Consequences of poor nutrition. Poor diet can lead to blindness What does it mean to “eat poorly”

Human health depends on many factors: heredity, ecology, bad habits, stress, but nutrition also plays an important role in the condition of the body. Junk food is insidious - you may not notice its effects for a long time, especially if a person is healthy, but it will definitely make itself felt later. If you eat incorrectly, this will lead to the development of diseases of many organs and systems of the body.

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What is malnutrition

Poor nutrition is a very loose concept; it includes excessive food consumption, frequent consumption of unhealthy foods, strict diets, fasting and much more.

You are eating incorrectly if:

  • eat when you are not hungry
  • you consume large amounts of sugar and products containing refined sugar
  • eat a lot of salty foods
  • regularly consume foods with nutritional supplements
  • do not follow food culture
  • eat not at a set table, but in front of the TV or computer
  • eat too much or very little food
  • snack on the go
  • do not include fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • do not have at least an approximate diet and often snack at night
  • go on diets often

Harm from poor nutrition

Each of the above points threatens serious health problems and unpleasant consequences, and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, children and women during pregnancy are contraindicated in eating this way. In order for the human body to receive enough nutrients, you need to eat when you feel hungry - not strong, but light. If you eat stress, eat only because it’s tasty or out of habit, then a feeling of heaviness appears in the stomach, too much stomach acid begins to form in the stomach, which leads to gastritis or ulcers.

Excessive amounts of sugar, often called the sweet death, puts a lot of stress on the pancreas, which has to produce a lot of insulin. As a result, this process is disrupted and diabetes mellitus develops.

Also, a lot of sweets leads to obesity and tooth decay.

Salty foods in large quantities retain fluid in the body, which contributes to the formation of urolithiasis and causes diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Food additives are found in many products, some of them are harmless, others cause allergies, lead to the development of stomach and intestinal diseases, and some can cause cancer.

To reduce the amount of food additives you consume, try to buy fewer packaged foods and eliminate chips, soda, sausages, and store-bought baked goods.

If you eat in front of the TV, reading a newspaper or watching news on the Internet, then gastric juice will be poorly produced, which also leads to stomach problems. Eating on the go is not worth it, since while moving, food is poorly chewed, and as a result, food is digested less well, leaving less nutrients in the body.

Our body is designed in such a way that it receives everything it needs for its normal functioning through food. Poor nutrition is a direct path to serious disruption in our body, deterioration in well-being, loss of energy and serious illnesses.

The problem is becoming truly catastrophic. A huge number of people suffer from diseases caused by an unbalanced diet. Those who value their health and want to live a long, rich life should seriously think about their diet.

What does it mean to “eat poorly”

Every year, the market is filled with an increasing number of synthetic products that lack valuable ingredients. Many people do not attach importance to what they put into their stomach - the main thing is that it is tasty and satisfying. Fast foods, processed foods, carbonated drinks, snacks - thousands of people around the world are addicted to such foods. But the concept of malnutrition includes not only the consumption of junk food. Let's figure out what doctors and nutritionists mean by this meaning.

Poor nutrition is:

  • A small amount or complete absence of fresh, unprocessed plant foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs) in the diet.
  • Too little clean water consumption.
  • A large amount of fried, fatty foods, refined foods.
  • Excessive consumption of foods with chemical additives, preservatives, and dyes.
  • Lack of enough grains and fiber in the diet.
  • The habit of drinking carbonated or other sweet drinks with food.
  • Addiction to sweet confectionery products.
  • Ignoring a full breakfast.
  • Constant overeating.
  • Lack of regular eating habits.
  • The habit of eating at night.
  • Passion for dry food.
  • The habit of eating “on the run” or in front of the computer or TV.
  • Excessive consumption of harmful sauces and seasonings.
  • The habit of adding salt to food.

The concept of malnutrition includes three main factors:

  1. Formation of incorrect and unhealthy habits, beliefs and concepts regarding food.
  2. The predominance of artificial, “empty” and junk food in the diet.
  3. Incorrect behavior while eating (rushing, swallowing large pieces, poor chewing, habit of lying down or sleeping after eating).

Symptoms of poor nutrition

Many people do not think about what and how they eat, and when they begin to experience unpleasant symptoms, they sincerely do not understand the reason for their origin. The stomach contains a huge number of nerve endings (more than all other organs). Any failure in its functioning will affect the overall well-being and functioning of the entire body system.

The following symptoms may indicate that you are not eating properly:

  • Deterioration of skin condition (oily, acne, wide pores, rash, irritation, sagging).
  • Heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating, cramps, rumbling.
  • Dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea.
  • Violation of bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation).
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Lack of energy, weakness, lethargy, apathy, depression.
  • Irritability, aggression, sudden mood swings
  • Overweight, obesity.
  • Pain in the right side, pain in the back.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Cardiac dysfunction (arrhythmia, tachycardia).
  • Muscle weakness, muscle pain.
  • Inflammation of the joints, deterioration of their mobility.
  • Frequent allergic reactions.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Tendency to frequent infectious diseases and inflammation.

These are just the most common symptoms; in reality there are many more. The body can “hold on” for a long time and give signals that it is uncomfortable. If a person constantly ignores them, then long-term disorders develop into serious and sometimes very serious illnesses.

What diseases does poor nutrition lead to?

Diseases caused by an unbalanced diet and poor quality food are presented in order, starting from the most frequently diagnosed.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Ulcers, gastritis, colitis, intestinal dystrophy, volvulus, cholecystitis - all this is caused by bad food.

Most often, people who are prone to overeating and “sitting” on fast food suffer from serious gastrointestinal problems. Constant consumption of heavy dishes made from fatty meat, salads dressed with mayonnaise, and hot sauces also provokes diseases of the digestive system.

Endocrine system diseases

The thyroid gland is a regulator of almost all major processes in the body. When it lacks nutrients, an imbalance occurs in the hormonal, neurological systems, and metabolism. The consequence is diseases such as diabetes, obesity, diseases of the female reproductive system (infertility, menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts), diseases of the male reproductive system, thyrotoxicosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, hypoparathyroidism, heart failure, and nervous disorders.

Disorders of the endocrine system, for the most part, are provoked by a lack of microelements (iodine, magnesium, potassium), B vitamins, and uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Fatty, fried foods, large amounts of trans fats, and carbohydrates in the diet cause thrombosis, as the vessels become overgrown with cholesterol deposits. Varicose veins, poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, weak vessel walls, arrhythmias, extrasystole, tachycardia, ischemia - the results of a too “heavy” diet, which contains few fresh vegetables, fruits, steamed dishes and minimal heat treatment.

Nervous system diseases

People who consume “artificial” food do not receive the necessary amount of vitamins for the body to function properly. Lack of vitamins B12, A, PP, D, as well as micro and macroelements leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Healthy lifestyle researchers have proven that people who eat fast food are 52% more likely to suffer from neuroses, depression, and irritability. Their productivity at work and physical activity in general are reduced. With age, some neurological disorders develop into diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, dementia, and memory loss.

Diseases of bones and joints

Everyone knows that poor nutrition can have a negative impact on our body. What exactly is it?

The topic of the harm of poor nutrition is not new to anyone. It is especially relevant in our time, when there is a lot of so-called fast food around, and in addition, various semi-finished products full of harmful substances. Of course, all this food may look very appetizing and its smell may be very tempting, but it can be dangerous for the stomach and for the whole body as a whole.

Poor nutrition fills our body with toxins. It burdens him with unnecessary work. The heart has to work harder to pump blood; the respiratory system also receives additional stress. Such changes do not begin to occur immediately - sometimes it takes quite a long time for this to happen. However, they begin to appear gradually, gradually, and therefore may not be noticeable at first, but then it may be too late to restore the body’s previous strength.

Excessive consumption of sweets can, as is known, lead to the formation of caries, and in general negatively affect the condition of the teeth - contribute to the formation of plaque. Such yellow teeth look very unaesthetic; in addition, people with oral diseases often smell bad from their mouth, making an unpleasant impression on the interlocutor.

In addition to the formation of caries, which occurs from the outside, primarily affecting the enamel, teeth can be destroyed from the inside. In order for them to be strong, it is necessary to eat foods rich in fluoride, calcium and minerals. If these nutrients are practically absent from the foods consumed, bones, hair and teeth lose their natural strength and become fragile. Teeth become exposed to various external influences and careless actions can lead to their loss. Of course, modern dentistry has come quite far - nowadays it is almost impossible to distinguish dentures from real ones; there are many ways to install them, for example, microdental prosthetics are widely used. However, it is always better to have your own teeth and try to keep them healthy.

Poor nutrition also has a negative impact on the condition of the skin. All metabolic processes occurring in the body affect its condition to a greater or lesser extent. It reacts sensitively to our lifestyle - to the food we eat, to our daily routine, to the presence or absence of stress. So, excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods leads to the formation of redness and pimples, as well as the formation of an oily sheen. And lack of water leads to dehydration of the dermis. A very good effect on the skin is provided by foods rich in fiber, which is found in large quantities in green

And, of course, the food we eat directly affects the condition of our figure. Excessive eating leads to fat accumulation. And this is not only an aesthetic drawback - excessive accumulations of fat disrupt the functioning of internal organs, squeezing them. In addition, such people have high cholesterol, which can contribute to diseases such as diabetes, gout, or lead to stroke.

Foods that can cause the most harm (especially if consumed in unlimited quantities):

  • fried and spicy food
  • sugar
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oils
  • canned food
  • semi-finished products
  • chemical drinks
  • artificial fats
  • refined white flour of the highest grades

What diseases can arise from poor nutrition?

If there is a violation of fat metabolism, this can lead to a disease such as obesity.

Impaired carbohydrate metabolism also leads to excess weight. This suggests that sugar cannot enter the body on its own. This disease is called diabetes mellitus. People suffering from this disease are forced to constantly inject themselves with insulin, which helps the body absorb sugar.

Blood pressure also depends on a person’s diet. If it is elevated, then the disease is called hypertension. It is characterized by headaches. If the blood arteries become clogged with fat cells, angina occurs. And the consequence of this disease can be myocardial infarction. Also, poor diet can lead to colon cancer.

Watch your daily diet, prepare meals based on natural products, and you will easily forget about food-related diseases.

The importance of food in the life of any living creature, including humans, is difficult to overestimate. In the absence of nutrition, the body will simply die, since it will not even have the strength to maintain life: heartbeat, breathing. Therefore, you need to eat, but the quality of this nutrition also matters.

What is important to know about nutrition in general?

The main purpose of food is to supply the body with the necessary nutrients and elements thanks to which a person lives or develops. Depending on the period of life, the requirements for the composition of food may differ, so now we will talk about the nutrition of an adult without any special health problems.

To thrive, the human body requires three main components:

  • Fats are energy accumulators, active participants in the construction and maintenance of cell membranes, participants in hormonal metabolism;
  • Proteins are sources of essential amino acids, building materials for tissues and cells;
  • Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for the functioning of body parts, organs and tissues.

These components will be sufficient to minimally maintain life, but not health, since a person also needs the following groups of substances:

  • Dietary fiber – for stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and effective waste removal;
  • Vitamins and minerals are important elements for maintaining tone, metabolic processes, the functioning of the immune system, and the efficiency of cells and tissues.

If food brings all these substances, then can it be considered useful and healthy? It turns out not. So what makes it different?

What is rational or proper nutrition?

First of all, it is food that provides the body with all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, the amount of all these substances in it corresponds to the needs of the body, without additional “reserves”. Thanks to this approach, a person will not gain excess weight, expose his metabolism to disturbances, and maintain good health and a healthy appearance. Moreover, such substances must be supplied with clean food, without harmful impurities. Dangerous components in food include:

  • Transgenic components - their danger has not yet been proven, but scientists have not yet confirmed their safety; they appear as a result of correction of the genome of plants or animals intended for food;
  • Carcinogenic substances are complex chemical compounds that appear, in particular, when the substance is exposed to high temperatures;
  • The results of aggressive agronomy - nitrates, pesticides, herbicides penetrating into vegetables and fruits as a result of the use of such agricultural technology;
  • Biological toxins – appearing in products as a result of biological processes and under the influence of microorganisms;
  • Heavy metals and radioactive substances that penetrate food products produced in unfavorable environmental areas.

So, shopping for groceries and preparing healthy meals can be time-consuming, and many people choose not to bother much with the principles of proper nutrition.

What are the dangers of refusing a healthy, proper diet?

Few people think about the composition of a fast food donut. The main thing is that within three minutes the body will receive the energy it needs, plus the pleasure of fatty and sweet foods as a gift. But what will a consumer who prefers unhealthy food get?

  • Carcinogens - they are present in all deep-fried foods. The fact is that manufacturers are in no hurry to change the oil in a timely manner. This adds to the feeling of satiety a rapid jump in the risk of developing cancer. The connection between carcinogens and cancer development was discovered back in the seventeenth century, and later it was only confirmed more and more. Tobacco smoke is also a source of carcinogens, but that’s a different story;
  • Trans fats are artificially hardened vegetable fats, as well as refined fats that have a negative effect on the immune system, body cells and reproductive function. Anything containing margarines or spreads, as well as products similar to them, contain trans fats;
  • Empty calories - although they are not toxic, they can become the culprit of a considerable number of problems: obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders. They cause a jump in blood glucose, but at the same time do not add any vitamins, minerals, or amino acids;
  • Excess salt and spices - these components make dishes from not the highest quality raw materials quite tasty and aromatic. Its excess leads to edema, the gradual formation of hypertension, kidney disease, and deterioration of joint function. An excess of hot spices stimulates appetite, sales and the formation of new folds at the waist;
  • Unbalanced meals - nutrition that does not meet rational standards, will be skewed towards simple carbohydrates and fats, which will lead to a lack of protein, vitamins and minerals. In this case, the body will experience hunger much faster and more often than with a proper diet.

This is not a complete list of harmful components that may end up in the plates of fast food or semi-finished products. The result is an impressive list of health problems:

  • Diabetes, a disorder of glucose processing that can lead to death, ranks 4th among causes of death;
  • Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but also increased stress and wear and tear on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems;
  • Hypertension is the daughter of obesity and love of salt, one of the main causes of mortality for humanity;
  • Hypovitaminosis is a state of vitamin deficiency, which entails a decrease in immunity, deterioration of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • Ulcer, gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.

This information is enough to make the right choice. Be healthy!

All consequences of poor nutrition or poor nutrition are much more serious than what people usually assume, especially the development of serious diseases. To avoid such consequences, good education and knowledge in the field of nutrition is necessary. Naturally, you don’t have to be an expert, but you need to know the most important things.

In the modern world, there are two main problems related to nutrition, obesity and hunger - two opposites.

Of course, good nutrition is important to stay healthy physically and mentally. As a rule, bad habits are passed on from childhood. You eat more than you need, and in addition, there are many foods that you should not eat.

More and more people are eating many more calories than they burn, and as a result of this imbalance, fat accumulation occurs.

Poor nutrition results in:

Poor diet leads to obesity, fatigue and less ability to work

The obesity that some people experience is genetic, although many are caused by poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Then I leave some data that indicates the importance of the problem:

  • Since the 1980s, obesity has more than doubled worldwide.
  • Billions of adults are overweight. If not in effect, this figure will exceed 2 billion in 2019
  • In 2013, 42 million children under five were overweight.
  • In 2014, more than 1.900 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight, of whom more than 600 million were obese.
  • In 2014, 39% of adults 18 years of age and older were overweight, and 13% were obese.

Poor diet causes high blood pressure (hypertension)

According to WHO (World Health Organization), complications of hypertension cause 9.4 million deaths annually. Hypertension is responsible for at least 45% of deaths from heart disease and 51% of deaths from stroke.

Hypertension can be prevented by changing behavioral risk factors such as unhealthy diet, harmful use of alcohol or physical inactivity. Smoking may increase the risk of complications from hypertension.

Poor diet leads to cardiovascular disease

According to WHO:

  • 17 million people died due to cardiovascular diseases in 2008.
  • 23.3 million people could die from cardiovascular disease by 2030.
  • Tobacco use, an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Doing physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day of the week will help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and limiting salt intake to less than one teaspoon per day also helps prevent heart attack and stroke.

Depression due to poor nutrition

Excess weight has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of depression.

  • Depression is a mental disorder that commonly affects more than 350 million people worldwide.
  • Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is a significant contributor to the global burden of disease.
  • Depression affects more women than men.
  • In the worst case scenario, depression can lead to suicide.
  • There are effective treatments for depression.

Diabetes due to poor nutrition

  • There are more than 347 million people with diabetes worldwide.
  • Diabetes is expected to become the seventh leading cause of death in the world in 2030.

Thirty minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days and a healthy diet can significantly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.

Poor diet causes cancer

More than 30% of cancers can be prevented, mainly by avoiding smoking, eating healthy food by doing some physical activity and reducing alcohol consumption.

  • In 2012, 8.2 million people died from cancer.

Poor diet leads to poor brain function

Diets rich in vitamins B,C,D and E and omega-3 fatty acids are recommended for normal brain function, while those high in fat, trans fats, accelerate brain aging and hence brain function.

In particular, diets high in sugar are highly toxic; by lowering vitamin E levels in the blood, may cause drowsiness, irritability, or inability to concentrate.

In addition to eating right, exercise will improve blood circulation to the brain and therefore its functioning.

Poor nutrition accelerates aging

Overeating and inappropriate food causes accelerated cell aging.

Foods high in sugar, baked goods, red meat and overly fried foods can speed up aging. Foods high in antioxidants, such as peanuts or green tea, protect cells from free radicals and prevent premature aging.

Problems sleeping if you eat poorly

After a big dinner you may have trouble sleeping.

In addition to overeating, you should also avoid foods that are very spicy, high in fat, and that can cause gas or indigestion.

Poor nutrition and decreased self-esteem

For, excess weight can be a barrier.

On the other hand, overeating can lead to feelings of depression, guilt and shame and affect blood sugar levels, which changes positive mood.

Digestive problems due to poor nutrition

Indigestion, an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen after eating, can be caused by high-fat foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol or caffeine.

Watch the video: Consequences of poor nutrition

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