Push-ups how many times a week? Push-ups for the pectoral muscles

    Push-ups are perhaps one of the most effective and common functional exercises among athletes. It has gained well-deserved popularity in fitness, bodybuilding, martial arts and, of course, crossfit. What can I say - in absolutely every sports discipline there is more than one effective push-up program, thanks to which you can quickly and without extreme effort achieve serious progress in the development of your own body. Considering what muscles work when pushing up from the floor, it is fair to note that this exercise not only strengthens the elbow ligaments, tendons, loads the chest and triceps, but also has a positive effect on the development of strength and speed of punching and elbowing.

    Push-up program for a month

    Once you have mastered the correct push-up technique, you should begin to gradually try to increase your result. Not a single athlete in the world is able to perform a hundred push-ups in one approach in the first training session. The program presented below is designed for 30 days, with one day of rest between workouts. This training method will help beginning athletes quickly achieve decent results.

    You can also download this program from .

    GTO standards for push-ups

    Push-ups are a mandatory part of the state GTO program. For men and women, the number of push-ups is, of course, different. The difference in the number of repetitions also varies depending on the age group of the athlete. Each badge has different standards. The lower table contains the current GTO standards for push-ups.



    AgeNumber of repetitions per:
    Bronze badgeSilver badgeGold badge
    6-8 4 5 11
    9-10 5 7 12
    11-12 7 8 14
    13-15 7 9 15
    16-17 9 10 16
    18-24 10 12 14
    25-29 10 12 14
    30-34 6 8 12
    35-39 6 8 12
    For women over 40 years of age, there is a single standard; there is no differentiation by level of training.
    40-44 12
    45-49 10
    50-54 8
    55-59 6
    60-69 6 (with emphasis on the gymnastic bench)
    70+ 5 (with emphasis on the chair seat)

    Crossfit complexes with push-ups

    Push-ups are the basis of many functional complexes aimed at developing the speed and strength qualities of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. CrossFit was originally closely associated with push-ups, as many basic movements and elements, such as burpees, are built on the basis of this exercise.

    The table below shows 4 functional training programs containing push-ups, with which you can work large muscle groups in your body and improve skills such as endurance and explosiveness.

    If you liked working in this mode, you can independently develop several more similar programs for yourself. For example, you can combine push-ups with and other exercises. Such a complex load will help to work out all muscle groups at once in a short time, which makes the training program extremely intense and effective.

Playing sports is very beneficial for health, body beauty and general well-being. Intense loads are not suitable for everyone, because you need to gradually adapt your muscles to them. The push-up program for beginners will help you cope with this task.

Basic principles

For beginners, it is important not only to choose a suitable training program, but also to understand the very principle of performing the exercise. If you break the basic rules, you can do more harm than good.

Rules and preparation

In order to learn how to perform effective push-ups, you first need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the exercise and preparing for it. You cannot put stress on your muscles and joints without first warming up.

In addition, the following rules can be distinguished:

  • you need to increase the load gradually;
  • follow the training schedule, that is, do not miss workouts and leave free days for the body to recover;
  • approaches are performed with a rest break from 30 to 90 seconds;
  • when performing everything, the body must remain taut, elongated in a straight line, without deflection;
  • If you have chronic diseases or other health problems, such activities may be contraindicated.

Important: if you are doing push-ups from scratch, you do not need to strive to quickly move on to an advanced block of exercises. Until you achieve good results with your current regimen, there is no point in moving on to more intense training.

It is important for every woman to maintain the attractiveness of her body and take care of her health. To achieve these goals, you can use a push-up training plan. It is important to choose a suitable training scheme and perform the exercises correctly.

Determining your fitness level

In order to choose a training program that suits you, you need to check your level of physical fitness. To do this, you need to take a lying position and do push-ups as many times as possible. It is important to maintain the correct position.

The results are distributed as follows:

  • 0-5 - beginner;
  • 6-10 - weak level;
  • 11-15 - average level;
  • more than 20 - good preparation.

The standard technique may be too difficult for those who are very bad at push-ups. In this case, at first you should perform the exercise in a position with emphasis on your knees, and after gaining basic skills and strengthening your muscles, you can move on to the standard course.

In addition, it is very important to understand the differences between individual types of push-ups. So, with a classic hand position, it will be much easier for a person, even with minimal training, to do push-ups than with a narrow or wide position. An additional influence can be exerted by the condition of the muscles involved during the exercise.

Program selection

Another requirement for achieving visible results is a system. Training should be regular and have a clear structure. In order to work out your muscles efficiently, the easiest way is to take one of the ready-made programs as a basis. To choose the most suitable scheme for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the features of individual types of exercises.

Effect on muscles

Each technique differs in the principle of influencing the athlete’s muscles. In any case, the main emphasis is on the chest and arms, but the load is also additionally distributed to other areas of the body: legs, back, abdominals. You can focus your efforts on a specific muscle group by changing the position of your hands, using a bench, and other techniques.

Classic flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position are the most effective push-ups from the floor. It’s not for nothing that they are recognized as a standard, because they cover all major muscle groups approximately equally.

For the pectoral muscles, it is good to use a wide grip. The exercise is quite complex, so in order for a beginner to pump up his chest and at the same time perform the correct push-ups, it is better to do them from his knees. Variations using a bench are also good.

Tip: Once your fitness level reaches an average level, you can increase the intensity by adding weights or elevating your legs above your body.

To pay more attention to the triceps, use a narrow grip. How to do push-ups correctly: Place your hands palm-distance apart. When bending, the elbows should remain pressed to the body. From scratch, such exercises may seem very difficult.

There are many training programs in sports. An excellent option is the 100 push-ups technique in 6 weeks. To achieve this result, you need to exercise regularly in accordance with the established plan.

Training schemes

For each person it is necessary to select an individual training program. If you are new to sports, you should pay attention to basic intensive programs. These are available not only for push-ups, but also for squats, abs or pull-ups.

Such programs are based on a table of push-ups from scratch. It describes the number of approaches and repetitions for each of them, as well as training and rest days. A separate paragraph determines the rest interval between repetitions.

For a comprehensive effect on your body, you need to combine different types of exercises. Even if you focus exclusively on push-ups, you can make a plan for 3-5 exercises.

This scheme allows you to cover almost the entire upper body and arms. Five types of exercises are used:

  • reverse push-ups;
  • opposite push-ups;
  • narrow grip;
  • from a corner position upside down;
  • classic to the belly.

Each variation is performed the specified number of times 4 times, that is, 4 circles.

If this workout seems too difficult for you, you can take a simpler program. In the absence of any sports training, you should pay attention to the scheme designed for a month of daily exercise.

Each approach has a small number of repetitions, but the total amount of push-ups is sufficient to prepare the muscles for increased loads. If you feel tired after 4-5 days of training, you can take a rest day, but you should not relax for a longer period.

An alternative option is a 15-week program designed to achieve a daily result of 200 push-ups.

Choose the most effective push-ups for yourself and start working according to the presented plan. As a result, you will be able to perform the exercise with repetitions 5 times more than initially.

The peculiarity of weekly training is that you may need to repeat the weekly course at a certain stage. This is due to the fact that the muscles have not become strong enough to move to a higher level. Also, this scenario is relevant if the class schedule was disrupted and the rest days were more than 4-5 in a row. You need to study at least 3 days a week.

If you work conscientiously, in just a few weeks you will move from the beginner category to a higher level, and after completing the full course you will be able to easily perform even complex variations of exercises, lift heavy weights and build muscle mass.

There is a whole range of exercises that do not require going to the gym to maintain a beautiful figure and strong muscles. Classic push-ups, known from school physical education lessons, with a well-chosen program (number of approaches, types of presses) can be an excellent daily workout.

What do push-ups do?

These exercises are a great way to build a strong and beautiful muscle frame. The training block is selected for any age and gender. Many people believe that this type of exercise trains only a small number of muscles, but when the emphasis shifts (supporting positions of the arms and legs), the whole body is involved in the work. Actively pressing your own body from the floor makes you work:

  • large chest muscles;
  • triceps muscles (triceps);
  • biceps muscles (biceps);
  • deltoid muscles;
  • Serratus anterior muscles (muscles of the lateral chest and upper ribs).

In addition to forming and strengthening the muscular frame, push-ups, like any properly constructed physical activity, develop proper breathing, lung function, improve blood flow in all parts of the body, strengthen ligaments and joints, and saturate the body’s tissues with oxygen. There is no age limit: even children can do push-ups under adult supervision.

For men

Standard push-ups with a properly designed program will allow any man to form a strong, attractive body. In combination with a diet, you can achieve the classic advertised body contour, which is actively promoted by modern mass culture. It is also worth noting the enormous benefits of these exercises for those who engage in martial arts: the joints of the hands, back muscles and abdominal muscles are strengthened, some push-ups qualitatively develop endurance.

For women

Although many people consider this type of training to be purely masculine, it is ideal for shaping an attractive female body. Naturally, the number of approaches and types of exercises will differ from the men's set, but with a properly designed program you can achieve quick and noticeable results. In addition to general physical benefits, exercise will help in the following aspects:

  • the load on the forearms prevents sagging and sagging skin;
  • excess weight is lost due to active burning of calories;
  • correct posture is formed;
  • the pectoral muscles are strengthened, which improves the shape and tone of the female breast;
  • the upper abdominal muscles form an attractive flat stomach.

Types of push-ups

There are many varieties of push-ups depending on which muscle groups are emphasized. We must remember that you cannot thinklessly approach training and immediately try to perform exercises with weights or on weak muscles. The easiest consequence will be severe soreness a few hours after the approaches, but an unprepared person can also get serious injuries. It is better to start with classic push-ups, and after gradually strengthening the body, complicate the exercises and the load on the body.


The exercise technique is familiar from school physical education (the natural position of the body when a person wants to rise from such a position). The lying position is supported on the toes (feet together or slightly apart) and open palms. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. The ideal execution is to touch the floor with your chest and chin, look in front of you. The deltoid muscles, triceps, and deltoids are worked out. After a few weeks you can already increase the level of difficulty.

With weights

These push-ups are used by those involved in strength sports. Their focus is designed for the deep development of muscle tissue more than for the formation of relief. It is important to remember that weights cannot be done instantly, that is, on some day, add 10 kilos of additional weight to yourself in the approach. Ideally, when the load is increased, special vests are used, the weights of which can be changed (they are tailored to distribute the load throughout the body as comfortably as possible).

In the gym, you can use a barbell plate, which a partner will place on the trainee’s back and make sure that the load does not fall. A bench press with a girl lying on the athlete's back is often a simple show. Such an extra the load (40-50 kg) is actually beyond the strength of the average person. To reach this level, you need to train long and professionally.

Deep push-ups

This technique is designed for maximum efficiency in working out muscles with a large vertical amplitude. To do this, the level of the floor (the lowest point during the press) is lowered. In the gyms you can often find athletes who perform exercises using chairs or dumbbells with wide weights. This can cause injury because the supports are unstable. The ideal solution would be to purchase special handles from a sports store to increase the amplitude.

Slow push-ups

From the name it is clear that the exercise (of any type) is done at a slow pace. Its meaning is that endurance is trained without weights, and strength is trained with additional weight. The key to slow presses is continuity. This means that you do not need to stop at the bottom and peak points of the arm curl, but immediately begin the reverse movement. Each person chooses a speed different from standard push-ups, based on the fact that 8-10 repetitions should be done.

From my knees

A simplified form of classic push-ups, which is designed for beginners, older people and those who have contraindications to standard exercises. They differ from basic exercises in that the emphasis is not on the toes, but on the knees, while the feet need to be crossed. Studies have shown that the useful load on the spine is reduced by approximately 15%. The press itself is no different from regular push-ups.

Wide grip

To emphasize the load on the pectoral muscles, a wide grip is used: the hands rest on the floor at a distance twice as wide as the shoulders, the elbows diverge to the sides when lowering down. Weightening of this exercise occurs by raising your legs on a bench or stand. Raising the fulcrum of the feet 60 cm from the floor will increase the load to 75% of the athlete’s weight. It is important to constantly keep your back straight and not allow your stomach to sag, otherwise the meaning of the press is completely lost.

With a medium grip

This grip will help pump up your triceps if done correctly. The palms are positioned exactly shoulder-width apart; when lowering the body, the elbows move parallel to the body, pressing as close to it as possible. Weightening or simplifying the exercise follows the same pattern as for classic push-ups (adding weights, raising the fulcrum of the legs or kneeling).

With a narrow grip

One of the most difficult push-up variations. The emphasis is on the palms (slightly turned outward), which are located at the point corresponding to the middle of the chest. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. At the lowest point, the sternum should touch the fingers. In this position, the exercise gives maximum load to the triceps and the front part of the deltoid muscle.

On one hand

Another difficult exercise designed for trained athletes. For those who are just starting training, it is better not to even try to do such a bench press, because there is a high probability of breaking the supporting arm. In this case, the person will simply hit his face on the floor from a height of half a meter. Correct execution: the supporting hand is in line with the body, the second is placed behind the back; legs spread wide to provide balance. At the lowest point, the chest touches the floor; in the reverse movement, the shoulders are kept parallel to the floor.

On fingers

This emphasis strengthens the hand and all its joints. The type of push-up in this case is not important (the only exception is a narrow grip, since it is extremely difficult to position your fingers comfortably). In order to understand whether you can do a push-up, you should stand for a while in the starting position. If your fingers are tired and start to hurt in the first seconds, then it is better to abandon the exercise and work with an expander to strengthen the hand.

How to do push-ups correctly

The main mistake of all beginners is their neglect of the technique. At best, incorrect body position will lead to the absence of a clear result even after many months of training. At worst, it can lead to muscle strain, ligament and joint injuries, and accidents. Correct push-ups include:

  • mandatory warm-up of the whole body before starting exercises, special attention is paid to the hands and shoulder joints;
  • correct placement of the palms, feet and neck (chin at chest level);
  • It is recommended to use special wrist bands;
  • with any type of push-ups, the back remains straight, the entire body forms a single straight line: neck, back, hips, heels;
  • correct breathing: the downward movement occurs while inhaling, returning to straight arms – while exhaling;
  • regularity of training: one approach per month, even a hundred presses, will not give any effect;
  • correct selection of load frequency: there is no point in working hard in one approach when you can break the workout into several stages.

How to do push-ups better

For beginners and people with problematic health (lower back, joint diseases), it is better to start with classic push-ups, from the knees, without weights and at medium speed. You can and should make adjustments to the descriptions of positions when performing an exercise based on your own anatomy. The bench press should not cause discomfort or pain. Over time, if a person feels confident in his strength, he can move on to more complex types of push-ups. Separately, it is worth mentioning proper nutrition: for normal muscle functioning, a complete diet is required.

How many times

The most common problem of those who decide to start doing push-ups is to immediately do the maximum number of push-ups and fall to the floor, suffocating from fatigue. The number of sets and repetitions is determined solely individually. Ideally, find a coach and ask him to create a program. The table of push-ups from the floor is independently formed based on the actual limit. For example, if the repetition ceiling is 10 presses, then you need to include 8 in the set, decreasing to 5 in the last approach, so that the muscles have a reserve of strength during the rest period.

How often

Experts agree that an untrained person should begin a course of push-ups every other day in order to understand the state of the muscle frame and avoid overstrain, i.e. 3-4 lessons per week. After a month, a daily training plan is formed. It is important to remember that if there are minimal injuries, you need to stop and wait for healing, so as not to provoke the development of pathologies.

The most effective push-ups

The effectiveness of the body press for a specific muscle or target is directly dependent on the types of exercises and their combinations. The main thing to remember is that intense rocking of a particular part of the body will weaken the rest. During training, you need to alternate types of push-ups and other exercises for a holistic effect on the body. Push-up technique for muscle growth and relief formation:

Types of exercises

Strengthening the triceps

With a narrow position of the hands. The main thing is the correct technical execution: the palms are as close as possible (fingers lie on top of each other), at the lowest point of the lowering amplitude, the chest touches the hands, the elbows are spread to the sides.

Press with a medium grip, when the elbows move as close to the body as possible.

Weighting or switching to fists in support is added only after it becomes clear how well the triceps work.

Obtaining high-quality relief

One thing needs to be noted right away - the relief will not be formed if there is a large amount of subcutaneous fat on the muscles. The picture will be formed only if the athlete has enough muscle mass.

Effective exercises will help make your arms sculpted if done with gradual, consistent weights. Otherwise, the muscles will get used to the weight and will only maintain their own condition (even increasing repetitions will not help).

The pattern of the abdominal muscles will help to form reverse push-ups. The correct execution technique is similar to the parallel bars press: hands rest behind your back on a bench or other elevation, buttocks above the floor, legs on your heels as far as possible from the point of support of your palms; the arms are bent to a position where the elbows form a right angle (a sharper position suggests good physical fitness).

Mass gain

The first thing you need to understand if you want to gain weight is that the execution technique completely changes. Regular exercises with a person weighing up to 80 kilos will not give any results. Important: a dense, balanced diet for gaining weight, strict regularity of training, and proper proper rest.

A classic push-up is used, which is performed extremely slowly with a forceful, explosive finish. That is, the body lowers slowly and smoothly to the lowest point of the amplitude (2-3 seconds), fixes for a moment and returns back with a powerful force movement. The ideal number is 8-12, 4-5 approaches per set. The push-up pattern for muscle growth involves gradually increasing repetitions over 15 weeks.

Push-up program

A correctly designed system of push-ups includes the number of approaches, alternation of loads and rest, and frequency of execution. It will not only protect you from injuries during execution, but will also give maximum results. Ideally, the training program should be compiled by a professional trainer, based on the results of a test workout, but you can write it yourself. It is important to stick to the program and avoid skipping, incorrect loads, and alternate with strength exercises, otherwise the benefits will tend to zero.


I welcome all subscribers, readers and just random guests to my blog. Today's topic is push-ups. The training program is attached. I will also tell you how to pump up your torso with just push-ups.

There are many different exercises in the world of sports: basic, isolating and special. And each of these types has a different effect on the development of muscles or physical qualities. But I can name you a few exercises that will allow you to become stronger, more massive (mass gain) and, over time, more defined. One of these exercises is push-ups.

What can you achieve with push-ups?

Bending and extending the arms while lying down (the same push-ups) involves many muscles, both those directly involved in the work, and the stabilizer muscles responsible for balance and correct body position. For example, the abdominal muscles do not work dynamically, but tense when maintaining an even body.

As I said, thanks to the program described below, you can not only increase strength or endurance, but also achieve impressive size or incredible muscle detail.

Among the muscles worked during push-ups are:

I don’t take into account those who also strain during work. These are the abdominal muscles (rectus and external obliques), lumbar extensors, serratus muscles, biceps of the arms and muscles of the forearms.
In short, you can see for yourself how wide the range of muscles involved is. I wrote more about the muscles involved in push-ups in.

Description of the training program

The set of exercises given below allows you to simultaneously, for example, strength and mass, relief and endurance, achieve your goals, or pump up skills one by one - first mass, then relief. The only difference is in the way the exercises are used: the number of approaches, intensity and number of repetitions changes. The exercises themselves can not be changed for 3 to 4 months, doing according to the same scheme.

It is worth noting that the complex is suitable for both the gym and home use. Universal and trouble-free, like the well-known Kalashnikov assault rifle. The main thing is to learn how to “shoot”, that is, technique.

Work on strength and mass

For each exercise, you need to do 3-5 approaches, each with 6-12 repetitions. Rest between sets and exercises is 1.5 and 2.5 minutes, respectively. Mandatory use of one or two drop sets after each exercise. What is this – your “homework” assignment. The pace of execution is below average.

Endurance and relief work

Each exercise must be repeated 15 to 25 times in one approach. The number of approaches can vary from 6 to 8. Rest between sets is only 1 minute, and between exercises - 1.5. The pace of execution is high. Pay attention to your breathing: exhale as you force, inhale as you relax. This will help you quickly adapt to the complex.

Set of exercises

It is designed for 3 training days, with rest days between each, because in most cases the same muscles are worked. Our task is to develop them, not to drive them away. I would like to draw your attention to the importance of warming up - exercises can be difficult, which will lead to possible injuries and sprains.

First training.

  1. Push-ups from the floor from an elevated position (bars, step platforms, weights, etc.) with a wide stance of the arms.
  2. Push-ups with mid-arm position (when your palms are slightly wider than your shoulders).
  3. Push-ups from the floor with your palms as wide as possible (the range of movement will be short, but the exercise is aimed at stretching the pectoral muscles).
  4. Alternate push-ups on each of the hands (emphasis on both hands, but when doing this, you must first shift more to the right hand, forcing it to contract more, then to the left, and so on in turn).
  5. Push-ups from the floor with incomplete straightening of the arms (extend your arms not completely).

Second training session.

  1. Push-ups from the floor on fists with a narrow position of the hands (palms at shoulder level).
  2. Push-ups from the floor with the arms positioned as narrowly as possible (palms and thumbs form a triangle).
  3. Push-ups with palms up (the same triangle as in the previous exercise, but the hands are not at chest level, but at face or forehead level).
  4. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow position of your hands (you can use your fists), but a slight roll forward back (that is, when you straighten your arms, you roll a little forward, arching your back, when bending, you roll back, straightening your back or bending it slightly).
  5. Static push-ups with narrow arms (arms narrow, shoulders parallel to the floor). You will be required to remain motionless for a certain amount of time. For example, 4 for 10–15 seconds.

Third training.

  1. Push-ups with mid-arm position.
  2. Push-ups from the floor with medium arms, but with a slight jump (when straightening your arms, push your palms off the floor, jumping your whole body 5 - 7 cm). Socks should always be on the floor.
  3. Push-ups from the floor with one hand alternately resting on a hill (a block or step platform). Your task is to change the position of your hands with each push-up, placing one or the other on the platform, allowing the one below to strain more.
  4. Push-ups from the floor with palms turned to the sides (palms at shoulder level, fingers pointing to the sides, arms bent in the direction of the palms).
  5. Push-ups from the floor with the arms in the middle position and full rolling onto the elbows (when bending your arms, place your elbow joints on the floor, when extending, lift them off the floor until your arms are fully straightened).

Additional exercises

In the future, when you gain some strength or endurance, you can try more complex, but more effective exercises such as “one-arm push-ups,” where you spread your legs as wide as possible to achieve a triangular shape of support: two legs, one arm.

Or “handstand push-ups.” In this exercise, you can lean your feet against the wall or ask for help from a friend who will hold your feet. This exercise is great for pumping up the deltoids and upper pectoral muscles.

“Finger push-ups” are a great way to strengthen not only the muscles, but also the joints of the hands and fingers, which will significantly increase your grip strength.

Push-ups, training program - all this was the main topic of today's material. I hope I was able to help you in this matter. As a thank you, you can subscribe to blog updates and tell your friends about this article. I definitely want to see your comments. Stay strong, friends.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Comments to the article: 9

  1. Sasha 2016-11-17 at 23:47

    After reading the article, I do everything as written and constantly re-read it, at first it was a little difficult, but I managed it and overcame laziness. Now you just need to consolidate the moments for everyone and I think that the result will definitely be


  2. Dmitry 2016-11-18 at 01:54

    Vladimir, will your workouts described in this article help you at least minimally pump up your pectoral muscles at home? Does it make sense to take them on if you need results specifically on the pectoral muscles? Thank you!


  3. Irakli 2016-11-19 at 05:03

    I use dumbbells as a support for push-ups. Those. I don’t rest my hands on my palms, but place the dumbbells in front of me parallel and grab the bars with my hands. This makes it more powerful and your hands don’t hurt. I constantly think about how to increase the load in push-ups. Push-ups, when the legs are on a hill, increase the load, but not radically. I tried to put a backpack with dumbbell weights on my back, but the backpack was torn 😉 Can you recommend something? There is no way to go to the gym yet.


  4. Ruslan 2016-11-30 at 06:04

    Push-ups are generally excellent exercises for strengthening the entire body core, and thanks to push-ups, the impact force also increases, which is no less important. I also want to note that thanks to push-ups on your fists, your fists will eventually learn to withstand a blow and not break. *HI*


  5. Zhenya 2016-11-30 at 11:08

    I did push-ups to strengthen my chest muscles and noticed that my breasts became firmer and not as floppy as before. Therefore, I advise anyone who is over 30 and has such problems to try it.


  6. Alexander 2018-07-14 at 20:10

    Hi all. I am 40 years old. a year ago I couldn’t do 5 push-ups. was overweight by about 20 kg. I went on the Kremlin diet and began to exercise quietly. first from the wall, then from the window sill, then I bought a board for the press and switched to it. then on the floor. but in parallel with push-ups, be sure to do abs after push-ups. training every other day. There were also mistakes - the pectoral muscle was pulled and the hands were pulled. shortness of breath and all that. but perseverance and proper nutrition did their job. Now the weight is the same as when I was young. I do 5 sets of push-ups for a total of 540 reps. back, chest, arms everything took on a cool look. I pump my abs after push-ups on an incline bench regularly immediately after doing push-ups. Before this, do a little exercise and warm-up. everything according to a clear pattern with a constant increase in load. 5 presses a week and feel the press. it all takes 1 hour in the morning. 3-4 times a week. at home, in the bedroom. Nowadays it’s not just not embarrassing to undress, but on the contrary. everyone thinks he started swinging in the gym. I plan to install another horizontal bar. I forgot to say, I add dumbbell presses to increase the load on the biceps. In the end, I will say one thing - nutrition, push-ups and pumping up the abs at home, this is the strongest complex. 100% . The main thing is to act regularly and not rush. Good luck everyone. If you need advice and experience, I will advise you in any way I can.


  7. Yuri (32 years old) 2019-02-01 at 17:51

    If you add pull-ups on a horizontal bar, a kettlebell and exercises with a wheel to these push-ups. On average, the workout will be no more than two hours. Will the effect be better?


Push-ups are a bodyweight strength exercise that are key to developing upper body muscles. Regularly performing push-ups not only increases your endurance and strengthens individual muscle groups, but also Helps tone the entire body.

Do you want to learn how to do push-ups, are you looking for a ready-made diagram and the correct push-up technique? Or just want to know about the effectiveness of this exercise? We offer you the most complete guide to push-ups in one article, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to learn push-ups from scratch.

Push-ups: how to do them correctly

Push-ups are the most popular bodyweight exercise. It is used not only in strength training, but also in plyometric exercises, CrossFit, Pilates, callanetics and even yoga. And so versatility of push-ups easy to explain. Push-ups help you engage every muscle group from your neck to your toes, and especially strengthen your pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, triceps, and abs.

There are many different types of push-ups, but before moving on to more complex modifications of this exercise, let's understand the technique of performing classic push-ups. The correct form of exercise is not only the maximum result and high-quality muscle work, but also reduced risk of injury and damage during classes.

Correct technique during classic push-ups:

  • The body forms a straight line, the pelvis does not go up and does not bend down.
  • The abdominal muscles are tense, but breathing is not held.
  • The head is in a neutral position, not looking down, but not lifting up either.
  • The palms are strictly under the shoulders and do not go forward.
  • Palms face forward, parallel to each other.
  • The elbows are turned back 45 degrees, they are not spread out to the side.
  • As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower your body parallel to the floor, maintaining a straight line of your body.
  • Push-ups are performed with full amplitude, i.e. the body drops as low as possible. Elbows should form a right angle.

It is this technique of classic push-ups that helps to evenly work the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps.

Push-ups work several muscle groups at once. This exercise allows you to work all the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the small stabilizing muscles of the shoulder. Also push-ups from the floor and from the knees develop strength and elasticity of the shoulder muscles, which is especially important since the shoulder joint is extremely unstable and susceptible to displacement and injury.

Push-ups help work the following muscle groups:

  • Pectoralis major muscle
  • Deltoids (shoulders)
  • Triceps
  • Serratus anterior muscle
  • Abdominal muscles

In addition, during push-ups, the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back are indirectly involved in the work. Push-ups also increase functional strength necessary to perform regularly performed actions (lifting and moving objects, cleaning the house, holding a child in your arms).

The main mistakes in the technique of classic push-ups

Push-ups are not as simple an exercise as it seems at first glance. Errors in technique are made not only by practitioners, but even by coaches! Improperly performing push-ups can lead to injuries to the wrists, shoulder and elbow joints, as well as pain in the neck, back and lower back. If you can't maintain proper form during push-ups, drop to your knees or reduce the number of reps! Train yourself to do this exercise correctly from the very first time you do it.

The most common mistake in push-up technique is the position of the elbows relative to the body. Keeping your elbows out helps compensate for lack of upper body strength. Of course, you can do this version of push-ups (which many people do). But the problem is that this method of execution increases risk of shoulder and elbow injuries. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the position of the elbows: they should be turned back 45 degrees, and not look in different directions.

In classic push-ups, your hands should be strictly under the shoulders. Some practitioners practice push-ups with wide arms, but this is a weaker position in which your muscles do not work well enough. Additionally, wide-arm push-ups can cause shoulder pain over time.

During push-ups, the body should form a straight line. But if you have a weak core, then there is a risk of poor push-up technique: lifting your butt up or, conversely, arching your lower back and lowering your hips towards the floor. Incorrect body position will give excess stress on the spine. To avoid this mistake, start practicing the plank exercise - this will help strengthen your muscle corset. We recommend reading: Plank – benefits and harm, 45 options for planks + training plan.

A very common mistake in the push-up technique is performing the exercise with incomplete amplitude, namely, not lowering the body down enough. Naturally, at first it will be difficult for you to perform push-ups with the full range, but train yourself from the very beginning of practical training lower the body to a right angle at the elbow.

For example, let's visually compare the correct and incorrect performance of push-ups.

1. Correct classic push-up:

The body forms a straight line, the pelvis does not rise up, the lower back does not bend. When doing push-ups, the body lowers low, the elbows are quite close to the body, the palms are under the shoulders.

2. Correct knee push-ups (simplified version of classic push-ups):

Similarly, the body forms a straight line, there are no deflections or bends in the back. We pay attention to the correct position of the palms relative to the shoulders.

3. Push-ups with an error:

The pelvis is lowered down, the lower back is curved, the straight line of the body is broken. Doing this exercise can cause back pain and even injury.

4. Push-ups with an error:

In this picture we see insufficient lowering of the body, the elbows barely bend. It is better to do 5 high-quality push-ups than 15-20 poor-quality ones, where the arms do not form a right angle.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the visual gifs Lais DeLeon.

Push-ups: benefits, harm and contraindications

Like any other exercise, push-ups have a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications for execution. This is an excellent strength exercise for muscle development, but if performed incorrectly or with weak joints, it can have unpleasant health consequences .

Benefits of doing push-ups:

1. Push-ups are the best exercise for strengthening chest muscles with your own body weight. If you want to work hard on your pectoral muscles, then push-ups should definitely be included in your training plan.

2. Push-ups are a multi-purpose exercise that work all at once. several muscle groups . In addition to your chest, you'll strengthen your triceps, shoulders, and core. Push-ups also work your back, legs, and buttocks, providing a full body workout.

3. To perform push-ups, you do not need additional equipment. Alternatively, you can do this exercise both at home and on the street. Are you on vacation? Don't have access to a gym? No problem, push-ups can be done anywhere you can find a small square of space.

4. Push-ups help strengthen muscle corset . This will not only bring you closer to a 6-pack abs, but will also be a good preventative for back pain and will also help improve your posture.

5. Push-ups are very variable exercise. A wide arm position engages the shoulder muscles, while a narrow arm position engages the triceps. You can get a great upper body workout using just your own weight.

6. The ability to do push-ups correctly will be useful to you not only in strength training, but also in yoga, Pilates, callanetics, and plyometric programs. Push-ups are one of the main exercises with your own body weight.

7. Push-ups develop muscle strength and elasticity shoulders. Provided the correct technique is followed, this is the prevention of injuries to the shoulder joints, which are most vulnerable to exercisers.

8. Large quantity modifications (from the simplest to the super-complex) makes push-ups a universal exercise that is suitable for both beginners and advanced. This means you'll always have a productive workout, no matter your strength or experience level.

Harm of push-ups and contraindications for exercise

Despite the many benefits and benefits of push-ups for developing the body and improving strength training, push-ups can cause damage. harm to your body. During push-ups, the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists are involved in the work, so if you have a history of injuries or problems with the joints, then push-ups should not be performed. Injuring joints while performing push-ups is not uncommon, especially if you do not follow the correct technique.

Contraindications for performing push-ups:

  • Arthrosis, arthritis and other joint problems
  • Injuries to shoulders, arms, wrists
  • Spinal problems
  • Lumbar lordosis
  • Large excess weight

Be sure to use proper technique when performing push-ups. We always recommend warm up your hands, elbows and shoulders before doing push-ups, performing circular movements with your hands in one direction and the other.

10 features of doing push-ups that are important to know about

1. The closer you place your hands while doing push-ups, the more your triceps work. The further you space it, the more your shoulders are involved in the work.

2. If you want to make push-ups easier, rest your hands on the bench or go down on your knees.

3. If you want, on the contrary, make push-ups more difficult, then place your feet on a bench or other elevated surface. Moreover, the higher your legs are, the more difficult it will be to do push-ups.

4. To increase the amplitude and increase the effectiveness of push-ups, you can perform them on special racks: push-up supports. In this case, the body will drop lower and the muscles will work even harder.

5. Push-up supports not only allow you to thoroughly pump the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps, but also significantly reduce the risk of wrist injuries.

6. If you do not have special supports, then you can do push-ups on dumbbells, this will also help reduce the load on your hands.

7. Before push-ups, try to do gymnastics for the joints of your shoulders, elbows and hands (circular movements with shoulders, arms and hands).

8. If you have weak wrists, use elastic bandages, they will reduce the load on the joints. This is especially true if you plan to do plyometric push-ups (discussed below).

9. To increase muscle mass, try to perform push-ups for a low number of repetitions, using complex modifications or additional weight. But to lose weight, develop endurance and develop functional training, you can move towards increasing the number of repetitions.

10. The standard description of exercises is allowed make some adjustments , which are due to different anatomical structure and flexibility. Determine the position of your palms that will ensure comfortable performance of push-ups.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch: a ready-made plan

It's okay if you've never done push-ups before or had a long break from fitness and have lost this skill. Anyone can learn to do push-ups, regardless of gender or age! Of course, you will need regular practice, but learning how to do push-ups is not as difficult as, for example, doing pull-ups.

The most important thing to remember if you want to learn how to do push-ups efficiently and effectively: you must always follow correct technique from the very first repetition of the exercise. Even if you start with simple variations of the exercise, remember to use proper form and technique.

In order to start doing push-ups from scratch, we offer you a step-by-step program for beginners. Thanks to this scheme, everyone can learn push-ups!

A ready-made diagram on how to learn to do push-ups for beginners

In order to learn how to do push-ups, you will need to master 3 stages of push-ups . You need to exercise daily, you need to perform 3-4 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions in each approach. Perhaps your first attempts will not allow you to do more than 5-10 push-ups, but every day you will progress.

If you feel like you haven't made the progress you want at the end of the week, then continue doing the same push-up modification for another week. It is better to move to the next difficulty level after you can do 30-40 push-ups without stopping. Don't forget about the correct push-up technique!

Week 1: Wall push-ups

Wall push-ups are an exercise that everyone can do. These vertical push-ups are a great introductory exercise that will help you master push-ups later on.

Week 2: Knee push-ups

The next level is knee push-ups. Please note that even when doing push-ups from the knees, the body should maintain a straight line, the pelvis should not go up.

Week 3: Push-ups

Once you have mastered knee push-ups, you can move on to bench push-ups. Attention, there is a nuance here. The higher the bench, the easier it will be for you to do push-ups. Therefore, you can change the height of the surface, thereby slowly preparing yourself for push-ups from the floor.

Week 4: Push-ups

After three weeks of regular push-ups, your body will be ready for push-ups. Remember that it is better to do fewer repetitions, but with full amplitude (elbows should bend 90 degrees).

How many times should you do push-ups: ready-made push-up patterns

We emphasize once again that you should never chase quantity while neglecting quality. In addition, you don't always need to strive for more repetitions. How many times you need to do push-ups depends on your goals.

So, there are several possible situations:

1. If you want pump up and increase muscle mass in volume, then move towards increasing weight and complexity. For example, use barbell plates or elevate your feet on a bench. Training scheme: 10-12 repetitions of 3-4 approaches.

2. If you want lose weight and get relief, then move towards increasing the number of repetitions. Perform 15-25 repetitions in 5 sets. You can increase the total number of push-ups weekly or move on to more complex modifications.

3. If you want develop endurance and functional strength, then also move towards increasing the number of repetitions and choosing more complex modifications of floor push-ups, including plyometrics.

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme for increasing endurance and losing weight:

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme to increase muscle mass:

21 variations of push-ups in GIFs!

We offer you a unique selection: 21 variations of push-ups in visual GIF animations! The proposed exercise modifications are divided into 3 levels of difficulty. Please note that the complexity of the exercise is often determined by individual characteristics and specific training experience, so the gradation is not universal.

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Luka Hocevar.

Push-ups on the floor: difficulty level 1

1. Wide Push up

2. Push up with Reach

3. Knee Tap Push up

4. Shoulder Tap Push up

5. Triangular push-ups (Diamond Push up)

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