Orthodoxy prayers are different. Protective Prayer II

Prayer is the faithful companion of any true Christian believer. An Orthodox Christian turns to the Lord and the saints in prayer in moments of joy and sorrow, in his bright and dark days.

Orthodox prayers for all occasions, coming from the very heart of the believer, help in any situation, allowing the person praying to enlist the support of higher powers.

What is prayer?

Prayer is not just a text endowed with hidden meaning. This is a means by which a believer can personally talk with God and be alone with Him. Prayer gives a Christian peace and tranquility, brings inner relief, pacifies the state of mind (and sometimes this is exactly what is needed in difficult times).

Orthodox prayer is a sacrament in which the heart, soul, voice and mind of a person participate. This is an invisible thread that helps to establish a strong connection between the believer and the Creator. In order for the Almighty to hear the petition, a Christian must bare his heart before Him and become like Him, learning to love, forgive, compassion as the Lord did, and also to honor and sanctify Him.

Orthodox prayers help a person find a solution to the dead-end circumstances that life sometimes presents. They allow you to find answers to questions that concern a Christian, promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith in holy powers. A believer should not be embarrassed to trust in the help of the Almighty and His saints - one should not put off communicating with Him.

Of course, a person who wants to achieve the maximum effect from prayer is obliged to set certain demands on himself, in particular, to take care of the purity and selflessness of his soul. During the sacrament of prayer, the believer must eliminate all contradictions between his body, soul and thoughts and completely tune in to internal contact with the Lord.

Classification of Orthodox prayers

Not a single Orthodox Christian will doubt the power of prayers. But in order to use them correctly, it is not enough just to know their texts - it is important to have an idea of ​​the classification of prayers and their purpose, of which text to turn to in a given situation. A person will be able to decide on the right prayer if he focuses on the inner call of his heart and takes a close look at the difficulty that has arisen in his life.

The Orthodox Church, of course, does not establish any official classification of prayers, but still conditionally, according to the nature of the appeal, all prayer texts can be sorted into the following categories:

  • pleading- contain some kind of request;
  • repentant- contain repentance;
  • thanksgiving- give thanks to higher powers;
  • glorifying (praising)- glorify the Lord and His saints.

Prayer covers not only a person’s spiritual mood. It also affects his physiological characteristics, that is, his ability to rebuild his body for relaxation and upcoming contact with heavenly forces.

Texts of Orthodox prayers in Russian for various situations

Prayers are universal and most powerful

In Orthodoxy, there are 3 main and most powerful prayers, which every true Christian must know. This:

  1. "Our Father"(Lord's Prayer). This prayer contains 7 requests and glorifies the Almighty. With its help, the Orthodox confirms his faith in the Creator, expresses his humility and submission to His will, asks Him to give him everything he needs for life, repents of his sins and calls for protection from evil. It is recommended to begin any appeal to the Lord with “Our Father.”
  2. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”. In this prayer, the believer asks for the intercession of the Mother of God and brings glory to her. Any petition to the Ever-Virgin should begin with “Rejoice, Virgin Mary.”
  3. "Symbol of faith"(“I believe”). Prayer is used to confirm one's faith.

The above 3 prayers are an integral part of the daily prayer rule. They are also universal in nature and can be pronounced for any life incident.

Prayers for specific categories

The defining criteria in the lives of most modern people are health, family well-being, financial stability And safety- only when they are combined can we talk about general - life - well-being. If any of these areas are not working out properly, Orthodox prayers can help correct and tighten it up.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for health

This prayer can be said in moments of illness, in front of an icon of the Mother of God, in a temple or at home. In tandem with traditional drug treatment, it speeds up recovery. An indispensable condition is that the person affected by the disease, or the one for whom they are praying, must be baptized. Text of the prayer in Russian:

Two prayers for the family

  1. First prayer, addressed to the Mother of God, helps strengthen the family, maintains mutual understanding in it, protects it from all evil and ill-wishers. Text:
  1. Second prayer, addressed to the Lord, strengthens the love between spouses and bestows family happiness Text:

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for financial well-being

This prayer, addressed to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous, is read in any situation related to finances and material goods (work, sale and purchase of real estate, concluding contracts, business assistance, salary increases, etc.). The text is as follows:

A short prayer for protection and blessing - Jesus

Despite its brevity, one of the most powerful prayers. It is used when there is a strong need for the intercession, protection and blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer helps out when there is no time to recite a longer text. Words of the Jesus Prayer:

“Psalm 90” - the strongest protective prayer

Another of the strongest Orthodox prayers, read in order to obtain protection in dangerous and life-threatening situations, is “Psalm 90” (“Alive in the help of the Most High”). She, like a powerful impenetrable shield, is able to protect the worshiper from any negativity. Text of the prayer:

Listen to prayers and chants online

You can listen to Orthodox prayers for all occasions online on our website:

This collection contains 37 powerful Orthodox prayers.

How to use prayers correctly?

Orthodox prayer in itself is quite effective. But in order for higher powers to hear it and provide the person praying with timely help, the prayer must be pronounced correctly.

  • It is best to choose the morning or evening as the time to pray to the Higher Powers - this is the most favorable period, when a person is not overwhelmed by the bustle of the day, his consciousness is as free as possible, and his body is relaxed.
  • Before the sacrament of prayer begins, you need to concentrate and get rid of extraneous thoughts in your head. You should pray in a calm state, slowly, trying to understand the meaning of each word and letting it pass through yourself.
  • It is better to give preference to short prayers, the content of which is understandable, than to pronounce long prayers mechanically, without understanding. And it’s better to take quality, not quantity. One prayer, said with understanding, from the bottom of the heart, will be much more useful than hundreds of soullessly read texts.
  • You must turn to higher powers either standing or kneeling. A sitting or lying position is allowed in case of illness or while traveling.
  • In prayer, you need to ask not only for yourself, but also for your family or friends, especially in moments of anxiety for them. You can also mention your ill-wishers and pray to God for their forgiveness.
  • A believer’s experience of prayer also makes its own adjustments. If a Christian has only recently come to religion, and his experience of prayer is very meager, the Church does not forbid him to turn to higher powers in his own words. Orthodox prayers will be easier for beginners if they pronounce the texts out loud, working on intonation and clearly pronouncing each word.
  • Prayers said within the walls of a place of worship are characterized by greater power, so you should not be afraid to go to church; moreover, you should visit it as often as possible.
  • You should never forget to glorify the Lord and be grateful to Him. For this purpose, prayers of gratitude and glorification can be read.

Many Orthodox Christians turn to all prayers for all occasions. But, unfortunately, not all representatives of modern society know how to correctly use such prayers. In prayer you do not need to ask for the fulfillment of any of your desires. First of all, you need to appeal to the Lord with a request for the gift of reason and support, which will precisely help you find the right way out of established circumstances and achieve any goals. It is also necessary to lead the most righteous life possible, not to allow sinful passions to take possession of your soul, for sins build a wall between God and man.

On this page you will find the most powerful Orthodox prayers for all occasions, which should be read every day.
A distinctive feature of such prayers is their universality, which allows not only to ask for something, but also to express gratitude to the Lord God.
Daily prayers for any occasion can be addressed to Blessed Matrona, the Most Holy Theotokos or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
When you go to bed or wake up early in the morning, say a short text to yourself, receiving a blessing for another day.

A lot happens in our lives, but it is quite possible to calm all adversity with pure and heartfelt Orthodoxy.

Prayer for the road to the Lord God

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Bless me on my long journey and protect me from bad people. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Protector and Savior. Light my path with your grace and give me strength to complete it. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Blessed Matrona in case of illness

I turn to you, Blessed Matrona of Moscow. May I live one more day in good health under your reliable protection before the Lord God. Amen.

If you fall ill, read another prayer addressed to Blessed Matrona.

I beg you, Matrona of Moscow, and ask for a speedy recovery. May my illness quickly recede and peace come to my sinful soul. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker in case of a successful sale

Help me, Miracle Worker Nikolai, in a successful sale (apartments, cars, dachas - list what you want to sell). Send me tractable buyers and agreement on price. Drive the intractable and bad ones away from me. Thy will be done. Amen.

I turn to you, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and call for your help in selling mine. Protect me from the deception of demons and open my lips to agreeable success. Amen.

Orthodox prayer in case of danger to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, I turn to you with a prayer. Protect me from serious danger and prevent bodily injury and mental grief. On the road and on the enemy's threshold, do not let me die at the hands of the adversary. Save my life for the good of holy Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

A strong prayer to the Lord God for protection from damage and the evil eye

Before you leave the house, read this prayer to protect yourself from envious eyes.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect me from nasty envious people, their corrupt deeds and unkind glances. In the field and on the road, alone and in public, do not let me become infected with their sinful soot. Thy will be done. Amen.

These were Orthodox prayers for all occasions. They are so short that you will learn them over time.

One text (htm format)

  • Psalter in Church Slavonic(pdf format)
  • Which psalms to read in different circumstances, temptations and needs
  • What psalms to read to express God’s feelings and state- reading psalms for every need
  • The main substantive essence of certain psalms- reading psalms for every need
  • Missionary and edifying prayer home rule for the whole family according to the psalter- Maxim Stepanenko
  • Akathists:

    • Akathists to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her various icons
    • Akathist to the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia
    • Akathist to the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
    • Read other akathists from the section

    Orthodox canons:

    • Canon of prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ. This rare canon to the Lord Jesus Christ is read in times of general adversity, and in times of rainlessness, in hunger and rebellion, in storms, in the invasion of foreigners, and about any petition
    • Read other canons from the section "Orthodox akathists and canons"

    Missionary Prayers:

    • Prayers to strengthen faith during persecution and temptation

    Prayers to angels:

    • Prayer to Archangel Michael. The Church reveres Archangel Michael as a defender of the faith and a fighter against heresies and all evil. On icons he is depicted with a fiery sword in his hand, or with a spear casting down the devil. He is the patron saint of warriors fighting for a just cause. They pray to him to overcome schisms and heresies, cry out for help in persecutions, for the admonition of schismatics, heretics, sectarians and non-believers, during demonic attacks and temptations. Archangel Michael is also asked for help in protecting home and family from theft and all kinds of misfortunes
    • Prayer to Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel is the patron saint of musicians and teachers, they pray to him for conceiving children in case of infertility and assistance in adoption, future mothers and fathers pray for a successful pregnancy

    Prayers to the saints:

    Saints are people who belong to the true Church of Christ - the Orthodox Church, who serve God and their neighbors, who, during their lives, have overcome passions through spiritual exploits, observance of the Gospel commandments and become temples of the Holy Spirit: “For you are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell in them and I will walk in them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people" (2 Cor. 6:16).

    The grace of Christ acted most abundantly in the saints even during their lives in healings, intercession of the offended and suffering, in their godly advice. Since "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for He's all alive"(Luke 20:38), therefore, the departed holy martyrs, ascetics of faith and the gospel, are now in the abodes of the Son of God in consciousness, and through the Holy Spirit they embrace our world with a spiritual gaze and can hear prayer appeals to them. The Orthodox Church remembers the commandment of the Apostle Jacob: "... pray for each other, to heal: The fervent prayer of the righteous can do much"(James 5:16), therefore, he turns to all the righteous for prayerful support.

    A special grace to help people in various needs was given from God to that saint who during his lifetime succeeded in such virtue. For example, Saint John Chrysostom - in uncomplainingly enduring persecution, Venerable Mary of Egypt - in abstinence and warfare against fornication. Or he became famous for his help in similar cases, for example, through the prayer of St. Nikita of Novgorod, the fire subsided, St. Alexy of Moscow restored the sight of the khan’s wife.

    However, it is wrong to think that each of the saints is specially assigned to consider and fulfill any type of request, just as the pagans think about different patron spirits. The Lord, out of love for the Holy Church, for each of its members, both glorified in heaven and laboring on earth, is ready to incline mercy to the prayers of any saint for any living person, for any forgiveness.

    It is useful to read the lives of saints and find examples in them that indicate the special closeness of the saint to the subject of our concern. Then the person praying does not just read the prescribed text, but sees the image of the saint himself behind its lines, his prayer becomes more sincere and fervent. It is for this purpose, with prayers, that we provide brief information from the lives.

    It is advisable to pray to the saints on those days when the Church celebrates their memory. Remembering the holidays, you will always have the right prayer for every day and every need. In this section, brief references to the church calendar precede the text of each prayer to the saint.

    • Prayer to all saints who have shone in the Russian lands(to all Russian saints)
    • Prayer to the prophet and high priest Aaron. Aaron is the elder brother of the prophet Moses, the first High Priest of the Old Testament. He was the voice of the tongue-tied Moses, appearing before Pharaoh as a representative of the prophet. Aaron took part in the forty-year wandering of the Jews in the desert, where, at the command of God, he was appointed high priest. They pray to him for admonition and protection in the priestly service, for the gift of eloquence, they ask for help in understanding God’s will for themselves, and in pacifying those at war.
    • Prayer to Blessed Augustine of Hippo. Augustine Aurelius is a Christian theologian and philosopher, an influential preacher, Bishop of Hippo (Hippo), revered as one of the most outstanding church teachers on a universal scale. Patron of scientists and apologists. People turn to him for help to convert people of other faiths, sectarians and people of little faith, to gain wisdom and faith, and to overcome lust.
    • Prayer to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria. Abraham lived in the 13th century, came from the Kama Muslim Bulgarians and was a wealthy merchant. He was very kind and merciful to the poor. After the adoption of Christianity in the city of Bolgars, Abraham began to preach to his Muslim compatriots about Christ the Savior. He was captured and executed after torture. Heavenly patron of pious merchants, philanthropists and missionaries. They pray to him for the granting of faith, the conversion of Muslims, other people of other faiths and sectarians to Orthodoxy.
    • Prayer to St. Abraham of Galich. Abraham of Galich - disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, great ascetic, founder of several monasteries, educator of the Kostroma land. People turn to him in prayer, wanting to receive zealous faith, asceticism, courage, and the ability to be a good leader.
    • Prayer to St. Abraham of Rostov. The Monk Abraham is known for his faith and his fight against pagan false faith and error. Ascetic, prayer book, missionary, educator of Rostovites. Missionaries and catechists, monks turn to him in prayer for help; he is asked to admonish people who are in sects and neo-paganism.
    • Prayer to St. Abraham of Smolensk. The Monk Abraham is an example of an enlightened monk who combined ascetic deeds with love for the Holy Scriptures and Christian literature. Wonderworker, copyist of books, talented preacher and educator. He suffered slander and persecution from envious clergy. People turn to him in prayer for encouragement and help during slander and persecution. Abraham of Smolensk is the patron saint of missionaries, teachers and preachers.
    • Prayer to Saint Agapit of Pechersk. Agapit of Pechersk is a humble ascetic and a skilled herbal doctor. He healed Vladimir Monomakh from a serious illness, miraculously avoided poisoning from an envious Armenian doctor, who later, seeing the holiness of Agapit, repented and became a monk. One of the heavenly patrons of pious doctors. People turn to St. Agapit with prayer in illness and sorrow.
    • Prayer to St. Adrian Ondrusovsky. Under the influence of the Monk Alexander of Svirsky, he became a monk and founded a monastery, which miraculously saved him from the plunder of robbers, whose ataman subsequently repented and became a monk. They pray to the Monk Adrian Ondrusovsky for protection from thieves, extortionists and to admonish criminals.
    • Prayer to the Venerable Martyr Adrian Poshekhonsky. Founder of the Monastery of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Yaroslavl land. Ascetic, talented icon painter. Killed by robbers. After his death, the Lord glorified him in his ability to admonish wicked people, heal the possessed, and heal the sick.
    • Prayer to the martyr Alevtina of Caesarea. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximinus, Alevtina was first condemned to hard work in the quarries, then, together with other confessors of Christ, they were brought to Caesarea in Palestine, where, after terrible torture, the martyr was burned. They pray to her to strengthen faith in persecution and captivity.
    • Prayer to the martyr Alla Gotfskaya. The pious widow of the Gothic king Alla mourned the destruction of Christians and the destruction of temples. With her daughter Duklida, Alla, despite the ban, collected the remains of the martyrs, transported them to Syria and buried them there. She was stoned and died a martyr along with her son Agathon. They pray to her for strengthening faith and courage during persecution for the faith, for fulfilling Christian duty in temptations and persecution. Martyr Alla is asked for prayerful help in the Christian upbringing of children and strengthening their faith, for she herself raised children who were saints. Saint Alla is the patroness of medical and social workers working in hospices, nursing homes, caring for the terminally ill, and helping to bury the lonely and unknown.
    • Prayer to St. Alexander of Kusht. Ascetic, wise and humble shepherd. Stopped thieves and robbers with prayer. From the relics and through the prayerful intercession of St. Alexander of Kusht after his death, many miracles and healings took place.
    • Prayer to the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky. Being in personal life An example of Christian piety and purity, the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky is loved and revered by the Russian people as a great mourner and protector of the Russian Land. They pray to Saint Prince Alexander for the deliverance of the Fatherland from foreign invasion, for the good character of the authorities and rulers, for success in military affairs, and for standing firmly in the faith.
    • Prayer to St. Alexander of Svirsky. The Monk Alexander of Svirsky accepted monasticism from his youth. Great ascetic and mentor of monks. Was honored with a vision of the Holy Trinity. They pray to the Monk Alexander of Svirsky in their desire to become a monk, for guidance in monastic practice, for consolation of the hearts of parents who grieve over their child’s choice of monasticism, for help in teaching, and in the ailment of relaxation (paralysis).
    • Prayer to the martyr Queen Alexandra of Rome. Queen Alexandra may have been the widow of one of the emperors who preceded Diocletian, under whom she suffered. They pray to her for the gift of strong faith, for help in overcoming temptations and persecution.
    • Prayer to St. Alexy, man of God. The son of Roman rich and noble parents, Saint Alexy left home, from worldly contentment, lived on the porch of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos in the city of Edessa, enduring poverty and deprivation... They pray to Saint Alexy for deliverance from pride (he had deep humility), from attachment to the blessings of the world, from the love of money, and also about parents who are excessively grieving over their child’s choice of the monastic path.
    • Prayer to Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker. Even the Gentiles knew about Saint Alexy that “heaven does not refuse his prayer in anything.” They pray to Saint Alexei for the granting of insight, for eye diseases, for mitigating the anger of those in power, for the protection of the Fatherland from the invasion of foreigners.
    • Prayer to righteous Alexy Mechev, presbyter of Moscow. After the death of his wife, St. came to Father Alexei. John of Kronstadt said: “...be with the people, enter into someone else’s grief, take it upon yourself, and then you will see that your misfortune is insignificant in comparison with common grief, and it will become easier for you. From that time on, Saint Alexy Mechev, this kindest shepherd, in prayer and unceasing service to people, shared and now shares the grief, needs and illnesses of all those who come to him for prayerful help.
    • Prayer to Saint Ambrose of Milan. Saint Ambrose is a bright star of the Orthodox West: the most educated man, the wisest righteous man and church writer, philanthropist, hymnographer and apologist. He had the gift of healing. Patron of teachers and missionaries, singers. People turn to him for help in admonishing sectarians and non-believers in need and illness (especially children), to overcome lust and preserve virginity.
    • Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina. The God-wise mentor, consoler and man of prayer, the Monk Ambrose truly became the crown and adornment of the Optina eldership. The elder became famous for his insight, the gift of healing bodily ailments and healing mental wounds. They pray to him for help in various everyday needs, for healing in illnesses, for the firm standing of the Russian people in the paternal faith, for good morals and the Christian upbringing of children.
    • Prayer to the Venerable Martyr Anastasia of Rome. The Venerable Martyr Anastasia the Roman was given over to the most severe torture and death during the time of Emperor Decius. They pray to her for the preservation of virginity, strengthening faith in persecution and captivity.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. She was the daughter of a rich and noble Roman. With all her property she served the prisoners, among whom were many Christians. For her mercy and selfless service, the prisoners called her the Pattern Maker, i.e. "lightening the shackles." When they recognized her as a Christian, they subjected her to torture. They pray to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia for the relief of the bonds of those in captivity, for the conversion of those who are lost and who have fallen into serious crimes to Christ.
    • Prayer to Righteous Angelina, Despotissa (Queen) of Serbia. The daughter of Prince George of Albania and the wife of Stephen, King of Serbia, Saint Angelina suffered exile under the Turks (15th century) together with her husband. After the death of her husband, having taken monastic vows, the saint devoted herself to prayer, charity and church building. A faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect Christian, she earned the name “Mother Angelina”, which the Serbian people awarded her. Saint Angelina is the patroness in the organization of family life, in family needs and sorrows, about children; wives and mothers pray to her for the granting of the virtues of marriage and motherhood.
    • Prayer to the blessed Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky is a talented commander, manager, and urban planner “I built up White Rus' with cities and villages and made it populous,” the builder of thirty churches (for example, the famous Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl), prayer book, hymnographer and historian. An admirer of the feat of Boris and Gleb, who did a lot to glorify them, himself died as a result of a conspiracy. The heavenly patron of managers, politicians, builders and temple builders - people of these occupations turn to him in prayer for help.
    • Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of Russia and Ukraine. They pray to him for the conversion of the peoples of Russia to the Christian faith, for the intercession of the Fatherland, for success in naval warfare and simply navigation.
    • Prayer to Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete. Great hierarch, theologian, teacher and hymn-maker. They pray to him for the granting of a feeling of repentance, humility, prayerfulness, and also for healing from dumbness, since being mute from birth, he received healing after Communion at the age of seven.
    • Prayer to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia. When Adrian was taken to torture for professing the Christian faith, his wife Natalya urged her husband to remain firm. After the martyrdom of her husband, she remained faithful to him, rejecting all offers and compulsions for a new marriage. They are revered as helpers in a pious Christian marriage, prayer books for fidelity and harmony between husband and wife.
    • Prayer to righteous Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Phanuel. Righteous Anna the Prophetess came from the tribe of Asher and was the daughter of Phanuel. Having married, she lived with her husband for 7 years until his death. After his death, righteous Anna “did not leave the temple, serving God day and night with fasting and prayer” (Luke 2:37). At the age of 84, she was honored to see the Infant Jesus Christ brought for dedication to God in the Jerusalem Temple. Saint Anne is the patron saint of nuns, widows and single women. They pray to her for a pious life in widowhood and loneliness, for curbing lust, for strengthening strength in fasting and prayer, for support in childlessness.
    • Prayer to Venerable Anna Kashinskaya. Princess Anna Kashinskaya suffered great sorrows: the death of her husband, children, grandson, fires and Tatar punitive pogroms (and even after her death she suffered 200 years of oblivion as a “schismatic”). Without falling into despair, Anna endured everything - she is a symbol of mental fortitude. Her help is asked before marriage, before entering the service, before tonsure, before starting training sessions, making any serious decision, not to mention all sorts of troubles, illnesses and sorrows.
    • Prayer to the Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon. He was one of the first to suffer martyrdom during the persecution of Emperor Domitian. Saint Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon, is mentioned in the Apocalypse by the Apostle John the Theologian (Rev. 2:13). The tomb of the holy martyr became a source of miracles and healings from various diseases. At the same time, people have noticed that prayers to the holy martyr Antipas are especially helpful for severe toothaches.
    • Prayer to St. Anthony the Great. Reverend Anthony, the greatest ascetic, the founder of desert living and the father of monasticism, who received the name Great from the Holy Church. They pray to him for the granting of humility, deliverance from passions, demonic attacks, strengthening of faith and ascetic work, physical health
    • Prayer to St. Anthony the Roman. The Monk Anthony the Roman miraculously found himself on Novgorod land at the beginning of the 11th century. Ascetic, philanthropist and temple builder. From his relics numerous healings from illnesses occurred and demons were cast out. People turn to him for help in prayer to strengthen strength, patience and faith in various temptations, when traveling on water and when studying foreign languages
    • Prayer to Saints Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. Reverends Anthony and Theodosius are the founders of Russian monasticism and the organizers of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Patrons of Russian monks and philanthropists who collect funds for the sick and poor turn to them in prayer for help in curbing passions, acquiring humility and asceticism.
    • Prayer to St. Anthony of Dymsky. Reverend Anthony of Dymsky is a great ascetic and man of prayer who lived at the turn of the 12th – 13th centuries. Founder of the Antoniyevo-Dymsky Monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in Northern Rus'. People turn to him for prayer help in bodily and spiritual temptations, to overcome lust, in various diseases and protection from fire.
    • Prayer to St. Arseny the Great. The Monk Arseny, being a highly educated man, went into the desert, where he spent 50 years in silence, fasting and prayer. Christians who love to talk idle talk and chatter beyond measure can turn to the monk for help, as well as those who want to curb vanity and pride, love of money and envy, hatred and anger, and malice in themselves.
    • Prayer to the great martyr warrior Artemy of Antioch. Great Martyr Artemy was one of the talented military leaders during the reign of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and his son Constantius. He received many awards for excellent service and courage. At one time he was appointed governor of Egypt, where he did a lot for Christianity. After denouncing Emperor Julian the Apostate, he was martyred. Artemy is the heavenly patron of warriors and sovereign people.
    • Prayer to St. Athanasius of Athos. A great ascetic, an educated Christian, a wise leader and shepherd. Having overcome spiritual melancholy and despondency, he received from God the gift of tenderness and joy. His prayer was powerful both for healing people from illness and for casting out demons and their influence on people. He laid the foundation for communal life on Mount Athos, the construction of monasteries and temples, and social and medical assistance to the sick (lepers). They turn to St. Athanasius of Athos for prayer help for zeal in faith and ascetic work, in case of despondency (depression), lack of faith, in illness, for protection from demonic attacks. Patron of monks, abbots of monasteries, temple builders. Christians in leadership positions can pray to him for wisdom and leadership authority to serve according to God's word: "The greatest of you shall be your servant; for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Matt. 23:11-12).
    • Prayer to the Hieromartyr Athenogenes of Pidakhfoi. The Hieromartyr Athenogenes bravely suffered with ten of his disciples in Sebaste at the beginning of the 4th century. It is noteworthy that before the execution Saint Athenogenes baptized the doe he had raised with the words: “Go in peace into the desert. May the God of ages not deliver you and your seed into the net of hunters, but may your tribe bring their offspring to slaughter in our memory and in the glory of God and food for those who remember us." According to the word of the saint, every year on the day of his death this doe came from the desert with a young deer. While reading the Gospel, she entered the temple and, leaving the deer there, again withdrew into the desert. The Hieromartyr Athenogenes was revered by the people as the patron saint of livestock. On the day of his memory, peasants brought livestock to the church, where a special order was read over them for their multiplication and health.
    • Prayer to the holy passion-bearers princes Boris and Gleb, in baptism to Roman and David. The holy princes Boris and Gleb preferred to accept death at the hands of murderers sent by their brother Svyatopolk the Accursed rather than resist violence, and thus begin internecine warfare. These passion-bearers are prayed for the pacification of the Fatherland, for the good character of the authorities and rulers, for preservation from civil strife, for the granting of courage in the face of mortal danger.
    • Prayer to the martyr Valentina of Caesarea. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian II, Saint Valentine, accused of disrespect for the gods, was brought to a pagan temple to make a sacrifice, but she boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to the fire blazing on it. She was beaten mercilessly and sentenced to be beheading with a sword. They pray to her to strengthen faith in persecution and captivity.
    • Prayer to Blessed Valentina of Minsk. Blessed Valentina was one of the pearls of a considerable host of pious laymen in the USSR in the middle of the 20th century, who were pillars of Orthodoxy, temples of the Holy Spirit, prayer books, miracle workers, prophets, teachers and comforters of Christians during the period of Soviet atheism and persecution of the Church, when there was practically no there were priests left. The saint is asked to strengthen faith, accept God's providence, help with illnesses, family and everyday temptations and tragedies
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara. This beautiful, intelligent and courageous girl endured many tortures for Christ. Before her execution, Saint Barbara prayed to God that everyone who, remembering her martyrdom, would ask for her help, would be delivered from sudden death without confession and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The Lord accepted the martyr's request. Through the prayers of Saint Barbara, abundant healing is sent, they also pray to her for the softening of parental anger and self-will, for deliverance from despondency and sadness.
    • Prayer to Blessed Varvara Skvorchikhinskaya. With the advent of godless power, a young rural teacher took upon herself the feats of poverty, seclusion, unceasing prayer and fasting. The Lord through her the great power of God, manifested by gifts of clairvoyance and healing, miracles and miraculous signs. Blessed Barbara is asked to help endure difficult temptations, persecution and poverty, protection from oppressors and thieves, they pray to her for maintaining virginity, for help in ascetic deeds, and healing diseases.
    • Prayer to Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappodacia. Saint Basil the Great, one of the greatest theologians and hymnographers, interpreter of Scripture, church benefactor, ascetic, made efforts to include monasticism, which had previously developed spontaneously, into general church life and streamline it. The most active denouncer of Arianism. The Church calls him the Ecumenical Teacher. They pray to him for the strengthening of faith, monastic service, the conversion of heretics and people of little faith, and they turn to him for help in studies, charity, and in general in any activity. He has long been considered the patron saint of gardens and vegetable gardens, to whom people pray for a bountiful harvest.
    • Prayer to the martyr Vasily of Mangazeya. Martyr Vasily of Mangazeya is the first saint glorified on Siberian soil. He suffered a martyr's death in 1602, and since the middle of the 17th century has been deeply revered for his many gracious manifestations in helping the sick, those in sorrow and despair. Saint Basil repeatedly helped travelers and hunters who were lost and in danger; healed weakness, blindness and other diseases; Through the prayers of mothers, he healed children and saved the faint-hearted from committing suicide.
    • Prayer to Blessed Vasily, Moscow Wonderworker, Fool for Christ's Sake. Lived in Moscow during the time of Ivan the Terrible. He preached mercy and good morals, and was not afraid to denounce even the cruel king. In 1547 he predicted the great fire of Moscow; prayer extinguished the fire in Novgorod. Many miracles and healings subsequently occurred from the relics. They pray to St. Blessed Basil for the granting of humility and patience in persecution and ridicule, for the good character of authorities and rulers, for protection from fire, for healing from various ailments, drunkenness and drug addiction.
    • Prayer to Saint Vasily of Ryazan. This pious archpastor was slandered and expelled from Murom - from his first see. With icon Mother of God"Muromskaya" miraculously moved along the Oka to Ryazan, where it was received with joy by the people of Ryazan. After death, he was considered by them to be “their constant intercessor, a helper in sorrows and adversity.” Revered as the patron saint of travelers and sailors. They ask him for prayerful help in unjust accusations and persecution.
    • Prayer to the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. They suffered under Emperor Hadrian. The young Christian women amazed everyone with their steadfastness in confessing their faith. The sisters were tortured in front of their mother, but she urged her daughters to be strong. Three days later, Saint Sophia, without leaving the grave of her daughters, gave up her soul to the Lord there. They pray to the holy martyrs for success in the main Christian virtues - faith, hope and love, for strengthening in faith, for preserving teenagers from the temptations of the world and lack of faith, for Christian love between parents and children.
    • Prayer to the martyr Victor of Damascus. Victor of Damascus was a warrior, when under Emperor Marcus Aurelius (late 2nd century) persecution of Christians began, Victor refused to make a sacrifice to the gods, and accepted a martyr’s death. The patron saint of warriors, people turn to him for prayer help to grant faith, fortitude in persecution, and to admonish people engaged in occult practices, fortune telling and magic.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. The grandson of Princess Olga, feeling the emptiness and lies of idolatry, experienced conversion. Almost blind, he regained his sight after receiving Baptism in 988, and then baptized his people. He built churches and schools, cared for the poor and orphans, setting an example of mercy and hospitality. Prince Vladimir is the patron and prayer book of the Slavic peoples, an assistant to sovereign people and temple builders; people turn to him in prayer during times of unrest, for the good character of the authorities and rulers. The saint is asked for help with eye diseases.
    • Prayer to the martyr Boniface. He was a servant of the Roman woman Aglaida, and before his conversion to the faith of Christ he spent his time in drunkenness and debauchery. Once sent by his mistress to bring particles of the relics of the holy martyrs to her house, he confessed Christ, and himself accepted torture and death. Through prayers to him, he has repeatedly delivered and is delivering people from the passion of wine drinking, and now drug addiction.
    • Prayer to the blessed prince Vsevolod of Pskov. A good Christian, “a friend of the poor and a feeder of the orphans, a comfort and intercessor for the poor,” fed the needy from his estate during famine, a courageous warrior and a just ruler, a temple builder. Patron of Pskov, the pious Orthodox army and the sovereign's people. People turn to him with prayer in times of need, hunger and various misfortunes, asking for wisdom and courage in temptations.
    • Prayer to the Blessed Prince Vyacheslav of Czechia. Prince Vyacheslav was a widely educated and pious Christian, a temple builder. He was villainously killed at the door of the church by his brother and his servants. They prayerfully turn to him for help in danger, to console family conflicts, and to convert unbelieving relatives to Christ.
    • Prayer to St. Gabriel of Athos. The Monk Gabriel of Athos, born in Russia, asceticised in the second half of the 19th century on Athos. An ascetic and talented church administrator, temple builder, who at one time served as treasurer and housekeeper. He became archimandrite and rector of the Elias monastery on Mount Athos. Seriously ill people and those possessed by demons are healed from his relics, which are now in Odessa. People turn to him for prayer help in church building, searching for funds and benefactors, receiving the gift of management, for various diseases, especially the musculoskeletal system.
    • Prayer to St. Gabriel of Sedmiezerny. The Monk Gabriel, overcoming bodily weakness and numerous spiritual sorrows in the spirit of meekness and prayer, acquired the gifts of clairvoyance and healing of physical and mental ailments. They ask him for help in serious illness, disability, unjust persecution and slander, for the gift of faith and fortitude in temptation.
    • Prayer to Righteous Galina. The daughter of Emperor Septimius Severus, a pagan and persecutor of Christians, became a Christian, seeing the faith, patience and miracles of the bishop of the city of Magnesia (Thessaly), Charlampius. She tried to protect the bishop, who was being tortured, twice crushed idols in the local church, and subsequently buried the murdered hieromartyr. People resort to the prayerful help of Saint Galina in case of cowardice, doubts in faith, persecution; people pray to her for the conversion of apostates; she is the patroness of all who defend faith and truth.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr George the Victorious. Lived in Lebanon during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. Being a warrior, he did not want to torture and persecute Christians, and confessed himself to be a Christian. He suffered torture and death around 303. The posthumous miracles of St. George are numerous. The most famous of them is the victory over a terrible serpent monster in the vicinity of Beirut. Saint George the Victorious is the heavenly patron of Russia, Georgia and Ossetia. Prayer book for warriors, patron of cattle breeding and agriculture.
    • Prayer to St. Herman of Alaska. The Monk Herman of Alaska is a missionary among the Aleuts, an ascetic, a seer and a miracle worker. People turn to him for prayer help to turn to faith those of little faith, sectarians and people of other faiths, in natural disasters, illnesses, especially during epidemics.
    • Prayer to St. Herman Solovetsky. One of the founders of Solovetsky monasticism. Patient, courageous ascetic and hard worker. The Monk Herman of Solovetsky is prayerfully asked for the granting of the indicated virtues, the strength of faith, for enduring the hardships of life and temptations, for healing in illnesses.
    • Prayer to Saint Gregory the Theologian. Saint Gregory the Theologian is one of the greatest Christian theologians, apologists and hymnographers. Heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, apologists and missionaries. They pray to him for strengthening faith, sending down the gift of preaching, prayerfulness, understanding the fundamentals of the doctrine, for the conversion of non-believers, sectarians and schismatics. Since ancient times, people have prayed to him, together with Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, at the beginning of the construction of a house and entering new house, as well as about prayerful protection in persecution and temptation from evil people and authorities.
    • Prayer to the martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv. Gury, Samon and Aviv suffered for their faith at the beginning of the 4th century in Edessa. With their prayerful help, many miracles were performed, but they gained special fame for their intercession for the honor of Euphemia, who was taken as a wife by a goth-bigamist by cunning, then turned into a slave and subjected to humiliation in every possible way. They are revered as the patrons of marriage, marriage, and a happy family; they are prayed to “if a husband innocently hates his wife.”
    • Prayer to the righteous King David, the psalmist. One of the most revered prophets of Israel, the singer of repentance and God's glory, King David, is the author of the Psalter, which the holy fathers place above all the writings of the Old Testament. They pray to him for the granting of a feeling of repentance, for help with carnal temptations, for the good character of the authorities and rulers, for standing firmly in the faith. Patron and protector of warriors.
    • Prayer to the blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow. With love and brotherly love he laid the foundation for the unification of Rus' into a powerful power - the Moscow kingdom. They pray to Holy Prince Daniel for the salvation of Russia, for the good character of the authorities and rulers, for deliverance from harmful divisions and internecine warfare.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Dmitry of Thessalonica - proconsul who was sent to eradicate Christianity in the Thessalonian region. Arriving at the place, he openly professed himself a Christian, and became a zealous teacher of the faith in Thessaloniki. Demetrius of Thessaloniki is the heavenly patron of managers and warriors, missionaries and catechists. They pray to him for help during the invasion of enemies, to protect the house, village from attacks, theft and murder and, of course, in all kinds of weakness and illness.
    • Prayer to Saint Demetrius of Rostov. Compiler of the "Cheti-Menaia", containing the lives of saints for every day of the year. A zealot for the purity of the Orthodox faith in the face of schismatic sects. He became famous for his modest, ascetic life, and was loved by the people for his simplicity, accessibility and acts of mercy. Until his death, he set an example of patiently and humbly enduring a severe chest illness. They pray to Saint Demetrius for success in Christian preaching and enlightenment, for deliverance from schisms and heresies, for help in poverty, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for healing from chest diseases.
    • Prayer to the blessed prince Dovmont (Timofey) of Pskov. Dovmont was an invincible warrior who guarded the western borders of Rus', a wise and fair prince, a pious Christian: he generously gave alms, receiving beggars and strangers, reverently loved worship, and patronized churches and monasteries. Patron of Pskov, the sovereign's people and the Orthodox army. People turn to him in prayer to gain wisdom, help in military affairs and management matters.
    • Prayer to Blessed Domna of Tomsk, for Christ's sake, the holy fool. Blessed Domna Tomskaya is the intercessor of all the needy and offended, a prayer helper in family worries and sorrows, the patroness of social workers and philanthropists. They pray to her for the gift of prayer, help with carnal temptations and for the observance of virginity.
    • Prayer of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow. Grand Duchess Evdokia (in monasticism Euphrosyne) is the wife of Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy: a kind wife, mother of many children, a compassionate and virtuous Christian, a temple builder and benefactor. After the death of her husband, she began to lead a strict ascetic life, wearing a hair shirt and chains under princely clothes. With such a life, she endured slander about fornication. On the day of taking tonsure, she performed a miracle of healing 30 people. She is truly the patroness of family and motherhood; people turn to her prayerfully for help from troubles, invasions of enemies and thieves, for the protection of children, healing of diseases, incl. and eyes.
    • Prayer of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. Venerable Euphrosyne is glorious with youth amazing intelligence and wisdom, which grew even more in maturity, especially thanks to her work in copying spiritual books. Having become abbess, she opened the first girls' school at the monastery. Her intelligence, asceticism and prayerfulness allowed her to become the patroness of Russian female monasticism. They prayerfully ask for help about the granting of wisdom, honesty, self-restraint in the fight against lust, and in growing up their infantile, lazy and unwilling children.
    • Prayer of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal. The Venerable Euphrosyne of Suzdal is notable not only for her ascetic life, but also for her holistic, insightful mind and spiritual wisdom. She had the gift of prophecy, and through her prayers the monastery of the saint survived the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols. She is asked in prayer for the acquisition of wisdom, love, prayerfulness, zeal for the faith, protection from evil people and thieves, abstinence from any lust.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr Catherine. She came from a noble family and was very beautiful. Her parents were looking for a worthy groom for her, but by the Providence of God, Catherine rejected all proposals for marriage until she found the Heavenly Bridegroom - Christ, for whom she accepted fierce torment and death. She is prayerfully asked to admonish nonbelievers and sectarians, to grant strength of faith and spirit in persecution and temptation, and to preserve virginity. By folk tradition They also pray to the Great Martyr Catherine for finding a good groom and for help in childbirth.
    • Prayer Equal to the Apostles to Queen Helen of Constantinople. She is the mother of Tsar Constantine. The first merit of Queen Helena was that she endeared her son Constantine to the Christian faith, and through this gradually the entire Roman world became Christian. The second merit of Queen Helena is the erection of the Holy Cross and the construction of now famous churches in the Holy Land. Saint Helena is the patroness of the church clergy, temple builders, philanthropists and missionaries. They pray to her for the gift and strengthening of faith in children and relatives, for the gift of parental zeal for raising children in the faith, for the admonition of non-believers and sectarians.
    • Prayer to the Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia. Grand Duchess Elizabeth of Russia - exemplary wife, a virtuous and merciful Christian, after the death of her husband, she took monastic vows and founded the Martha and Mary Convent of Sisters of Mercy. The animals were destroyed by the Bolsheviks. Heavenly patroness of doctors, social service workers and philanthropists. People turn to her in prayer for the blessing of family, children, for recovery from illness, for spiritual help in severe trials.
    • Prayer to the Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow. During the Time of Troubles, internal strife and the Polish invasion devoted all his strength to serving the Church and the Fatherland. Finding himself in captivity, he never tired of calling on the people to fight for the liberation of Moscow and the defense of the holy Orthodox faith. They pray to him for the salvation of Russia, for the salvation of the Fatherland from the invasion of foreigners and the power of infidels, for standing firmly in the faith, for courage in the face of a mortal threat.
    • Prayer to St. Ephraim the Syrian. Ascetic and spiritual writer who lived in the 4th century. From a young age he left the world and retired to hermits after he was imprisoned on false charges. Afterwards he was again subjected to slander, but was justified by God before people. He fought against the Arians, wrote many interpretive and moral works, penitential and funeral chants. Protector of the innocently slandered and oppressed, patron of monasticism, giver of humility and chastity.
    • Prayer to St. Zosima of Solovetsky. Venerable Zosima, abbot of Solovetsky, great luminary of the Russian North, founder of the monastic community on Solovetsky Island, miracle worker. They pray to St. Zosima when they are sick: many hospital churches dedicated to him testify to the great healing power of his prayers before God. Patron of beekeepers and fishermen.
    • Prayer to Saint Zosima of Yennatskaya. Venerable Zosima of Yennatskaya became one of the pillars of Orthodoxy in Bashkiria in Soviet years persecution of the Church. As a loving mother, she consoled everyone who came to her, admonished and instructed in the faith, her gift of insight saved from trouble and helped many in need, through her prayers many people were healed. Venerable Zosima of Yennatskaya can without hesitation prayerfully ask for help in all everyday matters: in illnesses, especially when doctors cannot establish a diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment, in search of stolen goods, to enlighten someone and save them from prison, whether a cow or a horse is sick - Mother Zosima will not refuse. They pray to St. Zosima for a safe pilgrimage to distant lands.
    • Prayer to Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, Bishop of Antioch. Saint Ignatius was that evangelical youth whom the Lord took in his arms. He was called a God-bearer because, deeply loving the Lord, he seemed to carry Him in his heart. He was a disciple of the Apostle John. He ruled the Antioch Church for 40 years. On the direct orders of Trajan, he was martyred in Rome. On his way to Rome, he wrote seven famous epistles. They pray to Saint Ignatius for strengthening their own faith and especially that of their children, for the gift of spiritual wisdom, for help in studying at the seminary, for the admonition of those who have fallen into sects and those of little faith.
    • Prayer to Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, Bishop of the Caucasus and Black Sea. Prayerful patron of monks and all church clergy: clergy and choristers, seminarians and all students, missionaries and catechists who labored in the Caucasus, and in general among the aggressive heterodox environment. They pray to Saint Ignatius for peace and prosperity in the Caucasian land, for the granting of a feeling of repentance, with excessive attachment to the blessings of the world, for zeal for the fulfillment of Christian service, for the leadership of the church, for a firm position in Orthodoxy. Since Bishop Ignatius at one time consecrated the famous springs of Caucasian mineral waters, taking advantage of the healing power of the springs, they pray to him for successful healing during sanatorium treatment.
    • Prayer to the prophet of God Elijah. For his righteous life he suffered a lot and was persecuted. Like the righteous Enoch, he was taken by the Lord to heaven in his body. According to prophecies, together with Enoch, the prophet Elijah must come to earth again and expose the Antichrist. They pray to the Prophet Elijah for the protection of Christians of recent times from the deception of the Antichrist, for intercession in persecution, in times of famine and widespread disease, in poverty and other everyday difficulties. In Rus' it is revered as the heavenly helper of farmers.
    • Prayer to Saint Innocent of Irkutsk. Saint Innocent is the first Irkutsk bishop, enlightener, blessed lamp and spiritual collector of Eastern Siberia, temple builder, missionary, seer and miracle worker. Heavenly patron of missionaries and catechists. People turn to him for prayer help to admonish unbelievers and people of other faiths, sectarians, in need, drought, illness, to overcome the vices of fornication and drunkenness.
    • Prayer to the righteous godfathers Joachim and Anna. They lived until old age in love and piety, but never had children. Finally, everyone turned away from them, since childlessness was considered a shame in Israel. Then the righteous Joachim and Anna fasted and intensified their prayers, and the Angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced the imminent appearance of the child. Soon they had a daughter, the Most Pure Virgin Mary. The righteous Joachim and Anna are prayed to by childless spouses who want to have a child.
    • Prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Beloved disciple of the Lord, author of the Fourth Gospel, Council Epistles and Apocalypse. For his deep love for the Lord and all people, he was called the “apostle of love.” He endured imprisonment, exile and torture, but remained unharmed and died at the age of 105 in Ephesus. The patron saint of schoolchildren and students, they pray to him for the ability to truly love God and neighbors, for well-being in the family, for advice and love between spouses, for the admonition of those of little faith and those who have fallen into sects and schisms.
    • Prayer to St. John of Damascus. John of Damascus, a high-ranking Syrian official, defender of Orthodox icon veneration, author of dogmatic philosophical, polemical, ascetic, exegetical, homiletical, hagiographical works, hymnographer. He spent the second half of his life in the monastery of St. Savva the Sanctified. Heavenly patron of theologians, learned monks, missionaries, catechists, choristers. They turn to him for prayer help to convert Muslims and other people of other faiths, sectarians, and relatives of little faith to Christ.
    • Prayer to Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. Saint John Chrysostom is the greatest and most creatively prolific Christian theologian, apologist, moral teacher, biblical commentator and hymnographer. Saint John Chrysostom is the heavenly patron of scientists, all clergy, theologians, apologists, and missionaries. They pray to Saint John for the strengthening of faith, including during persecution, for the gift of prayerfulness, understanding of faith and Holy Scripture, for the conversion of Gentiles, sectarians and schismatics. People resort to its help in cases of mental illness, in a state of despair and thoughts of suicide.
    • Prayer to the martyr and wonderworker John the Warrior. Saint John, sent to persecute Christians, instead provided great help to the persecuted. Having openly confessed Christ, he accepted martyrdom. Known for miraculously convicting thieves of theft. He is the patron saint of the Christ-loving army; people pray to him for protection from thieves, robbers and offenders, and for finding lost or stolen property.
    • Prayer to Righteous John, the Wonderworker of Kronstadt. A wise mentor and good shepherd who did a lot to strengthen the faith, help people, pacify the country, and save him from the impending turmoil. The giver of many healings and help in various everyday needs, illnesses, and obsession with drunkenness. The patron saint of missionaries and catechists, prayers are offered to him to help children study.
    • Prayer to Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria. He acquired the name “Merciful” for his kind, compassionate heart. Countless are the benefits that Saint John provided to the poor, the poor, the sick, and those who found themselves in various everyday difficulties. They pray to John the Merciful for help in poverty and need.
    • Prayer to the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. The greatest and last of the prophets of Israel. As a preacher of repentance, they pray to him for the admonition of sinners, for the granting of vision and understanding of their sins and their causes, for the inclusion of unbaptized people, people of little faith and sectarians in the Church, and the granting of a feeling of repentance, for help to prisoners. People resort to him for spiritual help during long fasts. The Prophet John the Baptist is asked for an abundance of the fruits of the earth; from ancient times he was especially revered by peasants and beekeepers.
    • Prayer to Righteous John the Russian, Confessor. Missionaries, especially those conducting missions among Muslims who are in prison, pray to Saint John the Russian as a patron; they offer prayers to him for the reconciliation of ethnic and religious turmoil, for the complacent bearing of grievances. The saint shows his help in abundance in all kinds of everyday needs and sorrows.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr John of Sochava. John, a pious merchant and merciful Christian, was martyred for his faith in Belgrade on the Bosphorus by pagans and Jews in the 14th century. Heavenly patron of merchants. People turn to him in prayer in persecution, imprisonment, for help to admonish unbelievers.
    • Prayer to Saint John of Shanghai. This humble ascetic and prayer book, missionary became a pillar of faith, “a mirror of ascetic firmness and severity in our time of general spiritual relaxation” for the Russian emigration in China, Europe and America after the 1917 revolution. Saint John of Shanghai is the heavenly patron and role model of the clergy, seminarians and people leading a special ascetic lifestyle. People turn to John of Shanghai in prayer for help in illness, to resolve poverty and any need, conflicts in the team and community, and to admonish those of little faith and sectarians.
    • Prayer to Saint Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod. Saint Joasaph, as a zealous archpastor and educator, is the prayerful patron and intercessor of the church clergy, students and missionaries. During his lifetime, Saint Joasaph especially pitied mothers with children, and even after death he did not leave them without his intercession. How many signs of Divine help have been revealed to children through the prayer of the saint, how many even incurable diseases have passed away. Mothers ask the saint for prayerful help for their sick children.
    • Prayer to St. Joseph of Volotsky. The Monk Joseph became famous as a defender of the Orthodox faith; he uncompromisingly denounced the heresy of the “Judaizers” and was a wise builder of monastic life. During the famine, his monastery provided food to many people. They pray to the saint for children and loved ones to stand firm in Orthodoxy, for protection from schisms and heresies; people who fell into sects; about help in need and hunger. The monk was officially declared by the Church to be the heavenly patron of Orthodox entrepreneurship and economics.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia. Irene (Penelope) lived in the first century in Macedonia and was a co-worker of Bishop Timothy, a disciple of the Apostle Paul. According to legend, this virgin converted over 10,000 pagans to Christ during her life, including her previously aggressive father. Saint Irene of Macedon is the patroness of missionaries and catechists. People turn to her for prayerful help in turning loved ones and relatives to Christ, to strengthen faith in temptations and persecutions.
    • Prayer to the martyr Justin the Philosopher. Justin is an early Christian apologist who later suffered for his faith. He was the first to instill in Christian doctrine the concepts of Greek philosophy and laid the foundation for the theological interpretation of history. They pray to him for the gift of wisdom and faith, courage during persecution, and the admonition of sectarians and people of other faiths.
    • Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina. Being a sorcerer, Cyprian, by order of a rich pagan youth, cast a spell on Justina in order to persuade her to marry. However, seeing the futility of attempts to break her, he converted to Christianity, and himself accepted martyrdom for Christ in the rank of bishop together with the holy virgin Justina. Through the prayers of Saints Cyprian and Justina, many Christians got rid of evil spirits, received protection from demonic temptations, they pray for the admonition of people involved in the occult, magic, fortune telling, etc.
    • Prayer to St. Cyril and Mary of Radonezh, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The Monk Kirill was in the service of the Rostov princes. He was rich, which did not prevent him and his wife from living in simplicity, piety and hard work. Together with his wife, in their old age, according to a common custom at that time for boyars, they took monastic vows. They pray to them for the establishment of family piety, assistance in the upbringing and moral and religious growth of children.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, First Teacher of Slovenia. Saints Cyril and Methodius - the first enlighteners of the Slavs, creators of Slavic writing, authors of the first translations of the Holy Scriptures into Slavic language. They pray to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius for help in teaching, for the preservation of the Slavic peoples in true faith and piety, for protection from false teachings and other faiths.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Queen Helena. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great and his mother Elena are the prayer patrons of sovereign people and politicians; people turn to them for help in the fight against lack of faith and heresies, and ask them to bring reason to people who have fallen into sects. They are the patrons of missionaries and priests; they are prayed to in the troubles and needs of parishes and churches.
    • Prayer to the unmercenary and miracle workers doctors Cosmas and Damian. Skilled doctors and martyrs acquired the gifts of the Holy Spirit - to heal mental and physical ailments with the power of prayer, to keep their souls in non-covetousness and brotherly love. People turn to these holy doctors for prayerful help in illnesses. They are asked to help with harassment by superiors and teachers, and they are asked for protection from envious people and ill-wishers.
    • Prayer of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg. After the sudden death of her husband, who died without repentance, she accepted the cross of foolishness for Christ’s sake. Both during her life and after, she helped and continues to help many people who turned to her for help in arranging everyday affairs and getting rid of illnesses and various troubles.
    • Prayers to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. Apostle and Evangelist Luke, physician, apostle of the 70, companion of the holy Apostle Paul. He took part in the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul, and since then they have been inseparable. After the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul, Luke left Rome and preached through Achaia, Libya, Egypt and Thebaid. In the city of Thebes he was martyred earthly path. Tradition credits him with writing the first icons of the Mother of God. Patron of missionaries and catechists, doctors, artists and icon painters.
    • Prayer to Saint Confessor Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, Archbishop of Simferopol. Saint Luke is a talented surgeon, apologist and strong-spirited confessor of the faith, a caring shepherd. People resort to Saint Luke as a doctor for prayerful help in illnesses; they pray to him to strengthen faith in persecution and temptation; about giving strength and wisdom in widowhood, divorce, life tragedies, about admonishing non-believers; people who fell into sects and schisms. Saint Luke is the heavenly patron of medical and social workers and hospice employees.
    • Prayer to St. Macarius the Great of Egypt. St. Macarius the Great is one of the greatest monks and miracle workers; his life was filled with deep humility, wisdom, and asceticism. Saint Macarius is asked for prayerful help in all cases of life: in physical illness, in mental illness, in possession of passions, in various everyday needs. The prayer of St. Macarius saved many in dangerous circumstances and saved them from troubles and temptations. Patron of monastics and all seekers of wisdom and perfection.
    • Prayer to Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna(former Bishop of Biysk and Archbishop of Tomsk). Kind, zealous missionary and archpastor, educator of the people, in last years In his life, he proved himself to be an opponent of political unrest, a spiritual writer, a prayer book and an ascetic, a patron of the Altai and Tomsk lands, missionaries and clergy, teachers and students, a caring father to the common people, who actively and prayerfully responded and is now responding to all the needs of the common people.
    • Prayer to St. Maximus the Confessor. St. Maximus the Confessor - monk, theologian and philosopher, defender of the Christological doctrine of diopheliteism - the doctrine of two wills in Christ. St. Maximus the Confessor is the heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, students and seminarians, missionaries and apologists. They ask him for help in studying, understanding Orthodox doctrine. People turn to St. Maximus the Confessor in prayer during persecution for the faith, to admonish and convert to Orthodoxy those of other faiths, those of little faith, schismatics and sectarians.
    • Prayer to St. Maxim the Greek. This highly educated Greek monk-translator and apologist for his directness and truth fell into disgrace in Russia: he suffered an unfair trial, excommunication from Communion, prison, and exile. Persecution did not break his humble spirit: he continued to work for the good of the Russian Church that persecuted him until his death. St. Maxim the Greek is the heavenly patron of scientists, theologians, translators, students and seminarians. Prayerful intercessor for missionaries, catechists and apologists. They pray to him for confirmation in faith, strength of spirit and faith, understanding of doctrine and Scripture, conversion of non-believers and sectarians to Orthodoxy, asking for help and support during persecution for the faith and unjust oppression of the authorities. The Monk Maxim the Greek has the gift of healing for various diseases, especially depression and despondency.
    • Prayer of St. Mary of Egypt. She spent her youth drowning in debauchery. The police officer for pilgrims traveling to worship shrines in Jerusalem was not allowed into the Church of the Resurrection by God. Having repented and bitterly mourned her sin, she retired to the desert, where she remained alone in hardship, fasting and prayer for almost 50 years. Through severe deeds and repentance, Mary completely eradicated everything in herself. sinful desires and made her heart a pure vessel of the Holy Spirit. Helper in the battle against fornication, mentor in chastity and abstinence, giver of repentant feelings.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. After the Lord cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene, she accompanied and served Him and the apostles from her estate. She did not leave Him during the execution and burial; she was the first to come to the grave of the Lord. She served the Church by preaching among women in Palestine, then moved to Rome, co-served with the apostles Peter and Paul there, and in her old age moved to Ephesus, where the Apostle John worked, who wrote the 20th chapter of his Gospel from her words. Mary Magdalene is the patroness of missionaries and preachers, teachers and social workers. People turn to her in prayer for the granting of faith, humility, good deeds, courage, help in persecution, admonition of sectarians and non-believers, for strengthening in carnal temptations.
    • Prayer to righteous Martha and Mary, sisters of righteous Lazarus. Sisters Martha and Mary served the Lord during His life, witnessed the resurrection of their brother Lazarus, and were among the myrrh-bearing women who were the first to be honored with seeing the risen Christ. Subsequently, Martha and Mary followed the righteous Lazarus and preached the gospel to him. They are the patrons of the wives of clergy and laity serving in the Church. Pray to them if you want to be a true wife-helper to your husband, as a wife should be according to her creation “And the Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him” (Gen. 2:18).
    • Prayer to the righteous old lady Matrona of Moscow. Matrona, who was born blind and crippled, spent time in prayer from childhood, and the Lord granted her mercy - to console people and help people in illnesses and everyday sorrows; people turn to Matrona of Moscow for prayer help with infertility, illnesses of children, family troubles, and for the admonition of non-believers loved ones...
    • Prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh, wonderworker. The saint was known throughout Russia for his ascetic life and works of mercy. His bishop's house simultaneously served as a hostel, a shelter for the poor, the poor, orphans, and a school for children from poor families. From his holy relics, by the grace of God, numerous healings occurred and continue to occur for those suffering from physical and mental ailments, the possessed, and the paralytic. They pray to Saint Mitrofan for help in various everyday difficulties, for the granting of Christian mercy, for the good character of authorities and rulers.
    • Prayer to St. Moses Murin. Reverend Moses Murin - a repentant murderer and robber - a helper in sobriety and chastity. They pray to him to overcome the passions of drunkenness and fornication, and also for the conversion to Christ of souls who have sinned serious crimes.
    • Prayer to Saint Moses Ugrin. Hungarian by origin, he was initially in the service of the blessed Prince Boris. After the murder of the prince, he hid in Kyiv. He was captured by the Poles and endured the harassment of the Polish widow who ransomed him. In captivity, he received tonsure from a passing Athonite monk, after which his embittered mistress ordered him to be emasculated. After her murder during the rebellion, he returned to Kyiv and asceticised at the Pechersk Monastery. The Lord gave him strength against lust.
    • Prayer to St. Moses, Archimandrite of Ufa. The Venerable Moses of Ufa became one of the pillars of Orthodoxy in Bashkiria during the Soviet years of persecution of the Church, in the last third of the Soviet period. A monk of extreme asceticism, meekness and humility, he possessed the gifts of clairvoyance, foresight and healing. They turn to the Monk Moses for help to find humility and meekness, to endure blasphemy and persecution, difficult life circumstances kindly and complacently; they pray to him for the protection of children and relatives who have left home for study, business trips or other reasons.
    • Prayer to Saint Nicholas, Miracle Worker of Myra. This is one of the most beloved saints in Rus'. For his merciful and compassionate heart, he was granted numerous spiritual gifts from God. Travelers pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in various everyday difficulties, for the life of children, for marriage, for healing in various ailments.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Nicholas, Archbishop of Japan. The great missionary of our time. Patron of missionaries, catechists, church clergy. They pray to him for help in the unbelief and lack of faith of relatives and friends, for help in studying, learning languages, for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and people of little faith, for the return to the bosom of the Church of people who have fallen into sects.
    • Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Serbia Velimirović. Saint Nicholas Velimirović was one of the most educated Serbian and European theologians of the 20th century. Patriot, active missionary and educator, church administrator, philanthropist, who restored many desolate monasteries. Saint Nicholas of Serbia is the patron saint of the church clergy, monasticism, missionaries and philanthropists. People turn to him for prayer help to strengthen faith in illness and sorrow, persecution, imprisonment, to bless studies and teaching and educational activities, to admonish those of little faith and sectarians.
    • Prayer to St. Neil Stolobensky. The Venerable Neil of Stolobensky is a great ascetic, a miracle worker, vouchsafed the gift of spiritual insight and reasoning. Those overcome by despondency and laziness ask him for help, for protection from thieves and fire, from natural elements.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, enlightener of Georgia. Saint Nina is the patroness and mother of Orthodox Georgia, an assistant to missionaries, especially those serving in the Caucasus. Her holy relics are glorified by many healings and miracles. They pray to Saint Nina Equal to the Apostles for the healing of various ailments, mental and physical, and for confirmation in the faith, for the salvation of people who have fallen into sects.
    • Prayer to the Reverend and Righteous Prince Oleg of Bryansk. Being indifferent to wealth and worldly fame, he gave up his throne to his brother and became a monk with the name Vasily. The Reverend Prince Oleg of Chernigov was known for the severity of his monastic life.
    • Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga (Elena) of Russia. Princess Olga, in her baptism Elena is called “the head of the faith” and “the root of Orthodoxy” in the Russian land. Patroness of the sovereign's people. They pray to her for children, for raising them in faith and piety, for admonishing non-believing children and relatives, or those who have fallen into sects.
    • Prayer to the Apostle Paul. After the Lord’s visit, from a persecutor of Christians he became a fiery preacher of the Christian faith. Converted many pagans. Fourteen of his epistles were included in the New Testament. They pray to the Apostle Paul for standing firm in the faith, for good shepherding, for love between shepherds and their flock, for understanding the Word of God and the essence of faith, for help in studying. They pray to the Apostle Paul for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and people of little faith to Christ, for the return to the fold of the Church of people who have fallen into sects, and also for help in illnesses, demonic possession and demonic attacks.
    • Prayer to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Being a court physician, he had a high position, but preferred poverty to luxury and treated people for free. He dedicated his entire life to helping the suffering, the sick and the poor. He brought back to life a boy who died from a snake bite. Saint Panteleimon has always been revered in Rus' as a heavenly healer for various ailments.
    • Prayer to the martyr Paraskeva, named Friday. Having taken a vow of virginity and renouncing the blessings of the world, Saint Paraskeva endured torture and martyrdom and persecution by the Emperor Diocletian. Since ancient times, she has enjoyed special love and reverence in Rus' as an assistant in agricultural work and women's concerns. They pray to her for protection of the family hearth; in marital infertility; about worthy grooms.
    • Prayer to the Martyr Pelagia of Tarsus. The holy martyr and virgin Pelagia of Tarsus chose service to the Lord Jesus Christ instead of a profitable marriage. After Baptism, during a period of strong persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian, she began to preach Christ. She was taken to trial by her own mother, after which she was burned. They pray to the Martyr Pelagia for strengthening the faith during persecution, preserving virginity, asking for help in monastic service, preaching the faith among non-believing loved ones, family conflicts with parents.
    • Prayer to the Supreme Apostle Peter. Before becoming an apostle, he was a fisherman, then, together with his brother, the Apostle Andrew, he was the first called by the Lord to become a disciple. He had various grace-filled gifts - he healed the lame, the paralytic, raised the dead, and cast out demons in the name of Jesus. They pray to the Apostle Peter for the well-being of the church, for the increase of faith in the face of lack of faith, during temptations and persecutions, for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and those of little faith, for the return to the fold of the Church of people who have fallen into sects, for help in studies, for healing from various ailments, for example, in case of fever ( flu), about help in fishing and fish farming.
    • Prayer to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Pious spouses, in temptation to preserve the family, renounced princely power. They pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia for fidelity and love between husband and wife, for blessings on marriage, in search of their “half”.
    • Prayer to St. Pimen the Great. The Venerable Pimen the Great is one of the pillars of Egyptian monasticism, an example of virtues, a man of extraordinary intelligence, and the compiler of the collection of monastic sayings "Apothegmata" ("Aphorisms").
    • Prayer to Saint Pitirim of Tambov. Saint Pitirim of Tambov is an example of an active, good and meek shepherd who did not dominate his flock: “whoever wants to be great among you, let us be your servant” (Mark 10:43). The heavenly patron of monks and church clergy - people turn to him for help in priestly temptations and infirmities, and of course, Saint Pitirim is responsive to the prayers of ordinary people in their needs.
    • Prayer to St. Savvaty Solovetsky. One of the founders of Solovetsky monasticism. An ascetic and meek man of prayer who sought solitude. They pray to St. Savvaty for gaining faith and hope for the good providence of God in difficult trials, for the granting of ascetic virtues, and for successfully enduring loneliness.
    • Prayer to St. Savva of Storozhevsky. Reverend Savva, abbot of Storozhevsky - one of the first disciples of Reverend Sergius of Radonezh. Ascetic, prayer book, seer, temple builder. The relics of the Monk Sava to this day exude many and varied healings with faith and prayer to those who come to the sick. Patron of monks, kings and sovereigns. People turn to the holy abbot Savva for prayer help to strengthen faith, humility, ascetic work, piety, preserve virginity and, of course, in case of illness for healing.
    • Prayer to the Sebaste Forty Martyrs. Thirty-nine Christian warriors and their guard Aglaius, martyred on a lake near the Armenian city of Sebastius, are an example of masculinity, strong faith and fortitude. The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are the heavenly patrons of warriors; they are prayed for spiritual help in persecution and imprisonment, for the gift of strong faith, for courage to endure trials.
    • Prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky. Reverend Seraphim Vyritsky became a monk after the revolution. Later, having fallen ill on the bed of a serious illness, for almost twenty years he became one of the pillars of faith in the Leningrad region, receiving several hundred visitors at his home in Vyritsy on some days. A seer, a wise shepherd, a miracle worker. People turn to him in prayer in illness, for the gift of faith, meekness and kindness, gracious patience of sorrows, for help in difficult circumstances.
    • Prayer to St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov. A great mentor, comforter and healer, St. Seraphim is an ambulance to all who seek his help.
    • Prayer to Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov. Brave officer, archpastor-martyr, author of many literary and historical works, in particular the “Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery,” which served as the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov, composer, icon painter, doctor, researcher, who developed a unique medical system. Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov is the patron saint of the Orthodox army, doctors and scientists, and church clergy. People turn to him for prayerful help in illnesses and infirmities, in case of family troubles, strengthening faith in persecution and temptation, about the establishment of a good parish life.
    • Prayer to St. Sergius of Radonezh. St. Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most famous Russian saints. Founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, teacher and mentor of many dozens of Russian saints. The monk truly became the abbot and intercessor of the entire Russian Land, a model of meekness and humility for monks and laity. They pray to St. Sergius for help in learning, in monastic work, for overcoming passions, for increasing faith, for preserving the Fatherland from the invasion of foreigners.
    • Prayer to Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam. The founders of the first monastic monastery on the northern island of Valaam in Lake Ladoga. According to legend, they were Athonite monks who were looking for extreme feats and wanted to enlighten the northern pagan peoples with the light of the Christian faith. Their monastery became the light of Orthodoxy in this region: the Karelians began to again trust Christianity, the authority of which was undermined in the 13th century by the Swedes, who spread Catholicism with the sword. They pray to St. Sergius and Herman of Valaam in their desire to enter the path of monasticism, for help in monastic work, and for patronage of missionaries.
    • Prayer to St. Silouan of Athos. A simple monk from a Russian monastery on Mount Athos. He was honored with deep repentant feelings and prayerfulness. They pray to the Monk Silouan for the gift of humility and love for all people, in case of obsession with fornication, drunkenness, anger, for help in monastic work, for the enlightenment of peoples with the light of the true faith.
    • Prayer to Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver. According to legend, he was a copyist of the Septuagint (the books of the Old Testament were translated by seventy interpreters, made in the 3rd century) and lived for about 270 years waiting for what God promised - that day when he sees the Messiah together with His Most Pure Mother. He was at the Jerusalem Temple and, having met the long-awaited Infant of God, received Him in his arms. Righteous Simeon is a helper in old age, a prayer book for a peaceful departure from life and Christian parting words. They pray to him for the gift of patience and humility of wisdom.
    • Prayer to the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. Simeon of Verkhoturye (Merkushinsky) acquired his holiness in the world through prayers, hermitage, wandering, labors and helping people. Now, through the prayers of Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye, the Lord reveals gracious help, consolation, strengthening, admonition, healing of souls and bodies and deliverance from evil and unclean spirits. Through the prayers of the saint, distressed travelers receive deliverance from death. People especially often turn to the Verkhoturye Wonderworker with prayers for eye diseases and all kinds of paralysis (this is one of the first miracles from his relics).
    • Prayer to St. Simeon the Stylite. Here Saint Simeon laid the foundation for a new type of asceticism - “pillarism.” Saint Simeon was granted the gift of healing mental and physical illnesses and foresaw the future. They pray to him for the healing of illnesses, the gift to patiently endure illnesses and accept temptations and the providence of God. They also pray to him for the admonition and conversion of non-Christians and people of little faith, for the return to the fold of the Church of people who have fallen into sects.
    • Prayer to Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Trimifuntsky. Saint Spyridon had such pure and simple faith that the Lord answered all his requests without delay. The entire life of the saint amazes with the amazing simplicity and power of miracles given to him by the Lord. People turn to Saint Spyridon for help in illness, they pray to him in difficulties with housing, in poverty and other everyday troubles, for protection from thieves, for the gift of simplicity of heart, for the admonition of the lost who have converted to other faiths, for sectarians and occultists.
    • Prayer to the First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen. Archdeacon Stephen was the eldest among the seven deacons appointed by the apostles, which is why he is called archdeacon. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen boldly preached Christian doctrine convincingly and defeated Jewish teachers of the law in disputes. For preaching about Christ he was stoned and became the first Christian martyr. Archdeacon Stephen is the patron saint of the church clergy, and especially missionaries and catechists. They prayerfully turn to him for help in persecution, admonition of unbelieving loved ones, people who have fallen into sects and schisms.
    • Prayer to Saint Stephen of Great Perm. Saint Stephen, enlightener of Perm, apostle of the Zyryans, one of the greatest missionaries of Russian Orthodoxy. Heavenly patron of the Perm region, temple builders, missionaries and teachers. They turn to him for prayer help to admonish pagans, non-believers and sectarians.
    • Prayer to Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia. Saint Tamara of Georgia is the mother and heavenly patroness of Georgia, philanthropists, temple builders, judges, soldiers and other sovereign people, as well as the creative intelligentsia. They pray to Queen Tamara to protect home and family from troubles, theft and other misfortunes. They turn to her, revered among the myrrh-bearing women, for protection from the harmful vices of themselves and loved ones, from unbelief or doubts in faith, about healing from mental and physical illnesses, about the fullness and depth of repentance and about intercession before the Lord for the salvation of the soul.
    • Prayer to the martyr Tatiana of Rome. The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter devoted to God and the Church. Tatiana remained a virgin and became a deaconess. During the time of Alexander Severa, she was martyred along with her father. During her torment, the Lord through her showed many wondrous and great miracles that put idolatry to shame. On the day of remembrance of the martyr Tatiana in 1724, Peter the Great founded the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, and in 1755 Count Ivan Shuvalov submitted a petition to establish Moscow University, therefore, since that time in Russia, the martyr Tatiana has been the patroness of scientists, teachers and students.
    • Prayer to the martyr Tatiana Grimblit. She is the patron saint of social workers, people involved in ministry in prisons, and charity. They turn to the martyr Tatiana for consolation and help in needs and sorrows, in prison, to encourage faith during trials.
    • Prayer to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, the Wonderworker, Bishop of Voronezh. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk is a great Christian teacher and preacher, a missionary and eradicator of pagan superstitions and customs, an extraordinary ascetic and man of prayer, an archpastor imbued with humility and love for his flock. He had the gift of clairvoyance and miracles. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk is the heavenly patron of monks and church clergy, missionaries and catechists, and seminary students. They pray to Saint Tikhon for the gift of meekness and gentleness, ascetic deeds, for deliverance from any illnesses, but especially from mental illnesses: sadness and despondency, from alcoholism and drug addiction, mental insanity and demonic possession. Saint Tikhon helped a considerable number of people regain their sight and the ability to walk; they also turn to him for help in extreme need and poverty.

    This article contains: a very powerful prayer for all occasions - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

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    Start your morning and evening with prayer and you will see how life will improve, everything will become simpler, clearer and you will definitely find a way out of any situation.

    Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”

    Prayer "Our Father"

    “Our Father, who art in heaven!

    Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,

    Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.

    And forgive us our debts,

    As we also leave our debtor,

    And do not lead us into temptation,

    But deliver us from evil.

    For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

    Father and Son and Holy Spirit

    And now, and forever, and forever and ever.

    Jesus Prayer

    Prayer to the Holy Trinity

    “Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.”

    Prayer to Our Lady

    Prayer for all troubles and misfortunes

    Prayer for all diseases

    “Lord, Almighty, physician of the souls and bodies of the humble, exalt and punish, again heal our sick brother (name), visit with Thy mercy and forgive with Thy arm. Fulfill the healing from enmity and heal him, and restore him from the bed of infirmity, leave from him every ulcer, every disease, every wound, every fire and cod. And if there is sin or lawlessness in him, then weaken and leave, forgiving for the sake of Your love for mankind. By all means, Lord, have mercy on Your creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, and with Him you are blessed forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel

    Prayer of repentance

    “Most Holy Mother of God, I appeal to you! I repent of the words of my blacks against my daughter (son, mother, grandson, husband...)! I pray, Ever-Virgin, forgive me the blasphemy! And (name) return good luck in business! Amen".

    An ancient prayer for all occasions

    "God! Let me face with peace of mind everything that this day brings me. Let me completely surrender to your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is your holy will. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let us forget that everything was sent down by you! Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without upsetting anyone, without embarrassing anyone. God! Give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it! Guide my will and teach me to pray and hope, believe, love, endure and forgive! Amen".

    Prayer while traveling

    Prayer for atonement for the sin of abortion

    “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Have mercy on me, your sinful servant (name), let me atone in tears for my great sins for my lost children. Saint John the Baptist, cross my children, whom I killed in the womb, and bring them out of eternal darkness, and give them the name of heavenly angels, and bring them into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Great Martyr Barbara, communion with my children, whom I killed in my womb. Saint John the Baptist, deliver me, the mother-killer of my fetus, from the terrible judgment of Christ, and help me, a sinner, to bear an answer before our Lord Jesus Christ. Be my intercessor and witness at the Last Judgment! Lord, do not refuse me, your servant (name), hear my prayer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer “May God rise again”

    Prayer of thanksgiving

    “Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos and all the Heavenly Powers! Thank you for your mercy towards me, servant of God (name) and members of my family! Thank you for your blessing, thank you for protecting and saving me, the servant of God (name) and members of my family from vain slander, from any misfortune, from damage, from the male-female evil eye, from prison, from poverty, from vain death, from a spell, from a curse, from slander, from conspiracies, from evil dashing people, from sorcerers, from witches, from a simple-haired woman, from a rolled-up girl, from envious people and haters, from enemies visible and invisible. Thank you for helping me, the servant of God (name) and my family members, get rid of ailments, enemies, evil spells, and so on. Thank you for helping in work, in studies, in business, in family relationships and so on. Thank you for filling my home with happiness, love, and prosperity! From now until eternity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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    Strong Protective Prayers for all occasions

    Here are some of the most powerful protective prayers that will help protect yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers and various troubles.

    The Lord's Prayer – Our Father

    Our Father, who art in heaven!

    Hallowed be Thy name,

    may your kingdom come,

    Thy will be done

    as in heaven and on earth.

    Give us this day our daily bread;

    and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

    and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos:

    Rejoice, Virgin Mary,

    Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

    blessed are you among women

    and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

    For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts.” Protects from ill-wishers.

    Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God,

    and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us

    and resolve all the tightness of our soul.

    Looking at Your holy image,

    We are touched by your suffering and mercy for us

    and we kiss your wounds,

    We are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You.

    Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate,

    in our hardness of heart

    and perish from the hard-heartedness of your neighbors.

    You will truly soften evil hearts

    Strong protective prayer to Jesus Christ from any evil

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with the holy angels and the prayer of our all-pure Lady Theotokos, by the power of your honorable and life-giving Cross, through the intercession of the heavenly forces of the disembodied honest prophet and Forerunner of the Lord John and all your saints, help us sinful, unworthy servants (name), deliver us from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, from evil crafty people. May they not be able to cause us any harm. Lord, by the power of Your Cross save us in the morning, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil impurities that act at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought or did, return their evil back to the underworld, for blessed are You forever and ever. Amen

    Protective Prayer to Jesus Christ from evil people

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Spare my enemies and sorcerers, do not punish them with sorrowful pains. Protect me from the terrible words that are spoken by the lips. Save me from evil people, help me recover from grief. Protect my children from them. Let it be your will. Amen.

    Protective Prayer to the Honest Cross

    In prayer we express our faith that the sign of the cross is the most powerful means of driving away demons, and we ask the Lord for spiritual help through the power of the Holy Cross. Mark yourself with a cross and say the Prayer:

    May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the presence of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

    Protective Prayer to Archangel Michael from dark forces

    Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, bright and formidable commander of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, and, moreover, strengthen me from mortal horror and from the embarrassment of the devil, and grant me the honor of unashamedly presenting myself to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. Oh all-holy great Michael Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but grant me there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

    Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies

    Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, O Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to the aid of Thy servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies fighting me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, a quiet refuge in the desert and on the seas. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when You hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy name. Hasten to our aid and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius , and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from the ages, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

    Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from the flattering enemy, from the reviled storm, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Holy Archangel of God Michael, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

    Protective prayer of the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

    Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that this day will give me. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your Holy will. Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me. Lord, whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will. Lord, Great, Merciful, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words; in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the weariness of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly. Aimn.

    Protective Prayer for the Driver

    God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protecting everyone with His mercy and love for mankind, I humbly pray to Thee, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me from sudden death and all misfortunes, and help me to deliver unharmed to each according to his needs. Dear God! Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, the evil spirit of drunkenness, which causes misfortune and sudden death without repentance. Save me, Lord, with a clear conscience, to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed due to my negligence, and may Thy Holy name be glorified, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

    Protective prayer amulet

    (carry in your inner pocket, or embroider on a handkerchief)

    “I love and believe. I trust God, I entrust all protection!”

    Psalm 90. Strong protective prayer in the face of danger

    Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

    Read also: Protecting and cleansing your home from negativity here

    “Geranium as a talisman for the home and its healing properties”

    “The Universal Formula of Happiness or How to Improve Relationships with Others”

    “Do-it-yourself good luck talismans”

    Hit-Plus.ru, you will find many biographies and success stories of famous people, as well as quotes and rules of life for stars, interesting facts and photographs, and interesting materials related to their lives. In addition, here you will find a variety of online games, an electronic dream book, online fortune telling for every day, tests, horoscopes, folk signs, the meaning of the name, attracting money and wealth, materials on psychology and much more.

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    Powerful Orthodox prayers for all occasions

    On bright and dark days, Orthodox people turn to God to give thanks for newfound joy or to receive support in grief. The Lord will hear everyone and reward everyone according to their needs. You can address heaven in your own words, in simple language, but a request expressed in prayer is the shortest path to higher help.

    General information

    Prayer is the communication of an Orthodox person with God, through which the believer feels the presence of God, his love and blessing.

    No wonder prayer brings relief, warmth and joy. By praying, a person receives an answer from God, but in order to hear it, one must surrender completely to the process of communication. If a person is a sinner or reads a prayer mechanically, thinking about his own things, his conversion hits an invisible wall and does not reach the goal. In this case, you need to go to confession, take communion, and sincerely repent.

    The more often a person turns to God and praises Him, the better for the soul. Unfortunately, most people remember prayer only during shocks, when help is needed or grief has occurred, but this is wrong. The soul needs prayer like the body needs food.

    Prayers for different life situations

    Depending on the nature of the appeal, there are prayers:

    • Praises, in which God is glorified. The phrase “Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” which ends most prayers, is a praise of the Holy Trinity
    • Thanksgiving - express gratitude to the Lord
    • Repentant
    • Petitioners

    It is imperative to glorify the Lord, the Virgin Mary, and the Holy Trinity.

    There are 3 main prayers that have helped many people. Believers read them in any situation: the Lord’s Prayer (“Our Father”), “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” and “Creed” - for daily prayers.

    The only one that Jesus Christ left to his disciples in response to a request to teach them to pray. It brings together 7 requests and exalts glory to the Lord. A person, saying “Our Father,” confirms faith in the Lord, glorifies His name, submits to His will, asks for the gift of what is necessary for life, repents of sins and forgives those who have offended him, seeks protection from the evil one.

    They read it for any life incident and just like that; it is advisable to start any appeal to God with it. Priests recommend offering this prayer three times a day. It is also necessary to read “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” (3 times) and “Creed” (1 time).

    Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

    “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”

    Prayer was one of the first to appear in Christianity. The words are taken from the speech that the Archangel Gabriel delivered when he told the Virgin Mary the good news: that she would give birth to the Savior.

    With this prayer, believers begin their appeal to the Mother of God, asking her for intercession and praising her. Readable in any situation.

    Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

    During pregnancy, a woman is most vulnerable. All expectant mothers are tormented by fears and doubts associated with the development and birth of their baby. To maintain a normal mood, you need to read this and any other prayers to the Mother of God and place candles in front of her icons. If you can’t get rid of your fears on your own, turn to a priest for help.

    "Symbol of faith"

    This text is not essentially a prayer. It sets out the basic principles of Christianity in a concise and accessible form. The text has remained unchanged since the time of the apostles. Contains 12 church truths. The first paragraph recognizes the one God the Father, the second to seventh paragraphs contain a brief history of God the Son, and the eighth paragraph talks about the Holy Spirit. The ninth paragraph is about the church, the tenth is about the meaning of the baptism procedure, the last two are about life after death.

    With this prayer, Orthodox people confirm their belief that God exists, that prayers will be heard, that after death there will be eternal life. Text:

    I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

    And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were.

    For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human.

    She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

    And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

    And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

    And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

    And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.

    Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

    I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century. Amen.

    Jesus Prayer

    Appeal to God asking for blessing and protection. It is said when there is no time or the place does not allow to say a long prayer. Despite its brevity, the prayer is very powerful. The main thing is to deal with the soul, and not mechanically.

    It is ascended to Jesus Christ in any situation where there is a need for God's intercession.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

    In a dangerous situation

    In a difficult situation, you need to turn to the Lord asking for help and protection. This prayer has the power of a shield from any negativity: evil deeds, unclean thoughts, deceit, danger, the machinations of the evil one, and so on. When reading, it is important to be aware of every word and believe that God will protect and protect.

    Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God.

    Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.

    Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of traps and from rebellious words,

    His blanket will cover you, and under His wing you will hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.

    Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days,

    from the things that pass away in darkness, from the cloak, and the midday demon.

    Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come near you,

    Otherwise, look into your eyes and see the reward of sinners.

    For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.

    No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body,

    as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.

    They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone,

    tread on the asp and basilisk and cross the lion and the serpent.

    For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name.

    He will call to Me, and I will hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him,

    I will fill him with long days and show him My salvation.

    The most important thing is family. No work, no friends, no material goods They will not replace the warmth of the hearth, the care of loved ones, or children's laughter. If there is peace among relatives, if there is peace and love in the house. Then any external adversity will recede.

    Being a family is difficult. Different people, characters, outlook on life, and the difficulties of everyday life leave their mark. To strengthen the family, achieve mutual understanding, and protect yourself from harmful influences, you need to read special prayers to the Lord and the Mother of God.

    To the Most Holy Theotokos about the family:

    Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil of the situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession.

    Yes, we too, collectively and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

    About happiness in the family:

    Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for my family happiness. Grant us in our family love for each other. Grant to us that our love may strengthen and multiply. Teach me to love my spouse with all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as You and Your Son Jesus Christ loved me. Grant me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn so that we can have a happy family. Grant me wisdom in my behavior and in my words so that I never irritate or upset my spouse. Amen

    It is important to understand that family troubles cannot be taken beyond the threshold of the house. Even parents should not be dedicated. In a difficult situation, you need to pray earnestly and ask the Lord for help. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, both spouses need to go to a priest, who, from the point of view of biblical commandments, will analyze the situation and give advice on how to correct it.

    About material well-being

    Money, work, housing issues are an important component of our lives. If things aren’t going well, there are problems at work, you can’t buy or sell an apartment, you don’t have enough money to live on, you can’t pay off a loan - you need to turn to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky in prayer. The saint performed many miracles, throughout his life he helped those in need and provided them with money to purchase what they needed. Therefore, it is Saint Spyridon who is approached with requests for help in selling or buying a house, for successfully concluding contracts, for increasing salaries, and so on.

    Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy.

    Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health.

    Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

    Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    How to pray?

    Of course, it is more convenient to pray in silence, so that there are no distractions, but in some situations you can turn to God on the go. The location does not matter, the main thing is to do it with understanding.

    • Pass words through your heart, listen to yourself, take your time, speak with understanding
    • It is more correct to pronounce a short address than a long one, the meaning of which is unclear. Throughout the day, say short prayers, for example, “Lord, have mercy.” There is great power in phrases like these.
    • Don’t strive to “take” in quantity: it’s better to have one prayer without haste and with awareness of each line than a dozen said soullessly, automatically
    • Before you start communicating with God, you need to spend some time in silence and solitude so that the feelings that prevent you from concentrating will go away.
    • They pray standing or kneeling. Sitting or lying down is possible in case of illness or on the road
    • You should ask the Lord not only for yourself and your needs, but also for your loved ones: family, parents, friends. Especially if they are far away or there is a feeling of anxiety about them. It is useful to mention enemies when asking to forgive them
    • There is no need to harbor grudges, to envy your neighbors, to slander - there is no need to sin. Because sins build a wall between man and God, and the more sins, the higher it is. It can only be overcome by sincere repentance

    Few people can independently understand the Bible and select parts of it suitable for prayer. Therefore, in church shops you can purchase Prayer Books, which contain the texts of prayers for any occasion. Usually the title indicates when to read the text. There are thematic collections: for pregnant women, about family, about health, and so on. If the meaning of the prayer is not clear, you need to go to church. The clergy will be happy to provide explanations for incomprehensible lines and advise what to do in a difficult life situation.

    If the appeal to the Lord comes from the heart, then the answer will not be long in coming. The main thing in prayer is the feeling of touching God. Pray constantly and you will be heard.

    Thanks a lot! God bless you!

    To be or not to be, that is the question, Shakespeare asked and excited generations. What we have, what we cherish, perhaps this is our worship of the one who leads us from the truth to where there is no peace for the soul.

    Prayers take a lot important place in people's lives. They often help in the most critical situations and give strength for active actions in the struggle for well-being and happiness.

    Prayers are a way of communicating with God, seeking support and one’s place in the world. For every Orthodox Christian, this is a kind of daily ritual that helps to lead a righteous life and resist negative manifestations. There are three prayers that are said in different life situations. They are able to help find a way out of any situation.

    Prayer for protection and help

    “Lord Almighty! Your faithful servant (name) turns to You. Save me, Lord, in my weakness. Let me see the path hidden from me in the darkness. Help me not to get bogged down in my doubts, protect me from my enemies and spiteful critics. Don't let me turn off the road illuminated by Your light. Protect me from the machinations of the devil, so that they do not encroach on my soul, given by You. Amen".

    Prayer for happiness

    “Virgin Mother of God! You, chosen by God for a holy mission, glorified throughout the centuries. I turn to you for help. Bless, Virgin Mary, the servant of God (name), and help him find true happiness, achieved through righteous labors. Do not turn your gaze away and bless me for the success of my quest. Yes, it is not an offense to the human race, I do not work for the sake of self-interest and not for slander. For the good of myself and my family, and for the happiness of myself and my neighbors. Help, Mother, protect me from troubles and sorrows and help me find true love, given by God. Amen".

    Prayer for forgiveness of sins

    “Lord God! I appeal to You. I entrust my soul and body to You, all my feelings and deeds. Merciful God, deliver me from sin, direct my thoughts to good deeds, and do not leave me in the hour of doubt and timidity in front of my opponents and insoluble matters. My sins are on my conscience, help, Lord, to cleanse my soul from the blackness that consumes me. Guide me, may my strength not dry out under Your gaze. Guide me on the true path and save me from the devil, who seduces me into malice and betrayal. Amen".

    You can say these prayers at any time when you feel the need for support. Open your hearts and souls to Heaven and resist with all your might the evil, external and internal. We wish you joy and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    07.06.2017 05:33

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