Medicinal properties of nutmeg. Nutmeg

Nutmeg occupies a leading position among the entire variety of spices available. The spice is used in baked goods, meat and fish dishes, homemade compotes and jams. Nutmeg is often used for medical and cosmetic purposes. The therapeutic and prophylactic orientation is due to the accumulation of many valuable elements in the seasoning. For this reason, people are interested in the benefits and harms of spices.

Composition of nutmeg

The calorie content of the spice is 526 Kcal. based on 100 gr. The pleasant aroma of nutmeg is due to the myristicin and elemicin included in the structure. In addition, the spice is rich in thiamine, retinol, pyridoxine, folic acid, tocopherol, vitamin PP, and riboflavin.

The seasoning contains many macro- and microelements. Among them are chlorine, magnesium, copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

The spice is rich in proteins, pectin, starch, carbohydrates, essential oils, fiber, and amino acids.

Nutmeg is useful because one valuable component complements the action of another. The optimally balanced composition copes with many dermatological problems and is widely used in medicine.

Benefits of nutmeg

  1. The spice is used in very small quantities due to the strong concentration of beneficial enzymes in the composition. The main effects of the nut include giving tone to the entire body and stimulating brain function.
  2. Studies have shown that with systematic and dosed intake of the product, a person begins to assimilate information more easily, his memory and visual perception improve.
  3. The spice quickly relieves fatigue, including chronic fatigue. Muscat helps to recover from prolonged depression and stress. The seasoning is responsible for the entire psycho-emotional background of a person. It prevents insomnia and apathy.
  4. Chinese healers still use nutmeg as an aphrodisiac to this day. Spice has been proven to increase female and male libido. Increases a person's attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. It saves a man from “powerlessness” and a woman from frigidity.
  5. The seasoning is used as a means of increasing appetite. This is relevant for patients with dystrophy and anorexia. It is generally accepted that the special chemical composition of the spice stimulates the desire to eat, improves digestion, and lubricates the walls of the esophagus. Food is quickly absorbed and digested, against this background all metabolic processes increase.
  6. Muscat is added to regular cosmetic oils for massage. As a result, under the influence of the seasoning, fatty compounds are broken down and cellulite disappears. The warming effect reduces the number of stretch marks and removes uneven skin texture. Nutmeg is often added to hair masks to combat dandruff and alopecia.
  7. If you take the spice systematically and in doses, you will increase the body's resistance to viruses. Protective functions will be maintained at the desired level, which is useful for people with low immunity by nature. In addition, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency in the off-season decreases.
  8. According to some data, nutmeg has a positive effect on the body, which contains the beginnings of cancerous tumors. The nut blocks blood circulation to tumors and stops the growth of malignant tissues. This causes the cancer to self-destruct. Periodic intake of nutmeg will prevent oncology.
  9. It is useful for girls to consume nutmeg to normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve painful cramps during menstruation. The spice also replenishes the lack of iron when the element is washed out along with the blood. As a result, when taken systematically, hemoglobin remains at the optimal level.
  10. The spice relieves the oral cavity of unpleasant odor coming from the stomach or teeth. Nutmeg also prevents chronic fatigue, partially treats tuberculosis, and fights diarrhea and varicose veins.
  11. Walnut-based oil is used in aromatherapy as a means of relaxation and normalization of mental background. Usually add 3-5 drops to a bath or aroma lamp, then conduct a relaxation session. This therapy clears the airways, dilates blood vessels, and helps treat respiratory ailments.
  12. It is useful for obese and overweight people to take nutmeg for weight loss. The spice speeds up metabolism, improves food digestibility, and reduces the number of hunger pangs. Blood flow also increases and, as a result, fatty plaques are broken down.
  13. Muscat is useful for women, it reveals sexuality, increases libido, and reduces the number of hot flashes during menopause. The product also has an auxiliary effect in the treatment of mastopathy and ailments of the female reproductive system.
  14. For men, the spice is useful because it increases potency, prevents premature ejaculation, and fights prostate diseases. The spice is considered a remedy for poor fertility and increases sperm production.

For impotence

  1. Nutmeg has an excellent effect on the sexual function of the stronger sex. Regular use solves problems with impotence and completely restores male strength.
  2. To achieve the desired result, nutmeg can be consumed in various dishes or mixed with water and drunk. The main condition remains regular consumption of the composition. It is enough to take 4 grams. powder per day.

For neuralgia

  1. To get rid of a diagnosed illness, ground nuts must be mixed with beeswax, ointment, vegetable oil or cream.
  2. Before you apply the remedy, the sore spot must be warmed up.

For seasonal illnesses

  1. At the first symptoms of a cold, the situation can be corrected with nutmeg.
  2. Simply sprinkle ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife into hot tea. Add lemon and honey to taste, stir. Drink the drink 3 times a day.

For kidney problems

  1. To improve kidney function, relieve swelling and rid the body of excess moisture, you need to consume nutmeg with water.
  2. Take a standard glass (250-300 ml) and add 6 grams. ground nutmeg, pour in warm water. Stir the ingredients and drink 1 sip throughout the day.

For varicose veins

  1. A tincture based on nutmeg has shown good results for varicose veins. Combine in a heat-resistant container 22 g. ground nutmeg, 110 gr. flower honey and 300 ml. boiling water
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wait until the bee product is completely dissolved. Cool the product, use 30 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

For sleep disturbances
To cope with sleep problems, it is recommended to mix 30 grams of warm milk in a glass. honey and 2 gr. ground nutmeg.

Nutmeg in cooking

  1. Nutmeg has gained great popularity among culinary experts. The product acts as a spicy seasoning. The bulk composition goes well with meat, fish, sauces, vegetables, baked goods, desserts and various drinks.
  2. Nutmeg extract is often used in the food industry. The product is used as a base for sausages, marinades, ketchups, juices, tomato pastes, sweets, canned fish, vegetable preparations, alcoholic beverages and chocolate.

  1. In the cosmetic world, essential oils obtained by steam distillation from nutmeg kernels are in demand. The herbal composition increases blood flow, improves metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  2. Nutmeg ether is included in the base of hair products. Such products effectively restore the structure of strands, improve their appearance, make them stronger and healthier. The herbal composition is used in face masks, the skin is noticeably tightened and younger.
  3. In a short period of time you can achieve visible results. Systematically use various cosmetics with the addition of nutmeg. The scrub showed an excellent effect. Mix nutmeg powder, kefir and oatmeal. Use classical technology.

Harm of nutmeg

  1. The spice affects the functioning of the heart, having a negative effect.
  2. When it comes to essential oil, it includes hallucinogens that irritate the nervous system and brain.
  3. If you eat 3 or more nutmeg kernels in a short period of time, you risk falling into a deep coma.
  4. Frequent use of ground nutmeg provokes shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  5. The spice has an unpleasant effect on the uterus. The spice is contraindicated for pregnant girls because there is a risk of abortion.
  6. The seasoning is contraindicated for use by people who have severe neurological disorders.
  7. This aspect is not considered a contraindication. However, do not add a lot of seasoning to your dishes so as not to spoil the taste.

Nutmeg is valuable for the body if the rules of use are followed. Do not forget, like any useful product, if you abuse it, you can encounter a number of troubles. Please note that nutmeg is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Video: nutmeg and its medicinal properties

In the East, this tree is very highly valued. Or rather, not the tree itself, but its fruits - nutmeg is known very well to the ancient peoples, especially the Sumerians, because it served them as an aromatic spice 5 thousand years ago. Few seasonings can boast such an interesting past and rich history. Nowadays, nutmeg is used not only in cooking, but also in perfumery and folk medicine. The nutmeg tree is quite tall - from 9 to 12 m, lives on average up to 120 years, however, it bears fruit only half of its life. The fruit of the tree is from 6 to 9 cm in diameter, and its seed is a nutmeg, the size of which is an order of magnitude smaller - 1-2 cm. The annual harvest of one tree totals about 10 thousand nuts.

Benefits of nutmeg. Compound

Nutmeg is valued for the beneficial substances contained in its composition and the healing properties due to them. The nut is quite high in calories, contains a lot of protein, about 3% essential oil (eugenol, linaol), about 40% fatty oil, 20% starch, pigment and pectin substances. Nutmeg is rich in microelements such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium. It also contains vitamin A and some B vitamins.

Nutmeg. Benefits and harms

Nutmeg is something of a double-edged sword. Excessive consumption of this spice is extremely dangerous and can lead to death (2 cases of nut intoxication have been recorded in medical history)! The nut contains the narcotic substance Elimitsin, a known hallucinogen. It is undesirable to eat more than 3 kernels of the nut, but as a seasoning it is quite enough to add it on the tip of a knife - an excess leads to arrhythmia and surges in intracranial pressure.

Nutmeg. The benefits and harms of spices in cooking

The spice is distinguished by its incredible aroma! When you inhale the smell of nutmeg, the happiness hormone serotonin is produced, so it will not only make food even tastier, but also lift your mood! Residents of Europe, especially Holland, widely use this spice, adding it to almost all dishes. Nutmeg is used to season meat, fish, and various sauces, with the exception of pasta and mushrooms, with which the nut does not go well at all. The seasoning has proven itself best in sweets (cakes and other baked goods) and drinks (cocoa, coffee, mulled wine, tea). For children to have a healthy sleep, as well as for any adult to relieve stress, a drink made from milk with the addition of ginger, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg is suitable. This cocktail will have a beneficial effect on the entire body and calm the nervous system.

Nutmeg in medicine

When consumed rationally, nutmeg will bring considerable benefits to the entire body. In terms of its healing properties, it is not inferior to ginger and other valuable seasonings. Nutmeg “charges” the body with new strength and positive energy, strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (helps to relax and cheer up). The spice has a positive effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. Various tinctures and dishes flavored with nutmeg help with colds and also increase the body's immunity. The nut perfectly warms both from the inside and outside, so medicinal ointments based on nutmeg help cope with rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It stimulates the intestines, increases appetite, cleanses the liver, eliminates flatulence, stimulates blood circulation, and has an excellent warming effect. Improves memory, prevents the development of tumors, helps with tuberculosis, is used as a pain reliever, and shampoos containing nutmeg strengthen the hair roots, making them shiny and healthy.

For those who care about their health, nutmeg will be very useful. The benefits and harms of this spice are now well known to you, be careful and do not overdo it. And take care of your health!

Nutmeg trees grow in India, Brazil, and Africa, where there are extensive plantations. Muscat is native to the islands of Sumatra and Java. The tree itself can bear fruit for 40 years and lives for about 100 years.

In appearance, nutmeg is similar to an apricot with aromatic seeds inside. When the nut ripens, the fruit splits into two halves.

The harvested nut is dried in the sun, peeled and the seeds are re-dried over the fire until they turn brown. However, it may take several months to obtain nut seeds.

The beneficial properties of nutmeg were known already in ancient times. It was used as a food additive, air flavoring, and also as a remedy for diseases.

In Europe, they learned about this spice after the travels of Portuguese and Dutch sailors. It was these two countries that held in their hands the world monopoly on this spice, and with it high prices.

You can buy powder or whole nuts and then grate them at home

It is advisable to buy nutmeg in kernels, since in this form it retains its aroma and beneficial properties for a long time. If you purchase ground nuts, you must store them in a tightly closed container.

This spice is widely used in food production and in the manufacture of culinary products. Its essential oil is an important component in the production of perfumes, tobacco products, aromatherapy, and oriental medicine.

Useful properties of spices

Nutmeg seeds contain 15% essential oils, the rest being proteins, starch, pectin, various trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins (for example, A, B, E), as well as starch and pectin.

At the same time, nutmeg is a very high-calorie spice, since 100 g of the fruit contains 556 kcal. Even in small quantities, ground nutmeg exhibits its beneficial properties.

Some positive qualities of the nut:

  1. Its tonic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems is well known.
  2. The nut is used to normalize sleep and calm people in stressful situations.
  3. With the help of this remedy, sexual desire disorders and impotence are cured.
  4. If you add spice to hot tea, you can quickly cope with a cold and strengthen your immune system.
  5. A paste made from nutmeg and heated sunflower oil helps with arthritis and myositis, as well as osteochondrosis and rheumatism. The paste is applied to the sore spot, covered with film and wrapped with a warm cloth. You need to keep the compress until it cools down.
  6. Nutmeg is an excellent remedy for constipation, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
  7. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening memory, stimulating blood circulation, and strengthening hair.

Nutmeg fruits are widely used in medicine, not only folk, but also traditional. They help, for example, cope with diseases of the esophagus, mastopathy, varicose veins, multiple sclerosis, headaches and many others.

Due to its pleasant aroma, nutmeg is added to perfumes and cosmetics.

In cosmetology, nutmeg is added to various perfume compositions, gels, balms and creams to give them a subtle aroma.

It is no less widely used in the creation of biologically active drugs, as it has a powerful sedative effect on the body.

Nutmeg fruits are often used for weight loss, despite the high calorie content of the product. After all, it’s enough to eat a small amount of nut and you can stay full for a very long time.

All nuts contain large amounts of fatty acids, which can be used for weight loss purposes. When entering the human body, they increase the production of insulin. This leads to the fact that hunger is not felt for a long time, and there is no need for fats or carbohydrates.

Nuts can be added to any food: salads, first and second courses, snacks.

It is difficult to imagine the production of culinary products without nutmeg, since it is an essential ingredient in any baked goods, cottage cheese desserts, chocolate, compotes, sauces, ice cream, meat and vegetable dishes.

The production of ketchups and tomato juices, various alcoholic beverages (for example, some types of wine), milkshakes, canned fish, spicy mixtures and other products cannot be done without it.

Nutmeg rinds are used to make an essence that is used in Europe to make cheese, mustard and sauces. Adding nutmeg to food is common in many countries; for example, in Italy it is used to improve the taste of spaghetti or rice, and in France - dishes with mushrooms and cheeses.

In order for the smell of nutmeg to last as long as possible, it must be grated immediately before placing it in the dish. For example, when preparing a sauce, the nut should be added at the very end, and in flour products - directly when kneading the dough. Walnuts are added to meat dishes during cooking.

Contraindications for use

Despite its beneficial properties, nutmeg, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm to health, cause severe intoxication, cardiac dysfunction and even lead to death.

It contains the so-called fatty oil with a toxic substance called Elimitsin, which has a narcotic and hallucinogenic effect.

Eating more than three nut kernels is dangerous to your health.

Pregnant women should not use this spice to avoid miscarriage, as this is accompanied by a rush of blood to the uterus. It should not be used by people who suffer from epilepsy and allergies, or by the elderly or children.

An overdose of nutmegs is very dangerous for human health and life.

In case of an overdose, reactions such as hallucinations, a hangover feeling, rapid heartbeat, fainting, drowsiness, headache, red eyes, impaired coordination of movements, fever and death in severe cases may occur. It is necessary to wisely use the beneficial properties of this plant without causing harm to health.

If you use nutmeg in reasonable doses, it will only bring benefits, help cope with various diseases, and give dishes an extraordinary taste and aroma.

The world of spices and seasonings is still unknown and mysterious for many. To find out the taste and smell of a particular spice, just buy the coveted bag in a store or market. But you can fully appreciate the contents only by knowing all the ins and outs of the seasoning; in order to learn how to master it as well as chefs, you need to follow the entire cooking process from start to finish.

Nutmeg is a popular spice that is added to meat, baked goods, and compotes.. It is very fragrant and very little dark brown powder is needed to enrich the dish, as they like to write in cookbooks - on the tip of a knife.

The name itself speaks about the origin of this spice - it is prepared from nutmeg. Those who love an exclusively natural and fresh product do not buy ready-made ground, packaged seasoning, but whole nuts. If you need to add nutmeg to a dish, grind it yourself. It is believed that this way the taste is more rich and natural.

Just like many other plants, roots, fruits, which are used as raw materials for spices, nutmeg has many non-culinary properties; its beneficial properties are used in folk medicine. However, if used carelessly, this product can cause significant harm to humans.

Useful properties of nutmeg

Nutmeg is quite high in calories - 100 grams contain about 550 calories. But who will eat these savory nuts in large quantities?

It is used in microdoses - but even so it is quite effective. Its main effect is tonic and stimulating. It is believed that regular intake of nutmeg has a positive effect on brain function, improves memory, helps protect oneself or easily overcome stress and fatigue.

In Chinese traditional medicine, nutmeg has been used for thousands of years as a powerful aphrodisiac, as well as an effective remedy for increasing potency and treating male impotence.

Also nutmeg fruits have the ability to improve digestion, while they increase appetite. Because of this, nutritionists recommend using nutmeg as a supplement in the treatment of diseases such as anorexia. It will help establish proper and healthy nutrition for those who can no longer consume and digest food normally.

When used externally, nutmeg has a burning and warming property. It is added to therapeutic massage mixtures, means to improve blood circulation, stimulating hair growth, masks and shampoos.

When taken regularly, nutmeg shows good effectiveness as a protective agent against viral and colds; it has a good effect on the immune system, maintaining it at the proper level.

Negative properties of nutmeg, its harm and contraindications for use

You can eat nutmeg without harm and even with benefit consume only in very small quantities, otherwise there is a risk of serious poisoning. This fruit is a strong and dangerous hallucinogen that can cause various neuropsychiatric problems. In case of an overdose of nutmeg, coordination of movement is impaired, severe drowsiness appears along with a feeling of euphoria, which is transformed into a feeling of a very severe hangover syndrome. In some cases, an overdose of nutmeg can be fatal. A relatively safe dosage for humans is considered to be about one small nutmeg per ten kilograms of weight. Children under 7 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women, should avoid consuming nutmeg.

The use of nutmeg in folk medicine: recipes

For the treatment of impotence and increasing potency

As you know, nutmeg helps men with sexual weakness. To achieve a positive effect, nutmeg can be added either to food or taken separately by diluting the powder in water. The main thing is to do this regularly, daily. The daily dose of nutmeg to solve this problem is 1/3 teaspoon.

For the treatment of neuralgia

To treat neuralgia, nutmeg is used as follows: nutmeg powder is added to cream, ointment, beeswax or simply to vegetable oil. Before applying the product to the sore spot, it must be warmed up.

For colds, bronchitis, flu, cough

For any cold, the appearance of symptoms such as body aches, cough, runny nose, you can begin treatment with nutmeg. To do this, you just need to add a pinch of spice to a warm drink, for example, to tea with lemon or raspberry jam.

To remove urine, to reduce the acidity of urine

To improve kidney function, remove excess urine from the body, relieve swelling, and reduce the acidity of urine, dilute half a teaspoon of nutmeg in a glass of warm water and take a sip of the product throughout the day.

For the treatment of varicose veins

Tincture with nutmeg is effective for varicose veins. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of nutmeg, 100 grams of honey and a glass of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over honey and nutmeg, mix thoroughly, cool and take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

For insomnia

A glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey and a pinch of nutmeg helps to cope with insomnia.

Nutmeg is a fruit that grows on the Nutmeg tree. After ripening, the fruit is split, the stone is removed and the shell is removed. The spice nutmeg is obtained from the kernel. The shell of the seed has also found use; another spice, mace, is made from it.

Nutmeg is processed to become a spice. First, the kernel is dried in salt or in a drying plant. Dried nutmeg is soaked in lime water to prevent germination and insect attack. After this, the nut is crushed. Nutmegs are sold in whole or crushed form.

Nutmeg is used in various areas of cooking. It is added to sweet dishes in India and savory dishes in the Middle East. It complements meat and fish dishes, and is also combined with vegetable side dishes and soups. Baked goods and sauces are also often flavored with nutmeg.

Composition and calorie content of nutmeg

Nutmeg contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also antioxidants. A special place is given to essential oils. They not only provide the aroma of nutmeg, but also have healing properties.

The chemical composition of nutmeg as a percentage of the recommended daily intake is presented below.


  • B1 – 23%;
  • B9 – 19%;
  • B6 – 8%;
  • B3 – 6%;
  • C – 5%.


The calorie content of nutmeg is 525 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of nutmeg include its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, and improve brain function. It improves skin quality and reduces insomnia, strengthens the immune system, prevents leukemia and improves blood circulation.

For joints

Nutmeg oils relieve inflammation and are used to treat joint and muscle pain. The nut reduces swelling and pain in joints and muscles. The calcium in nutmeg strengthens bones and relieves symptoms of osteoporosis.

For the heart and blood vessels

Nutmeg contains almost all the substances necessary for heart health. The potassium in the nut dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, reducing tension in the cardiovascular system. Copper is an important nutrient in nutmegs that supports heart rhythm. The iron in nutmeg increases the number of red blood cells and reduces the likelihood of developing iron deficiency - anemia.

For nerves and brain

One of the common problems of the nervous system is insomnia. Treating insomnia with medications can make the situation worse because they become addictive and no longer work. Nutmeg relaxes and relieves tension, allowing you to fall asleep.

Chopped nutmeg mixed with warm milk will improve the quality of sleep. in the nut reduces nervous tension and stimulates the release of serotonin.

The essential oils in nutmeg reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive functions that occur in people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It eliminates fatigue and stress, and improves memory, concentration and attention.

For teeth and oral cavity

Nutmeg eliminates halitosis, also known as bad breath. It kills bacteria and promotes healthy gums and teeth. Using this spice, you can eliminate bleeding gums, get rid of toothache and prevent the formation of caries.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Nutmeg is a natural remedy for treating indigestion. The fiber in the spice improves intestinal perilstatics. Eating nutmeg not only stimulates digestion but also treats intestinal problems by reducing the incidence of constipation.

The spice cleanses the liver of toxins. They appear from alcohol, drugs or poor quality food.

For kidneys and bladder

Kidney health depends on proper urination. Nutmeg is considered a diuretic and normalizes the functioning of the urinary system. In addition, the presence of even a small amount of nutmeg in the diet will help dissolve kidney stones effectively and painlessly.

For the reproductive system

The essential oils in nutmeg give it many therapeutic properties. Some of them increase libido, acting as aphrodisiacs.

For skin

Nutmeg is a good skin care product due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. With its help, you can improve the appearance and health of your skin, and also avoid early signs of aging in the form of unwanted wrinkles and age spots. Nutmeg is effective as a treatment for acne, pimples and clogged pores. Its antibacterial and analgesic properties reduce acne marks on the face, eliminate irritation and redness of the skin.

For immunity

Nutmeg relieves headaches and pain associated with injuries and wounds. Moreover, it is effective in combating chronic inflammation.

Nutmeg contains a substance called myristicin. It is a drug that causes toxic side effects if taken in large quantities. Eating small amounts of nutmeg is harmless to the body, but consuming 1 to 3 whole nutmegs per day can cause severe hallucinations, nausea, vomiting and increased blood flow for 1-6 hours after ingestion. Large doses can cause death.

Where is nutmeg added?

The range of uses of nutmeg is wide, but its main use is in cooking. Nutmeg is added to various dishes - desserts, salads, meat, fish or vegetables.

The most common are:

  • bouillabaisse;
  • baked potatoes with eggs
  • vegetable lasagna;
  • red fish baked with sesame seeds;
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