Computer game Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault: walkthrough, review, codes. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Director's Edition Walkthrough

Before the first bullet, I boasted: what can’t I dare?
Until the first bullet, I lied blindly.
But the first bullet whistled, death covered someone,
And I prepared to meet the second bullet.
Bulat Okudzhava

Sitting Ducks

Having rather annoyed the Japanese, both detachments gathered on the beach where the landing took place. Now it's time to get off the island before retribution falls on your heads. True, there is nowhere to retreat yet. Therefore, you will have to hold the line until the submarines arrive. First there will be crowds of infantry. After a while the mortars will open fire. This is already more serious, and therefore you will be sent to destroy three mortar men. They can be found on the cliffs where crowds of Japanese jump off.

The attack has been repulsed, the mortars are silent, but it is too early to retreat. Willie is lost somewhere. You won't have to search for long - the place where it lies is marked on the compass. True, do not rush to run ahead. This is an ambush. First, destroy the Japanese, and then pick up a comrade. Throw it into the boat, and then climb in yourself. As soon as you set sail, a crowd of Japanese will run out onto the beach and open fire in pursuit. You can shoot back, but they will be covered by approaching submarines with their guns anyway. The new airplanes are much more dangerous. Anti-aircraft machine guns fire extremely crookedly, so you will have to protect the lives of your comrades yourself. To do this, you will be given a machine gun. Yeah. A bow and arrow would be better.

Once on board, stand behind the machine gun. Now you need to prevent the submarine from being sunk. Moreover, you need to shoot not at airplanes, but at fired torpedoes. There are four of them in total.

Henderson Field

Guadalcanal - how much has merged in this sound for the American heart, so to speak. Again the level begins with instructions on the beach. After listening to the instructions, follow the squad. Having run into a Japanese ambush, most of the squad will be left to distract the enemy, and you and Willie will be sent around. Throw grenades at the machine gunners and “clean up” the village. Now the forced march to the airfield. Not everything is fine here either. As soon as you appeared, the Japanese began to “iron” the airfield. Get into the car and watch what's happening around you. As a result, the car will be covered by a shell, and Tommy will lose consciousness.

Once the whole team has recovered, you will receive a new order. Destroy the weapon. To do this, you will first have to destroy the machine gunners in the pillboxes. You need to run when your comrades are covering with fire. When you get closer, throw a grenade inside. When you reach the gun, destroy the guards. A couple of seconds for a break, and a new task is to repel the attack. Run to the pillbox and stand behind the machine gun. When the Japanese lay bones, go back and plant explosives in the weapon.

It's time to head back. Along the way you will encounter resistance twice. The first time - at the warehouse, the second - in the jungle. Be careful, the enemy has snipers. Having reached yours, talk to the commander and stand behind the machine gun. Soon another detachment of Japanese will come running from the jungle. Having dealt with it, move on.

After walking a little along the stream, you will meet a detachment of Japanese. And after - dot. Well, this can only be “cured” with a grenade. Having run a little further forward, you will come across an artillery crew. Kill the guards and take the place of the shooter. Soon a detachment of tanks with infantry will appear on the road. Don't pay attention to the latter special attention- your comrades will take care of them. But don’t forget about tanks: a couple of shells and everything is fine. When the enemy's attack fizzles out, go out onto the road. Again the Japanese, again battles...

On the approaches to the camp you will meet two marines. After talking with them, move on. Fighting is already in full swing in the camp. Without wasting time, make your way to the airfield. Pilots cannot break through to the planes until you push back the enemy. As soon as the winged cars soar into the sky, run to the machine gun next to runway. Now you must shoot down Japanese fighters until the pilots can safely leave. The easiest way to knock them out is when they go down to the ground.

The next task is to break through to the anti-aircraft gun. In addition to Japanese soldiers, you will be bombed by aircraft. One hit guarantees death. The anti-aircraft gun is guarded by a strong detachment. Throw a grenade so as not to fiddle around for a long time, and take the place of the shooter.

The first thing to do is to protect the three hangars. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Bombers always arrive from one direction, so you just need to track their trajectory and open barrage fire in advance. When the mission is completed, the sky will clear of planes... and soon the Black Cat will appear in the distance, surrounded by six Japanese fighters. Shoot them down and... the level is over.

Bloody Ridge

The battle for Guadalcanal is not over. The troops managed to seize a bridgehead for a further offensive. Now we need to protect him. Stand behind the machine gun and start mowing down the running Japanese. The commander will indicate the direction of the attack, but this is understandable even without prompting. After a while time will come order to retreat to the second line of defense. Run behind the squad and take a place behind the machine gun. Soon you will have to leave this place too. You won't get to the third line of defense. Instead, you will have to go on reconnaissance.

Follow your friend. When you spot a Japanese patrol, do not open fire. Wait for them to pass and move on. When you go out onto the road, you will come across an ambush. Destroy it and run to your people. They are fighting with the enemy, and you will just go to his rear. When the last Japanese falls dead, climb onto the rock.

The last line of defense. Now you have a choice. Use a cannon or machine gun. And it’s better to do both in turn. In about ten minutes, attack aircraft will arrive and the enemy will be driven back.

Lunga River

After the commander makes a speech, run after your comrade. When he asks what you see, take out your binoculars and look down. A bunch of Japanese. We need to inform our comrades about this. On the way back you will come across an enemy squad. While they don't see you, crawl up to the machine gun and shoot them in the back. The rest of the journey will pass without incident.

When you join a squad, you will receive a weapon. Now you can hit the road. Follow the stream bed, shooting at any Japanese you encounter. When you reach the waterfall, jump down.

After loading is complete, look around. You are in a swamp that is infested with Japanese. The latter are in no hurry to get into battle, but wait for you to come closer. It is difficult to notice them due to their camouflage, so before moving on, carefully inspect the area. At the next waterfall, jump down.

Now we need to clear the village. There are machine guns in several places, so move carefully. In general, you can almost always go to the rear along a roundabout route. When you reach the ammunition depot, plant explosives and take cover. After the explosion, pick up sniper rifle and move on.

As you leave the village, you will come across snipers. Remove them from hiding. When the last one falls dead, wait for the squad and prepare for the decisive offensive.


Quite a difficult mission. First you have to break through the jungle. Nothing complicated here. There are a lot of enemies, but is this a problem for seasoned hero? As you approach the village, you will come across a pillbox. Throw grenades at him and clear the area of ​​the enemy. Along the way, you will once again come across a pillbox. The old panacea is grenades.

Once again in the jungle, follow the path. The enemy has become smarter and prefers not to get into trouble, but to attack from an ambush. Those located along the trail are especially dangerous. You won’t notice them right away, and then it may be too late. When you reach the bridge, take out the machine gunner at the top and wait for the stormtroopers to provide passage.

Next - another walk through the jungle. But now the road will lead you to the front line. True, the Japanese did not expect an attack from the flank - there were not many machine gun crews. The most difficult section is the approaches to artillery positions. They are covered competently, and they are guarded by a lot of people. First take out the machine guns, and then take on the infantry. Having suppressed the resistance, run inside the fortification (the squad will remain on the street). Having killed the guards, plant explosives in the weapons warehouse and rush back as hard as you can. When the explosions stop roaring, the level will end.

Are you ready for a flying nightmare? This miracle of the aviation industry, naively called by someone an airplane, whose flight characteristics are most reminiscent of a toilet with wings. At first you just need to shoot from the cockpit, but then the pilot, waving goodbye, ejects.

This is where the quiet horror begins. You will have to fly the plane. It is almost impossible to shoot down maneuverable enemy aircraft on this vessel. But you have to. Then you still need to bomb a couple of ground targets, and at last, sink two ships. Are you here now? Then prepare validol. Yes, more.

The last mission is a classic for the action genre. A lot of meat and corpses. Fight at the limit. Pick up any game and see that the final missions are built almost identically. Designers, are you out of ideas?

You started with Tawara and you will end with it. First you have to shoot with a machine gun. What a surprise. When the boat stops at the pier, get out onto the pier and clear it of the Japanese. Afterwards, back to the boat. Row the rest of the way to the shore and shoot the Japanese until the journey is interrupted by an incoming shell. You already know how to get to the beach from the first mission. What to do on it - too. Only the defense will end more successfully for Tommy. Wait for the commander to come running, and “clean up” the beach with a friendly crowd. Infantrymen get a bullet, and pillboxes get a grenade.

Having broken deep into the beach, begin your liberation mission. The main targets are machine gun crews and artillery positions. The latter must be undermined with explosives. Then your path will be blocked by a buried tank - and its explosives. And for dessert - a few pillboxes. They are better than grenades, but that's how it turns out. You can shoot the machine gunners inside anyway. Eventually you will come out to the car. Willie can't think of anything better than riding her in the middle of a fight. A very good idea. The trip did not lead to anything good. There was an explosion under the wheels - and everyone flew into the ditch.

Having come to your senses, continue to explore the area, blowing up cannons along the way and shooting at the Japanese. After a while you will reach the command center. You will recognize him immediately. A large concrete pillbox with a bunch of machine guns and two tanks along the walls. It is better not to mess with the machine gunners, but, while destroying the infantry, sneak close to the building. From around the corner, blow up the tank and climb onto the roof. Demolish the antenna on it and throw a package of explosives onto the second tank below. Now go downstairs and go into the command center, after throwing a couple of grenades inside.

There will be a passage inside. There is no other way, so you have to use it. Go straight (but you still won’t be able to turn), taking out the Japanese and blowing up the guns. Near one there will be a serious dump. About twenty people will trample on you. A machine gun nearby will help get rid of problems. Next, a large pillbox will warmly greet you with a “lead rain”. You can't do anything with it yet, so just run past it. But we completely destroy the second one that comes along the way. Then wait for the closed door to open. Thank you, comrade Japanese, you made our path easier. When you reach the first pillbox, climb the hill and push the explosives into the pipe. After the explosion, climb up and hold off the hordes of rushing Japanese. Not soon, but it will end.

The last breakthrough compared to what happened before is a real paradise. First you need to repel the Japanese attack. It's very easy to do. They don't even try to shoot. They run with rifles at the ready towards death. Then it will be your turn to attack. Gradually move forward, destroying pillboxes. One time a tank will even help you. Having reached a bunker with a gun and a bunch of machine gun crews, lie down in cover and wait for the artillery to strike. Now get ready for the enemy's final attack. Just like the first time, the Japanese will not even shoot, simply rushing forward in the hope of reaching them with a bayonet or butt. When is the last the enemy will fall, the American flag will fly over Tawara...

Before the first bullet, I boasted: what can’t I dare?

Until the first bullet, I lied blindly.

But the first bullet whistled, death covered someone,

And I prepared to meet the second bullet.

Bulat Okudzhava

Do not misunderstand me. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault- not a bad game. The developers honestly tried to move away from the “ancestor’s legacy” and make new game, not just another sequel. Only half came out. I don’t know what the reason is, whether I lacked courage or the bosses’ finger pointed “ Right way", but the game constantly goes from one extreme to another. It's really interesting to play, but only in places. Gorgeously made Pearl Harbor, smart enemies that let you light up on the first day, a beautiful engine and... countless arcade inserts - not only tedious, but also very difficult. Monotonous missions built on the “village-dot-path” principle. Linear levels instead of the promised freedom of action. There are a lot of shortcomings, but still, this is a step forward. It may be clumsy and not entirely successful, but it still exists.

And lastly, I recommend purchasing the “director’s cut” of the game (this is what the article was based on). She's worth it. Well-made videos, including a performance by the famous Silent Drill Platoon platoon, memories of veterans, a chronology of the war, a slide show with propaganda posters from the 40s and much more.

If you've ever played any part of Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, then you won't have any problems mastering Pacific Assault. Although there are enough innovations, game process hasn't changed seriously. Therefore, the impatient can immediately go to the battlefield. Get comfortable in place. The rest - please follow me.

The main innovation is a slight departure from scripts. No, of course, “grand pianos from the bushes” fall on the player constantly and in large quantities, but the gameplay is no longer based on them alone. The enemies, as well as the allies, have sharply wised up. They know how to find cover, retreat in case of danger, regroup, flank and selflessly cover a grenade with their body (the most interesting thing is that they can perform this trick even if everyone has fled).

Of course, the enemy is still the same “cannon fodder”, but the game has become much more interesting. True, the developers went a little overboard with the bayonet attack. The Japanese fall into it with or without reason. Why do they die ingloriously from a direct line to the chest?

At the same time, the enemies became much thicker. Four-six shots to the torso is the norm. Therefore, it is better to hit directly in the head, otherwise you risk being left without ammunition. Since we are talking about shooting, you need to fire in short bursts, with breaks. A burst from the hip - and the sight spread across half the screen. You can only hit it point-blank, and not right away.

Another innovation is partners who fight shoulder to shoulder and even obey commands. But in reality this is not necessary. In battle, your comrades cope well without your instructions, and most importantly, they cannot die. Having received his share of lead on his chest, the fighter dramatically falls to the ground, heart-rendingly calls for the doctor... and, having received a healing injection, immediately jumps up and rushes into battle. Is it impossible to live forever? Well, it depends on who.

As a result, comrades can be used in any way you like. Need a human shield? Little Willie, come to me. They'll kill you without hurting, once - and you're done. You'll be fine in a couple of minutes. Therefore, the order system is not used throughout the entire game. Which, however, is for the best. Normally controlling a squad with four simple commands (“forward”, “cover”, “get together”, “retreat”) would be impossible.

The only one who is really needed is a doctor. There are very few first aid kits, and often you can improve your health only by calling a doctor. A shot of morphine will get you back on your feet in no time. True, there are only four healing injections allocated for Tommy.

Weapon. There are no revelations here, so let’s gallop across Europe. Rifles good at medium and long distances. Slot machines- melee gods. In the game, shootings take place at short distances, and therefore, you only have to choose from them. There is no big difference between the machines, so take the one for which it is easier to find cartridges. Pistols- junk. Grenades against infantry, explosives- against technology.



Having received an order from the commander, stand behind the machine gun and turn the muzzle towards the pier. Several Japanese were entrenched there. Like the smartest ones, they hide behind barrels of fuel. Before swimming a hundred meters to the shore, landing ship will receive a shell in the stern.

When Tommy's eyes clear, let him run to the skeleton of the landing craft. Inside it you will find a first aid kit. Pick it up and make your way to the shore. Move in dashes from cover to cover so that the machine gunners do not have time to catch you in their sights. Along the way, don’t forget to take pictures of the Japanese sitting on the pier. Once on the shore, run to the squad and find a more comfortable position. You have to repel a series of attacks. In the end, no matter how hard you try, an exploding grenade will completely knock out Tommy.


The tasks in the training camp are simple. Follow the instructor's instructions. In general, this is not even a level, but a training mission.

Pearl Harbor

While the captain drives the car and talks about the base, you can relax and explore the surroundings. During a conversation with three sailors who were looking at a magazine... hmmm... of dubious content, the Japanese will begin a bombing raid. We must give credit to the captain. Unlike many, he did not panic and decides to break through to the pier. There is a boat equipped with anti-aircraft guns. Of course, it’s not a lot of help, but it’s there.

It will not be possible to reach the destination by car. Halfway there you will be overtaken by an aerial bomb... but everyone is alive, and it’s not far from the boat. Run from cover to cover only when the captain starts running. During breaks, you can shoot down Japanese planes flying overhead with the Tommy. However, realism. Before reaching a couple of meters to the ship, the captain will die from a stray bullet. He can no longer be helped, so jump on board and take a place behind the machine gun.

All hell has broken loose in the bay, and no one can help the doomed fleet... but still try to shoot down at least some of the planes. Especially those that attack your ship. After a dashing swim, you will board one of the sinking ships.

The first task is to manage to open all the valves within the allotted time. Otherwise, you definitely won’t be able to get off the ship. There is only one road, so you can’t get lost. The main thing is not to expose yourself to the steam gushing from the pipes. And don't get into the flames. When you turn the last valve, run into the corridor. Soon you will come across a sailor. Follow him.

Once in a room engulfed in flames, remove the ax from the wall and knock off the lid from the gas cylinder. He will break down the door, hitting the sailor in the process. In the room, talk to the doctor and bring him the wounded man. He is behind you. Run further. Along the way you will find another wounded sailor. Pull him away too. True, to another doctor.

To get out of the room, use an ax to break down the door. The corridor is on fire, so climb up the stairs. Upstairs is no better than downstairs. Fire, smoke and heaps of corpses. After running through a couple of rooms, you will come across a sailor littered with boxes. Chop them with an ax (or maybe it’s easier to drag them away) and take the wounded one. Take him to the doctor. He settled down next to the stairs. There's nothing else to do here, so get out onto the deck.

Above there is a desperate battle for the survival of the ship. This means that you have no reason to stand idle. Run to the anti-aircraft gunners and stand behind the machine gun. The first goal is to protect the USS Nevada as it sails by. They attack him sluggishly, so this is unlikely to be a problem. As soon as you complete the task, you will be politely asked from behind the machine gun and sent to the anti-aircraft gun. Now you need to defend your ship. It's much more difficult. There are a lot of planes flying, but it’s difficult to find them in the sky - the sun hits your eyes.

The loader says where the planes are flying from, but without a proper compass it’s not easy to understand where the “two o’clock” is. Better rely on your vigilance and look where your comrades are shooting.


Having landed on the beach, the squad will split into two groups. The first will set off on its own way, and the second will be led by the commander. Follow him. Soon you will reach an abandoned camp. In a couple of seconds, an enemy reconnaissance plane will appear in the sky. Hide in the bushes and wait until the anti-aircraft gun hits him. As soon as the plane hits the ground, a detachment of Japanese will run out of the forest. Finish them off and move further into the forest. When the last soldier falls dead, new instructions will be given over the radio.

The journey through the jungle continues. Along the way, you will periodically encounter detachments of Japanese, but it is not they who will create problems, but the snipers in the trees. It's good to see from above, but they shoot very accurately. After some time you will reach the anti-aircraft crew. Destroy the guards and climb behind the gun. In a couple of seconds, a truck with reinforcements will arrive. Shoot him before the soldiers have time to get out of the back. Then install the explosives and move on. You will soon arrive at the meeting point. The second squad is already waiting for you.

The Japanese were well entrenched in the area. You have to break through a network of machine gun crews. You can’t even dream of supporting artillery and armored vehicles. Competing with a machine gunner in accuracy is a lost cause, so the only hope is grenades. They threw it, waited until it exploded, and finished off the survivors before they had time to come to their senses. In this way, clear the calculations one by one.

After crossing the river, you will come out into the village. There are no civilians in it, but there are a couple of Japanese in each house. There is no specific tactics for passing. Just be careful and watch your back.

After clearing the village, you will finally reach the radio tower. It is located on a hill, under the cover of two machine guns and an infantry detachment. Throw a couple of grenades up to silence the machine guns. Having captured the height, place explosives on the radio tower. When the explosion occurs, stand behind the machine gun. The Japanese, having recovered from the attack, decided to recapture the radio tower. A lot of people will be knocked down, but they all run out in a crowd, so the main thing is not to let them run away. After some time, the attack will fizzle out and the commander will congratulate you on the completed task.


After completing the briefing, move towards the target. When you reach the road, you will come across a car. Blow it up with a grenade and move on. Having walked a little forward, you will find an abandoned machine gun crew. Stand behind the machine gun and wait for a truck to appear on the road. After destroying it, continue moving. Along the way you will come across patrols, and at the end of the road you will come to the enemy camp. There are quite a few people in it, but scattered barrels of fuel will help reduce the number to zero.

You can't go any further along the road. We'll have to find a workaround. Turn left. There are even more people in the jungle than on the road. “Taking out” the Japanese, make your way to the goal. Be careful in the last camp. Three machine guns are installed along the perimeter. When the camp is cleared of enemies, climb into the jeep and get ready for a wild ride.

There is nothing complicated about it. Shoot at the Japanese and try not to get hit by bullets. As a result, the trip will end in an accident. As soon as Tommy comes to his senses, remove the machine gunner and take his place. The camp is swarming with Japanese, so there is plenty of work to do. When everything calms down, run to the fuel tank and plant explosives.

The fuel depot has been destroyed, but you can forget about evacuation for now. The radio will report that an allied plane has been shot down and there is no one nearby except your squad. Follow the path until you reach the Japanese camp. In addition to a large detachment of infantry, it housed a tankette (it would be hard to call this “miracle” a tank). Don’t go into the camp, otherwise you will quickly be discarded. First, destroy the infantry, and then get close to the wedge along the edge. Set up explosives and run away.

Further the path will not become easier. The road you need to take is infested with Japanese. When you reach the tank parking lot, get ready to hold the line. The enemy will be trampled by the crowd. Having dealt with them, move on.

The plane no longer has a pilot. He lies a little further away. Run to him as fast as you can before the evil Japanese kill him. He cannot walk on his own, so he will have to be carried to the doctor on his back. The guys have already taken up a perimeter defense and will cover you with fire. While the medic revives the pilot, you need to repel the attacks. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Find a safe place and eliminate anyone who tries to take cover.

Sitting Ducks

Having rather annoyed the Japanese, both detachments gathered on the beach where the landing took place. Now it's time to get off the island before retribution falls on your heads. True, there is nowhere to retreat yet. Therefore, you will have to hold the line until the submarines arrive. First there will be crowds of infantry. After a while the mortars will open fire. This is already more serious, and therefore you will be sent to destroy three mortar men. They can be found on the cliffs where crowds of Japanese jump off.

The attack has been repulsed, the mortars are silent, but it is too early to retreat. Willie is lost somewhere. You won't have to search for long - the place where it lies is marked on the compass. True, do not rush to run ahead. This is an ambush. First, destroy the Japanese, and then pick up a comrade. Throw it into the boat, and then climb in yourself. As soon as you set sail, a crowd of Japanese will run out onto the beach and open fire in pursuit. You can shoot back, but they will be covered by approaching submarines with their guns anyway. The new airplanes are much more dangerous. Anti-aircraft machine guns fire extremely crookedly, so you will have to protect the lives of your comrades yourself. To do this, you will be given a machine gun. Yeah. A bow and arrow would be better.

Once on board, stand behind the machine gun. Now you need to prevent the submarine from being sunk. Moreover, you need to shoot not at airplanes, but at fired torpedoes. There are four of them in total.

Henderson Field

Hide, don't hide - we still see everything.

Guadalcanal - how much has merged in this sound for the American heart, so to speak. Again the level begins with instructions on the beach. After listening to the instructions, follow the squad. Having run into a Japanese ambush, most of the squad will be left to distract the enemy, and you and Willie will be sent around. Throw grenades at the machine gunners and “clean up” the village. Now the forced march to the airfield. Not everything is fine here either. As soon as you appeared, the Japanese began to “iron” the airfield. Get into the car and watch what's happening around you. As a result, the car will be covered by a shell, and Tommy will lose consciousness.

Once the whole team has recovered, you will receive a new order. Destroy the weapon. To do this, you will first have to destroy the machine gunners in the pillboxes. You need to run when your comrades are covering with fire. When you get closer, throw a grenade inside. When you reach the gun, destroy the guards. A couple of seconds for a break, and a new task is to repel the attack. Run to the pillbox and stand behind the machine gun. When the Japanese lay bones, go back and plant explosives in the weapon.

It's time to head back. Along the way you will encounter resistance twice. The first time was at the warehouse, the second time was in the jungle. Be careful, the enemy has snipers. Having reached yours, talk to the commander and stand behind the machine gun. Soon another detachment of Japanese will come running from the jungle. Having dealt with it, move on.

After walking a little along the stream, you will meet a detachment of Japanese. And after that - pillbox. Well, this can only be “cured” with a grenade. Having run a little further forward, you will come across an artillery crew. Kill the guards and take the place of the shooter. Soon a detachment of tanks with infantry will appear on the road. Don't pay much attention to the latter - your comrades will take care of them. But don’t forget about tanks: a couple of shells and everything is fine. When the enemy's attack fizzles out, go out onto the road. Again the Japanese, again battles...

On the approaches to the camp you will meet two marines. After talking with them, move on. Fighting is already in full swing in the camp. Without wasting time, make your way to the airfield. Pilots cannot break through to the planes until you push back the enemy. As soon as the winged cars soar into the sky, run to the machine gun next to the runway. Now you must shoot down Japanese fighters until the pilots can safely leave. The easiest way to knock them out is when they go down to the ground.

The next task is to break through to the anti-aircraft gun. In addition to Japanese soldiers, you will be bombed by aircraft. One hit guarantees death. The anti-aircraft gun is guarded by a strong detachment. Throw a grenade so as not to fiddle around for a long time, and take the place of the shooter.

The first thing to do is protect the three hangars. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Bombers always arrive from one direction, so you just need to track their trajectory and open barrage fire in advance. When the mission is completed, the sky will clear of planes... and soon the Black Cat will appear in the distance, surrounded by six Japanese fighters. Shoot them down and... the level is over.

Bloody Ridge

The battle for Guadalcanal is not over. The troops managed to seize a bridgehead for a further offensive. Now we need to protect him. Stand behind the machine gun and start mowing down the running Japanese. The commander will indicate the direction of the attack, but this is understandable even without prompting. After some time, an order will come to retreat to the second line of defense. Run behind the squad and take a place behind the machine gun. Soon you will have to leave this place too. You won't get to the third line of defense. Instead, you will have to go on reconnaissance.

Follow your friend. When you spot a Japanese patrol, do not open fire. Wait for them to pass and move on. When you go out onto the road, you will come across an ambush. Destroy it and run to your people. They are fighting with the enemy, and you will just go to his rear. When the last Japanese falls dead, climb onto the rock.

The last line of defense. Now you have a choice. Use a cannon or machine gun. And it’s better to do both in turn. In about ten minutes, attack aircraft will arrive and the enemy will be driven back.

Lunga River

After the commander makes a speech, run after your comrade. When he asks what you see, take out your binoculars and look down. A bunch of Japanese. We need to inform our comrades about this. On the way back you will come across an enemy squad. While they don't see you, crawl up to the machine gun and shoot them in the back. The rest of the journey will pass without incident.

When you join a squad, you will receive a weapon. Now you can hit the road. Follow the stream bed, shooting at any Japanese you encounter. When you reach the waterfall, jump down.

After loading is complete, look around. You are in a swamp that is infested with Japanese. The latter are in no hurry to get into battle, but wait for you to come closer. It is difficult to notice them due to their camouflage, so before moving on, carefully inspect the area. At the next waterfall, jump down.

Now we need to clear the village. There are machine guns in several places, so move carefully. In general, you can almost always go to the rear along a roundabout route. When you reach the ammunition depot, plant explosives and take cover. After the explosion, pick up the sniper rifle and move on.

As you leave the village, you will come across snipers. Remove them from hiding. When the last one falls dead, wait for the squad and prepare for the decisive offensive.


Quite a difficult mission. First you have to break through the jungle. Nothing complicated here. There are a lot of enemies, but is this a problem for a seasoned hero? As you approach the village, you will come across a pillbox. Throw grenades at him and clear the area of ​​the enemy. Along the way, you will once again come across a pillbox. The old panacea is grenades.

Once again in the jungle, follow the path. The enemy has become smarter and prefers not to get into trouble, but to attack from an ambush. Those located along the trail are especially dangerous. You won’t notice them right away, and then it may be too late. When you reach the bridge, take out the machine gunner at the top and wait for the stormtroopers to provide passage.

Next - another walk through the jungle. But now the road will lead you to the front line. True, the Japanese did not expect an attack from the flank - there were not many machine gun crews. The most difficult section is the approaches to artillery positions. They are covered competently, and they are guarded by a lot of people. First take out the machine guns, and then take on the infantry. Having suppressed the resistance, run inside the fortification (the squad will remain on the street). Having killed the guards, plant explosives in the weapons warehouse and rush back as hard as you can. When the explosions stop roaring, the level will end.


Are you ready for a flying nightmare? This miracle of the aviation industry, naively called by someone an airplane, whose flight characteristics are most reminiscent of a toilet with wings. At first you just need to shoot from the cockpit, but then the pilot, waving goodbye, ejects.

This is where the quiet horror begins. You will have to fly the plane. It is almost impossible to shoot down maneuverable enemy aircraft on this vessel. But you have to. Then you still need to bomb a couple of ground targets, and at last, sink two ships. Are you here now? Then prepare validol. Yes, more.


The last mission is a classic for the action genre. A lot of meat and corpses. Fight at the limit. Pick up any game and see that the final missions are built almost identically. Designers, are you out of ideas?

You started with Tawara and you will end with it. First you have to shoot with a machine gun. What a surprise. When the boat stops at the pier, get out onto the pier and clear it of the Japanese. Afterwards, back into the boat. Row the rest of the way to the shore and shoot the Japanese until the journey is interrupted by an incoming shell. You already know how to get to the beach from the first mission. What to do on it - too. Only the defense will end more successfully for Tommy. Wait for the commander to come running, and “clean up” the beach with a friendly crowd. Infantrymen get a bullet, and pillboxes get a grenade.

Having broken deep into the beach, begin your liberation mission. The main targets are machine gun crews and artillery positions. The latter must be undermined with explosives. Then a buried tank and its explosives will block your path. And for dessert - a few pillboxes. They are better than grenades, but that's how it turns out. You can shoot the machine gunners inside anyway. Eventually you will come out to the car. Willie can't think of anything better than riding her in the middle of a fight. A very good idea. The trip did not lead to anything good. There was an explosion under the wheels and everyone flew into the ditch.

Having come to your senses, continue to explore the area, blowing up cannons along the way and shooting at the Japanese. After a while you will reach the command center. You will recognize him immediately. A large concrete pillbox with a bunch of machine guns and two tanks along the walls. It is better not to mess with the machine gunners, but, while destroying the infantry, sneak close to the building. From around the corner, blow up the tank and climb onto the roof. Demolish the antenna on it and throw a package of explosives onto the second tank below. Now go downstairs and go into the command center, after throwing a couple of grenades inside.

There will be a passage inside. There is no other way, so you have to use it. Go straight (but you still won’t be able to turn), taking out the Japanese and blowing up the guns. Near one there will be a serious dump. About twenty people will trample on you. A machine gun nearby will help get rid of problems. Next, a large pillbox will warmly greet you with a “lead rain”. You can't do anything with it yet, so just run past it. But we completely destroy the second one that comes along the way. Then wait for the closed door to open. Thank you, comrade Japanese, you made our path easier. When you reach the first pillbox, climb the hill and push the explosives into the pipe. After the explosion, climb up and hold off the hordes of rushing Japanese. Not soon, but it will end.

The last breakthrough compared to what happened before is a real paradise. First you need to repel the Japanese attack. It's very easy to do. They don't even try to shoot. They run with rifles at the ready towards death. Then it will be your turn to attack. Gradually move forward, destroying pillboxes. One time a tank will even help you. Having reached a bunker with a gun and a bunch of machine gun crews, lie down in cover and wait for the artillery to strike. Now get ready for the enemy's final attack. Just like the first time, the Japanese will not even shoot, simply rushing forward in the hope of reaching them with a bayonet or butt. When the last enemy falls, the American flag will fly over Tawara...


Having landed on the beach, the squad will split into two groups. The first will set off on its own way, and the second will be led by the commander. Follow him. Soon you will reach an abandoned camp. In a couple of seconds, an enemy reconnaissance plane will appear in the sky. Hide in the bushes and wait until the anti-aircraft gun hits him. As soon as the plane hits the ground, a detachment of Japanese will run out of the forest. Finish them off and move further into the forest. When the last soldier falls dead, new instructions will be given over the radio.

The journey through the jungle continues. Along the way, you will periodically encounter detachments of Japanese, but it is not they who will create problems, but the snipers in the trees. It's good to see from above, but they shoot very accurately. After some time you will reach the anti-aircraft crew. Destroy the guards and climb behind the gun. In a couple of seconds, a truck with reinforcements will arrive. Shoot him before the soldiers have time to get out of the back. Then install the explosives and move on. You will soon arrive at the meeting point. The second squad is already waiting for you.

The Japanese were well entrenched in the area. You have to break through a network of machine gun crews. You can’t even dream of supporting artillery and armored vehicles. Competing with a machine gunner in accuracy is a lost cause, so the only hope is grenades. They threw it, waited until it exploded, and finished off the survivors before they had time to come to their senses. In this way, clear the calculations one by one.

After crossing the river, you will come out into the village. There are no civilians in it, but there are a couple of Japanese in each house. There is no specific tactics for passing. Just be careful and watch your back.

After clearing the village, you will finally reach the radio tower. It is located on a hill, under the cover of two machine guns and an infantry detachment. Throw a couple of grenades up to silence the machine guns. Having captured the height, place explosives on the radio tower. When the explosion occurs, stand behind the machine gun. The Japanese, having recovered from the attack, decided to recapture the radio tower. A lot of people will be knocked down, but they all run out in a crowd, so the main thing is not to let them run away. After some time, the attack will fizzle out and the commander will congratulate you on the completed task.


After completing the briefing, move towards the target. When you reach the road, you will come across a car. Blow it up with a grenade and move on. Having walked a little forward, you will find an abandoned machine gun crew. Stand behind the machine gun and wait for a truck to appear on the road. After destroying it, continue moving. Along the way you will come across patrols, and at the end of the road you will come to the enemy camp. There are quite a few people in it, but scattered barrels of fuel will help reduce the number to zero.

You can't go any further along the road. We'll have to find a workaround. Turn left. There are even more people in the jungle than on the road. “Taking out” the Japanese, make your way to the goal. Be careful in the last camp. Three machine guns are installed along the perimeter. When the camp is cleared of enemies, climb into the jeep and get ready for a wild ride.

There is nothing complicated about it. Shoot at the Japanese and try not to get hit by bullets. As a result, the trip will end in an accident. As soon as Tommy comes to his senses, remove the machine gunner and take his place. The camp is swarming with Japanese, so there is plenty of work to do. When everything calms down, run to the fuel tank and plant explosives.

The fuel depot has been destroyed, but you can forget about evacuation for now. The radio will report that an allied plane has been shot down and there is no one nearby except your squad. Follow the path until you reach the Japanese camp. In addition to a large detachment of infantry, it housed a tankette (it would be hard to call this “miracle” a tank). Don’t go into the camp, otherwise you will quickly be discarded. First, destroy the infantry, and then get close to the wedge along the edge. Set up explosives and run away.

Further the path will not become easier. The road you need to take is infested with Japanese. When you reach the tank parking lot, get ready to hold the line. The enemy will be trampled by the crowd. Having dealt with them, move on.

The plane no longer has a pilot. He lies a little further away. Run to him as fast as you can before the evil Japanese kill him. He cannot walk on his own, so he will have to be carried to the doctor on his back. The guys have already taken up a perimeter defense and will cover you with fire. While the medic revives the pilot, you need to repel the attacks. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Find a safe place and eliminate anyone who tries to take cover.

Sitting Ducks

Having rather annoyed the Japanese, both detachments gathered on the beach where the landing took place. Now it's time to get off the island before retribution falls on your heads. True, there is nowhere to retreat yet. Therefore, you will have to hold the line until the submarines arrive. First there will be crowds of infantry. After a while the mortars will open fire. This is already more serious, and therefore you will be sent to destroy three mortar men. They can be found on the cliffs where crowds of Japanese jump off.

The attack has been repulsed, the mortars are silent, but it is too early to retreat. Willie is lost somewhere. You won't have to search for long - the place where it lies is marked on the compass. True, do not rush to run ahead. This is an ambush. First, destroy the Japanese, and then pick up a comrade. Throw it into the boat, and then climb in yourself. As soon as you set sail, a crowd of Japanese will run out onto the beach and open fire in pursuit. You can shoot back, but they will be covered by approaching submarines with their guns anyway. The new airplanes are much more dangerous. Anti-aircraft machine guns fire extremely crookedly, so you will have to protect the lives of your comrades yourself. To do this, you will be given a machine gun. Yeah. A bow and arrow would be better.

Once on board, stand behind the machine gun. Now you need to prevent the submarine from being sunk. Moreover, you need to shoot not at airplanes, but at fired torpedoes. There are four of them in total.

Henderson Field

Guadalcanal - how much has merged in this sound for the American heart, so to speak. Again the level begins with instructions on the beach. After listening to the instructions, follow the squad. Having run into a Japanese ambush, most of the squad will be left to distract the enemy, and you and Willie will be sent around. Throw grenades at the machine gunners and “clean up” the village. Now the forced march to the airfield. Not everything is fine here either. As soon as you appeared, the Japanese began to “iron” the airfield. Get into the car and watch what's happening around you. As a result, the car will be covered by a shell, and Tommy will lose consciousness.

Once the whole team has recovered, you will receive a new order. Destroy the weapon. To do this, you will first have to destroy the machine gunners in the pillboxes. You need to run when your comrades are covering with fire. When you get closer, throw a grenade inside. When you reach the gun, destroy the guards. A couple of seconds for a break, and a new task is to repel the attack. Run to the pillbox and stand behind the machine gun. When the Japanese lay bones, go back and plant explosives in the weapon.

It's time to head back. Along the way you will encounter resistance twice. The first time - at the warehouse, the second - in the jungle. Be careful, the enemy has snipers. Having reached yours, talk to the commander and stand behind the machine gun. Soon another detachment of Japanese will come running from the jungle. Having dealt with it, move on.

After walking a little along the stream, you will meet a detachment of Japanese. And after - dot. Well, this can only be “cured” with a grenade. Having run a little further forward, you will come across an artillery crew. Kill the guards and take the place of the shooter. Soon a detachment of tanks with infantry will appear on the road. Don't pay much attention to the latter - your comrades will take care of them. But don’t forget about tanks: a couple of shells and everything is fine. When the enemy's attack fizzles out, go out onto the road. Again the Japanese, again battles...

On the approaches to the camp you will meet two marines. After talking with them, move on. Fighting is already in full swing in the camp. Without wasting time, make your way to the airfield. Pilots cannot break through to the planes until you push back the enemy. As soon as the winged cars soar into the sky, run to the machine gun next to the runway. Now you must shoot down Japanese fighters until the pilots can safely leave. The easiest way to knock them out is when they go down to the ground.

The next task is to break through to the anti-aircraft gun. In addition to Japanese soldiers, you will be bombed by aircraft. One hit guarantees death. The anti-aircraft gun is guarded by a strong detachment. Throw a grenade so as not to fiddle around for a long time, and take the place of the shooter.

The first thing to do is to protect the three hangars. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Bombers always arrive from one direction, so you just need to track their trajectory and open barrage fire in advance. When the mission is completed, the sky will clear of planes... and soon the Black Cat will appear in the distance, surrounded by six Japanese fighters. Shoot them down and... the level is over.

Before the first bullet, I boasted: what can’t I dare?
Until the first bullet, I lied blindly.
But the first bullet whistled, death covered someone,
And I prepared to meet the second bullet.
Bulat Okudzhava

Do not misunderstand me. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault is a good game. The developers honestly tried to move away from the “ancestor’s legacy” and make a new game, and not just another sequel. Only half came out. I don’t know what the reason is, whether I didn’t have enough courage or whether the bosses pointed the “right path”, but the game constantly goes from one extreme to another. It's really interesting to play, but only in places. Gorgeously made Pearl Harbor, smart enemies that let you light up on the first day, a beautiful engine and... countless arcade inserts - not only tedious, but also very difficult. Monotonous missions built on the “village-dot-path” principle. Linear levels instead of the promised freedom of action. There are a lot of shortcomings, but still, this is a step forward. It may be clumsy and not entirely successful, but it still exists.

And lastly, I recommend purchasing the “director’s cut” of the game (this is what the article was based on). She's worth it. Well-made videos, including a performance by the famous Silent Drill Platoon platoon, memories of veterans, a chronology of the war, a slide show with propaganda posters from the 40s and much more.

If you've ever played any part of Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, then you won't have any problems mastering Pacific Assault. Although there are enough innovations, the gameplay has not changed significantly. Therefore, the impatient can immediately go to the battlefield. Get comfortable in place. The rest - please follow me.

The main innovation is some departure from scripts. No, of course, “grand pianos from the bushes” fall on the player constantly and in large quantities, but the gameplay is no longer based on them alone. The enemies, as well as the allies, have sharply wised up. They know how to find cover, retreat in case of danger, regroup, flank and selflessly cover a grenade with their body (the most interesting thing is that they can perform this trick even if everyone has fled).

Of course, the enemy is still the same “cannon fodder”, but the game has become much more interesting. True, the developers went a little overboard with the bayonet attack. The Japanese fall into it with or without reason. Why do they die ingloriously from a direct line to the chest?

At the same time, the enemies became much thicker. Four to six shots to the torso is the norm. Therefore, it is better to hit directly in the head, otherwise you risk being left without ammunition. Since we are talking about shooting, you need to fire in short bursts, with breaks. A burst from the hip - and the sight spread across half the screen. You can only hit it point-blank, and not right away.

Another innovation is partners who fight shoulder to shoulder and even obey commands. But in reality this is not necessary. In battle, your comrades cope well without your instructions, and most importantly, they cannot die. Having received his share of lead on his chest, the fighter dramatically falls to the ground, heart-rendingly calls for the doctor... and, having received a healing injection, immediately jumps up and rushes into battle. Is it impossible to live forever? Well, it depends on who.

As a result, comrades can be used in any way you like. Need a human shield? Little Willie, come to me. They'll kill you without hurting, once - and you're done. You'll be fine in a couple of minutes. Therefore, the order system is not used throughout the entire game. Which, however, is for the best. Normally controlling a squad with four simple commands (“forward”, “cover”, “get together”, “retreat”) would be impossible.

The only one who is really needed is a doctor. There are very few first aid kits, and often you can improve your health only by calling a doctor. A shot of morphine will get you back on your feet in no time. True, there are only four healing injections allocated for Tommy.

Weapon. There are no revelations here, so let’s gallop across Europe. Rifles good at medium and long distances. Slot machines- melee gods. In the game, shootings take place at short distances, and therefore, you only have to choose from them. There is no big difference between the machines, so take the one for which it is easier to find cartridges. Pistols- junk. Grenades against infantry, explosives- against technology.


Having received an order from the commander, stand behind the machine gun and turn the muzzle towards the pier. Several Japanese were entrenched there. Like the smartest ones, they hide behind barrels of fuel. Before reaching a hundred meters to the shore, the landing ship will receive a shell in the stern.

When Tommy's eyes clear, let him run to the skeleton of the landing craft. Inside it you will find a first aid kit. Pick it up and make your way to the shore. Move in dashes from cover to cover so that the machine gunners do not have time to catch you in their sights. Along the way, don’t forget to take pictures of the Japanese sitting on the pier. Once on the shore, run to the squad and find a more comfortable position. You have to repel a series of attacks. In the end, no matter how hard you try, an exploding grenade will completely knock out Tommy.


The tasks in the training camp are simple. Follow the instructor's instructions. In general, this is not even a level, but a training mission.

Pearl Harbor

While the captain drives the car and talks about the base, you can relax and explore the surroundings. During a conversation with three sailors who were looking at a magazine... hmmm... of dubious content, the Japanese will begin a bombing raid. We must give credit to the captain. Unlike many, he did not panic and decides to break through to the pier. There is a boat equipped with anti-aircraft guns. Of course, it’s not much help, but it’s there.

It will not be possible to reach the destination by car. Halfway there you will be overtaken by an aerial bomb... but everyone is alive, and it’s not far from the boat. Run from cover to cover only when the captain starts running. During breaks, you can shoot down Japanese planes flying overhead with the Tommy. However, realism. Before reaching a couple of meters to the ship, the captain will die from a stray bullet. He can no longer be helped, so jump on board and take a place behind the machine gun.

All hell has broken loose in the bay, and no one can help the doomed fleet... but still try to shoot down at least some of the planes. Especially those that attack your ship. After a dashing swim, you will board one of the sinking ships.

The first task is to manage to open all the valves within the allotted time. Otherwise, you definitely won’t be able to get off the ship. There is only one road, so you can’t get lost. The main thing is not to expose yourself to the steam gushing from the pipes. And don't get into the flames. When you turn the last valve, run into the corridor. Soon you will come across a sailor. Follow him.

Once in a room engulfed in flames, remove the ax from the wall and knock off the lid from the gas cylinder. He will break down the door, hitting the sailor in the process. In the room, talk to the doctor and bring him the wounded man. He is behind you. Run further. Along the way you will find another wounded sailor. Pull him away too. True, to another doctor.

To get out of the room, use an ax to break down the door. The corridor is on fire, so climb up the stairs. Upstairs is no better than downstairs. Fire, smoke and heaps of corpses. After running through a couple of rooms, you will come across a sailor littered with boxes. Chop them with an ax (or maybe it’s easier to drag them away) and take the wounded one. Take him to the doctor. He settled down next to the stairs. There's nothing else to do here, so get out onto the deck.

Above there is a desperate battle for the survival of the ship. This means that you have no reason to stand idle. Run to the anti-aircraft gunners and stand behind the machine gun. The first goal is to protect the ship Nevada as it sails by. They attack him sluggishly, so this is unlikely to be a problem. As soon as you complete the task, you will be politely asked from behind the machine gun and sent to the anti-aircraft gun. Now you need to defend your ship. It's much more difficult. There are a lot of planes flying, but it’s difficult to find them in the sky - the sun hits your eyes.

The loader says where the planes are flying from, but without a normal compass it’s not easy to understand where the “two o’clock” is. Better rely on your vigilance and look where your comrades are shooting.


Having landed on the beach, the squad will split into two groups. The first will set off on its own way, and the second will be led by the commander. Follow him. Soon you will reach an abandoned camp. In a couple of seconds, an enemy reconnaissance plane will appear in the sky. Hide in the bushes and wait until the anti-aircraft gun hits him. As soon as the plane hits the ground, a detachment of Japanese will run out of the forest. Finish them off and move further into the forest. When the last soldier falls dead, new instructions will be given over the radio.

The journey through the jungle continues. Along the way, you will periodically encounter detachments of Japanese, but it is not they who will create problems, but the snipers in the trees. It's good to see from above, but they shoot very accurately. After some time you will reach the anti-aircraft crew. Destroy the guards and climb behind the gun. In a couple of seconds, a truck with reinforcements will arrive. Shoot him before the soldiers have time to get out of the back. Then install the explosives and move on. You will soon arrive at the meeting point. The second squad is already waiting for you.

The Japanese were well entrenched in the area. You have to break through a network of machine gun crews. You can’t even dream of supporting artillery and armored vehicles. Competing with a machine gunner in accuracy is a lost cause, so the only hope is grenades. They threw it, waited until it exploded, and finished off the survivors before they had time to come to their senses. In this way, clear the calculations one by one.

After crossing the river, you will come out into the village. There are no civilians in it, but there are a couple of Japanese in each house. There is no specific tactics for passing. Just be careful and watch your back.

After clearing the village, you will finally reach the radio tower. It is located on a hill, under the cover of two machine guns and an infantry detachment. Throw a couple of grenades up to silence the machine guns. Having captured the height, place explosives on the radio tower. When the explosion occurs, stand behind the machine gun. The Japanese, having recovered from the attack, decided to recapture the radio tower. A lot of people will be knocked down, but they all run out in a crowd, so the main thing is not to let them run away. After some time, the attack will fizzle out and the commander will congratulate you on the completed task.

After completing the briefing, move towards the target. When you reach the road, you will come across a car. Blow it up with a grenade and move on. Having walked a little forward, you will find an abandoned machine gun crew. Stand behind the machine gun and wait for a truck to appear on the road. After destroying it, continue moving. Along the way you will come across patrols, and at the end of the road you will come to the enemy camp. There are quite a few people in it, but scattered barrels of fuel will help reduce the number to zero.

You can't go any further along the road. We'll have to find a workaround. Turn left. There are even more people in the jungle than on the road. “Taking out” the Japanese, make your way to the goal. Be careful in the last camp. Three machine guns are installed along the perimeter. When the camp is cleared of enemies, climb into the jeep and get ready for a wild ride.

There is nothing complicated about it. Shoot at the Japanese and try not to get hit by bullets. As a result, the trip will end in an accident. As soon as Tommy comes to his senses, remove the machine gunner and take his place. The camp is swarming with Japanese, so there is plenty of work to do. When everything calms down, run to the fuel tank and plant explosives.

The fuel depot has been destroyed, but you can forget about evacuation for now. The radio will report that an allied plane has been shot down and there is no one nearby except your squad. Follow the path until you reach the Japanese camp. In addition to a large detachment of infantry, it housed a tankette (it would be hard to call this “miracle” a tank). Don’t go into the camp, otherwise you will quickly be discarded. First, destroy the infantry, and then get close to the wedge along the edge. Set up explosives and run away.

Further the path will not become easier. The road you need to take is infested with Japanese. When you reach the tank parking lot, get ready to hold the line. The enemy will be trampled by the crowd. Having dealt with them, move on.

The plane no longer has a pilot. He lies a little further away. Run to him as fast as you can before the evil Japanese kill him. He cannot walk on his own, so he will have to be carried to the doctor on his back. The guys have already taken up a perimeter defense and will cover you with fire. While the medic revives the pilot, you need to repel the attacks. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Find a safe place and eliminate anyone who tries to take cover.

24.12.2008, 18:47

Before the first bullet, I boasted: what can’t I dare?
Until the first bullet, I lied blindly.
But the first bullet whistled, death covered someone,
And I prepared to meet the second bullet.
Bulat Okudzhava
Do not misunderstand me. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault is a good game. The developers honestly tried to move away from the “ancestor’s legacy” and make a new game, and not just another sequel. Only half came out. I don’t know what the reason is, whether I didn’t have enough courage or whether the bosses’ fingers pointed to the “right path,” but the game constantly goes from one extreme to another. It's really interesting to play, but only in places. Gorgeously made Pearl Harbor, smart enemies that let you light up on the first day, a beautiful engine and... countless arcade inserts - not only tedious, but also very difficult. Monotonous missions built on the “village-dot-path” principle. Linear levels instead of the promised freedom of action. There are a lot of shortcomings, but still, this is a step forward. It may be clumsy and not entirely successful, but it still exists.
And lastly, I recommend purchasing the “director’s cut” of the game (this is what the article was based on). She's worth it. Well-made videos, including a performance by the famous “Silent Drill Platoon” platoon, memories of veterans, a chronology of the war, a slide show with propaganda posters from the 40s and much more.
If you've ever played any part of Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, then you won't have any problems mastering Pacific Assault. Although there are enough innovations, the gameplay has not changed significantly. Therefore, the impatient can immediately go to the battlefield. Get comfortable in place. The rest - please follow me.
The main innovation is some departure from scripts. No, of course, “grand pianos from the bushes” fall on the player constantly and in large quantities, but the gameplay is no longer based on them alone. The enemies, as well as the allies, have sharply wised up. They know how to find cover, retreat in case of danger, regroup, flank and selflessly cover a grenade with their body (the most interesting thing is that they can perform this trick even if everyone has fled).
Of course, the enemy is still the same “cannon fodder”, but the game has become much more interesting. True, the developers went a little overboard with the bayonet attack. The Japanese fall into it with or without reason. Why do they die ingloriously from a direct line to the chest?
At the same time, the enemies became much “thicker”. Four to six shots to the torso is the norm. Therefore, it is better to hit directly in the head, otherwise you risk being left without ammunition. Since we are talking about shooting, you need to fire in short bursts, with breaks. A burst from the hip - and the sight spread across half the screen. You can only hit it point-blank, and not right away.

24.12.2008, 18:48

Another innovation is partners who fight shoulder to shoulder and even obey commands. But in reality this is not necessary. In battle, your comrades cope well without your instructions, and most importantly, they cannot die. Having received his share of lead on his chest, the fighter dramatically falls to the ground, heart-rendingly calls for the doctor... and, having received a healing injection, immediately jumps up and rushes into battle. Is it impossible to live forever? Well, it depends on who.
As a result, comrades can be used in any way you like. Need a human shield? Little Willie, come to me. They'll kill you without hurting, once - and you're done. You'll be fine in a couple of minutes. Therefore, the order system is not used throughout the entire game. Which, however, is for the best. Normally controlling a squad with four simple commands (“forward”, “cover”, “get together”, “retreat”) would be impossible.
The only one who is really needed is a doctor. There are very few first aid kits, and often you can improve your health only by calling a doctor. A shot of morphine will get you back on your feet in no time. True, there are only four healing injections allocated for Tommy.
Weapon. There are no revelations here, so let’s gallop across Europe. Rifles are good at medium and long ranges. Automata are the gods of melee combat. In the game, shootings take place at short distances, and therefore, you only have to choose from them. There is no big difference between the machines, so take the one for which it is easier to find cartridges. Pistols are junk. Grenades against infantry, explosives against vehicles. WALKTHROUGH
Having received an order from the commander, stand behind the machine gun and turn the muzzle towards the pier. Several Japanese were entrenched there. Like the smartest ones, they hide behind barrels of fuel. Before reaching a hundred meters to the shore, the landing ship will receive a shell in the stern.
When Tommy's eyes clear, let him run to the skeleton of the landing craft. Inside it you will find a first aid kit. Pick it up and make your way to the shore. Move in dashes from cover to cover so that the machine gunners do not have time to catch you in their sights. Along the way, don’t forget to take pictures of the Japanese sitting on the pier. Once on the shore, run to the squad and find a more comfortable position. You have to repel a series of attacks. In the end, no matter how hard you try, an exploding grenade will completely knock out Tommy.

24.12.2008, 18:48

The tasks in the training camp are simple. Follow the instructor's instructions. In general, this is not even a level, but a training mission.
Pearl Harbor
While the captain drives the car and talks about the base, you can relax and explore the surroundings. During a conversation with three sailors who were looking at a magazine... hmmm... of dubious content, the Japanese will begin a bombing raid. We must give credit to the captain. Unlike many, he did not panic and decides to break through to the pier. There is a boat equipped with anti-aircraft guns. Of course, it’s not much help, but it’s there.
It will not be possible to reach the destination by car. Halfway there you will be overtaken by an aerial bomb... but everyone is alive, and it’s not far from the boat. Run from cover to cover only when the captain starts running. During breaks, you can shoot down Japanese planes flying overhead with “Tommy”. However, realism. Before reaching a couple of meters to the ship, the captain will die from a stray bullet. He can no longer be helped, so jump on board and take a place behind the machine gun.
All hell has broken loose in the bay, and no one can help the doomed fleet... but still try to shoot down at least some of the planes. Especially those that attack your ship. After a dashing swim, you will board one of the sinking ships.
The first task is to manage to open all the valves within the allotted time. Otherwise, you definitely won’t be able to get off the ship. There is only one road, so you can’t get lost. The main thing is not to expose yourself to the steam gushing from the pipes. And don't get into the flames. When you turn the last valve, run into the corridor. Soon you will come across a sailor. Follow him.
Once in a room engulfed in flames, remove the ax from the wall and knock off the lid from the gas cylinder. He will break down the door, hitting the sailor in the process. In the room, talk to the doctor and bring him the wounded man. He is behind you. Run further. Along the way you will find another wounded sailor. Pull him away too. True, to another doctor.
To get out of the room, use an ax to break down the door. The corridor is on fire, so climb up the stairs. Upstairs is no better than downstairs. Fire, smoke and heaps of corpses. After running through a couple of rooms, you will come across a sailor littered with boxes. Chop them with an ax (or maybe it’s easier to drag them away) and take the wounded one. Take him to the doctor. He settled down next to the stairs. There's nothing else to do here, so get out onto the deck.
Above there is a desperate battle for the survival of the ship. This means that you have no reason to stand idle. Run to the anti-aircraft gunners and stand behind the machine gun. The first goal is to protect the Nevada ship as it sails by. They attack him sluggishly, so this is unlikely to be a problem. As soon as you complete the task, you will be politely asked from behind the machine gun and sent to the anti-aircraft gun. Now you need to defend your ship. It's much more difficult. There are a lot of planes flying, but it’s difficult to find them in the sky - the sun hits your eyes.

24.12.2008, 18:49

The loader says where the planes are flying from, but without a normal compass it’s not easy to understand where the “two o’clock” is. Better rely on your vigilance and look where your comrades are shooting. Nightmoves
Having landed on the beach, the squad will split into two groups. The first will set off on its own way, and the second will be led by the commander. Follow him. Soon you will reach an abandoned camp. In a couple of seconds, an enemy reconnaissance plane will appear in the sky. Hide in the bushes and wait until the anti-aircraft gun hits him. As soon as the plane hits the ground, a detachment of Japanese will run out of the forest. Finish them off and move further into the forest. When the last soldier falls dead, new instructions will be given over the radio.
The journey through the jungle continues. Along the way, you will periodically encounter detachments of Japanese, but it is not they who will create problems, but the snipers in the trees. It's good to see from above, but they shoot very accurately. After some time you will reach the anti-aircraft crew. Destroy the guards and climb behind the gun. In a couple of seconds, a truck with reinforcements will arrive. Shoot him before the soldiers have time to get out of the back. Then install the explosives and move on. You will soon arrive at the meeting point. The second squad is already waiting for you.
The Japanese were well entrenched in the area. You have to break through a network of machine gun crews. You can’t even dream of supporting artillery and armored vehicles. Competing with a machine gunner in accuracy is a lost cause, so the only hope is grenades. They threw it, waited until it exploded, and finished off the survivors before they had time to come to their senses. In this way, clear the calculations one by one.
After crossing the river, you will come out into the village. There are no civilians in it, but there are a couple of Japanese in each house. There is no specific tactics for passing. Just be careful and watch your back.
After clearing the village, you will finally reach the radio tower. It is located on a hill, under the cover of two machine guns and an infantry detachment. Throw a couple of grenades up to silence the machine guns. Having captured the height, place explosives on the radio tower. When the explosion occurs, stand behind the machine gun. The Japanese, having recovered from the attack, decided to recapture the radio tower. A lot of people will be knocked down, but they all run out in a crowd, so the main thing is not to let them run away. After some time, the attack will fizzle out and the commander will congratulate you on the completed task.

24.12.2008, 18:49

After completing the briefing, move towards the target. When you reach the road, you will come across a car. Blow it up with a grenade and move on. Having walked a little forward, you will find an abandoned machine gun crew. Stand behind the machine gun and wait for a truck to appear on the road. After destroying it, continue moving. Along the way you will come across patrols, and at the end of the road you will come to the enemy camp. There are quite a few people in it, but scattered barrels of fuel will help reduce the number to zero.
You can't go any further along the road. We'll have to find a workaround. Turn left. There are even more people in the jungle than on the road. “Taking out” the Japanese, make your way to the goal. Be careful in the last camp. Three machine guns are installed along the perimeter. When the camp is cleared of enemies, climb into the jeep and get ready for a wild ride.
There is nothing complicated about it. Shoot at the Japanese and try not to get hit by bullets. As a result, the trip will end in an accident. As soon as Tommy comes to his senses, remove the machine gunner and take his place. The camp is swarming with Japanese, so there is plenty of work to do. When everything calms down, run to the fuel tank and plant explosives.
The fuel depot has been destroyed, but you can forget about evacuation for now. The radio will report that an allied plane has been shot down and there is no one nearby except your squad. Follow the path until you reach the Japanese camp. In addition to a large detachment of infantry, it housed a tankette (it would be hard to call this “miracle” a tank). Don’t go into the camp, otherwise you will quickly be discarded. First, destroy the infantry, and then get close to the wedge along the edge. Set up explosives and run away.
Further the path will not become easier. The road you need to take is infested with Japanese. When you reach the tank parking lot, get ready to hold the line. The enemy will be trampled by the crowd. Having dealt with them, move on.
The plane no longer has a pilot. He lies a little further away. Run to him as fast as you can before the evil Japanese kill him. He cannot walk on his own, so he will have to be carried to the doctor on his back. The guys have already taken up a perimeter defense and will cover you with fire. While the medic revives the pilot, you need to repel the attacks. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Find a safe place and eliminate anyone who tries to take cover. Sitting Ducks
Having rather annoyed the Japanese, both detachments gathered on the beach where the landing took place. Now it's time to get off the island before retribution falls on your heads. True, there is nowhere to retreat yet. Therefore, you will have to hold the line until the submarines arrive. First there will be crowds of infantry. After a while the mortars will open fire. This is already more serious, and therefore you will be sent to destroy three mortar men. They can be found on the cliffs where crowds of Japanese jump off.

24.12.2008, 18:50

The attack has been repulsed, the mortars are silent, but it is too early to retreat. Willie is lost somewhere. You won't have to search for long - the place where it lies is marked on the compass. True, do not rush to run ahead. This is an ambush. First, destroy the Japanese, and then pick up a comrade. Throw it into the boat, and then climb in yourself. As soon as you set sail, a crowd of Japanese will run out onto the beach and open fire in pursuit. You can shoot back, but they will be covered by approaching submarines with their guns anyway. The new airplanes are much more dangerous. Anti-aircraft machine guns fire extremely crookedly, so you will have to protect the lives of your comrades yourself. To do this, you will be given a machine gun. Yeah. A bow and arrow would be better.
Once on board, stand behind the machine gun. Now you need to prevent the submarine from being sunk. Moreover, you need to shoot not at airplanes, but at fired torpedoes. There are four of them in total. Henderson Field
Guadalcanal - how much has merged in this sound for the American heart, so to speak. Again the level begins with instructions on the beach. After listening to the instructions, follow the squad. Having run into a Japanese ambush, most of the squad will be left to distract the enemy, and you and Willie will be sent around. Throw grenades at the machine gunners and “clean up” the village. Now the forced march to the airfield. Not everything is fine here either. As soon as you appeared, the Japanese began to “iron” the airfield. Get into the car and watch what's happening around you. As a result, the car will be covered by a shell, and Tommy will lose consciousness.
Once the whole team has recovered, you will receive a new order. Destroy the weapon. To do this, you will first have to destroy the machine gunners in the pillboxes. You need to run when your comrades are covering with fire. When you get closer, throw a grenade inside. When you reach the gun, destroy the guards. A couple of seconds for a break, and a new task is to repel the attack. Run to the pillbox and stand behind the machine gun. When the Japanese lay bones, go back and plant explosives in the weapon.
It's time to head back. Along the way you will encounter resistance twice. The first time - at the warehouse, the second - in the jungle. Be careful, the enemy has snipers. Having reached yours, talk to the commander and stand behind the machine gun. Soon another detachment of Japanese will come running from the jungle. Having dealt with it, move on.
After walking a little along the stream, you will meet a detachment of Japanese. And after - dot. Well, this can only be “cured” with a grenade. Having run a little further forward, you will come across an artillery crew. Kill the guards and take the place of the shooter. Soon a detachment of tanks with infantry will appear on the road. Don't pay much attention to the latter - your comrades will take care of them. But don’t forget about tanks: a couple of shells and everything is fine. When the enemy's attack fizzles out, go out onto the road. Again the Japanese, again battles...

24.12.2008, 18:50

On the approaches to the camp you will meet two marines. After talking with them, move on. Fighting is already in full swing in the camp. Without wasting time, make your way to the airfield. Pilots cannot break through to the planes until you push back the enemy. As soon as the winged cars soar into the sky, run to the machine gun next to the runway. Now you must shoot down Japanese fighters until the pilots can safely leave. The easiest way to knock them out is when they go down to the ground.
The next task is to break through to the anti-aircraft gun. In addition to Japanese soldiers, you will be bombed by aircraft. One hit guarantees death. The anti-aircraft gun is guarded by a strong detachment. Throw a grenade so as not to fiddle around for a long time, and take the place of the shooter.
The first thing to do is to protect the three hangars. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Bombers always arrive from one direction, so you just need to track their trajectory and open barrage fire in advance. When the mission is completed, the sky will clear of planes... and soon the Black Cat will appear in the distance, surrounded by six Japanese fighters. Shoot them down and... the level is over. Bloody Ridge
The battle for Guadalcanal is not over. The troops managed to seize a bridgehead for a further offensive. Now we need to protect him. Stand behind the machine gun and start mowing down the running Japanese. The commander will indicate the direction of the attack, but this is understandable even without prompting. After some time, an order will come to retreat to the second line of defense. Run behind the squad and take a place behind the machine gun. Soon you will have to leave this place too. You won't get to the third line of defense. Instead, you will have to go on reconnaissance.
Follow your friend. When you spot a Japanese patrol, do not open fire. Wait for them to pass and move on. When you go out onto the road, you will come across an ambush. Destroy it and run to your people. They are fighting with the enemy, and you will just go to his rear. When the last Japanese falls dead, climb onto the rock.
The last line of defense. Now you have a choice. Use a cannon or machine gun. And it’s better to do both in turn. In about ten minutes, attack aircraft will arrive and the enemy will be driven back.
Lunga River
After the commander makes a speech, run after your comrade. When he asks what you see, take out your binoculars and look down. A bunch of Japanese. We need to inform our comrades about this. On the way back you will come across an enemy squad. While they don't see you, crawl up to the machine gun and shoot them in the back. The rest of the journey will pass without incident.
When you join a squad, you will receive a weapon. Now you can hit the road. Follow the stream bed, shooting at any Japanese you encounter. When you reach the waterfall, jump down.

24.12.2008, 18:50

After loading is complete, look around. You are in a swamp that is infested with Japanese. The latter are in no hurry to get into battle, but wait for you to come closer. It is difficult to notice them due to their camouflage, so before moving on, carefully inspect the area. At the next waterfall, jump down.
Now we need to clear the village. There are machine guns in several places, so move carefully. In general, you can almost always go to the rear along a roundabout route. When you reach the ammunition depot, plant explosives and take cover. After the explosion, pick up the sniper rifle and move on.
As you leave the village, you will come across snipers. Remove them from hiding. When the last one falls dead, wait for the squad and prepare for the decisive offensive. Kokumbona
Quite a difficult mission. First you have to break through the jungle. Nothing complicated here. There are a lot of enemies, but is this a problem for a seasoned hero? As you approach the village, you will come across a pillbox. Throw grenades at him and clear the area of ​​the enemy. Along the way, you will once again come across a pillbox. The old panacea is grenades.
Once again in the jungle, follow the path. The enemy has become smarter and prefers not to get into trouble, but to attack from an ambush. Those located along the trail are especially dangerous. You won’t notice them right away, and then it may be too late. When you reach the bridge, take out the machine gunner at the top and wait for the stormtroopers to provide passage.
Next - another walk through the jungle. But now the road will lead you to the front line. True, the Japanese did not expect an attack from the flank - there were not many machine gun crews. The most difficult section is the approaches to artillery positions. They are covered competently, and they are guarded by a lot of people. First take out the machine guns, and then take on the infantry. Having suppressed the resistance, run inside the fortification (the squad will remain on the street). Having killed the guards, plant explosives in the weapons warehouse and rush back as hard as you can. When the explosions stop roaring, the level will end.
Are you ready for a flying nightmare? This miracle of the aviation industry, naively called by someone an airplane, whose flight characteristics are most reminiscent of a toilet with wings. At first you just need to shoot from the cockpit, but then the pilot, waving goodbye, ejects.
This is where the quiet horror begins. You will have to fly the plane. It is almost impossible to shoot down maneuverable enemy aircraft on this vessel. But you have to. Then you still need to bomb a couple of ground targets, and at last, sink two ships. Are you here now? Then prepare validol. Yes, more.

24.12.2008, 18:51

The last mission is a classic for the action genre. A lot of meat and corpses. Fight at the limit. Pick up any game and see that the final missions are built almost identically. Designers, are you out of ideas?
You started with Tawara and you will end with it. First you have to shoot with a machine gun. What a surprise. When the boat stops at the pier, get out onto the pier and clear it of the Japanese. Afterwards, back to the boat. Row the rest of the way to the shore and shoot the Japanese until the journey is interrupted by an incoming shell. You already know how to get to the beach from the first mission. What to do on it - too. Only the defense will end more successfully for Tommy. Wait for the commander to come running, and “clean up” the beach with a friendly crowd. Infantrymen get a bullet, and pillboxes get a grenade.
Having broken deep into the beach, begin your liberation mission. The main targets are machine gun crews and artillery positions. The latter must be undermined with explosives. Then your path will be blocked by a buried tank - and its explosives. And for dessert - a few pillboxes. They are better than grenades, but that's how it turns out. You can shoot the machine gunners inside anyway. Eventually you will come out to the car. Willie can't think of anything better than riding her in the middle of a fight. A very good idea. The trip did not lead to anything good. There was an explosion under the wheels - and everyone flew into the ditch.
Having come to your senses, continue to explore the area, blowing up cannons along the way and shooting at the Japanese. After a while you will reach the command center. You will recognize him immediately. A large concrete pillbox with a bunch of machine guns and two tanks along the walls. It is better not to mess with the machine gunners, but, while destroying the infantry, sneak close to the building. From around the corner, blow up the tank and climb onto the roof. Demolish the antenna on it and throw a package of explosives onto the second tank below. Now go downstairs and go into the command center, after throwing a couple of grenades inside.
There will be a passage inside. There is no other way, so you have to use it. Go straight (but you still won’t be able to turn), taking out the Japanese and blowing up the guns. Near one there will be a serious dump. About twenty people will trample on you. A machine gun nearby will help get rid of problems. Next, a large pillbox will warmly greet you with a “lead rain”. You can't do anything with it yet, so just run past it. But we completely destroy the second one that comes along the way. Then wait for the closed door to open. Thank you, comrade Japanese, you made our path easier. When you reach the first pillbox, climb the hill and push the explosives into the pipe. After the explosion, climb up and hold off the hordes of rushing Japanese. Not soon, but it will end.
The last breakthrough compared to what happened before is a real paradise. First you need to repel the Japanese attack. It's very easy to do. They don't even try to shoot. They run with rifles at the ready towards death. Then it will be your turn to attack. Gradually move forward, destroying pillboxes. One time a tank will even help you. Having reached a bunker with a gun and a bunch of machine gun crews, lie down in cover and wait for the artillery to strike. Now get ready for the enemy's final attack. Just like the first time, the Japanese will not even shoot, simply rushing forward in the hope of reaching them with a bayonet or butt. When the last enemy falls, the American flag will fly over Tawara.

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