The Fox and the Wolf lesson based on a fairy tale. Summary of a lesson on reading the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”

Lesson summary on literary reading

Chapter: Fairy tales.

Subject: Russian folk tales. "Fox - sister and wolf."

The purpose of the lesson: systematize students’ knowledge on the topic “Russian folk tales”; learn to evaluate the character of the characters, their actions, mood.

Planned result: systematization of students’ knowledge of fairy tales; the ability to evaluate heroes by their actions.


- development of independence;

Development of cooperation skills.


Development of oral speech; figurative and logical thinking, articulatory apparatus;

ability to analyze and generalize


Personal UUD:

Formation of educational motivation, adequate self-esteem, awareness of the meaning of learning and personal responsibility for future results; willingness to openly express one’s position in the classroom.

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to carry out actions according to a model; evaluation of the process and result of activity.

Cognitive UUD:

Summarizing the concept based on identifying essential features; implementation of semantic reading; search and selection of necessary information from the text; filling out the proposed diagrams based on the text read; working with two sources of information

Communicative UUD:

Formation of the ability to hear and listen to a teacher, classmate; conduct oral dialogue; role reading; collaborate with others to solve learning problems; adequately evaluate oneself and the work of other students.

Lesson objectives:

    the formation of educational and information skills (the ability to work with text, with tables, to find the main, essential); learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech patterns

    development of communication skills (ability to communicate, interact with each other);

    cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of one’s people; morality through analysis of the content of a work of art;

Basic concepts of the lesson: fairy tale, character, cluster.

Equipment: textbook “Literary Reading”, signals, cards with tables, images of animals, projector, computer,

I . Self-determination for activity And setting a learning task.

(Organizing time)

Goal: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level; speaking the topic and purpose of the lesson in the form of questions.

Methods: dialogue leading up to the topic.

The bell rang again.

We are starting our lesson.

Curious children in the classroom

They want to know about everything in the world.

Good morning!

The day has begun.

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Don't be bored in class

Today in the lesson we will not only begin to get acquainted with a new work, but also remember the classification of fairy tales, and also work on enriching our vocabulary. Throughout the lesson, you will be not just listeners, but attentive, thoughtful readers and researchers.

What does it mean to be attentive readers?

II . Updating knowledge.

Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge of the classification of fairy tales.

Method: dialogue.

Productive task: circuit addition

Motivational technique: puzzles.

Here are illustrations for works you are familiar with. What genre of literature do they belong to?

How does a fairy tale differ from other genres of literature?

Look, into what two large groups can all fairy tales be divided?

Name folk tales.

Complete the proposed diagram.

Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, get to know us!

1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie...

2.Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

3. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof hole!...

4. Pounded and pounded

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.

Think about which fairy tale will be “extra” and why?

These are all fairy tales.

In a fairy tale there is always everything unusual and magical; there are animals, birds and things that can talk and wear clothes. There are also various magical things: a flying carpet, a magic mirror, a self-assembled tablecloth and others. There are unusual creatures in fairy tales: Baba Yaga, gnomes, Koschey the Immortal, etc.

- “Doctor Aibolit”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

- “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Fox and Rooster”.

Tales about animals, everyday tales and magic ones.

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"The Fox and the Crane"

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, because this is a fairy tale, and the rest are about animals.

III . "Discovery of new knowledge"

Methods: dialogue, pair work.

Motivational technique: quiz, “magic box”, listening to a fairy tale performed by actors.

-Guess the rebus and you will find out the name of the fairy tale hero we will talk about. The fox is one of the most famous heroes of Russian folk tales.

Let's do a little quiz. Hint: in all fairy tales the main character is a fox.

1) The little fox-sister is coming.

She knocked on the window and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

2) And she told them from the stove: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets! The dogs got scared and ran away!

3) The fox climbed into the attic and ate half of the honey. She returned again and lay down, and the bear asked her: godfather, what was your godmother’s name?

4) They let her in. The fox lay down on the bench, its tail under the bench, and the rolling pin under the stove.

5) The hare ran to the fox. And the bear and the wolf began to think about where to hide.

The bear says: I will climb the pine tree.

What should I do? - asks the wolf. Hide me, Mikhailo Ivanovich, somewhere! The bear covered the wolf with dry leaves and climbed up the pine tree.

6) And the fox collected all the scattered fish into a pile, sat down on the road and eats for itself. The Gray Wolf comes to her.

Now you will get acquainted with another fairy tale, the heroes of which will be a fox and a wolf. This is a Russian folk tale, “The Little Fox and the Wolf.”

But first, let's do a vocabulary warm-up.

Vocabulary warm-up:

feeling of co-feeling


How do you understand the words: "curl up"?

Find the meanings of the words in the dictionary: SMART, IMPROVE TIME, EASY, HOLE, ROCKER, REVENTIVE.

We will put all these words into our magic box.

And now we will listen to the first part of this fairy tale performed by the wonderful actress T. Peltzer.

This is a fox.


"Zayushkina's hut"

"The Fox and the Bear"

"Fox with a rolling pin"

"Kotofey Ivanovich"

"Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Squeeze, bend your knees, press your head tightly.

IV . Primary consolidation.


Methods: frontal work.

GKS(K)OU RM "Saransk Special (Correctional) General Education Boarding SchoolIAndIIkind"

Lesson summary of extracurricular reading "Russian folk tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Prepared by Kiushkina S.V.


Summary of an open lesson in extracurricular reading “Russian folk tale “Little Fox and the Wolf”

Target: Systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge about the content of the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf”

Tasks: formation of correct, conscious reading skills;

correction of the sound pronunciation aspect of speech, auditory perception, development of oral coherent speech;

vocabulary enrichment;

education of morality through analysis of the content of a fairy tale

Equipment: computer, projector, filmstrip “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, tablets with speech material, a series of pictures based on the content of the fairy tale

During the classes

I . Organizing time

The bell has rung for us.

Everyone entered the classroom quietly.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

We greeted each other politely.

Sit down quietly, backs straight,

I see that our class is no different!

We'll start the lesson, friends.

II . Speech exercise

Read the syllables

Va val

In the ox

you howled

Julia, repeat the syllables (syllables are voiced behind the screen)

Read the poems, pronouncing the sound clearlyV

The wolf howled and howled all evening,

He was afraid of sharp pitchforks.

What date is today? (behind the screen)

What lesson is now? (behind the screen)

What time of year is it now? (behind the screen)

What time of year comes after autumn? (behind the screen)

What is the weather like in winter? (behind the screen)

III . Lesson topic message

The theme of our extracurricular reading lesson is the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf.”

Have you read the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”?

Did you like the fairy tale? (behind the screen)

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? (behind the screen)

IV . Watching the film strip “Sister Fox and the Wolf”

Guys, let's remember the content of the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf” and watch the filmstrip

(using ICT)

V . Vocabulary work

Guys, when you read the fairy tale, you came across difficult words, the meaning of which we will now analyze with you.

Ice hole - a hole cut in the ice on the river.

Rocker - item for carrying two buckets on the shoulder.

I pretended - took on some appearance (of death) in order to deceive.

Polegonk y - slowly, carefully

VI . Working with a series of pictures

- Look at the drawings on the board. Are they arranged sequentially according to the content of the tale?

Who did the old man see on the road?

Find a passage in the text.

How can you title this passage, choose from the proposed tablets (Grandfather saw a fox)

This is the first point of the plan. Attach a sign.

Look at the second picture. What is the fox doing?

- Find a passage in the text.

- How can you title this passage (The fox threw out the fish)

- This is the second point of the plan. Attach a sign.

-Who do you see in the next picture?

- Read the dialogue between the wolf and the fox by role.

— Title the passage (The fox asks the wolf for fish)

— Attach a sign.

-What happened to the wolf's tail?

- Give it a title. (The wolf's tail froze)

— Attach a sign.

-Who do you see in the next picture?

- Read the passage.

- Title the passage you read. (The women began to beat the wolf.)

— Attach a sign.

- What happened to the fox in the meantime?

- Find and read the passage.

— Select the next item on the plan. (The fox got covered in dough)

- What do you see in the next picture?

- Read the passage.

— Attach the last point of the plan. (The wolf carries the fox)

- We have a plan. Zhenya, read the plan (behind the screen)

VII . Physical education minute

Exercises to relieve visual fatigue

1. Movement of the eyeballs to the right and left.

2. Movement of the eyeballs up and down.

3. Rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.

4. Fixation of gaze on the tip of the nose.

5. Blinking.

6. Close your eyes and relax (30-40 minutes)

VIII . Retelling a fairy tale based on a plan and a series of drawings.

IX . Conversation on the content of the fairy tale

— Guys, is this fairy tale funny or sad? (behind the screen)

- Do you think the fox did well in the fairy tale?

- Is it possible to be as trusting and simple-minded as a wolf?

- Choose signs with words that characterize the fox.

- Choose signs with words that characterize the wolf.

X . Work in notebooks

Write down in your notebook in two columns the words that characterize the wolf and the fox.

XI . Lesson summary

- What did we do in class today?

- Everyone worked well today. Well done

Used Books

1.Komarov K.V. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school for hearing-impaired children. - M.: 000 “Publishing house “ONICS 21st century”, 2005.

2. Krasilnikova O. A. Teaching reading to schoolchildren with hearing impairments: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005

GKS(K)OU RM "Saransk Special (Correctional) General Education Boarding SchoolIAndIIkind"

Lesson summary of extracurricular reading "Russian folk tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Prepared by Kiushkina S.V.


Summary of an open lesson in extracurricular reading "Russian folk tale "Little Fox and the Wolf"

Target: Systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge about the content of the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf”

Tasks: formation of correct, conscious reading skills;

correction of the sound pronunciation aspect of speech, auditory perception, development of oral coherent speech;

vocabulary enrichment;

education of morality through analysis of the content of a fairy tale

Equipment: computer, projector, filmstrip "Little Fox and the Wolf", tablets with speech material, a series of pictures based on the content of the fairy tale

During the classes

I . Organizing time

The bell has rung for us.

Everyone entered the classroom quietly.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

We greeted each other politely.

Sit down quietly, backs straight,

I see that our class is no different!

We'll start the lesson, friends.

II . Speech exercise

Read the syllables

Va val

In ox

you howled

Julia, repeat the syllables (syllables are voiced behind the screen)

Read the poems, pronouncing the sound clearlyV

The wolf howled and howled all evening,

He was afraid of sharp pitchforks.

What date is today? (behind the screen)

What lesson is now? (behind the screen)

What time of year is it now? (behind the screen)

What time of year comes after autumn? (behind the screen)

What is the weather like in winter? (behind the screen)

III . Lesson topic message

The theme of our extracurricular reading lesson is the Russian folk tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf."

Have you read the fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf"?

Did you like the fairy tale? (behind the screen)

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? (behind the screen)

IV . Watching the film strip "Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Guys, let's remember the content of the fairy tale "Sister Fox and the Wolf" and watch the filmstrip

(using ICT)

V . Vocabulary work

Guys, when you read the fairy tale, you came across difficult words, the meaning of which we will now analyze with you.

Ice hole - a hole cut in the ice on the river.

Rocker - item for carrying two buckets on the shoulder.

I pretended - took on some appearance (dead) in order to deceive.

Polegonk y - slowly, carefully

VI . Working with a series of pictures

Look at the drawings on the board. Are they arranged sequentially according to the content of the tale?

Who did the old man see on the road?

Find a passage in the text.

How can you title this passage, choose from the proposed tablets (Grandfather saw a fox)

This is the first point of the plan. Attach a sign.

Look at the second picture. What is the fox doing?

Find a passage in the text.

How can you title this passage (The fox threw out the fish)

This is the second point of the plan. Attach a sign.

Who do you see in the following picture?

Read the dialogue between the wolf and the fox by role.

Title the passage (The fox asks the wolf for fish)

Attach a sign.

What happened to the wolf's tail?

Give it a title. (The wolf's tail froze)

Attach a sign.

Who do you see in the following picture?

Read the passage.

Title the passage you read. (The women began to beat the wolf.)

Attach a sign.

What happened to the fox in the meantime?

Find and read the passage.

Select the next plan item. (The fox got covered in dough)

What do you see in the following picture?

Read the passage.

Attach the last point of the plan. (The wolf carries the fox)

We've got a plan. Zhenya, read the plan (behind the screen)

VII . Physical education minute

Exercises to relieve visual fatigue

1. Movement of the eyeballs to the right and left.

2. Movement of the eyeballs up and down.

3. Rotate the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.

4. Fixation of gaze on the tip of the nose.

5. Blinking.

6. Close your eyes and relax (30-40 minutes)

VIII . Retelling a fairy tale based on a plan and a series of drawings.

IX . Conversation on the content of the fairy tale

Guys, is this fairy tale funny or sad? (behind the screen)

Do you think the fox did well in the fairy tale?

Is it possible to be as trusting and simple-minded as a wolf?

Choose signs with words that describe the fox.

Choose signs with words that characterize the wolf.

X . Work in notebooks

Write down in your notebook in two columns the words that characterize the wolf and the fox.

XI . Lesson summary

What did we do in class today?

Everyone worked well today. Well done

Used Books

1.Komarov K.V. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school for hearing-impaired children. - M.: 000 “Publishing house “ONICS 21st century”, 2005.

2. Krasilnikova O. A. Teaching reading to schoolchildren with hearing impairments: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005

Lyubov Baraukhina
Lesson summary “Sister Fox and Wolf”

Reading a Russian folk tale « Fox-sister and wolf»

Abstract educational activities in the middle group on speech development

Prepared by the teacher

Baraukhina Lyubov Vasilievna


Introduce children to Russian folk tales « Fox - sister and wolf» (arranged by M. Bulatov, to help evaluate the actions of the heroes.


Learn to participate in a conversation and answer questions clearly for the listener. Develop a dialogical form of speech.

Develop and activate vocabulary. Enrich children's vocabulary words: ice hole, sauerkraut.

Cultivate an active interest in fairy tales and good relationships with each other.

Materials: Clothes for the Storyteller, fairy tale « Fox - sister and wolf» , illustrations for a fairy tale.

Preliminary work: The day before, place an illustrated edition of the book in a corner of the book. Pay attention to it, invite them to look at the drawings, guess who this fairy tale is about.

(I throw a large bright scarf over my shoulders and turn to the children)

Hello guys, I am the Storyteller, I came to visit you. Do you know who the Storyteller is? (children's answers). Why do you think I came to you? (read a new interesting fairy tale). Do you know what a fairy tale is? (children's answers) What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers) How many fairy tales do you know, well done! I want to introduce you to another interesting fairy tale, and try to guess who its heroes are. Listen carefully, remember who is so said:

- “Oh, I can’t hear you well, Kolobok, sit on my nose and sing your song louder.” Who said that? (children's answers) Well done, you guessed it right! This is a fox.

Listen again. “He took even more air into his mouth and blew on the straw house. And at the same moment the house scattered in different directions.” Who was that? (children's answers) Yes it wolf!

Well done! You guessed correctly. Who are we going to read the story about? (Children's answers) Yes, guys, today I will read a fairy tale called « Fox - sister and wolf» . Sit comfortably on the chairs. Russian folktale « Fox - sister and wolf» . So here I go.

(Reading a fairy tale)

Guys, did you like the fairy tale? (Children's answers) Who remembers what it's called? (Children's answers) Let's remember all the heroes of the fairy tale (children's answers).

Dynamic pause:

"Animal Round Dance"(Children walk like a horse, fox-sister, wolf how fish swim. They sit down on the chairs again).

What is the name of the fairy tale we read? (Children's answers) Tell me, guys, did you understand all the words in the fairy tale or were there some words that were unfamiliar? (children's answers) Who knows what an ice hole is? (children's answers) What is kvashnya (children's answers) How a fox got dirty with a pickle (children's answers) What is the character of the fox in the fairy tale? (Children's answers) What in a fairy tale wolf by nature? (stupid, gullible) Why did the fox deceive wolf? (She was cunning and greedy, and hungry wolf) . Did the fox do the right thing? (No, we need to respect each other, treat each other kindly, because the fox and the wolf were friends) Who can you feel sorry for in a fairy tale? Why? ( The wolf was killed on the river, he was left without a tail, and the fox deceived him and still rode him). Who remembers how a fox sitting in a hole laughed at wolf? (Fox spoke: "I don't have no wolf sense, no use!)

Guys, fairy tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, that’s why we read them. Did you listen carefully to the story today? « Fox - sister and wolf» , thank you, well done! I brought you books with illustrations for the fairy tale « Fox - sister and wolf» , you can take them and look at them. It's time for me to leave, goodbye! (The storyteller takes off her scarf, turns to the children, like a teacher, and sits down with the children to look at the books.)

Publications on the topic:

Purpose of the lesson: to teach children to transform the basic form into various crafts, to develop variability of thinking. Objectives: Build skills.

Goal: to familiarize children of the preparatory group with the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf” with chants, including a didactic game.

Abstract of the educational activity for speech development “Reading to children the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Wolf” Purpose: To introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Fox-Sister and the Wolf”, to help evaluate the actions of the heroes, to dramatize an excerpt from.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Reading an excerpt and dramatization of the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, reading nursery rhymes in the middle group. Made it up.

Lesson summary in Russian language

"Sister Fox and Gray Wolf"

prepared by the teacher Margieva Revmira Uruzmagovna

Moscow 2014

Lesson objectives : continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to comprehend the characters and actions of the characters; clarify children’s ideas about the genre features of a fairy tale; practice expressiveness of words.

Educational areas : “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Physical development”.



    Expand and clarify children’s ideas about good and bad deeds;

    Expand and enrich children's knowledge about fairy tale characters.



    Enrich children's speech with nouns and adjectives;

    Strengthen children's ability to select antonyms;

    Improve the dialogical form of speech;

    To develop the ability to coherently, consistently and expressively retell short tales.



    Teach children to convey the intonation character of the characters;

    Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Arouse desire

    try yourself in different roles;

    To cultivate artistic qualities, to reveal the creative potential of children;

    Foster friendly relationships between children.

"Reading fiction"


    Continue to develop children's interest in fiction;

    Learn to listen carefully and interestedly to fairy tales;

    Contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude towards literary works;

    Help expressively, with natural intonations, participate in reading the text by role, in dramatizations.

"Physical development"


    Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health;

    Form correct speech breathing;

    Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: pictures with various fairy-tale characters, masks.

Preliminary work : Reading the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf.”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Game "Sly Fox" Target. Learn to reason, speak out, and focus on your partner’s actions. Express disagreement politely (if necessary).

Material. Pictures: dog, hare, fox; boots, wheels, chairs, leaves, bushes, plums (6 pictures depicting groups of objects whose names contain the sound [s]); umbrella, vase, star, rose, birch, goats (5 pictures with objects in the singular and one group in the plural, the names of which have the sound [z]).

Game actions . Group objects on different grounds: one - many; the name contains the sound [s] or [z].

2. Development of the ability to select antonyms.

Educator: - Guys, you already know a lot about the different qualities of fairy-tale animals and can name them. Let's now try to find antonyms, evaluating the actions of different fairy-tale animals.

Fox is cunning

Bunny - simple-minded

Also the hare is cowardly

The cockerel is brave

Wolf is evil

Squirrel is kind

Owl is smart

Ram is stupid

Educator: - Everyone answered correctly, well done.

3. Lexical game “Choose the action”

Teacher: invites children to name actions that animals in the forest can perform at different times of the year:

Educator: - bear

Children: - in winter he sleeps and sucks his paw.

Educator: - owl

Children: - the owl does not sleep at night and watches everyone in the forest.

Teacher: wolf

Children: - the wolf prowls the forest all year round, looking for food.

Educator: - birds

Children: - fly, sing, get food.

Teacher: squirrel

Children: collects nuts, jumps from branch to branch.

4. Breathing exercises .

Exercises: “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Pump”.

5. Self-massage

Our smart head

I was thinking cleverly today (pat myself on the head).

The ears heard everything (pat the ears),

The eyes looked (stroke the eyelids),

The hands have done everything (pat the palms),

And the legs sat (pat the legs).

6. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Educator: Children, tell me which fairy tale these heroes are from: “Fox, wolf, child, woman”? Why is it called a fairy tale?

Children: “Little fox-sister and gray wolf.” A fairy tale - because in it animals behave like people, perform actions, talk.

Educator: - Correct. Now I will read this fairy tale to you, and then you will retell it by role.

After the roles are assigned, the children begin to dramatize the fairy tale.

7. Staging a fairy tale.

Educator: Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather says to grandma:

Child-grandfather - You, woman, bake pies, and I’ll go get fish.

Educator: He caught fish and is taking a whole cart home. So he drives and sees: a fox curled up and lying on the road.

Grandfather got off the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t move, she lay there as if dead. Another child pretends to be a fox.

Child-grandfather: - This will be a gift for my wife, he took the fox and put it on the cart, and he himself went ahead.

The teacher comments on the actions of the fox: - And the fox took the time and began to lightly throw everything out of the cart, one fish after another, one fish after another. She threw out all the fish and jumped off herself.

The fox child performs the actions silently.

Child-grandfather: - Well, old woman, look what I brought you! A cartload of fish and a collar for a fur coat!

Child-woman: - Where?

Child-grandfather: - There, on the cart - both a fish and a collar.

Educator: The woman came up to the cart, searched and searched, found nothing there, and let’s scold her husband:

Child-woman: - Where is the collar? Where is the fish?! Oh you!.. So-and-so!

Educator: Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead, he grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

Child-grandfather: under the words of the teacher, he feigns a bad mood.

Educator: - And the fox collected all the fish scattered along the road into a pile, sat down and eats it for herself. A wolf approaches her:

The fox child imitates actions under the teacher’s commentary.

Wolf child: - Hello, gossip!

Fox child: - Hello, kumanek!

Wolf child: - Give me the fish!

Fox child: - Catch it yourself and eat it.

Wolf child: - I can’t.

Fox child: - Hey, I caught it. You, kumanek, go to the river, lower your tail into the hole - the fish itself attaches itself to the tail. Look, sit longer, otherwise you won’t catch anything.

Educator: The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole, and it was winter. He sat and sat, sat the whole night, and his tail froze. I tried to get up, but it didn’t work.

Wolf child: - Eka, so many fish have fallen in, and you can’t get them out! - he thinks.

Educator: He looks, and the women go for water and shout when they see a wolf:

Children-women: - Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!

Educator: They came running and started beating the wolf - some with a rocker, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped and jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back.

Children portraying a wolf and women imitate the actions of beating a wolf.

Wolf child: “Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, gossip!”

Educator: - And the little fox-sister ate some fish and wanted to try to see if she could steal something else. She climbed into one of the huts where women were baking pancakes, but her head fell into a tub of dough, she got all dirty and ran. And the wolf meets her:

Wolf child: - Is that how you teach? I was beaten all over!

Fox child: - Eh, kumanek, you're bleeding, but my brains are out. I was beaten more painfully than you, I drag myself along.

Wolf child: - And it’s true, where should you go, godmother? Get on me, I'll take you.

Educator: - The fox sat on his back, and he took her. Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says:

Fox child: - The beaten one carries the unbeaten, the beaten one carries the unbeaten.

Wolf child: - What are you saying, gossip?

Fox child: - I, kumanek, say: the beaten one carries the beaten one.

Wolf child: - Yes, gossip, yes!...

8. Summary of the lesson. Children share their impressions. They talk about who liked which hero more. They evaluate the actions of the heroes. They call my grandfather a simpleton. The fox is cunning. Wolf - stupid. Express emotions. They feel a little sorry for the wolf. The children also feel sorry for their grandfather and grandmother, who remained hungry.

The teacher invites the children to make drawings based on the fairy tale.

List of used literature:

1.Ushakova O.S. ; Gavrish N.V. “Introducing preschoolers to literature”Creative Center "Sphere" Moscow 2008
2. Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers. Edited byUshakova O.S. Creative Center “Sphere” Moscow 2009
3. Development of speech in children 6-7 years old Ushakova O.S.Creative Center "Sphere" Moscow 2011
4. Russian folk tales from the collection of A.M. AfanasyevaPublishing house "Pravda" Moscow 1982
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