Sell ​​indoor flowers online. Business growing indoor flowers for sale

Plants wonderfully decorate any room, creating an atmosphere of coziness, cleanliness and comfort. That is why many people pay great attention to landscaping their apartments and dachas; they also buy beautiful indoor plants for offices and government agencies.

According to a survey of sociologists, each home has an average of 3-4 flowers, while people buy 2 new specimens every year to diversify their collection. From all this it turns out that selling indoor plants is a profitable business with great prospects in the future. The demand for such a product is unlikely to fall, but it is a fact that every year there are more and more amateur flower growers.

Should you start a plant-based business?

Beginning entrepreneurs who have never encountered sales before doubt for a long time whether they should even start doing this business. There is a lot of competition in the market today between sellers of cut flowers used for bouquets, but there are not so many shops selling indoor plants.

In addition, selling them is much easier, because the product is not perishable and, with proper care, can maintain its impeccable appearance for years. Many entrepreneurs who started with the flower business are gradually switching to selling indoor plants, because it is more profitable, more profitable and much simpler.

How to choose a product range?

Half the success lies in organizing the workplace and selecting the assortment of goods. A houseplant business should be fun; if an entrepreneur is cold towards flora, then he is unlikely to be able to create a thriving business. Particular attention should be paid to the collection of flowers; you do not need to limit yourself to just beautifully flowering or evergreen specimens.

Buyers are all different, some give preference to small violets and geraniums that do not take up much space, others love voluminous ficuses, dracaenas, yuccas, while others are delighted with the exotic - pachypodiums, palm trees, bocarnas, living stones. Houseplant sales will go up if every customer finds a green friend, no one should leave empty-handed.

How to set up a store?

An air conditioner is the main equipment for caring for indoor plants; its installation indoors is mandatory, since flowers require maintaining a certain temperature. Every day, the owner or seller must spend time watering, spraying, and feeding their pets; this is the only way to ensure their impeccable appearance.

The health of plants largely depends on the correctness of their location. You can put cacti and violets on the windowsills, that is, low-growing flowers that will not obscure natural light. Tall specimens, such as potted palms, ficuses, dracaenas, are best placed on a low bench, or directly on the floor on a stand.

Earning money from “consumables”

Many flower business entrepreneurs agree with the fact that they make most of their profits from the sale of so-called “consumables”. That is, sellers receive impressive revenue from the sale of pots, fertilizers, drainage, soil, multi-tiered stands, etc.

Every gardener needs accessories for indoor plants, it doesn’t matter whether he buys a flower or not, but he already has green pets at home, therefore, looking at the shiny leaves of a ficus in the store, he will remember his own and buy a polish, think about replanting it in a more spacious container and will acquire a pot and soil. Most of the plants sold need to be replanted; it will be much more convenient for the client to purchase all the necessary materials without leaving the cash register, and the businessman will make additional profit from this.

Additional source of income

A successful businessman must not only arrange the premises and monitor the health and appearance of his goods, but also be able to sell his service. No matter how professional he may be, he will not be able to survive in the market of tough and merciless competition if he does not advertise himself properly. You should create a small website on the Internet with a description of the plants, their photos, prices and store contact information. It would also be nice to make a colorful sign and post advertisements.

At first, you can attract buyers with promotions and discounts. If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills, you can offer your services for decorating rooms with flowers. Companies often purchase large quantities of plants to decorate offices; for a fee, you can help the client select the most compatible specimens. Thanks to this service, you can get additional profit and win over the client, and it takes very little free time.

Basic expenses

Like any business, selling indoor plants involves not only making a profit, but also certain expenses. It is difficult to indicate the exact price of the issue, since prices in each region of the country are different. To start, you need to have an amount of $4,000, and this does not take into account the rental or purchase of premises. The florist must spend money on purchasing air conditioning, advertising, and purchasing goods. In addition, money is also needed to rent a store.

The room must be chosen wisely, it must be spacious, have at least one, or preferably two, large windows, as well as a shaded corner, because flowers are different, some like to bathe in the sun's rays, others prefer to be in the shade. If you can’t trade on your own, you will also have to spend money on the seller’s salary. To save on purchasing supplies and plants, you can team up with other entrepreneurs and buy goods from wholesalers.

A professional sales consultant is the key to success

Absolutely all indoor plants require love, patience, and careful care. As a business, this type of activity requires not only an entrepreneurial spirit, but also an affinity for flowers. If you don’t want to stand behind the counter yourself, then you need to find a person who is in love with plants. A lot depends on the seller; he should be friendly, helpful, but not annoying. This person must study the entire product, know what care a particular plant needs.

The enthusiasm that the sales consultant will spread will be transmitted to the client. A buyer who has received comprehensive information on issues of interest to him will come to the store more than once. Very often, people do not have a specific goal when purchasing a houseplant as a gift; they need advice, so the consultant must give a short tour and offer the most preferable options, explaining all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen flowers.

Work is a joy

Selling indoor plants will bring significant income only if the businessman enjoys his creation. A spiritualized person takes on any job with great willingness; if he doesn’t like the profession, then it brings dissatisfaction and internal torment. If you analyze the life stories of successful people, it becomes clear that they managed to find their path, discover their opportunities, and recognize their desires.

Flower growers are in some ways a little crazy; they can tirelessly care for their green pets, obtain rare exotic specimens from different parts of the planet, and study new information. Such interest and awareness helps a lot in business, because it is interesting for an entrepreneur to do it; it is very cool when a hobby turns into a source of income.

Entrepreneurs are accustomed to viewing the flower business as an opportunity to make money on cut flowers for bouquets. But in practice, many expand their range to include indoor plants. At the same time, few people decide to organize a separate store for these live products. And this direction is actually quite attractive from the point of view of making a profit.

Business documents

To open a store you will need to register your business. It is best to choose an individual entrepreneur, since there are few documents to submit, and registration takes place within two weeks. In addition to the registration certificate, you must have the following documents:

  • certificate of payment of a single tax (if the simplified tax system is chosen);
  • permits from Rospotrebnadzor, firefighters, SES;
  • lease contract;
  • hygienic conclusions of the SES for each plant;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • permit for sign and cash register.

Main sources of income

Experts say that the profit of such stores is based mainly on the sale of consumables for maintaining indoor plants. These include:

  • pots;
  • fertilizers;
  • soils;
  • racks;
  • gratings, etc.

The flowerpots themselves provide less profit, but will become an ideal piece of store furniture. People who come here to buy soil or fertilizers can evaluate first-hand how to use the same racks and gratings. A clear example usually inspires the purchase of other supporting materials.

In addition, fans of various exotic plants may be interested in the flowerpots growing in the store. Approximately these principles are used to form a business on indoor plants.

Formation of assortment and prices

Often the sale of living flowerpots belongs to the secondary group of goods of supermarkets and large shopping centers. To compete with them, it is important to offer a good price for your product. Wholesale purchasing of flowerpots from flower growers or growing flowerpots yourself helps to reduce the bill.

You need to understand that the target audience strives to buy flower pots at low prices. But at the same time, rarely do any clients care about further care for them. Therefore, clients often return again for a new flowerpot after the death of the previous one. Another group of the target audience is truly lovers of growing house plants, who will also return for pots, garters, soil, fertilizers, drainage and other consumables. This group of buyers prefers to buy flowerpots from trusted sellers who offer healthy plants. Therefore, it is important to study competitors and offer quality products.

Interior designers often look into such stores in order to find a living flower that will help place accents in the room they create. Therefore, you should not focus on the offer of typical plants. Exotic ones will also be in demand.

When deciding on the assortment, you need to take into account competition from those who grow plants at home and put them up for sale. If there are any in your region, you can make them suppliers to your store. At the same time, offer customers those types of plants that are not represented in the assortment of home gardeners. But remember that such plants should not require complex care, otherwise they will not be popular.

Store premises

Even the smallest area is suitable for opening a store. For 20 sq. m of retail space, you can organize a good houseplant store. The room must be equipped with air conditioning to maintain the temperature necessary for plant growth.

It is best to arrange flowerpots by type and variety to help the buyer navigate the assortment. It is useful to use various stands, trellises, and flower pots so that buyers can see with their own eyes what a plant or accessory looks like in the interior.

Since the main target audience of the store is housewives, opening a store in a shopping center, on the first floor of a building in a residential area or next to a market will be very profitable.

Sales organization

Sales success depends on the organization of the retail space. It is important to create an attractive and pleasing green oasis that will attract the gaze of passersby. Therefore, the brightest and most beautiful specimens should be placed near the aisle.

At the slightest interest of passersby, you need to start a dialogue with them about indoor plants, talking about the presented specimens, the features of their care, beauty during the flowering period, beneficial properties, etc. Therefore, it is important to hire staff who not only love plants, but also understand them cultivation, care, and also has certain sales skills.

In addition to direct sales, you can agree on growing certain types of plants for office decoration.

The advantage of the business is that at the start it will require no more than 3 thousand dollars, but, as a rule, the investments are significantly smaller. Moreover, the costs can be recouped within six months if the business is organized correctly.

You have houseplants? What about your friends? What about friends of your friends? The answer is probably obvious. Even in apartments with the most minimalist interior, no, no, you will find a pot of Uzambara violet, bought for beautiful flowers, or a tiny cactus, received as a gift, hidden behind the monitor.

What am I talking about? Moreover, indoor plants, along with food, clothing, and hygiene products, have become an integral part of their lives for a huge number of people. There is a fashion for indoor flowers, and it is constantly changing. There is always a demand for certain types. If you go to the nearest supermarket where there is a department of indoor flowers, then most likely you will see bright phalaenopsis, delicate cyclamens, and a little closer to the New Year, the shelves will be filled with fiery poinsettia, a world-famous Christmas flower. Obviously, growing indoor plants as a business idea is not new, and there are powerful players in this market supplying flowers to all cities of the country, but as a beautiful home business and source of additional income, it is not without appeal.

Flowers grown at home have many small and one HUGE advantage over flowers sold in supermarkets, greenhouse stores, botanical gardens and similar establishments. This advantage is that they are adapted to the indoor conditions of a typical apartment or house. It has long been known that the survival rate of adult indoor plants bought in a store is fifty-fifty. Simply put, they either survive or they don't. The reason for this is the growing and maintenance conditions before sale. Producers grow flowers using various fertilizers, growth hormones, under certain conditions, at certain temperatures, humidity, and lighting. It is not surprising that, once at home, the bright beauties wither before our eyes and eventually die, or they survive, but grow very slowly and the owner never gets that rich flowering that captivated him on the shelf in the store. Experienced amateur flower growers know how to adapt store-bought plants, but they don’t always succeed.

The flower business is a long-term business. The older the plant, the more expensive it is. In any store, compare the cost of a young and old plant. The difference will be thousands of rubles. Let's take Monstera as an example. It grows quickly, is unpretentious, but requires a large room.

A plant cutting can be purchased for 20 rubles. After seven to eight months, a ten-month-old plant with a height of 35-40 cm can be sold for five hundred rubles. Then the plant quickly gains growth and leaf mass and by four to five years reaches a height of two to two and a half meters. Such plants are used in interiors, offices, private winter gardens and the price for them starts from fifteen thousand. If you do not have the space to maintain and further grow a large monstera, then it is wiser to sell a one and a half meter plant; it will cost about five to eight thousand.

The costs you will incur will include:

  • - seedling, cuttings
  • - pots (an adult plant requires transshipment every 2-2.5 years)
  • - fertilizers, pest control
  • - special literature or the Internet

Another example: cyclamens. These bright plants with decorative leaves and lush, airy flowers leave no one indifferent. No matter how many times they are delivered to our local Okey hypermarket before the holidays, after a couple of days only crumpled and dried specimens remain. Meanwhile, you can grow this beauty from seeds. In a year and a half, the plant blooms, which means it becomes suitable for sale.

We calculate: a bag of seeds costs 50-70 rubles. The cost of an adult cyclamen starts from 200 rubles and reaches 500-800 rubles, depending on the quality, size of the plant and the number of flowers.

Your expenses will again include:

  • Seeds
  • Pots for growing and transplanting
  • Fertilizers and pest control
  • Reference books or the Internet.

To successfully sell your pets, you can use word of mouth, friends, acquaintances, and Internet sites. You can negotiate sales with flower shops or salons. You can grow plants to order, for example, for offices or private owners.

To start implementing this business idea, your home is perfect, even if it is not possible to allocate a separate room for flowers. All specialized information about growing indoor plants can be found on the Internet, on websites and forums of amateur gardeners.

An approximate list of the most popular indoor plants, i.e. those that are worth paying attention to primarily include large plants for offices (monstera, banana, yucca, dracaena, ficus, zamioculcas, philodendrons) and beautiful flowering plants for the home (Usambara violets, hippeastrums, fuchsias, cyclamens, azaleas, vandas, vriesia, phalaenopsis, cymbidium).

This list, of course, is not complete; you can choose whatever you like. If you like the business idea of ​​growing indoor plants for sale, start and create your own business!

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In this article, we will analyze in detail the entire business process of growing and selling rare vegetable crops - sweet potato, rocambole (elephant garlic), Far Eastern ginseng and others.

Before growing vegetables, I advise you to draw up a preliminary business plan and describe each business process:

  • Marketing - market analysis. How new the product is and how popular it is in the market.
  • Design - a project for the construction of greenhouses and other utility rooms.
  • Purchases - soil, containers, seeds.
  • Production. We are fine-tuning the production of seedlings.
  • Sales - sale of grown products.

Sweet potato is a very rare crop and has great prospects for distribution. Its root vegetable is much healthier than potatoes.

Features of growing sweet potatoes. In February-March we begin to germinate it. Pour water into a plate with sweet potato and place it in a warm place, for example, near a radiator. Intensive germination of eyes occurs. After they grow to about 10 cm, we break off the sprout from the tuber itself and root it in water.

We put the sprouts in a glass of water, after about 2-3 days the roots appear. And then we transplant the sprout into a glass with soil.

From 1 tuber you can get up to 100 seedlings, from a large tuber - up to 150.

The storage conditions for the tuber in winter are room temperature, i.e. Like potatoes, sweet potatoes are not stored in the cellar. This is one of the reasons why sweet potatoes are not as common as potatoes. Considering the beneficial properties of sweet potatoes, it is worth creating decent storage conditions for them.

Let's consider business plan for growing and selling sweet potatoes:

  • The cultural area is 6 acres (60 m2). You can organize drip irrigation, then you won’t have to water at all.
  • We plant 270 pieces. seedlings (rooted sprouts from sweet potato tubers) of four varieties.
  • Taking into account the average annual yield of 3 tubers per bush, we get 3*250 = 750 tubers.
  • The cost of 1 tuber of sweet potato for divorce is 150 rubles/piece.
  • Sales: 150 rubles * 750 tubers = 112,500 rubles. You can sell online with delivery by Russian Post on thematic forums, create your own page on social media. networks or on free classifieds sites.
  • Costs: 1000 rub. for tubers + your time and labor + renting a plot if you don’t have your own land.
  • Profit: at least 90,000 rubles. from 6 acres of land per season.

Growing rocambole

Rocambole is a rather rare vegetable crop. Agricultural technology is the same as for garlic.

Business plan:

  • The crop area is 1 hectare (10 m2).
  • 80 plants were planted. Productivity from 1 bush is 8 cloves.
  • As a result, we got 640 teeth. Sale at 30 rubles/piece.
  • Sales: 640 * 30 rub. = 19200r. Russian Post or transport company and search for orders via the Internet.
  • Costs: 4000 rub. for seed material.
  • Profit: 15200 rub. from one hundred square meters of land.

As you can see, you can earn up to 15,000 rubles per season. from one hundred square meters. With well-established marketing, you can sow half a hundred of this crop.

Other rare crops can be grown in a similar way. We study agricultural technology and carry out calculations. If necessary, we can grow yacon, scorzonera, Burbank's nightshade, amaranth, pepino (melon pear), tsimbalo, momordica, kiwano, and Holzer's branded sunflower.

Far Eastern ginseng is a well-known, expensive, healing product, so necessary for residents of large cities with poor ecology.

Business plan:

  • The crop area is 4 m2. Then you can plant some of them for growth (2/3 of the assets), sell some of them (1/3 of the assets, i.e. 100 sprouts), if the ginseng sprouts thickly.
  • Total: 300 seedlings costing 200 rubles/piece. (RUB 60,000 assets in the first year).
  • Sales: 100 seedlings*200 rub. = 20,000 rub. We remember that we still have 200 seedlings left for sale for the second season.
  • Costs: 500 rub. for seeds.
  • Profit: 19.500 rub. per season.

The value of assets for the next year is 200 pieces * 300 = 60,000 rubles.

In the third year, the ginseng seedling already blooms, and it costs more - about 400 rubles per piece. At the age of five, a ginseng seedling is already healing - they begin to make tinctures from it. Accordingly, it costs even more. With a well-promoted brand, you can sell up to 5,000 rubles. for one root.

This is the tree of the Chinese emperors. A relict species disappearing from the planet. Has no natural pests and has edible nuts. In China it is considered a nut-bearing species, bears fruit from the age of 25, and produces valuable leaves. Has an incredibly well-promoted brand.

Business plan:

  • The area occupied by containers with seedlings is 4 m2. The size of each container is 10*10 cm.
  • A total of 400 seedlings costing 200 rubles/piece
  • Total assets in the first year are 80,000 rubles. (400 seedlings * 200 rub.)
  • Sales: 200 seedlings * 200 rub. = 40,000 rub. per season. We leave the remaining seedlings to grow.
  • Seed costs: 500 rub.
  • Profit: 39500 rub. per season.

In a year, the cost of two-year-old seedlings will increase to 350 rubles, then the value of assets in the second year = 200 * 350 rubles. = 70,000 rub.

Other crops

Others are suitable for growing rare breeds: Sakhalin velvet, Manchurian walnut, gray walnut, felt hazel, oval hazel, Ussuri plum, Ussuri pear, Manchurian apricot, Manchurian linden, large-leaved linden, dioecious bunduk, tree hazel, sugar maple.

Shrubs: steppe almond, Manchurian hazel, common hazel, Manchurian aralia, Eleutherococcus, spirea.

Conifers. Here, implementation will begin from three years of age with seed propagation. Korean cedar pine, dwarf pine, Weymouth pine, Armand pine, yew-leaved pseudohemlock, berry yew, Virginia juniper, Cossack juniper, western thuja, pea cypress (excellent by cuttings), prickly spruce.

Coniferous plants are well sold by landscape designers, especially low-growing species. Rich clients of such landscapers, as a rule, do not bargain, so always look for such landscapers for ongoing cooperation.

For example, let's calculate business plan for a small nursery.

  • We have: 50 types of seedlings, 4 m2 each - only 2 acres of land.
  • Sales in the first year: 38 species (without slow-growing conifers and lindens) * 80,000 = 3,000,000 rubles.
  • If you sell 1/3 of what was sown, the income will be 1,000,000 rubles. At the same time, 2/3 of the plants grow to large sizes, increasing in price.
  • From the third year we begin to sell slow-growing plant species.
  • Labor costs for processing 2 acres of nursery: 1 hour per day.
  • In the spring we continue to sow what is sold out + add new species.

60% of your nursery's work is sales and marketing.

In general, your nursery can be developed in several directions at the same time. Usually this is 2-3 directions. If it’s more, you simply won’t be able to fully concentrate on any one direction, and you’ll simply be wasting your energy in vain. What you can choose:

  • fruit and berry
  • decorative species for landscape design,
  • floriculture (annual beautifully flowering plants),
  • beautifully flowering (perennial plants),
  • nut-bearing collection species,
  • rare collection coniferous species, forms and varieties,
  • exotic types of fruits,
  • introduction, selection and breeding of valuable promising breeds,
  • rare and valuable breeds,
  • medicinal plants.

Sales market and sales methods

  • Owners of their houses. Fruit species are purchased more often; as a rule, their land plots are small in area. Rarely buy collectible species.
  • Summer residents. They buy fruit or rare fruits, since the area of ​​the plot is also limited.
  • Landscape designers. They buy collectible plants, often used in landscape design, beautifully growing and coniferous.
  • Farmers are beekeepers. They buy honey and fruit plants.
  • Private developers. They require typical beautifully growing plants for landscaping the area.
  • Municipality (city and district administration, improvement department). It's just a treasure trove. If you make your way there, you will earn huge amounts of money, just by growing ordinary maples and poplars.
  • Improvement of rural TOS.

Decide on your sales market in your territory and, based on this, select the appropriate breeds for planting.

TOP 8 ways to sell products:

  1. Create your website and promote it, a public page on social networks, a YouTube channel
  2. Publish announcements on popular sites: Avito, Yula, other message boards and forums.
  3. Advertisements in newspapers.
  4. Collaborate with landscape designers.
  5. Sales in local markets for the purpose of distributing business cards, booklets.
  6. Cooperation with bloggers on the Internet. For example, a 20% commission on sales.
  7. Selection of unique types and varieties, promoted brands in fashion trends.
  8. Plant rental (Christmas trees). Those. you grow a large tree, display it in a kindergarten, or display a live Christmas tree in a shopping center. People are interested in where this spruce comes from and get to know your nursery.

Currently, all over the world, including in Russia, large and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. It is difficult to imagine modern economic relations without private firms, shops, cafes, and restaurants. All these establishments are owned by private entrepreneurs. Small businesses are especially common in our country. It includes many different industries, including trade, services and entertainment, and farming. Let's take a closer look at the latter. Farming includes not only animal breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping, but also growing plants, including flowers. Floriculture is very widespread. Almost every woman loves to buy and grow her own flowers. For many it is just a hobby, but for some it is a way to make money.

Growing flowers as a business is a simple activity, but it requires a lot of time, nerves and certain skills. The advantage of such entrepreneurship is that flowers sell very well, especially on holidays: March 8, February 14, May 9, New Year. Flowers are a good gift or addition to it; it is a sign of attention from a man. Let's take a closer look at the main areas of the flower growing business.

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Basic ideas of flower business

The plan for organizing such a method of making money can be very diverse. You can grow flowers in a greenhouse in your own home or country house, and then sell them. The second option is to open your own store or flower shop. In addition, you can grow both garden and indoor plants. The demand for both is still high. A business plan for growing flowers includes a whole list of provisions, namely: determining the main direction, that is, what you want to grow, determining the customer base and points of sale, proper care of plants, their breeding, a plan for how to grow them in a greenhouse, determining the cost and so on.

The very first step is to make a choice: what to grow. These can be garden flowering plants: lilies, gladioli, dahlias, asters and others. Decorative perennial garden plants are in great demand. They are called decorative because they do not bloom. Their main decoration is their beautifully shaped leaves, their ability to grow for decades and reproduce well. In addition to garden plants, you can organize the cultivation of indoor plants. Saintpaulias, orchids, cacti and ornamental plants such as ficus, various palm trees, and climbing flowers are in great demand. It all depends on the preferences of the future entrepreneur. If it is a woman, then the business should be more successful. Nowadays, it is often possible to see male flower growers, but growing flowers is still a female occupation.

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Growing garden flowers

So, the plan needs to start with the allocation of land. This could be a plot of a private house, a dacha, or separately purchased or rented land. Renting land is quite expensive, so flower cultivation usually takes place on the owners’ private lands. The area of ​​the plot depends on the assortment and number of flowers. If these are large plants, such as peonies or dahlias, then one ridge is not enough. It will take several hundred. Flowers can be grown both in open ground (in the ground) and in a greenhouse. The greenhouse should be spacious so that the plants have enough space. The advantage of the greenhouse growing method is that it creates certain microclimatic conditions: high temperature, humidity. In addition, the greenhouse protects plants from unfavorable environmental factors: wind, low temperatures, precipitation, pests. Flowers will be more comfortable in a greenhouse than in ordinary soil.

Depending on what flowers are in stock, breeding and growing should be different. The business plan also includes the purchase of seedlings or plant seeds. You can buy mature flowers and propagate them. Seedlings can be planted both in spring and summer. Lilies, for example, are best planted in the fall, dahlias and peonies in the spring. Before planting, you need to dig a hole according to the size of the plant, pour water into it, sprinkle fertilizer, you can use manure, and plant it.

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Flower care: fertilizers and watering

Growing flowers requires constant care.

The plan for organizing it is quite simple. It includes watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing, and spraying against pests. During the hot period of the year, flowers must be watered as the soil becomes dry, but at least once a week. Otherwise, the flowers may die or they will become weak and produce scant shoots and few flower stalks. Growing flowers is quite a long and hard work. Flowers are very often affected by various pests: mites, flies. The plan for their improvement is the use of modern insecticides that destroy all types of pests. In a greenhouse, such measures may not be necessary, since the conditions there are somewhat different.

Growing garden flowers involves their reproduction. It can be in the form of cuttings, budding, propagation by shoots is also popular. Lilies, for example, are propagated by dividing the bulb. If a large bulb is planted in the first year, then after a year it will produce babies (bulb embryos), and after another year several bulbs will appear from one. Dahlias reproduce by dividing their root system. Rose - by cuttings, aster - by seeds. Thus, having planted many flowers at one time, after a couple of years you can increase their number, and then the growth will go in geometric progression.

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Growing indoor plants

Currently, in any city there are flower shops selling indoor flowers. It is quite profitable and. The plan for growing indoor flowers is practically no different from that written above for garden flowers. Here you also need to buy seeds, cuttings or seedlings. You can purchase it from private flower growers, on the market, and in flower salons. Plants should be planted in pots or other small containers. Many people use improvised means for this, such as disposable cups, plastic bottles and more. All this allows you to save some money, because one small flower pot in a store will cost about rubles, but you may need hundreds of them.

All flowers should have a well-developed root system. Otherwise, they may not take root and die. Growing them is slightly different from garden plants. Here flowers are mainly propagated by leaves, layering, and cuttings. Saintpaulias (violets) are grown with leaves. Cuttings - domestic roses. Layers - many ornamental plants. To do this, you need to break off the leaf and place it in a container of water for a while. You can cover the plant from above to create an airless environment. This will have a positive effect on the growth of the root system. You need to wait until the root system appears, then you should plant a new plant in the ground.

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Caring for indoor flowers

The care plan for indoor flowers is practically no different from garden flowers, only more optimal conditions are created in the room. Breeding flowers should also take into account their growing characteristics. Some plants are very whimsical: they need sun and painstaking care. It is best to plant them on window sills or verandas, that is, in sunny and warm places. Climbing plants, such as ivy, are best hung on a wall or ceiling so that their branches can creep over the surface. All this is of great importance, otherwise growing flowers will be a futile activity, because the main plan is to extract benefits.

After the number of flowers has increased, you need to sell them. This can be done in a variety of ways. The most difficult thing is to build your own store. The second is to sell flowers at the market. If they are grown in a greenhouse, this is an indicator of their good condition and care. Another option is to sell plants at wholesale prices to various stores. But here you need to keep in mind that whatever price you ask, the store owner will mark it up from its original cost in order to benefit from it.

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