How much does it cost to open a children's entertainment center? How to develop a business plan for a children's playroom yourself

The company must be registered as IP and select the code OKVED 92.7.– “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.”

Other documents for a children's playroom

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor;
  • Certificates confirming the safety of toys and play equipment. They must meet the international safety standard EN – 1176 and Russian GOST: R 52168-2003, R 52300-2004, R 52169-2003, R 52301-2004, R 52299-2004 and R 52167-2003;
  • Employees are required to have health certificates.

The cost of paperwork is around $700-900, the time frame is 1-2 months.

Premises for a children's playroom

The best places to open such a business: in a shopping center, cafes and restaurants, cinemas, hotels and recreation centers, resorts, recreation parks, at the airport, at a train station, on the territory of entertainment centers and establishments for adults (fitness club, salon beauty, bowling club, etc.). The main condition is good cross-country ability.

Even in a small town, a shopping and entertainment center will be an ideal location. A huge number of shops and cafes - guarantee of good cross-country ability and long duration of visits to the game room. An important plus is that in this case the center does not need advertising.

Opening a children's playroom in a residential area is a little more difficult. You will need to choose the most visited place in the area, where visitors constantly flock.

The area of ​​the room is selected at the rate of 1.5-2 square meters per person. That is, for 15-20 children you need a center of 30 square meters. m. Rent will be $1,000 monthly for large shopping centers and about $700-800 for smaller establishments. Repairs will require $600-700.

Tricks of finishing and design

The children's room should be brightly decorated inside and out. For the interior, it is recommended to use wallpaper and pictures with recognizable cartoon characters; good lighting is necessary. The outside walls are also decorated brightly; a good option is to make them from thick glass. Children and parents will see the playroom from afar and notice how beautiful and interesting it is there.

According to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” an establishment needs an information stand with the obligatory indication of the name, details of the company, work schedule, types of services and prices.

To avoid misunderstandings with parents, develop rules for clients (for example, age restrictions, a ban on visiting for sick children, etc.)

Finishing will cost approximately $400-700.

Premises requirements

Activities for organizing children's leisure time can begin if the following requirements are met:

  1. Compliance of the premises with technical regulations on fire safety requirements;
  2. Compliance SanPin and SanPin;
  3. It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and washing of equipment and toys daily.

Equipment for a children's playroom and its cost

The variety of sites, modules and toys is off the charts, so let’s figure out what the minimum set is needed. You need to put:

  • Game maze. This is a two- or three-story structure with tunnels, passages, hammocks, slides, ladders and other obstacles. The area of ​​a small labyrinth is 10-15 square meters. m. Approximate cost – $2500-3000. Proven and inexpensive manufacturers - Avira, UniTerra, LAPPSETOY;
  • Gorku with an inflatable dry pool with balls – $250. John, Akonit-M;
  • Trampoline– 500 $. BERG, FUNTEK;
  • Two tables for games and drawing, children's chairs (10 pcs.) – $100. Sovtekhstrom, Nika, PolimerByt, Little Angel;
  • Drawing kits, plasticine, modeling kits, construction sets– 200 $. “Dreamer”, Visma, LEGO, Meccano, Elf-Market;
  • Playhouse– 300-350 $. John, Leadre Kids, Bony, Corrugated Art;
  • Educational game modules, innovative interactive panels – $150. Chicco, Felice, FiveStar Toys, Zhorya, “Toy”;
  • Stuffed Toys– 150-200 $. “Small Toys”, Lava, “Redi”, Yoh-ho, “Umka”;
  • Table and chair for an employee – $40-50. Equivalent, Delacosa;
  • Sectional cabinets for clothes - $110-140. Beacom, "Metal Line";
  • Cash machine, registered with the tax service - $250. "Elwes", "Orion".

Important nuances of arrangement

You should not use cheap or used equipment for a gaming room, as it wears out quickly. It is important to purchase complexes made of thick plastic, avoid anything sharp and brittle so that the child cannot get hurt. All modeling and drawing kits and chairs are needed in several copies so that children do not have to fight for them. Conflict situations in the room will significantly reduce parental trust.

It is better to purchase equipment directly from manufacturers. This is cheaper, plus it will allow you to “tailor” the complexes to your area; manufacturers will be happy to do the work to order.


Employees are not required to have special education, but good characteristics and a pleasant appearance are required. Friendliness, openness, experience in communicating with children - important conditions of employment. The employee must also inspire confidence in parents.

A small playground will require no more than two workers working in shifts (for example, two every other day). Accounting is outsourced.

Monthly salary fund (including accountant services) is about $800-900.

Pricing and operating hours

Standard schedule is from 9.00 to 21.00. On weekends you can open a little later. The cost of visiting a room differs on weekends and weekdays. On weekdays it averages $1.2-1.8 per hour, on weekends – $1.8-2.7. Peak hours – 16.00-21.00. To avoid losing money the rest of the day, offer a discount on morning visits.

To attract customers, develop promotional subscriptions and discounts for multiple visits. and make money by organizing children's parties with competitions and animators.

Costs, profits, profitability of a children's playroom

How much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

To organize such a business from scratch, you need to invest about 10 thousand dollars. These are capital costs for opening, arrangement and rent for three months in advance.

Fixed expenses will be $1800-2000 per month. With a center attendance of 5-6 people per hour, the income will be $3500-4000, and net monthly profit– $1700-2200. Over time, the number of visitors will increase.

Before setting up a gaming complex, it is worth conducting market research, studying the best locations, and analyzing where the most potential customers are located.

Because it can easily be expanded or additional points opened in the city.

In medium-sized and large cities of Russia, children's entertainment centers are common. This is a place of leisure for both small children and teenagers, as well as adults who can go on errands, leaving the children under supervision. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this business idea to create a profitable business. First, you will need to draw up a business plan for a children's entertainment center, an example of which we offer in this article.

Project Summary

We are considering opening a children's entertainment center in a large Russian city with a shopping center. It is better to open such centers in a shopping and entertainment center, where people go for shopping and specifically for leisure activities. Our center will have entertainment for children from 2 to 10 years old and teenagers.

There is little competition in this area. These are similar entertainment centers for children. If a shopping center already has one such children's corner, there is no point in opening a second one. There are no similar establishments in our shopping center, so we can safely open our own by renting 50 sq. m. m of area on the second floor.

The operating hours of the children's entertainment center are set according to the schedule of the shopping center - from 10:00 to 21:00. The center will operate a card payment system.

Main business risks:

Registration of activities

Working in the field of children's entertainment requires mandatory registration with the tax authorities, the provision of licenses and certificates for the quality and safety of structures, and it is also necessary to obtain permission from the fire department to comply with fire safety requirements.

We will register as an individual entrepreneur with a simplified tax system, 15% of the difference (income minus expenses). To do this, we submit an application to the tax office, choosing the appropriate registration form and OKVED activity code, in our case – 93.29.9 or group 92.

The cost of registration and obtaining all permits is 10,000 rubles.

Services and prices

Name price, rub.
“Leave a child” service (up to 20 minutes), main attractions 150
Children's trampoline (5 minutes) 150
Creativity room (30 minutes) 300
Game labyrinth (20 minutes) 400
Sandbox with space sand (20 minutes) 100
Package "Unlimited" 500
Package “Unlimited with creativity room” 800
Package “Unlimited with trampoline” 1 000
Package "Group Unlimited" (up to 5 people) 2 000
“Children's holiday” package with the area closed to other visitors for 2 hours from 5,000 to 10,000 (depending on the number of attractions involved)

Unlimited access to the children's entertainment center is valid for one day. The buyer can leave the room at any time and return after a while.

Search for premises

It is planned to open a children's entertainment center in a shopping center in the city center, on the 2nd floor. To accommodate all attractions and equipment you will need at least 50 square meters. m. It is important that the ceilings of the room are high enough to accommodate a trampoline for children. The center will be located next to a pizzeria and cafe, where parents can relax while their children play.

We will enter into a lease agreement for the space with the administration of the shopping center, paying immediately for 2 months of rent for the premises.

The premises will be divided into a children's area, a play area with trampolines and a games room, and an area for attractions for teenagers. In addition, a cashier booth will be installed on the territory of the entertainment center. The rental cost will be 125 thousand rubles per month. The landlord includes in the rental payment cleaning of the territory by a regular cleaner of the complex and security.

Equipment purchase

To support the center, it is necessary to purchase equipment. These investments will become the main expense item, however, the attendance and profitability of the center will depend on the choice and variety of attractions and children's entertainment.

Cost estimate:

Naming of expenditures Amount, rub.
Equipment for the main hall 495 000
Children's mini trampoline 50 000
Equipment for the creativity room (tables, chairs, children's easels) 35 000
Ottomans 10 000
Game maze 100 000
Sandbox with space sand 30 000
Cashier equipment (table, chair, cash register, laptop) 70 000
Toys 10 000
Musical equipment 100 000
Total 900 000


To ensure that parents can safely leave their children at the play center, staff will be needed. Two employees will work in shifts at the cash register. Another 4 workers (2 shifts of 2 people each) will monitor the playroom and children. Another employee is needed for the children's creativity room. At first, the administrator’s functions will be performed by the entrepreneur himself.

Personnel estimate:

The entrepreneur will generate and submit financial profit reports on a monthly basis and resolve controversial issues with clients.

Marketing and advertising

In the process of developing a business plan, it is necessary to analyze competitors. It is important that there are a minimum of similar establishments in the area. Our main clients are couples with children from 2 to 10 years old, teenagers up to 15 years old.

To successfully open and attract maximum visitors, you need to use common advertising tools. It is imperative to develop attractive flyers and distribute them in the shopping center and on the street at the entrance. We will also use voice advertising in shopping centers. We will create a group on social networks and post advertisements throughout the central region.

Every month we will spend 20,000 rubles on flyers, voice advertising and targeting on social networks.

The children's entertainment center will have a visitor loyalty card. Regular customers are offered a 5% discount. In honor of June 1 (Children's Day) and September 1 (Knowledge Day), a 10% discount is given for children.

In addition, options for cross-cooperation with other establishments in the shopping center for mirror advertising and joint promotions are being considered.

Expenses and income

At this point in the business plan, we will determine a consolidated estimate for start-up costs for the business and weekly costs. We will also generate an estimated profit from the 3rd month and set a sales plan for services. Based on the total costs and revenue for the month, we will calculate the profitability and payback period of the initial investment in this project.

Start-up costs

To start a business we need 1,190,000 rubles. Our investment in the project will be 690,000, the remaining 500,000 rubles will be taken on credit from the bank at 15% per annum for 2 years. The monthly payment will be 24,243 rubles.

Monthly expenses


The average bill for services is 350 rubles. You can expect to receive up to 50 children per day. As a result, this gives revenue of 17,500 rubles per day or 525,000 rubles per month. It is also planned to hold at least 5 children's parties with a total revenue of 35 thousand rubles. Thus, the business will generate about 560 thousand rubles in revenue per day.

We calculate the difference between income and expenses to determine the tax payment:

560,000 – 330,000 = 230,000 rubles.

230,000 x 0.15 = 34,500 rubles.

We get net profit after taxes:

230,000 – 34,500 = about 200,000 rubles.

We calculate the return on monthly investment:

(200,000 / 374,500) x 100 = 53.4%.

This business plan shows acceptable profitability, which can be increased to 70%.

Now let’s calculate the payback period for starting personal investments:

690,000 / 200,000 = 4 months.

Don't forget about the loan you took out. The faster the process of recoupment of monthly costs goes, the faster revenue will begin to grow and it will be possible to repay the loan ahead of schedule.


This business plan for a children's entertainment center with calculations showed that opening a children's entertainment center is an excellent business idea and a fairly profitable business. In the future, you can install virtual reality attractions in a separate area to increase profits. Vending machines with toys and candies, shops with toys and souvenirs for children are also popular to increase the center’s revenue.

Children's playrooms are most often created at shopping and entertainment centers. Parents who are forced to take their children with them to the shopping center find it much more convenient to leave them in the children's room than to drag them along to the shops.

There are advantages in children's playrooms for both parents and children: the former can safely go shopping without worrying that the child will get lost or start acting up, and the latter will have fun in the company of their peers.

What you need to open a children's playroom

Any business involving children involves a certain degree of responsibility. If in other areas of business, you can only be responsible for equipment, or for fulfilling obligations under contracts, then here you also have responsibility for the life and health of your small clients. In this regard, many entrepreneurs have a question: how to open a children's playroom with the least responsibility? First of all, you need to provide your business with a solid documentary base. All necessary documents and permits must be obtained before the business begins to operate.

Documents required to open a children's playroom:
1. A document confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur.
2. Document on registration with the pension fund.
3. Document on registration of the cash register.
4. Permission from the fire inspectorate.
5. Permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station.
6. Medical records for each employee.
7. Documents confirming the safety of equipment (toys) used when working with children.

Wet cleaning of the entire play area should be carried out every day. The same applies to everything that is in the room and with which children are in direct contact - toys, children's sports equipment, etc. All equipment must be of high quality, non-toxic, and the material from which the toys are made must not cause allergic reactions. You should also not use equipment that could injure or scratch children, since the life and health of children for whom you are responsible during their stay in the playroom depends on this. Children who appear unwell or have external signs of any infectious disease should not be allowed into the room to avoid infecting other visitors.

Business plan for a children's playroom

In general, the profitability of such a business is quite high, however, a lot depends on the size of the room (that is, on how many children you can accommodate at the same time) and on the successful choice of location for the children's room. If your playroom can accommodate up to about 20 children at a time (this is at least 30 square meters), then expect a return on business within 6 months.

If you take a larger premises, for about 70 children, then the payback and income will be more profitable, however, the investment in such a site will, naturally, be greater. To equip such a game room, you will need at least 30 thousand dollars. Plus, it will cost from 3 thousand dollars to renovate the premises, and from 800 dollars to pay rent. The salary fund depends on the number of working employees, however, to serve a large number of children (50 or more) you will need at least 5 animators.

Children's playroom as a business

Choosing a location

The main factor that will determine the success or failure of your business is the favorable location of the children's room. As practice shows, the most successful choice is shopping centers and entertainment complexes. It is better to place information that there is a children's playroom in this shopping center right at the entrance, and also indicate the route to it (or at least the floor).

In addition to shopping centers, cinemas, various play centers for adults (for example, bowling alleys), as well as places near recreation parks are also suitable for opening a children's entertainment room. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a location is the high traffic volume of people.

We purchase equipment

The purchase of equipment will be the largest part of the cost, and this is worth taking into account when. Returning to the responsibility of an entrepreneur, we will once again emphasize that all toys, children's sports equipment and everything else with which you are going to entertain children must be of high quality. You should not skimp on gaming equipment, since this is, first of all, your reputation.

The following equipment can be purchased for a children's playroom:

1. Children's labyrinth. They are usually made to order according to the desired size. The minimum size of the labyrinth that manufacturing companies agree to produce is usually about 15 square meters. You can order on the website

2. Inflatable trampolines. This is one of the most favorite pastimes for children, so you shouldn’t give up having a trampoline. For safety reasons, each trampoline must be surrounded by a special protective fence.

3. Inflatable dry pool. And such pools usually contain a large number of balls of different sizes, or other soft toys of different shapes.

4. Board games, construction sets, drawing sets, plasticine modeling, etc.

5. Soft toys of different sizes and shapes that are located throughout the playroom.

6. Chairs, cabinets, tables.

7. For employees - cabinets for personal belongings, chairs or sofas.

We design the interior of the room

Children's playrooms should be bright both inside and out. External walls are often made of thick glass, and this makes sense: children from afar see how fun and interesting it is inside the room, and they want to get back there as soon as possible. Inside the room, the interior should be bright, but not annoying. It will be great if characters from children's cartoons and games are depicted on the walls.

We are hiring staff

The number of staff in the playroom who will spend time with children depends on the size of your room and how many children can be in it at the same time. For a small room, two or three employees will be enough. All employees must have the skills to provide first aid to children (anything can happen), be able to communicate with children in “children’s” language - that is, the child should be interested not only in toys, but also in the animators.

Ideally, animators should have a minimum medical and pedagogical education. The more professional your employees are, the more trust you will receive from parents. Since children's rooms usually work 12 hours a day, employees will go to work in shifts, on a two-by-two schedule.

We set operating hours and pricing policy

The optimal operating time for the children's entertainment room is from 9:00 to 21:00. At the entrance to the playroom, it is necessary to post rules that parents must familiarize themselves with and be sure to follow them. For example, each child cannot be in the playroom for more than four hours at a time; when “transferring” a child to the playroom, the parent must present a passport (he must do the same when picking up the child); Children with any contagious diseases cannot be in the playroom.

To increase parents' loyalty to your services, create a flexible pricing policy. On average, the cost of one hour for a child to stay in a playroom is from 1 to 3 dollars. However, if you give parents the opportunity to leave their child for, say, only 30 minutes, and pay only for that time, they will be more favorable to your business. Give discounts to regular customers.

On weekends, it makes sense to increase the price slightly; you can also increase the price from 16:00 to 21:00, since it is during these hours that the room is most filled with children. You can also set up so-called “happy hours”, the cost of which will be significantly lower than during regular hours.

Children's playgrounds are an indispensable attribute of large hypermarkets and large shopping and entertainment centers. Many parents are happy to leave their children in the playroom to leisurely go shopping, sit in a cafe or watch a movie. While moms and dads quietly go about their business, their children have fun under the supervision of a teacher. The services of such rooms are inexpensive and affordable for any parent, so playgrounds do not experience a shortage of clients. If you want to try yourself in this business, read how to open a children's playroom and start looking for a shopping center that clearly lacks the organization of children's leisure.

Where to begin?

The most important thing in implementing the idea of ​​a game room is to find a good location. As mentioned above, this could be a shopping and entertainment center or any other place with a large crowd of people where families with children come. In small towns with a poorly developed industry for children's entertainment and leisure centers, such a site will not only serve store visitors, but also attract parents who need to place their child for a couple of hours and go away on their own business. And, of course, the little one can come to the playroom with his parents just for fun: to play, run around, chat with other children.

If a suitable place has already been found, everything else is not very difficult. The procedure for state registration of a business to organize a game room is standard: and choose a preferential tax scheme ().

Such activities do not require licensing. You do not need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor or the fire service, but when preparing the premises you must be guided by sanitary standards for preschool organizations.

There are no special requirements for the qualifications and education of game room employees. All that remains is to equip the room and you can invite the kids to the playground.

Premises: where and what?

Proper placement of the games room inside the shopping center building is also important. Typically, sites are opened next to food courts or individual cafes.

The games room should be well lit, have ventilation, but at the same time be closed from drafts. The ceilings of the room must be high to accommodate the gaming equipment. It is better to make walls or partitions separating the room from other rooms transparent so that parents can watch their children from the outside.

There must be a bathroom nearby.

The minimum area for a game room is from 30 sq.m. As for the cost of rent, as a rule, it is possible to negotiate preferential prices, since shopping centers themselves are interested in this kind of services.

Play equipment

Of course, the main thing in a playroom is the equipment and toys. Children should be interested in staying on the playground for quite a long time. Therefore, a labyrinth, a trampoline, and a pool with balls will come in handy, which can keep children occupied for a long time. You can make slides, install swings.

The child needs to be provided with the opportunity to change the type of activity, relax, and do something calm, so tables are needed for drawing, modeling and other creative activities.

For children's things, install lockers so that you can leave shoes, outerwear, backpacks and bags there.

Place benches or sofas for parents.

The main requirement for gaming equipment is safety. The equipment must be made of high-quality, environmentally friendly materials and meet the requirements of international standards and GOST.


It is not necessary to hire employees with a pedagogical education. Both pensioners and students can look after children in the playroom, the main thing is that they are responsible and know how to communicate with children. Employees must have health certificates.

The responsibilities of a children's playroom employee include:

  • maintaining order;
  • checking the serviceability of gaming equipment;
  • organizing children's leisure time in the playroom (familiarizing children with equipment, modeling, drawing, reading books, games);
  • ensuring the safety of children while on the site, responsibility for their life and health;
  • providing continuous child care.

Rules for visiting the site

It is very important to develop rules for visiting the game room and post them in a visible place. According to sanitary requirements, the time preschoolers spend in a children's room, where sleep and meals are not organized, cannot be more than four hours. This must be spelled out in the rules and brought to the attention of parents.

The time of “reception and transfer” of children is recorded in a special log. Parents are informed no later than what time they must pick up their child.

Another important rule: children in the playroom must be healthy. The playground employee has the right (and must) refuse entry to a child with obvious signs of illness. The playroom, as an organization, is responsible for the health of the children on its territory. The presence of medical workers on the site is not provided, therefore the refusal to admit a visually unhealthy child is legal and does not violate the law on the protection of consumer rights.

It is advisable to add one more point to the rules: in case of violation of order, manifestation of aggression towards other children on the playground, towards the staff of the playroom, parents undertake to pick up their child at the request of the teachers.

In addition to the rules, the following information is posted in the consumer corner:

  • organization details;
  • list of services and rules for their provision;
  • price-list;
  • information about the employee who looks after the children;
  • sign with the company name and opening hours.

Financial part

The costs of organizing a game room and their return on investment depend on the size of the room. On a minimum area (30 sq.m.) of equipment, it is possible to install only one labyrinth for 180-200 thousand rubles, and the capacity of such a playground is a maximum of 20 kids. With monthly expenses for maintaining a room and wages of two employees about 50 thousand rubles. opening a mini gaming center will pay for itself in about six months.

If you take a room twice as large, you can count on installing attractions for children of different ages. Based on sanitary standards, 1 sq. m for 1 child, you can invite up to 70 children into the room at the same time, which, of course, is more relevant for a large shopping center. The cost of equipping a large gaming hall will be about 1 million rubles, monthly costs will be 80 - 100 thousand rubles, but the income from such a site will increase proportionally. The payback period will be approximately the same as for a small room.

In order for the game room to recoup the opening costs and begin to make a profit, it is necessary to ensure its maximum occupancy. For this purpose, it is advisable to establish a flexible pricing policy. Payment for children's stay can be charged hourly or even half-hourly.

When drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom, take into account seasonality: in the summer, playground services are less in demand. During the day and the working week, it is necessary to provide for discounts during low-demand hours (in the morning, when most children are at school or in kindergarten, and parents are at work) and price gradations (on weekends they are more expensive than on weekdays). The maximum demand for a children's room will be in the afternoon and until the evening (from 16 to 21 hours).

The cost of an hour-long stay of one child on the playground is on average set at 50 – 150 rubles. You can sell regular customers tickets for several visits at a favorable price.

Additionally, offer services for organizing children's parties and birthdays.

Before you start creating a gaming room, carefully analyze the competitive situation. Despite the attractiveness of the financial side of this business, not everything is as easy as it seems. Firstly, due to the minimum entry threshold and the ease of organizing a gaming room, competition in the market is very high, especially in large cities.

Secondly, many shopping centers, trying to please their customers, prefer to have their own game centers with animators and free entertainment for children of any age. Even grocery hypermarkets, cinemas and restaurants are trying to keep up and are opening children's corners.

A game room, a leisure center, a development club - you can call your brainchild whatever you like. An important point is the lack of educational activities in this institution. You do not need a license to open a children's playroom for leisure activities. Even with scheduled inspections, Rospotrebnadzor has no right to come to you. With unscheduled ones - yes, if one of your visitors, or rather, one of their parents, wrote a complaint.

Opening such an enterprise is both easier and more difficult than a preschool educational institution. It’s simpler, because you won’t have to agree on a very large number of factors at the time of “launching” the enterprise. It’s more difficult because no one has yet developed a normal regulatory framework for such institutions. In addition, according to Federal Law of the Russian Federation 84, all equipment safety standards are voluntary. Therefore, we have to use standards for similar structures.

Before opening a children's playroom (CH), you can contact Rospotrebnadzor (local SES) and State Fire Supervision for clarification. Lawyers even advise inviting a preliminary commission to evaluate your building/room and equipment for compliance with standards. But the preliminary commission may not come. No complaints, no legislation regulating the inspection - no inspection.

If you were unable to find a common language with the inspection authorities and receive a comprehensive answer regarding the opening of a DIC, use the following regulatory documents when preparing the premises and equipment:

  1. SanPin 2.4.3049-13 dated 05.15.13. The document was developed for preschool educational institutions and describes the regime aspects of the work of a child care institution, its contents and organization. Here you can find the rules for maintaining and cleaning the premises, requirements for it and estimated standards for the number of children you can accept.
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation 123 as amended on July 29, 2017. This is a technical fire safety regulation in which you can find requirements for the premises and equipment of your establishment. Find out if you need a fire alarm and the requirements for it. What fire extinguishing equipment are you required to have?
  3. Order No. 402 as amended on 06/02/16 issued by Rospotrebnadzor. This document describes the requirements for the availability of medical books and sanitary passports. Familiarizes you with how these documents should look when reviewed.
  4. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (ZoZPP N 2300-1) and PP No. 125. From these documents you will learn how an organization's sign, a consumer's corner is designed, and what information should be reflected on them.

Before purchasing gaming equipment, you should understand the domestic and international standards regarding its safety.

European standards are set out in EN-1176. domestic ones are described by GOSTs describing the equipment and covering of playgrounds:

If you do not place the equipment specified in these guest standards, you don’t have to familiarize yourself with them. They describe not only the arrangement of children's rooms, but also concern open areas.

In addition, you should find out if local authorities have developed any recommendations for placing children in preschool institutions. For example, for Moscow, such recommendations were developed and published by the Consumer Market Department.

SES requirements

You will encounter questions from the SES if there are complaints about your children's room or its staff. If you want to open a DIC, you better familiarize yourself with such a voluminous and sometimes contradictory document as SanPin We will consider the main conclusions about the premises and its contents that can be drawn below.

Premises requirements

The size of the room will determine the size of the group you can recruit. If you provide leisure time for children:

  • up to 3 years old, each child must have at least 2.5 m2 of space;
  • 3-7 years - minimum - 2 m 2 area.

One child cannot stay in the playroom for more than 5 hours at a time. This must be specified in the agreement with the parents. If the same group of children spends 5 hours or more in the playroom, a bedroom arrangement will be needed. The requirements for such an institution will be more serious.

Children's institutions can be located either in a separate building or on the ground floor of a residential building or in a built-in or attached area. But children's rooms are not placed in the basement and basement.

  • locker rooms where you can leave outerwear;
  • toilet.

It is advisable to provide a cooler with drinking water; it must meet drinking water standards.

It is recommended to disinfect the room where children are located with a bactericidal lamp. There are no strict requirements in this matter. But experienced organizers of children's rooms recommend acquiring such equipment.

Finishing requirements

SanPin recommends finishing the walls of the room with materials that can easily withstand contact with detergents and disinfectants. SanPin recommends painting walls in warm colors from the north and cool colors from the sunny side. It is recommended to use pastel colors. You can also use bright decorative elements, but not more than 25% of the room area.

Requirements for equipment and maintenance of the premises

Windows in the room should allow ventilation of the children's playroom. Toys and furniture must correspond to the height and weight of the children who will spend their leisure time in your preschool.

All equipment, furniture, toys, etc. should be:

  • made from approved materials that are not harmful to the health of children;
  • have certificates;
  • easy to wash and withstand disinfection.

Soft toys are not needed in playrooms. They are allowed to be used for preschoolers only as didactic material. All playing equipment must be safe. This means no sharp corners. If present, such corners are shielded with special gaskets. The risk of a child getting caught in a corner by clothing, an arm or a leg should be minimized. All elements of play structures must be securely fastened.

The playroom is cleaned using a wet method at least 2 times during the day. Particular attention is paid to places where dust may accumulate.

In addition, you must have disinfectants for treating premises, labeled equipment and a log of such products.

Lighting requirements

These requirements correspond to the requirements of the SES for living rooms. Windows in the playroom must have adjustable blinds (sun protection devices). Lighting unevenness should not be more than 3:1. All artificial lights must be in good working order.

Ventilation and heating requirements

It is not allowed to use portable heating equipment, including infrared heating equipment, indoors. Heating devices (batteries) must be protected with material that is safe for health and non-traumatic. The children's room should be regularly ventilated. When ventilating, the room temperature should not drop by more than 4 degrees. The process must take place in the absence of children. Every 1.5 hours it is recommended to arrange so-called through ventilation.

The temperature in the room should be controlled by thermometers and be comfortable 23-25 ​​o C. The content of harmful substances in the air, including carbon dioxide, should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration.

Requirements for employees

The main requirement that the SES imposes on workers in children's rooms is that they have a health certificate and undergo medical examinations (upon entry to work and planned ones).

State Fire Supervision Requirements

Since children without parents are not planned to stay in the children's playroom, no approval from the Fire Inspectorate is required. But the owner of a DIC can contact this service for a voluntary inspection. But, most likely, you will learn about your compliance with the standards after an unscheduled inspection.

  • SP 54.13330.2011 (updated for SNiP 31-01-2003) - this document describes where additional premises can be located for a family preschool educational institution. It is also recommended to use it when opening DIC.
  • When choosing a room for your playroom, try to ensure that it complies with SP 118.13330.2012 (namely clause 5.7, table No. 5, column 3-4, with the exception of the bedroom).

    Requirements for the security system

    Requirements for industrial safety regulations have also been developed for preschool educational institutions. But in the event of an emergency, the absence of specific legislative acts does not relieve responsibility from the owner of the DIC or its manager. Therefore, it is worthwhile to work to maintain food safety in your establishment.

    It can be divided into 2 large elements:

    • documentation;
    • the security system itself.

    The first group includes the presence of:

    • evacuation plan (color, A3 format);
    • instructions on industrial safety for personnel;
    • log of briefings, accounting of primary fire extinguishing means and safety inspections;
    • order for the organization with the appointment of a responsible person;
    • signs with the fire department phone number.

    The second includes:

    • availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher, fire hose, stand, sand box);
    • fire-fighting devices (AFD).

    The materials with which the walls of the room will be sheathed/pasted must be minimally flammable during the evacuation.

    These are the basic requirements. By the time you open your business, you should clarify the information. Perhaps the legislation will change a little.

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