Benefits and possible harms of bulgur: whole grain cereals. What kind of bulgur grain is it and what are its benefits, cooking rules, properties

Today, the world of cooking involves many different and healthy cereals. Each of them has its own characteristics, taste and cooking secrets. Recently, healthy eating and healthy food have become very firmly entrenched in the lives of many people. Bulgur was no exception. Cereals, which came to us from the East, have many useful qualities; they have a beneficial effect on the body.

What it is

Bulgur is not just a cereal, it is a well-known wheat that is subject to certain processing: first it is stripped of its shell, steamed, and then dried and crushed.
There are several types of crushing:

  • small;
  • average;
  • bulgur pilaf.
The nutritional value of this porridge is almost the same as pasta made from durum wheat or semolina porridge, while the taste of this cereal is very pleasant, it has a slight nutty flavor.

Did you know? By the way, in Turkey, bulgur is often used to replace rice in many dishes.A variety of dishes are prepared from it: pilaf, flatbreads, mixed with other ingredients and made into pies.

Health Benefits

Bulgur has many useful elements and has a beneficial effect on the health of the body. It contains useful elements such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus. But the most important advantage can be considered high carbohydrate content and at the same time a fairly low glycemic index. This healthy porridge also contains B vitamins and choline.

If you use bulgur in your diet on a regular basis, you can improve the functioning of the nervous system, since B vitamins are the main fuel for its work. A large number of other vitamins and minerals help restore metabolism and also have a beneficial effect on the appearance of skin and hair, as the skin takes on a fresh look, hair becomes shiny, and its growth accelerates. This grain is easily and quickly digested, so experts recommend adding it to the diet of people who are losing weight or doing sports. The high fiber content in this cereal will help the body remove toxins and waste, thereby cleansing it of unnecessary substances. But the high energy value of this product will allow the body to quickly become saturated and restore expended energy.

Harm and contraindications

Bulgur does more good than harm.

Important!The only reason why you should not use this cereal in your diet is gluten intolerance, since the cereal contains a very large amount of it.

It is also not advisable to use bulgur in the diet of people who have an allergic reaction to cereals. Otherwise, it is completely harmless and most useful for both adults and children.

How to cook

Unfortunately, bulgur is difficult for housewives to take root for only one reason, since they do not know about the methods of preparing this healthy cereal. But in fact, this is an excellent alternative to boring side dishes like rice or potatoes. But people on a diet should pay attention to this porridge, especially since it can be prepared for weight loss in a very simple way: just boil the bulgur in a large amount of water and eat it in small quantities. The method of preparing this porridge is very simple, like other cereals. First, the bulgur should be fried in sunflower oil, then add water in a ratio of one to two and cook the porridge for 15 minutes, while tightly closing the lid.


You can prepare a huge variety of recipes from bulgur. This is such a versatile grain that it can be prepared either savory or sweet. Bulgur can be an excellent side dish, as well as an addition or filling. For example, if you add this porridge to minced meat, you will get an excellent filling for stuffed eggplants or a pie.

Important!It is best to avoid using this grain in soups, as they are too thick and eventually turn into a watery porridge.

The use of this universal porridge also depends on the grinding. For example, fine grinding is perfect as an ingredient for baking. Coarse grinding will be an excellent alternative to rice, but medium grinding is most often used as a side dish and addition to salads. One of the most popular recipes is the Lebanese tabbouleh salad. It is easy to prepare and does not require any special ingredients. For the salad you will need the following:

  • bulgur - 3 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • 1/2 pepper;
  • 1/2 onion;
  • 1/2 cucumber;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • olives;
  • lemon juice;
Bulgur can be poured with boiling water and left for 1.5-2 hours or boiled in salted water. Finely chop the vegetables, add porridge, herbs and olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and add salt. It is recommended to leave the salad for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, but even without this it will be an excellent dish for a holiday table or a family dinner. It is better to serve this salad with meat or as an independent dish.

Basic selection rules

When choosing this cereal, first of all you need to pay attention to the manufacturer.

The abundance of different types of cereals allows every housewife to experiment with dish recipes every day.

Bulgur is one of the varieties of valuable and nutritious cereals, which is often served as a side dish, but many housewives are able to prepare pilaf based on it.

This grain is widespread among the countries of East Asia; it is there that delicious dishes are prepared from it, added to salads, and served with meat, fish and other products.

Some inexperienced cooks, when they hear the word “bulgur,” imagine ordinary rice processed in a certain way.

However, this idea is erroneous, because bulgur is nothing more than wheat cereal. In its production, a certain technology is used that allows the product to be consumed.

Let's consider several factors from history to better understand what kind of cereal it is:

  1. Production. To obtain a product suitable for human consumption, manufacturers subject wheat to water heat treatment.

    After this, it is dried in a dry place or in the sun, then it is sifted to remove the husks and bran. Bulgur is often confused with rice, couscous and cracked wheat.

  2. Application. The cereal is used as a filling for stuffing various oriental dishes. Bulgur is widely used by culinary specialists in Armenia, India and Asian countries.

    The peculiarity of bulgur is that it does not need to be washed before cooking, as is done with rice.

  3. Compound. Cereals are highly valued not only for their ease of preparation. It has a good composition that is beneficial for the human body.

    There are B vitamins, choline, folic acid, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. The composition also contains fiber, which saturates the body.

  4. Calorie content The cereal is high - 347 calories per 100 grams of product, but this does not mean that bulgur contributes to the accumulation of body fat.

    On the contrary, it can be used for dietary purposes, because the amount of fat per 100 grams is 1.5 g.

Using cereals, you can cook nutritious porridge, and also serve it as a side dish with meat or add it to pilaf instead of rice.

The oriental dish tabbouleh is prepared from bulgur - a salad with a spicy flavor. There are a lot of options for use, each of them allows you to prepare a tasty product.

Beneficial features

As you know, bulgur is crushed and processed wheat, so all the properties of this plant are preserved.

In addition to the above mentioned vitamins and elements, the composition contains iron, selenium, sodium, zinc, manganese and calcium. Before cooking bulgur, let's find out its beneficial properties.

Note! The glycemic index of the product is 45 units.

This suggests that cereals can be used to prepare dishes for diabetes.

Let's look at the benefits of bulgur, a photo of which can be seen below:

Benefit Description
Improving the functioning of the female reproductive system The presence of folic acid makes the product the best cereal option for making soup for lunch
Stimulation of intestinal activity A large amount of carbohydrates and fiber helps to launch all digestive processes. A low glycemic index does not provoke insulin spikes
Activation of fat breakdown Bulgur is great for weight loss, as it saturates the body with nutritious dietary fiber.
Slowing down the aging process Cereals have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, and skin. In addition, bulgur normalizes metabolic processes and improves health in stressful situations.


There are no special restrictions on the use of the product, however, if a person has problems with the digestive tract.

The card also contains a diagnosis of gastritis or a similar disease; frequent consumption of cereals should be avoided.

Several factors prohibiting the consumption of this product in the diet:

  • The often recommended method of preparing cereals with pre-frying is not suitable for people trying to lose weight.

    This move will have the opposite effect, because the calorie content of even a classic side dish will be high.

  • During the period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat bulgur due to its high fiber content: although the substance is beneficial for the intestines, it will be unacceptable in the acute stage.
  • People suffering from celiac disease - the inability to digest protein from cereals - are not recommended to cook wheat - this can cause serious consequences.

Many chefs are interested in how much 1 kilogram of bulgur costs. The answer to this question will be simple; for the specified amount of cereal you will have to pay a price of 200 rubles.

Important! It is better to purchase the product packaged in packs. Then there is confidence that the product has passed the appropriate control and is ready for use.

The cereal makes a delicious mushroom broth; it can be combined with potatoes. Bulgur cooked with chicken will amaze all guests and family.

How to cook porridge: cooking recipes

  • Cooking time – 1 hour.
  • Ingredient preparation time: 15 minutes.
  • After cooking, you get 4 servings.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Bulgur – 1 cup.
  • Butter – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Water for cooking cereals – 2 cups.


  1. We offer recipes for cooking in a saucepan and a slow cooker.
  2. In a frying pan or in a multicooker bowl, melt the butter on the Fry mode, fry the bulgur for 5-7 minutes - this will allow the porridge not to stick together during cooking.
  3. Place the prepared cereal into a saucepan, add water, and add salt. If cooking in a slow cooker, simply add water and salt.

    Set the Krup mode for 30 minutes, depending on the power of the unit.

  4. When cooking on the stove, cook the cereal for 20 minutes over medium heat with the lid on. You can serve cooked porridge with vegetables, meat, mushrooms and other products valued by the family.

Useful video

Bulgur grain is nothing more than wheat prepared in a special way. To obtain bulgur, wheat collected during the period of milk maturity is first heat-treated, dried, then cleared of bran and crushed. This type of cereal is well known to residents of eastern countries, who enjoy consuming bulgur as a side dish for meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

It is believed that bulgur was brought to Europe by Maghreb merchants, who made it from wheat that was boiled and then dried in the sun. Thanks to the fine crushing of the grain, the resulting bulgur practically did not need to be cooked before use. Therefore, it was very convenient to take it with you on long trips, since cooking porridge did not require a lot of water, firewood or time.

Nowadays, bulgur is produced from ordinary steamed wheat.

Nutritional value of bulgur and its chemical composition

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 342 kcal
  • Proteins: 12.29 g
  • Fat: 1.33 g
  • Carbohydrates: 75.87 g
  • Dietary fiber: 18.3 g
  • Ash: 1.51 g
  • Water: 9 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 0.41 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.232 g


  • Beta-carotene: 0.005 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.232 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.115 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic): 1.045 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.342 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folate): 27 mcg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone): 1.9 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent): 5.114 mg
  • Choline: 28.1 mg


  • Calcium: 35 mg
  • Magnesium: 164 mg
  • Sodium: 17 mg
  • Potassium: 410 mg
  • Phosphorus: 300 mg


  • Iron: 2.46 mg
  • Zinc: 1.93 mg
  • Copper: 335 mcg
  • Manganese: 3.048 mg
  • Selenium: 2.3 mcg

Bulgur grain contains almost all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body. It is an excellent source of B vitamins (B9, B6, B5, B2, B1), E, ​​K, as well as vitamin PP, choline, beta-carotene, saccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and ash substances. It is important to know that bulgur contains a lot of folic acid, which is very beneficial for the female body and plays an important role at the stage, as well as during the period of bearing a baby.

Useful properties of bulgur

When consumed regularly, bulgur has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, for which B vitamins are practically the main “food”. Due to its high content of mineral salts, bulgur helps restore metabolism, healthy skin color and restores shine to hair.

The fair amount of fiber contained in bulgur is an excellent assistant in the fight against toxic deposits accumulated in the intestines. Consequently, with regular consumption of this cereal, the body is not only saturated with many useful substances, but is also effectively cleansed of various “garbage”.

It is worth noting that bulgur is a food that fills you up quite quickly, but is slowly converted into glucose. That is why people who play sports and deal with heavy physical activity often include dishes with bulgur in their diet.

Harm of bulgur to the body

Despite all its advantages, bulgur, like any other product, if abused, can not only not bring benefits, but also cause serious harm to the body.

Firstly, bulgur is a high-calorie cereal (100g of dry product contains 342 calories). Abuse of this product can lead to obesity. It is advisable that bulgur be included in the menu no more than twice a week and in reasonable quantities.

Secondly, it is worth remembering that such a beneficial quality as a large amount of fiber, unfortunately, is contraindicated for people who have various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including, especially during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

And thirdly, there are people whose digestive systems are unable to digest gluten. This disease is called celiac disease. Of course, those who suffer from this disease understand that gluten is contraindicated for them, but there are many people who do not even suspect the negative impact that gluten-containing cereals have on their digestive system, causing flatulence, a desire to sleep after eating and general weakness of the body.

Important:Due to the presence of gluten, bulgur is also not recommended for inclusion in children's menus, especially when it comes to children under 1.5 years old. However, if a child tolerates gluten well and is not allergic to cereals, then bulgur can be safely included in his diet and may he be healthy!

Use of bulgur in cooking

Bulgur, like most “overseas” products, is rarely served in our country, since housewives do not know what can be prepared using this grain. But Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Hindus and even Greeks know that from bulgur you can create anything your heart desires: from ordinary porridge cooked in water to delicious pilaf and tabbouleh salad.

Thus, using bulgur you can prepare all kinds of soups, porridges with various dressings and additives, desserts, pilafs, salads (in particular, “Tabbouleh” and “Kisir”), side dishes for meat and fish. Various vegetables and grape leaves (“Dolma”) are also stuffed with this cereal. Bulgur goes well with various spices and herbs, which are designed to highlight the taste of the cereal itself (cinnamon sticks, aromatic cardamom, fresh marjoram, thyme and romarin, and others).

Wheat cereal that appears on the shelves causes bewilderment among some housewives who do not know how to prepare it. Meanwhile, the benefits and harms of bulgur, its properties have long been known in other countries, it is used for dolma, pilaf, it goes well with fish, vegetables, and meat.

What kind of cereal is this

Bulgur is a familiar wheat, the grains of which are repeatedly processed and crushed in production, thereby increasing the beneficial properties. The aroma of the finished product should resemble the subtle smell of nuts. To obtain this result, the raw material goes through the following stages:

  • heat treatment;
  • forced drying;
  • removal of bran;
  • mechanical grinding.

Finely crushed grains are called “Koftelik”, with its taste it ideally complements salads and helps to form meatballs. The pieces are slightly larger - this is “Pilavlik”; its properties are suitable for preparing main courses and soups.

Advice! Before cooking, the bulgur is not washed, but fried a little in a hot frying pan; This way all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Chemical composition of bulgur

The benefits of bulgur for the human body, and accordingly, the absence of harm to health, are evidenced by the composition. Eating healthy food prepared even with plain water will enrich the body:

  • proteins, fatty acids;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • minerals, carbohydrates;
  • vitamins, beta-carotene.

Dietary fiber stimulates high-quality bowel cleansing, which has additional benefits for people who decide to follow a diet.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content of bulgur per 100 grams does not exceed 342 kcal. Such properties belong to the middle category, although many consider it harmful. But if you take into account the ability of porridge to be easily digested, during which time it manages to replenish the body with the beneficial substances it needs, it can be safely classified as a healthy food.

The benefits, calorie content, properties and nutritional value of bulgur are especially appreciated by nutritionists, who recommend including the grain in the diet of athletes and people who, for various reasons, are exposed to significant physical activity. Although they admit that overeating will cause harm.

Useful properties of bulgur

Use as food improves:

  • state of the nervous system;
  • facial skin tone;
  • appearance, thickness and growth of hair;
  • metabolism.

The beneficial properties of bulgur porridge help get rid of toxins. A significant amount of toxic substances is removed, the blood is cleansed of harmful toxins, and in the shortest possible time a feeling of well-being and a feeling of lightness appears.

Benefits of bulgur for weight loss

Bulgur is one of the few foods whose calorie content is not considered harmful by nutritionists in most cases. It is so useful, especially for a person who has decided to radically change his diet, that using the properties is simply a must. Shredded wheat quickly fills you up, and the feeling of hunger does not return soon.

To lose weight, bulgur should be boiled only in water, although you can add a little milk for taste: there should be a lot of liquid. Due to its ability to satiate, eat 2-3 tbsp of cooked food. spoons, no more.

Is bulgur suitable for pregnant and lactating women?

Due to the presence of microelements, minerals, and a significant amount of vitamins, the properties of the cereal are beneficial for pregnant women. It is also recommended for nursing mothers, who will thus be able to strengthen not only their own health, but also that of their child. In order not to provoke constipation and not turn good into harm, portions should be small.

Bulgur for children

Bulgur, despite its beneficial properties, is a little heavy for the children's digestive system. A delicate body has difficulty and takes a long time to digest such food, so including it in the diet, so as not to cause harm, is recommended only from the age of three. And then, of course, only after consultation with a pediatrician.

It has long been recognized that bulgur is healthier than rice; consuming the product at least once a week reduces the risk of asthma by 50%. The antioxidants contained in the grains protect the respiratory tract, vitamins E and C reduce wheezing and reduce inflammation.

Daily norm

Cereal, even for its beneficial properties, should not be consumed in large quantities on a daily basis. In this case, its benefits will be canceled out by its high calorie content, turning into harm. During the diet, bulgur alternates with a large amount of fruits and vegetables, the daily norm is 50–75 g. In other cases, the consumption of crushed wheat can increase to 100 g per day.

When determining the individual daily intake based on the characteristics of the body, you need to take into account the significant gluten content in bulgur. For some people, plant protein is a powerful allergen, so to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to study the reaction to such food. The possible presence of an allergy is indicated by such signals as sudden diarrhea, flatulence, and poor health.

Features of bulgur consumption for certain diseases

Finely crushed bulgur is better absorbed, which is easier to digest and does not injure the inflamed intestines as much. It also has the property of relieving some chronic inflammation. The harm of bulgur is minimal, and its health benefits have been proven centuries ago; it can reduce the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood. The amino acid is one of the main causes of Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

For diabetes

The glycemic index of bulgur does not exceed 45, which means that consumption of the product is recommended for people with diabetes. The beneficial properties of processed cereal reduce the risk of the second type of disease, simultaneously saturating the body with substances necessary to strengthen the immune system, especially vitamins and calcium.

For pancreatitis

Due to some properties, a diet based on bulgur is prohibited for pancreatitis. If treatment of the disease goes well, cereal dishes may be present in the diet. Although crushed wheat is useful, an aggravation is a signal to give up the ingredient that has become harmful for some time. The main reason lies in the fact that it saturates very quickly, while the cells have not received the nutrition they need. So beneficial properties can even cause harm.

For gastritis

Although the diet of patients with gastritis should include porridge, bulgur should only be consumed with a doctor's permission. The product soothes the gastric mucosa, but it can also act as a harmful mechanical irritant, especially coarse grains. If permission is received, hypoallergenic and high-calorie bulgur should be cooked mainly in water, boiling to medium viscosity. A sieve or a regular blender will help improve the result.

Advice! Crushed wheat will bring maximum benefit only when it is warm. Too cold or hot dishes are harmful, they can injure the gastric mucosa.

For cholecystitis

People suffering from acute cholecystitis can consume bulgur porridge only with the permission of a doctor. As a rule, the dish is introduced into the diet 3–4 days after the onset of remission. Food should be warm, cooked in milk and water, taken in equal proportions, thoroughly pureed to a homogeneous viscous state. There will be no harm in gradually adding fish, lean cottage cheese, lean meat, and vegetable soups to the diet. The size of one serving is no more than 120–150 g.

How to cook bulgur

Bulgur is not only healthy, but also a versatile product that is used as a side dish, to create sweet dishes, dolma, various soups, added to stews and even risotto.

Bulgur soup

Soups with bulgur are loved for their satiety, excellent taste and quick preparation. To end up with a good dish, you don’t have to spend several hours at the stove.

To implement one of the recipes for 2 liters of water you need to prepare:

  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • medium-sized carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cereal – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.

In addition, you will need a little vegetable oil, your favorite spices and, of course, salt. Since tender chicken meat, grains and vegetables need to be cooked for the same amount of time, they are immersed in boiling water together.

To improve the taste, chopped onions and chopped carrots can be sautéed, but not more than 1–1.5 minutes. Cooking time is limited to half an hour; the soup is served on the table with a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkled with dill.

Bulgur with vegetables

To prepare bulgur with vegetables in the kitchen you will need:

  • 5–6 pcs. mushrooms, maybe champignons;
  • 1 medium sized head of garlic;
  • no more than 50 g of butter;
  • 1 piece each carrots, tomatoes, onions.


  1. The mushrooms are lightly boiled, then squeezed a little, large specimens are cut into small pieces.
  2. Next, in a preheated saucepan, the contents are about 5-6 minutes. lightly fry, stirring chopped vegetables and herbs in butter, adding mushrooms and wheat for 2 minutes. until the end of the procedure.
  3. When all the ingredients become quite soft, the mass is filled with the remaining broth or boiling water.
  4. If the water is quickly absorbed, add boiling water in small portions.

Important! Some chefs claim that the benefits of bulgur are revealed even if it is simply poured with hot water rather than boiled. The recommendation is valid only for wheat ground to flour. Particles of medium and large sizes are almost indigestible without heat treatment and can even cause harm.

Bulgur porridge

An excellent side dish and nutritious breakfast, which is bulgur porridge, should be eaten fresh, without storing it.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 1 cup crushed cereal;
  • 1 tbsp. water and the same amount of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt to taste, sugar optional.

The porridge will be ready in 20–25 minutes if you melt the butter in a saucepan and lightly fry the cereal in it. Then the mass is filled with water and milk and boiled little by little. Salt is added to the dish, but if you want something sweet, 1 tsp. Sugar won't do any harm.

The use of bulgur in home cosmetology

The properties of crushed wheat are also useful in home cosmetology. Bulgur helps fight cellulite, serves as a good scrub, and is part of masks.

Bulgur scrub

The greatest benefits from using a scrub are obtained after a sauna, when the skin is warm. At home, a bath with a shower after it is also suitable, it’s great if you managed to do exercises before that. Inexpensive, but effective and non-harmful, the cosmetic product consists of 100 g of crumbly bulgur and 50 ml of olive oil. The components are mixed immediately before use.

Advice! If there is no allergy and there will be no harm, citrus oils, for example grapefruit, are added to the scrub.

Bulgur face mask

Only a product whose components are all natural can be called the most useful. This is a face mask based on bulgur, to which 100–150 ml of milk, 1 yolk, and a teaspoon of honey are added.

Before use, bulgur is boiled in pure milk, cooled, and yolk and honey are added to it. The homogeneous mixture can be safely applied to the face and décolleté. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Beneficial properties of a mask with bulgur: noticeably rejuvenates the skin, makes it velvety, restores elasticity, helps get rid of early wrinkles.

Harm of bulgur and contraindications

Although bulgur porridge is beneficial, there is a category of people for whom bulgur, despite all its beneficial properties, is harmful and even contraindicated. These include those whose body does not accept gluten, since the stomach is not able to digest protein. This disease is celiac disease, which has many victims around the world. Symptoms of a mild form of the disease include weakness, drowsiness, and sudden flatulence after eating gluten-containing foods. Also, crushed wheat is harmful to people with gastrointestinal problems, when the course of the disease worsens for some reason.

Important! If you have internal diseases, you should consult a doctor before using a new product, otherwise the benefit may turn out to be harmful to the body.


The benefits and harms of bulgur have been taken into account for almost 4 thousand years, since people learned to cook the cereal. Cereals with exceptionally beneficial properties are sold everywhere; if desired, they can be used in cooking or as an ingredient in cosmetics. It is healthy, moderate in calories, and can be combined with any food.

Bulgur is wheat prepared in a special way. It is treated thermally even before drying and cleaning, after which it is crushed. The result is a kind of wheat “cell”, in which a lot of useful active substances are preserved. The only difference between bulgur and barley (besides the original raw materials) is that bulgur is steamed, while barley is not.

Unfortunately, despite the very decent nutritional value of bulgur, not everyone is familiar with this grain. But now we will try to correct this misunderstanding. And then, who knows... maybe you will want to try this wonderful product...

Chemical composition of bulgur

Useful properties of Bulgur

If we judge the usefulness of bulgur solely by its chemical composition, then the picture turns out to be quite good, because this grain contains almost everything that a person can extract from food. Well, except for vitamin B12, perhaps. However, as you know, one single product is far from a complete diet. Moreover, even if you eat bulgur only twice a day (daily!), and even in large portions, you can grow yourself a good “dowry” in the place where your legs grow. But we won’t replace our entire previous diet with bulgur...

So, what are the benefits of bulgur?

Bulgur is good because it contains almost the full spectrum of B vitamins (with the exception of B12). This means that people who use this product are able to cope well with nervous tension and any troubles in life.

In addition, this cereal contains a fair amount of fiber. Well, the main task of fiber in our body is “general cleaning” in the intestines. Moreover, during this “cleaning”, exclusively toxic deposits leave the body. Because fiber also serves as delicious food for our symbiotic microflora. As a result, the garbage goes away, and useful substances freely enter the bloodstream.

Bulgur is excellently satiating, but is rather slowly converted into glucose, which contributes to the normal functioning of the body while simultaneously breaking down fat reserves and reducing sugar levels in the bloodstream.

In general, bulgur contains everything most necessary for a modern person - cereals can cleanse and nourish the human body without compromising the figure and health. And this product literally costs pennies.

Harm of bulgur

However, for some categories of people, bulgur can be harmful, and not just harmful, but deadly!

We are talking primarily about those people whose digestive system is not able to digest gluten. Celiac disease is the name of this disease. Naturally, people with celiac disease understand that they cannot eat gluten. However, there are many people who do not even suspect that gluten regularly spoils their digestion, causing flatulence, weakness and an irresistible desire to sleep after eating.

On top of that, such a useful quality as the abundance of fiber classifies bulgur as a dangerous product for people with gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems during periods of exacerbation.

We have already talked about overeating, but an additional reminder will not be superfluous (pardon the pun). Bulgur is not a low-calorie food and, when overeated, still leads to the conversion of complex carbohydrates into fatty tissue. So control yourself...

Use of bulgur in cooking

We will begin this part of our “presentation” of bulgur by indicating the approximate age of this product – about 4 thousand years. During this time, bulgur managed to win the love of Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Hindus, Turks and even Greeks. The culinary experts of these peoples know that from this product you can create whatever your heart desires: from banal porridge on water to delicious pilaf and tabbouleh salad.

Unfortunately, the format of this article does not provide for a detailed description of recipes for preparing bulgur dishes, but listing some of them is our sacred duty.

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