Products for gaining muscle mass. The Best Foods for Gaining Muscle

don't open the refrigerator

without good reason

who knows what you will find there

and then how do you live with it?


Muscle growth depends not so much on training as on nutrition. That's why it's so important to eat foods that promote muscle growth. We work as a team: we list the most important products for muscle growth, and you add them to your shopping list.

  • Chicken breast

Per 100 g it contains 30 g of protein. It is dietary, healthy, inexpensive and allows you to prepare a wide variety of dishes at once.

  • Fish fat

Very important. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has an excellent effect on muscles after exercise, allowing you to train more and recover faster. In addition, it speeds up metabolism.

  • Beef
  • Turkey

Turkey is an excellent product for losing weight. Contains a huge amount of protein, 11 vitamins and minerals, including selenium, which is believed to prevent many types of cancer.

  • Buckwheat

Best kind of side dish! Due to its high amino acid content, it contains 18 g of protein per 100 g of product.

  • Oatmeal

Whole grain oats contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, it is a “slow” carbohydrate, which provides a constant flow of energy and after consumption of which the appetite does not come soon.

  • Spinach

If you eat 2 kg of spinach per day, you can increase muscle growth by 20%. Popeye the Sailor knew what he was doing!

  • Sweet potato

Again - a large amount of vitamins and minerals, maintains normal blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling full.

  • Broccoli

Vegetables - and especially broccoli - are one of the best sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

  • Unpolished (brown) rice

An excellent side dish option. This rice contains 4 g of fiber and 8 g of protein per 100 g.

  • Cottage cheese

Another product necessary for building muscle mass. Contains 28 g of protein per 100 g, in which it is not much inferior to chicken breasts.

  • Chocolate

Too good to be true, you say. Nevertheless, it is necessary as a tonic that wards off fatigue. Of course, we are not talking about milk or white chocolate.

  • Legumes

Beans, beans, peas, and chickpeas contain a lot of protein and do not interfere with insulin levels in the blood.

  • Nuts

Girls don't like nuts because they are high in calories, but they nevertheless contain rare and beneficial vitamin E. They are also rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and help recover after workouts.

  • Lean red meat

Contains a huge amount of amino acids, as well as copper, zinc, selenium and creatine.

  • Whey Protein

The best protein containing fast protein is best consumed immediately after training.

  • Salmon

Salmon contains not only protein, but also omega-3 acids, speeds up metabolism and has a very good effect on your general condition.

  • A pineapple

Pineapple contains a special enzyme - bromelain - which has a positive effect on muscle recovery, improves metabolism, participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and breaks down fats.

  • Water

This is certainly not a product, but adequate hydration is especially important. Muscle tissue is 75% water. Adequate water intake leads to increased strength. You must drink at least 0.6 ml per 1 kg of weight.

  • Eggs

1 egg contains 6-8 g of protein, as well as zinc and calcium.

A list of foods high in protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body.

How foods are rated for protein digestibility

First of all, dietary protein is necessary for muscle growth. Essential amino acids from food become the building blocks for new muscle cells, so without enough protein you won't achieve muscle growth.

However, in addition to the amount of protein in foods, it is also worth considering its nutritional value and digestibility. Currently, protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), or amino acid protein digestibility coefficient, is used to assess protein digestibility.

PDCAAS shows how well the amino acid composition of a product meets human needs. The upper limit of this scale is 1.0. Products with this coefficient are best absorbed and are complete sources of protein.

Remember that proper nutrition without training will not lead to muscle gain.

Best Foods to Build Muscle

1. Milk

Kcal per 100 g of product: 60.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 3.2 g.
PDCAAS: 1.0.

A scientific review by Matthew Stark of Northern Illinois University states that milk is almost completely absorbed by the body, causing protein synthesis and tissue repair, and provides all essential amino acids.

A 2008 review of scientific research found that milk dramatically increases muscle protein synthesis. Consuming milk after exercise combined with strength training for 12 weeks increases muscle hypertrophy and lean muscle mass.

A 2006 study found that whole milk provides 2.8 times more threonine (an essential amino acid that helps build muscle protein) than skim milk, and 80% more phenylalanine (another essential amino acid found in body proteins).

2. Cottage cheese

Kcal per 100 g of product: from 71 to 159 depending on fat content.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 16.7 g.
PDCAAS: 1.0.

Cottage cheese is 70% casein, a slowly digestible complex protein. This means that the level of amino acids in the blood rises slowly and remains elevated for 6-8 hours. Therefore, it is often recommended to eat cottage cheese before a long break between meals, for example at night. This allows you to maintain anabolism until your next meal.

In addition, cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for muscle contraction and plays an important role in the transport of amino acids and creatine.

3 eggs

Kcal per 100 g of product: 74.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 12 g.
PDCAAS: 1.0.

According to a study by Jose M. Miranda, 15 grams of egg white protein contains 1,300 mg of leucine. A recent experiment showed that leucine produces the greatest anabolic response in the skeletal muscle of young people, so egg whites may have a big impact on muscle building.

It is leucine that stimulates the synthesis of skeletal muscles, regardless of other amino acids. In addition, leucine reduces the rate of muscle protein breakdown.

Egg yolk also contains 3.44 milligrams of zinc per 100 grams of product. Zinc is also beneficial for muscle growth. A 2016 study found that zinc is essential for the production of insulin-like growth factor, which promotes muscle development.

Nutritionists often advise consuming no more than four eggs per week due to the high cholesterol levels (200–300 mg) in the yolk. However, despite many studies, there is still no consensus on the dangers of eggs for heart health.

Jose Miranda's article suggests that only 30% of the world's population is hypersensitive to dietary cholesterol, while the remaining 70% are hyposensitive. The former already have high cholesterol levels and may be harmed by consuming eggs in large quantities, while the latter would benefit from more health benefits than harm. As Miranda points out, modern dietary guidelines recommend eating one egg per day.

4. Beef

Kcal per 100 g of product: 158.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 25 g in boiled beef.
PDCAAS: 0.92.

Beef contains high-quality protein, which contains all the essential amino acids in the same proportions as in human muscles.

A 2014 study proved the effectiveness of beef consumption for gaining fat-free mass. The study involved 26 healthy young people. The first group after training ate 135 grams of canned beef with 20 grams of protein and 1.7 grams of fat per 100 grams of product. The second, control group trained without subsequent food intake. After eight weeks, the first group's fat-free mass increased by 2.3 kilograms.

A 2011 study confirmed that exercise combined with consuming 240 grams of beef increased muscle protein synthesis in both young (29 ± 3 years) and older (67 ± 2 years) participants.

A 2015 study found that beef protein was as effective as whey protein for building muscle mass. After eight weeks of training and protein consumption, participants consuming beef protein increased fat-free mass by 5.7%, lost 10% body fat, and increased one-rep max in the bench press and deadlift compared to the group not consuming protein supplements.

5. Chicken breast

Kcal per 100 g of product: about 165.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 31 g in boiled breast.
PDCAAS: 0.92.

A study found that hydrolyzed chicken protein was as effective in building muscle as beef protein and whey protein. Participants in the experiment who consumed chicken protein experienced an average increase of two kilograms in fat-free mass and increased one-repetition maximums in the deadlift and bench press.

Chicken breast is valued among bodybuilders for its large amount of high-quality protein and low amount of fat - only 1.9 grams per 100 grams of product. If you have high cholesterol, choose breast meat over other parts of the chicken. The study found that 100 grams of chicken breast contains 53 milligrams of cholesterol, and 100 grams of chicken thigh contains 82.9 milligrams.

6. Fish (trout, salmon, cod)

Kcal per 100 g of product: about 100.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 18–22 g.
PDCAAS: 0.78.

In addition to the listed species, about 20 grams of highly digestible protein are found in the meat of tuna, chum salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, and mackerel. In addition, fish is low in calories and contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for health.

Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, among other health benefits, also accelerate muscle growth. A 2011 study by Gordon I. Smith found that taking 4 grams of a prescription omega-3-acid supplement per day for eight weeks significantly increased the anabolic response to amino acids and insulin sensitivity. After taking the supplement, muscle protein concentration and muscle cell size increased.

The fattier the fish, the more healthy fatty acids it contains. For example, mackerel contains 2.6 grams of omega-3 per 100 grams of product, salmon contains 2.5 grams, and tuna and cod contain only 0.2 grams.

7. Chickpeas

Kcal per 100 g of product: 364.
Protein content per 100 g of product: 19 g in raw chickpeas, 8.86 g in boiled chickpeas.
PDCAAS: 0.78.

Chickpeas, or chickpeas, are more popular in the Middle East, but can now be found in almost any major supermarket.

According to the study, four tablespoons of chickpea hummus (a thick puree) provides 14 grams of plant-based protein, 25 grams of fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Chickpeas contain a complex of essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine, necessary for muscle growth; glycine, arginine and methionine, from which creatine is synthesized. It also has 3.43 milligrams of zinc per 100 grams of product.

This legume will be an excellent replacement for animal protein for vegetarians and a varied side dish for those who eat meat.

Share your favorite high-protein recipes in the comments to the article.

Protein is protein. Otherwise, it is an organic substance that consists of amino acids. Protein is responsible for the construction and restoration of human muscles. But for this it is not enough to consume proteins alone. The diet should also include carbohydrates and fats.

Types of protein

Muscle proteins (proteins) are essential for athletes and anyone trying to build muscle. It is also used to restore them. Protein has many varieties, and they all have different effects. The most common proteins that are used to build muscles are:

What is the difference in proteins?

Incomplete proteins lack amino acids that cannot be replaced. Therefore, to gain muscle mass, it is necessary to supplement incomplete proteins with other foods. Proteins do not bring the desired effect if physical activity is incorrectly calculated, as well as when the diet is not followed.

How much protein do you need to build muscle?

How much protein do you need to gain muscle mass? Protein intake must be calculated correctly. The daily norm is 2-2.5 g/1 kg. It is taken into account that the body can absorb from 30 to 35 g of protein in one meal. Therefore, the diet should be divided during the day into 5 or 6 meals.

It is important to remember that the body requires a lot of energy in the morning. It usually appears during breakfast, which should contain carbohydrates. But after this, their number should be significantly reduced and replaced by proteins. Their share should increase. As a result, before going to bed, the body should receive only low-fat foods containing protein.

What foods contain proteins?

There are a number of foods that contain proteins:

  1. Muscle proteins are found in beef. 200 g of meat contains vitamin B 12, fatty acids, omega and zinc. And also 40 g of proteins. Beef is a natural source of creatine, which increases muscle endurance and strength.
  2. Chicken breast is in the diet of all bodybuilders. 100 g of meat contains 20 g of protein and only 1 g of fat. At the same time, there are many recipes on how exactly it can be prepared so that the breast does not get boring.
  3. Boiled chicken eggs also contain muscle protein. But you need to remember that yolks contain a lot of cholesterol. Minus this, one egg contains 6 g of protein.
  4. Cottage cheese contains a lot of casein. But this type of protein takes a long time to digest. Therefore, it is best to consume cottage cheese in the evening.
  5. Tuna. 100 g of fish contains 15 g of protein and additional fatty amino acids.
  6. Turkey. 100 g of meat contains 20 g of protein, as well as calcium, magnesium and many other important components and vitamins.
  7. Milk also contains protein for gaining muscle mass. Moreover, the product is considered the best due to its availability. But milk contains a lot of lactose, which can cause allergies. Therefore, the product is not suitable for everyone. 200 g of milk contains 10 g of protein.
  8. Beans. It is close in composition to meat. 100 g of beans contains 20 g of protein. But also 56 g of carbohydrates and 300 kcal. And this should also be taken into account when gaining muscle mass.
  9. Soy is considered the best plant-based protein source. 100 g contains 35 g of protein.

Protein is also found in sea fish meat, squid, beans and nuts.

Proper protein nutrition

To gain muscle mass, protein is a must. But the diet should also contain carbohydrates and fats. does not mean giving up other food. Muscle proteins should make up at least 70 percent of the daily requirement in the diet. But when training to build muscle mass, the protein intake should be increased even more. At the same time, carbohydrates and fats cannot exceed their daily allowance.

For stable functioning of the body, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily. If it is inconvenient to take food with you to the gym, then special drinks containing protein are sold. The classic composition of muscle protein found in a cocktail for athletes:

  • 350 g milk;
  • 100 g cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • white from 4 chicken eggs;
  • banana;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 2 tsp. honey

This cocktail should be drunk 2 hours before the start of training and half an hour after completion. Also, protein must be present in dinner, which should not be skipped.

Protein Supplements for Athletes

In addition to food, muscle proteins are found in special nutritional supplements. They contain a lot of protein. Very convenient to use and from the point of view of individual calculation of the required amount of protein. Dietary protein supplements vary in effectiveness, characteristics and composition. Just above is one of the classic cocktails.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is very good for (aka fast). This is a liquid by-product. It is produced during the coagulation period of milk. The starting product contains approximately 20 percent whey protein. It contains nine of the most important and essential amino acids. Whey protein dissolves easily in liquid and is the basis of many dairy products.

There are three types of whey, which is the most chemical-free product and contains 95 percent protein. It is even better absorbed in another type of protein - hydrolyzate. As a result, amino acids enter the muscles very quickly. At the same time, it is good to save energy.

Hydrolyzate has the best effect if taken after training, when the body requires replenishing nutrients. Casein contains 80 percent. This type of protein is absorbed very slowly. But for a long time, the muscles constantly receive the amino acids necessary for their structure or restoration.

Protein products should be included in the diet of any person. But you can’t eat them all the time, so that it doesn’t harm the body and cause irreversible processes. It is not recommended to use it for more than 30 days to achieve the desired result, that is, build muscle mass. After this time, it is important to properly move away from such a system and slowly introduce previously prohibited foods into the daily diet.

Eating foods high in protein is necessary for building muscles, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates, and stimulating metabolism. Proteins can be of plant and animal origin.

Protein foods - what are they?

A large amount of protein is contained in the following products (per 100 g):

It is important to know! Products that contain an increased amount of protein relative to other foods also saturate the body with iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.

All these beneficial substances are very important for red blood cells, as well as the strength of human bone tissue.

List of animal products and their protein content

Products of animal origin contain a considerable amount of protein.

The list of protein content is as follows (per 100 g):

  1. Milk and fermented milk products - 2.5-2.9;
  2. Chicken liver - 18.0–21.0;
  3. Eggs - 12.5;
  4. Salmon - 25.4;
  5. Beef - 19.5;
  6. Pork - 25.0;
  7. Lamb - 18.5;
  8. Chickens - 19.5;
  9. Liver - 17.5;
  10. Beluga - 24.0;
  11. Caviar - 28.0–30.0;
  12. Duck - 15.8;
  13. Caviar - 27.0;
  14. Chickens - 22.6;
  15. Rabbit, hare meat - 24.0;
  16. Chicken stomachs - 20.0–21.0;
  17. Gusyatin - 29.0;
  18. Beef tongue - 16.1;
  19. Tuna - 23.0;
  20. Sardine - 23.7.

If you are wondering what protein foods are, what foods they are, a list of protein foods, an experienced nutritionist will help you.

List of plant products and their protein content

Products of plant origin have a huge advantage - they contain virtually no fat and cholesterol, which distinguishes them from products of animal origin.

So, for example, 100 g of beef contains up to 20% of the recommended amount of fat and 30% of cholesterol in the blood, while soy does not contain cholesterol at all and contains only 1% fat.

But anyway The intake of animal products is necessary for the daily diet.

For an adult, the daily intake of animal protein should be at least 30% of the total food intake, and the total amount of protein should be within 150 g.

Protein foods are what plant products?

  1. Pistachios - 20.3;
  2. Soybeans - 35.0;
  3. Peas - 23.0;
  4. Lentils - 24.8;
  5. Pumpkin seeds - 30.1;
  6. Hazelnuts - 16.0;
  7. Walnut - 13.6–14.3;
  8. Buckwheat - 12.6;
  9. Semolina - 11.3;
  10. Bread - 8.0;
  11. Mushrooms - 0.9–3.3;
  12. Apples, pears - 0.4;
  13. Berries - 0.5–1.0;
  14. Millet - 12.1;
  15. Garlic - 6.5;
  16. Green peas - 1.0;
  17. Brazil nut - 14.2;
  18. Potatoes - 2.0.

List of protein contents of available foods

It would also be interesting to know about protein foods – what kind of food products are they and what is the protein content in them?

Below is a list of protein content in foods (per 100 g):

  1. Egg powder - 45.0;
  2. Cheese cheese - 18.0;
  3. Hard and processed cheese - 23.4-29.0;
  4. Cheesecakes, casserole - 16.4-18.9;
  5. Liver pate - 18.0;
  6. Canned meat - 15.0-20.0;
  7. Cutlet, chop - 20.0;
  8. Soy protein isolate - 90.0;
  9. Ham - 22.6;
  10. Lamb kebab - 22.9;
  11. Cervelat - 24.0;
  12. Smoked salmon - 25.4;
  13. Pasta - 10.0–11.3;
  14. Beefsteak - 28.8;
  15. Sausage mince - 15.2;
  16. Cottage cheese - 14.0–18.0;
  17. Boiled veal - 30.7;
  18. Ham - 14.3.

List of the healthiest protein foods

The ideal animal protein product is egg, because it is almost 100% absorbed by the body.

The absorption of proteins of animal origin is 70–90%, and that of plant origin is 40–70%. The most healthy protein foods are found in foods such as veal, followed by beef, rabbit and pork.

It is also worth highlighting that any food containing large amounts of protein may not be entirely healthy, because contains a lot of fats and carbohydrates.

As previously noted, egg white is one of the healthy ones, representing a low-calorie product, so you don’t have to worry about eating 5-6 eggs a day, but you can eat only 2-3 eggs a day. in a day.

One more Low-fat meat is considered a healthy product. Nutritionists recommend eating meat that is steamed, grilled or boiled. Moreover, meat contains the required amount of animal fats that the body needs; the main thing is not to exaggerate when consuming such a product.

Nutritionists insist on mandatory daily consumption of cottage cheese 200 g per day, because it is low-calorie and contains practically no fats and carbohydrates.

With a small protein content, but its usefulness gives way to oatmeal, which can be supplemented with various fruits and berries, saturating the body with protein, absorbed in the body within 6-8 hours.

Note! Some plant proteins do not contain enough essential amino acids, so it is better to diversify your diet with foods of animal origin.

Protein products for gaining muscle mass in combination with training

The main components of muscle growth are regular training and sports nutrition.

Eating protein foods is a must in a healthy diet, but you also shouldn’t forget about counting calories, because the energy for building muscles lies in nutrition.

The norm for protein intake for an athlete who has gained weight is 2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Professionals advise consuming animal protein for greater weight gain.

You can create your own diet for the required amount of protein mass. For example, the daily diet of an athlete who weighs 85 kg should include: 0.5 kg of chicken, 200 g of cottage cheese, 5 eggs and 0.5 liters of milk. You can alternate with fish, legumes, etc. To gain muscle mass, calories need to be increased almost 2 times.

“Protein foods – what kind of foods are they, a list of protein foods” are questions that are always of interest to people who strive for a slim figure.

Protein products for weight loss

Protein foods stimulate metabolism, which is beneficial for weight loss and appetite decreases.

Many people trying to lose weight do not plan their diet correctly, and also wonder: what are protein foods?

The necessary diet, consisting of the right foods, has a positive effect on changes in the body during weight loss.

But such a diet is also useful for the following:

Common protein diets. Their principles for eating protein foods

There are many types of diets, and some of them necessarily include protein foods with a high protein component or are even based only on protein products.

A protein diet mainly includes:

  • Fish;
  • Lean meat;
  • Milk;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Cheese with a fat content of no more than 25%;
  • Soy products (milk, cottage cheese).

Diet according to Dr. Dukan

The Dukan diet includes 4 phases and stages:

In addition to performing the 4 phases, the Dukan diet consists of following the following rules:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids (1.5 liters per day);
  2. Daily consumption of bran;
  3. Morning exercises;
  4. Daily walk in the fresh air.

Hayley Pomeroy's diet - losing weight without fasting

This diet is aimed at speeding up metabolism. The Hayley Pomeroy diet consists of a special nutrition program in which a person loses extra pounds without abstaining from food, removing fat cells naturally.

This diet includes a fully written menu for each day and a list of foods for each phase that are allowed to be consumed.

Atkins diet

The Atkins diet is about reducing your carbohydrate intake., due to which the body can gain fat reserves.

As with many diets, you need to drink plenty of fluids when following the Atkins diet. Avoiding foods high in carbohydrates, according to Atkinson, will significantly reduce your calorie intake.

Following a diet without carbohydrates can significantly affect the body, because dizziness, weakness and headaches may appear. These symptoms disappear over time and the body adapts to the changes.

Protein-rich recipes for weight loss

What dishes can be prepared from protein products? It should be not only healthy, but also tasty food.

Cottage cheese casserole



  1. Combine cottage cheese, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla, then add the remaining ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  2. Beat the whites until a white mass forms and add to the dough.
  3. Place everything in a silicone mold greased with oil.
  4. Cook for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-200°C.

Red fish with spinach cooked in an omelette



  1. Beat the egg in a bowl, add sour cream, salt, add defrosted and chopped spinach.
  2. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and pepper.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a silicone mold greased with butter and place the fish in the center.
  4. Place in the multicooker basket and cook in the “steam” mode for 15 minutes.

Protein is not only involved in the formation of muscle tissue and promotes weight loss, it also plays a significant role in the structure of the skeleton.

Protein deficiency significantly affects the imbalance of nitrogen balance; the body “feeds” on its own tissues, which is why it is so necessary in the diet of every person.

This video will tell you what protein foods are, what foods they are, a list of protein foods and much more.

From this video you will learn how to select protein foods for weight loss.

The two main factors influencing muscle gain are systematic strength training and thoughtful nutrition. Moreover, nutrition often plays a decisive role in achieving your goals. And eating a lot of protein is far from the most important key to success. You need to carefully count calories, BZHU, and also eat according to the regime.

Planning your menu is not an easy job, which many athletes are simply too lazy to do. However, if you ignore this factor, training may not bring the desired result. It is important to understand why proper nutrition allows you to quickly build muscle mass, and to follow certain recommendations given by sports nutritionists.

These 10 rules will help you quickly build muscle mass.

If you consume 100-200 more calories per day than usual, you will not be able to quickly increase muscle size. As the caloric content of the diet increases, the metabolic rate also increases, which means that a small amount of “extra” calories will simply be burned without turning into muscle mass. As a result, muscles will grow almost imperceptibly for you. Well, if there is no visible progress for a long time, the motivation to give all your best in training gradually disappears.

In order to quickly increase muscle size, you need to consume 10-20% more calories than usual. For people of asthenic physique, 2000 kilocalories per day is too little. Such a diet will not lead to muscle growth, but to weight loss, since the body will simply get rid of muscle fibers due to lack of energy. Of course, in each case the calorie surplus is calculated separately. However, as a rule, this figure is about 500 kilocalories.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to gain weight only through muscle: the amount of fat in the body will also increase. To limit the gain of fatty tissue, eat as few fast carbohydrates as possible. Also, try to get in some cardio a few times a week.

#2 Eat food at the same time every day

You shouldn't skip meals: you shouldn't be hungry during the day either. At the same time, it is not very important how many times a day you eat: the total number of kilocalories consumed is much more important. It is not always possible to consume 100 kilocalories at a time, so experienced athletes advise eating 4-5 times a day. Develop your own meal schedule that is convenient for you. The most important thing is not to be hungry and monitor the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. You shouldn't plan six meals a day unless you have the ability to follow that schedule.

No. 3 Gainers and protein shakes

If you are unable to gain the required amount of calories, you should use special ones and cocktails.

Gainer is a mixture of easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. You should choose gainers that contain high quality protein (concentrate or isolate). The calorie content of a gainer should not be too high, otherwise the extra calories will turn into fatty tissue.

Gainer can be made at home by mixing cottage cheese, whey protein, oatmeal, as well as fruits and berries. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed using a blender. This cocktail can replace a full meal.

No. 4 Protein food

To grow muscle mass, it is important to consume enough protein. You should eat about 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight per day. There is no need to eat sausages, sausages and fast food: this food contains low-quality proteins and carbohydrates, as well as all kinds of dyes and preservatives. Chicken meat, fatty fish, veal and beef deserve attention. Chicken eggs are a good source of carbohydrates, although it is not recommended to consume more than two yolks per day. Buy low-fat dairy products. Supplement your diet with plant-based proteins (nuts, legumes, etc.).

#5 Without fat it is impossible to gain muscle mass

Most inexperienced athletes, when planning their diet, pay attention to proteins and carbohydrates, while trying to avoid eating fatty foods. However, this is a mistake: the less fat you eat, the lower your testosterone levels. Namely, the rate of muscle mass gain depends on this hormone. Testosterone is also responsible for bone strength, hemoglobin levels and sex drive.

Healthy fats (Omega-6 and Omega-3) are found in nuts, vegetable oil (sunflower, flaxseed), and fish. All this must be included in your daily diet.

No. 6 You need to eat food before and after physical activity

To get maximum results, you need to eat both before and after going to the gym. The food you eat during this time directly affects the rate at which you gain muscle mass, as well as how your body recovers from physical activity.

Approximately an hour before training and an hour after it, it is very important for the athlete to provide the body with everything it needs. Carbohydrates will act as a source of energy, and proteins will become the “building blocks” for muscle growth. At the same time, before and after training you need to eat as little fat as possible: fat takes a long time to digest and also makes it difficult to absorb carbohydrates and proteins.

No. 7 Eating the night before bedtime

At night, muscles grow and repair. The protein that was consumed during the day is broken down into amino acids at this time and used to build new muscle fibers. Therefore, the protein you eat before you go to bed will protect you from catabolism, that is, the breakdown of muscle mass, during the eight-hour rest period.

At night, it is advisable to eat proteins that are absorbed quite slowly. This could be cottage cheese or casein protein.

If you have certain difficulties with gaining muscle mass, then you can drink a protein shake at night when you wake up. True, it is important to wake up not by an alarm clock, but on your own: just drink a glass of water before going to bed.

No. 8 Constitution

If you are an ectomorphic type, you need a lot of calories, carbohydrates and fats. Endomorphs, on the contrary, must treat caloric intake with great attention: they run the risk of gaining too much fat. But mesomorphs are the luckiest: they can easily gain muscle mass by increasing the calorie content of their daily diet by only 15-20%.

#9 Time to eat carbohydrates

To gain lean muscle mass, you should not avoid so-called fast carbohydrates. However, it is advisable to use them in the morning and immediately after exercise, when the body needs energy. Slow carbohydrates will be an ideal option for breakfast or for eating two hours before going to the gym: this will provide the body with the necessary energy.

#10 Diet planning

Try planning your diet for the day: decide in advance what and when you will eat. Such a plan will allow you to quickly achieve success. After all, to grow muscle mass, it will not be enough to simply eat as much as possible. In the same way, during drying, in order to achieve your goal, you need to not only reduce your caloric intake, but also decide which foods are best suited.

At first it will seem that thinking through your diet is too difficult. However, over time, planning the menu for tomorrow will not take more than a quarter of an hour. And you will quickly see that your workouts have become more effective: they will not only take less effort, but will also begin to bring noticeable results.

Diet is very important for an athlete. A balanced menu, the required amount of calories and planning will help you achieve success quickly!

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