Letter in English invitation to a party. Denis ShevchukWriting in English: examples of how to write (personal, business, resume, ready-made letters as a sample)

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Dear Charles!

Thank you very much for your letter and for sending the official invitation. It is very kind of you to bear the expenses during our stay in Britain. I accept it with gratitude, provided that we have the pleasure of receiving you on a return visit.

We can discuss all issues during a meeting or in a letter if you want to come to us first. It seems to me that this would be a good idea, since the dates of our trips have not yet been specified. Be that as it may, I want to assure you that we are always happy to host you at any time convenient for you.

Thanks again and best wishes from my wife and me.

Sincerely yours


Dear Charles,

Many thanks for your letter and the formal invitation you enclose. It is very nice of you to offer to meet our expenses while we are in Britain. Ily accept it on the assumption that we shall have the pleasure of receiving you grateful here as the return part of the exchange visit.

We can discuss all the points with you personally or by letter should you wish to come over before we go. I suppose this would be a very good idea as the dates of our visits are still vague. Anyhow, I want you to understand that we shall be delighted to have you here with us any time youchoose tocome.

Once again many thanks and best wishes from my wife and myself.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Lorna!

You know how upset I was that I ended up not being able to attend my English classes at summer school. Your letter of invitation gave me great comfort. I'm looking forward to the trip, but it should never interfere with your vacation plans. I would be very glad if you offered the most convenient dates for my arrival.

Thank you very much and hello everyone.

loving you

Dear Lorna,

You know how disappointed I was that I could not attend the English Language summer school after all. Your letter of invitation is a compensation. I am anticipating my visit with great pleasure but you must not let me interfere with your own plans for the holidays. I would be very glad if you could indicate the dates best suited for my visit.

Many thanks and love to you all.

Yours affectionately,

Dear Bob and Sally!

Thank you very much for your letter of March 22 and the warm hospitality you are willing to extend to my family and me. It is indeed very kind of you to place your home at our disposal, but we would not like to cause you any inconvenience. Of course, the best option is to stay in your home during our stay in Oxford.

Let us hope that we too will have a pleasant opportunity to receive you sometime in Moscow. We will be very happy to return the same hospitality to you.

As soon as I find out the details of our trip, I will write to you again.

Thank you very much and warm regards.

Sincerely yours

Dear Bob and Sally,

Thank you very much for your letter of March 22 and for the warm hospitality which you are extending to my family and myself. It is indeed extremely generous of you to place your house at our disposal, but you must not inconvenience yourself on our account. Of course, we should like nothing better than staying in your house while we are at Oxford.

Allow us to hope that we shall have the privilege and the pleasure of receiving you in Moscow one day. We should be only too happy to offer you the same hospitality in return.

I shall write more as soon as I find out more particulars about our trip.

Many thanks and kindest regards.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Alan!

I had the opportunity to carry out my original plan and come to England in August. Most likely it will be in the middle of the holiday season, and although the prospect of seeing you again excites me, I would still hate for you to endure any inconvenience because of me. Could you write to me and let me know what your plans are for the summer? I will try very hard to come at a time when it will not disrupt any of your plans.

I hope for your quick response. Is yours

Dear Alan,

There is a very good chance that I might be able to follow the original plan and come to England in August. Most probably it will be in the middle of the holiday season and though the possibility of seeing you again makes me look forward to my visit all the more, I should hate to put you to any inconvenience. Could you possibly write and tell me what your plans for this summer are? I shall do my best to call on you at a time you could receive me without upsetting your own time-table.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Dear Martin!

It's so kind of you and your wife to invite me to stay. If I don't bother you too much, then, of course, I couldn't even dream of anything better. Just promise me that you will treat me like a member of the family, without any ceremony. If I can come under these conditions, I will consider it an honor and hope to enjoy it.

The timing you propose suits me very much. Please accept my best wishes and thank you very much again.

Dear Martin,

It is very gracious and hospitable of you and your wife to invite me to stay with you; and, of course, I should like nothing better if it does not trouble you too much. But both of you must promise that you will let me melt into the household as much as I may without presumption. If I may come on those terms, I shall consider it an honor and pleasure.

The dates you suggest are at the same time the very best for me.

Best wishes and once again many thanks.

Dear Robert!

My son and I are delighted with your offer to host us anytime during the summer. Do you think we could come to you on a sports tour to Britain in the second half of June? By "sports tour" I mean that we wouldn't want to cause you too much inconvenience and would appreciate a tent and cots.

My husband says hi to you and thanks you for inviting him to come too. That's really very kind of you. Unfortunately, he is not yet “ripe” for the trip. He will write to you himself.

Thanks again and best wishes from all of us.

Dear Robert,

My son and I are thrilled at your kind offer to have us as visitors any time in the summer. Do you think we could possibly visit you on a sporting trip to Britain in the later part of June? What do I mean by« sporting trip» is that we should not like to cause too much inconvenience and should be grateful for any camp-bed arrangement.

My husband wishes me to give you his regards and to thank you for extending your invitation to him as well. It is very kind of you indeed. He is very sorry he does not feel up to any trip yet. He will write to you himself.

Many thanks and best regards to you all from all of us here.


Dear Mr. Kramer!

Please forgive me for the delay in responding to your last letter, in which you kindly invite us to your place. I am very grateful to you. The only difficulty is that we cannot yet name the date of our arrival. In all likelihood, we will not be able to be in England until the end of May. If this will interrupt your holiday or upset any plans, please let us know and we will figure out something else.

Thank you so much and best wishes.

Sincerely yours

Dear Mr. Cramer,

I am very sorry for the delay in answering your recent letter with its generous offer of hospitality. I am very grateful. The only trouble is that our plans cannot be made to the exact day. In all likelihood we would not get to England until around the last week of May. If this date should interrupt your vacation time or upset other plans, please let us know and we will try to make other arrangements.

Many thanks and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Philip and Monica!

We have finally determined our route and can inform you that we are leaving St. Petersburg on Monday, June 2. We will travel through Germany and France by car and, most likely, we will leave it with friends near Calais (and pick it up on the way back). To cross the channel we will book ferry tickets from Calais to Dover. I hope all be fine.

If you don't mind, we'll stay in France for a couple of days and arrive in Dover on June 7th. If this deadline does not suit you, don't worry about us. We will then act at our own peril and risk and find housing right on the spot.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Dear Philip and Monica,

We have at last made up our route and so we can tell you that we are due to leave St. Petersburg on Monday June 2nd. We are going by car via Germany and France and shall most probably leave our car with friends near Calais (collecting it on the way back). For the crossing we shall reserve the boat passage from Calais to Dover. I hope everything will go well.

If this is all right with you we shall arrive at Dover on June 7th (after breaking our journey for a couple of days in France). If this turns out to be a wrong time to come, please do not worry about us. We shall just have to take our chance and get some accommodation on the spot.

I hope to hear from you before June 2nd (the day of our departure).

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Wow Ferdinand!

I received visas and bought two tickets to Paris (it’s cheaper and easier).

We fly to Paris next Monday the 23rd and will spend one night there. We will then take the train to London, arriving at Kingston Station on the 24th at 2.40pm. I hope you will meet us.

Tomorrow I will book train tickets, and if all tickets are sold out on the 24th, we will arrive the next day.

So, see you soon.

Dear Ferdinand,

I have received the visas and have bought two tickets to Paris (which is cheaper and more readily available).

We will fly to Paris next Monday, the 23rd, and stay there one night. Then, we will take the train to London which arrives at Kingston Railway Station on the 24th at 2:40 p.m. I hope to see you there.

Tomorrow I will reserve the tickets for the train, and if the train is full for the 24th, we will come the next day.

So, see you soon.

Dear Michael!

I am very grateful to you for your letter and for all the instructions in connection with my arrival. I'm glad I have your phone number in case anything goes wrong.

But please don't bother yourself and don't meet me at the airport; I can handle everything myself. Just write where we need to go first. Of course, we can go straight to the hotel and call you at work from there. It will probably be easier this way.

I look forward to meeting you again.

Dear Michael,

I am very grateful for your letter and all the instructions as to my arrival. I am glad to have your phone number in case anything goes wrong.

But please do not take the trouble of meeting me at the airport: I shall manage all right Just send me a message to say where we should go first We may, of course, go to the hotel straight away and then phone you at your office . This might make things easier.

I look forward to seeing you again.


Dear Mr. Brooks!

I would like to briefly inform you that I received my flight confirmation this morning. So, I expect to fly to London on Delta flight 816, which arrives in London at 2pm on September 3rd. I am due to fly from London on Aeroflot flight 615 on September 15 at 10 am.

Best wishes.

Dear Mr. Brooks,

A short note just to tell you that this morning I received confirmation of my flight. So I now hope to arrive in London by DELTA Flight 816, which is due in London at 2 p.m. on the 3rd of September. I must depart from London by AEROFLOT Flight 615 on the 15th of September at 10 a.m.

Kind regards.

Dear Mr. Alsopp!

I inform you that my trip to England will take place next month. I will be visiting my friends in London and then go to Scotland for a short time to see Mr. Carter. You seem to know him?

I'll be free at the beginning of April, and if I'm staying in Manchester, I'd be happy to take up your kind offer to show me around the city. My only concern is that my visit at this time will be inconvenient for you.

I am very sorry that I was not able to see you when I was in London last year. Therefore, I will be especially glad to meet you this time.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

P.S. If anyone is interested in the work we do here, I would be happy to share my experience.

Dear Mr. Alsopp,

This is to tell you that my visit to England will be next month. I shall be staying with friends in London and then go to Scotland for a bit to see Mr. Carter. You know Mr. Carter, don't you?

I shall be free early in April and should be delighted to take advantage of your very kind offer to show me round the city should I stop in Manchester. My only concern is that my visit should not inconvenience you at this time of year.

The regret at not having been able to see you when I was in London last year makes me anticipate all the more the pleasure of looking you up this time.

With kindest regards. Yours sincerely,

P.S. Ifanybody would like to hear something about our work here, I should be pleased to talk about it.

Dear Walter!

I would like to answer your nice letter and inform you about our plans, which have now been decided. I believe we could leave by train on April 7 and arrive at your place on April 10 (in the afternoon, if I'm not mistaken).

We should be back home around April 20th or so, as Mr. S. plans to return in the second half of the week and can only take two weeks off at this time of year.

Will our visit to you be too long? In any case, please let us know if this is inconvenient or if another time would suit you better. We could change plans.

I'm in a hurry to get to the post office, so I apologize for the hastily written letter. I'll write more in detail one of these days.

Always yours

Dear Walter,

I hasten to answer your very kind letter and give you the dates. As our plans now stand we might set out on April 7 reaching you by train on April 10 (sometime in the afternoon if I"ve got it right).

Then we should have to leave for home about 20 April or thereabouts as Mr.WITH. must be back in the second half of that week and can only get two weeks off duty in the season.

Would that be too long for you to have us? Please say if this should be inconvenient in any way or if some other dates should suit you better. We could change our plans.

I am trying to make the mail, so excuse this rather hasty note. I shall write more some other day.

Yours ever,

Dear Jerry!

Today I received your letter with a very important questionnaire. I am going to send all the necessary documents to the embassy and hope that they will return them soon. I'll make inquiries about tickets, but most likely we'll come by train from Berlin if we can't get plane tickets. We want to come to you as soon as possible. But it all depends on how quickly the embassy processes our documents.

As soon as I know everything, I will inform you by fax or telegram of the date of our arrival. In anticipation of our trip, I plan to study the language intensively in the remaining two weeks.

We hope to see you soon.

Dear Jerry,

Today I received your letter with the very important form. I am going to send all the necessary documents off to the Embassy, ​​and I hope that they return them as soon as possible. I shall make inquiries about tickets, but it is very probable that we will arrive by train from Berlin if we cannot get a flight. We are intending to arrive at your place as soon as possible. But all this depends on the Embassy and how quickly they work.

I shall send you a fax or a telegram telling you of the exact time of arrival as soon as I know it. I shall be reviewing the language furiously for the next two weeks in anticipation of our arrival.

We look forward to seeing you very soon.

Dear Thomas!

It was very kind of you and your wife to invite me to visit. I hope I won't cause you too much trouble. London is a city I've heard a lot about and I'm excited to see it.

Thanks again and best wishes.

Yours cordially

Dear Thomas,

It is very kind of you and your wifetooffer to put me up. I do hope I will not cause youtoo much trouble. London is a city I have heard so much about, and I am delighted at the chance to see it.

Once more lots of thanks and best wishes.

Yours cordially,

Dear Dr. Clifford!

Thank you very much for your warm letter and invitation. Let me just ask you not to worry and not to organize a special program for me. I will feel much freer if I do not interfere with your work.

I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Dear Dr. Clifford,

Many thanks for your kind letter of welcome. Let me just ask you not to go to any trouble to arrange a special program for me. I shall feel much more comfortable if I do not interrupt your work.

I look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson!

I hope you will forgive me for this letter, because we are complete strangers. I am the mother of Victor D., a Russian young man whom your son Richard kindly invited to stay for a week at your house in the summer. The boys met in St. Petersburg during Richard's trip to Russia. It is this invitation that I would like to talk to you about.

I explained to my son that I don’t know whether Richard did this with your consent or whether it was just an impulsive act dictated by his kindness. Of course, Victor really wants to accept the invitation, but I wouldn’t want to abuse your kindness. If Victor's visit causes you any inconvenience, please do not hesitate to let us know. I'll understand.

If you don't mind, we are ready to do the same for Richard. We will certainly be very pleased to host Richard in St. Petersburg.

I hope to hear from you.

Sincerely yours

Dear Mr. & Mrs. S. Stevenson,

I hope you will excuse me for writing to you- an utter stranger as I am. I am the mother of Victor D., a young Russian whom your son Richard is very kindly invited to spend a week at your house in the summer. The two young men met in St. Petersburg during Richard's tripto Russia. It is this invitation that I want to discuss with you.

I explained to my son that I did not know if Richard had asked you about it or if it was just an impulsive idea out of the kindness of his heart. Victor is very keen on accepting, of course, but we do not want to take advantage of your kindness, if Victor's visit should put you to any inconvenience please have no hesitation in saying so. I shall understand.

In case you did not mind I should like to assure you that we are ready to do the same for Richard. We should indeed take great pleasure in having Richard with us in St. Petersburg.

I hopeto hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

Dear George!

I just received your note. Thank you very much. I am very glad that the new dates of our visit are more convenient for you than those that we initially discussed. I understand perfectly well that you are very busy, and we will do our best not to interfere with the rest of your plans. Yours sincerely

Dear George,

I have just received your note. Many thanks. I am very glad that the revised dates of our visit are more convenient to you than those we originally discussed. I quite realize that your schedule is tight, and we shall do our best not to interfere with your other engagements.

Yours cordially,

Dear Louis!

My trip program has finally been decided. I am due to arrive at London airport on Monday 7 April at 10am on flight 515 from Moscow. I'm leaving London on April 11th on flight 516 at 2pm.

I’m sorry that I have to hurry so much, but business in Moscow requires it. I certainly hope to see you again and visit your office.

Mr. Ivanov also sends you his best wishes.

Sincerely yours

P.S. Please don't worry and don't meet me at the airport. I'll find my way just fine. You probably remember, this is not my first time in London.

Dear Louis,

The program of my visit is becoming clearer at last. I am booked to arrive at London Airport on Monday April 7 by Flight #515 from Moscow at 10 a.m. I shall leave London on April 11 by Flight it 516 at 2 p.m.

I am sorry that I have to hurry this trip, but commitments in Moscow make this necessary. I am certainly looking forward to seeing you again and to visiting your office.

Mr. Ivanov joins me in sending our good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

P.S. Pleasedo not bother about meeting me at the airport. I shell find my way all right. You may remember, I am no stranger in London.

Dear Sidney and Margaret!

It was a pleasure to receive an invitation to visit you while I am in New York. I hope the negotiations won't take up all my time. Before coming, I will write or call to make sure you are at home.

How I want to sit together and remember the past!

Sincerely yours

Dear Sidney and Margaret,

How nice of you to invite meto your house while I am in New York. I do hope negotiations won't take up every minute of my time. I shall write or call beforehand to make sure that you are at home.

I'm looking forwardto a nice chat with you about the old days.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Unfortunately, due to a previous arrangement, I will not be able to accept your kind invitation to the dinner you are giving on Saturday, October 15th.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith,

I regret that owing to a previous engagement I shall not be ableto I accept your kind invitation for dinner which you are having on Saturday the Fifteenth of October.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Mr. Kennett!

Thank you very much for your kind letter. My husband and I are pleased to accept your invitation to dinner next Saturday. We both have a lot of news, which we will tell you when we meet.

Sincerely yours

Dear Mr Kennett,

Very many thanks for your kind letter. My husband and I will be delighted to accept your invitation to dinner for next Saturday. We have both a great deal of news to tell you when we meet.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Charleson!

I'm very sorry, but I can't accept it as I'm leaving for London tomorrow morning.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. and Mrs.IN. Charlson,

Thank you for your kind invitation for dinner on Saturday the fifteenth of October.

I"m very sorry, but I cannot accept it as I am leaving for London tomorrow morning.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mrs. Kelly!

Thank you very much for your kind invitation. Unfortunately, my husband has a bad cold and the doctor has prescribed him bed rest for a whole week. Under these circumstances, we will not be able to be with you on Saturday.

We both really regret this.

Thank you very much again.

Sincerely yours

Dear Mrs. Kelly,

Very many thanks for your kind invitation. Unfortunately, my husband is in bed with a severe chill, and the doctor forbids him to get upfor aweek. Under these circumstances, we shall not be able to be with you on Saturday.

We are both very sorry.

Very many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Dear John!

Hello from Moscow!

It's been a few weeks since we exchanged letters, and I just wanted to send you a short note.

John, do you still want me to come to the US this summer? If so, thank you very much and please send me a more or less formal invitation to come to you this summer. I need this invitation to obtain a visa at the US Embassy in Moscow. Now they are very strict (to say the least) in issuing visas.

Please send me a short reply when you can, so that I can be sure that you have received this message of mine. You can use the address written on my letter or my old email address, it is still valid.

Best wishes

Dear John,

Greetings from Moscow!

It has been several weeks since we have communicated, and I just wanted to drop you a brief note.

John, do you still wish me to come to the USA this summer? If so, thank you very much and please send me more or less official invitation to come to your place this summer. This invitation is necessary for me to get a visa at the Embassy of the USA inMoscow.They are very strict now (to say the least) in giving visas.

Please send me a brief reply when you have a chance so that I can be sure that you have received this message. You may use either the address shown on this message or my old E-mail address which is still operable as well.


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English culture is unthinkable without the art of correspondence. For centuries, English ladies and gentlemen exchanged elegant messages, written according to strict etiquette - it determined what to write, when and why, in what terms, at what time of day, and on what paper. Letters played, and still play, a vital role in people’s lives: they make people laugh, surprise, intrigue, fall in love, offend people to death and fill them with happiness.

7 Basic Types of Informal Letters

In a personal letter you can

1. Appeal: by first name, last name or using the words “ Sir/Madam”:

2. Opening sentence. This is where you explain the purpose of your letter. This could be a complaint, agreement or refusal to accept an invitation, or a response to a letter received.

3. Body of the letter: one or two paragraphs covering the topic.

4. Final paragraph in one or two sentences. Summarize what you have written and express your readiness to continue the correspondence. You can also thank the recipient in advance for the favor or prompt response.

5. Final wording:

6. Date and signature(not necessary).

What to pay attention to

  • Informal writing allows you to use expressions from different styles, both business and informal, depending on the situation. You can even use colloquial style, slang, abbreviations and abbreviations. Just don’t overdo it with vernacular so that your letter doesn’t look cheeky or impolite. Some expressions sound acceptable in conversation but are inappropriate in writing, even if the letter is informal.
  • Idioms and colloquialisms will enrich the language of your letter - feel free to use them.
  • Follow the structure of your letter, do not overload your sentences with complex structures, and develop your thoughts consistently.
  • It is customary to leave a blank line between paragraphs for visual convenience. For the same reason, it is advised to start each paragraph with a small indent at the beginning of the first line if you are writing by hand.
  • Use the tense when you want to communicate your expectations (“ I am looking forward to hear from you…” - “I look forward to your response...”) or about the purpose of your letter (“ I am writing to you on behalf of/with regard to…” - “I am writing to you at the request / occasion...”). Use or when reporting news or describing recent events.
  • Try break the body of the letter into at least two or three paragraphs instead of trying to fit everything you want to say into one big paragraph. Information is perceived much better when divided into logical parts.
  • You can end the letter with a question to the recipient to initiate further correspondence. This way you will show that you are interested in communication and are waiting for his response - and this will be the logical conclusion of the letter.

1. Letter of invitation

There are unofficial, semi-official and... Such a letter should contain additional information about the event (address, date and time, dress code of the event) and, if necessary, clear directions on how to get to the venue.

Opening phrase:

Final phrase:

We would be grateful if you could…

We will be grateful if you can...

Please indicate whether you would be able to attend…

Please let me know if you can attend...

I hope you can make it…

Hope to see you...

Hope you can come.

I hope you can come.

Looking forward to seeing you at…

Looking forward to our meeting…

Please let me know if you can come.

Please let me know if you can come.

2. Letter of acceptance of invitation

There are informal, semi-official and business. Contains clear and unambiguous consent to attend the event.

Opening phrase:

Final phrase:

We await the event with great anticipation.

We look forward to this event with anticipation.

I will be looking forward to the party. See you then.

I'll be looking forward to the party. See you.

We are really looking forward to your party.

We look forward to your reception*.

*Stylistically, in this case, the definition of “reception” rather than “party” is more suitable for translating the word party, since the construction of the phrase is quite formal and we are most likely talking about an official and semi-official reception.

3. Decline letter

There are informal, semi-official and business. Expresses refusal to accept an invitation.

Opening phrase:

Final phrase:

I am sorry to miss the opportunity of greeting you in person.

I'm sorry that I'm missing the opportunity to congratulate you personally.

Thank you again for the invitation.

Thanks again for the invitation.

I hope we will have another opportunity to meet/celebrate…

I hope we will have the opportunity to meet/celebrate again.

I am really sorry I will have to miss it.

I'm really sorry that I won't be able to attend.

I'm sure we can get together some other time.

I'm sure we can get together another time.

4. Letter of apology

There is also business and informal. The letter should include an apology and an explanation of why anyone was inconvenienced or why responsibilities or promises could not be kept.

Opening phrase:

Final phrase:

Once again, my sincerest apologies for…

Once again I offer you my sincere apologies for...

I hope you understand.

I hope you understand.

I hope my apologies will be accepted…

I hope my apology will be accepted...

I know there is no excuse good enough for... and I just hope you can forgive and understand me.

I know that all my apologies are not enough for... and I only hope
that you can forgive and understand me.

5. Letter responding to an advertising offer

There is business and semi-formal.

Usually contains a request for additional information or a request to clarify and supplement information received previously.

Opening phrase:

Final phrase:

"Yes" and "no" of a personal letter

These rules must be followed:

  • No matter how informal your letter is, always remain polite.
  • Communicate the purpose of the letter from the beginning.
  • Use adverbs and conjunctions to connect your thoughts into a logical chain: then(then), later(Later), but(But), at the same time(in the same time), finally(finally).
  • Start a new thought on a new line: text that is not divided into paragraphs is difficult to comprehend.
  • Be restrained in expressing emotions, especially in semi-formal letters (complaint, congratulations, invitation, etc.).

And this should be avoided:

  • Do not overuse exclamation marks, even if you are writing to a friend or close relative.
  • Don't forget about opening and closing phrases - if the letter has a clear logical structure, it is easier to read and understand.
  • Don't jump from thought to thought, don't write haphazardly. Thoughts must be arranged in a logical sequence.
  • Do not use long ones with numerous minor members and . The purpose of a letter, including an informal one, is to convey your thoughts to the addressee the first time, and not to force him to re-read every sentence in order to understand the meaning of the message.

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules for writing informal letters, we offer you a rather interesting example of an informal letter in English. Such letters have become a real flash mob on the English-speaking Internet: actors, singers, and famous bloggers write them to themselves. Write yourself a letter like this too: it’s a great way to tap into your inner self (even your sixteen-year-old self) and take stock of a certain period of your life:

Letter to My

I know it is hard for you to believe that you could ever receive a letter from the future, but this has become a reality; though your calendar shows that it’s 1996, for me it is already 2013. It is almost dawn, and in a couple of hours I will have to get up (if I even go to bed) and go to work. But don’t worry, work is interesting, and I am fully satisfied with it. Why am I saying “don’t worry?” Well, because I am you; I am a 33-year-old Steve writing a letter to myself, when I was just 16.

16 year old self

Dear Steve!

I know it’s hard for you to believe that you are holding a letter from the future in your hands, but this is reality: although your calendar says 1996, for me it’s already 2013. It's almost dawn, and in a couple of hours I have to get up (if I even go to bed) and go to work. But don’t worry, my job is interesting and I’m completely happy with it. Why do I say “don’t worry”? Yes, because I am you; I'm 33-year-old Steve writing a letter to my 16-year-old self.

I’ve got so many things to tell you, and so many details of my life, both happy and sad. But I think I would have to write a book to describe it all; so I will just focus on what is important for you in those difficult times you will have in 1996. There are so many things I want to tell you, so many stories from my life, both happy and sad... But I think I would have to publish a book to describe them all, so I will only focus on what is important to you in 1996 , in not the easiest times for you.
You don’t need to be that devastated by what Sally did to you. I know it hurts, it is unfair, and nothing seems to be the same anymore, but just try not to do anything stupid only to decrease pain, because you will only hurt some nice people for no reason. Anyways, your grief will vanish without a trace in a month or so. Here is one little tip for you: on September 16, at 2pm, go to a bus station near your school. Just ask a girl standing there with Whitman's Leaves of Grass in her hands something about poetry. This simple act of curiosity will change your entire life, I promise. Don't feel so bad about what Sally did. I know you are hurt, you have been treated unfairly, and it seems to you that it will never be the same as before. Just try not to do anything stupid just to numb the pain, because that way you'll hurt good people needlessly. And your grief will pass without a trace in about a month. Here's a little hint for you: on September 16 at 14:00, go to the bus stop near the school. Ask the girl who will be standing there with a copy of Whitman's Leaves of Grass something about poetry. This simple act of curiosity will change your entire life, I promise.
Listen to yourself, to your own wishes and beliefs. I know it sounds unoriginal, but it works. Now you feel oppressed by the expectations of your parents, relatives, friends, and society. It may be hard to step over your parents’ wishes on your account. But it is just how everything goes: it’s you or everyone else. You have only two options: either spend your entire life doing not exactly what you wanted and trying to please people around you; or you can do something for yourself, live a happier life, and make others adapt to your decisions. By the way, don’t worry: you will make the right decision. Thank you for that. Listen to yourself, your desires and beliefs. I know it sounds corny, but it will work. Now you are under pressure from the expectations of your parents, relatives, friends and society. It may be difficult for you to override your parents' wishes for your own sake. But that's life: it's either you or the rest. You only have two options: either spend the rest of your life doing things you don't want to do and trying to please others, or do something for yourself, live happily and leave it to others to adapt to your decisions. By the way, don't worry: you'll make the right choice. Thank you for this.
And, in a nutshell, just a couple more tips. Don't start smoking cigarettes. I know (believe me) you think that smoking cigarettes looks cool and rebellious, but the truth is that tobacco will turn you into a walking ruin even before you reach 30. Don’t drive so fast on May 11, 2003; learning how to walk and using help when going to bathrooms is reasonable only in childhood, but not when you are 23. Boldly accept that weird job offer in 2006 despite all your doubts; it will help you keep afloat when everyone around you will be losing their jobs two years later. Finally—just stay as positive and open-hearted as you’ve always been. In any complicated situation remember that in the end it will all be for the better. And just a couple more tips. Don't start smoking. I know (trust me) you think it looks cool and rebellious, but tobacco will turn you into a walking wreck before you're 30. Don't drive so fast May 11, 2003 - learning to walk and go to the toilet with someone else's help is appropriate in childhood, but not when you are 23. Feel free to accept that strange job offer in 2006, casting aside all doubts; it will help you stay afloat when everyone around you is losing their jobs two years later. Lastly, just stay as positive and open as you always have been. In any difficult situation, remember that in the end everything is for the best.

Your life will be just great, believe me!

Formal letters/emails are written in a formal (official style) to people who hold official, leadership positions, such as managers, directors.

Official letters can be of different types:

  • Business letter;
  • Letter requesting information;
  • Complaint letter;
  • Letter of application for employment;
  • Complaint letter;
  • Letter of apology.

Structure of a business letter

Sender's name and address

The sender's details are located in the upper left corner.

The sequence of details is as follows:

  • manager's name;
  • his position;
  • sender's company name;
  • house number, street;
  • city, postal code;
  • a country.


Mr Viktor Moskvin

154 Sadovaya St

The absence of punctuation marks in a business letter is called "open punctuation".


The date is located under the details, indented three lines. There are several options for writing the date:

  • July 28, 2017;
  • July 28th, 2017;
  • July 28, 2017;
  • 28th July, 2017.

Address of the recipient

The recipient's address is written after the date as follows:

  • recipient's full name;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • house number, street;
  • city, postal code;
  • a country.

Must be indicated before the name abbreviated address:

  • Mr. (mister, master)
  • Dr. (doctor),
  • Ms. (miss, for an unmarried woman),
  • Mrs. (Mrs. – for a married woman or if you are not sure about your status).


Mrs Jennifer Gray

editor publishing company “GoodBook”

The location of the address is similar to the writing of the sender's address.

Addressing the addressee of the letter

  • The address to the addressee begins with the word “ Dear..." (Dear): If the recipient's full name is indicated, then the greeting begins exactly like that, with a personal greeting: Dear Mrs Jennifer Grey.
  • If the name is unknown, then the letter addresses vaguely: Dear Sir or Madam.
  • If addressed to a company, the address is general: Dear Sirs.
  • If the letter is addressed to an American company, a colon is added at the end of the address: Dear Mrs Jennifer Gray:

Sender's job title

If the letter was written by a man, then the word Mr is not used. If the letter is written by a woman, then after the name in brackets there is (Mrs). There is no period at the end of the sentence. For example: Yours sincerely,

School of foreign languages ​​“Lingva”, or

Yours sincerely, Nikole Noble (Mrs)

School of foreign languages ​​“Lingva”

Application mark

A business letter may be accompanied by other documents. To indicate this in business correspondence, an abbreviation is written after the signature Enc or EncsEnclosures" - "Applications"). After this inscription a comma is placed and all documents attached to the main letter are listed. For example:

Yours sincerely,

School of foreign languages ​​“Lingva”

Enc, a copy of the license.

Business and formal letters. Structure of a business letter and speech patterns to use in it

Letter structure

Speech patterns
1. Official address to the recipient (Address the recipient in a formal manner)

Dear Sir or Madam - Dear Sir (appeal to a man) or Madam (to a woman)

2. In the first paragraph, indicate the purpose of writing the letter. (Do not use shortened verbs!)

I am writing in connection with/to ask about… – I am writing in connection with/to find out/ask….

I have read/found your advertisement in...and would like to... - I read/found your advertisement in...and would like to...

I am interested in... - I am interested in...

I would like to know more details about... - I would like to know more details about...

I would like to ask further information about/concerning...

I would like to ask if/when/why/where... - I would like to ask if it is possible, if/when/why/where...

I look forward to your answer/ to hearing from you. - Looking forward to your response…

3. End of the letter in the appropriate form:

If the letter begins with Dear Sir or Madam, then the letter should end with the phrase

Yours faithfully,... - sincerely yours, with respect...

If the letter begins Dear Mr/Mrs Wilson, then the letter ends

Yours sincerely,... - sincerely yours, with respect...

Samples of business/formal letters

Examples of business official letters

Letter of enquiry

1.Dear Sir/Madam,

2.I am writing in connection with an advertisement for your English course. I am 19 years-old student from Russia. I am interested in English and have been looking for a course in English at higher level.

I would like to ask for more details about this English course. I would be very grateful if you could inform me about payment forms and enrolment requirements.

I look forward to your answer.

3.Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you in connection with an announcement regarding your English course. I am a 19-year-old student from Russia. I am interested in the English language and therefore am looking for English courses to improve my level.

I would like to know more details about this English course. I would be very grateful if you could provide me with information about payment methods and enrollment requirements.

Looking forward to your reply.


Anna Rudova

Dear Mr. Stevens

Mrs. M.K. Collins has applied for work as saleswoman in my drugstore. She has referred me to you as one for whom she has done similar work. Please give me some general information as to her fitness for this work. I shall be grateful to you for this help.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Mr. Stevens,

Mrs. M.K. Collins applied for a job as a salesperson in our pharmacy. She listed you as the person to contact for more information as she was doing the work for you. Please provide me with general information about her suitability for this position. I will be grateful for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Warner

Letter of complaint

I am writing to complain about ineffective work of your book service center. On February the third I ordered from you one copy of “Dandelion wine” by Ray Bradbury. The book arrived by mail and I found that some of the pages were transposed so that the book was not usable.

As a result I was left without a needed book. I would like the privilege of returning the defective book to you in exchange for a perfect copy. I hope it would be possible for you to replace it as soon as possible. I look forward to your answer.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Olsen,

I am writing to complain about the ineffective work of your book center. On February 3rd, I ordered from you one copy of the book “Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury. The book arrived by mail and I discovered that some of the pages of the book were in the wrong order, so the book was “unreadable.”

As a result, I was left without the book I needed. I would like to replace the defective copy of the book with a normal one. I hope you can replace the book as quickly as possible. Looking forward to your reply.


Bill Barry

Additional speech models for a letter of complaint:

  • I must express my dissatisfaction with... - I must express my dissatisfaction...
  • In fact I have already talked/written about it but nothing has changed/happened to... - In fact, I already talked/wrote about it, but nothing has changed...
  • There has been no replay to my previous letter. – There was no response to my last letter.
  • The item has not been replaced. – The product has not been replaced.
  • It suddenly stopped working. – Suddenly the product stopped working.
  • The keyboard was missing. – The keyboard was lost.
  • Contrary to the description in the menu/brochure/time-table…The description in the menu/brochure/time-table does not correspond…
  • The food was not cooked properly. – The food was not prepared properly.
  • The price was expensive enough. - The price was too high.
  • It was a very unfortunate event because... - This event ended in failure because...
  • In this way it ruined all my plans as... - Thus, all my plans were ruined due to...
  • I hope I can expect... - I hope that I can count (expect)...

Letter of application

(Letter of application)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of computer operator which I found in the latest issue of “Daily News”.

I believe this position fits my expectations of a perfect job for a young person. As far as my qualifications are concerned I have been working for about two years as a computer operator in Gray Service Company, where I have had the chance to get “hands-on” experience with computers in a real working office and coming into contact with the public for the first time. There I have gained a lot of professional valuable experience. In addition to this, I consider myself to be hard-working and a very sociable person.

I would be happy to attend the interview at any time that is convenient to you. I am enclosing the names of two referees from Gray Service Company, whom you can contact for more details. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to respond to your advertisement for a computer operator position, which I found in the latest edition of the Daily News.

I believe this position meets my expectations of an ideal job for a young person. Regarding my qualifications, I worked as a computer operator for 2 years at Gray Services, where I had the chance to gain practical experience of working with a computer in a work office and my first experience interacting with people within the profession. I gained valuable professional experience at work. In addition, I consider myself a hardworking and very sociable person.

I will be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient for you. I am providing the names of two former colleagues whom you can contact for more detailed information about me. Looking forward to your reply.


Jane Morrison

Additional speech models for a job application letter:

  • I am writing in reply to/with regard to... - I am writing to answer/in connection...
  • I am writing in connection with... - I am writing in connection...
  • I would like to express my interest in... - I would like to express my interest in...
  • I found the position/job/post offer extremely interesting because... - I believe that the position/job/post is extremely interesting because...
  • I would like to apply for this job because... - I would like to get this position because...
  • My reason for applying for this job is that...(I am very sociable, hard-working, talented in...) -The reason I want to get this place...
  • As for my experience it includes... - As for my work experience...
  • I worked for...as... - I worked in the position... for...
  • I am ready to come to an interview at any time. – I am ready to come for an interview at any time.
  • I enclose my CV/references from my previous employers. – I am attaching a resume/recommendations from previous employers.
  • I met him...in..., when he joined...
  • …has asked me to write a letter of recommendation to accompany his application for… I am very pleased to do so…. asked me to write a letter of recommendation to submit at the place of requirement.... I'm glad to do this.
  • ...distinguished himself / herself ... showed himself as...
  • His/her greatest talent is…His/her greatest talent is…
  • He/she is a creative person... He/she is a creative person...
  • His / her excellent capacity to...was invaluable...
  • While he / she was with us he / she... His responsibilities included...During the time he/she worked for us... His/her responsibilities included...
  • His / her main responsibilities were... His / her daily tasks included... His / her daily tasks included...
  • The only weak spot that I ever noted in his / her performance was... The only flaw that I noted in his / her personality...
  • I am confident that…will continue to be very effectively. He/she deserves my best recommendations. I am confident that... will continue to work very effectively. He/she deserves my best recommendations.
  • I would happily recommend…as a hopeful candidate. I am happy to recommend... as a promising employee.

Business greeting letter

The purpose of a congratulatory business letter is to formally congratulate the head of the company or your colleague. This letter may be shorter than a formal business letter, but have a more emotional tone.

Additional speech models for congratulatory letters:

  • Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from...! Please accept my best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from...!
  • In appreciation of our association during the past year, everyone at … extends our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season! — Appreciating our cooperation over the past year, each employee ... expresses our best wishes for the holidays!
  • Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year! — With warmest wishes for a happy holidays and a wonderful year ahead!

Job Application Letter (Resume Cover Letter)

In the introduction to the cover letter, it is recommended to mention the source of information and the desired position.

The main part of the letter talks about the applicant’s professional knowledge, skills and abilities, and contains information about the resume accompanying the letter. Express your desire to come for an interview, if possible at a time convenient for the employer or his representative, as well as the hope for a positive decision in favor of the applicant. Finally, thank you for reading the letter.

Additional speech patterns for job application letters:

  • I was interested to read your advertisement for … I was interested when I read your advertisement in …
  • Please accept this letter as application for the … position currently advertised in the … Please accept this letter as an application for the vacant position … which was advertised in …
  • I have exceptional verbal and written communication skills. I have exceptional oral and written communication skills.
  • I can supply references from…if required. I can provide recommendations from...if required...
  • Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.

Business invitation letter

In the business world, meetings with partners are part of the key to success, so proper invitation design is very important. When writing an invitation, make sure that the partner's name is indicated in full. Keep the invitation short, use humor appropriately, and of course, time the invitation!

Phrases for invitation:

  • You are cordially invited to be the guest of… We cordially invite you to be the guest of…
  • Allow me the pleasure of inviting you to... Do not refuse the pleasure of inviting you...

Reply to a business letter in English

Some letters received by the company require a response. The structure of such a letter is no different from a business letter.

Additional speech models for responding to a letter:

  • Thank you for your letter. Thanks for your letter.
  • We greatly appreciate your offer. We highly appreciate your offer...
  • We shall be pleased to supply you with... We will be very happy to supply (send) to you...
  • Regarding your question about... Regarding your question about...


An official letter consists of the following parts:

Official greeting: Dear Sir/Madam – when you don’t know the person’s last name; Dear Mr/Mrs Wilson – when you do not know the recipient's name.

The first paragraph contains the greeting and introductory words, the purpose of the letter.

The main part of the letter reveals its content - provides arguments, requests information of interest (usually 1-3 paragraphs).

The last paragraph is the summary of the entire letter, namely, the actions you expect from the recipient, final comments.

The formal ending of the letter: Yours faithfully,... – when you do not know the person’s last name; Yours sincerely,... when you don't know the recipient's name.

Formal letters can also be a response containing the requested information. The response letter has the same structure.

Make sure that no part is left out when you write the letter.

A well-thought-out and carefully written business letter is an effective tool in business, which can not only help in concluding various types of transactions, when applying for a job, etc., but also spoil the impression of the sender, which does not guarantee his success in achieving his goal.

In everyday life, we very often invite our friends, acquaintances, and relatives to visit some place with us. We can also make offers for people. This is exactly the topic of our lesson today. We will learn how to invite and propose correctly in English.

Most often in English, three basic phrases are used for invitations. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Let's imagine the situation. For example, you say: I am having a birthday tomorrow. - It’s my birthday tomorrow. And now, you need to invite your friends.

Invitation and proposal in English

1. Would you like to come to my birthday? - Do you want to come to my birthday?

The phrase Would you like to is used when we want to politely invite someone somewhere. After the expression Would you like to there is always the stem of the verb, and then the rest of the sentence. With nouns the particle to is not used.

Would you like to buy a new car? - Do you want to buy a new car?

Would you like to eat a sushi? - Do you want to eat sushi?

Would you like a pizza? - Do you want pizza?

2. Are you coming to my birthday? - Will you come to my birthday?

Here we simply used the Present Continuous tense. This type of question is more open and is usually used between people who know each other well.

Are you buying a travel package? -Are you buying a tourist ticket?

Are you going to the gym? -Are you going to the gym?

3. Do you feel like coming to my birthday? - Would you like to go to my birthday?

The phrase Do you feel like can be translated as: are you in the mood, would you like it. And note that after this phrase the verb is written with the ending -ing.

Do you feel like making a mistake? -Are you ready to make a mistake?

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