Lewis Carroll's cats from wonderland. Mysterious Cheshire Cat

Please tell me why your cat smiles so much? - Alice asked, slightly timid.
- This Cheshire Cat, said the Duchess, “that’s why.”

Since Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865, the origins of the Cheshire Cat have been speculated upon by many people. But the mystery has not yet been solved - perhaps Carroll was inspired by a real cat, perhaps a coat of arms with the image of a cat, and according to one version, the prototype was a family named Catt.

It seems that only one thing is certain - that the expression “Breathed in a smile like the Cheshire Cat” does not belong to Carroll himself. Smile of the Cheshire Cat first found in Peter Pindar's Lyric Epistles, which contains the phrase "Our court will smile like the Cheshire Cat." The satirist John Walcott (Wolcot or Wolcott), who died in 1819, was hiding under the pseudonym Peter Pindar.

What was the primary source for the appearance of the Cheshire Cat?

Here are just a few more or less likely versions:

The Cheshire Cat appeared thanks to cats from Chester.

In Chester, a city located in Cheshire, which in former times had a port on the banks of the River Dee, there were warehouses in which cheese and other dairy products were stored. Harbor cats gathered on the pier, waiting for rats and mice to leave ships loaded with Cheshire cheese. The abundance of food made them the happiest cats in the Kingdom; they seemed to be smiling contentedly!

Some sources claim that on the site of the Chester cheese warehouse, there used to be a monument to the Cheshire Cat. However, no official documents about this have survived, and the existence of the monument remains a mystery, as does the origin of the Cheshire Cat.

Proper feeding of cats begins with proper selection of food https://www.acana.ru/katalog-kormov.

The Cheshire Cat is a generalized image of British Blue cats.

It is widely believed that the breed of British Blue cats, known for their "smiling" facial expression, originated from cats that had long lived in Cornwall, gradually moving to Cheshire with people. This fascinating idea was put forward by David Hayden, who suggested that Lewis Carroll was undoubtedly familiar with these cats and their “smiles” in their time.

Cheshire Cat - an image inspired by Cheshire cheeses.

Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was born and grew up until the age of 11 in the small village of Daresbury in Cheshire. No doubt he had often seen local cheeses produced in the shape of various animals, one of which was a grinning cat.

The Cheshire Cat is a heraldic symbol.

The Cheshire Cat may have been derived from early Cheshire heraldry. For example, the coat of arms of the first Earl of Chester was engraved with a lion. The lion is a common heraldic symbol, and medieval artists were often required to depict it. Naturally, in the drawings, the animal, which the artists had never even seen, turned out to look like cats. The image of an imaginary lion, at the same time, often turned out to be noticeably smiling.

The Cheshire cat came from the signs.

For reasons similar to those stated in the heraldic version, the Cheshire Cat may have come from signs depicting a lion. The signs of British pubs very often depicted a lion, which few artists actually met. Pub signs date back centuries, and the lions and leopards depicted on them were often referred to as cats.

Cheshire cat and church carvings.

Carroll may have formed the image of the Cheshire Cat under the influence of the figurine of a smiling cat that adorned the Church of St. Wilfrid (twelfth century), located in the Cheshire village of Grappenhall. Carroll's father, a vicar, often preached there, and the boy must have noticed the cat during his visits to the church.

In the east of Cheshire is the small village of Pott Shrigley, where St Christopher's Church (thirteenth century) also has a cat's head carved on one of the internal walls, next to the pulpit, very much like the illustration in the book. Perhaps young Lewis Carroll could have noticed her too?

At the age of 11, Carroll moved from Cheshire to Croft-on-Tees in the north-east of England. His father was then minister of Croft Church and archdeacon of Richmond (1843 to 1868). In the place reserved for the clergy in the church, a lion's face was carved in stone on one side. When looking at him from one of the pews of the church, it seems that the lion is smiling broadly; but if you look at him standing, the smile disappears, exactly like the Cheshire Cat.

Okay, I've often seen cats without a smile, thought Alice, but a smile without a cat? This is the most curious thing I have seen in my life!

When the floorboards of the rectory were opened around 1950, some artifacts were found victorian era, which could well have belonged to the Dodgson family. Among them was a white glove, but it could have belonged to the White Rabbit himself!

Carroll later lived for several years in Guildford, Surrey, and often visited the nearby village of Cranleigh, where St Nicholas Church had a Gargoyle figure resembling a cat. Who knows, maybe the Cheshire Cat was born in Carroll’s imagination thanks to her?

The Cheshire cat is the court jester.

There is an assumption that at one time there was a jester at court named Cat Kaitlin, who arrived from Cheshire. Since people would like to be as happy as the images shown to them, the expression burst into a smile like the Cheshire Cat could have been born as a tribute to his art. The author of this version admits, however, that all the efforts expended to prove the existence of this jester did not yield results. Therefore, perhaps this explanation is the least likely.

In this article you will learn:

Cheshire Cat from Wonderland - famous hero books by L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”.

Creating an image

This hero was not in Carroll's original work. The character appeared in 1865 thanks to the popular expression “Smile like the Cheshire Cat” and there are theories about this: 1. The legendary cheese produced in Cheshire was made to look like a smiling cat; 2. Cheshire was so small and it was called a county, even cats laughed at it.

Cheshire cat from the movie


The good-natured Cheshire cat smiled constantly and could disappear, leaving only his wide smile for consideration. The cat was also that philosopher, he could make more than one speech, at the same time inserting something funny. The character moved freely through the air and could teleport.

Cheshire considered himself crazy, since everyone around him was crazy. He wagged his tail when he was angry and angry when he was happy.

“I’ve seen cats without a smile. But a smile without a cat!..”


The character is firmly established in popular culture. There is no person who does not know this smiling character. The cat first appeared in Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland and belonged to the Duchess. Cartoons, games, comics all about the same girl Alice brought him great popularity.

The creature’s habitat is Wonderland, which is inhabited by a variety of equally strange heroes. Best friends The cat is the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse with whom he organizes Crazy Tea Parties.

Among Cheshire's friends, there was a girl named Alice who called him Cheshirick.



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The fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is liked not only by children, but also by adults. The work belongs to English writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll, whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Unlike most authors, Carroll did not build any schemes and storylines, the story about the journey began by itself. One day the author was traveling along the river in the company of his friend Henry Lidell and his three daughters, among whom was Alice Lidell. A ten-year-old girl asked the writer to tell some interesting story. That's when the image was born main character tales of the traveler Alice. The story impressed the listeners so much that the girls asked to record it. The next day Lewis Carroll began writing literary work.

Thanks to the original plot and non-standard form presentation, the journey of the main character Alice is of interest to linguists, logicians, mathematicians and philosophers. The first critical reviews were negative character, and only decades later the readership recognized that it was in the “madness” of the book that its real value lay. Famous fairy tale about Alice is replete with philosophical sayings, knowing which you can always give your interlocutor valuable advice.

Everything is as always - what a disgrace!

Good at least as always, not worse!)

I have already seen hat makers. The March Hare, in my opinion, is much more interesting. Besides, it’s May now—perhaps he’s already come to his senses a little.

At least I sincerely hope so...

Don't be sad. Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful pattern, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.

You just need to wait a little.

I don't see how he can ever finish if he has no intention of starting.

And it’s unlikely that he’ll ever get around to starting.

Now, for example, I was desperate for two hours... with jam and sweet buns.

Everyone would be so desperate)

You can't do what you shouldn't do.

And if you imagine for a moment what is possible?

Who needs a head without shoulders?

And shoulders without a head are somehow not very good.

Don't grunt. Express your thoughts in a different way!

More humane, if possible.

It's getting weirder and weirder! More and more wonderful! More and more curious! It’s getting weirder and weirder, everything’s miraculous and miraculous!

Cheshire Cat Quotes

Every adventure has to start somewhere... it's corny, but even here it's true...

True true.

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

Just as he’s not like everyone else, he’s immediately crazy. Maybe they're all crazy, not me.

No matter how you look, you must look in the right direction.

Where is this right direction?

The fact is that while you are small, you can see what is invisible to you when you are big.

Don't rush to grow up.

I love psychos: only they understand the world around us, only with them I can find a common language.

No, I’m not crazy myself, I just adore them.

Those who choose the difficult path are called fools.

In life, many things happen the other way around.

Confidence and recklessness are two sides of the same coin.

If you believe even the craziest thoughts, they can become reality.

Watch, learn, act.

Learn first, and only then act.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more real than the object itself.

The mirror won't lie.

At times, in her madness, I see glimpses of real talent.

This is how real talent most often manifests itself.

Stupid does not mean ignorant.

Please take this into account.
You don't need to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Sometimes you can still iron.

Threats, promises and good intentions - none of these are actions.

But faith is sometimes stronger than any action, although in its essence it is complete inaction.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other will lead you to madness. My advice to you is don’t stumble.

Do you want to become happy?

Hatter Quotes

Anyone who is sane would hardly dream of me.

Draw your own conclusion...

Nowadays everyone travels railway, but hat transportation is much more reliable and pleasant.

And cheaper.

The less you know, the easier it is to control you.

A lot of knowledge will not allow others to manipulate you.

Sometimes I admire you from top to bottom, sometimes vice versa.

Beautiful, no matter how you look at it.

Why are you helping me?
- Do you need a reason to help a very nice girl in a very wet dress?

A smart person will understand that he needs help, without any requests.

Bunny Quotes

Everything would be fine, but here is the Duchess, Duchess! She'll be furious if I'm late! That's exactly where she'll come!

Oh, if only She was late, and not me.

And this Duchess! My little head was gone, and my skin was gone, and so was my antennae! Write it's gone! She orders me to be executed, there is no abyss for her!

I'm most sorry for the skin.

You are a disturbing element. An unnecessary creature. If you do what you want, you bring a lot of problems.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do what you want.

Other hero quotes

How do you think anyone would want a child who doesn't think? Even a joke should have some kind of thought, but a child, you must admit, is not a joke at all!

Everyone must think, even the little ones.

The best way to explain is to do it yourself!

It will be much faster this way.

Who you are?
- I am the Blue Caterpillar.
- What are you doing here?
- Sitting. I smoke. I'm waiting for changes.

Should I drink something else, maybe change will come faster?!

There are many original and memorable characters in world literature, but one of the most intriguing can be called the Cheshire Cat. This mysterious furball first appeared in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland back in 1865, and recently turned 150 years old. But, despite such a “respectable” age, the Cheshire Cat remains the adoration of millions of readers around the world.

The walk that gave the character

On July 4, 1862, Professor Charles Dodgson went on a picnic in the company of Robinson Duckworth, Henry Liddell and his three daughters. And none of them imagined what impact their little trip would have on world literature. Liddell's daughters had long known that Johnson could tell incredible stories, and this time they asked the professor to surprise them with a story. Charles could not refuse them and quickly came up with a fairy tale about a girl Alice, who went in search of adventure in a fantasy land.

Liddell's middle daughter, who, by the way, had the same name as the main character, liked this story so much that she asked Johnson to write it down for her. Charles took up the manuscript the very next day after the picnic, and in November 1864, the first version of Alice's adventures appeared, which he presented to his young fan.

Johnson was so moved by the story that he decided to publish it. To do this, the professor took the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, and in addition, he doubled the volume of the fairy tale and added a new character to it. This is how the Cheshire Cat appeared on the pages of a literary work.

Mystery of origin

In those distant times in England, one of the common expressions was the phrase “the smile of a Cheshire cat.” And perhaps she pushed Carroll to create the character. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the phrase meant a sarcastic and ironic smile, characteristic only of the “Cheshire” cat. It is noteworthy that such a breed of domestic animal has never existed. Then how did everyone know about them? Historians have several theories about the origin of the “Cheshire” cats:

  • In Cheshire, where Carroll was from, it was fashionable to paint lions and leopards on tavern signs. But since none of the artists had ever seen these predators, they ended up with big smiling cats.
  • According to the second theory, the phrase appeared due to the fact that little Cheshire was always proud of his title, which “even the cats laughed at.”
  • According to the third theory, the expression became widespread because of the wheels of cheese that the county sold throughout England. They were round with large holes, reminiscent of a cat's face.

That is, then no

The Cheshire Cat, whose photo you will find in the article, is famous not only for its smile, but also for its ability to disappear and appear at the most unexpected moment. According to historians, this ability appeared in the character due to the author's penchant for mysticism. Lewis Carroll was a famous fan different legends, and he embodied one of them on the pages of his book. It's about about the Congleton cat. We will tell you about this story next.

At the abbess's Congletonsky The abbey had a favorite - a handsome cat. But one day this beloved furball did not return home. A few days later, the abbess heard a familiar scratching sound. Opening the door, the woman saw her cat, but after a few moments the pet seemed to melt into thin air. And for many years this ghost appeared and disappeared every evening before surprised spectators. This legend undoubtedly impressed Carroll, so the Cheshire Cat learned the same skill.

Character Description

In Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat plays the role of both mentor and friend to the main character. From their first meeting in the Duchess’s kitchen, the character began to explain the customs and customs of this fantastic kingdom “in his own way.” The cat almost constantly accompanied the girl and helped her find a way out of difficult and absurd situations. And even though his answers did not bring the main character much joy, but rather irritated her, thanks to them Alice was able to perform difficult tasks.

And to this day, phrases and expressions spoken by the character make an almost magical impression on readers. They have long been disassembled into quotes, which are used to emphasize the absurdity and absurdity of the situation.

Character character

The country of the Cheshire Cat is a mysterious and not entirely clear kingdom. So its resident makes a rather ambiguous impression. He seems kind and sweet and has a devilish charm, despite the fact that he chose the life of a loner. By nature, the cat is an optimist and a lover of life and will always help in difficult times.

But at the same time, the character is endowed with selfishness and incredible stubbornness, because of which he does not admit his mistakes. He is quite irritable and impulsive and can commit not entirely plausible actions, which he will regret in the future.

The character is quite vain and can lie when it suits him, although he himself “cannot stand lies.” Perhaps such a contrasting palette of positive and negative qualities and makes him so inimitable.

Cheshire Cat in culture

The character has long become a cult character, and his image is gladly used by other authors on the pages of their works. The Cheshire Cat has appeared in novels by Geoff Noon, Jasper Fforde, Andrzej Sapkowski, Frank Beddor and others. Comics were published about his adventures and short stories. And even tattoos depicting this character were wildly popular.

But most often the cat is used in various animated and feature film adaptations of the book. Moreover, each director and producer sees this character in his own way. Thus, in the 1951 cartoon released by the world famous Disney studio, the cat appeared as an intellectual with an extremely harmful character. In this interpretation, he looks more like a villain than a helper to the main character.

No less remarkable is the character we saw in Tim Burton’s stunning film adaptation of the book. A cat created with computer graphics, made a lasting impression. His smile, charm, calmness and ability to find a way out difficult situation amazed the audience to the core. And most likely, it was this character that ensured such success for the film.

It seems to us that it is not for nothing that the Dodo bird is depicted as looking like the extinct dodo: people like Capricorns are truly an endangered species - only they can make sufferers who have barely escaped the Sea of ​​Tears run pointlessly in circles. That is, it seems to all the little stupid girls that a competition in which everyone turns out to be a winner is a meaningless activity. But Capricorn knows exactly why this is needed: firstly, to dry out, and secondly, to calm down (remember about the Sea of ​​Tears?). And thirdly, actually get your prize. And anyone who thinks that all participants cannot win in a competition has never worked with Capricorn. Well, or he didn’t turn out to be the unfortunate person from whom Capricorn squeezes prizes for his metaphorical kindergarten. He beats him out with both his horns and his beak, so that you understand. But it’s okay, you will also get some nice souvenir.

- How so? - exclaimed the Mouse. “She should get a prize too!” “Undoubtedly,” agreed Dodo. - Do you have anything else in your pocket? - he asked Alice. “Only a thimble,” she answered sadly. “Give it here,” Dodo ordered. Everyone surrounded Alice, and Dodo solemnly handed her the thimble, saying: “We ask you to accept this elegant little thing!”

Aquarius - March Hare


The March Hare, as we remember, is not just crazy, but naturally violently insane: he seems crazy even compared to all the other characters in the book. But in fact, he is perhaps the most complete person: all the other characters worry about everything all the time, but the Hare, it seems, only pretends, but in fact sincerely enjoys his madness. But, it seems to us, in this madness he is smarter than everyone else - well, because he gives Alice really the right advice. For example, always say what you think. And this advice, we believe, should be given to every girl in any incomprehensible situation. Just not so cruel:

“Drink some wine,” suggested the March Hare cheerfully. Alice looked at the table, but saw neither bottles nor glasses. “I don’t see him,” she said. - Still would! He's not even here! - answered the March Hare.

Pisces - Sonya

To be honest, everyone would like to become Sonya the Mouse at least for a week adult girl. Every grown girl who has a job, or school, or a child, or both, and the third combined: there is nothing more beautiful than, damn it, finally getting some sleep! But only the lucky Pisces succeed in this. That is, they, of course, do not sleep in public, but simply swim in the dark and deep waters of their rich inner world. Sometimes emerging to blurt out some stupidity. That is, we want to say to bestow those around you with the diamond fruits of your thoughts. However, there is no difference: no matter what Rybka, waking up from a metaphorical dream, blurts out, everyone will still first freeze in awe, and then begin to think: what does this even mean? The main thing is that there are no Hares or Hatters nearby, who “whip the chip” and are able to put the Fish in the teapot. Ugh be like that!

“That’s what I do,” Alice hastened to explain. “At least... At least I always mean what I say... and it’s the same thing...” “Not the same thing at all,” objected the Hatter. - So you will say something else good, as if “I see what I eat” and “I eat what I see” are the same thing! “So you will say again,” Sonya said without opening her eyes, “as if “I breathe while I sleep” and “I sleep while I breathe” are the same thing!

Aries - Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts is certainly a negative character, but we are sure that Aries will not be offended: main antagonist- their favorite role, and it doesn’t matter at all what the plot itself is about. Who cares about such little things, after all? No, if they bother you, you will certainly say about it - Aries will be grateful to you: here it is, a reason to cut off your head! Although, of course, it would be a big mistake to consider Aries as the embodiment of anger and senseless rage: this very rage is generated in them at such a speed that it simply needs to be drained somewhere so that it doesn’t explode and splash anyone. In general, if you remember, no one’s truly valuable head was ever taken off their shoulders (but that’s not certain).

- Darling, I would ask you to order this Cat to be removed. The Queen knew only one way to solve all problems, big and small. - Cut off his head! - she shouted without even turning around. “I’ll personally run after the Executioner!” - the King immediately responded and ran as fast as he could.

Taurus - White Rabbit

If you are close to a Taurus, then please remember that all troubles always begin with him: with this clean little scoundrel in a neat vest and kid gloves. Taurus always wants get started and as soon as he does this, everyone around him immediately dives after him into a black hole, that is, a rabbit hole, without realizing at all whether they need it or not. And then, you know, it will be too late. Then this will be all that you can read about from Carroll. Carroll himself, by the way, called the Rabbit the antagonist of Alice - in contrast to her “youth”, “purposefulness”, “courage” and “strength”, he corresponds to such traits as “advanced age”, “fearfulness”, “dementia” and “nervous fussiness” " Well, he probably gave up on the subject of dementia (dear editor-in-chief, the Magic Ball sends his regards to you!), but everything else is the crystal clear truth. Taurus runs for a reason. Taurus really believes that he is half a beat behind life and needs to move his rolls faster. But, by the way, if you stretch your skills and hurry after Taurus, you will find that he really is an excellent guide to the world of miracles.

- Ah, Duchess! Duchess! My poor paws! My poor mustache! She orders me to be executed! Give me a drink, he orders!

Gemini - Mad Hatter

Even those who haven’t read Carroll, haven’t watched the cartoon, and can’t stand Johnny Depp (we, as a whole editorial team, strongly condemn the latter) know the Mad Hatter. Or rather, they think they know: Geminis, like the Hatter, are famous for their extravagance, bordering on madness, and those around them usually believe that Geminis are indeed a little out of their minds. Gemini, as you understand, is completely satisfied with this: if something happens, you can blame everything on your supposed “strangeness” - for those who do not understand anything. But for those who think they understand something, Gemini has its own surprises in store double bottom. Like the famous riddle of the Mad Hatter, which the best minds of humanity have been trying to solve for 150 years. And, by the way, no one has yet given the correct answer, because it is impossible to agree on the main thing: can this riddle even have the only correct answer?!

“Your hair misses being cut,” said the Hatter. Before that, he looked at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and these were his first words. “You should learn that you can’t get personal,” Alice said sternly, “it’s very rude.” The Hatter's eyes widened upon hearing this; however, he only said out loud: “How is a raven similar to a desk?”

Cancer - Turtle Quasi

Not just a turtle, but a quasi-turtle, from which quasi-turtle soup is prepared. No, we don’t want to say that the evil and cruel world certainly dreams of devouring poor Cancer, but it is undeniable that Cancer himself sincerely believes in this. This is why Cancer constantly falls into pessimism, cries and regrets missed opportunities.

- Once upon a time I was a real Turtle. When we were little, we went to school at the bottom of the sea. Our teacher was an old man - Turtle. We called him Sprutik (because he always walked with a twig). We received the best education, and no wonder, because we went to school every day...

But we suspect that Cancers are just pretending, of course. In any case, we still haven’t met a brave man ready to make soup out of Cancer. Turtle - remember? - "quasi". The devil only knows what could come out of her shell. You'll be lucky if it's just a claw.

Leo - Griffin

Griffin - mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, simply cosmically beautiful and equally cosmically powerful: the griffin, it seems, is not satisfied with everything at all. The Quasi Turtle, in his opinion, cries too often, and the Queen of Hearts says too often that she chops off heads (the griffin is sure that nothing was chopped off to anyone). But the Griffin is always happy with himself. Actually, there is absolutely nothing to add to the characteristics of Leo, except that the head of an eagle would hardly suit them - somehow, you know, this is petty for such a powerful nature.

-But I received a classical education. - Like this? - asked Alice. “That’s how it is,” answered the Griffin. “My teacher, the old crab, and I would go outside and play hopscotch all day. What a teacher he was!

Virgo - Cheshire Cat

If we assume that there is at least one normal character in Carroll’s book (well, suddenly! Just for a change!), then it is, of course, him, the Cheshire Cat. True, the Cat himself is sure that he is absolutely abnormal and, let’s not be afraid of this word, completely stubborn. And this is the whole essence of Virgo:

— A dog growls when he’s angry and wags his tail when he’s happy. She, as we agreed, is normal. And I? I grumble when I'm happy and wag my tail when I'm angry. Conclusion: I am abnormal.

That is, while all other signs experience emotions for any reason, Virgo experiences some awkwardness: in any incomprehensible situation, an analytical headquarters unfolds in her head, and Virgo suspects that this is sometimes noticeable from the outside. “How awkward it turned out!” - Virgo thinks and disappears, leaving an embarrassed smile in the air. Supposedly embarrassed, because Virgo does not know how to be sincerely embarrassed. But, like the Cat, he knows how to sincerely make friends. If, of course, you remember that the Cheshire Cat is a kind and positive character, but he has great teeth and claws.

Libra - Alice

Carroll, in his article “Alice on the Stage,” described the character as: gentle, like a doe, courteous towards everyone, trusting and “inquisitive to the extreme, with that taste for Life that is available only to a happy childhood, when everything is new and good, and Sin and Sorrow are just words, empty words that mean nothing.”

We, in fact, have almost nothing to add to the words of the respected author, except for the moralizing maxim: “Libra! Your curiosity will one day destroy you!” But in reality, of course not. In fact, Libra's curiosity, sooner or later, one way or another, leads them to the world of real miracles. And we don't envy. Nope. Not a bit at all!

“If everything in the world is meaningless,” said Alice, “what’s stopping you from inventing some meaning?”

Scorpio - Caterpillar

Philosophizing about the meaning of life, arguing and winning in discussions, as well as leading little ones astray from the true path are Scorpio’s most favorite pastimes. It should be noted that he is an outstanding manipulator: an insect larva with bad habits (presumably illegal) is not exactly a Guru, but for some reason everyone always follows Scorpio’s advice. And it seems to us that we know why: no one except Scorpio knows how to literally drive their neighbors to white heat with just two phrases, and then turn things around as if they themselves are the fools to blame. Talent!

- Why? - asked the Caterpillar. This was another puzzling question; and as Alice could not think of any convincing reason, and the Caterpillar seemed to be in a very bad mood, the girl simply turned and walked away. - Come back! - the Caterpillar called out to her. - I'll tell you something important! This certainly sounded promising; Alice turned around and went back. “Control yourself,” said the Caterpillar.

Sagittarius - King of Hearts

Sometimes it seems to us that the dear Universe invented Sagittarius for one and only purpose: to balance evil with good. These born defenders of the humiliated and oppressed are able to easily cope even with Aries, not to mention some fictional Queens of Hearts. But here’s what’s important: having entrusted Sagittarius with this honorable but difficult mission, the dear Universe gave them goodies in advance - for being harmful. So everyone usually loves and appreciates Sagittarius and really tries with all their might to place a crown on their head. Even if the ruler of a particular Sagittarius comes out frankly like cardboard.

- Cut off her head! Cut her off!.. - Nonsense! - Alice answered very loudly and decisively, and the Queen bit her tongue. The king timidly took her hand and said: “Come to your senses, dear, this is a little girl!”

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