Vaccinations for children: pros and cons of vaccination. Vaccination schedule for children: does your child need to be vaccinated? Is it possible not to vaccinate a child?

Very often, mothers of small children wonder: is it necessary to get vaccinated at such an early age? Adults also ask a similar question. It arose due to the fact that vaccination is not considered mandatory by law. There are two opinions on this matter. Some believe that it is necessary to vaccinate both children and adults according to the vaccination calendar, while others aggressively defend their reluctance to vaccinate. Who is right?

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccinations are required. They allow not only to protect young and adult bodies from infection, but also to prevent outbreaks of epidemics in children's groups. Vaccination allows you to acquire a certain immunity to certain infectious diseases. When infected, a vaccinated person tolerates the disease much easier with a favorable outcome. If vaccinations are not given, the disease can kill up to 2/3 of the population. If collective immunity is created through vaccination, the incidence will not reach such large proportions and will gradually subside.

Most of the diseases for which vaccination is carried out are quite dangerous for the body not only of a child, but also of an adult. The consequences of past infections cannot always be eliminated. A person may become disabled after illness. One should not think that a vaccine is a panacea for infectious diseases. Vaccination allows you to transfer the disease in a mild form when infected, eliminating the likelihood of death.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether a person should be vaccinated in a particular case. The decision whether or not to vaccinate is made taking into account several factors. Children's and adult bodies are individual. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to make adjustments to the vaccination plan in a particular case. The timing of vaccination is changed if a person falls ill during the vaccination period. If he is vaccinated later, it will not affect the health of the baby and the adult.

Parents must decide whether their child needs vaccination. It all depends on the health status of the baby. It is more difficult to resolve the issue of flu vaccinations for children and adults. It is not mandatory and is not included in the vaccination schedule. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a vaccine. Initially, you should study the forecast regarding the variety of viruses that will prevail this season. Incorrect selection of the drug reduces the effectiveness of vaccination by three times. Therefore, such vaccination will be ineffective.

After receiving a flu vaccine, a person with a weakened immune system may develop respiratory infections, but the risk of contracting the flu will be significantly lower. Influenza vaccination is not given to children under six months of age. It is recommended for older people, because at this age it is difficult for a person to fight viruses. At the time of making the decision to prescribe vaccination, there should be no exacerbations of chronic diseases. For babies up to one year old, split vaccines and subunit preparations are used. They are accepted by the body quite well, do not contain impurities and are not dangerous. Therefore, parents must decide on its necessity independently.

Why shouldn't you refuse vaccination?

The response to the administered vaccine depends on your health status, so before vaccination it is necessary to measure your temperature and consult a doctor. If a person is sick, the doctor draws up a medical report until he recovers. In this case, it is necessary to create a favorable environment for recovery, eliminating contact with sick people. The doctor controls the timing of vaccination and carries it out taking into account previous diseases. If you are planning a trip to other countries, the vaccination calendar is adjusted. In this case, you will probably need to be vaccinated according to the vaccination list of the country you are planning to travel to. If the baby travels with his parents, he is also entitled to the appropriate vaccination.

The vaccines that come to us are fully certified and have approval from the Ministry of Health. All of them have been tested and have the highest preventive effectiveness. For their production, either living or weakened microorganisms are used. Vaccines vary slightly between companies. Redness at the injection site, fever and weakness are standard reactions to vaccination in adults and children. The degree of reaction to the drug is individual for everyone. With proper preparation of the vaccination schedule, the risk of side effects is minimal.

If a person gets sick often, it is necessary not only to postpone vaccination until better times, but to visit an immunologist. It is necessary to take an immunogram test, which will show the condition of the body. Based on this analysis, the immunologist will develop a scheme for restoring weakened immunity. Next, taking into account the state of health, it is worth getting vaccinated.

When choosing a flu vaccine, determine which virus structure is most likely to occur this season. Only this approach will completely protect a person from infection with dangerous mutations of the virus. The composition of infections changes every year, so choosing an effective vaccine for a child is quite difficult. It is done no later than three weeks before the planned outbreak of influenza. It should be remembered that in weakened people, the vaccine provokes an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

What vaccinations are required?

Each country has its own list of vaccines that are mandatory. This is due to the specifics of each region and living conditions. The opinion that a baby under one year old should not be vaccinated is considered incorrect. The argument is that the immune system has not yet strengthened. By the time the baby enters the team, it is necessary to receive a full range of vaccinations. They are in no hurry to take unvaccinated children into kindergarten and school.

If you do not follow the vaccine calendar, then by the time the child enters the team, the entire range of vaccinations must be completed in a short time. The load on the immune system increases. During the period of adaptation to kindergarten and school, the child begins to get sick more often, since the weakened body is not able to overcome viral infections. It should be remembered that some vaccinations are administered three times to properly develop immunity to the disease.

During the first few hours of life, the baby is vaccinated with hepatitis B, which is repeated at 6 months and 1 year. The child endures this vaccination the hardest. Therefore, for medical reasons, it can be refused until the baby is 5 years old in cases where it was not done in the maternity hospital. During the same period, the baby is given BCG. A child is vaccinated against measles every year.

Next, you need to take DPT, which protects the baby from whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. As a rule, it is carried out in conjunction with polio vaccination. It is repeated every other year. If you have not been vaccinated against polio, during the period of revaccination in kindergarten, the baby should be excluded from the children's group for 40 days in order to avoid the possibility of vaccine-associated infection with this disease. At one and a half years old, it is necessary to vaccinate the baby against mumps (mumps).

Adults are not vaccinated as often due to the fact that immunity to infections is already formed in childhood. At age 24, you are vaccinated against measles and tetanus. Rubella vaccination is recommended for those who were not vaccinated in a timely manner in childhood, as well as for expectant mothers before a planned pregnancy. After 10 years, it is advisable to repeat it in order to develop lifelong resistance to infection.

The chickenpox vaccine is recommended for people who have not had chickenpox in childhood and who have children. A child can bring an infection from the children's group. It is done twice with an interval of 2 months. Adults are required to be vaccinated against hepatitis B every 10 years. Vaccination against pneumococcus is recommended for elderly people. Resistance to infection is developed for 5 years. Optional vaccinations include vaccination against the human papillomavirus. It is recommended for girls 13-14 years old and women up to 40 years old. This category includes vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, meningococcal infection and yellow fever. These vaccinations are mandatory before traveling to exotic countries.

When should you not get vaccinated?

Vaccination is not given to a sick person. It should be postponed until recovery. It is recommended to vaccinate it approximately 2 weeks after recovery, when the body’s strength is restored after the disease. Vaccinations are not given if:

  • there was an allergic reaction to the vaccine;
  • weakened immunity;
  • encephalopathy developed during DPT vaccination, in this case it is worthwhile to vaccinate without the pertussis component.

If there is a risk of an epidemic, vaccination is recommended. An infectious disease causes more harm to the body than a reaction to a vaccine. Therefore, it is recommended that vaccination be carried out according to the vaccination plan approved by the Ministry of Health.

Thanks to vaccination, humanity has managed to defeat many dangerous infectious diseases: smallpox, polio, tetanus, measles, rubella and others. Vaccinations also help prevent mumps, diphtheria, and whooping cough. However, now there is an opinion among ordinary people that under no circumstances should vaccinate newborn children. “Experts” report that vaccines can lead to more dangerous consequences than the diseases they are designed to protect against. For example, provoke the development of autism. Naturally, such information causes great anxiety and fear in young parents. Should you refuse vaccinations? Are those right who claim that without them the child is in no danger? In this article you will find arguments for and against vaccinations for newborns, the opinion of experts. Study the information provided to make the right choice!

What is a vaccination?

Even in the century before last, humanity did not know how to prevent infectious diseases. Every year, thousands of people around the world died from smallpox, anthrax, whooping cough and even influenza, which today is considered an unpleasant but not life-threatening disease. However, the situation changed in 1798, when the British researcher Jenner discovered that if a milkmaid becomes infected with cowpox from an animal, she will not suffer from human smallpox or will experience the disease easily, without complications. The scientist could not explain the mechanism of this phenomenon. However, he tried to infect a child with cowpox. After some time, it turned out that the test subject had become immune to smallpox. This is how vaccination was discovered (from the Latin vaccus - cow).

100 years later, the great naturalist Louis Pasteur discovered microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. Using fairly primitive equipment, he was able to weaken strains of bacteria, and then injected them into patients. It turned out that after the introduction of a weakened strain, a person is no longer susceptible to infection or easily overcomes it.

How does vaccination work? Everything is very simple. Vaccinations are done so that the body can develop immunity against the causative agent of a particular infection. This effect can be achieved by “training” the immune system. A weakened strain of the infectious agent is injected into a person, and the immune system gives the necessary reaction: antibodies appear that easily defeat the weakened pathogen.

The vaccinated organism, when faced with the primary causative agent of the corresponding infection, will be ready for this and will successfully cope with the test

What vaccinations are given to newborns?

Immediately after the baby is born, he is given several vaccinations:

  • vaccination against tuberculosis, or, as it is called, BCG. A vaccine containing weakened tuberculosis pathogens is administered subcutaneously during the first week of life in infants. Thanks to vaccination, newborns develop stable immunity to tuberculosis, which will persist for several years;
  • vaccination against hepatitis B. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly to newborn children in the first hours of life. Repeated vaccination is carried out one month and six months after the birth of the child.

In the future, infants will receive a number of more vaccinations, for example, DTP (combined vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), etc.

Some young mothers are calm about vaccination, believing that doctors know better whether it is worth getting vaccinated. Others experience horror at the thought that a newborn will be injected with pathogens of dangerous infections, even if weakened

Should we panic? First, let's look at the arguments of experts who advise against vaccinations.

Why should you refuse vaccination?

Experts who oppose vaccinations, for example, oncoimmunologist V.V. Gorodilov, give the following arguments:

  • after vaccination, complications may develop that can cause more harm to the health of the newborn than the disease from which the vaccine is supposed to protect;
  • Newborn children receive too many vaccinations; many of them can be avoided. For example, according to the vaccination calendar, in the first year and a half of his life, a child must undergo 9 (!) vaccinations. Thus, the little man almost constantly “carries” pathogens of infectious diseases in his body, which can cause a serious blow to his immune system;
  • Doctors exaggerate the danger of diseases against which infants are vaccinated. Many of them are not fatal or cause complications;
  • The DTP vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde. These compounds are extremely toxic to a newborn baby. There is even an opinion that due to poisoning with substances included in vaccines, a child may develop autism;
  • there have been cases of people who received vaccinations still getting sick, for example, from diphtheria or other infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis B is transmitted through blood and other body fluids. It is impossible to become infected through milk or contaminated hands, which means you can completely refuse vaccination.

These arguments may seem quite reasonable. Therefore, many parents who consider the pros and cons of vaccinations for newborns are inclined to believe that vaccines can be abandoned. Is it worth doing this way?

Why is it necessary to get vaccinated?

Infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists argue that the need for vaccination cannot be disputed. Thanks to the development of vaccines, it was possible, for example, to eradicate smallpox. Of course, it is impossible to exclude the return of this disease (for example, outbreaks have been recorded in some countries in recent years). However, this example suggests that thanks to the use of vaccines, vaccination as a whole may sooner or later be abolished. True, perhaps this is only under one condition: the creation of stable immunity in 97% of the world's population.

To the opinion of “specialists” that an infectious agent that provokes complications should not enter a child’s body, doctors respond as follows. Indeed, vaccination can cause so-called post-vaccination complications. However, modern science is striving to create safe, genetically modified vaccines. For example, the hepatitis B vaccine does not contain a weakened virus, so it cannot cause even a mild form of the disease.

Massive refusals to vaccinate could cause a real disaster. For example, in the 1980s, virtually no diphtheria was reported. However, in the 90s, parents began to refuse the vaccine, as a result of which by 1994 the incidence of diphtheria had risen to values ​​​​that were recorded in the 18-19 centuries.

The argument that vaccination causes autism does not hold water. Rumors about the connection between autism and vaccinations appeared after a single publication, which was later refuted by other researchers. No correlations have been found between the incidence of autism and vaccinations. A misconception arose due to the fact that autism is often diagnosed in children aged one and a half to three years, which coincides with vaccination against certain diseases. If one event follows another, this does not mean that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between them.

Of course, one cannot but agree that a vaccine cannot completely prevent the disease. However, thanks to immunization, the disease will be much easier to tolerate and will pass in a mild form without causing complications.

When should vaccination not be done under any circumstances?

It is important for parents to know the contraindications under which their baby should never be given vaccines:

  • prematurity. If the baby weighs less than 2300 g, vaccination is strictly prohibited. Even after the child gains the desired weight, pediatricians advise purchasing a special mild-impact vaccine (for example, the DPT vaccine is considered aggressive);
  • purulent-septic skin diseases. Only 30 days after the diagnosis is cleared can the vaccine be administered;
  • While in the womb, the child became infected with an infectious disease. In this case, you can get vaccinated six months after a complete and lasting recovery;
  • The baby has an acute infection. Vaccination will put an additional burden on the immune system, as a result of which the infection can result in serious complications;
  • the child has hemolytic disease (incompatibility of the blood of mother and baby according to the Rh factor);
  • enzymopathies (diseases associated with deficiency or lack of activity of any enzyme);
  • diseases accompanied by immunodeficiency. In case of immunodeficiency, the introduction of even weakened strains into the body can provoke the development of the disease.

Researchers claim that safe immunization will be possible in the future. Vaccines will become more and more safe (mild), as a result of which the number of contraindications will be significantly reduced

Prevention of complications after vaccination

Before vaccinating a child, parents should do the following:

  • consult with an allergist and neurologist;
  • take a child’s urine and blood test to assess the baby’s health;
  • on the eve of vaccination, do not feed the child food that is unusual for him;
  • two days before vaccination, start giving the child antihistamines recommended by the doctor;
  • before going to the clinic, measure the child’s temperature;
  • in the clinic, you must first visit a pediatrician, who will examine the child for colds, acute abdomen, ENT inflammations and tell you whether it is possible to get vaccinated;
  • Parents should check the name of the vaccine and also inquire about its expiration date. Health care providers are required to provide this information upon request.

Immediately after vaccination, it is necessary to closely monitor the child’s condition. It is advisable to stock up on antipyretic drugs in advance in order to bring down the rising temperature if necessary. Be sure to ask your doctor what complications the vaccination may cause in order to seek professional help in time. As a rule, healthy children tolerate vaccinations well: the only side effects that develop are fever and mild malaise, which disappear without a trace after a couple of days. These signs indicate that the immune system has been activated to fight the infectious agent and do not require special treatment. A slight rash may also occur. In this case, the child should be given an antihistamine and shown to the doctor.

Summary: Should I get vaccinated?

Let's compare all the arguments for and against vaccinations for newborns.

The illusion that vaccinations are not necessary arose precisely because of universal immunization. Common people believe that the diseases for which vaccinations are given have long been eradicated. After all, people rarely die from dangerous infections these days: cardiovascular diseases and cancer are in first place on the list of causes of death. However, the absence of infections is an illusion caused by the fact that, due to vaccines, almost everyone has immunity, and people simply do not get sick from what they are protected from. Infections can return at any time (as confirmed by the case of diphtheria described above). And the more often residents of cities and villages refuse vaccinations, the greater the likelihood of outbreaks of diseases that have long been considered rare or completely defeated. The opinion of experts agrees that a widespread refusal to immunize can provoke a real epidemic of an infectious disease.

Vaccinations must be approached intelligently. If a child has any contraindications, it is quite reasonable to postpone vaccination. It is also worth asking about the expiration date of the vaccine and finding out whether there are less aggressive and safer drugs with a similar effect.

It is completely undesirable to refuse vaccinations: the desire to protect a child in this way can cause negative consequences

There has long been a movement of so-called “anti-vaxxers” on the Internet. They advocate against vaccinations, citing arguments that at first glance may seem logical. However, modern vaccines are practically safe, and healthy children tolerate them easily and without any complications. To refuse vaccination means to risk the health and even the life of your child, as well as the health of the entire society.

In the maternity hospital, any mother can write a refusal to be immunized. Then the doctors will not give any vaccinations to her baby. You should not write a statement just because you have read scary stories on the Internet about how newborns develop dangerous complications after vaccination. This is not impossible, but it happens extremely rarely.

Parents' concerns about whether their baby really needs vaccination from the cradle is quite natural and understandable. Moreover, medicine abdicates responsibility, giving parents the right to make their own decisions in this difficult issue. To finally make your decision, you should carefully study all the arguments for and against.

Childhood vaccination: arguments for

Please note that all the talk about the dangers of vaccinations for children has appeared only recently, when the risk of the spread of serious epidemics is reduced to almost a minimum. Vaccination helped stop massive outbreaks of diseases that recently claimed the lives of many people.

As a result of parents' unjustified refusal to vaccinate, cases of children contracting measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and even polio have increased noticeably in Russia.

  • However, timely vaccination would avoid such depressing statistics. First of all, you should not succumb to mass panic and take into account the compelling arguments in favor: Graft will protect the child
  • from numerous viruses, developing immune bodies in his body to resist the disease. Mass vaccination avoids serious outbreaks of epidemics,
  • There are a huge number of unsafe bacteria “walking” in the world around us, immunity to which is possible only through vaccination.
  • Despite the fact that the vaccine does not protect 100%, Vaccinated children tolerate the disease more easily.
  • The threat and risk posed by disease are much greater than those posed by vaccination. Almost all vaccines have the following ratio: low risk / high benefit.
  • Massive refusal to vaccinate could lead to epidemics in the future.
  • Today against every disease There is a wide range of vaccines. This allows parents to analyze them and select a vaccine for their child, taking into account all the characteristics of his body, in order to reduce the risk of possible complications.

Of course, when a child is born, he already has a certain immunity, however his defenses are still too weak and unstable. Even an adult does not have immunity to infectious diseases. The viruses and bacteria contained in the vaccine are inactive, they are not capable of causing disease, however, they also help the body produce protective antibodies in case of illness.

A negative reaction to a vaccine is often exaggerated by parents, who sometimes mistake it for a common cold.

Are vaccinations really necessary: ​​arguments against

Nevertheless, The increasing talk about the dangers of childhood vaccinations is not at all groundless. Unfortunately, situations often occur when vaccinating a child causes complications at best. Medical workers who deny the need for mass vaccination use the following arguments to defend their opinion:

  • The diseases against which children are vaccinated are already do not pose a serious danger.
  • In the first 1.5 years of life the baby receives an unreasonably high number of vaccinations, which is a serious stress on his immune system.
  • Some vaccines, for example, the well-known DTP, contain obviously dangerous compounds that can lead to complications. Organic mercury salt, which is the basis of many vaccines, is highly toxic even for an adult.
  • No vaccine protects 100%.
  • It is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of each individual organism to a specific vaccine.
  • Very often, complications after vaccination arise due to improper storage of the vaccine. Immediately before vaccination, each parent can ensure that the vaccine is removed from the refrigerator, but where is the guarantee that it was transported and stored before in compliance with all standards?
  • Incorrect vaccine administration technique- a source of complications. Parents are unlikely to be able to control this factor on their own.
  • In the conditions of modern pediatrics, when doctors insist on universal vaccination, the characteristics of each individual child are not taken into account. Children who have not only temporary, but also absolute contraindications to vaccination are often allowed to be vaccinated.
  • The results of independent studies show that today the risk of post-vaccination complications has long outweighed the possibility of contracting the disease itself.
  • The pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable. Companies producing vaccines earn a lot of money; they are extremely interested in mass vaccination and hiding information about possible contraindications and risks.
  • Approved and valid The vaccination calendar does not correspond to the epidemiological situation At the moment, viruses mutate and change, but vaccines against them remain the same.
  • Today, experts claim an increase in children such as autism, learning disabilities, sleep and eating disorders, and impulsive aggression. There is an opinion that this trend is related specifically to vaccination. In third world countries where compulsory vaccination is not carried out, such deviations practically do not occur. No one knows what consequences universal vaccination will have in the future.

What the law says

Art. 5 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” states: “When carrying out immunization prophylaxis, citizens have the right to: receive from medical workers complete and objective information about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications", i.e. This article clearly establishes the right of citizens to receive information from a doctor about possible adverse reactions when receiving vaccinations.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1999 N 885 approves list of post-vaccination complications caused by preventive vaccinations, included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, and preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications, giving citizens the right to receive state one-time benefits, which indicate the following complications:

1. Anaphylactic shock.

2. Severe generalized allergic reactions (recurrent angioedema - Quincke's edema, syndrome Stephen-Johnson, Lyell's syndrome, serum sickness syndrome, etc.).

3. Encephalitis.

4. Vaccine-associated polio.

5. Lesions of the central nervous system with generalized or focal residual manifestations leading to disability: encephalopathy, serous meningitis, neuritis, polyneuritis, as well as clinical manifestations of convulsive syndrome.

6. Generalized infection, osteitis, osteitis, osteomyelitis caused by the BCG vaccine.

7. Chronic arthritis caused by the rubella vaccine.

How often, when bringing their child for vaccination, can parents get all the truthful information about possible complications?

It would be a mistake to completely reject one or another point of view on childhood vaccination, because each of them contains a sound grain. An infant has a rather weak immune system, so it is unlikely to be able to resist the disease. But it is for this same reason that it may be difficult for a baby to tolerate vaccination.

In order for parents to make the right decision and not blame themselves later for a rash step, You should first familiarize yourself with the vaccine and its composition, find out the possibilities of complications and risks. However, one cannot ignore the seriousness of the spread of diseases and the likelihood of infection.

Despite the high quality of vaccine products, no single company can be responsible for the individual reaction of each child. After all side effects are sometimes unpredictable and parents are simply obliged, without succumbing to senseless panic, to study the effect of the drug in advance. Any vaccine is first and foremost a medical drug, which has its own contraindications.

If parents agree to have their child vaccinated, they must strictly adhere to the rules of preparation for vaccination and behavior after it. To minimize a negative reaction to the vaccine, you will need:

  • Use only high-quality vaccination preparations;
  • Strictly follow the vaccination rules;
  • Carefully review precautions and risk options based on the health of each child.

Only in this case will the child’s immune system be able to develop antibodies against a particular infection. It would be wrong to consider vaccinations an absolute evil without understanding the laws of epidemiology. However, it is also reckless not to take into account the individual characteristics of your child.

Read more about the general rules for preparing for vaccination.

In the conditions of modern pediatrics, parents are obliged to engage in self-education and make their own decisions about vaccination, because all responsibility for the health of the child lies only with the parents.

Do you vaccinate your child? Share your experience and comments.

To ensure the health and life of education workers, the Russian Ministry of Health has issued a number of decrees on measures to prevent infectious diseases. The main important method of prevention is vaccination. Its timing is regulated by the national calendar of scheduled vaccinations.

What mandatory vaccinations exist for employees of educational institutions, including kindergartens, and is it possible to refuse vaccination? Let's look at these questions.

Legal basis for mandatory vaccination of education workers

Vaccination of education workers is carried out on the basis of regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Ministry of Health.

Is it possible to refuse vaccination?

Based on the Federal Law issued on September 17, 1998 under Article 5, an educator may refuse vaccinations and medical intervention. However, the same law talks about the consequences of refusal.

According to labor legislation, the head of the educational institution who provided the work bears administrative responsibility for the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the educational institution. If a teacher who has not been immunized gets sick with any infection and infects children and other employees with it, then he himself and the head of the institution may be brought to justice.

And even if an education worker did not infect anyone, and did not get sick himself, the next check may reveal that he did not get vaccinated. In this case, the punishment of the employee and his employer will be qualified for violation of health protection orders, labor and sanitary-epidemiological legislation. But after vaccination, the education worker will be reinstated in his position.

Vaccination rights

Vaccinations are provided free of charge at the expense of the state or the employer of private organizations.

Before vaccination, education employees, if necessary, have the right to a medical examination, and on the day of vaccination, to a medical examination. Vaccination is not given if examination reveals an increase in temperature or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If complications arise after vaccination or disability occurs, then within the framework of the state guarantee program, free medical care will be provided, as well as state compensation in a minimum amount. In some cases, an increase in pension is provided.

Vaccinations required for education workers

Teachers and educators are part of the decreed population, which is particularly at risk of infection. The list of mandatory vaccinations for education workers is as follows.

What vaccines are used for education workers?

Immunization of education workers is carried out with vaccines provided for in the Russian Vaccination Calendar.

To summarize, let us recall the main theses. For education workers, vaccinations are mandatory and necessary. Immunization is provided free of charge at the expense of the state or employer. It is possible to refuse vaccination, but this entails undesirable consequences. Vaccinations are done with vaccines with minimal side effects, but in case of complications, medical care is provided at the expense of the state.

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