Which will help you make the right choice. How to perfectly combine emotions and reason when choosing a life partner

Each of us sometimes needs to make difficult choices. We ask ourselves questions: what is better to choose, how to make the right choice, and what if?.. We find a lot of answers and still cannot decide.

These questions also tormented me and tore me apart until I heard the phrase:

“Before, he couldn’t make a choice because he didn’t know what would happen next. Now he knows what will happen and therefore cannot make a choice.” © Mr. Nobody

These words of the main character of the film “Mr. Nobody” became an insight for me. This is brilliant: it’s difficult for us to choose, not because we don’t know what will happen, but because it’s difficult for us to refuse something. Choice is always a rejection of something in favor of an alternative. No matter how much you think, no matter how much you weigh and calculate your moves, it will not become easier. You still have to give up something.

You will say that sometimes we choose between what we have and new opportunities. I disagree. Even if we choose what we already have, for example, staying at this job instead of changing to a new one, we are still choosing for mythical prospects. Otherwise, if everything was good, the question of choice itself would not arise.

I’ll explain in more detail, we want to change something in life when we don’t like it. For example, work. The boss is an asshole, there is no career growth, the salary was reduced due to the crisis, naturally there is a desire to change the situation. And we start looking for a job, and then the merciful Universe gives us such an opportunity, we are invited to an interview, one thing after another...

And here there are two options: either we choose between new offers and here we can only imagine what opportunities and privileges we will have in this or that company. And by choosing one, we give up the prospects of another. That is, We are afraid of losing what we don’t have.

There is another option, when the employer somehow senses that we can leave and promises to improve conditions. An important detail, improvements are only being talked about, they don’t exist in practice yet. And here we are again falling into this trap. “Damn, what should I choose? If the boss does what he says, then I won’t feel bad here either, although that job has more prospects, it’s more interesting, but it’s a different team and further from home...” And that’s it... away we go. We live again about what we have Not yet.

And on the one hand, it is by wanting to have what we don’t yet have that we grow and develop, but on the other hand, we suffer in a situation of choice. Where does this Plyushkin live in each of us?

But it definitely exists, look at your apartment right now and think, what is it that is in the closets, on the balcony or mezzanine that is high time to throw it away?? I'm sure there's something for everyone. When going through a closet, we face a choice: keep it or throw it away? So what is the difficulty?? It's a pity to throw it away?

No, it’s a pity not because this thing is useful to us, but because it might come in handy! That is, again, this is the reluctance to lose an opportunity, to lose something that does not exist. After all, in fact, we do not use this thing , we definitely won’t need it in the near future, otherwise there would be no question of throwing it away. And so, and maybe someday...

Why is it so difficult to give up something? It seems to us that if we give up this now, we will never be able to get this chance back again. There are even a lot of films that revolve around the same theory: this chance comes only once in a lifetime, and if you don’t take it, then you’re a fool!

I beg to differ. Quite recently, I discovered this a way to deal with difficult choices . So, let's think logically: if in each option there is something that I don’t want to give up, then this extremely valuable to me ! It is very important to determine what is so valuable in this proposal. What perspective do we see for ourselves, what desire or need do we want to satisfy? Once we understand this, it will become much clearer.

Anna basis

Every day a person needs to make a decision. Some are easy: choose a white or blue shirt, skirt or trousers. Simple solutions are chosen “automatically” depending on the mood and situation.

A completely different picture emerges when the question arises of how to make the right choice between two men, changing jobs or. A person is tormented by doubts, indecision and the possibility of making a mistake.

How to choose between two men?

The most unpredictable thing in the world is the relationship between a man and a woman. Sometimes events unfold in such a way that the question arises: how to make a choice between two men? Circumstances happen, and you can’t blame your significant other for this.

Most often the choice is between love and practicality. A girl loves a guy, wants to live with him all her life and have children, but he does not propose for 2-3 years. On the way, he meets a young man who idolizes and is ready to go to the registry office even tomorrow. Whom to choose? The man you know and love or young man, who has dreams similar to your goals in life.

You meet a guy, you love him immensely, but he methodically mocks you and spits on a good attitude. At this moment, another appears, so caring, gentle, ready to care and cherish. Which relationship should you choose: marry someone who is loving and gallant or hope for the best?

There are many similar stories and making the right choice is often “like torture.” After all, feelings are feelings and they cannot be controlled, just as you cannot stop breathing.

Stop calling and answering messages. A week will be enough to determine what choice to make in a relationship.

If only the choice between 2 men will save the situation, then you should make an informed decision, the mistakes of which you will not regret. Evaluate all the positive and negative qualities of your partners with an eye to a serious relationship.

Does a man want to have a family and children, or does he have plans for a bachelor’s life?
What can one partner give materially and spiritually and what is missing for future happiness?
To what extent can disadvantages be changed so that they turn into advantages?

If a guy doesn’t have experience in bed, then it’s fixable. Such experience certainly comes with time. If a young man is too tongue-tied and does not know how to beautifully give compliments or look after him, then it is unlikely that he can be corrected. Charm comes from nature, and if this is important to you, choose a young man whom nature has generously rewarded. Pliable or, conversely, hot-tempered? It is unlikely to change over time, if only for the worse. Evaluate the qualities of each of the two applicants, and the more of them there are, the wiser the choice you will make.

The right choice in life

It is easiest to assess current circumstances and make a choice in a calm environment, in comfortable conditions. State the situation clearly and write it down on a piece of paper. This could be a question: “what job or?”, “Which man to choose?”. This could be a statement: “I want to live independently from my parents!”, “I want to find a new living space!” Add explanatory words:

what amount do you expect;
what deadline do you set for yourself?

Think about which of your loved ones or acquaintances can influence your choice. Divide the sheet into two halves and title each half according to the solution options. In the columns, indicate the pros and cons of each option. Write down the number of possible losses and the level of risk.

When everything is written down on paper, it seems that the choice is ready, but listen to your doubts. If there are too many of them, contact relatives, friends or older acquaintances you trust. Tell us in detail about the positive aspects of the matter and the doubts that frighten you.

Be sure to discuss possible life changes with your parents and those affected by them. After all, these people should know what is happening and they have the right to contribute.

How to make the right decision?

Making a decision is difficult, and the situation is aggravated by the understanding that a mistake can be costly. As a child, the dream of a magic wand seemed like a solution to all decisions. But we grow, and with this comes the realization that this is a fairy-tale object that has nothing to do with reality. But the subconscious exists, and it is it that can tell you how to make the right choice between men, in work or profession.

The best time to reflect on your choice is in the evening, before bed. The worries and worries of the day are left behind, the body relaxes, tension gradually goes away, and breathing becomes calm. Remember the problem and think about what ways to solve it. Make a choice in your thoughts and imagine how you will feel, what people will remain near you, what will happen.

The subconscious is a resource that guides you through life. It manifests itself in the form of images and feelings. Having mentally made a choice, listen, what emotions are overwhelming? Do you feel a surge of new strength or depression and heaviness? Sometimes subconscious impulses manifest themselves in the form of real temperature or pain sensations:

right side of the body - yes;
the left side is not.

Listen to your friends, brother, sister, parents, listen to your intuition, and you will definitely make the right choice.

February 15, 2014

In life, every person makes decisions. Some people do it easily, while others think for a long time and cannot make the right choice. This is due to not and . And in order for your decisions to be easier for you, you need to learn to trust yourself and your intuition. You need to instill in your mind the following affirmations:

  • Any decision I make is correct.
  • I listen to and trust my intuition.
  • The Higher Mind, with the help of my desires, guides me along the right path.

Using these settings, tune in to the right decision. And after the choice is made, begin to act without changing your intentions.

Naturally, in the process of active achievements you can adjust your decision. Change the path to the goal, or look at it from other angles. Some people say that you can refuse a choice altogether if you realize that it is not what you need. And there's nothing wrong with that. But such behavior is usually associated with the fact that a person makes a choice and then retreats. And that's not right.

I believe that if a person has accepted the movement, he should stand for it. He can adjust the path and goals, but not retreat.

Remember the basic rule that says: “It’s better to do something than nothing.”

Don't be afraid to make mistakes or do something wrong. You won’t be left in the red anyway; you will gain a wealth of experience that will definitely help you in the future.

And now about the technique that will help you make the right choice:

1. Relax.

The first thing you need to do is calm your mind and relax your body. To do this, turn off your phones, turn on calm music, close your eyes. And start relaxing. You can watch your breathing or use formulas from autogenic training.

Devote enough time to relaxation; it is advisable to also calm your mind and turn off the flow of thoughts.

Only after achievement and peace of mind proceed to the next step.

2.Imagine your choices

Take turns visualizing all possible solutions. That is, for example, you cannot decide what you want to do in life.

You have an idea to become a psychologist or writer. First imagine that you have become a psychologist. You have achieved your goal. How are you feeling? Do you like this life? Imagine everything in great detail, touching your entire life. What is it like to be a psychologist?

Then imagine that you become a writer. Again, make a detailed visualization.

3.Analyze the sensations and make a choice

After step 2, open your eyes and do a little analysis. Which path was closer to you? Where are the most pleasant sensations? Where do you feel best? Where can you do more good for yourself and all humanity? By answering these questions, you will make the right choice.

Sometimes a lack of faith in what you want is achievable prevents you from making a decision. For example, let’s take again the desire to become a psychologist or a writer.

You know that you can become a psychologist, it’s easier for you. But there is no strong attraction to this activity. Creative writing is closer to you. But you don't believe that this is possible. There are many restrictions in my head that indicate that:

All writers are poor.

You will never be published.

I don’t have the money to publish at my own expense.

And so on.

What to do in this situation?

Listen to yourself and choose what you like best. Or combine both activities for starters. At the same time, not forgetting about mental work (positive thinking, visualization, pure thoughts) and trying to become a professional in your field.

That's all for today. I hope this article will help you make the right choice. Let me remind you once again that the most important thing is to trust yourself and God (the universe, the cosmos, the higher mind).

After the choice is made, start taking action, improve your and

How to make the right choice according to Toych

The ability to make decisions is important to train in small things. For example, you are going to the city tomorrow, choose in advance what you will wear. And don't give in to your choice. If you decide to go in these clothes, then go in them. When you're going to the store, be sure to make a shopping list and follow it. Buy only what you have written down.

Once you learn to make small choices, begin to make decisions in larger matters.

The Root of Indecision

Teutsch believes that the inability to make choices comes from childhood. At birth itself, certain patterns are created that affect us. Also, some patterns of response and behavior are transmitted through the genetic code.

The reason is that at an early age our parents either scolded us or approved us for certain (identical) actions, and we developed a fear of consequences for our actions.

To change the pattern of indecisiveness, it is important to go within yourself and remember your childhood. Find reasons. And start correcting them.

For example, if as a child you are accustomed to doing nothing, and therefore you do not want to make a choice, then, having caught yourself being lazy and indecisive, tell yourself: “In fact, any of my choices is correct, since if I act, I have result.

3 steps to make the right choice

1. First, it’s important to sit down and think about everything. Weigh all the possible consequences of the decision, all the pros and cons.

2. Make a clear final choice. And after that, start going towards him, act in accordance with the decision.

3. Stand up for your choice.

Your subconscious mind and those around you will influence you to give up your decision. Don't listen to them. Go all the way. You've made your choice, now follow it. If you take action, you will achieve results.

To make a choice with confidence, it is important to work on yourself, develop your self-esteem and success. Believe in your success and see it every day. Remember that any choice you make is correct. The main thing is to follow it and don’t give up!

Video for you:

Our behavior is determined by the characteristics of our psyche. And the more accurately you understand your own nature and the nature of other people, the easier it will be for you to navigate life and make choices, solve complex issues and predict the outcome of events. System-vector psychology will help you understand everything with utmost accuracy.

Questions of choice confront us every day. It is especially difficult to make a choice if it can affect your life scenario or change your relationships with people. Favorite thing or work for money? Mistress or wife? How to make a choice so as not to make a mistake? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you make a choice of any complexity.

This article is about those for whom making the right choice is an important and difficult matter. Read on if:

    you are not used to doing all the “goofy stuff”, you need to find out all the details, figure it out, think about it, and then make a decision;

    in your profession and other life issues you act thoroughly, without haste;

    if you need to make the right choice, ask respected people for advice;

    It is important for you not to make a mistake - the decision must be made once and for all, not changed, it must be immediately correct, the best possible.

It's interesting that for some people the choice comes easy. Why? Our behavior is determined by the characteristics of our psyche. And the more accurately you understand your own nature and the nature of other people, the easier it will be for you to navigate life and make choices, solve complex issues and predict the outcome of events. System-vector psychology will help you understand everything with utmost accuracy.

Making a choice is not a difficult task for everyone

So, men and women who have , do not rack their brains about how to make the right choice, which option will be the best and correct, they think about how not to make a mistake. Being physically and mentally flexible, even when choosing a job or relationship, a wife or mistress, they do it easily and quickly. They rely on rational judgments, instantly assess the benefits and benefits.

How to make the right choice if you are a perfectionist

But perfectionists by nature are men and women with. It is important to them that everything is done perfectly and correctly. It is better to spend more time to go through all the options, eliminate the wrong ones, and only then decide on a decision.

We turn to expert opinion

Due to their innate mental characteristics, it is difficult for them to make a choice. They are not leaders, their natural tasks are different - they have quality, they are executive and need to initiate the first step.

In childhood, being obedient children, they wait for advice and tips from their mother. Having become adults, owners of the anal vector often continue to seek the opinion of an authoritative person who will help them make up their minds and help them not make mistakes and make the right choice. They discuss difficult, complex issues with those who command their respect. Who has experience? This helps to make the right choice when it comes to the professional field. But if the choice concerns your personal life, then no one can know what is best for you!

Any advice will be based on the experience of the adviser, his values ​​and preferences, but this will not necessarily be good for you, because you have your own values ​​and preferences.

Therefore, it is extremely important for you to understand what you really want, then you can achieve it.

The key to the right choice. How to become an expert in your life

How to make the right choice if, for example, you are choosing a life partner? What to rely on? System-vector psychology provides irreplaceable knowledge here, helping to deeply understand the psyche - one’s own and that of others. Already at the first contact with a guy or girl, you can easily find out what character traits a person has (loyal or fickle, kind or not, emotional or reserved, what he will love and what he will strive for, what is important to him and what is not so important) ), what life scenario awaits you as a couple, etc. And so on in everything. You will be able to make a choice of profession, place of work, negotiation tactics, methods of education, or anything - when you understand the human psyche, there are no unanswered questions for you. This is confirmed by numerous people who have undergone training in system-vector psychology.

What prevents us from making a choice?

In addition to a natural reluctance to make decisions, the owner of the anal vector can be hampered by childhood psychological trauma, overstress, and resentment. Then:

    he becomes pathologically indecisive;

    fear of the future, fear of change only strengthens him in his decision not to change anything;

    he cannot bring himself to act. Infinitely any important matter.

As a result, he becomes unable to even choose between two toothbrushes in the store.

With the help of system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, you can get rid of such a difficult condition. This is evidenced by the results of many people:

“When you see something unfinished, fear no longer arises, quite the opposite: a pleasant feeling of what now needs to be completed, finished. And the moment of starting, moving from a dead center, is especially pleasant. But this is precisely what made me suffer so much. Positive experience is being gained. There is already a feeling inside that I can achieve what I want. I began to want more, to dream about more. Confidence has appeared..."

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»
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