What does a cross in a dream mean? Why do you dream of an altar?

Religious objects both in the world of dreams and in real life have a special meaning. Therefore, many people are interested in why they dream of a cross, what kind of future this image promises the dreamer. Dream interpreters are sure that a cross seen in a dream is a fateful sign, but the vision must be interpreted taking into account many details.

Religious items both in the world of dreams and in real life have a special meaning

One of the most famous interpreters, Miller’s dream book, regards a religious attribute found in a dream as a sign that reminds the dreamer of his faith, the teachings of Jesus and his Testaments. Thus, finding a cross in a dream means that in difficult times the dreamer must act as his heart tells him, without using the dirty methods used by his ill-wishers.

One of the most famous interpreters, Miller’s dream book, regards a religious attribute found in a dream as a sign that reminds the dreamer of his faith, the teachings of Jesus and his Testaments

A chain with a cross, dreamed of by an unmarried young lady, testifies to her modesty and goodwill. Thanks to these qualities, the girl won a crystal clear reputation, love and respect from others. If you dreamed of silver crosses in the hands of strangers, it means that the sleeping person needs to do charity work. There are a lot of suffering people in the world, and if the dreamer helps at least one of them, his kindness will return to him in the future.

Why do you dream about a cross (video)

Psychological dream book

According to the Psychological Dream Book, a chain with a gold cross indicates that the dreamer is a kind person and sincerely forgives insults. It is possible that in the recent past someone offended the sleeping person, but he was able to understand his offense and, out of the kindness of his heart, forgave this person.

Silver items symbolize hope for victory. The dreamer is probably going through hard times right now, but the dream reminds him that all problems have their solutions, you just need to not give up and fight them to the end. If you find a silver pectoral cross right on the road, it means that in life you will try to find peace of mind. To do this, you may have to take a short trip to a quiet, peaceful place where you can forget about all your problems and misfortunes.

According to the Psychological Dream Book, a chain with a gold cross indicates that the dreamer is a kind person and sincerely forgives offenses

If you dreamed of a copper cross, it means that the dreamer will soon have to work hard. The payment for the work done will not be very luxurious, but it will fully satisfy the dreamer’s needs. An iron cross indicates that the dreamer in reality will need to show courage and patience. If he manages to restrain himself, then fate will reward him well in the future.

A small cross made of wood promises success, but in what specific area the dreamer must figure it out himself. A dream in which a woman found a wooden attribute on a gold chain warns of some kind of injustice. Probably, the authorities will not appreciate the efforts of the sleeping person and will assign the laurels of the winner to another person.

Sometimes in a dream, religious paraphernalia breaks or does not look very presentable. How, in this case, to interpret the vision of what a broken cross means in a dream? As a rule, this image indicates unfulfilled hopes or wasted work.

The famous seer Vanga during her lifetime had a difficult relationship with the clergy, but she also gave an explanation of why you dream of a cross on a chain

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous seer Vanga during her lifetime had a difficult relationship with the clergy, but she also gave an explanation of why you dream of a cross on a chain. If the sleeping person simply looked at him in a dream, it means that he is a very sincere person who can love with all his soul. The main thing is not to lose this quality in the modern realities of life.

The clairvoyant also knew why one dreams of finding a cross in a dream. In her opinion, if the product was made of gold, it means that in reality some events will require the sleeping person to show wisdom and kindness. If in a dream a priest puts a pectoral cross on the dreamer, it means that a guardian angel will protect him from some kind of trouble. However, the sleeper should be more careful and not tempt fate.

The color of the dreamed product has a special meaning. For example, a white cross symbolizes spiritual cleansing, and a red cross symbolizes a serious illness. A black attribute indicates the dreamer's despair. The sleeper is probably at a loss and does not know what to do in the current situation. In this case, the seer recommended that the sleeper turn to old friends, who would be able to look at what had happened from the outside and would definitely give practical advice.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book interprets a cross hanging on a chain as upcoming trials. Probably, experienced people regard the actions of the sleeper as a big mistake, but he does not want to listen to the opinions of strangers.

Finding a baptismal cross in a dream means finding a wealthy patron. However, if the product was made of gold, it means that the dreamer will suffer due to his greed and inability to talk to people. A presented cross is a sign that in reality someone will turn to the sleeping person for help, and it will be better if he does not refuse the suffering person.

To the question of why a silver cross is dreamed of, the authors of this publication do not give a definite answer. In their opinion, if the product was polished to a shine, it means that in life the sleeper will be able to solve some problems that have haunted him for many years. A darkened cross does not have such a positive meaning. Probably, on his life's path the dreamer will meet a not very good person who will try to deceive him.

Why do you dream of a cross (video)

Modern dream book

The modern dream book classified a broken cross in a dream as a positive sign, indicating that the sleeper will be able to avoid trouble. A woman’s dream of a silver item suggests that she will have to be faithful to someone. A happy marriage is prophesied by a dream in which a girl finds a cross on her body the night before the wedding.

Some of our dreams are so clearly important and significant that after waking up there is no doubt at all - something is coming, something big and important, and the interpreter will tell you what.

There are signs and symbols that are intuitively perceived as something globally important. And among them the cross takes pride of place.

This is the oldest of all symbols, its meaning is so deep and primitive that it is not easy to interpret dreams. In ancient times, it symbolized both the connection and harmony of light and darkness, life and its ending, and the staircase leading to the creator of everything.

After this, how can you understand why you dream of a cross - after all, the symbol is incredibly complex! Rest assured, if it appeared in a dream, it was not without reason. But, firstly, nothing terrible or bad should be expected, and, secondly, the interpreter will put everything in its place and reveal the correct meaning.

Only for this the dreamer will need to be careful and take into account all the details, remembering them during the interpretation. Determining what a cross means in a dream is actually not as difficult as it might seem. You just have to remember how he appeared in the dream and what you did with him.

Because you can simply see a cross - a small body cross on a chain or a large one, gold or copper, or you can cross yourself, pray near it, and so on. The options that the dream book provides look like this:

  • Seeing in a dream a simple cross on a chain.
  • Golden cross in a dream.
  • Silver pectoral cross in dreams.
  • I dream of an iron cross.
  • Copper pectoral cross in a dream.
  • Cross on a gold or other chain.
  • Large wooden grave cross in a dream.
  • Just a wooden cross.
  • Huge - golden, fiery, or glowing.
  • Standing by the road.
  • Pray and be baptized at the crucifix.
  • Wear on a chain or hold a cross.
  • Take up the big cross and carry it.
  • Find a cross in a dream.
  • Be baptized in a dream.

Is it worth repeating that all such dreams have a very important meaning, which is difficult to overestimate. This means that they should be interpreted carefully, without missing out on details, without confusing the nuances. Remember your entire dream and find out why you dream about the cross.

See but do nothing

It is important to remember the very first thing - you just saw this symbol in your dreams, or you happened to take it, wear it, get baptized, and so on. If the first, that is, you did nothing and only saw the cross, then remember its appearance. It was gold or iron, on a chain or gravestone, or something else. Its appearance will reveal the secret meaning of the dream.

1. A pectoral cross seen in dreams from the outside is a very pleasant sign. It promises only good things. The dream book here does not specify what specific events await the dreamer - but it will be joy, harmony, peace and all the brightest things.

2. A golden cross - worn on a chain or of another kind, for example, in a church - is a symbol of great happiness, contentment with life, a symbol of great protection from higher powers. Gold in general is a very happy sign, and a cross made from it is a great symbol of complete well-being.

3. Silver is a symbol of hope. And if the cross in your dream turns out to be silver, know that it is hope that will help you in any adversity. Take care of it, store it and never lose it!

4. As any dream book will tell you, the iron cross is a symbol of patience - and here one of two things applies. Either it is your strong trait, and thanks to it you will be able to endure adversity and achieve your goal, or, on the contrary, you lack patience in reality.

And then the interpreter advises you to learn to be more tolerant; for you this is an important quality that is missing. It is its lack that often becomes the cause of unpleasant moments in your life.

5. A copper cross foreshadows great work, painstaking work, but noble and grateful. So be prepared - you won’t have to be lazy. Now is a favorable and suitable period for you to spend energy on work - all this will pay off, no doubt!

6. A cross on a chain is a sign that foreshadows a joyful, good activity that will bring you satisfaction and happiness. If you receive an offer for an activity, even an unusual one, accept it, you won’t regret it!

7. The grave cross is a very important symbol. If you saw it in your dreams, this is a hint that you are surrounded by good people, and you underestimate their spiritual qualities and do not believe in human kindness and sincerity.

Try to reconsider this attitude towards people - it interferes with your happiness and harmonious interaction with others and loved ones. The people around you are not as bad as you might think!

8. A wooden cross is a symbol of great success thanks to great diligence, honesty and hard work. You will achieve a lot, you will even be surprised, but it is all well deserved!

9. If you saw in a dream a huge cross that glowed, burned, or was in some other way a memorable and unique sight, this promises very important, large-scale events. Changes are definitely coming to you - and global ones, be prepared for them.

10. The cross by the road is a symbol of an upcoming important and very joyful event. Something is coming, something good and rare!

Certain actions

Now it’s worth considering why you dream of a cross with which you did something. To be baptized, to carry it, to hold it, to decorate it - these actions seem simple, but in dreams they carry great meaning. What does it mean?

1. Praying near a crucifix in a dream is a symbol of a great gift, the acquisition of something very valuable and rare. Do not think first of all about the values ​​of the material plane - it is possible, and very likely, that you will gain knowledge, rare experience, or even a friend.

2. Wearing a cross or holding it in your hand promises great joy. From an unexpected event, news or visit from a loved one.

3. If you took up and carried a large, heavy cross in a dream, you will have to take on responsibilities in reality that you are not accustomed to. But it will be a great honor for you and will open up new opportunities for you.

4. Finding it means victory, triumph. Overcoming difficulties, poverty, getting rid of enemies or problems.

5. To be baptized in a dream is a sign of great happiness. It is also a symbol of protection of higher powers, spirituality, and faith.

This symbol is favorable, and it is worth understanding that the meanings of such dreams are almost always associated not with the material sphere of life, but with something personal and spiritual. Understand and perceive the interpretations correctly, draw reasonable conclusions - and believe that your dream promises joy!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Alternative interpretation:

In general, you dream of a cross as a sign of some kind of misfortune. If you dream of a person who is carrying a cross, then you should take this dream as a call for charity and mercy.

Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you. Kissing a cross in a dream predicts that you will accept misfortune with due fortitude.
For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate.
If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity and care for others.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Happiness, luck, triumph.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite

iron – reliable support (guardianship); decorated with flowers - happiness in the home; on the way - good news; fenced - you will get out of a difficult situation; closed - there will be a death in the family; to see on someone - sadness; kneeling before him - repentance and sadness

Esoteric dream book

Big - a stop before the accomplishment. You need to gain strength and energy. Wearable - danger! You are about to commit a grave sin.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you. Kissing a cross in a dream predicts that you will accept misfortune with due fortitude. For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate. If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity and care for others.

Ukrainian dream book

The cross is a burden. Seeing crosses in a dream means suffering or war.

Azar's Dream Book

sadness, grief

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope. Seeing a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials. To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering. If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy path in life. A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means the aggression of a powerful empire. Seeing a cross outlined in a circle in a dream is a sign of trouble; the entire planet and humanity are under threat. If in a dream you put a cross on your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you. Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger. The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

fate, fate.

Vanga's Dream Book

In a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal. The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

Vanga's Dream Book

In a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal. The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes. In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults. You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Cross – “Putting a cross on something” - finishing a task or abandoning a given activity. “carry your cross” - hardships, the need for suffering; “cross swords” (duel), “procession” (religiosity). Esoterically, the location of portals (chakras) on the human body is cruciform; the external side of spiritual transformation, resurrection. “pectoral cross” is a symbol of protection; "St. George's Cross" - award. “Crusaders” are aggressive spreaders of the Christian faith.

Italian dream book

Dream Interpretation Cross - A symbol of pain, suffering, instructions to renounce one’s own self, regression (imposition of prohibitions. a call to humility, a symbol of a difficult situation in which a person finds himself).

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why do you dream about the Cross - Seeing a cross on a church in a dream means a spiritual conversation. Seeing a cross on a grave in a cemetery is a sign of a wake.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream about the Cross - If you see a cross put on you in a dream, you will have to carry the cross for the rest of your life.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about the Cross - In a dream, this symbol means forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, such a dream encourages you to charity and care for others. For a young woman, a dream in which she holds a cross in her hands foreshadows the love of others and the favor of fate. A cross hanging around your neck in a dream symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for others. A golden, shining cross means your ability to forget and forgive insults.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Cross - Seen in a dream, signifies prosperity, happiness and triumph over all disasters; the chair to pray promises to receive gifts; Carrying a cross on oneself portends grief and misfortune; finding a cross is a sign of triumph; losing it signifies a dissolute life, for which a worthy punishment will follow in due time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Cross - Fate, fate.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dream Interpretation Cross - Happiness, luck, triumph.

Ukrainian dream book

Cross – The cross is a burden. Seeing crosses in a dream means suffering or war.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Cross - Symbolism of pain, suffering, difficulties, instructions, abandonment of the Self for the sake of the Super Self, prohibition and humility.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation Cross – Carrying a cross in a dream means hard work, danger. Seeing a cross on your body means good events, a gold one means joy, a silver one means hope, an iron one means you need to be patient. Finding a cross means victory; wearing it as a decoration means you will seem better than you really are. Wearing a wooden cross means success; praying in front of a cross or crucifix means giving a gift or acquiring things necessary in life. To venerate the cross means that you need to be patient in order to solve your problems. Decorating it with flowers brings peace and satisfaction. Seeing a cross standing by the road means good news; seeing yourself crucified on it means difficult trials. a cross drenched in blood - to an important event.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why do you dream about the Cross - Seeing Jesus Christ on the cross means great trials and torment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about the Cross - Suffering; cross on the body - protection. Cross on the grave - no comment.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Cross - Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you. Kissing a cross in a dream predicts that you will accept misfortune with due fortitude. For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate. - if you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity, caring for others.

Azar's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Cross - Sadness, chagrin

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of dreams Cross - in a dream this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal. The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes. In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults. You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

Dream Interpretation Cross - Iron - reliable guardianship; a cross by the road is good news; decorated with flowers - happiness in the home; fenced - you will get out of a difficult situation; closed - there will be a death in the family; to see on someone - sadness; kneeling before him means repentance and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Interpretation of dreams The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope. Seeing a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials. To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering. If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy path in life. A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means the aggression of a powerful empire. Seeing a cross outlined in a circle in a dream is a sign of trouble; the entire planet and humanity are under threat. If in a dream you put a cross on your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you. Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger. The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Cross - A big stop before the accomplishment. You need to gain strength and energy. Body Danger! You are about to commit a grave sin.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Cross – Iron - reliable support (guardianship) - decorated with flowers - happiness in the house - on the road - good news - fenced - you will get out of a difficult situation - closed - there will be a death in the family - to see on someone - sadness - to stand in front of him on knees - repentance and sadness

Loff's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Cross or crucifix – This powerful religious symbol represents comfort, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what impact it has on the entire plot of the dream. The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, disgust, or a desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, and an inadequate attitude towards eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore MEMORY, i.e. a kind of defense mechanism to help you forget about the consequences of a choice or event associated with religious symbolism in your life. The crucifixion, of course, also has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are a positive Taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of a symbol gives us a sense of security. Christians who see a crucifix in a dream can achieve inner cleansing, renewal and reconciliation. Who is next to you when the cross appears? What events precede and immediately follow the appearance of the crucifixion? This will tell you whether the cross is for you a symbol of internal healing or an external guide to reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation Cross - A sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of “special” close attention; break of relationship. See Add. R. Attributes.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse - interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Cross - Happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Cross – Happiness

Crosses – Depression and grief

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation of Crosses – Sadness and grief

This sign for Orthodox believers is a symbol of the beginning of something new. Why do you dream about the cross? Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to give people further life after death. This symbol is an integral part of a believer. Crosses are placed on children after the sacrament of Baptism. This sign acts as a symbol of life and eternity. Each nation has a cross with its own specific shape, but they are still similar to each other.

Why do you dream of an Orthodox cross: dream books say that this is an important sign, such a dream is worth paying attention to.

Each of us knows that a pectoral cross is worn under clothing and is hidden from others. You should not demonstrate your faith so as not to cause condemnation. Why do you dream about a cross? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. The first thing you need to do after waking up is to remember the dream in detail, not to miss the little things, then you can accurately see the interpretation of the dream. Often seeing a cross in a dream indicates that a person is experiencing anxiety in reality; it may not always be justified.

You dreamed of an Orthodox cross

Why dream of a silver cross on your body - in reality your life begins to improve. You have reconsidered your views on life and those around you, crossed out people who negatively influenced you. A person is not interested in what others think about him. But a pectoral cross in a dream is a warning. The time has come to pay for the actions you have committed thoughtlessly. Step over your pride and ask for forgiveness from the person you carelessly offended. At this time, you need to devote more time to spiritual development.

If you dreamed of a cross on your body that you found on the street, in reality you do not experience problems with your health; your lifestyle is not the best. You were able to give up bad habits and play sports. Now you can take on any business, it will end in success, you just need to put in a little effort.

It happens that in a dream we give someone a cross and help them put it on. As the dream book says, a pectoral cross in this case means that trouble awaits you in reality. Health problems may arise. See a doctor, get tested and undergo a preventive commission. It is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular system, because recently it has been making itself felt. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and take up cycling.

What does a grave cross portend in a dream?

Did you wake up in the morning with a feeling of fear and negative emotions? Calm down. A grave cross does not always dream of something bad and carries a negative meaning. Why do you dream of a grave cross? It’s time to analyze your actions. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right? You need to learn to control your emotions, be less selfish and ambitious.

Did a person wake up at night with goosebumps? This means he must analyze his actions.

Why dream of grave crosses can mean that others treat you with distrust, once again avoiding communication with you. You are haunted by failures and problems that you cannot always cope with on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends, they are ready to help you at any time.

Seeing a cross made of wood in a dream means that in reality everything in your life is calm and harmonious. You spend a lot of time with family and friends, value each other, and try to avoid conflict situations. A pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future; perhaps you will receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Why dream of a cross made of wood contains more positive aspects than negative ones.

Other: seeing a tabletop crucifix, a cross in a church

If a person experiences positive emotions in a dream, in real life everything is not as bad as it seems. You will be able to cope with life's difficulties on your own, without the help of others. Let it seem to you that a dark streak has come. There are people around you who may act meanly towards you in order to achieve their goal. Be careful, then you can avoid unpleasant moments.

Did you kiss a cross in a dream? This means that in real life you can cope with failures. You can find the right way out of the situation.

Why do we dream about crosses? In reality, you devote a lot of time to self-improvement and spiritual development. If a person was calm in his dream, in reality he is moving in the right direction and will be able to achieve his goal. But if you experienced a feeling of fear and rushed from corner to corner, in real life you should pay attention to your spiritual development. If a person had a dream who has been sick for a long time, it means that the illness will soon begin to recede.

A silver pectoral cross means that a white streak begins in your life.

I dreamed of a precious cross: made of gold, made of silver

Why do you dream of a pectoral cross that belongs to you? Such a dream carries a positive meaning. In the near future, events will happen in your life, after which a person will look at himself from a different perspective.

If a married woman had a dream, an unexpected surprise awaits her. Very soon you will learn that a new life has arisen within you.

If a lonely person saw a dream, there is someone very close to him who can make him happy. It is worth taking a closer look at a person who may not be noticeable to you at first. For a long time he tries to show you signs of attention. You can calmly go through life with him, he will be a true friend for you, who will help you at any time.

According to the dream book, a cross on a chain is a good sign for those who spend a lot of time working. The management has seen great potential in you; soon you will have a long business trip, which will help you make new acquaintances. A material increase in the form of a bonus is possible.

If in a dream a person is given a golden cross, it means in reality there are people who can come to the rescue at any moment, you don’t even need to ask them for it. If a gold cross in a dream gives you unpleasant sensations, you need to be careful in real life. Before you do something, you should think several times about what the result might be. This way you can avoid problems and failures.

If in a dream the golden cross becomes dark, you should pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, start playing sports and visit a specialist.

Why do you dream of a silver cross? This means that in real life a person can achieve success, he just needs to make every effort to achieve this. If you are conscientious about your work, you can achieve appreciation and respect.

But if a person saw a silver cross breaking, a difficult period will soon come, the time has come for a black streak. Don't lose heart and become depressed. Maybe you should ask your family and friends for help? Turn to them for advice, tell them about your problems and troubles in life, go to church, help those who really need it.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

  • A dream in which a young girl saw a cross means that in real life a test has been prepared for her that will teach her perseverance. In the near future she will start a family with her loved one. Love and mutual respect, support and care will reign there.
  • If a woman dreams of a cross, in reality everything does not work out quite as we would like. Reconsider your views on your own life, learn to control your emotions, spend more time with your family and friends.
  • If a man saw a dream, pay attention to your health, get tested and go for a consultation with a specialist. If you ignore this, you may pay with your men's health.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Remember that it is at night that we are able to experience events that will one way or another have an impact on real life. Pay close attention to your dreams, because they may contain hidden clues that will help you make the right decision and avoid troubles in reality. And various dream books will help you understand the secret meaning of the picture you see.

Miller's Dream Book - work on relationships

Why do you dream of a cross on a chain - not everything is going smoothly in your life. Relationships with others are often tense. You need to be able to control your emotions and not follow the lead of others. If a married woman saw a dream, it means a new stage begins in the relationship with her husband.

Vanga's dream book - visit the church in reality

Why do you dream of crosses on your body - you need to engage in spiritual development, attend church, take communion. Spend more time with your family and friends, visit your parents more often.

Freud's Dream Book - positive emotions

According to this dream book, crosses in a dream are associated with masculinity. Seen in a dream, it can attract a lot of positive emotions into a person’s life. It's time to propose marriage to your partner. The marriage will be strong and long.

If you dreamed of a cross in a dream, this may be a sign that it is time to visit a church in reality.

Modern dream book - financial problems

- this is not a very good sign. You will have to experience problems and failures, which will primarily affect finances. Learn to control your expenses, don’t spend money left and right. Only then will it be possible to avoid problems.

Intimate dream book - hidden sadness

To wear is a hidden sadness. To see, acquire, hold in your hands - to sacrifice something for the sake of another person. Seeing a cross on someone means you should do charity work or help someone close to you.

French dream book - you need help

You want support and you reach out for it. Receiving a beautiful cross as a gift and immediately putting it on is a good sign; in reality, you will receive help that you did not even expect. If you lose your pectoral cross, you should be more careful.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers - Good Health

To tear off your chest - consult with unworthy people, be careful. Lose - you will throw off the entire burden of responsibility to your superiors. Give, consider, wear - your health will not let you down on difficult journeys.

Imperial Dream Book - Spend time with your family

The cross is a sign of grief and loss. Wooden cross - connection with “roots”, family, possibly painful separation from loved ones. A cross somehow connected with a person, for example, on someone’s neck, is an incentive to show mercy and help others.

Russian dream book - you will solve your problems

There is no need to complicate everything you are trying to solve - often the solution is as simple as the very shape of the cross that you see in your dream. Such a dream can not only show you the way to solve problems, but also predict a useful gift for you.

Azar's dream book - it's time to change jobs

At the cemetery - solve all problems in personal finances. Giving as a gift on a string or on a chain means that some matter pressing on you will be resolved unexpectedly well. Burning out means feeling like you are not working towards your dream.

Children's dream book - they will entrust you with a secret

If you wear a small pectoral cross in a dream, it means hidden sadness. They give you a cross - someone will share their secret with you. Someone you know is wearing a cross - he needs your help. - we should start helping those in need.

Culinary dream book - take yourself in hand

Searching for support and fortunate circumstances that will help you solve the unpleasant problems that have accumulated. Losing a cross means you will need to cope with negative moods, pull yourself together and not pay attention to bad omens.

David Loff's dream book - good news

On your chest - dissatisfaction in care and affection. As a gift to a godson or goddaughter, you can build a large and spacious house. To lose means good news, a big event in the family, prayers and requests for your health and well-being.


Often in a dream we are given hints on a particular issue. If you dreamed of a grave cross or a pectoral cross, you should not rush to conclusions; a dream does not always bring only bad things. A person who treats his dreams with trepidation will be able to avoid problematic situations in his life. And we wish you only good dreams!

Video “Why do you dream about the Cross”

Faith in God is the recognition of his true power, superior to the power of arguments, facts and logic. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe or not. Not all believers wear a pectoral cross, but not all those who wear it are believers. The existence of God has been debated for centuries, but we will talk about something else. Have you ever dreamed of the Lord? And anything else connected with the Almighty? At least a cross, for example? If yes, then I suggest you look into the dream book and find out why you dream about something like this? What does such a dream warn us about? Why do we see symbols of this kind in our dreams?

Incense on the chest

Seeing a pectoral cross on your neck in a dream is a sign that the time has come to forget grievances and forgive offenders, says Miller’s dream book.

If you dreamed that you were putting a cross on someone’s body, in reality you would come to the aid of a stranger of your own free will, although you would not be asked to do so.

If you dream that you are fiddling with your pectoral cross, worrying about something, such a dream is a reflection of reality. You worry too much about something.

If in a dream you put someone else’s amulet around your neck, wait for news about the illness of your loved ones, Vanga’s dream book predicts.

Material for the amulet

Seeing a golden amulet in a dream means great happiness and joy, Tsvetkov’s dream book gives hope.

If you dreamed of a silver cross - in real life you are on the verge of depression, but your friends will help you cope with troubles.

Seeing a silver amulet with a golden crucifix in a dream means a significant increase in salary or receiving a large sum of money, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

A pectoral cross made of iron is a sign that you should be patient and have faith in the best, then your problems will pass without causing you much trouble.

The wooden symbol of faith promises good health and success in all areas of activity, but on the condition that you do not be stingy and greedy, predicts the Women's Dream Book.

A cross made of copper or other non-ferrous metal is a symbol of hope for the best. No matter how difficult it is for you now, know that change will come soon.

Buy or find

If you dreamed that you were lucky to find a gold pectoral cross, this means that for single people with a significant other, your love will easily withstand any trials and adversity.

Buying an amulet in a dream means trials: a new one means a successful outcome; buying someone’s amulet means that in order to avoid problems, you will have to make a lot of effort, the Spring Dream Book prophesies.

If you dream that you have been given a crucifix, a person will appear in your life who will help you in the future. Do not neglect new acquaintances; it is not a fact that you know your patron.

Sell ​​or lose

Seeing a dream in which you have lost your pectoral cross and are not trying to look for it means illness and suffering, warns the Eastern Dream Book.

Looking for a lost crucifix in a dream means possible obstacles in the execution of plans: if you find it, you will be able to eliminate the obstacles on your own. To understand what is irretrievably lost - you will have to seek help; you cannot cope with difficulties alone.

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