Scenario for sister's anniversary 35. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) "A star named ...."

Scenarios for women's anniversary 35 years
35 years is a milestone, a kind of anniversary, an opportunity to take stock of the first results. It is best to hold an event dedicated to this event in a formal atmosphere - book a room in a cafe or restaurant. The main character is the presenter. Reputable people will take part in the celebration; special attention must be paid to the musical design of the event. You can't limit yourself to a simple DVD player here. You need to invite a professional DJ, with whom you can discuss the details of the holiday in advance. The one who orders the anniversary will be guided by the musical tastes of the hero of the day and the invited guests. In addition, the host should also discuss with the DJ the musical arrangement that will be needed for some numbers and competitions.
At the beginning of the holiday, guests take their places at the festive tables (if there are a lot of guests, it is better to use several tables - this is modern, in addition, this is necessary so that some competitions can be held).

- Good evening, dear friends!
This evening we were united by the anniversary of our deeply respected birthday girl (full name of the birthday girl). Let's welcome her, friends! (Guests applaud).
But what do I see? Of course, it is not customary to name a woman’s age, but there is probably a mistake in my scenario - since on her anniversary, our (Name of the birthday girl) simply cannot look so stunningly young! Although, what are the numbers? They show that we are becoming more mature, gaining experience that helps us cope with various life situations. Women become more beautiful year after year, probably comprehending some special magic that only they know about. So our (Name of the birthday girl) gained experience year by year, and now in her arsenal is not only amazing beauty, but also... (a short story about her career and family, the emphasis is on what the hero of the day managed to do better). Today, relatives and friends of (Name of the birthday girl) came to congratulate her on this wonderful holiday, but before we find out their wishes, we will listen to one wonderful song.

Musical pause (the birthday girl’s favorite song or musical composition is played) .

- Our (name) is 35 years old today
We prepared a cool bouquet for her!
The bouquet is not simple, it is not made of flowers,
From our smiles and kind words.
Toasts, sweets, dancing and dances,
We are sure that everything will be exactly like in a fairy tale!
- Well, now it’s time to find out what the guests have prepared for our wonderful birthday girl? I suggest starting with your closest relatives. The floor is given...
(The presenter introduces the one who should speak. He makes a short congratulatory speech and presents a gift. If the congratulation sounded like a toast, then the presenter offers to drink for these wonderful words, or highlights part of the congratulation and reminds that it is time to raise glasses).
Guests are given a little time to have a drink and a snack and the first competition is announced.

Competition: Cocktail for the birthday girl

Each table receives the task of preparing a cocktail in an empty glass (prepared in advance) for the birthday girl from what is on the tables. You also need to prepare a presentation of your drink.
Then representatives from each table go to the center of the room and talk about their cocktails. They also give it to one independent expert to try (selected randomly from among the guests).
The winner is determined by an expert based on the taste of the drink, as well as by the audience based on the overall design. The winners are awarded small souvenirs (prepared in advance).

- We continue to congratulate our birthday girl. This time the floor is given to her closest friends.
(The presenter introduces the one who should speak. He makes a short congratulatory speech and presents a gift. If the congratulation sounded like a toast, then the presenter offers to drink for these wonderful words, or highlights part of the congratulation and reminds that it’s time to raise glasses) .

Competition: Designer T-shirt

Two representatives from each table are called and given a white T-shirt and markers. In three minutes you need to come up with a congratulatory text and a drawing for the birthday girl and decorate a T-shirt. Then there is a presentation of T-shirts to the birthday girl. She chooses the winners and wears a T-shirt from the best “designer”.
Musical break (a song about a birthday, words on pieces of paper are distributed to each table, and the song is sung by the choir).
The motive of the song “Call me with you!”
Again we come to you to
Happy anniversary.
Toasts will thunder at the table again
Beautiful, really.
We all dedicate this song to you,
And we wish in fate
Much happiness to you!

Here's to you, friend!
The path of life is not easy
But rely on a friend.

From the top of your beauty
Give us our dreams
And we give flowers!

These thousands of the most beautiful words,
For you, friend.
We know you as a sweet woman,
And like a true friend!
We wish you joy, laughter, love
And great wealth!
Let your husband give you only happiness,
Not sparing half the kingdom.
Now let’s all raise a toast together!
Here's to you, friend!
The path of life is not easy
But rely on a friend.
We are always happy to go where you are
From the top of your beauty
Give us our dreams
And we give flowers!

(Then the Presenter introduces the one who should speak. He makes a short congratulatory speech and presents a gift. If the congratulation sounded like a toast, then the presenter offers to drink for these wonderful words, or highlights part of the congratulation and reminds that it’s time to raise glasses) .
Guests are given a short time to have a drink and snack and the next competition is announced.

Competition: Rays of Good

- They say that a woman is a source of light and warmth, and for her closest and most faithful friends, she is like a guiding star, illuminating the path and helping to walk along the road of life.
In the hands of the presenter there is a large beautiful star with many rays

- Star by name (name of the birthday girl)
Now it's burning in my hands.
She is beautiful without a flaw,
We will confirm everything verbally.
The rays of the star only radiate goodness,
And guests want to touch them.

With these words, the host approaches the guests and offers to say warm and kind words about the birthday girl (he selectively approaches the guests, gives a star ray in their hands (they should be disconnected) and offers to say good and kind words to the birthday girl.

Musical pause- dances are announced. Several popular musical compositions are played. Then the guests are invited back to the tables.

(The presenter introduces the one who should speak. He makes a short congratulatory speech and presents a gift. If the congratulation sounded like a toast, then the presenter offers to drink for these wonderful words, or highlights part of the congratulation and reminds that it is time to raise glasses).
Guests are given a little time to have a drink and snack and the next competition is announced).

Competition: Anniversary

The competition is similar to children's “Chairs” - 7 participants are invited and 6 chairs are taken. Music sounds, participants dance around the chairs, then the music stops, a letter from the word “Anniversary” sounds, and the participants must have time to find an object with this letter on the tables, around them, in their clothes and sit on a chair with it. The one who doesn't have time is eliminated. The game goes until the last player, who becomes the winner.
If there are still those who wish to congratulate, they are given the floor. Congratulations in poetry, songs, and stage performances are welcome. A moment is provided for a toast, a drink, etc.

Dance break- two or three compositions, then a slow dance, everyone breaks into pairs and the leader announces:

Competition: Dance with the knee.

Couples dance to the music. The music stops. The partner should get down on one knee, and the partner should run around him and sit on his knee. The couple who did everything at the last moment is eliminated. The competition continues until the very last pair.
The dancing continues.
Then the host invites everyone to the tables.

- Attention attention!
Now a miracle will happen in our hall! An object of extraordinary beauty will arrive here; confectioners from France decided to congratulate our (Name of the birthday girl).
The lights in the hall go out. A birthday cake is brought into the hall on a table with wheels, with candles on it (better if they are firework candles). The birthday girl goes to the center, puts out the candles and makes a wish. Then she cuts the cake and delivers it to the guests (with assistants).
Then the holiday continues in random order.


- The anniversary has already come to an end, my friends,
And probably more than you, - I’m so upset now.
Maybe exactly a year later, on this day, and at the same hour
The birthday girl will invite us to the holiday again.

The script is half the success of any holiday. And if not everything, then a lot depends on how thoughtful and interesting the script is. That is why, when developing a scenario for a woman’s 35th birthday, especially a woman, you need to be extremely focused and creative. Women are very sensitive to everything that happens around them, and on their anniversary they want to be the center of attention, the center of a grand celebration, the task of organizing which will fall entirely on your shoulders.

What should a woman be like? It's simple. It should be dynamic, fun and original. To the extent of the feast, to the extent of the competitions, to the extent of the show program. Maximum balance is the key to a good holiday.

But where can one find such a script for a woman’s 35th birthday? It would be extremely difficult to write such a work yourself. And why? In this section you can find scenarios for every taste and color. Vlio offers you a huge selection of scenarios that will help you create a truly excellent and memorable anniversary. Hurry up to choose one of them! Hurry to surprise the birthday girl and guests! Hurry up to become a real hero of the upcoming evening!

Any birthday is important, and if it is also an anniversary, then it is doubly pleasant. The date is especially wonderful. A woman already has everything a person can dream of, but everything is the same with her, her beauty and charm remain.


We offer you a fairly relevant theme for a woman’s birthday scenario – “Flower Paradise”. The holiday is celebrated at home, or in a cafe or restaurant. The room is decorated with fresh flowers, tablecloths and napkins should also have floral designs. We especially decorate the place where the hero of the day will sit. You can decorate the chair with artificial flowers (real ones will be more difficult, but will look more impressive). You can also scatter rose petals on the floor. The birthday girl’s clothes should also be bright so that she can easily stand out from the crowd.

Oh, how many flowers there are here today,
What a fragrance there will be here,
We understand this paradise without words,
And let him have no excuse!
But I want to find the main flower,
And you friends, of course, are waiting for him,
Well (name), please come out,
In a beautiful, colorful and fabulous flight!
(Anniversary girl comes out)

Look at her
She's like delicious wine
She looks so sweet and pleasant.
She's clearly intoxicating us all!
But she can be forgiven for that
After all, she can be beautiful,
After all, today she is the hero of the day,
35 years, what a year!
(the presenter hands the hero of the day a bouquet, applause sounds)

But before taking my place, I would ask you (name) to tell your fortune on a daisy. But this chamomile is not simple, but magical, whichever petal you tear off is the gift you receive. Since your date starts at number 3, I'm giving you three attempts.

(the chamomile is made in advance from colored cardboard, the names of the gifts are written on the petals, gifts of course need to be purchased for all the petals, but only selected ones are given. The rest can be entered into the following competitions; there are different options for gifts, from cosmetics to household items. It all depends depending on your imagination and financial situation. But most importantly, they must please the hero of the day)

Well, now with the gifts,
You can go to the table,
To delicious snacks, and to wine!
(The hero of the day goes to her place)

Presenter (toast):
For the present, for the future, our dear,
May there be more joy and happiness in everything!
(musical break, meal)

I announce a dance competition
And I invite all couples to join me!

The competition is called: “Flower Dance”. Everyone stands in pairs in the middle of the hall, men must take a flower with their teeth and hold it like that during the dance. But as soon as the music stops, the man gets down on one knee, the woman makes a circle around him. He sits down on his knee and picks up a flower with his teeth. Those who do not have time are eliminated. Gifts for the best couples: flower pots with indoor roses.

Well, just, just well done,
You danced with all your heart
Well, now let's take the glasses,
After all, we are very happy about the holiday.
And we all drink to (name)
May she have happiness in everything!
(musical break, meal)

And now please, get ready for a new competition,
It's a team thing there!

The competition is called: “Team bouquet”. Everyone is welcome to participate. We divide into two teams. Each is given inflorescences of different colors, wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, and beads. Task: within a certain time, compose a beautiful congratulatory bouquet for the Anniversary girl as quickly as possible. Whose team does it faster, and, in the birthday girl’s opinion, is more beautiful, is the winner. A prize for everyone - towels with floral embroidery.

Well, now, the time has come for real congratulations. Dear guests, I am sure that you have selected the best wishes for our dear Anniversary! (guests alternately congratulate and give gifts)

For your gifts, for your congratulations,
I ask everyone to drink without delay,
Thank you all for gathering here,
That each of you came to us for an encore!
(musical break, meal)

And now, I will tell you riddles,
And for correct answers, give gifts!

The competition is called: “Riddles”. The host asks riddles in accordance with the theme of the holiday. Whoever answers correctly receives a gift. All objects and things that will depict something floral are suitable for gifts.


They are the ideal of beauty for us today,
And these will be...?
(answer: flowers)

This color in Shatunov’s songs dies from frost,
And his name is white...?
(answer: rose)

They have large, graceful buds,
And the name of these flowers is...?
(answer: peonies)

She will always be beautiful
And her name will be...?
(answer: aster)

We can write poems about them,
After all, flowers are so divine...?
(answer: chrysanthemums)

These are lilac forest flowers,
And their names are in Russian...?
(answer: cornflowers)

White petals and yellow round,
And her name is...?
(answer: chamomile)

Well, for your correct answers,
We continue banquets,
We raise our glasses,
And to the bottom, for the dear Anniversary - let's drink!
(musical break, meal)

And now I say a congratulatory speech, and also go on a walk:
35 is neither more nor less.
35 – the date is good,
35 is just the beginning
When the soul bathes in happiness!
And I wish you (name)
This happiness should be carefully preserved,
And then there will be no end for him.
This is what my speech will be like!
Happy anniversary! Happy 35th birthday! Hooray!
(the holiday continues)

A well-prepared festive event with competitions, songs, and dances is scenario for women's anniversary 35 years. There should be two presenters, not timid girls, the holiday plan is big, serious preparation is needed, but it will be interesting for everyone.

Scenario for women's anniversary 35 years - the beginning of the celebration

Meeting the hero of the day
Nikolaev “Congratulations”

(Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the host’s words. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the “star path.”)

Marina: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart,
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one whose birthday it is.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Olga: Dear Natalya!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

Marina: So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to pass
Star track.

Olga: Every star is just a mystery,
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess at least something!

Marina: This is what each of us dreams of,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers)

Olga: To remember your biography later.
We will do this now... (photo)

Marina: From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his... (kiss)
Olga: For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause.)

Marina: We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now... (confetti.)

Olga: To always be with friends,
We all need to perform... (song.)
(Guests sing the song "Song of the Crocodile Gena.")

Marina: And it’s time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary here... (fireworks.)

Olga: You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.

Marina: We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)

I feast

Olga: We all gathered for the holiday
We know this for sure.

You should drink to this
-We don't mind.

Marina: We celebrate your holiday very bright today

You should drink to this
-We don't mind.

Olga: And we want to wish you never to lose heart

You should drink to this
-We don't mind.

Marina: In December, when it’s cold and strong wind,
There are all kinds of amazing demand for the holidays.
Someone is happy about Magician's Day, someone is happy about Revival Day,
And today we are celebrating Natasha’s birthday.
We warmly welcome the assembled guests,
And we are happy to open Natalya’s anniversary!

(Fanfare sounds. Guests applaud. The garlands on the main backdrop are lit. “Masquerade Waltz”)

Marina: Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.

Olga: To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.
(Music. Guests fill glasses. “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale”)

I suggest drinking the first toast while standing.

Marina: Happy birthday, Happy anniversary Natalya!
This evening you and I are together.
And we won’t regret good words
For you beloved and dear!

Olga: We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you
And we wish you personal happiness!
And my proposal is simple:
Drink to the hero of the day while standing!

Important dates are not celebrated so often, so every time you want everything to go perfectly, without ridiculous misunderstandings and insults. How to celebrate a woman’s 35th anniversary so that both the guests and the hero of the occasion are happy? The main thing is to understand that you cannot let such a matter take its course. A plan and systematic preparation are your first assistants.

How to properly create a guest list?

First of all, you should think about the list of invitees. The fact is that a lot depends on their composition in the future: what entertainment to choose, dishes on the menu, music. After all, it is clear that what is fun for middle-aged people can be sheer torture for young people, and vice versa. In addition, when compiling a guest list, pay attention to whether these people know each other, whether they would be interested in communicating, and whether their professional or life interests are close. In other words, will it happen that the hero of the day will be the only link between an absolutely disunited group of people? Having carefully thought through the guest list, you can proceed to the next stages of preparation.

How to choose a place for an anniversary

The place for the celebration must be chosen in advance. First of all, you need to take into account the tastes of the hero of the day. If the reason for the party is a woman's 35th birthday, then it is clear that you should not book a table at a strip bar, although for some this is the best place to relax. Having identified several establishments suitable for your case, you can choose a hall depending on the number of people and conditions. Inspect it: do you like everything, are the staff ready to change the interior or decorative elements if necessary? If you are ready, feel free to book your chosen place. You can move on to the next stage.

How to create a menu?

How to organize a woman's 35th birthday celebration so that her main memory is not indigestion and headaches? It is also very important to think through the composition of the dishes in advance. First of all, check if there are any special food lovers among the invitees: vegetarians, raw foodists? Do any of your guests have severe allergies to anything? These subtleties must be taken into account when creating a menu. So, if at any holiday you should provide at least two options for hot food, and among your guests someone does not eat meat, then one of the options should be vegetarian. Allergy sufferers need to be taken even more seriously; after all, a severe attack can be deadly. Generally speaking, the approximate scheme of the holiday menu is as follows: two hot options, two side dishes, at least four varieties of salads, two dessert options. Drinks are no less important than food. If you invite really close people and know who drinks what, it will be easy for you. It is recommended to buy both sparkling and plain water, at the rate of 1 liter per person.

How to choose a toastmaster?

When there are a lot of guests, more than 15-20 people, it will be difficult to organize general fun “out of the blue.” After all, it’s not for nothing that there is a whole industry and special people for this. If you decide to hire a toastmaster, you should not focus only on price. The most expensive is not always the best. The main criterion is the preferences of the society that will gather, so it is best to watch a recording of the work of the proposed presenter. Each toastmaster has his own prepared set of jokes, competitions and toasts - not all are suitable for celebrating a woman’s 35th birthday. Only after watching the video will you understand for sure whether this person is right for you.

How to decide on the cultural program of the evening?

If you have chosen a toastmaster, then most likely, under his leadership, you will draw up a list of competitions and games that will be in the theme of your holiday and will appeal to the guests. Here we must not forget about the age of the invitees and whether they are capable of “fun starts”. After all, no one forbids organizing an intellectual quiz or talent competition instead of the “Musical Stick”, in which everyone can demonstrate something of their own.

The musical accompaniment should be focused on the tastes of the hostess of the evening and her guests. This could be a recording of folk songs, live jazz, or obscene ditties. The main thing is to choose music according to personal preferences, not fashion.

To successfully celebrate a woman’s 35th birthday, you may need:
1. Original anniversary script for a woman, choose it.
2. A fun competition for the anniversary, see.
3. Remade song for the anniversary, choose it on this page.
Very important! We need to take into account all the wishes of the hero of the day and not let the guests get bored!

How to decorate a room?

It’s not difficult to decorate the hall even on your own, and if you wish, you can order professional service. In any case, for a woman’s 35th birthday there is nothing better than decorating the hall with fresh flowers. It's expensive, but unforgettable. To order, you can make almost any composition from fresh flowers, from a swan on the surface of the water to the Eiffel Tower. Garlands made of balloons and colored paper are an invariable attribute of such a holiday.

Is it worth ordering a video shoot?

An anniversary is a special date. This is one of those days that you will want to relive again someday. Thanks to technological progress, this is not a problem now. If you are celebrating a really important date in a warm circle, you should not skimp on a videographer. There is always the opportunity to ask a disinterested friend to work with the camera, but in this way you will deprive your friend of rest and will not get a high-quality video. Only a professional can choose the right place and shooting mode, capture the most touching and important things, and turn this moment of your life into a real movie. However, you should not buy into tempting “2 in 1” offers, when you are offered to hire a photographer and cameraman in one person. It is impossible to do two things well at the same time. And don’t forget that editing a film from footage is a separate job and is paid for separately.

Spending a real, lively and warm festive friendly evening that will bring joy to everyone is not easy. Your weapon in this matter is planned and thoughtful preliminary preparation. Imagine what this day should be like, write everything down to the smallest detail, and it will definitely work out. The main thing is to enjoy communicating with loved ones who came to celebrate your personal holiday, and arrange everything the way you like, and not as is customary, fashionable or considered decent.

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