Open extracurricular event: forms and types. Technology for preparing and conducting class hours

Along with compulsory training sessions, educational institutions organize other types of activities that are voluntary. These classes are aimed at satisfying the creative and cognitive needs of schoolchildren. Such forms of activities at school are called extracurricular or extracurricular.

The name speaks for itself: classes are held outside the schedule of compulsory lessons at school. Schoolchildren from various parallels and classes can participate in them at their own request. Extracurricular activities at school are divided into several types depending on the goals, and for each there are many options for forms of implementation.

Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities at school

One of the priority tasks for today in the context of reforming the Russian education system is improving the quality of social education of children and developing their creative abilities. Extracurricular activities as one of the forms of school activity successfully meet these requirements, combining the functions of education, training and development of the student’s personality.

Extracurricular activities, wisely organized in an educational institution, help socialize the younger generation, increase the student’s motivation for learning in general or contribute to the development of interest in a specific academic subject, develop individuality, independence, and promote personal self-realization.

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Optional classes differ from lessons in new forms of mastering knowledge and skills, a psychological orientation towards students’ creativity and active involvement in the educational process, productive learning without the need to memorize the material and maintain strict discipline.

Three types of extracurricular activities at school

All extracurricular activities can be classified according to the goals that are achieved during their implementation. Thus, there are three types of extracurricular activities at school:

  • educational and educational;
  • leisure;
  • sports and recreation.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students, expanding the range of their interests, deepening knowledge, and developing the student’s civic position.

The leisure type of extracurricular activities is aimed at students acquiring new skills and abilities, the need for which arises outside of traditional educational activities. Entertaining events help to diversify school everyday life and unite students outside of school.

Sports and recreational extracurricular activities promote physical development and strengthen the health of schoolchildren, foster healthy competition and personal ambitions, and teach interaction with a team of like-minded people and rivals.

Forms of extracurricular activities at school

The type of extracurricular activity determines the choice of the form of the event and the location of the event: at school or outside it.

Educational extracurricular activities have such forms of execution as conversation, quiz, meeting with interesting people, discussion, training, visiting the theater, organizing a conference, excursion, Olympiad, review, competition.

Conversation, as one of the forms of extracurricular activities at school, involves a dialogue between the teacher and students. Conversation activates mental work, develops speech, maintains interest, and concentrates attention. Each conversation question is a problem that students solve. In high school, students can direct and moderate discussions on their own. In elementary school, the teacher determines the line of conversation by asking children leading questions.

There are several types of conversations: preparatory, heuristic (where the teacher teaches to find the truth by reasoning), informing, reproducing (consolidating the studied material), generalizing (held at the end of an extracurricular activity), and repeating.

Olympiads, competitions, and exhibitions of children's creativity are designed to stimulate the educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren, to develop the desire for competition in the study of such disciplines as foreign and Russian languages, mathematics, physics, literature and chemistry.

Such forms of extracurricular activities at school are planned in advance, and the best students are selected to participate. They give great impetus to the development of students’ abilities and inclinations in various fields of knowledge. In addition, holding such events makes it possible to evaluate the creative nature of teachers’ work and their ability to find and develop children’s talents.

Another form of extracurricular activity that will be interesting for both elementary school students and teenagers is an excursion. Allows you to make observations, study various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions, broaden the horizons of schoolchildren of any age. In didactic terms, the excursion can be used at any stage: to introduce a new topic, to consolidate material, or to deepen existing knowledge.

Excursions can be conducted in almost all school subjects, with students of all ages. In the lower grades, excursions are simply necessary when studying natural history and getting to know the world around us. For high school and middle school students, excursions are conducted during geography and history lessons.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more practical goals - teaching new skills and abilities. Their implementation can take place in the form of a workshop (cutting and sewing, cooking, drawing, photography, modeling), a master class, in the open air, in the format of a theater studio, a competition or an intellectual game.

Clubs, creative associations, electives, workshops are the leading form of creative activity for students. The system-forming component in conducting this type of extracurricular activities at school is children’s creativity, directed and developed by the teacher.

The structure of various forms of leisure extracurricular activities is different, but common elements can be identified. When preparing workshops, clubs or extracurricular activities, all work is divided into three parts: theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activities. Classes can be comprehensive, or they can be devoted to one specific type of activity.

Sports and recreational open events at school are held in the form of competitions, competitions, sports games or hikes.

To identify the range of interests of students, it is advisable to conduct a survey to find out what students would like to do after school. It must be remembered that any type of extracurricular activity in which children are involved must have a public and socially significant orientation.

The age characteristics of school students are decisive when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. Thus, for primary school students, a visual demonstration of information and flexible forms of extracurricular activities are more important. It is easier to involve younger schoolchildren in classes with elements of physical activity, competitions, games, and excursions.

High school students are capable of longer, static perception of material. Theatrical performances, KVN, tourist trips, brain-ring, and career guidance excursions are relevant for them.

When conducting an extracurricular activity in elementary school, it is necessary to take into account the small practical experience of students. The lesson should contribute to the formation of children’s basic knowledge, their abilities and skills, while in middle and high school extracurricular activities can be conducted to consolidate past material.

Stages of preparation for extracurricular activities at school

To successfully conduct an extracurricular activity of each type and in any form, it is necessary to follow a sequence of four stages:

  1. event construction;
  2. Preparation;
  3. holding an event;
  4. analysis (self-analysis) of the lesson.

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to implement them in practice and improve the qualifications of teachers. The most important condition for conducting open lessons is publicity, through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarity of extracurricular activities is their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of implementation, which helps to awaken children’s interest in the learning process and motivate them to independently learn a specific subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, broadening their horizons, and developing the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, and to diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren and help improve and maintain their health.

In our proposed classification of types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conduct.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own methods of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: the objects in it can vary, intersect, and be combined.

Educational extracurricular activities can take the following forms: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, show, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, fine art, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are carried out for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertaining leisure activities - competitions, games, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreational open extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games and hikes.

The age characteristics of students when choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's study this aspect of the problem.

Primary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in primary schools. Children in elementary school are the most sensitive to learning new things; they require a clear demonstration of the proposed knowledge; in addition, the level of learning for younger schoolchildren is very high.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, and excursions. An open extracurricular activity for 2nd grade should take into account the minor practical experience of children of this age category and form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

High school

Children of senior school age are capable of longer static perception of material, of reproducing a larger amount of text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain-ring, tourist trips, and career guidance excursions.

Educational extracurricular activities

Considering that the primary task of the school is learning, let us take a closer look at educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of an educational nature contribute to in-depth study of material in certain subjects, systematization of acquired knowledge using non-traditional forms of presenting information.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of conducting an extracurricular lesson in mathematics is the practical application of knowledge acquired in class. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, and subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crosswords is a very exciting process that allows you to systematize acquired knowledge, develop logical thinking, and ingenuity.

Traveling to the land of mathematics gives children the opportunity to get closer to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject-specific problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Conducting excursions aimed at studying mathematics allows children to project book knowledge onto the world around them.

Theatrical productions, based on a script based on a subject such as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts about geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a set of open extracurricular activities held in the following forms: open lesson - extracurricular activity, game, competition, quiz.

Extracurricular activities in mathematics activate students and promote the formation of logical thinking. The most effective way to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections is: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will improve the level of humanities and mathematical knowledge; an excursion to nature to consolidate the skills acquired in natural history and mathematics lessons.

Practical significance of extracurricular activities on technology

This formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject “Technology”, the main goal of introducing it into the curriculum was the practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Considering that the school curriculum devotes a critically small number of teaching hours to the study of the subject “Technology,” extracurricular activities play a vital role in mastering this discipline.

The target orientation of this subject towards bringing theory and practice closer together allows us to talk about the peculiarities of conducting extra-curricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is the most important component in school. Work fosters personal qualities such as independence and responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular event on technology will demonstrate independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom and motivate their work activities. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify children’s inclination towards a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them decide on their choice of profession in the future.

Extracurricular activities on technology are held in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, game, competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows students to consolidate their knowledge in a particular subject. In addition, this form of conducting classes arouses great interest among the children. The teacher should plan extracurricular activities in advance. You can take help from students during the preparation process.

Modern methodological techniques for enhancing extracurricular activities

A modern teacher, the head of a circle or sports section, or a teacher of additional education needs to be fluent in teaching practice with the basic methodological techniques or methods of organizing extracurricular activities.

Interactive forms of extracurricular activities are forms of organizing a study session or extracurricular activity that involve intensive mental work, physical, communicative activity or quick decision-making. These forms include express quizzes, brainstorming, relay races, mini-competitions, etc.

Conversation- a method of teaching and upbringing that involves dialogue between the teacher and students primarily on teacher issues. Conversation activates the mental work of students, maintains attention and interest, develops speech: every question is a task that students solve. Types of conversations: preparatory, informative, heuristic, reproducing, generalizing, repeating. Conversations of various types can be combined, intersected, interspersed depending on the micro-goal at a certain stage of the educational lesson and extracurricular activities.

Heuristic conversation used when the teacher does not tell the truth, but teaches how to find it. Based on an analysis of facts and phenomena known to students, as well as independent observations, students come to a conclusion on the topic of new (cognitive) material.

Reproducing conversation is used to consolidate the studied material, as well as to repeat and justify the actions performed.

Informative Conversation used by the teacher in cases where new material cannot be obtained heuristically.

Summary conversation It is usually carried out at the end of a lesson (extracurricular activity) and at the end of studying a major topic, section, course.

Dialogue- a type of oral speech (less often written), characterized by a change in the statements of two or more (in this case, the term “polylogue” is sometimes used) speakers. Replies (statements) of speakers are interconnected in meaning and together form a single whole, therefore dialogue is a type of coherent speech or text. In dialogue, situation, gesture, facial expressions, and intonation play an important role. The dialogue is characterized by certain stylistic features: questions, exclamations, elliptical constructions, interjections and particles, addresses, etc.

Demonstration- methodological technique, showing tables, diagrams, models, paintings, slides, videos, television programs, images projected on the screen using modern electronic and video equipment in class (extra-curricular activities) to all students.

Differentiated approach- a form of organizing the work of students based on their association, within the educational team, in small groups according to interests, according to the level of readiness, and in mixed groups - according to national composition, according to the degree of proficiency in Russian (foreign) language. Each group receives tasks of a different nature and varying degrees of difficulty. A differentiated approach allows, within the teenage team, to catch up with those lagging behind, to give each teenage group (each individual) an opportunity for development. The division into groups is not permanent. Creative groups of different composition can be created for different types of work.

Dosage of educational material. When organizing and conducting an extracurricular lesson (event), the teacher needs to think through the intensity of each stage of the lesson or event. Such work helps prevent students from overloading and fatigue, and provides optimal conditions for assimilation of educational (cognitive) material.

Proof- a methodological technique that develops thinking and speech and consists of substantiating a statement with the help of other thoughts, statements that have already been proven or accepted without evidence (obvious or unprovable). Tasks with the sentence “prove” are widely used both in classrooms and during extracurricular activities.

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities- a type of educational activity of students, organized and checked by a teacher, aimed at implementing the principle of solid mastery of educational (cognitive) material. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out by repeating new material in different versions and combinations, in a rearranged form, with new examples, as well as by performing practical actions - exercises, practical tasks. Consolidation in a training session is usually carried out after the explanation of new material.

Testing- a modern type of testing the assimilation of educational (theoretical) material, determining the psychological type of a teenager’s personality, his inclinations and interests. Testing involves two methods of execution: a computer version and a paper version. Teachers prepare short assignments on the topics studied or a block of educational material, offer various options for solving them (answers), of which only one option is correct. Students are asked to indicate the correct answer option either on sheets of paper or on a computer within a certain (limited) time.

Computer- a modern technical tool for training, development and searching for information on the Internet, which is used in the following forms:

Development and use by students of computer programs, in which they work independently on personal computers or in computer classes;

Use of ready-made computer programs, educational games, testing;

Control and self-control (knowledge and skills are tested);

Communicating with friends from other regions and countries via the Internet, transmitting information via email;

Modeling and design; summarizing the theoretical material being studied, as well as summarizing and editing the written text;

Analysis and selection of educational texts, necessary information and their evaluation according to certain criteria;

Quantitative study of spoken speech or printed texts, etc.

Repetition of educational (cognitive) material- return during a lesson (extracurricular activity) to what was previously studied in order to consolidate it, connect it with new material, generalize and systematize what has been learned. Repetition ensures the strength of knowledge acquisition. Typically, repetition is carried out using new examples, in a different order, using new methods of activity (trainees prepare generalizing tables, diagrams, reports, etc.).

Individual training (consultation)- a form of organizing training sessions with individual students outside the educational team. Most often used with students assigned to homeschooling. Individual training usually consists of clarification of difficult theoretical issues, joint completion of tasks taking into account the teacher’s methodological instructions, and independent work under the guidance of a teacher. As a rule, individual consultations are given by the teacher when preparing reports and performing long-term creative work (using the project methodology).

Speech development of students- the process of mastering speech: the means of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, speech culture, styles) and the mechanisms of speech - its perception and expression of one’s thoughts. The process of speech development occurs in people of different ages. The term “speech development” is also used in a narrow methodological meaning: special educational activities of the teacher and students aimed at mastering speech, as well as the corresponding section of the Russian or foreign language methodology course. It includes the organization of speech situations, speech environment, vocabulary work, syntactic exercises, work on text (connected speech), intonation, correction and improvement of speech.

All work on speech development is based on a course in grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, word formation, stylistics, as well as on the theory of speech and text, which is not included in the program for students, but is used as the basis for the methodology for developing students’ speech.

Role-playing game— a methodical method of teaching and activating extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. The essence of the role-playing game is to create situations in which each participant receives a fictitious name, a social role - a tourist, a guide, a journalist, a nurse, a teacher, etc. The presenter directs the course of the conversation. Role-playing game creates motivation that is close to natural, arouses interest, and increases the emotional level of students’ educational work.

Self-control- a necessary stage of educational action. It is implemented in the following techniques: checking the correctness of the written text; use of dictionaries and reference books; checking your answer against a pre-drawn plan; self-observation of pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness of speech and correct reading of the text, etc.

Independent work- cognitive, educational activity performed on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance and control, but without his direct participation. It may occur when studying new educational material, consolidating knowledge, preparing an essay or report, creative work, collecting a collection or herbarium, or designing a project.

Project method- is currently the most popular teaching method among experimental teachers. The most effective application of the design method is possible using a computer. There are three main stages, or phases, in the project process. At the first stage, a fruitful idea is put forward (a meaningful core, the meaning of further actions). In the second (middle) stage, a multifaceted panorama of what is desired emerges from an undifferentiated idea (building a technology for further actions or techniques for a future planned model). The final design phase is the preparation of design and technological documentation.

The project method assumes a fundamentally different approach: “Think, imagine, reflect on the way and by what means this could be accomplished.”

Priority forms of extracurricular activities in educational institutions

Most often, the priorities for children and adolescents in general education institutions are gaming, theater, discussion, situational creative, psychological, competitive forms of educational and extracurricular work that allow students to realize themselves.

The most popular forms of extracurricular activities are:

1. Subject weeks in academic subjects of social, humanitarian, mathematical and natural science cycles.

2. Educational and cognitive activities: school-wide subject Olympiads and public reviews of knowledge, honoring prize-winners and winners of school-wide, city (district) and regional (district, regional, republican) subject Olympiads and competitions; championships of “experts of the virtual world” (experts in information and communication technologies), festivals of creative and research projects; school-wide competitions “Best student” (by grade parallels), “Best graduate of school (lyceum, gymnasium)”, “Best student portfolio”.

3. Heroic-patriotic and military sports events: work of school museums, theme evenings and holidays; organizing and conducting excursions and thematic excursion trips, military sports games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”, “Safe Wheel” competitions, teams of YID (young traffic inspectors) and YDP (young friends of firefighters).

4. Mass holidays (collective and creative activities): themed holidays, festivals of creativity and fantasy; competitions: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, guys”, “Miss School”, KVN, professions, homemade products; intellectual tournaments of experts; competitions of staged or marching songs, theatrical performances, recitations and author's creativity, drawings and posters.

5.Specialized (thematic) or career guidance promotions: fairs of knowledge and future professions; holidays and festivals of folk art, national customs and traditions; festivals of science and creativity, hobby groups and clubs; children's book or bibliophile week.

6. Socially useful and socially significant events: labor landings and subbotniks; Timurov's activities, Aibolit and purity raids; search and local history work; operations “Gift to Distant Friends”, “Gift to a Veteran”; charity events: “Help disabled children”, “Our gift to an orphanage”, “Help older people”.

7. Sports and tourism activities: organizing and conducting tourist rallies, “Robinsonades” and competitions, one- and multi-day walking, combined, mountain, bicycle and motorcycle hikes and expeditions; evenings of tourists, “Small Olympic Games”, tournaments (championships) in volleyball, basketball, track and field and weightlifting, gymnastics and wrestling, chess and checkers (backgammon, billiards); sports relay races (with students, parents); competitions “Mom, Dad, I - a sports family”, “The most athletic class”.

The most common forms of leisure communication:“lights”, round tables, discos, evenings, get-togethers, trips out of town, visits to museums, meetings with interesting people; work of hobby groups and clubs, sports sections; brainstorming sessions, discussions and interactive activities.

New game forms are becoming popular: according to the game type of the “New Civilization” program, intensive communication (targeted trainings, educational and developing intellectual and psychological games), communicative-linguistic (communication trainings, creative game evenings), communicative (discussions, brainstorming, business, role-playing games).

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Class hour- one of the most common forms of organizing frontal educational work that contributes to the formation of a system of relationships among students to the world around them. Regardless of the form of the class hour, during the event the collective life of the class or school, extracurricular activities that serve to prepare one or another collective creative activity, and the activity itself (educational event) are planned.

Preparing for class time

The class teacher, when planning extracurricular activities, preparing and implementing the class hour, follows an algorithm that allows the most rational and competent organization of intellectual and psychological education:

  1. Definition of goals and objectives.
  2. Choosing the form of educational work, determining the genre and the name of the event.
  3. Creating a psychological mood.
  4. Preliminary preparation.
  5. Carrying out the event itself.
  6. Pedagogical analysis carried out at two levels:
  • discussing with students the success (failure) of the subject result, designing more productive activities in the future;
  • the pedagogical analysis itself, carried out by adult participants, is an analysis of the educational work of the school and its results.

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The content and forms of the classroom are consistent with the educational program of the school (class) and correspond to the following areas:

  • civic-patriotic education;
  • moral education;
  • legal education;
  • physical and mental development of the individual.

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Basic principles of activity when organizing and conducting a class hour:

  1. The principle of the relationship between consciousness and activity involves the choice of such forms and methods of work that simultaneously influence both the consciousness and behavior of the child.
  2. The principle of a person-centered approach involves priority attention to the development of the child’s personal qualities.
  3. The principle of variability involves flexible adherence to the program of educational work and adjustment of the content of work with students depending on the relevance of certain problems, issues, events, affairs, and actions.
  4. The principle of productivity- the class teacher receives a real and practical product that is valuable for the formation of the child’s personality.

Answers Valentina Andreeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the Russian State University of Justice

The main components of each classroom lesson:

  • target - target settings should be associated primarily with the development of the child’s individuality, with the design and establishment of his unique lifestyle;
  • meaningful - the content of the class hour is personally significant. It includes the material necessary for the child’s self-realization and self-affirmation;
  • organizational and active - students are full-fledged organizers of the class hour. The interest of each child, the actualization of his life experience, the manifestation and development of individuality are also expected;
  • evaluative and analytical - the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a class hour are the manifestation and enrichment of the child’s life experience, the individual and personal significance of the acquired information, which influences the development of the individuality and creative abilities of students.

Technological aspects of organizing a class hour:

  • the teacher, together with the students, determines the topics of class hours for the new school year;
  • clarification of the topic and purpose of the class hour, choice of form;
  • determining the time and place, the form of implementation of the class hour;
  • identifying key points and developing a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour;
  • selection of appropriate material, visual aids, musical accompaniment on the topic;
  • identification of participants in the preparation and implementation of the class hour;
  • distribution of tasks between participants;
  • forms of conducting class hours;
  • analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the class hour and the activities for its preparation and implementation.

Forms of conducting a class hour: discussions


Dispute is a public dispute on a scientific or socially important topic, polemic. If there are fundamentally different approaches to a problem or there are opposing opinions about it, then it can become the topic of a debate lesson. The main value of this lesson is that in its course the dialectical thinking of schoolchildren is formed. But the debate allows us to solve many other pedagogical problems.

Firstly, students are involved in a relaxed, lively conversation, and this helps to avoid formalism in knowledge.

Secondly, Schoolchildren learn to express their opinions and justify them.

Third, they become accustomed to dialogue, that is, they delve into the opponent’s arguments, discover weak points in the arguments, ask questions that help reveal incorrect statements, look for and calmly present counter-arguments.

Fourthly, To participate in a debate, you need to know the factual material of the topic, and therefore you need to prepare for the debate lesson.

Fifthly, debate lessons actively contribute to the transformation of knowledge into beliefs.

The dispute requires a competent methodology and good preparation:

  • the problem chosen must be common and recurring;
  • the problem should not concern one person or a small group;
  • the chosen problem must allow for different solutions;
  • the problem must be relevant to the needs and interests of the students.

Discussion as a form of conducting a class hour

Discussion is a form of class hour, an argument, a verbal competition in which everyone defends their opinion. An important characteristic of discussion that distinguishes it from other types of dispute is argumentation. When discussing a controversial (debatable) problem, each side, opposing the opinion of the interlocutor, argues its position. The very nature of this form of communication determines its democracy.

Main objectives of the discussion:

  • clarifying different points of view, the collision of which will help to find the truth, which contributes not only to deepening knowledge, but also to shaping the worldview of schoolchildren;
  • nurturing in students a culture of verbal communication during an argument; developing the ability to debate, express your point of view simply and clearly, prove it convincingly, calmly listen to your opponent’s arguments, etc.

Discussion as a form of conducting a class hour and democratic communication has advantages over other forms: it allows you to organize live communication, involve all or most participants in the discussion of the issue, involves the tension of thought that arises in thought, in clashes of different points of view, stimulates speech activity and independence judgments.

A real discussion cannot be planned in detail, rehearsed, or played out by notes, otherwise it will lose the necessary naturalness.

The methodology for its implementation includes three stages.

The first stage is preliminary preparation.

Tasks of the first stage:

  1. Choose a topic. It can be proposed, but not imposed by the teacher, prompted by a life situation, or determined on the basis of a preliminary survey (questionnaire) of students. For discussion, you should choose a question that would be interesting to students, touches and worries them.
  2. Deeply study the issue that will be discussed.
  3. Create an initiative group to prepare the discussion.
  4. Prepare an announcement about the discussion (topic, questions, literature, time and place), decorate the room (aphorisms, rules of argument, exhibition of books, etc.).

When preparing the room for a discussion, it is better to arrange the chairs so that the participants in the dispute can see each other.

The second stage is the implementation of the discussion.

Skillful discussion as a form of extracurricular activities is almost an art. Its success largely depends on the teacher, on his understanding of the role and function of the leader. Some tips for the discussion leader:

  1. Before starting a discussion, it is necessary to name the topic, justify its choice, and clearly formulate the goal.
  2. In the very first minutes, win over the participants in the discussion, set them up in a polemical mood, create an environment in which each student would not only feel free to express their opinion, but would also strive to defend it.
  3. Do not hinder those who wish to speak, but do not force them to speak; try to ensure that a spirit of sincerity and frankness reigns during the discussion.
  4. Stimulate the activity of participants. A well-thought-out system of questions that are of interest to students and can provoke them into a frank conversation will help with this. It should be remembered that a question is the calling card of a discussion. There are techniques and means that encourage discussion. For example, an unexpected question. Or a paradox is a peculiar opinion that sharply diverges from the generally accepted one, even contradicting at first glance common sense; there is always a challenge to it. Reply - a brief objection, a remark from the floor; it also sets the mood for discussion, testifies to the activity of the listener, his desire to understand the question, to check his point of view.
  5. Skillfully compare different points of view and summarize them so that the positions of the participants in the discussion are presented as clearly as possible.
  6. Direct the discussion towards the intended goal.
  7. Do not rush to correct those who are mistaken, and provide such an opportunity to listeners.
  8. When appropriate, a question addressed to the presenter should be immediately redirected to the audience.
  9. Don’t rush to impose a ready-made solution.
  10. Choose the right moment to end the discussion without violating the logic of the development of the dispute.

The moderator should not interfere in the discussion unless absolutely necessary, or exert psychological pressure on the participants in the dispute with the help of his authority, harsh value judgments, or comments addressed to those present. The presenter who interrupts the participants in a debate mid-sentence and talks a lot himself is not sympathetic. You should also not openly support one of the disputing parties. It is better to express your attitude to different points of view when summing up the discussion.

At the third stage the results of the discussion as a form of educational activities are summarized.

Conference as a form of conducting a class hour

A conference is a form of conducting a class hour, a meeting, a meeting of representatives to discuss and resolve any issues.

Stages of preparation for the conference:

  1. Definition of the topic.
  2. Notification about deadlines.
  3. Conference program (plan).
  4. List of references and issues to be discussed.
  5. Preparation for the conference (work with literature).
  6. Conducting individual and group consultations for each conference participant.
  7. Conference.
  8. Summarizing. Discussion.

Round table as a form of conducting a class hour

A round table is a form of public discussion or coverage of any issues, a form of conducting a class hour when participants speak in a certain order; meeting, discussion of something with equal rights of participants.

Living room as a form of conducting a class hour

The living room is one of the forms of cultural and leisure communication and a form of extracurricular activities. There are theatrical, musical, literary living rooms. In the living room format, meetings can be held with interesting people, evenings of remembrance of famous poets, musicians, artists, writers, with viewing or listening to fragments of their works performed by guests or participants of the living room. It is possible to have tea in the living room.

Salon as a form of conducting a class hour

A salon as an event is an evening for a narrow circle of people united by common interests and hobbies, creating the atmosphere of bygone times. Salons can be theatrical, musical, artistic, literary. At such evenings, in a cozy “homely” environment, participants exchange information about performances, concerts, poetry and prose, and works of art. Often the salon is designed as an evening-memory of past eras, helping event participants to immerse themselves in their atmosphere. The methods of holding a salon are very diverse - it can be a costume party or, in the image of the salons of the 18th-19th centuries, an evening at which the “hostess” receives guests.

Lecture hall as a form of conducting a class hour

A lecture hall is a series of lectures on a set topic, thought out and planned for a certain period of time. The organization and methodology of conducting lectures is consistent with the objectives and plans of educational work. Organization of the lecture hall includes the selection of topics, selection of lecturers, development of lectures, notification of listeners, preparation of technical and visual aids and the location where the event is held. The choice of topics for lectures and reports is determined by the most important events in the life of the country, the current tasks of educating students, due to which it is often chosen as a form of educational activities.

The topics of lectures are usually drawn up for the entire planned period of operation of the lecture hall, and the time for their implementation is approximately determined for 3-6 months. forward. The lecture organizers introduce each speaker to the topic of the lecture 1-2 months in advance. before the performance so that they have sufficient time to prepare. For each lecture, appropriate visual aids are selected, with which the lecturer himself first familiarizes himself.

Forms of extracurricular activities: competitive nature


Competitive programs are competitions in any type of human activity, an effective form of conducting an educational event, a class hour. Competitive programs are a powerful incentive for human development and improvement of his skills. This is the main pedagogical meaning of competitive programs; You can only develop by comparing yourself with others, and competition is the moment of comparison. Competitive programs allow you to:

  • form adequate self-esteem;
  • develop strong-willed qualities;
  • self-determination in the world of hobbies and professions.

Stages of preparing a competition as a form of conducting a class hour:

  1. A bright name that can greatly increase interest in the upcoming competition and make you want to participate in it.
  2. Formulation of competition tasks.
  3. Development of conditions and criteria for the competition, fixed in the regulations on the competition.

The types of competitive programs depend on their content:

  • professional skills competitions. Their structure includes theatrical defense of annual work plans, creative discussions about promising and unpromising forms of work, competitions of amateur poets;
  • environmental competitions. They are aimed at expanding knowledge about nature, environmental management, and attracting attention to the problems of conservation and development of flora and fauna;
  • entertaining competitions: “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, girls!”, “Field of Miracles”, “One Hundred to One”;
  • show competitions: “Beauty Contest”, “Miss Class”, “Miss School”, “Student of the Year”;
  • quiz competitions (thematic or theatrical, intellectual): “What? Where? When?”, “Smart guys and smart girls”;
  • competitions that combine education, entertainment, and creativity: “Gentleman Show”, “Hostess”.


Quiz is a type of game that involves answering oral or written questions from various fields of knowledge.

Stages of preparation and implementation of the quiz:

  1. A topic is selected.
  2. Literature and gaming materials are selected.
  3. Students are divided into teams (no more than 10 people), captains are selected.
  4. The quiz is held in several stages, in which all team members are involved.
  5. Each student is asked one question from the students of the opposing team. In case of an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the player of the opposing team.
  6. After the final stage of the quiz, the total points of each team are determined and the winning team is announced.

Club of cheerful and resourceful people

The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful (KVN) is a humorous game, a successful form of implementation of an extracurricular activity, in which teams of various groups compete in humorous answers to asked questions, improvisations on given topics, acting out pre-prepared scenes, etc.

Stages of KVN preparation:

  1. Formation of a creative team (writer-director, set designer, music director, lighting designer).
  2. Selection of the main topic and subtopics for individual competitions ("calling card", warm-up, captain's competition, music competition, homework).
  3. Selection of presenter taking into account the specifics of the event.
  4. Organizing the rehearsal process and previewing the teams’ performances, providing methodological and musical design assistance to the teams.
  5. Advertising (media, posters, invitation cards).
  6. Event.


A review is a public display of the achievements and results of any socially useful activity of teams, groups and individuals, followed by an assessment of the achieved level and awarding of the winners. This is also a creative education - both for participants and for leaders of creative teams. The show is an activation of club life and amateur groups, giving a new impetus to individual artists and performers. The implementation of shows is almost always associated with a variety of concert performances, traveling and stationary exhibitions, and extensive coverage of the achievements of groups, groups and individual performers in the press, on radio and television. During the review period, registration is carried out for clubs, studios, groups, courses, sections and similar associations, which means that cultural and educational work as a whole is enlivened. Types of shows as a form of conducting a class hour:

  • brass band shows;
  • screenings of folk theaters;
  • shows of circus groups;
  • reviews of vocal and instrumental ensembles;
  • shows of fine arts, amateur films, art photography;
  • In the field of scientific and technical creativity, shows of scientific and technical skills, shows of amateur equipment, and shows of ship and aircraft models are organized.


Presentation is the presentation of something new to the public for specific purposes.

Presentations as forms of educational activities are of the following types:

  1. Project presentation. The goal is to inform people about a project, determine their attitude towards it, and search for people interested in supporting the development and implementation of the project. This type of presentation is the most demanding in terms of presentation form, content and preparation, since it involves convincing the audience of the need to develop or implement the project.
  2. Presentation of the scope and content of work performed (report). The goal is to present the results of the work to a certain narrow group of people. Such a presentation is less demanding in terms of following preparation rules and may well be spontaneous if the necessary data is at hand and is kept in perfect order.
  3. Presentation of the future work plan. This presentation is similar to the previous type, only the object is the future work of an organization or individual. Its goals may be: informing a certain circle of people about the planned work, a description of the planned work - in order to subject the object of the presentation to critical analysis and change.

A business presentation unfolds through a series of communication actions that are (or should be) aimed at eliciting a response or obtaining a result that satisfies the presenter's goals. The requirements for a presenter increase in direct proportion to the number of people he addresses. A one-on-one presentation requires less preparation than a presentation to five or more people. At the same time, as the audience grows, the impact potential of a business presentation increases.


A tournament is a competition and an effective form of conducting a class hour. An even number of players participate in the tournament. In the first round, pairs are divided into two groups according to ratings (the group of the strongest and the group of the weakest), after which the pairs are made up according to the principle: the strongest from the first group against the strongest from the second, the second strongest from the first group against the second strongest from the second, etc. If there are an odd number of players, the player with the last number receives a point without playing in the first round. In the next rounds, all players are divided into groups with the same number of points scored. So, after the first round there will be three groups: winners, losers and draws. If there is an odd number of players in a group, then one player is transferred to the next closest scoring group.

Pairs of players for the next round are made up from the same point group according to the same rating principle as in the first round (the best player from the top half of the group, if possible, meets the best player from the bottom half of this group). However, it is not allowed for the same couple to play more than one game in the tournament. Places in the tournament are distributed according to the number of points accumulated.

Game forms for conducting class hours

Role-playing games

A role-playing game is an entertainment game, an original form of conducting a class hour, a type of dramatic performance in which participants act within the framework of their chosen roles, guided by the nature of their role and the internal logic of the action environment.

A role-playing game, in addition to the requirements mandatory for any game, requires the fulfillment of two more requirements:

  1. In a role-playing game, there must be an organizer (the generally accepted term is “master”).
  2. In a role-playing game, the main mechanism for “launching” the game is the “role” - a set of rules and restrictions that a person who wants to take part in the game assumes.

Role-playing games are used for:

  • providing the opportunity for full communication in a leisure group of peers;
  • overcoming the barrier of informational and psychological isolation and alienation;
  • formation of socio-psychological competence in the field of interpersonal communication;
  • implementation of active and synthetic forms of joint leisure and creative activities;
  • deeper and more creative awareness and mastery of unfamiliar areas of life;
  • developing skills of mutual psychological assistance in various difficult situations.

One of the most important and effective moments of a role-playing game is the presentation of the player to the realization of a moral and ethical choice, on which not only his own further actions depend, but also, possibly, the development of the entire subsequent plot of the game. Role-playing games as a form of educational activities develop skills in role-playing, business and friendly communication.

Games can be divided into three categories according to the degree of awareness of their purpose by the participants:

  • games in which the players are not aware of the goals of the game;
  • games in which, when analyzing the action, players and organizers determine the goals of the game (reflexive approach);
  • games whose goals are declared in advance (explicitly or implicitly).

Stages of preparing a role-playing game:

  • definition of the problem, choice of situation;
  • distribution of roles and discussion of positions and behavior options;
  • replaying the situation (even several times is acceptable) in order to find an effective solution;
  • discussion of the situation by the participants.

It is very important that the teacher does not impose his opinion on controversial issues. Options for conducting role-playing games can be different: “mock trial”, “press conference”, dramatization of a literary work.

Mind games

Intellectual game is an individual or (more often) collective performance of tasks that require the use of productive thinking in conditions of limited time and competition.

Intellectual games are a serious tool for developing a student’s personality and the ability to cooperate. They combine the features of both gaming and educational activities: they develop theoretical thinking, requiring the formulation of concepts, the performance of basic mental operations (classification, analysis, synthesis, etc.). When conducting intellectual games with teenagers, it is good to use questions that touch on the moral sphere. By correctly placing moral accents, you can use the technique of forming the self-concept in the game.

All intellectual games as forms of conducting a class hour can be divided into elementary, composite (representing a combination of elementary) and creative. The simplest intellectual game is a test game, which is a set of statements and a given number of answer options to them - from 2 (“Believe it or not, Believe it or not,” “Bluff Club”) to 4-5 (“Erudite Lotto,” “Who wants to become a millionaire?"). Such games are popular thanks to television. Such games are interesting not so much in themselves: they are used as a warm-up, for indoor games or in breaks between “main” intellectual games. Their advantage is the high role of luck, which allows even less prepared participants to achieve success, as well as the ability to vary the complexity of tasks.

“Circumstances, signs, properties” is a type of game in which more and more specific information is consistently reported about the desired object. The sooner a team solves an encrypted concept, the more points it receives. This type of games is a serious means of developing thinking if they contain an implicit but clear algorithm for finding the correct solution, the task represents a paradox and/or requires making a paradoxical decision (one of the rounds “Smart Guys”, “Behind Seven Seals”).

“Filling in the gaps” - a key word that needs to be restored or remembered is omitted or replaced in a phrase.

“Question and answer” are intellectual games in which participants are asked to answer a particular question within a certain time (“Brain-ring”, “What? Where? When?”).

Questions and tasks for attention - the correct answer is hidden in the wording of the question.

In any form of intellectual game, good questions are fundamental. The ability to accurately formulate an answer and answer a asked question is basic not only in education, but also in self-education.

External effectiveness is assessed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work:

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Goals and objectives of the class hour

clarity and precision in the formulation of targets;

their correspondence to the age characteristics of students, the logic of development of the educational process, the choice of form

Classroom design

thoughtfulness, modernity, originality of design, their necessity for the implementation of the plan, ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the team

intellectual, spiritual and moral value of the selected content;

compliance of the content with the topic, goals and objectives


use of modern technologies (computer, health-saving, person-oriented);

use of interactive communication techniques

Student Behavior and Activities

children’s participation in goal setting, students’ discipline and activity;

stability of attention of schoolchildren at all stages

Pedagogical support

the teacher’s erudition in the problem under discussion, his observance of pedagogical tact and culture of speech, the class teacher’s competence in using selected forms and methods of organizing joint activities


satisfaction of the class teacher and students with the preparation and conduct of the class hour, its results

Topic of the pedagogical council: “Various forms of conducting classroom hours. Using new technologies »

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the classroom hour. It is necessary to find out, first of all, what is meant in pedagogical science and practice by such a form of VR as a classroom hour. Let's take and turn to the statements of famous scientists:

    “Class hour is a form of direct communication between the teacher and his students.” () "Class hour. In our understanding, this is not a specific form of work, but an hour for the class teacher.” ()

Based on the above definitions of the classroom, certain features can be identified:

This is a flexible form of educational interaction in its composition and structure;

This is a form of communication between the class teacher and his students, where the teacher plays the leading role.

Class hours are held for various educational purposes:

1. Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of the student’s individuality and his creative abilities.

2. Enriching the student with knowledge about nature, society, and man.

3. Formation of the emotional and sensory sphere and value relations of the child’s personality.

It also happens when a moral class hour is held unplanned and is associated with a very difficult situation in the class or school. The main thing is that such a meeting with the guys does not turn into edification and lecturing. A moral class hour is a time of joint search with students for the truth, the meaning of their own existence for both adults and children, learning moral lessons that will become the general line of behavior in adulthood.

It should be noted that moral class hours should not be frequent. It is enough to hold such a class hour once every quarter, the main thing is that it is significant in the lives of the children, a noticeable event in the life of the class.

Sample topics for moral classroom hours.

1. “Who am I? What am I like? - a game.

2. “The Door to Childhood” - a journey of children into the childhood of their parents.

3. “Me in 5 years” - an excursion to the class portrait gallery.

4. “Archive 5” - a festive performance dedicated to the results of the year.

1. My interests, my hobbies - an auction of hobbies and interests of the student.

2. I am at home, I am at school, I am among friends - an interactive game.

3. Windows of my house. What do they mean – an hour of communication.

4. Is it important to have your own opinion?! - conversation.

1. “My “want” and my “can” dispute.

2. “Tell me who your friend is and...” - interactive game.

3. “Up the ladder of life.” My moral values ​​are conversation.

1. Can I love? – auction of opinions.

2. People without whom I feel lonely - ethical conversation.

3. Responsibility and safety. What is hidden behind these words? – discussion.

4. The country I would like to live in is the protection of fantastic projects.

1. “I have the right to...” - a conversation on a given topic.

2. Love began everything... - holiday.

3. The lucky ticket to my destiny is a moral exam.

4. The beautiful and the ugly in our lives - a discussion.

2. I am among people, people around me are a business game.

3. Feeling of adulthood. What it is? - epic conversation.

4. My future profession. How do I see her? – an excursion into the world of professions.

1. What memories will I leave about myself at school - class meeting - conversation.

2. There is only a moment between the past and the future... - debate.

3. My professional choice. Am I right or wrong? - presentation.

4. My mission in the world is a conference.

Organizing and conducting a thematic class hour.

The purpose of a thematic class hour is to develop students' horizons and promote the spiritual development of students.

Thematic classes require preparation and can be united by a specific topic for a long time. These hours can be the start and end of serious class work, which can be supplemented by other forms of extracurricular work.

When planning thematic classes, you need to invite students to jointly identify topics. This can be done as follows:

The teacher writes down different topics on the board, for example: “customs and traditions”, “times and countries”, “great people of the world”, “human psychology”, “the limits of human capabilities”, “country, language being studied”, “history of etiquette”, “The ABC of discovering the world”, “songs in the history of my family and country”, “the world of human hobbies”, “cinema in a person’s life”, “holidays of our home”, “who to be and what to be?”, “music of our time and the past ” etc.

(For example, in our school, monthly classes on healthy lifestyles should be held in classes and once every quarter - a class on the revival of national culture.

A series of classes were held dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory, the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Kemerovo region, the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Tisulsky district.)

Recently, special educational programs have been created on a certain topic, which include sequential (stage-by-stage) education of students from grades 1-11 in this direction: the “Together” program,

    Program “The world will be saved by beauty”, Program “I am a citizen of Russia”, Program “Health” and others

Organization and conduct of information class hours.

Previously, the information hour was called political information. But recently, they have hastened to throw out political information from educational work, considering it unnecessary in our time. However, this is completely false. We must shape the political culture and communication skills of students.

The main importance of the information hour is to form in students their own affiliation with the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of the country, their region, village, broaden their horizons, understand the complex problems of our time, and adequately respond to what is happening in the country and the world.

An information hour can be overview (introduces current events in the country or the world) - minutes, thematic (introduces the problems of today, their analysis and the attitude of various segments of the population and professionals to this problem) - up to 45 minutes, but no more.

Basic forms during information hour:

Newspaper reports;

Retelling events in the world and the country using quotes from newspapers and magazines;

Working with a political map;

Commented reading of newspaper and magazine materials;

Formulation of problematic questions and search for answers to them;

Viewing and discussion of television materials, video materials.

When planning your work with the class, you should not forget about the development of students’ intellectual abilities through various forms:

Intellectual marathons;

Days of creativity;

Intelligent. rings and quizzes;

Meeting of the psychological club “Mirror”, etc.

Theme of class hours on the development of intellectual skills of students.

1. and his explanatory dictionary.

2. Me and my abilities.

3. The world of encyclopedias.

1. My strengths and weaknesses.

2. How to develop the ability to listen and hear, look and see?

3. My “why?” and the answers to them.

1. The deepest secrets of human knowledge.

2. Attention and attentiveness. Words of the same root?

3. How to learn to manage yourself.

1. Talent and genius. How does it manifest itself?

2. Memory training is the key to future success.

1. Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind.

2. Have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself.

1. How to learn to control yourself?

2. My linguistic abilities. How do they manifest themselves?

3. A person’s shortcomings and their influence on his destiny.

1. While I think, I live.

2. Humor in human life.

So, a class hour is a form of educational work of the class teacher, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations in them to the world around them.

Class hour performs the following functions: educational, orienting, guiding, formative.

If a class hour is held just for show, then it will be more useful to save time – yours and the student’s. But, if the class teacher approaches the classroom informally, then you should start by defining goals and try to systematize the educational process and plan.

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