Several ways to see hidden friends. How to see hidden VK friends


To do this, go to the site menu item “My Settings” and select “Privacy”. Find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends”, click the “All friends” link. Select the friends you want to hide, check the box and save the changes. Now, when visiting your VKontakte page, another user will see only those of your contacts that you have not hidden. But all your friends will remain visible to you on your page. Sometimes this is very convenient.

However, recently the site administration allows you to hide no more than 20 of your friends. This is explained by the openness of the network and the need for its further development, but it infringes on the rights and freedoms of users of the VKontakte website. However, there is a way to hide more than 20 VKontakte friends, if necessary. To do this, first go to settings and hide the allowed number of users. Next, go to the My Friends tab and remove from your friends those people you have hidden. Then we go to the privacy settings again and add 20 more users to the list. Then we return to the “My Friends” tab and return the deleted users from subscribers to friends.

There are no official, permitted ways to see hidden VK friends. And yet, you can view the closed pages of the person you are interested in if you know his id - a unique number that is assigned to each VKontakte user. Finding out this number is quite easy.

Go to the website of the creator of VKontakte Enter your username and password. Open the page of the person you are interested in. The search line will display its address and id in the form:ХХХХХХХ, where ХХХХХХХ is the required id.

Now, by substituting this number in the necessary online viewing links, you can see the closed pages of this user. However, your private information may also become available.

Another site with which you can view hidden VKontakte friends is On this site you can find out the users who have added you to the black list, the friends who hide your page in their contact list, and also find out the list of hidden friends of a particular user. To do this, you need to go to the website itself. On the left side of the page you will see a menu. Select the “Hidden Friends” section in it. On the page you will see a field in which you must enter the ID number of the user whose hidden friends you want to see. After this, you will need to log in to the network. Decide whether you want to provide your information on this site. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to find out hidden friends, and you decide to take a risk, enter your username and password. The page scanning process will then begin. Be patient, scanning will take some time, perhaps quite a lot. Once the procedure is complete, a list of hidden friends will appear on the screen. Unfortunately, the site will not show those hidden friends for whom the user himself is hidden. In order to see this list, you will have to rescan.

You can view hidden ones without entering your data on the website You only need the ID of the user whose hidden friends you want to find out. It can be seen in the address bar of the browser by going to the page of the desired user. After copying the ID, go to Find the required field and enter the user ID in it. Click the "Add" button. The program will begin scanning your profile and after some time will show a list of hidden friends. The program does not require a login or password from the VKontakte website, and, therefore, is safe.

There are quite a large number of special programs that are installed on your computer. You must first download them to your computer and then enter all your personal data. Most of them require you to enter your username and password to continue working. Using such programs seems to be the easiest way to find out the list of hidden friends, but you need to remember that most of them pose a danger to the security of your computer and VKontakte account. Your personal information may become available to other people without your permission, and your computer may be infected with a virus.

It is impossible to find out the user's hidden friends without special sites. However, there is a way to roughly calculate the number of hidden friends. To do this, you need to go to the page of the desired user and look at the total number of friends. Then open the search options window at the top of the list and indicate female gender. The list will display the number of female friends. We count male friends in the same way. Add up the number of female and male friends. If the resulting number is less than the total number of friends, the user most likely hid this part of their contacts. But this method cannot be considered reliable and 100% correct.

There is another way to find out hidden friends on VKontakte without special programs. The fact is that the social network in the Possible Friends tab offers a list of users with whom you have VKontakte. If you suspect that a person is among the hidden VKontakte friends of a user you are interested in, send him a friend request. If he accepts it, go to the My Friends tab and click search. The system will offer you a list of possible acquaintances. Perhaps among them there will be a user you are interested in.

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Today there is a huge selection of equipment capable of producing video. Photos, videos and web cameras, cell phones... Users of the VKontakte social network add hundreds of videos to their pages every day. If you had a significant event, you filmed it and want to talk about it, add the video to your account and tag all your friends.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet access.


Click the “My Videos” menu; in the window that opens, in the upper right corner there will be an inscription “Add video”.

In the new window, you can choose to add a video via a link from other sites, add it from a search for already posted videos, or add your own by specifying a title and description. Next, click “Select file” or “standard loader”. Specify the desired video file in *.AVI, *.3GP, *.MP4, *.MPEG, *.MOV, *.WMV or *.FLV formats. Wait for the video to load. The download speed depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

VKontakte is developing quite dynamically, and at different times different scripts were written that allow you to tag all your friends on. At the moment, namely April 2012, no such script for VKontakte has been found on the Internet. This means that you will have to tag all your friends yourself using the appropriate “Tag” item.

The Select Users window appears. The names of your friends will be written in it, opposite the names there is a + sign. Click it next to each user, then click “Save”. If you don't want to tag someone, find the unwanted user's name and put an X next to it before clicking Save.

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The social network VKontakte does not offer the ability to tag all friends in a video with one action. In this regard, outdated scripts or scripts that pose a potential danger are being distributed on the Internet.


  • Social network “VKontakte” in 2019

People who are your subscribers have access to all the updates and news of the page. In addition, these users are visible under your avatar to all visitors. Such “presence” of some persons may be undesirable. There are several ways to remove VKontakte subscribers.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet.


One way to remove unwanted subscribers is to write them private messages. Ask these people to unfollow your page. The option is simple, but does not always work. Firstly, it is not a fact that a person will respond to a request. Secondly, if there are a lot of subscribers, writing to everyone is a rather long and labor-intensive process. Moreover, the user’s page may be blocked or protected by the privacy settings of personal messages.

Another method to remove subscribers is to add certain users to a blacklist. In this case, they will automatically disappear from the corresponding list. In addition, these people will not be able to write messages to you or even view your page. If you keep users on the blacklist for at least half an hour, they will stop being your subscribers. After this time, they can be unlocked, or you can leave them there. In any case, these people will no longer be displayed on your page. There are several options for carrying out this procedure.

Under your avatar, open the list of subscribers, find a specific person and go to their page. Under his avatar in the bottom right, find the words “Block” and “Report this page.” Click on the first option.

This person goes from being a subscriber to the blacklist. Leave it there for half an hour or more, then go to his page. Where you clicked “Block”, click “Unblock”. After this, the person ceases to be a subscriber, without being on the black list.

There is a way to manage lists of blocked subscribers without searching for or visiting their pages. In the menu at the top left, find the “My Settings” item. Next, from the options that open, select the “Black List” tab and enter the name of the unwanted subscriber. After that, click “Add to blacklist”. If you want to unblock someone, click “Remove from blacklist”. This user will no longer be your subscriber.


  • How to remove subscribers in contact

Recently, the VKontakte website has become one of the most popular social networks, the number of registered users of which is growing daily.


Like any other social network, on VKontakte you can add your friends to special lists, and these lists can be edited. The users you have added to your friends list can be divided into several groups, including “Best Friends”, “Relatives”, “Friends from School”, “Friends from University” and “Colleagues”.

To move a user to a special group, log in to your VKontakte page using your login and password for authorization. A main window will appear in front of you, on the right side of which your personal information, interests, contact information will be located, below you can see a wall with your records and the records of your friends. A little to the left of your personal information is your avatar, that is, the main photo, below it is a list of gifts, your subscribers and friends, and on the left are the sections “My Messages”, “My Page”, “My Groups”, “My Audio Recordings”, “My Video Recordings” , Documents, My Photos, Applications, and Settings. To edit your friends list, you can click on the “My Friends” section, which is located in this menu, or use the “Friends” button under the list of your gifts.

VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia. By adding a person as a friend on VKontakte, you can leave him messages, communicate with him online, send him photos and links to interesting materials on the Internet.

How to see friends on VKontakte?

How to see your friends

Let's start with the simplest thing - how to see who your friends are. To do this, log into your social network page, find the “My friends” item in the menu on the left, and click on it. On the page that opens, go to the "All friends" tab. You will see a list of VKontakte users whom you have added to your account as friends.

How to see a friend's friends

If you want to see who your friend's friends are, you can do that too. Just go to your friend's page. Find the "Friends" block and click on it. You will see your friend's friends list.

How to see a friend's hidden friends

VKontakte differs from many social networks in that you can hide some information from visitors. You can also hide from prying eyes those people whom you have added as your friends. To do this, just go to the “My Settings” menu item, then to the “Privacy” tab, find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Next, follow the "All friends" link, select the accounts you want to hide, and save the changes.

And if you want to see at all costs who your friend has hidden, then this can also be done. There are many online services on the Internet that offer to find hidden friends on any account, the main thing is not to stumble upon scammers.

One of the services is To find hidden friends of a VKontakte user, paste their id into the special field and click the "Add" button. The program will immediately display a list of open friends. Next, press the "Search for hidden friends" button. The task progress indicator will show how many people out of the total number of users who had contacts with the person you are interested in are in his hidden friends. The search takes a very long time. Of course, there is no certainty that all hidden friends have been found. But to be sure, the id can be scanned again by checking the “Scan only suspects” checkbox.

Another similar service is

Hidden friends in VK are one of the functions of the most popular social network in Russia. Users can hide friends for various reasons. However, this feature does not guarantee absolute privacy. There are ways that allow you to find out whether a particular user of the VKontakte network has hidden friends. There are also services that allow you to identify the identities of all hidden friends. In addition, such services provide other functionality that can be useful for obtaining information about a social network user and his social circle.

Today there are a large number of online services, and many of them are associated with the Vkontakte social network. Very popular are sites and applications that allow you to view VKontakte pages while offline, read messages without marking them as “read,” and much more.

This article will discuss the most popular and simplest ways to find hidden friends from a VKontakte network user. As well as possible risks if you approach this matter incorrectly.

The easiest way to find out information about the hidden friends of a particular VKontakte user is to use special sites. Programs and algorithms of such resources allow you to obtain comprehensive information about hidden friends.

To use such tools, you do not need to have serious knowledge in the field of information technology. The interface and functionality are designed for the average user. Seeing hidden friends today is easier than ever. Even a child can do this.


The most popular web resource that allows you to find hidden VK friends is the 220vk site. However, searching for hidden or hiding friends of a social network user is not the only function of 220vk.

This site allows you to monitor users of the social network Vkontakte. Using this resource, you can see a list of possible VK friends, friends with open albums of saved photos, and so on.


Another site with similar functionality. It is also possible to view the user's hidden friends. In addition, it is possible to monitor a specific user. You can track likes, friend additions, and much more.

To use some functions, authorization via VKontakte is required.

Are these methods safe?

Using such sites to view hidden friends is quite safe. To do this, you do not need to log in or leave any personal data. However, if you need advanced functionality, then you need to log in to these sites via VK. And this may entail hacking and “hijacking” of the VKontakte page.

To minimize the risk, you should not use your main page. It is also advisable to use two-factor authentication on VKontakte and not download dubious applications to your computer or mobile phone.

Other ways to view

Obviously, to provide information about hidden friends, the services described above use algorithms that work thanks to the vulnerabilities of the social network. Hidden friends aren't so hidden these days.

It’s difficult to say what the Contact developers are guided by, but tracking hidden friends even without using special sites or applications is not at all difficult.

In order to try to find hidden friends on your own, you will need a small amount of time, attention and a few arithmetic operations, which a child can handle.

To search, you need to go to the page of the user whose hidden friends you need to count. You need to open the “All Friends” tab. Here you need to remember the total number of friends indicated. Let's say in our case this number is 155.

Everything is very simple. Pages without gender on the VKontakte network are deleted and blocked pages, as well as pages of hidden friends. To find out the exact number of hidden friends, you need to count the number of deleted pages in the user's friends list. Let's say in our case there are 4 such pages. Thus, it is clear that the user is hiding only one person.

The user can hide some friends from everyone. However, most often such acquaintances are hidden only from certain individuals. For example, some friends may be hidden by users from family members, relatives, and so on.

Obviously, some VKontakte friends are often hidden in order to avoid problems associated with the jealousy of loved ones. Strictly speaking, there can be a lot of reasons for hiding friends, and they can be completely different. Listing them all in one article is pointless and thankless. However, it is important to understand that very often hidden friends are hidden not from everyone, but only from a certain circle of people.

In such cases, creating a new VKontakte account with a fake, that is, unreal, first and last name, can help. This method may help in some cases, but not always.

If, when setting privacy, all data is hidden from “left” users of the social network, then you will probably need to add as a friend a person who is suspected of hiding some friends on VK.

Other options

On the Internet you can find dozens of applications, the creators of which promise incredible functionality and capabilities completely free of charge. With the help of some of these applications you can actually find hidden friends of a VKontakte user.

However, most of these programs exist to steal VKontakte pages, as well as other personal data, which attackers can sell or use for their own nefarious purposes.

You should not download and run programs and applications on your device whose security is questionable. It’s better not to take risks and use proven means, for example, counting friends yourself and finding out whether the user has hidden friends at all.

This article does not cover all possible options. However, the main, most popular and safest ways to find hidden VKontakte friends are given.


So, there are 4 of the easiest and safest ways to find hidden friends:

  • using the 220vk website;
  • using the resource VK.CITY4ME;
  • count your friends yourself;
  • view the list of user's friends from a fake page.

There are many sites that use similar algorithms. There are also clone sites created for the purpose of stealing VKontakte accounts. Nowadays, when payment instruments can be attached to a page on a social network, and important and confidential information can be stored in saved documents, the removal of a VKontakte page can be an extremely unpleasant event.

It is also undesirable to use applications whose security is not certain. It is better to be patient, suffering from curiosity or jealousy, than to painfully and for a long time then restore access to your page.

Each of us has our secrets. Some people don’t want their ex-girlfriend to find your new girlfriend as your friend, while others don’t want to show off their boss’s friendship with people from a competing company.

Today we will talk about how to hide friends in VK and indicate who exactly can see your hidden friends and who cannot.

Once upon a time, on the social network VKontakte it was possible to completely close the display of your friends list, which gave people more privacy. But at a certain stage, the guys from VKontakte decided that the world should be more open and left the ability to hide only up to 30 of your friends. In principle, this is more than enough to avoid awkward situations.

So, in order to hide friends on VK, you need to go to the privacy settings. To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of your page and go to “Settings”.

Approximately in the middle of the page, find the “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” setting. By default, the value is “All friends”. Click on this line.

A window will pop up with a list of all your friends on VK. Click on those friends you want to hide from prying eyes. Please note that you can only hide 30 of your friends. Once selected, click “Save Changes.”

Once you've made your changes, the people you've hidden will be listed next to the setting. If you made a mistake, then click again on the line “Everyone except”.

In the window that opens, hover your cursor over the avatar of the person you want to remove from the list of hidden friends and click the cross. After that, click “Save Changes”.

Now, you need to configure which of your page visitors can see your hidden friends.

To do this, click on the “Who can see my hidden friends” setting.

You can specify that only you and no one else can see your hidden friends. If you hide friends only from a certain circle of people, then you can specify that only friends or, for example, only some friends can see your hidden friends.

Please note that to prevent your hidden friends from knowing that you have hidden them from others, be sure to select the “hidden friends” option. In this case, hidden friends will see themselves in your list and will not suspect that you have hidden them.

The worldwide popular network VKontakte has a very wide range of capabilities, and despite this, every day its leaders try to expand functionality and make communication more convenient.Since quite a large number of people of different ages and genders communicate on VKontakte and have different life principles and preferences, the resource allows you to use this option “how to hide friends.”

Quick navigation:

Why hide friends

The reasons for removing friends from the view of visitors to your personal page can be completely different. Some people do not want to expose their personal space to everyone, but for others, using this function can be just plain fun. In this article we will look at its capabilities as described above.

How to hide friends on VK

If you yourself find it difficult to understand the “hide friends” option and cannot understand, how to hide friends on VK , this section is just for you.

First of all, you just need to click on your personal profile photo and go to settings, which are located in the upper right corner. There you need to find the “” tab. Next, all the information about who sees information about your page will be displayed. On a tab that does or does not contain previously hidden friends, this information will be displayed. If your profile does not have hidden friends, the field will be empty.

Thus, by checking the boxes next to the friends you want to hide, this request will be fulfilled. In addition, in the settings " hidden friends on VK ", you can set or remove restrictions so that no one except you can see hidden friends. Despite the fact that the creators of VKontakte devoted a lot of time to making user accounts more public, eliminating all kinds of profile privacy, photo albums and other sections of the site. Hidden friends also came into view. Oddly enough, this function can be used for only 30 people.

But we can thank the resource administrators for this too. Hiding absolutely all friends will probably be of interest to users who have no more than 30 friends. But fairly sociable accounts that have more friends will have to make a more difficult choice of who to mark as hidden friends on their list.

How to see hidden friends on VKontakte

About how to see hidden friends on VK there probably won't be any questions. To do this, you also need to go to your privacy settings and look in the tab who sees my hidden friends, there a field with your hidden friends will open. Can you look at someone's hidden friends page?

Yes! The World Wide Web offers many sites that promise to reveal to you all the secrets about the hidden friends of absolutely any user you want to check, however, not all resources are 100% accurate. Therefore, when using such surveillance services, do not rely on completely reliable information.

VKontakte makes it possible to track the page of any user. But the question is that not everyone wants to do this. The moment of etiquette, one’s own principles and other points comes into play here.

To find out hidden friends user on sites need to perform the following actions:

  1. We go to the account of the person whose hidden friends we want to know.
  2. Copy the URL address of his VKontakte page (select it and press Ctrl+C)
  3. Paste the selected element into the field below (Ctrl+V)
  4. Enter the link to the page or id in the input field and wait to receive the analysis. It is at this point that the question of how to hide friends on VK becomes meaningless.

If the user has not yet been present in the database, you need to start tracking; for this, the sites have a tab: “Start tracking.” To do this, enter the anti-spam code (verification code) and start tracking.

Then you need to go to the “Friends” tab and select one of the search options in the “Search for hidden friends” section.

Now all that remains is to wait some time, usually up to 5 minutes, and all your secret friends will be visible. Now all the questions are about how to see hidden friends you will no longer have.

The check will show the current number of users who have been checked and the identified IDs of friends; after the final check, the program will display their names; by clicking on the ID, you will be able to go to the contact page of the friend you wanted to hide. In addition, you can use other types of searching for hidden friends: by likes that were given to the user or by researching his friends.

You can use two methods in turn; for this, after completing a full scan, it makes sense to refresh the current page and use a different type of search.

VK 220 service for viewing hidden friends

Among the wide variety of services that solve the problem of howcheck hidden friendsOn VKontakte you can allocate the resource VK – 220.

Now the 220vk service is actively operating. It allows you to view private lists. Other features include viewing any user's friends added to the hidden list. Let's look at how this works.

To start the process you need to go to the main page:

Here a form will immediately appear for entering the user id (See) for whom we want to view hidden friends. Then enter the required value in the field and click the scan button. This will open a list of hidden friends for your account, the id you entered into the program.

How to find out hidden friends

In case you do not want to use programs to view hidden friends, you can use another method. By creating a new page (fake) and filling it with truthful personal information, you will have the opportunity to invite as your friends the person whose hidden friends you would like to see.

In addition, there is another option for viewing friends hidden from your eyes.

This option, searching for hidden VKontakte friends from another person, is the least effective. At its core, it is based on pure chance. It is quite possible that you will have the chance that, absolutely by accident, your eyes will come across the page of an acquaintance, a subscriber of a friend, who is hiding his contacts from you. This person will be invisible on the page of a conspiratorial comrade. Thanks to this article, you learned about how to hide friends on VK and how to identify hidden friends in other people.

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