Natal chart 13 03. Individual horoscope

It is no secret to anyone who is interested in astrology that a person’s horoscope is informative and multifaceted. But from what direction should we approach interpretation and not drown in an ocean of different meanings? This article will give you a step-by-step guidehow to read a natal chart.

A typical mistake of astrologers

Often, even in consultation with a practicing astrologer, you can receive the following set of interpretations: you have the Moon in Taurus - you love comfort, delicious food, and Mars in Leo - you are a proud person.

These interpretations may contradict each other. As a result, instead of understanding yourself, you end up with a mess in your head. And the astrologer looks at you with a mystical gaze, believing that you yourself should see the truth.

As they say, personality is a complex thing. For example, at work you are a strict boss, but at home you are a caring mother. The main skill of an astrologer is to learn to synthesize different meanings of a horoscope, to assemble them into one image of a person.

So, now let's find out how to read a person's natal chart, where to start.

Step No. 1. Elements and temperament

Before analyzing the planets and signs, determine the main and weak elements of the horoscope. The energies of air, fire, earth and water indicate a person's temperament. The elements show the general background of the personality, against which the main events will already unfold.

Imagine that you are painting a picture. Sketches, first sketches are planets and signs. And the background, the background, is temperament.

Step #2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant

After we have determined the general background of the horoscope, we move on to analyzing the most important functions of the psyche and soul.

The sun is the core, the center of personality, the true meaning of life, why you came into the world. Astrological predictions in the magazine are based specifically on the sun sign. For example, the Sun in Taurus - the main meaning is beauty, matter, money, practicality and simplicity. , which makes the world full, the force that lifts you off the couch and brings you happiness and success.

The moon is the center of psychic energy, perception of the world, a point of internal comfort. Basic needs, the ability to change, the talent to adapt favorably to circumstances. Mom's image. – this is more than half of the information.
The Ascendant is how you appear in the universe. The physical body, how other people perceive you. Material embodiment of the spirit. shows social and earthly tasks.

  • Sun - I, personality, my true meaning
  • Moon - how the world is reflected in me, a point of comfort, needs
  • Asc is my physical embodiment

Step No. 3. Collecting card details

The next step is to supplement the psychological portrait with personal planets that show different functions and tasks.

  • Mercury – speech, thinking, communication, learning
  • Venus – eros, love, finances
  • Mars – activity, strength, ability to overcome obstacles

Mercury shows how you think, learn, and work with information. How you communicate, commercial skills, conducting household affairs. Logical or creative thinking.

Venus is a manifestation of love, feelings, a point of pleasure and attractiveness; a man has the image of his beloved woman. Significator of marriage. Pocket money, easy income and spending. Art, creativity in general.

Mars is a manifestation of aggression, a way of overcoming difficulties, problems, defending one’s positions, behavior in conflict situations, starting a business and activity in general.

In addition to the interpretation of the planet in the sign, do not forget about the aspects that make significant additions. For example, Mars in Aries is passionate, quick-tempered, hot-tempered. But the square from Saturn cools him down a little, giving him strategy and endurance.

Step #4: Identify Your Weak Points

Almost every horoscope has vulnerable points: afflicted planets, problematic Houses and tense aspects. And this often brings difficulties and misunderstandingshow to read a natal chart, when everything is fine in one place, but in another there is a problem.
The planet is affected if

  • there is a predominance of tense aspects
  • being in the sign of exile and fall
  • burning by the Sun
  • connection with Lilith, evil stars

Stressed areas of the map are the source of problems, blocks and sets that the native needs to work with.

Step 5. Event level

Houses or sectors of the map are responsible for the event level. In other words, the House shows where circumstances require the manifestation of one or another planet. For example, Mars in VIII - disputes over money.
To interpret, you need to evaluate

  • manager – is generally responsible for the affairs of a certain area of ​​​​life. Through what and how the House is realized.
  • cusp – gives a description
  • planets inside - strong positive or negative factors influencing the affairs of the House

Making synthesis

Often, to learn more about their own future, people turn to magic, namely, fortune telling with cards, coffee, mirrors and other magical tools. But this is not the only way to unravel the mysteries of fate. In practice, astrological solitaire works well, but a more informative method is , wherein

The main tool can be called the natal chart. It is built on a specific time, date, geographical place of birth of a person and represents the basis of an individual horoscope.

Features of drawing up a natal chart

For those who are just beginning to learn the basics of astrology, before starting to build a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with some mandatory rules that will help you carry out a quality analysis and ultimately correctly interpret its results. Otherwise, a beginner risks getting confused in the variety of symbols, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances that require natal horoscope, you will have the opportunity to correctly determine cause-and-effect relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know that at the birth of a person, the heavenly bodies and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological Houses in a specific astrological sign. And all the angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal chart with interpretation– this is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out what surprises you should expect, and what events you can avoid. But in order for its analysis to be as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to note the luminaries in the Houses.
  2. Next, we fix the Houses in the signs and determine the aspects that influence the formation of personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of the fictitious points in relation to the Houses, aspects and signs (here it is important to take into account the Rulers associated with a particular House out of 12 possible).

After these simple steps, we will eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal chart. It is these elements that require further interpretation. Of course, in this case you can use online interpretation, but, if you really want to engage in astrology professionally, it is better to decipher such a horoscope yourself, in order to gain experience.

Deciphering astrological houses

Astrological Houses symbolize the main events in a person’s life, and the decoding of their meanings depends on the numbering of the House itself:

  • The 1st symbolizes a person’s character;
  • 2nd denotes acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates exchange;
  • The 4th stands for home;
  • The 5th is usually interpreted as creation;
  • The 6th is the present that exists at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes union.
  • The 8th is aloofness.
  • The 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or travel;
  • The 10th signifies independence, as well as position in society;
  • The 11th is about aspirations, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th stands for willpower and achievement.

Deciphering the celestial bodies and planets

To decipher what the heavenly bodies and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor, a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately constructs an individual horoscope. But you can learn these secrets on your own by familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances.

So, the Moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The celestial body the Sun is associated with a person’s personality, its shortcomings, as well as its advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars signifies the degree of activity shown in solving important problems. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambition. Uranus can warn of unreasonable actions. And Pluto is nothing more than intrapersonal metamorphoses.

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart

In the natal horoscope, zodiac signs are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators necessarily pass through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their traits to all indicators, and this directly affects a person’s fate.

As for the aspects, they represent a connection of an individual nature between the planets and show the nuances that allow the individual to become unique.

Decoding "strange icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that raises questions is the “strange icons” found on the natal chart. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu karma);
  • The circle with the letter “K” on it is the career area (Midheaven);
  • The letter “N” – family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (Depth of the sky);
  • Reversed Omega is responsible for a person’s purpose in life (Rahu-dharma);
  • The unshaded month icon is associated with good luck (White Moon);
  • The icon of a shaded month located on a cross is responsible for everything negative that is in the soul and for our mistakes (Black Moon);
  • “Ms” – human relationships (Descendent);
  • “As” symbolizes our individuality (Ascendant). For example, Ascendant in Scorpio indicates a strong personality involved in the world around him.

Horoscope by date of birth

We invite you to use a free service to compile a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal chart with an accurate interpretation.

As you can see, drawing up a natal chart is not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the acquisition of which will allow you to decipher the horoscope with ease.
We invite you to watch an overview video about deciphering your natal chart yourself

Astro-service "Horoscope by date of birth for free with interpretation"

is intended for constructing a personal birth horoscope directly on the Internet and is an astrological programwith whichYou can compile your individual birth horoscope with detailed information and also some specialized horoscopes, forecasts, and calendars for free at any time.Astro service interface"Astrology-online" very simple and can be mastered even by someone who has no knowledge of astrology and knows little about. The Astrology-Online web service calculates personal horoscopes and individual astrological forecasts, taking into account the time and place of birth. The user enters his data and receives a picture and a transcript of his individual birth horoscope, an astrological forecast for the next two days, as well as a number of other services (astrological forecast for the month, long-term astrological forecast, personality horoscope, love horoscope, wedding calendar, conception calendar, profession horoscope , talent horoscope, business horoscope, astrological mobile application for IOS, astrological mobile application for Android).

Also on the site you can get a decoding of your natal chart from an astrological service for a small fee or order it on this site. You can calculate the most suitable places of residence for yourself through the online service "Moving Horoscope (astroworld)". You can also use astrological services to build your own or to determine which profession suits you best and in which area of ​​life you have the most talents and abilities. In addition, on the site you can talk to a professional astrologer on a topic that interests you. A sample consultation on natal chart interpretation can be read at this link - this is a personal astrological birth chart of a person built on a specific date, specific time and specific geographical place of his birth. The birth horoscope is much more often called the natal chart of a person’s birth (in fact, these are synonyms).

Decoding the symbols in the horoscope

If you are not very familiar with astrology. then before constructing a natal chart and deciphering it, it is advisable to read a brief explanation of the symbols in the natal chart.

In the outer circle of the natal chart there are located distributed by, the designations of which are as follows:

The inner and outer circle of the natal chart is divided into, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life (personality, material wealth, close contacts, family, love, etc.) The beginning of the first house coincides with the Ascendant of the natal chart As (the opposite point is Ds , Descendant). Another important point on the map is Midheaven MC (the opposite point is Ic). The As-Ds and Mc-Ic lines represent the main energy axes of the natal chart, are the beginning of the most important houses (1-person, 4-family, 7-marriage, 10-career) and are very important in its interpretation.

Inside the circle of houses there are symbols of the luminaries (Sun, Moon) and planets of the natal chart. The position of each planet is marked with special marks on the inner circle of the natal chart. The table below shows the designations of the planets in the natal chart:

Sun Moon
Mercury Venus
Mars Jupiter
Saturn Uranus
Neptune Pluto

The lines inside the natal chart reflect the interactions between the planets (tense or harmonious).

Individual horoscope with decoding

To receive a drawing and text transcript of your individual birth horoscope, you must enter your birth data and click the “Natal Horoscope” button. To receive an astrological forecast for the next two days, click the "Daily Forecast" button. To work with other services, click the "All services" button, after which you can get an astrological forecast for the month, long-term astrological forecast, personality horoscope, love horoscope, wedding calendar, conception calendar, profession horoscope, talent horoscope, business horoscope, astrological mobile application for IOS, astrological mobile application for Android.

Having built an astronomical forecast once (long-term forecast, monthly forecast) or an astrological calendar (conception calendar, wedding calendar), you can subsequently compile it for free and repeatedly for any period of time by saving a link to the received forecast or astrocalendar in your Internet browser. This will already be your personal forecast, which is always at hand.

Astrology is very popular now. Astrological forecasts for zodiac signs can be found in newspapers, magazines and on television. But 1/12 of all humanity is born under each sign, and it is unlikely that you admit that all representatives of your sign are racking their brains over the same problems as you. Forecasts based on signs are approximate and very far from the specific situation of each person. Therefore, professional astrology is based on the construction of natal charts, taking into account birth data up to the minute.

The natal chart consists of several circles placed inside each other, divided into 12 sectors - 12 zodiac signs and 12 houses. The planets, represented by symbols - symbolic icons, are located in accordance with their real position in the sky at the time of birth. Aspect lines connect the conventional icons of planets, the angle between which is a special value - an astrological aspect. Major astrological aspects are Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trigon and Sextile.

The natal chart is unique in nature, and unlike magazine horoscopes, it can really tell a lot about a particular person. Today, in order to build a natal chart, there is no need to pay a fabulous sum of money to an astrologer, because now it can be done for free, through online services. You just need to enter the combination “Build a natal chart for free online” into a search engine, and you will be able to build your natal chart along with machine interpretation in a few seconds and absolutely free.

Despite the fact that the machine interpretation is significantly inferior in quality to the interpretation of a professional astrologer, it will be much more specific and relate to you personally. The data required for construction is date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.

Create a natal chart online

In order to build your birth horoscope (natal chart), enter your name, date and time of birth. By default, the page is set to GMT (Universal Time) time setting. To enter your local time of birth, you should be sure to switch the checkbox to “local” time. Remember that the accuracy of the time of birth is very important for an individual horoscope! The acceptable approximation is plus or minus 5 minutes.

Select the country, region and city where you were born from the list. You don't need to enter anything in the longitude and latitude boxes, they are filled in automatically! If your locality is not available, select the city closest to your place of birth, but then the horoscope will not be accurate. Next, click the “Create horoscope” button.

A “Natal Horoscope” with your birth chart will appear on the page. To receive a free full interpretation of your individual horoscope, you need to select the “Interpretation” item in the “Horoscope” drop-down menu.

> Natal chart online

What is a natal chart? This is a personal horoscope created using birth information (date, time and place). With its help, you can learn about everyone's karma, as well as inclinations, opportunities and expected circumstances that can affect the path of life. When drawing up a natal chart, you decide on a cosmogram. It displays the arrangement of planets in the zodiac circle and houses. And based on this information, the horoscope itself is deciphered.

Online program for calculating the natal chart

How to calculate a natal chart

This is a unique program that allows you to find out detailed information about yourself. That is, by entering data about the place, date and time of birth, you will receive details about your character, inclinations, positive and negative qualities, and even look into the future.

How to use the card?

To a beginner who is not familiar with all the intricacies of astrology, drawing up a natal chart may seem like a daunting task. In fact, everything is much simpler. To get the full picture, you only need to enter your name, gender, date of birth and time. Regarding the latter, this is an important point. Of course, it’s great if you know exactly when you were born. But if you do not have such information, then put 12:00:00 (and next to it in the column check the time - exact, only date or + several hours). Below, indicate your country, region and city, then the latitude and longitude will be filled in automatically.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 1

Next comes a column with parameters. In “Horoscope”, always start with the “natal” column. Only after its creation can you create an event one, etc. On the right you see the “aspect colors”. Just put the colors you need in the columns that interest you. This will make it easier to see the final diagram.

Problems arise in the "House System" because beginners who have not encountered them do not know which one to choose. This is not surprising, because even professional astrologers disagree on which of them is closest to the truth. You can read more about these systems online, or find out which ones your favorite astrologers prefer. And you can start with the “cosmogram”, which is located in the last columns. Its beauty is that it is able to describe psychological potential, point out the strengths and weaknesses of the inner world and give a lot of other useful information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 2

When everything is ready, click on “Create a horoscope” and get your card. Now, how to read it? It's quite simple. By hovering your mouse over the planets to which the lines stretch, you will discover their meaning for you.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 3

But to get a full picture, you just need to hover over the Horoscope, and all the necessary information will open there: Description of the card, Table, Psychological porter, Horoscope of professions, etc. You just need to open what interests you and read the information.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 4

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 5

Below are the coordinates and status of the planets with explanations.

Natal chart with interpretation. Rice. 6

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