Design of a title page at school. How to prepare a report at school (sample)

When faced with preparing materials for a presentation at a school conference for the first time, students are surprised to learn that it is important not only to collect and systematize information, to present it correctly, but also to format it in accordance with GOST. What are the main requirements state standard, how to fill out correctly title page of a report or essay at school and what are the differences in registration title pages for schoolchildren and students?

What does GOST say about the title page of a report or abstract?

Cover page of a report for school- this face work, so treat it registration stands with all responsibility. It is important to understand that the content and location of the inscriptions on title page, type and size font strictly regulated. Report or abstract student - this is a small, but still scientific Job and she looks like must accordingly. Place pictures, draw flowers or monograms on title page inappropriate, by rules it is unacceptable.

Create a title page correct means following everything exactly requirements standard Long gone are the days when young talents wrote lyrics report by hand, today even elementary school students type information on a computer. Therefore, we will talk about requirements registration to computer works

. Let's take a closer look at them.

The material is presented on A4 sheets. The fields are standard, those that Microsoft Word automatically suggests. The left margin is much wider than the others (3 or 2.5 cm), let's not forget that the sheets will need to be sewn. font Size font– 14, line spacing – 1.5. Let's reveal the secret that about the type GOST says nothing. So formally, you can use any one, if the materials of the conference or olympiad do not additionally indicate which one font use. Times New Roman and Arial are the most commonly used, not because they are good and the others are worse. The explanation is much simpler, these two types fonts

installed on all computers without exception. Numbering. work Pages are numbered sequentially, starting with the first one – the title page. But there is one caveat - the number is not placed on the title page, on the next page after it the contents (table of contents) will be numbered 2. Please pay attention to this. The number on the title page is a violation. And one more key point, not at all title page, not in the text work after the titles there is no full stop. This is the most common mistake when registration science students to computer.

Volume abstract for a schoolchild usually does not exceed 10-12 pages, including title page and bibliography.

Example report title page

On right decorated title page must the following information will be posted:

  • the full name of the educational institution in accordance with the license, and not just “secondary school No.", students indicate and Name departments;
  • type work written in large bold font (report, abstract, essay);
  • name of the item, but this is an optional position;
  • Name(it is recommended to type in capital letters);
  • surname and initials of the author, class (for students, group number);
  • surname and initials of the teacher, students indicate full name. and scientific degree, title of scientific director work;
  • city;
  • At the end we put the date.

Sample title page of a school student's essay

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average school No. 14 with in-depth study of mathematics and physics"

Belgorod city


on astronomy topic


Completed by: 4th grade student

Pyatakha Maria

Head: teacher

astronomy Nasedkina N.T.


You can use the above example, as an essay title page template for school.

How to write and format an essay, report and other independent work by students?

After the topic is approved work, it is necessary to discuss with the teacher what aspects from his point of view should be covered? The plan will help systematize the material that you will find in the literary sources proposed by the teacher. Then all that remains is to study the information related to the topic of the report and present it in your own words. Do not forget, mechanical copying without indicating the author is called plagiarism. Report cannot consist of quotes alone, even if formalized with indication of the original source. The value of student work The goal is for the student to independently draw conclusions from what he has read and propose current directions for studying scientific issues.

Inspiration and good luck!

So, the first thing teachers pay attention to is indentation. Since the finished report is stitched on the right side, you need to indent 3 cm here. An indent of 1 cm is set on the left, and 2 cm at the top and bottom.

There are no specific requirements for font in GOST, but, as a rule, all data is written in Times New Roman 14 point font. An exception may be in the top block. We'll talk about this below.

Some teachers themselves sometimes present their own rules that should be followed.

Sometimes the supervisor asks the title of the abstract to be underlined or italicized. If the teacher has not established such requirements, then the usual bold font is used.

To know how to make a title page for a report, you need to familiarize yourself with GOST 7.32-2001. In it you will find not only rules, but also examples. This GOST is called “Report on Research Work” (R&D).

Structure of the report title page

As a rule, the title page of the report is the first page, where all the data of the university (name, faculty), full name of the student, teacher, title of the document, city and year of graduation are indicated.

The easiest way is to divide the report into 3 parts:

  • top block;
  • middle block;
  • bottom block.

Each block displays the necessary information, so we will consider them separately.

Top block of title page

Here you can find information about the institution. That is, the country, name of the university and department are indicated. As we can see in the example, the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RF is written in capital letters at the very top in the center. These words are often highlighted in 16 point type, but it is better to check with your supervisor and work according to his requirements.

The educational institution and the name of the department are indicated below:

According to GOST 7.32-2001, here, in the upper block on the left, the position, institution and surname with the initials of the person who approves the report and puts his signature, as well as the date and year of verification of the report, is written.

Middle block of title page

In the center of the A4 sheet, REPORT is written in capital letters, below is the name of the discipline, and then the topic. Instead of the word “REPORT” you can write “RESEARCH REPORT”, of course, if it is relevant to the topic. Here's what it would look like in an example:

If you are in doubt about how to write correctly, it is better to ask your supervisor.

Bottom block of title page

And the last, but no less important point is the writing of the bottom part. Here the position is written on the right, and the surname with the initials of the supervisor and the student on the left, and a space is also left for a signature.

This is what it looks like:

At the very bottom, in the center, the city and year of production of the report are written:

Sample of the first page of the report (title)

See what a completed report title page looks like:

Sample of a completed report title page

The samples were made using GOST 7.32 - 2001, which contains examples of the design of title pages of a research report. This document also states that signatures must be written in black ink or ink.

Of course, if the teacher allows you to deviate from GOSTs, then the title page is made much simpler. Therefore, before starting work and registration, you need to clarify all the nuances with your supervisor.

Template for the design of the title page of the report

Instead of a conclusion

In the article we looked at how the title page of a report is made using GOST 7.32-2001. To get a high mark not only for presentation, but also for design, study the relevant documents, check with your supervisor about his requirements, and then you will certainly receive a high score for this work.

How to make the title page of a report correctly - a complete analysis of the first page and a sample updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Reports and abstracts are one of the ways to test the knowledge of students in universities and schools. In addition, some researchers are also involved in writing reports. The main goal of such work is a brief, but quite complete in meaning, presentation of material on any topic. In this article we will tell you how to properly design the title page of a report, since any teacher will evaluate a student’s knowledge starting from the very first page of his work.

Title page structure

This page is the first sheet of the document, which displays basic information regarding the submitted work. The title page format is standard – A4, its structure can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • Top block – it contains information about the educational institution to which the student or researcher belongs.
  • The central part of the page is where the title of the document and its topic are presented.
  • Lower right quadrant - all the main details are indicated in this area:
    • Full name of the person who wrote the work;
    • student's course of study or employee's scientific degree;
    • surname and initials of the leader of this project, his title;
    • grade given for the work;
    • space for student and teacher signatures.
  • Bottom block - in this part the city in which the educational institution is located is indicated, as well as the year the document was written.

How to design a report title page

Nowadays, when creating such works, most people use a computer. Let's take a closer look at the process of writing a title page in Microsoft Word:

  • Open a blank document in the above program.
  • In the top field, enter the following data: the name of the parent organization, the full name of the educational institution for which this work is being written, as well as the name of the department to which you belong. As for the font, for this block you need to use bold Times New Roman, 14 point.
  • In the central part of the page, indenting about 1/3 of the page from the top, type the word “Report” in 20-point letters.
  • Go to the line below and write the topic of the work in quotation marks. For this purpose, it is better to choose a bold and large font, 16-18 point. Remember that the topic of the work must correspond as closely as possible to the content. In addition, it is better not to use abbreviations in the title of the report unless absolutely necessary.
  • After writing the topic, indent two lines down and align the cursor to the right. In this part you need to type the following information in 12-point font:
    • your course of study or degree;
    • group;
    • last name, first name and patronymic;
    • academic title of teacher or project leader;
    • his last name and initials.
  • If several authors were involved in writing the report, they should be listed in alphabetical order, naming first the one who will read the work in front of the audience.
  • The last step is to fill out the bottom block. To do this, move the cursor down, align it to the center and type the name of the locality in which the institution is located.
  • Step back another line and enter the year you read the document. For this part of the page, use size 12 letters.

The entire title page should be formatted in Times New Roman font.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in addition to the rules established by the state, each specific educational institution can make its own adjustments to the design of work. In order not to make a mistake, it is best to take a sample title page from the department in advance or ask questions about the design directly to the teacher.

Making a report at school is not as difficult as it seems. Firstly, it is not subject to such a number of crazy requirements as in higher educational institutions. Secondly, this is due to the very role of the report - in a sense, it is the text of your speech.

For us, school is already a thing of the past, but we remember very well that in our time no one really cared about the design - unless it was some kind of conference. The report was asked to be prepared for a simple purpose - to read it in front of the class, to speak, to tell. At the same time, the report itself was positioned more like a cheat sheet: during the presentation, teachers often took us away from the text and insisted that we master oral speech and read as little as possible “from paper.”

All these arguments inspire respect, but the recently widespread tendency to torment schoolchildren with “design” can cause nothing but bewilderment. Maybe this is justified in preparation for university, but not in elementary school.

If you want to prepare your report 100% correctly, use our instructions and sample.

The procedure for preparing the report should be as follows:

  1. Title page. Dedicated to him;
  2. Content. Mandatory elements accepted in coursework and dissertations are an introduction, the main part (at least two chapters with possible subchapters - paragraphs), a conclusion and a list of references (sources). Many school teachers require these same sections in school reports, although in fact this is not entirely appropriate - even in universities the report is not structured. A report is rather a condensed retelling of some voluminous work, the structure of which is reflected in the report only in the text, and not in division into sections. The same applies to an abstract - it implies the “abstracting” of some scientific work, dissertation or monograph;
  3. The text of the report itself, possibly divided into sections. Headings are written in bold, the main part (what comes after the introduction) starts on a new page, and the same applies to the conclusion. The structural elements (i.e. sections) of the main part are consecutive.
  4. Sources in the bibliography are arranged in alphabetical order (by the first letter of the author's last name). The sources themselves are prepared in accordance with GOST, which regulates bibliographic descriptions. It is in this form that sources are described, when the author, publisher, etc. are indicated. There are many nuances in this area; we talked in more detail here and here.

As for typing from the point of view of the Word program, everything is standard here - the report, like any other text work, is formatted like this:

  1. Font – Times New Roman, font (letter size) – 14 pt, line spacing one and a half (1.5 pt). By the way, “pt” is an abbreviation for the typographical concept of “point,” an accepted value in typesetting and publishing.
  2. Margins – top and bottom 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.

If you don’t know how to format a title page correctly, see the sample example. Department of Theory and History of Culture. Sample title page for college essay. Title page of the thesis, samples from various universities. The nuances of designing a title page for an essay for school sample. Sample message title page for school, posted by user S Title page. Ryazan State University named after S. Correct presentation of the presentation arr. In order not to make a mistake, it is best to take a sample title page from the department in advance or ask questions about the design directly. The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The design of the title page is a necessary component of most. Title 2015 for the message sheet sample school, practical exercises available in the text. The first page, also known as the main page, contains all the information about the student, teacher, etc. See also Ministry of General and Professional Design of the title page of the report, sample. Library MBOU Secondary School 3 Sample title page for a message. Of course, title page samples may vary significantly depending on the guidelines drawn up at different universities. Sample message title page. General structure of a business plan. On our official website you can get acquainted with new virtual exhibitions in the Path to a Profession section. L, as she explained 3

Sample design of the title page of a test paper. Formatting a message cover page sample student rating file 59. Sample cover pages. In general, the design of the title page is determined by its purpose to indicate affiliation, type, subject. Sample! ! ! Municipal autonomous educational institution Secondary school with. TYPE OF WORK MESSAGE, CREATIVE WORK, etc. Sample title page of the thesis GOST. Course work on life safety on the topic Soil and health. If you still don’t fully understand how to design the title page of a report, then take a look at it. Kumak, Novoorsky district, Orenburg region

Sample message cover page for university. Sample title page. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. APPENDIX 2 mandatory Sample design of the title page of the test work. Sample title page for term paper on life safety. Title page for the report. Therefore, try to properly format the title page of the message. If the message is for a lesson only, in elementary. Margin size for title page. Title page of bachelor's graduation work 2012

Due to many questions and errors in the design of the title page, I am posting a sample for you. All examples of the title page of the message should be linked to the purpose and objectives written in the introduction of the abstract. Personal data posted on the site is posted with the consent of the subject of personal data. At the bottom of the page, in the center, indicate your city of residence. Objects and premises for social and domestic purposes. Samples of the title page of a test paper. Sample design. SAMPLE TITLE PAGE OF AN ABSTRACT, ESSAY.

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