Prayer from uninvited guests. How to quickly discourage an unwanted person from home using salt

From an unwanted guest

A young woman writes: “My husband loves company. We always have his friends and their girlfriends at our house. Telling him is useless, it means ruining your relationship with him. I don’t want to lose him, we have a little daughter. At home, I’m like a waitress: I serve, clean, cover, air. Some left, others came.

The most offensive thing is that after such clarifications my husband considers me stingy. He is proud that his friends are drawn to him. These endless get-togethers empty the refrigerator. The guys don’t smoke in the room, they go to the playground, but it’s still noisy.

I used to think that this would go away for him, but his friends are drawn to our house like honey.

I hate his friends. How can you treat someone else's family so unceremoniously? It’s unlikely that their parents would tolerate strangers crowding around their house every day.”

There is such a conspiracy: “Speak up the threshold from unwanted guests.” It can be used when you do not want anyone to cross your threshold.

Let your hair down. Cover the windows with curtains. You need to be barefoot and without any pins on your clothes. Lather your hands until foam hangs on your fingers. Apply this foam to the right sole of your foot. Take a knife that you don’t use in the kitchen, carefully remove the foam from the sole of your foot onto the threshold and rub it with your fist. At the same time, the threshold is spoken like this:

The bell on the temple

Icon in frame,

The cross is on me

The key is in the lock

Snake in the grass

Beast in the den

And I'm on my doorstep.

How is this my threshold

The snake won't crawl over

The beast will not cross

So the uninvited guest will not come.

I close my words

I bow to you, holy images.

Cover your eyes with this foam

who's going to come.

He won't see the threshold

won't go over.

My angel, stand with me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.




From the book Dreaming Workshop of Ravenna. Stage 1-2 author Balaban Alexander

Task 5.3 Using sound. Find the Guest using the coolant sound. Tomorrow I won’t have a computer at hand, so I’m posting the task today. For two days (16th and 17th) there will be a Guest in the stream. He will lure you towards him. This is your first indirect attempt at dreaming together.

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II. The Arrival of the Guest 1. So why don’t you perceive the comprehension of your own freedom as deliverance from suffering? And why shouldn’t you rejoice in the truth, instead of considering it an enemy? Why is there an easy and clearly marked road that is simply impossible to stray from?

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To discourage an unwanted guest from your home or detain a person. If you do not want to see a person in your house, you are afraid that an enemy will come to you, or, on the contrary, you want to detain someone in your house, do the following. Drop sharply to the right

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 10 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to keep an unwanted person away from home From a letter: “All day long, my husband’s drinking buddies hang around our house. They drank away their conscience long ago, and therefore all my exhortations are useless. They don’t come without a bottle, there’s a party in the house every day, but we have two sons growing up, I’m afraid that

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 03 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy from an uninvited guest If a person you don’t like often comes to visit you, proceed as follows. Place a piece of bread (the size of a fingernail) in his pocket (coat, jacket, raincoat, jacket, etc.), saying at the same time: Just as this bread is not grain, so you should not come into my house

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 12 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from an uninvited guest. With the handle of a knife, draw crosses on both sides of the front door, while whispering the following conspiracy: My spirit, stay with me, let your own in, don’t let strangers in. I put up a cross, I make a castle, I create a talisman on my threshold. Brownie master, don't let me in

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From an uninvited guest Use the handle of a knife to place crosses on the doors on both sides. At the same time, whisper: My Spirit, abide with me. Let your own people in, don't let strangers in. I put up a cross and make a castle. I am creating a talisman for my doorstep. Master, brownie, do not let the servants of God into my home (names of those

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 36 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Ward off an unwanted person From a letter: “Your mother is writing to you with a big request. I don’t want to hide the fact that my son doesn’t listen to me at all. I spoiled him myself, since I gave birth to him at forty-eight years old and blew the dust off him. He doesn't offend me, but what worries me is that


How to keep uninvited guests away from your home? Very often there is a situation when you are visited by unnecessary people, alien to you in spirit, who have a bad influence on you, your family relationships, introducing discord, confusion, friction and negativity into them. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: “An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.” The Tatars, of course, have nothing to do with it; most likely the saying has been preserved since the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. So, what are the conspiracies against uninvited guests? How to keep them away from your home.

Uninvited guests. When they are not needed in the house

Hospitality has always been a feature of our people: to meet everyone who crossed the threshold of the house, to receive them, wash them, seat them at the table, feed them and put them to bed. Therefore, it is difficult to destroy this foundation in relation to even annoying guests. But on the other hand, you also need to feel sorry for yourself. Situations with relatives become especially difficult, and you cannot refuse to receive them; you can ruin your relationship by doing so, and you will not be able to endure their endless visits.

Uninvited guests

  • There are times when people themselves seem to be quite good, but they have completely forgotten about the principles of hospitality, and in return they need to host guests themselves. And until the latter is done, it is not customary to make visits. This has always been the tradition of the Russian people. But sometimes a person visits so often that it’s time to lock the door.
  • We won’t even talk about people who are alien to you in spirit. There is only one correct way out: to break off all relations with them. To the point of a quarrel.
  • With close relatives: sisters, brothers, parents - it’s difficult here. Diplomacy required. Figure out why your relatives are bothering you, why you are not happy communicating with them, why they are bothering you, and how you can fix it. It happens that the mother-in-law comes into the house often and every time with nagging: you’re doing it wrong, you’re doing it wrong. Let your son talk to her and explain that the nagging remarks offend you. Although in 90% of cases this does not bring results, it is very difficult to change the character of a 50-60 year old woman. And try to resist such visits.
  • A special category includes people living in capitals and southern cities. There will immediately be dozens of people here who need your participation. Everyone thinks: I’m here for a day - a week - a night, without thinking about how many such people there may be. And little did they know that people were tired of endless visits, turning their home into a train station. If you have no strength to endure, break this vicious circle by refusing. YOU don't owe anything to anyone.

In all of the above cases, conspiracies from uninvited guests will come to your aid. How to protect your home from people you don’t need using conspiracies. If you do not wish harm to people, do not direct the negative flow of your energy towards them. Remember, everything comes back to us a hundredfold.

Wish them peace, but let them live in their own home. Protect your home and your space only from the influence of these uninvited people.

Icons and conspiracies from uninvited guests

The icon has always been the main protective and preserving attribute of any home.

House protection icon

At all times, it was believed that icons protect from everything bad, harmful, and evil. It is important that there is an icon of Jesus Christ in the house. It is better to hang the icon of the Holy Trinity in the hallway opposite the entrance to the house.

If guests become frequent, turn to the icon with prayer for protection.

Conspiracies will help protect your home from unwanted people.

Conspiracy from uninvited guests for crackers

Take a small cracker from your nail and say the following words on it:

Just as this bread cannot be grain, so you, God’s servant (name), should not come to my house. Amen.

Read it three times and put the cracker in your coat pocket, better in the lining of these people, if that doesn’t work out, then put it in their bag. In any case, you need to make sure that they take the cracker with them. As a last resort, give them something with you, for example, jam, pickles prepared by you, a piece of pie or any sweet under the pretext of “you’ll have tea at home.”

The conspiracy works perfectly, but it doesn’t always work the first time and the second time, it all depends on the aura and consciousness of the person and his psyche. But after the third time, you will notice that guests have become rare or have stopped coming altogether. For a year you are protected from uninvited guests.

A conspiracy that closes the way to unwanted guests

The following spell words will ward off the person you don’t want to see in your house. At the last moment he will change his mind and will not bother you. The spell words are pronounced at the doorstep of the house.

For the first time, for an hour

I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold.

How do people not walk through shit?

How they avoid him

So (name) would have walked around my threshold,

She never came, forever and ever.

The key to my words

Castle for my affairs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another of the simplest and most accessible ways to deal with unwanted guests:

A conspiracy to sweep away traces of unnecessary guests

An ordinary broom will help you in this conspiracy against uninvited guests. Immediately after the guests leave, take a broom in your left hand from the farthest corner of the house to the threshold, sweep away all the garbage, moving away from you, and saying:

Just as this garbage will not enter my house, so slaves (names of the guests) will not come to my house.

Collect the garbage, wrap it in a paper bag and burn it. Bury the ashes; there is no way to take them out of the house and throw them in a container. Wash and dry the broom.

As a rule, two or three times of this sweeping procedure is enough to achieve the desired result.

We wash away traces of uninvited guests

This ritual is carried out with water, which must be used to wipe all the handles and wash the floor immediately after the guests leave. It’s good to add a few drops of holy water to the water and throw in a pinch of table salt. If you have Thursday salt (Maundy Thursday), it will work great. Words on the water:

« Just as this water will not return to my house, the hand of the uninvited guest will never touch my hand again! Amen". The plot is repeated three times.

Once you’ve finished, ideally take the water over the threshold of the house and pour it out onto the street, onto the road, but given the living conditions in large houses, I think a sewer will do. It is important to flush the toilet several times. Throw the rag into the trash.

Make a conspiracy against uninvited guests once. He is strong and I think it will be enough. No, that means you have to repeat it.

Do spell rituals along with prayers for protection and then everything will come true.

I wish you that in your home there will be only people who are pleasant to you and that all your guests will be happy!

Famous psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko shared her knowledge of ritual magic. With the help of her effective plot, you will get rid of guests who intrusively meddle in your life.

Every person has a limit to their patience. When your personal boundaries are violated, they come to visit without warning, interfere with their presence and advice, it’s time to resort to conspiracies. Finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Nadezhda Shevchenko knows a way to ward off annoying people and restore harmony and peace in the house.

Conspiracy from unwanted guests

To perform the ritual you will need the following items:

  • a new broom, preferably a longer one;
  • candle (not necessarily church candle, light shade);
  • coarse salt;
  • pin;
  • coin;
  • bead.

In the evening, when no one but you is at home, begin the ritual. Dim the lights and make a salt cross in front of the front door. Place a bead and a pin in the center. The bead must have a hole so that the needle of the pin can pass through it freely. Place a lit candle next to the cross, put a broom and read the plot:

“I’m closing the way to my house, I don’t want to know you. I turn away from the gate. I lock the door against uninvited guests, against uninvited people. When you come to my threshold, you’ll forget what you came for, and you’ll go home.”

At the same time, imagine the faces of people whom you do not want to see in your home.

Take the candle to the room where you usually meet guests, and use a broom to sweep the salt with a pin and bead into a bag. Place the candle stub there and go to the nearest intersection. There, carefully take out a pin, put a bead on it and with the words “I’m closing the road to my house, I don’t know mercy” close the lock. Place the pin in your pocket.

Scatter the salt from the bag to the cardinal points, saying:

“I swept unexpected guests out of the house and brought them to a fork in the road. I’ll spin around and turn around and turn back home from the road. There is no way to me without my word. Let it be as she said.”

At the crossroads, leave a coin, bow to four sides and, leaving, say: "Paid."

You can also leave the broom at the crossroads, or you can make it into a talisman that protects you from negative influences. To do this, place it with the rods up near the front door.

Pin the pin with the bead to the door frame. It will protect you and your home from unwanted influences, negative energy, envious people, as well as from uninvited and annoying people who like to come to your house with their charter and recommendations.

Protection from unpleasant people

The second part of the ritual is protecting your home from negative thoughts that will be experienced by those to whom you have denied access. A home, like a person, needs timely and strong protection in order to remain a fortress and a place of rest.

Walk around all the rooms with a candle, saying:

“I burn out evil thoughts, I don’t know mercy. The walls are strong, the door is locked. Those who spoke nasty things fell silent. I forgive my offenders, but I predict that they will fail if they plan evil against me and my house. Let it be so".

Pour a little salt into each corner - it has cleansing and protective properties, so it will rid your home of anger and negative energy. Also pour salt in front of the threshold from the entrance side and inside, in front of the threshold.

Remember that even unintentional hurtful words can make a hole in your protective field. Use amulets that protect against the evil eye and damage, and also tune in to positive thoughts. A happy person finds it easier to resist negativity. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Love yourself and don't forget to push the buttons and

21.02.2017 07:10

In the modern world, we are very often exposed to negative influences. It will help protect yourself from the evil eye or damage...

Without an invitation and prior notice, it is considered a rather rude act. After all, the owners may have business, work from home, cleaning, a high temperature or a bad mood. Some people, obsessed with a thirst for communication and confident in their own irresistibility, sincerely believe that their appearance at a party is a reason to drop everything and start having fun. Convincing such visitors that they do not always choose the right time is difficult, but possible.

An unwanted guest can be persuaded to leave right from the doorstep. To do this, come up with some simple but tedious task outside your apartment. In this case, going to the store is not suitable, since the visitor will decide that you are trying for his sake and will volunteer to help. But queuing at the clinic or visiting are good options. Your visitor will not want to turn his sparkling visit into a visit to a hospital or housing department. Naturally, for plausibility you will have to get dressed and go out in the right direction. On the other hand, this will give you the opportunity to complete some boring tasks that you have been putting off for a long time. For example, actually making an appointment with a doctor or submitting documents.

Most people take hints, but some people need to hint more directly. If you are not just not happy with the guest, but are really busy or feel bad, you can say so. Moreover, this should be done not in the form of opposition: “I have a headache, fever, but you’re getting over it, make yourself at home,” but as harshly and unambiguously as possible: “I don’t feel well, come back another time.” In this way, you may darken the visitor’s radiant mood, but at the same time teach him to warn him of your intention to visit in advance.

If an unwanted guest has already entered your apartment, settled down on the sofa and demands small talk, try to inform that in the near future someone will join you whom your visitor, for one reason or another, cannot stand. Try to demonstrate how excited you are for the future visit of the second guest, how long you have been waiting for him and how, finally, everything coincided successfully. With a high degree of probability, your intrusive visitor will simply run away.

Sometimes guests sneak into your home pretending they don't understand the hints. You can play the same game and push the unwanted visitor out the door using his own methods. Try not to behave like the poor Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh (“The Rabbit was very, very well-mannered”), but use the methods of a rude plush. If the guest hints that he is hungry because he did not have time to have lunch, do not rush to offer him the first course, the second course and compote. Tell him that it’s in vain that he treats his stomach this way, that he needs to take care of himself, that you, for example, literally ate, and now you don’t want anything until the evening, or even until the morning.


When planning a visit yourself, coordinate the visit with the hosts in advance so as not to feel like an unwanted visitor whom they are trying to get rid of.

Helpful advice

Mention several times in conversations that you don’t like guests arriving unannounced. This way you will free your hands in the future by warning your friends in advance.


  • Ward off unwanted guests

A guest in the house means joy, a feast and a sea of ​​positive emotions. But exactly until the moment the owners want to relax in silence. If the clock is approaching midnight, and a cheerful group still does not intend to leave your apartment, you can unobtrusively help them leave.


Show some concern for your buddies. It’s already late, the metro will close soon, the last bus is about to leave. Volunteer to personally see what time the required transport leaves, offer to call your friend’s husband and ask to meet her. Guests, most likely, will not notice that you are sending them away, but they will be touched by your concern.

Stop putting new snacks and bottles on the table. With regret, inform your guests that everything is over, having first hidden the Olivier in the refrigerator. After a while, start collecting empty dishes from the table. The hint is clear - there is nothing more to wait in this house, it’s time to leave.

Each of us is familiar with the expression “My home is my castle.” And everyone would like to protect this very fortress from all the evil that is hidden in the surrounding world and people. For this reason, many may be thinking about how they can discourage those people from their home whose presence in it is extremely undesirable. Turning to magic for help, you can come to the conclusion that a conspiracy against unwanted guests is a very effective means of protecting your living space from unwanted people.

At the current moment in time, there is a wide variety of magical actions that can be used to protect your home from an uninvited guest or ill-wisher, so that they do not come and do not come. Therefore, a person has the right to choose the method he will use, be it a spell, prayer or other magical action. The main thing is to follow the rules of the ritual in any case. In this case, the consequences of an incorrectly performed ritual will not overtake the performer, and the result will be as required.

Spells to ward off enemies

There are different types of guests, and you don’t want to see uninvited ones more often. Some we look forward to, while others we don’t want to see even on the doorstep; we want to get rid of these even before they arrive. But for every living person, the list of unwanted visitors begins with enemies. It is the ill-wishers, both obvious and secret, that each of us under no circumstances would like to see present in our home. For this reason, many people may be concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get rid of ill-wishers standing on the threshold of the house through the use of magical actions. As the magical heritage of our ancestors says, this is quite possible.

A conspiracy that helps keep enemies away from the house and get rid of them in advance is extremely relevant, since every person has hostile people. The proposed rituals are quite simple to perform, which increases the guarantee of a successful result; ill-wishers will change their minds about coming to you. Also, these magical actions will not only ward off uninvited enemies, but will also help return all the evil that these people directed at the owner of the house.

Animal heart ritual

The first step is preparation for performing a magical action. Before carrying out the ceremony, you need to buy everything you need, namely:

  1. The animal's heart is small. An organ from a bird, dog or rabbit is suitable for the ritual. You don't have to buy a heart, but rather cut it out of a dead animal.
  2. Nine small nails.
  3. One large nail.

Carrying out the ritual

  1. Place the purchased heart on the surface of the plate, and then begin driving in the prepared nails one by one.
  2. Driving in is accompanied by a verbal message of misfortune and adversity to the enemy whom you want to take away from the monastery.
  3. After this, you need to bury everything that is on the surface of the dish into the ground.
  4. For burial, be sure to choose a deserted area so that ordinary passers-by do not take over the effect of the enchanted heart.
  5. Bury the remains of the attributes used in the ritual, accompanying your actions with a conspiracy:

“All the sorrows and misfortunes that you brought me, I return to you! I didn’t invite you, it’s not to my house that your path lies!”

At the end of the ritual, it is important not to borrow money for the next three days and take anything in return. Only then will every magic word that a person uttered act in full force, and the enemies will forget the way to the house.

Charmed salt to protect the home

Salt is known to have powerful purifying and shielding properties. This is a good reason to use this item to protect your abode from uninvited visitors. A person has the opportunity to use a simple and effective spell of salt, which will certainly help.

The proposed conspiracy against uninvited guests does not require preparation and is carried out quickly enough:

Take a pinch of salt, standing near the main entrance to your home, which is open, and say in a quiet voice:

“Let all damage and misfortune go to the one who sends evil to me.”

After this, throw the spoken salt, focusing on the left side. Make sure that the salt does not get on the resident of the house, this will interfere with the ritual and disrupt its effectiveness.

Salt wrapped in a package that has passed the consecration ceremony will also help protect your home from those guests whose visit is not expected. Just remember the salt must be consecrated on a holy holiday, preferably Easter or another red day.

Conspiracy to buy milk

Who would have thought that the usual purchase of milk could become a means of magical protection from the unnecessary attention of our ill-wishers. But the magical heritage of our ancestors indicates that you can save yourself from unwanted attention by buying milk and performing a simple and effective ritual with it.

How to keep unwanted guests away from your home

How to protect your home from uninvited guests. LIFE HACK from Andrzej Kuczynski

Ritual against Uninvited Guests. Vedic Psychologist

How to perform the ritual

While you are shopping, you need to repeat the magic words:

“I’m going to get milk for my enemies.”

Having brought the purchase home, you need to wait until the purchased milk has turned sour; you can speed up this process by leaving the purchase in the sun or in any warm place.

“As this milk turned sour, so that you too would turn sour from me, (full name of the enemy). As I wash my hands and feet, so that you too can wash yourself from me, (full name of the enemy). Amen".

We discourage uninvited visitors

Many people understand that they need to protect their home not only from those who clearly wish us harm, but also from all uninvited guests. After all, you can rack your brain for a long time over what intentions the visitor came with. The plot will help the owner to protect himself from the possible influence of the thoughts of envious people and simply unexpected visitors.

Spell with cloves

Some practitioners claim that carnations can help protect a person’s home from visits by those who carry evil in their thoughts. Performing a simple and effective ritual that protects your home, take a handful of dried clove leaves and pour them into a prepared heat-resistant container. As the ritual progresses, you need to quietly whisper the magic words:

“Protect my house, drive away the unwanted guest! Let it be so!".

The plant is poured with boiling water and placed in a dark, hot place for half an hour or three quarters (45 minutes). While the cloves are infused, you need to whisper a ritual incantation:

“Magic spices and water, I conjure you! Let the power of your energies fill my infusion with strength! Strength and protection in action! Let those whom I do not expect to visit never come to the threshold of this house! Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

The charmed tincture is used during the consecration of the home of the one who performed the ceremony. Particular attention is paid to such parts as the threshold and the main entrance.

Charmed valerian

In magical practices, special herbal mixtures are used a lot and often; they perform cleansing and restoration. In order to protect the house from uninvited visitors, some magicians can use valerian. In order for the plant to help in protection, it is necessary that the plant stands in a common area; most often the flower is placed in the corridor or in the hallway:

“Let the one whom no one is waiting for here never enter this house! Protect, protect, drive away the uninvited from us! Let it be so!".

Distraction ritual using fresh garbage

The magic of our ancestors is characterized by unpredictability in the attributes used, rituals and hex texts. Ritual actions that protect the house from guests who are not expected may involve the use of a variety of objects and substances.

The proposed hex must be read directly onto the garbage, which is a rather non-standard, but effective method for protecting the house. If the goal is to ward off all uninvited guests from your threshold, notice each room, collect the garbage in a bag and cast the spell:

“How can this garbage not turn into gold? A songbird will not become a stone. Peas will not turn into gunpowder. So it would be (to such and such). Don't show up on my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, the bag is burned, and the remains are buried in places where people rarely walk and dogs rarely run. When the ritual is completed, the magic will begin to influence the house and begin to have a protective effect on the house, ridding its owners of those guests whom they do not want to see.

Sometimes it happens that uninvited visitors arrive before the magical actions are over. In some cases, it is recommended to perform the ritual again, but in the case of a ritual with garbage, you can simply sweep the house after all strangers have left it.

Protecting your home with amulets

In magical practices, it is common to create special objects that perform specific functions. They can be called amulets, talismans and even artifacts. But can a talisman help you get rid of those you don’t want to see on your doorstep? As it turned out, it is possible. And most importantly, such an item can be created independently, at home. Properly created amulets can not only ward off all unwanted people from home, but also protect against negative influences, both conscious and accidental.

The easiest way to protect your home from people you don't want to see is to say magic words while tying your shoelaces or buttoning your clothes. The text of the spell is as follows:

“With this castle I isolate myself from evil and evil deeds, from a black and quick eye, from lying and envious words. So that you have neither access, nor half access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor in rest, nor at work, neither day nor night. I close the words with a key, I command you to be strong. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

During this simple ritual, a magical castle is created that will not allow uninvited guests to enter the house, or to launch any negative program aimed at the atmosphere in the house and its inhabitants.

Icons for protection

Icons also have great power, which is no secret. In order to prevent evil from entering the house either through magical influences or through people entering the house, the owner of the room must ensure that his house has a certain set of images. There will be complete protection from an uninvited guest only when the following icons are installed at home:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • an icon of the patron saint of the owner of the house (usually this is the saint whose name was given to the person who owns the house at baptism).

In order to protect your home from everyone who has evil in their souls, and to prevent a negative impact on the atmosphere created in the house, it is not at all necessary to go to your grandmother-witch and ask for help. Each of us keeps a little wizard in the depths of our souls. With the sincere belief that housing can be made a fortress from evil intentions on our own, we awaken our inner wizard and ourselves create real miracles that protect us, our family and our home. Ancestors left a large selection of possible means and methods. Which one to use for your purposes is entirely your choice. Listen to the voice of your heart and create magic without anyone's help.

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