The procedure for forming sports teams in the Kirov region. should not exceed three academic hours with less than four training sessions per week Formation of sports teams

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Commentary on Article 36 1 - 3. The commented article regulates the formation of Russian national sports teams, as indicated directly in its title. In paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the 1999 Act on Physical Education and Sports this question was decided as follows: Russian national teams various types sports are formed taking into account the proposals of physical culture and sports organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the relevant all-Russian federations in various sports on a competitive basis; compositions of Russian national teams are approved annually federal body executive power in the field of physical education and sports and the Russian Olympic Committee on the representations of all-Russian federations in various sports. The article under comment changes this order somewhat. First of all, Part 1 of this article introduces the need for the annual formation of lists of candidates for Russian national sports teams by sport. These lists are formed by all-Russian sports federations (at this authority All-Russian sports federations in Art. 16 of the commented Law is not indicated for a not entirely clear reason) and are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical education and sports (i.e. Rossport; see commentary to Article 5 of the Law; the corresponding authority of Rossport is enshrined in clause 5.3.10 of the Regulations on Federal agency on physical culture and sports, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 410). In accordance with part 3 of the commented article, Russian sports teams for preparing for participation and participation in international sports competitions are formed by all-Russian sports federations (this authority of all-Russian sports federations is indicated in paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 16 of the commented Law) from among individuals included in the corresponding list of candidates for Russian national sports teams in sports. As can be seen, in contrast to the 1999 Law on Physical Education and Sports, it does not mention the participation of the Russian Olympic Committee and physical education and sports organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the need for approval of the composition of Russian national teams by the federal executive body in the field of physical education and sports. It should be noted that the above-mentioned Statute of Russian national teams, approved. The joint Resolution of the Board of the State Sports Committee of Russia dated June 20, 2001 N 8/2 and the Bureau of the Executive Committee of the Russian Olympic Committee dated September 27, 2001 N 69bi/19a, among other things, stipulates the following: a member of the main Russian national team can be an athlete included in the list the composition of the national team and who has entered into a contract, including with a foreign club, in compliance with the sports principles established by the federal executive body in the field of physical education and sports, the Russian Olympic Committee, public federations, unions and associations for sports; athletes - members of the Russian national team (main composition) are selected for the Russian national Olympic team in accordance with the requirements established by all-Russian federations, associations and unions in sports and set out in the selection criteria for the next Olympic Games in accordance with the requirements of international sports federations; the title of a member of the Russian national team is certified by special signs and certificates confirming their status as members of the Russian national team. Part 2 of the commented article provides for the need to issue a normative legal act establishing general principles and criteria for the formation of lists of candidates for Russian sports teams, as well as the procedure for approving these lists. Based on what was said in the comments to Art. Art. 4 and 5 of the Law in the norm in question we're talking about on the Ministry of Sports Tourism of Russia (the corresponding authority of the Ministry of Sports Tourism of Russia is provided for in clause 5.2.10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy Russian Federation, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 N 408). To date, there is no information about the publication by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia of the corresponding regulatory legal act.

More on the topic Article 36. Formation of sports teams of the Russian Federation:


Administration (name of municipal district, urban district)


from "___" ______________ 20__ No.___


NATIONAL TEAMS ______________(name of the municipal district, municipality)

In accordance with federal laws of October 6, 2003 “On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation", "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation", Regulations on the procedure for ensuring conditions for the development of mass physical culture and sports, organizing official physical culture, health and sports events in _______________ (name of the municipality), approved by ______________ (indicate the details of the municipal legal act of the local government body) in order to provide conditions for the development of physical culture and mass sports in the city,


1. Approve the Procedure for the formation of sports teams _______________ (name of MO) (appendix).

2. Entrust control over the implementation of the resolution to ___________.

3. The resolution comes into force from the moment of official publication.

Chapter _______________ (name of MO)



to the resolution

Administration ______________ (name of MO)

from "__"_______20___ No. ____



1. The procedure for forming sports teams _______________ (name of MO) is developed in accordance with Federal laws“On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation” in order to resolve issues of local importance in the field of physical culture and mass sports to ensure the preparation and participation of city sports teams in various sports in sports competitions.

2. Sports teams _______________ (name of the MO) - teams of athletes of various age groups, coaches, sports medicine specialists, other specialists in the field of physical education and sports, which are formed to prepare for sports competitions and participate in them on behalf of _______________ (name of the MO) .

3. Sports teams _______________ (name of the MO) may consist of a main and reserve team.

4. The formation of the composition of sports teams of the district (city district) for each sport is carried out annually in accordance with the rules for sports and regulations (regulations) on sports competitions, as well as in accordance with the criteria for selecting athletes for inclusion in the sports team municipal formation, approved by the municipal legal act Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the District (City District) Administration.

5. The composition of the sports teams of the district (city district) in sports for the next calendar year is approved by the municipal legal act of the head of the department for physical culture and sports of the administration _______________ (name of the municipality) no later than December 31 of the current calendar year based on proposals from sports federations and other physical education organizations. - sports organizations of the district (city district) by type of sport, sent to the department for physical culture and sports of the administration of the district (city district) until December 1 of the current year.

6. During the calendar year, sports federations and other physical education and sports organizations of the district (city district) by type of sport may submit to the department for physical culture and sports of the administration of the district (city district) _______________ (name of the municipal district) proposals to change the composition of the district’s sports teams (city district) in the event of a decline in the sports results of athletes, the end of their sports career, as well as other circumstances.


formation of sports teams

Kirov region

1. General provisions

1.1. The procedure for the formation of sports teams of the Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) regulates relations related to the granting of the status “Sports Team of the Kirov Region” to teams in various sports included in the All-Russian Register of Sports, material and technical support, including the provision of sports equipment , financial, scientific-methodological, medical-biological, medical and anti-doping support for sports national teams of the Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as the regional national team), ensuring the training of sports reserves for national teams.

1.2. The main goal of forming national teams of the region is to create competitive teams in sports to perform at official competitions of various ranks and the inclusion of the best representatives of the Kirov region in the sports teams of the Volga Federal District and the Russian Federation in sports.

1.3. The regional national team is a group of athletes, coaches, medical workers, and other attracted specialists who ensure high-quality training and performance of the regional national team at official sports competitions.

1.4. The status of “Sports Team of the Kirov Region” is given to teams representing the Kirov Region in championships, championships, and Volga Cups federal district and the Russian Federation (according to game types sports - in leagues, zones, divisions of various levels) and other official competitions.

1.5. Granting the status of “Sports Team of the Kirov Region” is carried out by the authorized executive body of the Kirov Region in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

2. General principles and criteria for the formation of lists of candidates for regional national teams, the procedure for approving these lists

2.1. The region's national teams consist of a main team and a reserve team.

2.2. Regional teams are formed by age groups: adult athletes (men and women), youth (men and women), boys and girls. Age groups for athletes - candidates for regional national teams are determined in accordance with the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification, approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. National teams of the region are formed in various sports included in the All-Russian Register of Sports and are divided into:

regional teams in team sports;

regional national teams in other sports.

2.4. A candidate for the regional national team is an athlete who has a high sports training, showing consistently high results at official championships and championships of the Kirov region and claiming successful performance at championships, championships, cups of the Volga Federal District, the Russian Federation, official international sports competitions and other official competitions.

2.5. Lists of candidates for regional national teams (hereinafter referred to as lists) are formed based on the results of athletes’ performances in the past sports season.

2.6. The criteria for the formation of lists of candidates for the regional national teams are the criteria for establishing the maximum number of athletes included in the lists of candidates for the regional national teams by sport, determined by the multiple of the maximum application composition at the championships (championships) of the Volga Federal District and the Russian Federation:

2.6.1. By age group: adult athletes (men and women), youth (men and women): Main cast:

team team sports (sports disciplines) – no more than 1.5 members; Reserve squad:

2.6.2. By age group boys and girls: Main cast:

team team sports (sports disciplines) – no more than 2 teams;

martial arts – no more than 4 teams;

other sports – no more than 2 teams. Reserve squad:

team team sports (sports disciplines) – no more than 1 team;

martial arts – no more than 2 teams;

other sports – no more than 1 squad.

2.6.3. The criteria for forming a list of candidates for the regional national team (adult athletes), with the exception of regional national teams for team sports, are the following sports results of athletes in the relevant sport:

in individual types of programs sports competitions by sport:

in the championship of the Kirov region: 1 – 3 places;

in the championship of the Volga Federal District (qualification for the Russian Championship): 1 – 10 places;

in the Russian Championship: 1 – 30 places;

in the championship of the Kirov region: 1 – 2 places;

in the championship of the Volga Federal District (qualification for the Russian Championship): 1 – 6 places;

in the Russian Championship 1st – 6th place.

2.6.4. The criteria for forming a list of candidates for the regional national team (youth and junior age groups) by type of sport, with the exception of regional national teams in team sports, are the following sports results of athletes in the relevant sport:

in individual types of sports competition program:

in the championship of the Kirov region: 1 – 3 places;

in the championship of the Volga Federal District (qualification for the Russian championship): 1 – 10 places;

in Russian championships: 1 – 30 places;

in team sports program sports competitions in sports:

in the championship of the Kirov region: 1 – 2 places;

in the championship of the Volga Federal District (qualification for the Russian championship): 1 – 6 places;

in the Russian championship: 1 – 6 places.

2.7. The lists are compiled by the regional sports federation, signed by the head of the regional sports federation for the relevant sport, and submitted to the authorized body no later than May 10 of the current year for winter sports and December 10 of the current year for summer sports.

2.8. Lists are submitted for approval to the authorized body in four copies (one of which is submitted on electronic media). Lists are approved by the authorized body within 10 working days from the date of receipt.

2.9. The lists are valid from June 1 of the current year to May 31 of the following year for winter sports, from January 1 to December 31 of the current year for summer sports.

2.10. One copy of the approved list is sent by the authorized body to the regional sports federation that submitted the list for approval within 10 working days.

2.11. The grounds for refusal to approve lists are:

submission of lists signed by an improper person or in violation of the established deadline for their submission;

presence of inaccurate information in the presented lists.

2.12. Changes to the approved lists are made at the proposals of the regional sports federation for the relevant sport in the event of a decrease in sports results, completion of a sports career, change of place of registration and in other cases.

2.13. Based on the results of consideration of proposals to make changes to the approved lists, the authorized body makes a decision to make appropriate changes to the approved lists or sends a reasoned refusal to make appropriate changes to the approved lists.

2.14. The grounds for refusal to make changes to the approved lists are:

submission of proposals for changes signed by an improper person;

presence of inaccurate information in the submitted proposals for amendments.

2.15. The approved lists with all changes made are posted on the official website of the Government of the Kirov Region or on the official website of the authorized body.

3. Logistics support for regional teams

3.1. Logistics and technical support for regional national teams is carried out at the expense of the regional budget within the allocated allocations, as well as funds received from patrons, sponsors, charity and other commercial sources not prohibited by law.

3.2. Financing of sports events of regional national teams is carried out in accordance with the calendar plan of official physical education events and sports events based on the principle of consolidating funds from the regional budget, municipal budgets, funds of regional physical education and sports organizations, sports federations (unions, associations) by sport and funds from extra-budgetary sources .

Financing the preparation and participation of regional national teams in official physical education events and sporting events carried out in accordance with the procedure and standards approved by the Government of the Kirov Region.

Features of training national teams

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Features of training national teams
Rubric (thematic category) Sport

A national team is usually understood as a temporary association (according to various characteristics) of players belonging to various club teams.

Distinctive feature The essence of the national team is that the national team is not a permanent formation, and the players included in its composition periodically gather for training camps for joint preparation and participation in competitions. This feature leaves its mark on both the organization and the content of the training of national teams.

The highest formation is the national, so-called Olympic (men's and women's), Russian national team.

Subordinate to it are national youth and junior teams of Russia, which form a unique institution of national teams for training a qualified reserve of the country's national team.

Principles of recruiting national teams

When recruiting national teams, the following principles are used:

Selection of the strongest players;

Preferential selection of players from the base team;

Selection of the best performers to implement the gaming model.

The principle of selecting the strongest players has the advantage that the strongest club players are attracted to the national team. At first glance, this is the most optimal principle. But, as practice shows, this principle has certain disadvantages. In a team consisting of leaders, certain difficulties arise in the organization collective game and team chemistry.

The principle of preferential selection of players from the base team (the strongest club team) is applied in cases where there is a team that is clearly superior in strength to other club teams.

In this case, from the base team, in addition to the basic applicants, a number of players are included in the national team who are inferior in class to the applicants from other teams, with the addition of players from other teams for those functions for which there are vacancies in the base team. The main advantage of this recruitment principle is the teamwork of the core team.

But such assembling of the national team often leads to artificial strengthening of the base team by transferring the strongest players from other teams to its composition. Such artificial strengthening at the expense of weakening other teams, as a rule, has a negative impact on further development volleyball in a certain area and on training qualified volleyball players in general in the area, region, etc. Full training of qualified reserves and the progressive process of development of the game are possible only in conditions of intense competitive struggle.

The principle of selecting the best performers to implement the game model of the national team is the most progressive. The coach develops a model, ᴛ.ᴇ. a prototype of the game of the national team (as a standard) to achieve the set goal, and then carries out a targeted selection of players for the model and conducts training in strict accordance with the requests of the model.

The main advantage of this principle: the strategy and tactics of the team’s game are determined in advance and systematic preparation is carried out for their implementation. To apply this recruitment principle, two conditions are necessary: ​​the availability of a sufficient number of qualified players and time for its preparation.

The first two principles of staffing a team are designed to actual opportunities of today, and the third principle - for the future.

The entire process of selecting candidates and the final formation of the team is carried out in the following sequence:

A national team coach is appointed in advance,

Coach of the national team, together with the coaches of the club teams

mand, reviews players during competitions of club teams and determines candidates for the national team;

Selected candidates are reviewed by the coaching council and approved by the relevant volleyball federation;

Selected candidates are periodically invited to a training camp, during which their skills are tested in control and official games and training sessions, after which the composition and its closest reserve are determined.

Features of training national teams - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Peculiarities of training national teams” 2017, 2018.

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