical techniques help on the project?

I left extrasensory perception and esotericism at the gates and fundamentally do not use any of my abilities. This would be dishonest to the audience: they must understand what is happening on the project, and for this the participants themselves, and not psychics, must speak. And in general, I use my abilities exclusively for myself and my loved ones and do not demonstrate them to anyone else.

- So you ended your career as a magician?

No, but now I don’t accept other people. I'm tired of struggling with hopeless stupidity. You open the Internet and read: “He’s not a psychic - he’s on Dom-2,” “That’s not what psychics look like” - and so on.

I don’t want to impose myself on society. It was brought up by Hollywood films and primitive laws of marketing. Now I'm more into traditional science. He worked in the field of psychiatry for about two years, closed center. Now I’m gaining a different experience at Dom-2.

You probably regularly review your future? Are you clearing out difficulties along your path and attracting the necessary events?

I never do this. And to mom (witch Elena Golunova. - Ed .), who is engaged in practice, I will never allow this to happen. I want to go through all my difficulties myself, without magical help. If, for example, I run to my mother for help, I will not learn to solve the problem on my own, which means I will become dependent on her gift - I will not take an extra step without her advice and will be doomed to receive constant nourishment.

- What about those people who go to psychics? Are they doomed too?

Not always. A person who cannot cope on his own needs to go to someone stronger. It’s like when you’re sick, it’s better to go to the doctor and not self-medicate. But if you are a doctor yourself and your mother is a doctor, then you don’t need to ask her for a prescription every minute.


- Vlad, is there any way to have magical support without turning to psychics?

With my colleagues the best psychics countries, we have created a subtle thing from an esoteric point of view - magic in perfumery. Psychics charge special substances for money, for marriage, for good luck - and they are used to create fragrances. Two famous politicians and several show business stars already have such perfumes.

- So you started this kind of business?

Yes, and not only that. I also opened a beauty salon. He brought together masters - make-up artists and hairdressers - who work with stars, with public people, and know how to create a holistic image.

With Anna Devitskaya, former producer“Battle of Psychics”, have you been together for six years? Why haven't you gotten married yet?

I proposed to her once - she refused. We didn’t communicate for almost six months after that. Now, perhaps, Anya would answer differently, but I don’t want to repeat myself.

-Are you planning on having children?

It’s too early for me to dream about them, I’m not ready. I won't be much of a teacher. Children give me a fit of emotion. And if I have a child now, I will simply torture him with my care. I will turn into a crazy dad who is not able to grow a full-fledged personality. So let's wait until I'm ready...

Many reality show participants become celebrities. “Battle of Psychics” on TNT is no exception. Fans of the program are interested in how it turned out future life clairvoyants participating in it. The tragic “Battle of Psychics” after the project - in the editorial material.

One of the most bright participants the seventh season of “Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics Are Investigating” shocked fans of the TV show. The clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, falling from the window of her own house on the Enthusiasts Highway.

According to the official verdict, Novoselova was drinking alcohol with her boyfriend, after which a quarrel occurred between them. The girl climbed onto the window, threatening the guy with suicide, but could not keep her balance and fell. However, fans of the “Battle of Psychics” star have doubts about this version.

Participant in the 10th season of “Battle of Psychics” Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. The cause was acute coronary insufficiency. Information about the death of the black magician appeared on official page Faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Yampolsky died at the age of 33. Fans discussed the situation online. Some wrote that the magician was wonderful person, others argued that he ruined himself with his drinking habit.

The sorcerer Alexey Fad, a finalist in season 3 of the TV show, unexpectedly died of a heart attack on his 50th birthday. Fans of the project and the magician himself could not believe that Fada’s death was due to natural causes. Many of them are sure that the unexpected heart attack of one of the favorites to win the “Battle of Psychics” is directly related to his line of work.

The mysterious death of Yuri Isparyants, a participant in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” caused no less talk. The cause of the magician's death was a cerebral hemorrhage. It is curious that Isparyants had not previously complained about his health and felt great.

Fans of the TV show are sure that the psychic died at the hands of evil spirits, because his further life after the project was closely connected with exorcism.

The death of Nadezhda Titova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics”, is shrouded in secrets and omissions. The healer died in early 2013, and information about the causes of her death in open sources No. Adding to the tragedy of this story is the fact that Titova is survived by several sons and daughters. Fans are still wondering why one of the best healers in Russia passed away.

The show “Battle of Psychics” is still a mystery to television viewers. Many fans of the show doubt that real magicians, witches and shamans participate in the “Battle”. Alexander Sheps, a participant in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” tried to dispel the myth that everything on the show was rigged.

Not everyone believes that a person can have paranormal abilities. According to Alexander Sheps, everything that happens on the set of the program is the real truth. But in order to finally debunk the rumor about staged tests and actors instead of psychics, he cited specific facts that you can’t argue with.

Alexander Sheps admitted that when he was casting for the “Battle of Psychics,” he, like many TV viewers, thought that everything was going strictly according to the script, and that only those who could play their role well would get into the program.

In fact, the show's script is based only on the staging of the tests. And how psychics will behave is already clean water improvisation. That is why the “Battle of Psychics” does not lose its popularity from year to year.

Another important confirmation that the “Battle” is a real struggle between psychics - the heroes of the program. Alexander Sheps said that psychics are investigating real events and communicate with real people who contacted the program for help.

Not every person who has experienced grief will be able to tell the whole country about it; this requires a good reason. Such heroes have already come to the “Battle of Psychics” in season 14. These are relatives of the deceased hockey player Ruslan Salei from the Lokomotiv club, the parents of a tragically deceased boy from Dzerzhinsk, residents of a village near Moscow where an evil spirit lived.

Over all the seasons, a large number of ordinary people who needed the help of psychics took part in the “Battle of Psychics.” Alexander Sheps believes that the program would not be so interesting if actors participated in it.

As for the psychics themselves, Alexander Sheps told one thing about this interesting thing. As it turned out, a large number of people come to the casting who claim to have paranormal abilities. But only a few pass all the tests in the qualifying round. According to Sheps, of the 12 psychics, only half successfully passed the qualifying round. Since the organizers needed to recruit a certain number of participants, they had to invite to the “Battle” those who more or less coped with the tasks at the casting. Alexander Sheps did not disclose the names of those of his rivals who got onto the show not on merit. But, as he claims, in the 14th season of "Battle" there are those who really have the right to call themselves psychics.

It is worth saying that after six years of broadcasting, “Battle of Psychics” is still popular on Russian television and is one of the most rated programs. For all this time, there was not a single piece of evidence that this show was a production. Psychics who have proven their paranormal abilities in the program still help people and are actively developing their gift further. If you are interested in other secrets of the program, put and

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