Why is Andrei Malakhov leaving Channel One? A year later, it became known why Malakhov was kicked out of Channel One. Why Malakhov was kicked out of Channel 1.

Almost all viewers are already aware that the television journalist has now become the host of the “Live Broadcast” television program. Previously, as you know, he hosted the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

Channel “Russia 1” has updated the program, and now it is called “Andrey Malakhov. Live". Moreover, Malakhov became not only its presenter, but also its producer. Moreover, it didn’t stop there, and he will also host his own TV show “Tonight”. The TV journalist wrote about this on his page on the social network Instagram.

Loyal fans of the TV journalist again began to wish him success in new TV shows and promised to watch all the TV programs that he hosts without fail, and it doesn’t matter to them which channel will broadcast them.

Relatively recently, presenter Andrei Malakhov explained the reasons why he left Channel One, where he worked for 25 years. On the website of his own publication Starhit, he published an open farewell address to his colleagues on Channel One. In his publication, he not only explained the reasons for such an important decision, but also expressed gratitude to each employee.

According to Malakhov, when he turned forty-five years old, he realized that he needed to go beyond the standard framework, strive for something new, and move forward.

An additional impetus was the program's move to another studio.

According to the TV presenter, they called him and made him a tempting offer to host a program where he himself would decide what and how to do, and not carry out instructions from management.

In his farewell letter to Channel One, he thanked all employees for their overall teamwork and for the life experience gained.

Later, in another interview, he said that Channel One gradually began to “destroy” what he had been building for so long and everything that was dear to him.

“Despite the desire to leave the project, I brought the season to the end, and only then said goodbye.”

The TV presenter himself refused to comment on rumors that Andrei Malakhov left Channel One because of the appearance of Natalya Novikova.

There were various rumors in society about the reason for Malakhov’s departure from the channel: conflicts with management, unstable payment of money, the appearance of Novikova and others.

Andrei stated that the wages at “Russia 1” are exactly the same as they were there.

“If you have been watching me and my career growth for a long time, you know that it is unusual for me to change anything and I never wanted any new changes, but this time everything is happening differently, Itartass-sib reports. And I am grateful to fate that it is favorable to me and helps me with this,” Malakhov continues to say.

Let's end the story with a little story.

You know, my presence on the First can be described as follows: “It’s like first love, at first you enjoy what is happening, and then it develops into a habit and into dullness, which does not surprise, does not inspire, and does not even give an incentive to move on. People with less experience, I’ve been running my own projects for a long time now, and I’m still an errand boy.”

Andrey Malazov, latest news: Malakhov is losing ratings

The famous Russian actor Nikolai Burlyaev, “having clicked on all 40 TV channels, could not watch any further and turned off the TV.” He is concerned that today on the silver screen “moral values ​​and patriotism are not in fashion,” “EG” quotes him.

The artist has spoken with Malakhov and Korchevnikov more than once, asking them questions about why they are digging through dirty laundry, why they drag it out on screens every evening. And in response I heard the same thing - “People are watching.”

After personnel changes at the “first button,” many wondered who would take the main place on the “Let Them Talk” program and where the presenter himself would go. There was even gossip about Malakhov's maternity leave. And he replaced Boris Korchevnikov in the talk show “Live”.

All the rumors about the fate of the two TV presenters significantly increased the channel's ratings. But for how long?

Work on Channel One proceeded as usual: smoothly and harmoniously, and there was no information that Malakhov was leaving for another place of work due to some kind of conflict. A few days later, Andrei Malakhov put forward a refutation of this rumor, talking in a short interview about why he is not going to leave anywhere and continues to work on Channel One as usual. That the channel is undergoing technical work and some changes, due to which his project temporarily stopped appearing on television screens.

At the same time, the TV presenter and Tina Kandelaki played a prank on the audience by spreading a rumor that Malakhov was going to become one of the commentators on the Match-TV channel. The result of joint efforts and a couple of comments under a clumsily edited photo resulted in waves of indignation from fans and expectations of “the worst.”

  • What really happened
  • Opinion of Andrey Malakhov
  • Friends support

What really happened

In October 2017, the news that Malakhov was leaving Channel One, replacing it with Rossiya-1, was confirmed by both the TV presenter himself and his employers. Viewers received answers to their questions quite recently. An ambitious presenter with 25 years of experience was prompted to change jobs by an interesting offer to become a participant in a new project. Now he will be the face of the game show "The Wall".

The unique program will reveal the fates of brilliant and ambitious people who, without the opportunity to earn big money, are building the future of their beloved country. Their stories will reveal the background to how small people doing small things improve the quality of our lives. It was such an interesting program that became the reason for changing jobs.

Opinion of Andrey Malakhov

In the modern world, such barbaric methods as luring famous TV show stars and programs with promises of higher fees and increased bonuses no longer exist. Ambitious presenters with big names independently choose the place where they feel comfortable working. That is why it is impossible to say that Malakhov, having decided to leave, encroached on an offer that was more financially profitable than on Channel One.

He was simply tired of performing in the familiar and already boring role of a TV presenter who starred in the same type of programs and talk shows. Therefore, the offer to participate in a new project, in which he could develop as a person and explore what was really interesting to him, became the main criterion in choosing a new place of work.

In recent years, Malakhov regarded his work in the “Let Them Talk” project as an auction in which the highest bidder wins. To conduct a scandalous, shocking interview, he had to persuade people to take part in this show, purposefully dragging them into the thick of not always pleasant events. Celebrities had to be bribed in various ways, which Malakhov absolutely did not like, because his character does not allow him to overstep certain principles. But the show regularly required making deals with itself.

Now Andrei Malakhov does not need to sacrifice his precious time and go against his moral principles in order to create a unique and amazing show. It is enough for him to tell the truth, talking about people who, with their discoveries and inventions, make the world a better place, embodying their deepest dreams in it.

Friends support

Quite often it happens that a TV presenter who runs his project on one channel takes with him all the developments and command staff. Malakhov, choosing the show “The Wall,” did the same. But convincing others of the correctness of the decision was not as easy as it initially seemed. After all, his team is accustomed to working at a certain, measured pace and mode in the “Let Them Talk” program. Not all employees wanted to change their place of work, and, accordingly, their lives. Innovations and changes are not liked by everyone and not always.

The famous presenter Andrei Malakhov had a conflict with the management of Channel One. The disagreements turned out to be so significant that the TV presenter filed an application and decided to change the channel.

While viewers were wondering why the producers removed Andrei Malakhov from Channel 1, the media, citing anonymous sources, published several versions:

  1. Conflicts within the team.
  2. Decline in TV ratings.
  3. The discrepancy between the views of Malakhov and Natalya Nikonova (producer) on the topic of the program.
  4. The producers' reluctance to grant the presenter maternity leave (the showman's wife is about to give birth).

On the First, they filmed an episode of the show about the departure of the star presenter. The media reported that there are a couple of candidates for Malakhov’s place - Borisov and Shepelev. As a result, the issue about Malakhov was hosted by Dmitry Borisov.

It’s no secret that working effectively and making a quality product for broadcast in conditions of intra-team hostility and discontent is problematic.

The presenter himself noted that a lot has changed over the course of several years. He was not pleased with the change in the location of the program’s filming (previously, episodes of the show were filmed at the Ostankino television center) and he was tired of following management’s commands, without being able to influence the theme and the filming process.

Film crew of the program “Let Them Talk”

Discontent reached its peak in mid-summer 2017. Although at the beginning of the summer, in an interview with GQ, the presenter stated that the reason could only be a proposal to do something completely absurd and immoral on air to increase ratings.

Malakhov was fired - the main reasons

The TV presenter himself denied the theory about the insufficient amount of the fee and said that if this were the only issue, he would have left Channel 1 several years ago.

Theoretically, the reason for the decline in ratings could be a sharp shift in topics towards politics. The “Let Them Talk” program is an analogue of the popular American show for housewives (“The Jerry Springer Show”). Considering such an audience, it is not surprising that the departure from social and everyday themes did not create a sensation.

Malakhov VS Nikonova

One of the most plausible reasons for the presenter’s departure from the channel is the conflict between Malakhov and the new producer of Channel One, Natalya Nikonova.

During the pre-election race, Mrs. Nikonova began broadcasting “Let Them Talk” programs with explicitly political themes. Malakhov did not agree with this decision and expressed his dissatisfaction, but the channel’s management refused to meet the showman and give him the opportunity to choose topics for the programs himself.

Malakhov is no longer the host of the “Let Them Talk” program

Speaking about the real reasons for leaving, the presenter noted that he had long become popular with the audience and over the years of work he was tired of blindly following instructions at a time when less experienced and well-known presenters get the opportunity to work on their own projects.

For a creative person with such colossal experience in hosting television programs behind him, such an attitude from management is a serious reason to think about leaving for a place where his initiative and experience will be appreciated and his opinions will be listened to.

This is not the first case on television when producers do not take into account the presenters, do not try to compromise and lose talented channel employees. It is unknown what the change in the host of “Let Them Talk” will mean for the program’s ratings.

The change in the theme of the show caused dissatisfaction not only with Malakhov, but also with some other team members. Producer Natalya Nikonova previously worked on the “Live Broadcast” program on Russia 1 channel, and the ratings of this program, due to its seriousness and obvious political bias, were significantly lower than those of “Let Them Talk.”

Andrey works as a presenter of the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya channel.

There was no open conflict, but the whole team was perplexed and tense; no one wanted to turn the popular talk show into a clone of “Live Broadcast.”

There were even rumors that this was the real reason for the departure of not only Malakhov. There was an assumption in the press that the presenter would take 1 part of the team with him to the Russia channel. An anonymous source denied this information, saying that there have been no statements of resignation from anyone from the team working on the “Let Them Talk” program.

Family is the most important thing

The showman's wife Natalya Shkuleva, who holds the position of publisher and brand director of Elle magazine in the Russian Federation, is in a position and soon a new addition to the TV presenter's family is expected. In this regard, the real reason for Malakhov’s departure from the channel, according to Elle, was the refusal of the show’s producer, Natalya Nikonova, to grant the TV presenter leave to help his wife care for the baby.

Moreover, it became known that Mrs. Nikonova denied the presenter the legal right (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 256) to take maternity leave in a rather rude manner, stating that working on the show is not a kindergarten and Malakhov must decide who he is first of all - nanny or TV presenter.

The showman was dissatisfied with this attitude of management and cynicism towards him. Considering his many years of work on the First, his experience and popularity with the audience, the producers could have been more loyal and polite.

A quarter of a century is no joke

The talented TV presenter began working on Channel One about 25 years ago, and since 2001 he was approved as the host of the show “Big Wash,” which was later renamed “5 Evenings,” and then became the well-known program “Let Them Talk.”

The presenter himself said that over many years of cooperation, everyone was so accustomed to him always being on Channel One that since December 2016 they even forgot to renew the contract with him, although Malakhov continued to work and host the show.

The “Let Them Talk” program is hosted by Dmitry Borisov

Considering how many years Malakhov hosted the show on Channel One and how many fans he acquired during this time, we can safely say that viewers will watch his programs on any channel.

The departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One, which happened in the fall of 2017, became a real sensation- not only for the audience, but also for many of the TV presenter’s colleagues. Despite the fact that rumors about the upcoming transition circulated for several months, they were confidently denied until the last moment.

People were even more bewildered when the news was finally officially confirmed. Many rumors immediately appeared about the reasons for leaving - and of course, most of them are not true. Why did Malakhov really decide to change the channel?

The reason for the transfer from the TV presenter himself

It is no secret that popular, “star” presenters in many ways become the calling card of their TV channel. Their transfer often gives rise to assumptions that the channel itself is experiencing some problems - for example, it cannot provide decent fees, is preparing to radically change its format, or is planning to close down altogether. None of these reasons applies to the First - this is not why Malakhov left his program.

As the TV presenter said in his own open letter, there were mainly two reasons:

  • Firstly, the original program offered to Malakhov by the Rossiya-1 TV channel seemed more interesting to him than the show “Let Them Talk,” which has an openly scandalous reputation.
  • Secondly, Andrei Malakhov realized that it was time for him to develop further - but it turned out to be impossible to do this within the framework of the leading show on Channel One.

According to the presenter, after twenty-five years of work on the channel, he remained a “son of the regiment” - that is, an experienced, star, highly paid performer, nevertheless forced to obey the instructions of his superiors. The producers of the “Let Them Talk” show were other people, and sometimes they made decisions with which Malakhov did not agree. According to Malakhov, he had no chance for further career development at First.

Meanwhile, the Rossiya-1 channel offered him broader opportunities - the presenter will produce the “Live Broadcast” program independently. Accordingly, the work will become much more interesting for him.

At the same time, Malakhov categorically denied the “financial” version of his departure. According to him, if it was only a matter of the size of the fee, the transfer would have taken place several years earlier - he received financially profitable offers more than once, but for almost ten years the presenter refused to leave Channel One.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all employees of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to the colleagues with whom he had worked for 25 long years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is used extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people still wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I dare to hope that you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to “Russia 1”, where I will host the new program “Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the site quotes the text of the letter.

The “Let Them Talk” host thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, named those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly spoke about why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

An additional “blow,” the presenter admitted, was the move of the “Let Them Talk” program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Russia 1 and was offered to become the producer of his own program in order to “decide for himself what to do and what topics to cover.”

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: “Andrey Malakhov. Live.”


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no more: the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel has indeed undergone a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion from the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who quit Channel One for this purpose. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of “New Wave 2017”

The passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They only dissuaded him on the topic of “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Rossiya channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the “New Wave” ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, with the new presenter, they made a decisive break with the dark past ().

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