Occupational safety training for workers at the enterprise. Application

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 225 establishes that all employees of enterprises, as well as managers and individual entrepreneurs, must undergo labor protection training. After training, regular tests of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection, first aid to victims, and actions during emergencies and dangerous situations should be carried out. To do this, the employer must conduct regular briefings on labor protection and safety to both new employees who begin to perform their duties at the enterprise, employees who are transferred to another place within the organization, and permanent employees in accordance with the established instruction schedule. If the enterprise has dangerous and harmful working conditions, then it will be necessary to conduct not only training, but also on-site internships, and after that carry out periodic briefings and knowledge testing according to a special schedule.

Safety briefings are divided into several types. When hired, an employee undergoes induction training in a classroom or in a labor safety corner. Then he is given initial instruction at the workplace. The health and safety system also provides for repeated training, unscheduled and targeted. All these classes can be conducted by any employee appointed by order of the director or entrepreneur, who has also been trained in a specialized center and received permission to conduct instructions.

Each instruction is recorded in a special journal; next to the entry is the signature of both employees and instructors, and the date of the lesson.

Initial briefing

Initial instruction is carried out directly at the workplace, the time of its implementation is strictly before the start of independent work. It is organized for everyone who is rehired by the organization, including those who take up contract work, seasonal work, or part-time work, regardless of the period for which the contract is concluded. Instructions are also provided for homeworkers if the work process involves using equipment that is provided to the employee by the enterprise, as well as if it is purchased by the employee at his own expense.

Initial training must also be carried out with employees who are transferred from one structural unit to another, or if the working conditions and tasks at the same place change for employees. Seconded employees of other organizations, students of secondary and higher educational institutions undergoing internship at the enterprise must also undergo initial and introductory briefings. Any person involved in one way or another in the production process, touching machines, lines, equipment, who is capable of receiving even the slightest harm to health or well-being for a production reason during working hours, must be instructed and trained. The signature of this person with the date of completion of the procedure must appear in the briefing log.

If a new employee in his production activities is not associated with working on equipment, with its testing, repair, adjustment, or commissioning, then he may be exempted from instructions by the employer’s decision. The exact list of positions that are exempt from occupational safety training is approved by the employer. The entrepreneur must understand that if he establishes such positions, then he will be personally responsible if the employee does receive an occupational disease or injury.

Other types of briefings

Repeated briefings are carried out more than once every six months or even more often, depending on the specifics of the activity. There are also unscheduled briefings that are carried out when certain conditions arise. This happens when new legislative acts in the field of labor protection are introduced, as well as when existing ones are adjusted, when the production process changes significantly, if technological lines are replaced, equipment is modernized, or new tools are purchased that can affect safe working conditions. Unscheduled briefings are required to be carried out in case of violation of labor protection and safety regulations, when a threat to the life and health of employees has been created, for example, such a reason could be an accident, injury, accident, etc.

Unscheduled briefings can be initiated by representatives or inspectors from state supervision and control bodies. If production was closed for a certain period, then it will also begin only after unscheduled briefings. For hazardous industries, the downtime period is 1 month, for ordinary ones - 2 months. In addition, unscheduled briefing and testing of occupational safety knowledge can be carried out on the personal initiative of the employer, if he sees good reasons for such an event.

And one more type of briefing is targeted. The need to carry it out arises if there is a need to eliminate accidents, the consequences of natural disasters, as well as when performing one-time sets of work and holding events with large crowds of people.

The procedure for conducting briefings, terms and conditions are established by the internal regulations of the enterprise. Managers who are responsible for labor protection at the enterprise must undergo training once every three years, but they must undergo the first (not introductory) briefing within the first month of work. Who can become such a leader? Any person designated by order. Be careful when making an appointment; if you do not properly fill out the order, this can cause many troubles; as a result of problems arising, the responsibility may fall entirely on you personally. But it is best, of course, to prevent such situations from arising.

Heads of departments and their deputies can be appointed as the head of the “labor safety” area; such a load can be taken on by a manager or an individual entrepreneur. If you have a technically competent employee, but is not a manager, then he can also become a good responsible employee for labor protection.

If an enterprise creates a commission on labor protection, then it includes heads of departments who control this area in their structures, representatives of training centers on labor protection, representatives of local governments, and representatives of government at various levels.

If the organization has such a commission, then it can carry out both briefings and independent knowledge testing, which is carried out once every three years. Such a commission must have at least 3 people, and all of them must be trained by an enterprise that has an educational license in the field of occupational safety and health. In many cities this is done by staff development centers. The commission must have a chairman and secretary. There must also be an order to create a commission, drawn up in compliance with all the rules. If the enterprise has a trade union committee, then its representatives must be present on the commission and defend the interests of workers in the event of difficult situations and incidents.

If an employee has not passed the next briefing and knowledge test, the employer has the right to remove him from work. If the employee successfully passed the test and passed the exam, then he is given a certificate, signed by the chairman of the commission, and the organization’s seal is affixed. If a positive mark was not received, then after a month the employee must come for a repeat exam. It should be noted that all responsibility for the quality of internal training lies with the employer and the labor protection commission. This quality is monitored by the local labor inspectorate, and many employers prefer to avoid increased attention from this body. Therefore, it is most logical to comply with the rules and requirements for labor protection, and not consider this area unnecessary, and do not conduct training only on paper for show.

All training activities on labor protection bring serious benefits to the enterprise. We must perceive them as investments in our economy, in improving our image and customer loyalty. For example, a gas explosion occurred at the plant, killing two people. Will product buyers think that someone will not comply with safety regulations? Customers will simply stop using the products of this plant, because the media will present the events in such a way that the image can be completely forgotten for many years. But it was only necessary to regularly spend a small amount of money on labor protection measures, then significant losses could be avoided.

According to tradition, before starting anything regarding labor protection, we need to find a regulatory justification for it. So, training of workers on labor protection in an organization should be organized in accordance with the “Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29). According to this document, all employees of the organization, not excluding its manager, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. In reality, of course, not everyone is able to involve the entire staff in such a total educational program. The topic of occupational safety training, in my opinion, is one of the most labor-intensive. And if everything is clear with the training of managers and specialists, then with the training of workers it is already more difficult. But more about the workers later. Here, of course, I will write about training managers and specialists.

We are already aware of the need to train all employees. But there is a category of people whom it is advisable to train first. During inspections, the labor inspectorate will require information specifically on them. So, these are: the head of the organization, a labor protection specialist, heads of structural divisions of the organization (responsible for working conditions), labor protection representatives.

Training and knowledge testing can be completed both in a specialized organization and in the organization’s own commission. In the second case, all members of the commission and its chairman must be certified by a specialized organization. Everything is clear with a specialized organization - an agreement is concluded with them, they train and organize testing of workers’ knowledge, based on the results of which they issue certificates of the established form and, as a rule, copies of protocols. If we have at least 3 employees with such certificates, we can train the rest in our organization. Training must be carried out in accordance with the requirements, which must be approved by the head of your organization. For this purpose, by order, . The results of the commission meeting are formalized. After completing the protocol, it is necessary to issue a document for each employee.

Edited 12/14/2015

There was a little time to make adjustments to this, in some places, irrelevant text. Good girl Larisa, in the comments below, opened her eyes to some provisions of Resolution 1/29, which most of us either did not read or read briefly without giving them much importance. I won’t write a lot (you can read a lot and in detail in the letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated January 24, 2013 No. TZ/297-3-5), I’ll be brief - only those workers who are not are responsible for labor conditions and safety in the organization. In general, you can train “yourself” only those who, in most cases, in most organizations, have never even thought of being trained in occupational safety.

According to paragraph 4.1 of GOST 12.0.004-2015 System of Occupational Safety Standards (OSSS)

“Labor safety training is aimed at forming, consolidating and developing motivation and skills for safe behavior, knowledge, skills and abilities to perform safe work practices and (or) manage the safety of others during their work activities...”

Most industries and enterprises in Moscow involve the presence of factors that threaten the life and health of employees. First of all, this should include such “dangerous” industries as metallurgy, oil refining, construction, mining and coal mining, mechanical engineering, etc. To avoid poisoning and injury, employees of these enterprises must take precautions in the course of their official activities. In such situations, visiting occupational safety training centers is the only way to achieve safety at work, and this requires high qualifications.

Also in the Labor Code, Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: obligations as an employer “to ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection” and Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the employee’s obligations are to comply with all labor protection requirements.

Next, pay attention to the Recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service in an organization (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 of 02/08/2000) and, in fact, on the basis of which the training program for managers and specialists was developed - Resolution of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of 01/13/2003 G.

Who provides the training?

Occupational health and safety courses are conducted by qualified specialists from our company. Each of the teachers has the appropriate documents (identification, certificates, etc.) that allow them to provide training to enterprise employees. Knowledge of the basics of labor protection, courses on which are provided are necessary for every employee of the company. In the case of an audit of an organization’s activities, the primary requirement is the presence of someone responsible for compliance with all safety and labor protection standards.

When the number of personnel in an organization is more than 50 people, then according to Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to create a labor protection service or introduce a specialist position. If the number of employees is less than 50, the manager has the right to assign functions to one of the employees.

In both cases, authorized employees are required to:

· create training programs on labor protection for the organization’s employees and for the manager;

· Conduct introductory training on labor protection for all new employees;

· organize training on labor protection for the organization’s employees and its manager in accordance with the schedule;

· participate in the work of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

The decision to create a labor protection service or assign these functions to one of the employees is confirmed by an order. The HR service prepares a number of local regulations. Among them:

— order on the organization of a labor protection service;

— an order assigning the duties of a labor protection engineer to a specialist;

— regulations on labor protection;

— job descriptions of labor protection service workers;

— a list of professions and positions undergoing training and knowledge testing in labor protection, etc.

Or enter into a civil contract with an organization that provides the above services (Article 3, 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Occupational safety courses: what do we offer?

The Bitrade Advanced Training Center offers you training in occupational safety and health. Our courses are designed for:

  • specialists;
  • representatives of management positions;
  • members of the labor protection commission.

The curriculum was developed in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and guarantees the proper level of knowledge. Completion of training is designed for 40 academic hours. During the course, specialists and managers have the opportunity to become familiar with the most dangerous factors in production, as well as ways to eliminate or minimize them.

Occupational safety training for managers and specialists in Moscow fully reveals to specialists all aspects of activity and the hazardous factors associated with it. All regulations, situations that create danger, as well as rules of behavior in the event of an emergency, and methods for preventing them are considered.

ProgramCategory of listenersRequired documentsTraining periodExtensionCost, rub.)
Occupational safety for managers and specialistsApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (40 academic hours)once every 3 years3500
Occupational safety for managers and specialists of occupational safety services, members of knowledge testing commissionsgeneral director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (72 academic hours)once every 3 years3500
Labor safety instructor (according to the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-2015)Labor safety instructorApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (24 academic hours)once every 3 years3500
Advanced training for occupational safety specialistsgeneral director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (72 academic hours)once every 5 years6500
Professional retraining in the field of labor protection for a labor protection specialistgeneral director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyfrom 256 academic hoursindefinitely35000
Technosphere safety. Safetygeneral director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyApplication, scanned copy of passport, diplomafrom 256 academic hoursindefinitely35000
Extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements (in connection with the entry into force of new occupational safety regulations)general director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (8 academic hours)on demand2500
Rules for labor protection (in construction, in housing and communal services, when working with tools and devices)general director, occupational safety engineer, head of administration, responsible by order for occupational safetyApplication, scanned copy of passport2-6 working days (8 academic hours)once every 3 years3500
Conducting on-site training on labor protection (for groups of more than 10 people)Workers of enterprises and organizations 1 working day (4 academic hours) 25000

Advantages of training in our company

Our service - occupational safety courses have a number of advantages compared to the offers of other training centers

  • full-time and distance learning;
  • free consultation throughout the entire period of cooperation;
  • training on occupational safety issues covers all specialties, no matter what profession you belong to;
  • We have an individual approach to each organization and company, which takes into account all the subtleties of production and hazardous factors in it;
  • the course is constantly being improved and modernized, so the 2017 occupational safety training program has now been released;
  • This option is suitable for both large organizations and small businesses.

Training in the field of occupational safety and health, the courses we offer, is beneficial and necessary in any job.

What documents will you receive?

After completing the training (face-to-face classes) or final testing (distance learning through the educational portal), you receive a certificate and a copy of the protocol, which is valid for 3 years. Please note that legal procedures for obtaining documents take from 3 to 5 days and cannot be obtained in 1 day. Beware of fakes!

Cost of occupational safety training

The Bitrade company in Moscow offers the most favorable conditions for organizations. The price of the course depends on the number of employees and the type of training (for members of the OT committee, for specialists, etc.). A system of discounts is provided for regular customers and group classes. To find out more, call our occupational safety training center (Moscow) or leave a request on the website.

The cost of occupational safety training is determined by the cost of conducting classes in accordance with the qualifications of specialists. In particular, the time spent, as well as the form of training, are taken into account.

Responsibility for the lack of a certificate of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

Lack of necessary documents (copy of CA protocol and certificate), i.e. timely training in occupational safety in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences, there is a fine for employers of 110,000 rubles. up to 130,000 rub.

Therefore, courses on occupational health and safety in Moscow are mandatory for every company employee, and the employer is obliged to provide training to a specialist in this field.

Come and sign up for our special occupational safety training! Protect yourself at work and increase your qualification level with the Bitrade company!

NIGHT DPO "MOSDOR" invites specialists from enterprises and companies holding senior positions to undergo occupational safety training(FROM). The courses are organized in accordance with the standards established by the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Our labor protection training program fully complies with Resolution No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations.”

The MOSDOR training center is one of the officially accredited organizations providing additional education for specialists in blue-collar professions. Graduating from specialty training "occupational Safety and Health", students receive documents in accordance with established procedural norms, namely a protocol and an up-to-date certificate.

By law, all employers and individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) must undergo and provide employees with labor protection training. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with labor legislation in the paragraph concerning occupational safety training is fraught with the imposition of a fine on the responsible person or the general director of the enterprise.

The concept of “occupational safety”

Unlike safety technology, the concept labor protection implies an expanded range of actions. If safety concerns the process of correctly performing certain operations, then occupational safety is a system of norms and rules aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the process of performing their work duties. Thus, the training of occupational safety specialists includes the study and mastery of a set of measures that help prevent the occurrence of industrial injuries and occupational diseases during work activities, as well as the mastery of actions to minimize the consequences of emergency situations (emergency incidents).

Who is required to undergo training?

Occupational safety training are required to pass certain categories of specialists. These include:

  • heads of organizations and their deputies;
  • employers (IE);
  • chief specialists of departments and heads of divisions;
  • responsible persons of engineering and technical departments (whose responsibilities include organizing and monitoring work at workplaces);
  • specialists of labor protection services and responsible persons appointed by them;
  • specialists in testing knowledge of labor safety standards at enterprises.

In addition, our center trains specialists responsible for OHS compliance in various organizations. They are provided with special training in occupational safety. After completing the preparatory course, each student will learn and consolidate in practice the basics of occupational safety management in an organization. In addition, the training program on labor protection of blue-collar professions includes the study of:

  • special issues of ensuring occupational health and safety standards;
  • ways to organize occupational safety training for employees of the organization;
  • features of social protection of victims at work.

OT training procedure

The occupational safety training program is specially prepared for workers of various working professions, and to the extent necessary for them to perform their job duties efficiently and safely.

According to the requirements of labor legislation, specialists holding managerial positions undergo a 40-hour course of lectures in the first month of work in the organization. Further repeated occupational safety training workers in blue-collar professions are required once every three years. Moreover, each subsequent extraordinary knowledge test should be carried out in the event of the introduction of innovations or additions to the current legislation concerning occupational safety requirements for a particular field of activity. These circumstances also require the heads of the relevant departments to prepare brief training on labor protection for blue-collar professions and make appropriate changes to local instructions for workers.

As for the working personnel of enterprises and organizations, training and knowledge testing should be carried out annually. Specialists of the MOSDOR training center will help determine what specific occupational safety training program is needed for employees of a particular organization. Moreover, if you wish, they will indicate the circle of people who require this training.

Our center provides a training program on labor protection for working professions in the following range:

  • managers and members of commissions for testing workers' knowledge;
  • housing and communal services workers;
  • construction workers;
  • workers responsible for the operation of power plants;
  • persons working with tools and devices;
  • persons performing work at heights.

Training of occupational safety specialists and employees of enterprises is carried out in the form of lectures. The course can be taken on a permanent basis in the classrooms of our training center. If circumstances do not allow you to use this form of training, then we offer several other convenient options. Occupational safety training working professions are available remotely (using modern communications) or in one of the organization’s premises with our teacher (on-site teacher).

The courses are taught by experienced specialists with extensive work experience. The training program on labor protection of blue-collar professions involves obtaining the following information:

  • the procedure for organizing labor protection measures;
  • procedure for completing documentation;
  • rules and methods for conducting certification of workplaces.

Citizens who have attended the course are required to undergo final certification, after which they receive an appropriate certificate, certified by the signature of a current representative of the state labor inspectorate, valid for 3 years.

In this article we will look at occupational safety training at enterprises: what categories of workers are required to undergo occupational safety training within the organization, how the occupational safety training for managers and specialists differs from the training of workers who supervise the training.

Training workers on labor protection in an organization is one of the most important aspects of labor protection. During occupational safety training at enterprises, workers receive the necessary knowledge and safe work skills that will help them maintain health and ability to work.

Basic parameters of occupational safety training within the organization

Intra-enterprise occupational safety training is characterized by:

1. Regulatory documentation establishes clear deadlines for all types, as well as working professions. These deadlines are strictly adhered to.

2. Narrow focus. During training, workers receive knowledge only in their specialties, professions, and types of work. They are not given any information “for general development.”

3. Variability. The legislation has a democratic approach to the format of safety training. It can be conducted in the classic lecture/practice format, in the form of a seminar, consultation, using automated methods (computer programs, simulators), and even remotely. The main thing is that the level of knowledge of employees is sufficient to perform the work safely.

4. Equal demands . Everyone who works in the organization, including top management and even directors, is required to undergo occupational safety training. Of course, training programs vary depending on the profession and job responsibilities. For some, this will be enough, but for others, they will have to obtain more than one certificate for the right to perform particularly dangerous work.

OSH training for managers and specialists

You can conduct it in your organization or in specially created training centers.

In organizations, special commissions are created for these purposes, which at the end of the training test the acquired knowledge.

The first such training is completed by an occupational safety specialist or manager no later than 1 month after employment. The procedure is then repeated every 3 years.

The following are required to undergo occupational safety training:

managers, directors of organizations, their deputies, persons who perform their duties. This category of trainees also includes individual entrepreneurs;

heads of structural divisions, services , departments of organizations and their deputies;

persons who organize work and directly supervise their implementation: foremen, foremen;

Engineers who control the quality of work , incl. with OT specialists;

union members ;

representatives of labor collectives for occupational safety .

In some cases, the above listed persons are required to undergo occupational safety training earlier than after 3 years if:

➤ it was their fault that an accident occurred in the organization;

➤ new regulations have come into force that relate to their work;

➤ during the inspection, the inspector identified violations that arose due to the incorrect actions of these employees;

➤ changes occurred in the technological process in the areas entrusted to them: new equipment was launched, other types of work appeared, raw materials changed, new structural units were added, workers of other professions came to work, etc.;

➤ they move to another position;

➤ they did not perform official duties for more than 12 months in a row (maternity leave, transfer to another job, etc.).

Training is carried out according to special programs. Training programs developed within the enterprise are approved by the employer. The programs developed by training centers are approved by federal or regional executive authorities that oversee the occupational safety sector. If the legislation and production processes have not changed in 3 years, the engineer will have to take exactly the same course that he took before.

Occupational safety and health training within the organization for workers

Everyone who works in the organization is required to undergo regular occupational safety training. For representatives of working professions, it is divided into two types: training by type of work (professions) and instruction.

Occupational safety training during work performance is carried out in the organization no later than 1 month from the date of employment of the employee. The same period is given to retrain OT rules for persons who:

➤ moved to another job;

➤ have not performed work that requires increased safety requirements for 1 year or longer.

Such training of employees on labor protection is also carried out during retraining, obtaining a new working specialty. Before being allowed to perform work independently, workers undergo duplication or internship.

Within the first month of employment, new employees must learn first aid. In the future, workers are required to undergo this occupational safety training annually. It is carried out by the organization or in a training center.

The instructions are carried out as follows:

➤ as soon as the worker has crossed the threshold of the organization - introductory;

➤ as soon as he first got to his workplace or is about to start a new type of work - primary;

➤ periodically during work (maximum break - 6 months) - repeated. It is carried out in the same volumes as the primary one;

➤ if changes have occurred in the production process, new instructions, legal regulations have been put into effect, an accident has occurred (in the organization itself or at a related enterprise), the administration has new information on occupational safety that needs to be brought to the attention of workers - unscheduled;

➤ before carrying out one-time work, mass events, as well as in the case of issuing a work permit - targeted.

The instruction program includes instructions on the profession or types of work that the employee performs. The program of unscheduled and targeted instructions depends on the reason for their implementation.

The fundamental difference between instruction and occupational safety training within a particular profession or type of work lies in its local action. The mark on the training “works” only at the enterprise where it was carried out. It does not apply to other enterprises. For example, if on Monday an electrician of a repair organization screws in light bulbs for the first time in his life at one enterprise, on Tuesday at another, and on Wednesday at a third, then he will have to undergo 3 introductory briefings and 3 initial ones. At the same time, his professional training and electrical safety certificate, and other occupational safety training that he completed in his organization (for example, on working at height), are valid at all three enterprises.

Who controls the training of employees on labor protection

The timeliness, quality and completeness of training of workers on labor protection in the organization are controlled by occupational safety specialists. They have the right to check the availability and quality of labor protection training for all employees without exception. For violations discovered by them, fines are imposed on those responsible.

The same amount of work can be done by inspectors of the State Technical Inspectorate, as well as specialized institutions (Gosgortekhnadzor, Gosenergonadzor, etc.). At the same time, they will monitor the quality of training of the OT service employees themselves. For failure to conduct occupational safety training in the prescribed manner, they impose administrative fines on the officials responsible for this. If a person commits such an offense repeatedly, he may lose the right to hold his position for 1-3 years. The fine in this case increases significantly.

How is OT training conducted for individual entrepreneurs?

If an individual entrepreneur uses the labor of hired workers or specialists, he provides occupational safety training and instructions in the same way as is done in large organizations. He is required to undergo training in labor safety and organizes training for his employees in accordance with their positions, professions, and work performed. The only significant difference is that individual entrepreneurs with a small staff have to resort to the services of training centers more often. The main reason is that there are not enough trained engineers to create a commission and develop training programs; conducting such training on our own is not economically feasible.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not use hired labor are also required to undergo occupational safety training. Despite the fact that their “work life” is simpler than that of their subordinate colleagues burdened with health concerns, they need to take care of their own safety and the health of the people who interact with them (neighbors, clients, random passers-by). Therefore, they need to be trained in the rules of safe use of equipment, fire safety, first aid, and obtain at least Group I in electrical safety. It would not be amiss to draw up instructions for the safe performance of work and operation of equipment and periodically review their provisions. Such self-education will help maintain health or even life while performing current work or in an emergency situation, so it will never be superfluous.

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