A serious joke for mom on April 1st. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

The tradition of celebrating April 1st originates in Ancient Rome- on this day it was customary to organize funny pranks and jokes, dedicated to God Rizusu laughs. It was believed that people with their cheerful infectious laughter they please and appease this powerful deity. In addition, the ancient Roman April 1 was called “Day of Fools,” which fully corresponded to the essence of the holiday - of course, in the most harmless context. After all, the citizens of Rome only on this day received a wonderful opportunity to have fun, making fun of their friends from the heart or even strangers. As for the ancient Slavs, there was a popular belief that on April 1 the brownie wakes up after hibernation. Therefore, it was customary to leave food and drink for the Master of the house, as well as to have fun and laugh - so that the spirit would not get angry and create disorder in the household. Modern jokes on April 1 provide a wide field for imagination, since various devices and gadgets come to the “aid” of the jokers. Our selection contains ideas for funny jokes for April Fool's Day - for friends and classmates at school, colleagues at work, and for parents at home. How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands? Watch our videos - and you can surprise and delight your loved ones and friends with funny pranks! A bright picture of congratulations on April 1, sent by email, or cool sms with a joke will lift your spirits and give you a boost of humor for the whole day.

The funniest April 1st jokes for friends and classmates at school – ideas, videos

From the first calendar days schoolchildren rejoice in the warmth of spring and the imminent end school year. However, there is still April 1 ahead - from its funny jokes and giveaways! For the funniest holiday of the year, you can organize funny, harmless jokes for your classmates that will cause a lot of positive emotions and “healthy” collective laughter. We suggest using interesting ideas with a video for creating the funniest April Fools' jokes within the walls of your own school. Such pranks will create a festive, carefree atmosphere - all participants will remember April Fool's Day for a long time!

A selection of ideas for funny jokes for April 1st for school friends and classmates:

You can create a funny prank on April 1 by purchasing a school diary in advance with the same cover as your classmate’s. Then we wait for the moment when the “victim” of the prank is absent from class, and we replace the diaries - the “old” one must be hidden in a safe place. This joke will be revealed during the next lesson. Perhaps the teacher will call the student to the board and ask for a diary for evaluation - and it will turn out to be completely empty! Of course, the classmate will get his document back and laugh with his friends, appreciating the “merciless” school humor on April 1st.

We send an SMS to a classmate’s cell phone with approximately the following content: “Your phone is infected with a virus! To delete it, you need to guess the name of the person who sent this SMS, and then send a reply joke on April 1.”

If a friend comes to visit you on April Fool's Day, you can take advantage of the moment and make a funny prank. When a guest visits the toilet, we place pieces of paper in his shoes, discreetly hiding them in his socks. Before leaving, a friend puts on his shoes and discovers some “inconvenience” - now you can “reveal your cards” and congratulate him on April 1st. Alternatively, the friend remains “in the dark”, and on the way home he himself will guess - today is April Fool’s Day!

Funny jokes for work colleagues on April 1, video - bright pictures of Happy April Fool's Day

It is known that we spend a significant part of our lives at work, so we develop friendships or friendships with many colleagues. April Fool's Day is an excellent occasion to take a little break from the “harsh” everyday work life and organize a funny jokes and pranks. Despite the fact that in 2017 April 1 falls on Saturday, fun “surprises” for colleagues can be postponed to Monday. In our "piggy bank" there are many April Fool's office jokes that will cheer up all participants and cause carefree and cheerful laughter. After watching our video with jokes, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and arrange an unforgettable April 1st holiday for your colleagues. Vivid pictures and congratulations on April Fool's Day can be sent to email- we are sure that in response from your colleague you will receive the same funny postcard from April 1st.

A kaleidoscope of funny jokes for April 1st for office colleagues and superiors:

For office fun-loving people and “handy people”, you can organize a prank with a colleague’s computer. Of course, you don’t have to infect the unit with a virus - we’ll make do with a completely harmless, but “win-win” joke. As part of the preliminary preparation, we take a sheet of paper and pour PVA glue onto it - an impressive puddle is formed. When the glue dries, carefully separate the “stain” from the sheet and place it on the keyboard. From the outside, such a glue puddle will look absolutely believable - the colleague’s reaction will be confirmation. A colleague will appreciate such a harmless joke on April 1 and laugh cheerfully along with everyone else.

A boss with a sense of humor is truly a gift to his subordinates. If your boss doesn't mind office pranks and jokes, on April 1st we propose to arrange a small joke with dressing up. This will require several beautiful dresses, which colleagues can bring from home. One of the employees runs into her boss’s office throughout the day on various matters – and each time she appears in a new outfit. Perhaps the boss will not immediately understand the essence of such a joke, but later he will definitely appreciate the resourcefulness and creativity of his native team.

You can tell a funny joke to a colleague using a voice recorder, on which a funny sound is pre-recorded and repeated periodically. Then we turn on the device and place it in a secluded place on the table - for example, in the far corner of a drawer. At every interesting sound from the table, we pretend to be calm, and answer all our colleague’s questions like this: “No, it seemed to you, I didn’t hear anything.” After some time, you admit that it was such a joke on April 1st.

Choose a bright, funny picture for a colleague on April 1:

Harmless jokes on April 1st at home on parents - ideas for pranks with videos

Children are happy to play pranks on their parents on April 1, and moms and dads prank their beloved children. Of course, it’s better to make jokes on your parents at home that are light and harmless, which will definitely be received with fun and humor. Here you will find several funny ideas jokes and videos for April 1 - parents and children will be delighted!

Examples of harmless jokes and pranks on April 1 - for parents and children:

Preparations for this prank should begin on the eve of April 1st. When the parents fall asleep, we quietly sew together their blanket and sheet in several places. In the morning we quickly burst into the room shouting “We’ve been flooded!” or "Fire!" - and we observe the humorous denouement of the April Fool's joke. Despite the obvious harmlessness, it is better to carry out such a prank with two conditions - the “joker’s” mom and dad have strong nerves and an impeccable sense of humor.

This April Fool's joke won't scare anyone, but it will certainly amuse you. As in the previous joke, the prank requires preliminary preparation - late in the evening we go to the bathroom and squeeze out the contents of the dental tube. Instead of paste, fill the container with sour cream or mayonnaise, and for completeness, fasten the toothbrush and the glass with double-sided tape. Parents will discover the consequences of such a joke while brushing their teeth in the morning and will laugh merrily along with their “resourceful” children.

How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands at home, video ideas

There are many ways to make a funny prank on April 1 - for a friend, classmate or work colleague. What kind of jokes can you make on April Fool's Day? The video presents ideas for modern April Fools' pranks.

So, in our selection you will find many ideas for jokes on April 1 - for friends and classmates at school, work colleagues, parents. How to make funny jokes for April 1st with your own hands at home? With the help of our detailed video you can amuse your family and friends by organizing funny pranks on April Fool's Day. A cool SMS or a bright picture postcard from April 1 will lift the recipient’s spirits and set him in the mood for a carefree holiday.

How to divorce your loved ones, friends and acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday, popularly called “April Fool's Day,” approaches.

The history of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in literary works French poets dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of one Flemish nobleman, who played a prank on his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful errands.

For the first time I mentioned the existence of the Feast of Fools English writer John Aubrey back in 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by notifying Londoners that a public lion washing ceremony would take place in the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's joke in 1703. Arriving at the site of mass celebrations at the invitation of street barkers to watch an “extraordinary performance,” people saw a stage with a lowered curtain. At the appointed hour, the curtain was opened, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone.” No introduction followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fools' pranks, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a chalk-white back. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to work to this day.

How to prank your husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband may cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film . As a rule, an unsuspecting, sleepy person does not notice anything and goes to his natural needs. How good this joke is is decided by both spouses, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not very flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. Whether you want to organize such a prank or not is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize the following prank: having previously put a hefty portion of squash caviar into a clean diaper, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the amazed husband, begin to eat... you know what. This must be done with appetite. When your husband comes to his senses, offer him to try the unusual delicacy.

It is considered a fairly standard joke to replace the contents of a sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and in a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of their sleeping husbands by painting their toenails with green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help deal with the green stuff.

How to prank your wife on April 1st - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to make fun of your parents? Or how to divorce your parents on April 1?

How to prank your friends? Or how to deceive a friend on April 1?

How to separate friends on the first day of April?

How to deceive and prank classmates at school on April 1?

There are many ways to prank classmates on the first day of April, which have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the appearance in our shopping centers In the prank department, classmates got a way to prank their comrades at school. Especially for April Fools' draws, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candies with insects inside them. Made from food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattering ink. Having defiantly sprayed them on an overly elegant classmate and enjoying the violent reaction on her part, you can watch with no less pleasure the process of the stain disappearing (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks on colleagues

Office employees have a huge number of ways to prank each other, because everything they need for this is on any desktop.

Prank with tape in the office - video:

  • Having printed out an image of paper clips on a photocopier, they place it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • The computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • A notice is posted on the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors) indicating that they are undergoing renovations.
  • The drawers of the desks are covered with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to divorce your boss on April 1?

Before you divorce your boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will later regret it. If he has no problems with a sense of humor and does not suffer from rancor, you can start preparing April Fool's Day Prank.

How to divorce your beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

How can you make a joke on the Internet?

Ways harmless prank- a great variety, and as development progresses information technologies The number of ways to easily convey humorous misinformation is also increasing. Nowadays, it has become possible to deceive your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Methods for April Fools' Day pranks on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or boyfriend with whom they live), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their frustration when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can prank your loved one in contact by sending him a special link, following which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on exactly how this is done can be obtained by using the search bar in your browser.

How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

  • You can confuse your boyfriend on VK by simply changing your status or marital status. Sometimes you can create intrigue by opening and closing access to different blocks of personal information. In this case, not only he, but also simply acquaintances begin to show interest in personal life user of the mysterious page.

April Fools SMS

April Fools' SMS texts might look something like this:

  • Dear, come quickly: the husband has already gone to work, and the child is still sleeping. I kiss you tenderly and wait (“by mistake” sent to my husband).
  • Hello! I am a lost SMS. On the way to you I met some friends and forgot who I was going to. Send me to someone again. Thank you in advance.

April 1 is a rare day when you can tell the truth with impunity, since not a single living soul will believe it.

  • If on April Fool's Day you become a victim of a prank, then you feel like the last fool, and if you were the one who was able to prank someone, then you will be the first.

The first of April is a day of jokes and practical jokes. But nowhere does it say that you can only joke about your friends and colleagues. Caring children will always think about how this amazing fun party prank your parents.

Figuring out how to prank mom and dad on April 1 will take a little effort. After all, parents require especially reverent attitude and attention. Therefore, pranks should not be topical. the main objective April Fool's prank for relatives - everyone should have fun together.

An interesting way to prank your mother can start with preparing breakfast. If you try really hard, you can come up with and prepare a dish with a twist. It could be pepper or garlic, some exotic spices, coconut flakes. It's best if the delicious draw is dessert. Then, after the main breakfast, you can serve it and calmly observe the reaction of those who try this dessert. The most important thing is that mom and other family members will already be full, so it will be a pleasure to refuse such a dessert and laugh at it.

How to make a prank dessert. You need to take one processed cheese and grate it on a fine grater, add more garlic (pass through a press) and finely chopped chili pepper. Now you need to make balls from this mass and roll them in coconut flakes. The dessert will look very appetizing; it must be placed in the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes before serving.

Another interesting way How to play a prank on your mother on April 1, requires prior purchase of an envelope at the post office. You should put a letter in it and write the sender's address. For example, New Technologies LLC. On the first of April, give the letter to mom and say that it arrived yesterday. The letter should contain the following text: “According to article of such and such law, on April 2 of this year a cable will be laid in the courtyard of your house. This work will be large-scale, so to prevent it from damaging the windows of your home, we recommend securing them with tape. If necessary, New Technologies LLC will reimburse you for all financial costs associated with the purchase of adhesive tape. You will have to write a statement and attach a copy of the receipt certified by the store accountant.” If your mother falls for such a prank, you need to prevent her from taking the situation too seriously and quickly tell her what event this prank is associated with.

In how to play a prank on mom and dad on April 1, you need to use as much imagination as possible and your acting abilities. With mom, everything is more or less clear; April Fools' pranks for dad are a little more difficult to come up with and implement.

This method is also suitable for pranking mom at home, but with dad it will look more interesting and unexpected. While the parents are sleeping, you need to sneak into the bedroom and

paint dad's toes. After this, it is important to remove all nail polish remover from the house, and in the morning enjoy dad’s reaction and his findings on how to get rid of unintentional nail decoration.

Another interesting prank- this is to sew a blanket to a sheet. In the morning, you need to burst into your parents’ bedroom with some spectacular statement and see how they will extricate themselves from this ridiculous situation.

A funny but risky way to prank your mom or dad on the phone is to ask your friend to call your parent and say that tomorrow, April 1, he is called to school. You need to admit to the prank just before you go out, when dad puts on his shoes and scolds him once again. This is a great and fun way to prank your parents over the phone.

A fun and effective way to prank your parents on April 1 is to show up home with a bottle of beer and a cigarette (not lit, of course) in your lips. This method of drawing on April 1 is suitable for those children who usually behave well and do not abuse alcohol.

Pranks on April 1 for parents can be quite classic options. For example, you can glue a toothbrush to a cup along its entire length. You can pump mayonnaise or sour cream into a tube of paste. After the jokes are played, you need to congratulate everyone on April Fool's Day and try to convey your cheerful mood to your parents.

How to prank your parents at home requires just a little imagination. Most traditional pranks, if you look at them from a slightly different angle, will also be relevant for parents. Relatives love not only to laugh at each other immediately after a joke, but also to remember later about funny situations together.

How to prank your mom or dad on April 1st is clear and there are many ways. The main thing here is not to go too far, so that the joke turns out to be equally funny for everyone, does not offend anyone and does not spoil the mood in the morning. Such a prank is masterly and will definitely be remembered for a long time on the good side!

The first of April is perhaps the only day in 2019 when even bold pranks have no consequences. Don't miss this opportunity to make fun of your parents on April Fool's Day. We will give you some ideas on how to play a prank on mom and dad on April 1st.

How to joke with your parents on April 1st?

In the morning, you can play them like this: open the cap on a tube of toothpaste and attach a small piece of tape. As a result, the tube opens, the paste is visible, but “for some reason” it is impossible to squeeze it out.

You can squeeze out the contents from a tube of toothpaste and use a syringe to pump in mayonnaise or sour cream.

Another trick is to tape toothbrushes to the cup or stand in which they stand. Finally, coat the bar of soap with clear nail polish. It will not lather, no matter how much you rub it.

How else to prank mom and dad on April 1?

If one of the room doors in your apartment opens outward, you can arrange such a prank. Use threads to connect as many objects as possible: books, pens, light toys, etc. And then carefully attach the ends of the threads to the inside of the door handle. One of the parents will open the door and all the objects will fly around the room.

Another idea for a prank for parents on April Fool's Day. Offer them an unusual dessert - with pepper, garlic and other spices. For example, you can make original “sweets”.

To do this, mix processed cheese, a few cloves of garlic and half a hot pepper, add mayonnaise. You should have a mass of such consistency that you can roll it into balls. Believe me, parents will be very surprised when they taste the “candy.”

How else can you prank mom or dad on April 1? You can seal the lid of a salt shaker with holes with tape from the inside. You will watch as parents try in vain to add salt to their food. And at the end of breakfast, offer them tea or coffee, add salt instead of sugar.

Another surprise will be waiting for mom and dad in the hallway. Place crumpled pieces of cotton wool or paper in the toes of boots and shoes. When parents try to put on shoes, they find that they are too small.

However, when deciding how to joke with your parents on April 1, remember that even on this day you shouldn’t go too far. Your jokes should not be offensive. And don’t forget to say the word “prank” in time so that the joke doesn’t anger your parents.

April 1st is International April Fool's Day. The holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is on this day that it is customary to play pranks and jokes on everyone. It is unknown where this holiday comes from, but it is believed that initially the celebration was celebrated as the day of the equinox in the spring and also the beginning of the great Christian holiday - Easter. It was on the first of April that everyone rejoiced and greeted the spring warmth with jokes and fun. And this tradition still remains, because people tried to appease the capricious and changeable nature with the help of fun and laughter.

Pranks are good

April 1st jokes are very varied and can reach many people. Both children joke on children, and adults support this tradition. But children often play pranks on their parents. And this contributes to the development of a cheerful and positive atmosphere in the family.

You can play pranks on your parents throughout April Fool's Day. After all, who wouldn’t want to laugh once again? Usually, if the whole family celebrates this holiday, then many interesting and funny dishes may appear on the table. But the kids have fun in their own way. It is children who have such a developed imagination that their jokes are very playful and varied.

Joke at the table

So how can you prank your parents at home so that everyone has fun? You can joke with your dad and mom during the feast.

Now let's look at one of these jokes. Before everyone sits down at the table, the child needs to put a magnet under the tablecloth, and on it - cutlery. It is worth considering that such a draw cannot be carried out while there are already hot plates or a cup of tea on the table. And when everything is already prepared, we take the second magnet and quietly begin to control the magnet that lies under the spoon or fork.

Play a prank on mom and dad on a walk. How to do it?

But if the whole family went for a walk, then how can you prank the parents? It's not all that complicated. It is important to use your imagination here. Usually, when someone shouts something like “look over there, something is happening there,” everyone immediately turns in the indicated direction. Here, too, you can come up with something, for example, by saying something completely incredible, but possible. The main thing is that the beginning of the speech is sufficiently plausible. When everyone understands something they will start laughing, and this will definitely improve their mood!

"Delicious" dessert with a surprise

How can you joke about your family members? You can help your mother prepare breakfast in the morning, or rather, take on this task yourself. We offer one of the options for what you can prepare for April Fool's breakfast. This could be an interesting "dessert". You need to cook so that no one sees it. To this delicacy you need to add hot pepper, mayonnaise, grate processed cheese, mix everything and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Then you should put this part of the morning dish in the refrigerator and prepare the main part of breakfast.

But when everyone has eaten the main course, you can start dessert. The main thing when placing the prepared sweet on the table is to interest everyone in the fact that it is delicious. The tea or coffee has already been poured, and therefore it is at this moment that such a dish should be served. Then you can sit down and watch. But it is worth considering that someone may be intolerant to a certain product. Children usually don’t take this into account, so don’t be offended by them if something doesn’t work out.

Tea prank

Every morning parents make sure to drink tea or coffee. On the first of April you can make the drink original.

To do this, add salt to your parents' tea instead of sugar. How to do this unnoticed? To do this, on the evening of March 31, pour salt into the sugar bowl. In the morning you will already enjoy the draw itself.

An original prank near a pond

How can you prank your parents on April 1st? If you and your whole family are near a body of water, then you can put your hand to your forehead and pretend that you are looking into the distance and at the same time shout: “Look there, dolphins are jumping there.” Everyone will immediately start watching, and when they realize that this is a joke, they will all start laughing together. This will give a positive charge of energy to all family members.

Phone prank

How to prank your parents using your phone? Such a joke will be quite funny and not evil. You need to ask your friend to call your home number and introduce yourself as a housing office employee. Further warn that, taking into account repair work There will be no water for several days, so it’s worth stocking up cold water and as much as possible - you should fill the bathtub, basins, buckets. And a few hours later, call and ask if the bathtub was filled with water. Then find out whether the water is cold or not? When the answer is that it is cold, then tell them to heat it up, because soon they will come to bathe a large animal. Of course, you need to understand that not every parent will like such jokes, given the cost of water lately.

Before you think about how to prank your parents on April 1st at home, you need to understand that it should be funny not only for you, but also for those you are making fun of. In addition, you must try to make sure that no one gets hurt or gets angry. Otherwise, such a joke will backfire for all its participants.

An interesting prank with a door and other “flying” objects

You can use a prank with threads if the door in the house opens outward. Then we tie the strings to various unbreakable objects, and the other end to the door handle. When one of the parents opens the door, all these objects will fall and create noise. However, after this you should clean up yourself, so as not to anger your parents and maintain their good mood.

Comic argument with coins

There are a lot of options for pranking parents, so there is a choice. For example, you can play a joke on your parents using coins. You need to bet with your dad or mom that you will be able to throw two five-kopeck coins so that one line is formed. There should be 2 five-kopeck coins and several others in your hand. When you throw, then, of course, one will not line up solid line. But remind us that initially the dispute was about 2 five-kopeck coins.

How to prank your parents on April 1st at home? For example, betting that one of the parents cannot crush raw egg the bottom of the basin is on the floor. Of course, many will agree that they can. But the point is that the egg can be placed in the corner of the room. Then it will be very funny to watch one of the parents try to crush him.

Funny gifts

How to prank your parents? Give a funny thing. To do this, you need to sew your father an apron from camouflage fabric, and then sew (or embroider) a funny inscription on it. Then you need to pack everything in gift paper. You can sew the same apron for your mother, but from pink fabric. Inscriptions may vary. For dad, the inscription “Master in our house” is suitable, and for mom - “ To the best girl apartments."

A little conclusion

It is important to remember that jokes should be harmless, because their idea is to lighten the mood. And if you do practical jokes, such as those suggested above, then the memories will remain in your memory for many days. Good jokes should remain in memory for a long time, because this holiday was created to charge yourself and others with positive and good emotions for a long time. The main thing is to take into account the differences in the characters of the parents and try not to cause mischief, but to cause sincere laughter. We wish you good luck in pranking your parents!

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