Practical esotericism. Esotericism for beginners, where to start? Basics from the psychological club Zemius

Esotericism is a field of knowledge obtained by “non-scientific” methods: insight, discovery, meditation, revelation, etc.

Esotericism includes everything that relates to the metaphysical perception of the world - that is, beyond the physical. Concepts about the soul, energies, chakras - all this is esoteric. And as a separate section of it, practical magic is already a set of specific techniques for influencing reality.

The word “esoterics” originated in ancient Greece and translated from Greek means “hidden”, “internal”. This knowledge was called so because it appears from the depths of the soul, inside a person, the methods of obtaining it are hidden from prying eyes, in contrast to the methods of scientific research. Esoteric knowledge is very extensive. It contains everything that was learned, accumulated and stored by different cultures and peoples over thousands of years. In more detail, we can distinguish the following esoteric areas: numerology (the magic of numbers), astrology (the influence of planets and constellations on human life), physiognomy (knowledge of a person through the manifestation of external facial features), palmistry (palm reading), cosmoenergetics (use of the energy of the Cosmos for treatment and development), bioenergy (transformation of energy in the body), channeling (receiving information from the Higher Mind through an earthly intermediary), a number of eastern practices and teachings (such as yoga, qigong, reiki, Feng Shui), Tarot, ceremonial magic, as well as runes, Kabbalah and Vedas. In fact, esoteric knowledge includes many more areas, which are simply not possible to list in one article.

Education in esotericism.

Is it possible to learn esotericism, or does it have to be “given”?

Like any knowledge, esotericism can also be learned and various abilities developed: extrasensory perception, the ability to immerse oneself, meditate, and influence reality with the power of one’s thoughts. Mastering esoteric (magical) practices can be a powerful tool “in the hands” of a person, which is why esoteric knowledge until recently was kept secret from the uninitiated. It is not for nothing that many generations of magicians and mystics, even at the cost of their lives, carefully kept them secret: if misinterpreted or used for other purposes, they can cause harm to themselves and others.
And if you are really interested in the topic of esotericism, you can find information on teaching esoteric knowledge at our school on the page.
It is curious that all of the knowledge systems listed above, with the exception of astrology, are denied by official science, although they appeared long before the existence of “official science” itself! However, people are becoming more and more interested in this kind of knowledge, since only they can provide answers to life’s questions. Unfortunately, no other science provides knowledge on how to know one’s inner nature and develop oneself as an integral person, to develop so-called “superpowers.”
The goal of esotericism is a conscious change in one’s personality. If you do not associate yourself only with the physical body, and you want to get to your true, spiritual essence, acquire inner freedom and harmony of existence, then esotericism and teaching it are just for you!

Interest in esotericism has grown quite recently. And many would like to figure out what kind of science this is? Esoterics, where to start studying and understanding it? Does it bring benefits or cause harm?

This means that we need to understand the ideas of esotericism, what it studies, its prospects, its shortcomings.

Achieving something higher, accepting religion as something higher, all this is initially the foundation of esotericism. Alchemists at one time took inanimate objects to a new level, and in Judaism esotericism was noted in a special unity with God. In every history and culture, esotericism involuntarily spread and made its contribution. Sooner or later, everyone will in some way feel the imprint of such science. Now we can say that such a body of knowledge still influenced modern life. After all, if mysticism occurs in our lives, it leaves a good imprint for a long time.

Esoterics- this is the doctrine of inexplicable forces that are denied by science. Scientists have long considered esotericism to be the doctrine of mysticism.But, as life proves, many “mystical” factors are part of our life and even part of science. Airplanes, telephones,TVs - all this seemed unreal in the past. And, therefore, esotericism is a science, a science that is just beginning.People either believe and study esotericism, or they reject it and do not recognize it. And the third way is to treat it neutrally, without analyzing it too much.

The foundations of the secret teaching and body of knowledge date back to the times of Plato and Aristotle. Over thousands of years, esotericism has lost its true etymology, now the theory is taught in courses, and on the Internet anyone can collect bits and pieces of interesting information about the mystical. Previously, since the origin of esotericism, the uninitiated did not have the opportunity to possess knowledge about something higher, magical. Now the situation has taken a completely different perspective. And, at a minimum, the interpretation of the concept of “esotericism” is now perceived in a completely different way.

And yet, there are obligatory factors that reveal the concept, although not completely, but quite clearly. Esoterics offers to gain knowledge about Man, the structure of the World, about Good and Evil. Obtaining this knowledge provides for your future choice between Light and Darkness. Therefore, one must treat such teachings with great responsibility.

Esoterics - what directions exist?

A lot of directions studies esoterics: human mind, dreams, meditation, hypnosis, trance, mind control, energy work,parallel worlds, fortune telling, palmistry, psychology, rituals, clairvoyance, work on the body, yoga, qigong, all unusual phenomena, .

Esotericism has a lot of ramifications and one of the most exciting is the occult. According to modern scientists, it is believed that occultism is a pseudoscience. Since ancient times, only an initiate or a person with “special abilities” could be awarded occult experience. Science studies the material world, but “philosophia occulta”, as a rule, promotes secret human powers unknown to science. It also has practical forms: alchemy, theosophy, Kabbalah, spiritualism.

Esoterics - alchemy direction

The prerogative of all alchemists was the transition of an animate or inanimate object to a “new level”, the transmutation of the spirit and the achievement of immortality through exercises and certain occult actions. Alchemy gave rise to the concept of the philosopher's stone, which would become a panacea and solution to all health problems.

Esoterics - theosophy direction

Translated from ancient Greek it means “divine wisdom.” Religion, which, in their opinion, unites the human soul with a deity, a consequence of direct communication with him.

Esoterics - Kabbalah direction

Religious and mystical movement in Judaism. It is necessary to understand that such a direction is associated with reflections on the creator, the essence of human nature. Esoteric Kabbalah represents rituals, habits, and skills passed down from generation to generation.

The benefits of esotericism

Dipping and absorbing esoteric knowledge, a person begins to change, or rather his consciousness changes. Many things in his lifetake on a different meaning. His views on life and his values ​​change. A person wants to get to the bottom of it, to get to the truth. HE starts to thinkreflect on the nature of things. Of course, he is growing intellectually and spiritually. And all this positive information influenceshis inner world. A person becomes a creator. He begins to love and appreciate life.

The harm of esotericism

Human student of esotericism, this is a thinking person. This is the one who knows how to analyze, the one who gets to the truth.Of course, these people are harmful to the government, the system, and society. We are in a certain society, within strict limits,everyone plays a specific role. And if a person begins to think, this can take him beyond the bounds.His actions will be meaningful, and this is not at all desirable for those who control us. Always remember if you fight offherds, they will try to drive you back.

Esoterics - start studying and understanding it

If anyone is interested in esotericism and you decide to try yourself in this area, then specialized literature can immerse you in the mystery. mysticism and is perfect for beginners. For a better understanding of some key esoteric knowledge, you can also read fiction on this topic. For example, Greene's Jero's Journey introduces the understanding of clairvoyance and telepathy. A lot of scientific literature has been written on this topic, and the main task for beginners is not to get lost in such a “heap” of information.

: Start thinking differently (

For those who are just entering the world of magic and extrasensory perception, serious theoretical support and practical examples presented in accessible language are needed.

Esoteric literature for beginners, contrary to popular belief, includes not only fantasy or dry reference books, because today authors strive for unity with readers. That is why on store shelves you can find fascinating manuals and instructive stories, seasoned with the necessary dose of humor and containing all the necessary information for beginners.

Books by Carlos Castaneda

In the list of works necessary for beginning esotericists, Castaneda's texts come first. The books of this philosopher and mystic are based on his own experience gained in Mexico thanks to a spiritual mentor from an Indian family. Carlos was initiated into shamans and magicians, and after that he began to write novels about his biography and life with secret knowledge.

"The Teachings of Don Juan"- Castaneda's first and most famous book about the first steps of immersion into the occult world.

“Separate Reality”- a work about an expanded perception of reality and the role of psychotropic flora in the field of magic.

“Journey to Ixtlan”— continuation of Castaneda’s story about how he had to go through the path of a warrior and analyze the experience he gained.

“Tales of Power”- a guide to the most secret magical rituals, necessary to comprehend the contradictory essence of man.

  • “Second Ring of Power”— the character reveals his powers through the fight with female warriors.
  • “The Gift of the Eagle”— the protagonist’s journey into the worlds of the past with the help of lucid dreams.
  • “Fire from within”- a book about a positive way out of a series of negative events.
  • “The power of silence” - the first work in which the author addresses his audience, indicating the capabilities of each person in the field of magic.
  • “The Art of Dreaming”— text about the features of astral flights.
  • "The Active Side of Infinity"- a book about who prevents you from becoming a sorcerer and how to get rid of such ill-wishers.
  • "Wheel of Time"- a set of quotes and comments from Castaneda, summing up his long-term study with his mentor.
  • “Magic passes”— a guide to specific exercises mastered by the author at the beginning of his shamanic path.

“Shadow of the Witch” (“Dream of the Witch”), F. Donner

In her book, a follower of Castaneda describes the practices of summoning spirits and the ancient witchcraft of the peoples of South America. The abundance of exciting real stories makes the work interesting from beginning to end.

For those new to the realm of mysticism, this text is more understandable because it is written from the scientific point of view of an anthropologist in the style of field notes. Some people call this fictional novel a fairy-tale philosophical parable, but in any case, no reader with a broad outlook will refuse to touch the world of the witch.

The book also touches on the role of intentions in human life.

“Ensemble of Universal Worlds”, M. Nekrasov

One of the few works entirely devoted to working with the human chakra system and its energy layers around the body. The most interesting books on esotericism are rarely authored by domestic specialists, but this manual is a pleasant exception, created by a psychologist, athlete, yoga master and expert in Eastern philosophy.

The book examines the structure of the Universe and man himself from the point of view of the Cosmos, describes the laws of the universe and the rules of harmony in the AUM system. The author touches on the topics of Yin and Yang, reincarnation, human memory, and human abilities.

Thanks to Nekrasov, you can learn to quickly analyze your own aura by color and emotional states.

Books by Robert Monroe

The work of this American officer is based on testing the effects of sound waves on the consciousness of an individual. Monroe personally experienced the state of astral projection, when a person’s mind leaves his physiological shell. The first book about out-of-body experiences is called “Out-of-Body Travel,” and it describes astral travel with a good sense of humor. The author simply and intelligibly explains to the reader the possibilities of the existence of subtle matters.

Monroe’s second book, “Far Journeys,” already contains data collected during experiments on volunteers who were influenced by binaural beats. The author describes his techniques for focusing the mind, reducing stress, and improving the quality of dreams. Questions are also raised about what is the meaning of humanity being on earth, whether reincarnation is true, and whether God exists.

Monroe’s trilogy ended with the book “The Ultimate Journey,” which already presents the final conclusions of many years of research and fully describes the path of man beyond the boundaries of material reality. The author offers his own truths about what awaits a person after life, and what the essence of earthly incarnation is in general.

“Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, S. Swatmarama

The most fundamental ancient treatise on yoga, which does not lose relevance today. Useful practical information with comments in accessible language - unlike its analogues, the book is devoid of additional educational load and metaphor.

The Russian translation of the work consists of 4 chapters.

In the first part you can learn about proper nutrition, a moral lifestyle, and healing postures for practice.

The second chapter is devoted to breathing techniques, cleansing the nose and stomach, and focusing on a candle flame.

The third part describes how to fold your hands correctly during exercises, why energy channels are needed and why awakening Kundalini flows.

In conclusion, meditative techniques are presented: relaxation of consciousness and subsequent enlightenment, concentration of the mind on objects and sensory distraction.

“Chakras and Kundalini. Hidden powers of man”, P.S. Maheswarananda

Another most informative book about energy meridians in the human body, but from the modern point of view of an Indian master. The structure of the main human chakras and practices for opening them are described.

The text begins with an overview of spiritual practices and an immersion in the philosophy of the East, where Swami talks about the relationship between the Creator and the personal Self, the laws of karma, the connection between consciousness and energy, and obstacles on the path to spiritual growth.

Next, the author discusses the 8 main chakras, including the rarely studied Bindu Chakra. The work presents not only the qualities of each energy center, but also its attributes and methods for opening the chakra. Then comes a description of the continuity of Swami's teachings.

The book teaches you the right approach to your energy potential, helps you make yourself a disciplined and responsible person. Instructions from a spiritual teacher allow you to bring divine reality closer to your own life and free yourself from the cycle of unsuccessful reincarnations and deaths.

“Opening the Third Eye”, B. Sakharov

Esoteric books that are worth reading often seem complex in ideas and practices to beginners. But if you are attracted to clairvoyance and clairaudience and you strive to develop superpowers, intuition, and inner vision, you cannot do without this book.

A real and effective guide to developing psychic skills contains unique techniques and useful tips.

Sakharov gradually immerses readers into the system of special visions. First you just need to focus on objects, changing their perception in your head, then learn to look at what is hidden. Even mastering hypnosis is available to those who have opened their third eye. The proposed techniques also strengthen the nervous system and sharpen the sense of smell.

“Guided Dreams”, E. Mir

A good book for those who are just getting used to the theory of lucid dreams and are not ready to study dry facts and advice. The work is based on examples from the author’s experience, so it is easy and quick to grasp.

Readers note that the book is very kind and inspiring.

Elena Mir explains in accessible language how to control yourself in a dream, how to leave the body and, importantly, how to interpret night visions. By following the author, novice esotericists have the opportunity to expand their abilities and literally live an extra life.

The wisdom and depth of the text allow you to plunge headlong into the world of dreams and engage in self-knowledge without stopping from reading. The book also describes how to identify the signs of a dreamer, what are the characteristics of astral projections and how to find a way out of nightmares.

Books by Andrei Sidersky

An excellent set of materials on yoga and energy without any bias towards magic and mysticism. It is interesting that the author is known to a wide range of readers as a translator of Castaneda’s esoteric materials and Richard Bach’s fascinating stories, so the language of Sidersky’s work is literate, concise, and literary.

“The Third Discovery of Power”— against the backdrop of a personal conflict in the plot, the author describes the training of yogis, their methods for controlling the mind and energy. Attention is also paid to the theoretical aspect in practices.

“Yoga of eight circles”— training technologies are described, including integral training within the framework of yoga.

“The Gift of the Nagual”— a manual on Castaneda’s exercises, which include 12 Tensegrity techniques.

“Hands of Light”, B. Brennan

An excellent example of literature on analyzing the human aura and diagnosing energy diseases. The author clearly and clearly explains the essence of healing. Barbara Brennan is not only a researcher and active healer, but also a psychotherapist and a real scientist, so her work is largely based on evidence and sound data.

On the pages of the book, the reader has the opportunity to take a journey into the history of the study of energy fields, as well as get acquainted with the nature of many karmic ailments. The author examines each layer of the aura, all the chakras, and also examines changes in energy shells with age, writes about the features of the auric connections of a person with his environment.

Barbara teaches how to work with a bioenergy pendulum to determine your energy centers and explains the reasons for the main energy blocks in the human body. Instructions for developing inner vision are also provided.

“Dianetics”, R. Hubbard

This book should be read by beginners who have firmly decided on their worldview and are simply seeking to broaden their horizons. The fact is that the organization created by Ron is considered a sect, so one must treat his theory with a little skepticism.

The book describes the idea of ​​reducing negative emotions and healing from psychosomatic illnesses through the constant experience of engrams - painful moments from the past. Some books about esotericism do not lose relevance even after decades, and this is exactly the case, since Hubbard’s works were written in the 50s. XX century

Many people consider Dianetics to be the science of healthy living. In fact, the author of the theory simply sought to work with the reactive mind of the individual, i.e. with the subconscious. He sought to offer people methods for clearing their heads of unpleasant emotions and memories they had experienced. By implementing the proposed techniques, you can move to a high standard of living.

Mantek Chia Books

Each work contains a set of Taoist practices, including the secrets of Qigong. Mantek is not only a specialist in meditative and martial practices, but also a master of sexual kung fu. He is the author of the following books:

  • “The Healing Light of Tao”— a unique manual on light meditations using the Tao technique and instructions on their use for healing and self-development.
  • “Iron Shirt”— qigong practices to strengthen internal systems and achieve human harmony with the Earth’s energy field, as well as methods of combat energy protection and renewal of all organs.
  • “Healing by space”- Taoist cosmology for obtaining energy not only of Qi, but also of powerful stellar bodies. The book discusses the practice of skin breathing, as well as working with Qi of different colors and individual organs.

“The Fool’s Path”, S. Sekoriysky

A scandalous work from the leader of another sectarian organization. Useful reading for developing critical thinking and getting rid of some illusions about magic and yoga. Satisfied readers note that the book is written in simple language, but hides deep philosophical, religious and psychological contexts.

At the center of the work is a simple boy who unexpectedly escaped from everyday life and became involved with a girl who opened his eyes to another world.

The novel contains erotic episodes and obscene language, but this does not prevent it from asking the reader pressing questions about the benefits and essence of meditative practices.

“Beginner Wizard Course”, V. Gurangov, V. Dolokhov

This book is suitable for beginners of any level, even those who were not previously interested in esoteric teachings and practices. In fact, it is a guide to Simoron’s domestic training. Universal methods of practice allow us to answer the basic ideological and life questions that arise for most of us. Everything is presented in accessible, understandable language for everyone.

This is not a theoretical work, but a practical system of recommendations for changing life circumstances, which do not require special skills or training. They are applicable to superficial and deep fears, chronic and acute illnesses, emotional blocks, complexes, financial problems, etc.

The issues and methods discussed are supported by examples from the real practice of the authors, who convince the novice wizard that changing your life is easier and more exciting than it seems. The book by Vadim Gurangov and Vladimir Dolokhov does not have a narrow focus; it is addressed to a wide readership striving for a harmonious and happy life.

“Mental self-defense”, D. Fortune

A useful guide for anyone who is in a hurry to master magical rituals, but does not think about the unpleasant consequences or even the retribution for possible mistakes. The book presents specific examples of ritual magic and Western esoteric traditions.

The author focuses on the causes and symptoms of psychic attack, which may be associated with an astral ghost, hypnosis, energy vampirism, etc. The stories of working with sacred symbols, the degree of influence of witchcraft in past lives, and methods of getting rid of haunting werewolves are also described. Dion explains in accessible language why spirits are chasing us and how to fight them through exorcism methods, meditative practices, and experiences of breaking astral connections.

Since the book lifts the veil of black magic, it is not always positively perceived by occultists, but it is useful for newcomers to the world of witchcraft who do not want to become victims of other people's rituals.

Books by Mikhail Raduga

The ranking of books on esotericism always includes a large number of works about out-of-body experiences and astral adventures. Mikhail Raduga reveals to his readers the rules for managing reality in the following publications:

“Unidentified nature”- a book in four parts about the power and secrets of Baikal, the secrets of water, anomalous zones of the planet, features of the end of the world and alternative ways of generating and storing energy.

"Phase. Hacking the illusion of reality” (“Superpowers of the human brain. Journey into the subconscious”) - step-by-step instructions for obtaining esoteric information from the general field of the earth and self-healing.

“Human superpowers. How to become a psychic"— a detailed analysis of such abilities as clairaudience, skin vision, phenomenal memory, etc. The book also contains tests to determine your gift of healing, hypnosis, etc.

Works for beginner esotericists who are interested in ancient shamanic practices. The author is not only a philosopher and psychologist, but also an anthropologist, so the secrets he describes are obtained practically from the first-hand lips of the Amazon and Incas peoples. The following books are of greatest interest:

“Shaman, sage, healer”- a collection of Indian practices for seeing energy worlds and luminous space around objects.

“Rectifying the Past and Healing the Future through the Practice of Soul Restoration”- a book about the myths and legends of ancient peoples, where heroes traveled through time and space. The author teaches the flights of the soul, which contributes to the mastery of shamanic secrets.

  • “Dream boldly. Shamanic method of turning dreams into reality”- a work about the shamans of Latin America with a list of useful meditations for overcoming uncertainty and unlocking deep potential.
  • “Four Directions - Four Winds”- a book about the path of a shaman and how to accumulate magical knowledge by traveling to all directions of the world at once.

Esoteric literature for beginners is a useful base of magical examples, effective exercises and necessary warnings from more experienced masters of their craft. Having formed your focus of interests, you can continue to expand your worldview and explore new Western and Eastern practices.

Simultaneously with the emergence of human spirituality, the need arose to establish connections between what is happening in the vast and unknown World and how the manifestations of this World are reflected in each of us. Absolutely all philosophical, mystical, religious quests, starting from the most ancient times, were built around the question: “How do Macrocosm and Microcosm interact?” The most significant answers gradually formed the field of esoteric knowledge. Esotericism for beginners is the first method of their ascent to the deep secrets of the Universe. But what do we know about him?

Basics of esotericism

Esotericism is the quintessence of knowledge about the World and about man, provided by one or another teaching. This is a special, secret knowledge that was transmitted only to selected adherents of a certain school. Each movement has its own esotericism. Thus, astrologers, magicians, alchemists, yogis, masons and others - they all provide a unique understanding of the processes occurring in the Universe, which may sometimes be somewhat similar, but never identical.

Over the course of many millennia, huge layers of information have accumulated, which it would not take a lifetime to master. Therefore, a person trying to understand where to start studying esotericism must first of all be aware of some limitations of his resources and not be scattered on mastering pseudo-teachings. The latter, unfortunately, have spread widely on the Internet along with truly valuable materials. Remember: when you choose your knowledge, you choose yourself, so allow yourself to be selective.

How to become an esotericist at home? To whom is knowledge available?

Esotericism for beginners is always a delicate issue and requires an individual approach. Directly esoteric teachings, methods, practices differ, and a method that is thoroughly suitable for one may be completely unacceptable for others. Agree, what an astrologer does and how a magician tries to influence the environment are completely different things, although their essence is the same - knowledge of oneself and everything that is outside this “self”.

However, there are things that are mandatory and basic for anyone who wants to come into contact with secret knowledge. This is a kind of set of rules that allow you to use the information received as safely as possible and for your own benefit. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. Accept yourself as an entity consisting of more than just a material, tangible body. We are always something more than we are used to seeing and feeling.
  2. Live consciously. Some people work on this all their lives to achieve even the slightest significant result. Mindfulness is about understanding, recognizing, identifying your thoughts, intentions, goals, words, actions and all their consequences.
  3. Take responsibility. Moreover, it already lies on you, but not everyone feels it (remember the awareness just mentioned). By absorbing secret knowledge, we take responsibility for its storage and use.
  4. Feel like a creator. All your spiritual and practical, tangible activities are a product of your command and creativity. Find out how much you can really do!
  5. And the most important thing. Create and live for good. The vast majority of esoteric teachings say that the energy panel of the Universe is created in some special way.

The peculiarity lies in maintaining a homeostatic balance between good and evil. According to this, only by acting for good will you receive good in return. Be wise!

In any case, there should not be any fundamental problems with self-determination. Our age of accessible information technology offers a selection of books, audio recordings, video lectures and even documentaries to suit any, even the most sophisticated taste!

Esoterics for beginners: books

There are now a great many books on esotericism. As already mentioned, the main principle here is to find your own, separating the wheat from the chaff. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular, classic authors and their works, which will certainly inspire valuable thoughts!

  • Carlos Castaneda

    The author shares knowledge about magic and shamanism, approaching this with the professionalism of an anthropologist. Shares many ways on how to learn to develop the abilities of consciousness to change the world around us. In total, he published 13 books, including “The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians”, “A Separate Reality”, “Tales of Power”, “The Art of Dreaming”. We recommend reading all of his works.

  • Vadim Zeland

    A man whose life is so secretive that it has long been overgrown with a mass of myths and guesses. He offers the reader a teaching called “Transurfing of Reality”, revealing it in a series of his books. There are also audio and video versions of his work - for those who like not to waste time in between.

    Transurfing is, in essence, a volitional movement from one version of an existing space to another, with more attractive life “scenery”. Read on to find out how to achieve this!

  • Robert Monroe

    He is considered a kind of guru of esoteric literature and will talk about such a thing as out-of-body experience. The titles of his books “Journeys Out of the Body”, “Far Journey”, “The Ultimate Journey” speak for themselves and do not require unnecessary comments.

  • "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" with commentaries by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati

    A classic literary work that has educated more than one generation of yogis with its wisdom. Eastern practices are revealed in simple, understandable language, accessible to Western thinking.

Esotericism for beginners requires attention, time and effort. The main thing is to choose the necessary guideline and patiently follow it, then everything will definitely work out!

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