Presentation on literature on the topic of folklore. Presentation on the topic folklore

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Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "City Center for the Development and Additional Education of Children and Creativity" Game folklore as part of children's folklore Natalya Aleksandrovna Goncharova, additional education teacher

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Purpose of the lesson: popularization of children's play folklore, instilling in students a sense of respect for the cultural and historical heritage of our ancestors Objectives: familiarization with the features of family play songs; development of students' vocal abilities based on children's folklore; the ability to move freely and naturally in folk costumes.

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Play occupies an exceptional place in a child’s life. It begins in the early cradle period and over time becomes work, with the help of which the child develops physically, acquires the knowledge and experience necessary for his future activities. The game is a preparatory exercise for real life.

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Karoly Gros: “Until education with its inherent coercion bursts into children’s lives, children are mainly occupied with play. If you take away food, drink and sleep, then a normal child will have almost nothing to do except play.” It was so in the Stone Age, and it is so now.

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Most folk games are inherited by children from adults. So, in the beginning XIX century “Zhmurki” is the favorite game of brides, “Drake and the Duck” and “Zainka” are the favorite entertainment of adult girls and boys. And 100 years later, in the beginning. XX century, these games have already become popular exclusively among children.

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Ancient children's games can be divided into industrial and household games. The first group includes games of hunting and fishing, cattle breeding, poultry farming, and farming. The second is social and family. Family games, in turn, are divided into girlish, love, marriage, family, and household games. From time immemorial, there have been special songs for games. They, like the games themselves, found their way into children's folklore from adults.

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Games and songs associated with family rituals have a very ancient history, appearing almost in the Stone Age. Let's look at some of them and explain to you the meaning of some words.

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- Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread. - Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt. - Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor. - Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor. The first team concludes: “Eh, boyars, don’t be a fool, give us the bride forever!” Game "Boyars" - Boyars, and we have come to you! - Dear ones, we have come to you! - Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did you come? - Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride. - Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite? - Boyars, this one is dear to us. Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. - Boyars, she is stupid among us. Dear ones, she is stupid here. - Boyars, and we use her whip. Dear ones, we will whip her. - Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.

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The amazing game “Boyars” has come down to us from time immemorial. In some places, she reproduces elements of an ancient wedding ceremony with amazing accuracy. Firstly, ritual ridicule of the bride (“she’s stupid here,” “she’ll bite the doctor”). This was done to protect her “from the evil eye.” Secondly, the mention of the whip. In the old days, the groom was given a whip as a symbol of power over his future wife. Thirdly, the solemn dignification of the game participants with the ancient title “boyars”. In ancient times, the participants in the wedding ceremony were sometimes called this because of their very important role.

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Game “Burners” “Burn, burn clearly, So that it doesn’t go out. Stand by the side - Look into the field. The trumpeters are riding there and eating the rolls. Look at the sky - The stars are shining, The cranes are screaming - Gu, gu, gu, I'll run away. One, two, don't be a crow, run like fire!

Folklore. Folk instruments. Folklore. Russian folklore. Folk traditions. Children's folklore. Genre of folklore. Oral folk art and literature. Folklore songs. Genres of oral folk art. Musical folklore. Small genres of folklore. Folklore (5th grade). Folk ornament. Ritual folklore.

Genres of folklore. Folklore (oral folk art). "Oral folk art" "Small genres of oral folk art." Calendar-ritual folklore. Project "Russian folklore". Kuban folklore. Small genres of children's folklore. Folklore of Karelia. Compiling an oral story based on a picture.

Culture and art of oral speech. Folklore carousel. Traditions of Russian folk games. Folklore and modernity. FOLKLORE Calendar-ritual songs. Small genres of folklore 5th grade. Development of speech in young children using small folklore. Russian folklore in children's games. Topic: Small genres of oral folk art.

Dramatic genres of folklore. “Folklore as a means of introducing children to Russian folk culture. The image of Pugachev in folklore, the works of Pushkin and Yesenin. The image of Pugachev in folklore, the works of A.S. Pushkin and S.A. Yesenina. Experts in children's folklore. The image of a horse in Russian folklore. Playful and amusing family folklore.

The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folklore. Folklore of the Uligers. Project “City of Folk Craftsmen”. Folklore minutes. A poetic monument to a people's feat. Ivan the Fool is a character from Russian folklore. Extracurricular reading lesson 2nd grade Small folklore genres. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture through small folklore forms.

What is folklore?
What are the genres of folklore?

Bylina (from the word “byl”) is a work of oral poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes. They tell about the exploits of heroes showing their strength, prowess, and courage. Passing from generation to generation, they served as a way to transmit ancient beliefs, ideas about the world, and information about history. Everything that was told about in the epics was perceived as truth, as events that actually happened once in the distant past.
Epics are the rich historical experience of the people, which concerns the most diverse aspects of national life: the fight against foreign invaders, the formation of the state, family relationships, and so on.

Read the article "Epics"

Listen to the epic “Ilya Muromets”

A riddle is a genre of children's folklore. In these short poems, only the signs or actions of an object or phenomenon are named, and not the object or phenomenon itself. The riddle often uses the technique of comparison, especially often a non-living object is compared with a living one: the onion is the grandfather, the carrot is the red maiden, the castle is the black dog.
See examples of Russian folk riddles

Slide No. 25 Jokes

Anecdote - from Greek - unpublished.
This is a genre of folklore, a short oral story of satirical or humorous content with an unexpected witty ending.
The heroes of jokes are historical figures, political figures, representatives of races, etc.
Read a collection of jokes on a school theme

Slide No. 26 Ditties

A chastushka is a rhymed four-line refrain sung at a fast tempo. It is usually performed accompanied by an accordion and balalaika. Chastushkas are composed on topical topics, sometimes with political and also love content. This is a popular type of Russian folk art. Chastushkas became widespread in the second half of the nineteenth century, and became especially popular in the first half of the twentieth century.
Read a collection of ditties on a school theme

Slide No. 27 Children's folklore

Children's folklore is a unique phenomenon in its diversity: a huge variety of genres coexist in it, each of which is associated with almost all manifestations of a child's life. Each genre has its own history and purpose. Some appeared in ancient times, others - quite recently, those are designed to entertain, and these are to teach something, others help a little person navigate the big world...

Slide No. 28 Genres



Counting tables

Tongue Twisters



Slide No. 29 Teasers

Folklore and literature

19th century

Name the main genres of folklore.



What types of epic genres do you know?




historical songs


What types of lyrical genres do you know?






What types of dramatic genres do you know?


round dances

dressing up



What other genres of folklore do you know?





Poets of the 18th century turned to folklore

A. P. Sumarokov

A. D. Kantemir

M. V. Lomonosov

V. N. Maikov

A. N. Radishchev

The true discovery of the folklore world began in the 19th century

A. S. Pushkin

V. A. Zhukovsky

In the second half of the 19th century, classical folklore works were published

“Russian folk tales” by A. N. Afanasyev in 3 volumes

Fox-sister and wolf


For a shoe - a chicken, for a chicken - a piece

Swan geese


Bubble, straw and bast shoe

A tale about a brave fellow, rejuvenating apples and living water

“Proverbs of the Russian People” by V. I. Dahl

The man pulls in one direction, the woman in the other.

To live is to serve God.

God will give the day, God will give food.

Even if the house is thin, the roof is strong.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

How a blind man talks about colors.

Not the housewife who speaks, but the one who cooks the cabbage soup.

“Mysteries of the Russian people” by D. N. Sadovnikov

Four legs, two ears, one nose and belly.



He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.


Kuma ate and ate oak and broke a tooth.

The steamer goes back and forth, and behind it there is such a smooth surface - not a wrinkle can be seen.


Rituals, magical beliefs, omens, and predictions have long lived in everyday culture.

Folk signs

- If the cherries bloom well, then in the coming summer you should expect a bountiful harvest of mushrooms.

- Yawns - to the guests.

- If you had to return home for something, you definitely need to look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.

- If something breaks during the holiday, then it is fortunate; if this does not happen, then they break a glass or a glass on purpose.

I. A. Krylov turned to proverbs, the meaning of which he developed into a whole fable scene

  • A Crow and a fox
  • Quartet
  • Swan, Pike and Crayfish
  • Wolf and Lamb
  • Wolf at the kennel
  • Monkey and glasses
  • Elephant and Moska

The most famous literary fairy tales were created around the same time - the 30s of the 19th century.

V. A. Zhukovsky wrote

"The Tale of Tsar Berendey"

"The Tale of the Sleeping Princess"

“The War of Mice and Frogs”, “Svetlana”,

"The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf"

"Ruslan and Ludmila"

For you, the soul of my queen, Beauties, for you alone Tales of times gone by, During golden leisure hours, Under the whisper of chatty old times, I wrote with a faithful hand; Please accept my playful work! Without demanding anyone's praise, I am already happy with sweet hope, What a maiden with the trembling of love He'll look, maybe furtively, To my sinful songs. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; Golden chain on the oak tree: Day and night the cat is a scientist Everything goes round and round in a chain; He goes to the right - the song starts, To the left - he tells a fairy tale. There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there, The mermaid sits on the branches; There on unknown paths Traces of unseen beasts; There's a hut there on chicken legs It stands without windows, without doors; There the forest and valley are full of visions; There the waves will rush in at dawn The beach is sandy and empty, And thirty beautiful knights From time to time clear waters emerge, And their sea uncle is with them; The prince is there in passing Captivates the formidable king; There in the clouds in front of the people Through the forests, across the seas The sorcerer carries the hero; In the dungeon there the princess is grieving, And the brown wolf serves her faithfully; There is a stupa with Baba Yaga She walks and wanders by herself; There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over gold; There is a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia! And there I was, and I drank honey; I saw a green oak by the sea; Beneath him sat and the learned cat He told me his fairy tales. I remember one: this fairy tale Now I will tell the world...

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The word "folklore" appeared in the 19th century and came from the English language. Folklore literally means “folk wisdom”. Folklore - folk art: a set of folk ritual actions. (Ozhegov) Folklorist and collector of folklore. Folkloristics is the science that studies folklore.

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The difference between folklore and literature folklore literature There is no personal creator; There is a specific writer (poet); arose and develops as oral creativity; arose and develops with writing; lives in many variants; has one version written by a writer (poet); can be conveyed by recitative, dancing, singing the words. the writer wrote, the reader reads.

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Why do people create and compose fairy tales, songs, riddles, proverbs? What could be important to him? Ideas about good and evil, about the relationship to the homeland, mother, father, friends; the idea of ​​an ideal person - kind, smart, skillful, resourceful, fair, modest. Are ideal qualities important for one, several storytellers, or for all storytellers and listeners - for the whole people? Folklore works express a national aesthetic ideal - the people's idea of ​​a wonderful person, wonderful relationships and actions.

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National ideal - main features: Love for the people's land, kindness, protection and support of the weak, intelligence, justice, generosity, modesty, resourcefulness, dexterity, etc.

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What works of oral folk art can be classified as children's folklore? Genre The task of the genre A proverb is a short saying. Briefly and accurately evaluate the characters and actions of people. . The proverb does not express a complete judgment, but only hints at it. Hints (hiddenly evaluates) various phenomena of human life. . A reading book is a poetic work of an applied nature. Has two parts. “Formula” is the one that will come out. Help to have fun assigning roles in the game. A riddle allegorically describes an object. Teaches you to guess what is planned. A fable is a conversation about the actions of the characters that demonstrate their character traits. Make fun of bad character traits or show the hero's wit.

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genre The task of the genre A tall tale tells an unusual, fictitious, “inverted” picture of life. It's fun to teach the difference between reality and fantasy and develop imagination. The nursery rhyme is performed in the process of actions performed by children together with adults. It's fun to teach your baby gestures and skills. Lullabies Pestushki - short poetic sentences. with which to accompany the child’s movements in the first months of life. A tongue twister is a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Teach your child to pronounce sounds correctly. Games, jokes, teases, fables
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