Why eat raspberries in a dream? See raspberry bushes

Raspberry, amazing, raspberry garden, haza, hot place, blat-hata, neither in a fairy tale nor can I describe with a pen, Pit, Nativity scene, deryabka

Raspberries in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Joy and pleasure.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Raspberry sleep:

    Raspberry - joy and pleasure

    Why do you dream about Raspberry? Esoteric dream book?

  • Picking berries means creating obstacles with your own hands;
  • Bush - obstacles, delays;
  • Yes - the dream speaks of your inaction and laziness.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book, if you dream about Raspberries:

  • To see - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Tear, collect - for the wedding, beautiful woman is favorable to you; eating raspberries means illness. Being in a raspberry field means uncertainty of feelings, leading to debauchery.
  • If you dream about Raspberry? IN Modern dream book:

  • A dream in which you see raspberries means that on your way you will encounter a certain circumstance that you may at first mistake for an exciting adventure. However, as soon as everything is behind you, you will be frightened, realizing how much you risked. For women a dream in which she eats raspberries foreshadows gossip.
  • Interpretation of Raspberry's dream Miller's Dream Book:

    Raspberry - to see a raspberry means that you are in danger due to business turmoil and neglect, but in the process of unraveling your affairs you will become interested in them. The dream in which woman eats a raspberry, warns her that she will have to suffer due to circumstantial evidence of her involvement in an incident that caused gossip.

    Seeing Raspberries in a dream Culinary dream book:

  • Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream means relaxation. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, you are in for a treat. Eating raspberries in a dream means making a profit, honors, and awards. Picking or buying raspberries is a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer due to slander.
  • What does it mean to see Raspberries in a dream? Lunar dream book?

    Eating raspberries means happiness and pleasure among young people.

    What does Raspberry mean in a dream? The newest dream book?

  • Most likely, you will have a cold.
  • Raspberries in a dream Family dream book:

  • A woman who tasted raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip related to her involvement in one incident.
  • Raspberries seen in a dream mean that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will awaken in you.
  • In a dream, see Raspberries. IN Eastern dream book:

  • A dream warning that a situation that you initially take as an exciting adventure can turn out to be very risky and dangerous. Take care of yourself. Eating raspberries means gossip.
  • What does Raspberry mean? Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • there is a disease.
  • Seeing Raspberries in a dream. IN Dream book for women:

  • If woman eats raspberries in a dream, then this should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of involvement in something illegal. And in general, in cases where you dream of raspberries, you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.
  • What does Raspberry mean? Old Russian dream book:

  • there is a disease.
  • What does Raspberry mean in a dream? Men's dream book?

  • To a love affair. Eating raspberries in a dream means a period of complete well-being in the field of love. You will meet a woman about whom, if you break up, you will have the most pleasant memories. Picking raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you are courting will be completely in your power. Seeing or picking unripe raspberries means you should be patient; what you are trying to achieve will most likely remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream foreshadows headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries means you need to pay more attention to your family.
  • Meaning of Raspberry dream Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor:

  • The therapeutic effect of eating raspberries for colds consists in actually expelling some harmful substances from the body through sweat. However, at the same time, isolated yin organs that are overloaded with work can fail, which leads to irreversible, but, unfortunately, not recorded by European medicine consequences (the issue of the dangers of raspberries has not even been discussed by European medicine until now). Eating/picking raspberries in a dream is a yang berry that has a yin effect on the mn organs, which is inharmonious. Eating either picking raspberries in a dream is a signal of an imminent illness with sweating and high fever, or a signal of the intention to commit absolutely wrong actions, which will later still give rise to illness. Planting raspberries in a dream - raspberry bushes have a very shallow root system. Planting raspberry bushes in a dream means committing a number of unfounded actions to the detriment of one’s health in the future. If the dreamer has a well-developed symbolism of the color red (the internal perception of irritation from it is quickly triggered), then in the dream space the symbolic load of raspberries can be carried by any berry.
  • Organs - spleen, heart, liver.
  • Raspberries symbolize fire (red) and moisture (sweet), and according to the organ of color perception, wood (liver and sour taste) is added to the cycle of action. One property in an increasing progression gives rise to the next. Fire creates excess/need moisture (sweet taste and spleen) in the body (sweating, looseness, lethargy); internal bitterness from the perception of red gives rise to a secondary desire for sweet (to extinguish the bitterness), sweet again gives rise to excess moisture... It turns out to be a pathologically closed cycle of three yin organs instead of five: the liver, heart, spleen are overloaded; lungs and kidneys are superfluous. The predominance of heat and humidity creates a lack of dryness in the lungs, and the skin is forced to take over the function of the kidneys (removing excess water - sweat), the lack of internal cold (the kidneys are idle) leads to a general disruption of the entire thermoregulation of the body.
  • Planets - Saturn, Mars, Jupiter.
  • Elements - humidity, heat, wind.
  • Primary elements - earth, fire, wood.
  • Emotions - thoughtfulness, joy, anger.
  • Raspberries in Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • The raspberry bush promises positive emotions and a joyful mood; Raspberries - to the pleasures of love; Dried raspberries and raspberry jam - for a cold; Eating raspberries means vitamin deficiency, a lack of essential microelements and organic acids in the body.
  • Raspberries are one of our favorite berries, which also have a lot of beneficial properties for the body. What if we saw raspberries in one form or another during sleep? The most complete and well-known dream books will help answer this question.

    Why do you dream about raspberries: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

    A dream about raspberries acts as a warning that you soon risk being in danger as a result of neglect and confusion in business. However, if you put things in order in a timely manner, serious problems will be avoided. Why does a woman dream about raspberries? For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream may mean the likelihood of being at the center of a scandal as a result of gossip and rumors spread by your ill-wishers.

    Ukrainian dream book: raspberries in a dream

    According to the interpretation of this source, raspberries seen in a dream promise the dreamer a long, joyful and happy life. If you dream that you are planting raspberry bushes, then difficulties await you, which may be caused by the machinations of envious people. Picking these berries is a sign of an imminent wedding. Eating raspberries means possible illness. Being in a raspberry field means confusion in relationships or debauchery.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why do you dream about raspberries?

    A ripe and sweet berry promises the dreamer success and big profits, while an overripe raspberry can mean the impending breakup of your love affair without any good reason, and later you may greatly regret what you have done. Dense thickets of forest raspberries foreshadow a joyful event, and if you were picking berries in a dream, then success in business awaits you. If you dream about planting raspberries in your garden, you risk getting into a scandalous situation that will become public knowledge. Buying raspberries promises unplanned expenses. Drinking tea with raspberries in a dream means getting a cold or flu. If you sell raspberry seedlings, then get ready for a long streak of failures.

    Eastern dream book: why do you dream about raspberries?

    This source interprets such a dream as a warning that a situation that was initially mistaken for an exciting adventure can actually turn out to be a very dangerous and risky adventure. Therefore, you should think through your every step. If you eat raspberries in a dream, then you risk being the hero of gossip.

    Culinary dream book: dream about raspberries

    If you dream of raspberry bushes, then you will have a very pleasant holiday, during which you can relax and have a great time. If in a dream you were presented with raspberries on a plate, then numerous and varied pleasures await you in the near future. Eating raspberries means receiving profit and various honors. Buying or picking raspberries with your own hands means receiving a valuable and pleasant gift.

    Dream book for the whole family: raspberries

    If a representative of the fair sex dreams of this berry, then she should be careful, as she risks becoming a victim of intrigue and gossip. A man's dream about raspberries promises him an exciting love affair with a woman whom he will always remember. For children, such a dream predicts a fun and carefree pastime.


    A very good dream that predicts you joy, positive emotions and love. Usually raspberries in a dream mean good news, love, joyful emotions and positive thoughts. Especially if the berry is sweet and not spoiled.

    After all, in real life it is not only tender and tasty, but also filled with various vitamins and nutrients.

    However, the dream book also interprets raspberries as a symbol of tenderness, love, falling in love and a pleasant pastime and communication.

    If you want to find out what it means in your dream, pay attention to where exactly you saw it in your dream, whether you got it and what happened next.

    This is what red or pink raspberries most often mean in a dream.

    In the garden, at the dacha or on the lawn

    Feeling its soft and pleasant aroma in a dream is a sign of joy. Sometimes the dream book writes that this means good news, receiving a gift or news from a loved one.

    Very often, raspberry means falling in love and joy, pleasant impressions. Seeing such a ripe raspberry in a dream means a gift, tenderness and surprise. Unless it turned out to be sour or spoiled by worms.

    Large raspberries dream of good luck, a gift or profit. Sometimes it means pleasant work, news, a worthy reward for your efforts. In some situations, she hints to boys and men about a woman, a girl who will very soon like them or make a pleasant impression.

    Sugar raspberries in a dream are always a good sign. Regardless of whether she was like this on her own or was simply sprinkled with sweet powder, she predicts pleasure, happiness and joy.

    The dream book writes that eating raspberries in sugar, with cream or in ice cream is a favorable sign that predicts love affairs, good news or communication with pleasant people.

    If a girl dreams of bright and fragrant berries, which she uses as decoration, then the dream book writes that she will soon be able to show herself in society. Or he will buy a fashionable and beautiful thing.

    Eating such fragrant berries with a friend or relative is a very good sign. This means that you will be happy and will also be able to not only discuss the latest fashion trends, but also try to become better than you really are.

    Sometimes the dream book writes that an outwardly ugly or simply not very beautiful girl will be transformed and become completely different.

    If you and your friend ate raspberries or raspberry ice cream, then in reality you will exchange various secrets with her and together comprehend the development of fashion and beauty. The dream book writes why guys dream of eating raspberry ice cream with a girl: soon you will meet a very feminine coquette and treat her with some pleasant and sweet surprise.

    This dream can often indicate pleasant communication and the fact that very soon you will be happy in love. For a guy, smelling the sweet smell of raspberries in a dream means falling in love or a pleasant acquisition. It is possible that you will do something good to the person you are communicating with.

    But picking raspberries in a dream means that you will have to pay for some pleasure. You may have to get burned several times before happiness is yours.

    For guys, such a dream predicts troubles and the fact that they will not get anything in life for nothing. The girl you like will turn out to be proud and inaccessible, and finding the way to her heart will not be so easy.

    Why does a young person, woman or girl dream about picking raspberries? The dream book writes that such a dream means significant obstacles in life, as well as troubles.

    Why do you dream of sweet and very pleasant raspberries that you didn’t get? For example, did you order raspberry ice cream and it was given to another person in a restaurant?

    The dream book writes that the pleasure you were counting on will go to someone else, and you will lose. Why do you dream of raspberries that are sour or unpleasant, or even completely spoiled? The holiday you were counting on will be ruined by something. Expect grief or trouble that will happen very soon. If you see another person picking raspberries, then you will soon learn that he will receive money or some kind of income. If you had such a dream on Monday or Wednesday, then the dream book writes that the news about someone’s wealth or happiness will not make you happy. Getting dirty with raspberry juice in a dream means trouble.

    Sometimes such a dream symbolizes illness or envy of others. Raspberries with cream are always dreamed of as a favorable sign. It means short-term pleasure, pleasant conversations and various material acquisitions.

    Why do you dream about someone else’s raspberries, which you pick in someone else’s garden or secretly take for yourself so that your neighbor doesn’t get them? The dream book writes that such a dream means envy and gossip.

    Sometimes, if a girl takes away sweets from a friend or classmate, this promises quarrels with her due to increased male attention or envy of a love relationship. But raspberries with honey often predict a cold or recovery from it for those already sick.


    What is a dream - is it a reflection of our subconscious experiences, or is it a projection of the future that comes to us in this way?

    The question is quite complex, but the science of dreams insists that it is quite possible to see your future in a dream.

    What does it mean to dream about raspberries?

    Why do you dream about raspberries? Basic interpretation of dreams

    Dreams are a special world into which a person plunges every night. Various scientists and esotericists have paid a lot of attention to the study of dreams. Today it is a whole science - the interpretation of dreams. Thanks to it, you can get answers to almost all questions, you can receive warnings about future joy or sorrow. So why do you dream about raspberries?

    Raspberries are a tasty, sweet berry, but they grow on bushes with sharp thorns, so the interpretation of dreams about them is very diverse. In the classical sense, raspberries are usually interpreted as a harbinger of a sweet life, a joyful event, and a quick resolution of problems.

    It is worth remembering the dream as a whole; there may be many clues in its little details. It happens that the dream itself is of a very negative nature, but the appearance of raspberries in it promises a positive outcome of any matter, the resolution of all problems.

    A dream about sweet raspberries promises a cloudless and joyful life. Unripe raspberries dream of disappointment due to your rash thoughts and actions.

    If you dreamed of drinking tea with raspberries, then you should take care of your health, otherwise problems may arise with it. If you dream of uprooting raspberry bushes, then this indicates an imminent change of place of residence or travel. If you dream of replanting raspberry bushes, this means that you will find something to your liking.

    Why do you dream about raspberries? How to interpret a dream in which you dreamed of picking berries and eating them

    If in a dream raspberries not only grow, but are also collected and eaten, then such a dream promises complete success. Some dream books interpret raspberries as a sweet opportunity to gain prosperity, but in a dream in which raspberries are eaten as food, it is precisely said that such opportunities should be taken full advantage of.

    Picking berries means enjoying success with the opposite sex. But you shouldn’t give in to fleeting temptation, the berry is certainly delicious, but when picking it, you can prick yourself on the thorns of betrayal and suffering. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a partner for life.

    Sometimes you dream of not just big raspberries, but of their huge berries. This dream promises a path, career advancement. Also, giant raspberries should stimulate a man to meet a girl he has liked for a long time.

    For those who love gambling, a dream in which you see huge raspberries promises a big jackpot and a win in business. Almost every dream book indicates that dreams about raspberries do not promise long-term victories and successes, they only foreshadow temporary positive changes in life. So how is it explained why raspberries are dreamed of in various dream books?

    Why do you dream about raspberries? Interpretation of dreams about raspberries in various dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Grishina’s dream book has a rather peculiar interpretation of dreams in which raspberries are dreamed. If a woman had a dream, then she should be careful about gossip - not spread it herself and be wary of it being directed at her.

    For men, such a dream promises troubles and minor troubles. You should not trust your secrets and secrets to unfamiliar people. If a man dreamed that he was eating berries straight from a bush, this means that he will reap laurels for his successes.

    If a girl dreams that she is eating raspberries from a bush, then she needs to be careful in communicating with her other half, she should think about all her actions, since a break in the relationship may occur due to her lack of foresight.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Miller in his dream book gives an additional interpretation and explanation of what raspberries mean in dreams. In addition to the fact that such a dream can speak of unbridled fun, it can also indicate worries and troubles that will not keep you waiting long after the fun.

    Sour raspberries in a dream indicate that a person will be dissatisfied with the results of his work. Also, such a dream can give a hint that a person should reconsider his approach to life. You shouldn’t want a lot and do little; you should make every effort to get results.

    Miller points out in his dream book that if a woman had a dream in which she eats raspberries, then this foreshadows her participation in some dubious business. She will be drawn into gossip and intrigue.

    Other interpretations

    Some dream books also contain a negative explanation of what raspberries mean in dreams. Thus, Aesop’s dream book clearly states that such dreams indicate the need to understand the current difficult situation, that a negligent attitude to real events can lead to financial losses and losses in the love sphere.

    Also, harvesting raspberries indicates that all berries will be produced in abundance. For example, in the Summer Dream Book, harvesting raspberries means that in fact there will be very few berries.

    The women's dream book indicates that dreams about raspberries promise troubles for women. These troubles are very unpleasant, and it is impossible to avoid them. According to this dream book, eating raspberries means a lot of gossip and troubles.

    Veles's dream book says that eating raspberries in a dream means a serious illness, although the berries themselves, seen in a dream, promise joy and celebration, even a wedding. The Ukrainian dream book offers a varied interpretation of dreams about raspberries:

    Seeing raspberries means having happiness and joy;

    Planting raspberries means envy, difficulties in business;

    Picking berries means a quick wedding, a woman’s favor;

    Eating raspberries means an imminent illness;

    Wandering into raspberry bushes means uncertainty in feelings and deeds.

    The 21st century dream book interprets dreams about raspberries in this way:

    Eating a ripe berry means profit in the house, prosperity in the family;

    Eating an unripe berry means big tears;

    Eating dry raspberries means prosperity and joy in the home;

    Picking raspberries - for an imminent wedding;

    Picking berries from a bush - receiving the result of your labors, praise;

    Boiling raspberries means prosperity.

    Some dream books have a different interpretation of the appearance of raspberries in a dream - this promises illness and suffering. Raspberry bushes dream of a quick rest, a well-deserved rest. If you dreamed that raspberries were in a plate, this means pleasure. If you dream of buying raspberries, it means that you will soon receive a gift or win a prize.

    If you dream about harvesting raspberries, then this dream means obstacles that a person creates for himself. Such a dream may indicate laziness and inaction. Raspberry bushes that suddenly grew out of the ground promise obstacles on the way to the goal that are almost impossible to overcome.

    Which dream book to use and how to interpret the dream is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is worth paying special attention to the general mood of the dream. There are times when raspberries play a secondary role in a dream and are dreamed of as an addition to the general prediction. In any case, to see this ripe, juicy berry in a dream means a joyful event, a solution to problems, and a quick sweet life. When interpreting such a dream negatively, it is worth considering the fact that dreams only warn and give hints, in reality, everything can be changed.

    Sometimes unexpected images in a dream make you think about their purpose. After all, we often remember from the entire dream only one bright detail and then rack our brains for a long time over its interpretation.

    For example, what should you expect from the future if you dreamed of ripe raspberries? What is this - a memory of a hot summer or a warning of danger?

    In order to correctly understand the meaning of what you saw, look at your favorite dream book.

    What does it mean if you dream about red raspberries?

    In most cases, a dreamed raspberry can be considered auspicious sign. It can portend a prosperous life and a long relationship with her chosen one.

    The modern dream book considers raspberries a sign of good luck - in the near future you will have a chance to win the lottery.

    However, you should not throw everything into the casino; luck can lie in wait where it is not expected at all.

    Miller's dream book believes that a dreamed raspberry can be considered warning of a threat to business. Only caution and timely intervention will save you from complete collapse. Sometimes such a dream warns of a hasty decision, which can negatively affect your entire life.

    See raspberry bushes dreams of great joy. If in a dream the berries fell on, there is a possibility with a loved one. The family dream book warns that red berries symbolize rumors and groundless suspicions. You should behave more modestly so as not to create fertile ground for gossip.

    Dreamed black raspberry warns of a serious illness. Yellow berries promise a big inheritance that you will be able to multiply. If you dreamed that you were eating yellow raspberries, this is a warning about a short-term illness.

    Why do you dream about large raspberries?

    Large berries in a dream may mean that the time has come to demonstrate your business skills.

    Other is now the most favorable time for, most likely they will reciprocate.

    Large berries mean that fortune is clearly favoring you, and you can dare to implement risky projects. For women, such a dream portends a strong love.

    According to the eastern dream book large berries warn about some exciting pastime that will entail dangerous consequences. If in a dream you ate raspberries, then you have a high chance of becoming a person discussed by everyone.

    According to the family dream book, small berries symbolize receiving a small profit instead of the one you expected.

    I dreamed about ripe raspberries - what could this mean?

    A ripe berry in a dream is a good sign:

    • she promises girls;
    • married ladies have a happy family life.

    According to the interpretation of the 21st century dream book, ripe and appetizing berries dream of prosperity and great profit. If unripe berries- the dream prophesies, dried raspberries dream of a quiet family life.

    Berries falling from the bush are interpreted as a positive mood and a surge of vital energy. Crushed berries promise an acquaintance with a pleasant person.

    If you holding berries in your palm, you can hope for good news. If the berries are accidentally crushed, this is a sign of news from the person you were very passionate about. Looking at ripe berries on the bushes means striving for dubious pleasures that will cause considerable damage to your reputation.

    The imperial dream book interprets ripe berries as a harbinger of a cold or mental anxiety. You should pay more attention to your health.

    Why might you dream of eating raspberries?

    According to the interpretation of the Women's Dream Book, enjoying raspberries in a dream means being involved in a scandalous situation. The dream book for the whole family warns that such a dream portends an illegal incident in which you will be involved thanks to his inattention and carelessness.

    The culinary dream book interprets vision as a sign of solid profit and success in all endeavors. For women, such a dream promises unfair slander and condemnation of loved ones.

    As the esoteric dream book explains, a raspberry delicacy can be considered a symbol of your laziness and indecision. It's time to stop meekly going with the flow, you may miss the chance to radically change your life. Some dream books interpret such a dream, seen by a man, as an omen of a bright romance with a beautiful woman.

    Romantic relationships, even if they end quickly, will leave the most pleasant memories. If the berry was served to you on a beautiful platter, you can hope for great luck and big profits.

    Eating green or tasteless berries in a dream is a sign of grief and tears in reality. The everyday dream book considers such a dream a warning about vain hopes. You shouldn’t start risky projects now, you will not only not make a profit, but you will also go into debt.

    Eating red berries in a dream symbolizes temptations; if you fail to resist them, you risk significantly damaging your reputation and losing the respect of family members.

    What does it mean to pick raspberries in a dream?

    Picking berries at night or in someone else's garden is considered a symbol of forbidden pleasure. Perhaps you are about to experience an affair with a person connected by marriage. Picking raspberries in the middle of winter means entertainment that will not have the best consequences.

    It’s a bad sign if in a dream you were picking black berries in a basket. This can portend a variety of unfavorable events - from illness to bankruptcy. The dream has the same meaning when the picked red berries suddenly turn black.

    According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, picking raspberries can be interpreted as. For a man, a dream is considered a harbinger of a whirlwind romance with a beautiful woman. Dreaming of picking raspberries signifies recognition of your merits by others. As the esoteric dream book explains, picking berries means creating barriers and resisting everything new.

    As the dream book for the whole family assures, picking ripe berries symbolizes success in all endeavors. Now is the time to implement bold plans. The second meaning of the dream is that the girl you like will definitely reciprocate. Pick unripe berries from the bush means obstacles on the way to achieving a goal. Any attempts to correct the situation will not be successful.

    I dreamed about raspberries and strawberries - what is this for?

    If you saw raspberries in a dream along with them, love adventures await you. If the berries have a sweet taste, the romance has every chance of developing into a strong marriage. Sour or spoiled berries warn about the unpleasant consequences of love relationships.

    Eating ripe berries symbolizes mutual feelings; trading berries symbolizes strengthening your financial condition. Large berries predict a long-term romantic relationship, small ones predict a fleeting romance.

    When you sprinkle berries in a dream, this is a sign that you are full of dreams of great and pure love. Beautiful, but tasteless berries mean that many consider your behavior to be unrestrained. If small berries have a sweet taste, the dream speaks of your modesty.

    Raspberries and strawberries in the hands of a child dream of pleasant and long-awaited news. If an elderly person is holding the berries, the dream foreshadows serious changes in life. Make jam from the collected berries means becoming the initiator of a love relationship. According to Freud's dream book, excessive consumption of berries in a dream promises pleasant meetings with your chosen one.

    Watching a person caring for raspberry or raspberry bushes in a dream means transferring monotonous and hard work to someone else. Cultivating the bushes yourself warns of an ambiguous situation in which you will find yourself.

    Uprooting strawberries - a dream portends distant. Transplanting bushes to another is a sign that you are not doing your own thing.

    Seeing dense thickets of berries in a dream means that no progress is expected in your affairs in the near future. Seeing overripe, crumbling berries on the bushes is a symbol of the fact that you should devote more time to your loved ones.

    Picking raspberries in a dream is very good. Financial success, pleasure, the favor of a famous person and even a wedding await you. Less often, the plot predicts illness. The dream book will answer exactly what you dream about.

    According to Miller

    Did you dream about picking raspberries in a thick raspberry field? You have neglected things to such an extent that you risk finding yourself in a dead end.

    Don't give in!

    Why do you most often dream about picking red berries? The image symbolizes the pursuit of easy pleasure and all sorts of temptations, succumbing to which you will end up in a dubious story.

    Dreaming of dense raspberry thickets means that a careless attitude towards life will lead to many problems. In a dream, did you find yourself in an overgrown raspberry field? Succumb to depravity, or you won’t be able to decide or make a choice.


    Did you pick a particularly large raspberry in a dream? The dream book prophesies: you will soon fall ill with a severe cold and fever.

    Did you dream about how you stacked a large berry without caring about its integrity? The image reflects the readiness to take a risky step that will lead to total trouble.

    Seeing a large raspberry can also be a sign of an unusual adventure, which in fact will turn out to be not only interesting, but also very dangerous.


    In a dream, were you lucky to pick ripe and juicy raspberries? The dream book promises: in reality you will receive a funny gift, significant profit, and good news.

    Picking ripe raspberries can be a pleasure. But according to the law of inversion, the interpretation of dreams promises suffering. Did you dream about overripe, very soft raspberries? Out of your own stupidity, decide to make a sharp break with your loved one.

    By the way, if you happen to see a ripe raspberry, then you can prepare for the wedding. Moreover, the dream prophecy will be fulfilled in reality at the moment of full ripening of the raspberry plant.

    Take your time!

    In your dream, did you manage to pick raspberries that were still unripe? The dream book suggests that you are rushing things. Why do you dream if you had to pick berries directly from the bush? In the near future, your efforts will turn out to be successful.

    Moreover, picking fruits from a horticultural bush means that there is danger emanating from business partners. And in the same plot you can see a forest plant before a particularly happy event.


    Why do you dream if you happen to pick raspberries and eat them right away? In reality you will receive profits, well-deserved honors and awards.

    Did you dream that you were lucky enough to eat a harvest already harvested by someone? The dream book is sure that the vision hints at excessive laziness and immaturity. The same vision promises a cold or viral disease.

    Did you happen to eat sweet fruits in a dream? In reality, you will meet a person with whom you will experience all the delights of true love, and you will be able to preserve good memories even after parting.

    Why did you collect it?

    Finally, the dream book advises you to remember for what purpose you had to pick raspberries.

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