Kefir diet for two weeks: its pros and cons. Kefir diet - health improvement and weight loss in one glass daily strict kefir diet

Kefir, a very healthy fermented milk drink. Due to its positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, it is used both for health and for losing excess weight. Many women, having decided to follow a mono-diet or simply have a fasting day, first of all opt for kefir. The reason is simple:

  • kefir improves digestive processes and helps the body absorb other products;
  • due to the presence of a large number of beneficial bacteria and lactic acid, the drink has an antiseptic effect for stomach disorders;
  • helps remove toxins from the body;
  • restores intestinal microflora;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger.

Few people know, but kefir also makes the heart work easier. During the digestion of heavy food, a large load is placed on this internal organ, and an easily digestible fermented milk product facilitates the digestion process, thereby reducing the load on cardiac activity.

With the help of kefir, people can more easily tolerate the ban on eating sweet desserts. After all, you can simply add natural berries to a fermented milk drink and make a cocktail.

Thanks to the presence of vitamin D in the drink, you can improve the condition of the nail plate, hair and tooth enamel, and B vitamins improve the condition of the skin.

Vitamins and microelements that are present in kefir normalize human body weight and metabolism. That is why kefir diets are so often used among the fair sex. Today, many types of kefir diets have been developed, and in this article we will look at some of them.

Kefir mono-diet - options

A mono-diet is a fast and highly effective way to lose weight in a very short period of time. A classic mono-diet is a diet in which one consumes one product over a certain period of time, or alternates taking it every other day, every other day, or every other day. Mono-diets are quite strict, but if you follow them, you lose weight very quickly. Experts advise sticking to strict diets for no more than three to four days, and exiting them gradually. You can’t pounce on food, otherwise the kilograms you lost with such difficulty will come back to you with interest.

Kefir diet for 7 days

Kefir mono-diet is quite strict, and you can dilute the menu with only one or two products (low in calories) per day. The daily consumption rate of the fermented milk drink kefir is 1.5 liters; in addition, you can eat fruits, vegetables with herbs, or baked potatoes (from 100 to 400 grams per day). The kefir diet for weight loss can give stunning results in a week, up to 7 kg. total weight lost.

Several types of kefir diet menus have been developed for the week; following any of them, you need to exclude salt, sugar, black tea and juice from the diet, and drink only water and green tea.

First option, one of the most highly effective, but also the most stringent type of diet

It consists of consuming half a liter of kefir and low-calorie foods per day. However, due to small fluid consumption (just half a liter of fermented milk drink), this option can lead to dehydration, which will cause irreversible consequences in the body. Therefore, before you start a strict type of kefir diet, consult your doctor and weigh the pros and cons of such a radical measure in the fight against extra pounds. The menu is scheduled by day:

Kefir and baked potatoes 0.4 kg. Do not add salt. kefir and cottage cheese 0.4 kg. kefir and fruit 0.4 kg, but bananas and grapes should not be consumed. kefir and chicken breast 0.4 kg. (take boiled meat). kefir and fruit 0.4 kg. (except bananas and grapes). Fasting day. Only 1.5 liters of water. kefir and 0.4 kg. fruits (but not bananas or grapes).

Option two, kefir diet with proteins.

The kefir mono-diet according to the second option consists of replacing two days on fruit (from the menu of the first option) with dietary types of meat. You can choose the days at your discretion, for example 3 and 5, or 5 and 7, or 3 and 7, everyone determines this for themselves.

“Hungry” kefir mono-diet

This kefir diet is based on increasing the consumption of low-fat kefir to two liters per day, and reducing the portion of foods allowed for consumption to 100 grams per day.

Diet with kefir and apples

This kefir mono-diet can be designed for either a week or 9 days. It is quite strict and people with high stomach acidity should not follow it. The daily food ration should be divided into six times, with each meal taking only 1 cup of kefir and one apple. But you can diversify it a little. Grate the apple and mix with kefir, or bake the fruit without sugar. If you really want something sweet, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the apple, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it every day.

To follow a 9-day mono-diet with kefir and apples, for the first three days you need to drink only kefir (1.5 l.). The fourth, fifth and sixth - you need to eat only apples (1.5 kg), and on the seventh, eighth and ninth, drink kefir again. Water, while following a diet, is allowed in any quantity.

But it is best to use the kefir diet as fasting days, the regular observance of which, over time, gives good weight loss results without causing stress to the body.

Kefir diet for 3 days

  • The first method is very effective, but also tough. You only need to consume kefir, and no other food or liquid. This method is used when you need to quickly get rid of extra pounds and fit into your favorite clothes for some event. By eating only kefir all day, divided into several meals, you can lose 5 kg. total weight for three days.
  • The second method is more gentle; during the diet you can eat vegetables and fruits (up to 1 kg), but the exceptions are bananas and grapes. The consumption rate of kefir per day remains the same, 1.5 liters.
  • The third method is even easier.


— for breakfast: toast and a glass of kefir;

- for lunch: vegetable salad seasoned with a spoon of olive oil and kefir;

- for dinner: a piece of hard cheese, 2 apples and kefir.

In between meals, you are allowed to drink kefir (after all, the daily norm is one and a half liters), but drinking any other liquid is prohibited; it can interfere with the weight loss process.

Kefir is highly effective, but is not suitable for everyone, as it can cause bloating or diarrhea. Before opting for a 3-day kefir diet, conduct a test, fasting day according to the described recommendations. If you feel well, stick to the developed menu for the remaining 2 days.

Kefir-curd diet

Kefir can be observed for 3,7 and 21 days, while losing weight, the body is saturated with prebiotics.

Three-day kefir diet with cottage cheese.

Menu: 1 liter of fermented milk drink and 400 grams of cottage cheese. The daily norm is divided into six times, but the last two should only be liquid (kefir). It is allowed to add parsley, dill or spices to the cottage cheese, but not from the “bag”, because salt will stall the weight loss process. You should also not consume sugar or other sweeteners, but drinking water in any quantity is encouraged.

Kefir and curd diet for a week.

The seven-day diet menu is not particularly different from the three-day diet menu, but you can diversify your diet by adding 2 unsweetened fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruits, etc., but not bananas). For a whole week, while following this diet, it is better to refrain from strong physical activity; you can maintain muscle tone with yoga, Pilates and walking. Try to protect yourself from stress.

Curd diet with kefir for 21 days.

The long-term mono-diet menu is built on a slightly different principle.

- first breakfast: cottage cheese (200 grams) and fruit puree. If you don’t have time to chop the fruit, buy a jar of ready-made puree in the baby food department. Opt for a product without added sugar.

- second breakfast: a glass of kefir with cinnamon, it will speed up the metabolism.

- lunch: porridge or baked potato, and a piece of boiled meat or fish.

- dinner: lean fish or seafood (200 grams).

- if you feel very hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir 1 hour before bedtime.

Kefir-cucumber diet

Cucumbers and kefir are low-calorie foods, which is why they are so widely used in various diets. Losing weight with these products is nothing more than a combination of two separate diets, which brings simply amazing results. Typically, the duration of such weight loss is 5-7 days, but if you have not reached the desired weight in such a short time, use fasting days based on the diet menu. These products have a laxative effect, so they will be very useful for people suffering from constipation. Preparing cucumber and kefir cocktails is very simple. Grate one and a half kilograms of cucumbers, mix with kefir (1.5 liters), add chopped herbs, and take the finished mixture as your main diet, one glass every 2-3 hours. You can consume the products not as a cocktail, but separately, but then divide the daily food intake by six times. By following this method of losing weight, you can lose 5 kg in 5 days, but in the first days the weight will come off a little faster than in the last.

Having decided to follow this diet for a whole week, add variety to your daily menu by adding 100 grams of boiled fish to your diet. You can drink water and green tea without sugar in any quantity.

The kefir-cucumber diet gives visible results, but it is not recommended to stick to it for more than a week due to the low-calorie content of the main products.

Three-day diet using kefir okroshka

With some kefir diets, okroshka will be an excellent addition. Okroshka is also the main ingredient for an independent diet, following which, weight loss will average 1-2 kg. In order to prepare one serving of vitamin soup you will need radish, cucumber, boiled egg, kefir and any greens.

First day

- breakfast - one glass of low-fat kefir.

- second breakfast and afternoon snack - apples.

- lunch - okroshka.

- dinner - 2 apples and kefir.

Second day

- breakfast - a glass of kefir.

- second breakfast and afternoon snack - kiwi.

- lunch - okroshka.

- dinner - kiwi 3 pcs. and kefir.

The third day

- breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir.

- second breakfast and afternoon snack - fresh cucumbers.

- lunch - okroshka.

- dinner - cucumber and kefir.

Diet okroshka for weight loss.

The best weight loss effect is produced by vegetarian okroshka, but you don’t need to make it completely lean; you can take dietary meat, such as boiled chicken breast. Apart from vitamin soup, you can’t eat anything else, just drink non-carbonated water in any quantity. The dish must be seasoned with kefir, kvass or whey, but not with mayonnaise.

  • Kefir okroshka. Kefir 200 ml, boiled egg, potatoes 1-2 pcs., cucumber 1 pc. and green onions 3-4 feathers. Chop the potatoes and cucumber into cubes, mash the egg with a fork and combine all the ingredients. Then add chopped onion feathers, add a little salt and pour in kefir.
  • Okroshka according to Dukan. Boiled chicken breast and shrimp 200 g each, 1 cucumber, egg, 5 radishes, greens and half a liter of kefir. Cut all ingredients into cubes, mix and pour in kefir. After adding a little chilled boiled water, put the cold soup in the refrigerator.
  • Okroshka with chicken meat. 200 gr. boiled chicken breast, half a liter of kvass, boiled potatoes and eggs, chopped herbs, 200 gr. boiled cauliflower, 100 gr. low-fat sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the radish into slices, separate the cauliflower into florets, and chop all the other ingredients into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, add chopped herbs, and pour kvass over everything. Let it brew for 30 minutes and serve with sour cream.

Striped diet

The striped diet is a type of kefir diet. It is less strict, easier to tolerate, but the weight decreases steadily. A striped diet is designed for three weeks, in which days of the kefir mono-diet alternate with low-calorie days. At a certain stage of following any diet, some women could observe a “plateau effect”, when, despite severe restrictions on food consumption, the weight loss process stops. This triggers the body's self-preservation instinct. With a sharp weight loss, the body begins to actively conserve all reserves and leave “in their place” all the new substances that come with food. The striped diet prevents the body from starting this process, thanks to a clear alternation of well-fed and fasting days on kefir.

On the “white” days of the diet, you need to drink low-fat kefir and eat two small vegetables or fruits. On regular, low-calorie days, you can eat your favorite foods, but you should avoid consuming sweets, flour, processed foods, and alcohol.

Depending on your willpower and the number of pounds you need to lose, you can choose a striped diet for 7 or 21 days.

Striped diet for 7 days.

The diet begins with a white, “kefir” day, during which you need to drink one and a half liters of fermented milk product, divided into several doses. The next day, you need to eat well, giving preference to protein foods and limit your calorie intake. According to this principle, you need to alternate between full and hungry days throughout the week.

Striped diet for 21 days.

A fairly long course of diet, not everyone can withstand it, therefore, as soon as you notice a deterioration in your health, sleep disturbances or digestive problems, immediately stop the diet and consult a doctor.

This diet is designed around three strips, with seven repetitions for each strip. It looks like this:

Kefir (1.5 liters divided into several doses). Adequate nutrition (1500 kcal per day). Adequate nutrition (1200 kcal per day). Kefir.

Diet Valley

Larisa Dolina’s diet is very famous, effective, and many have already tried it on themselves. And the famous singer herself compiled the diet of the same name, based on losing weight on a healthy fermented milk drink and listening to the needs of her body. The People's Artist of Russia confirmed the effectiveness of the “Dolina diet” by her own example (photo). There is no doubt about the effect of Dolina’s diet, but anyone who doesn’t believe that Dolina’s weight loss did not involve the intervention of surgical procedures can test it for themselves.

The famous performer makes no secret of her weight loss; on the contrary, she willingly shared the recipe. The Dolina diet includes frequent alternation of kefir days and regular days of the striped diet. Meals on regular, low-calorie days consist only of healthy foods, but the artist adapted the diet to suit herself and applied the principle of separate meals.

Larisa Dolina's diet rules

  1. All odd days of the month are kefir days of the Dolina diet. Kefir must be 1% fat and must be fresh.
  2. All even days of the month are ordinary days on which separate meals are used. Do not combine proteins and carbohydrates, proteins and fats, or proteins from different sources.
  3. On even days of the month (i.e. on ordinary days), divide meals into 5-6 times, in small portions.
  4. Smoked meats, sweets, flour and salty foods are prohibited.
  5. Do not eat after 17:00.

It took Dolina five years to train her metabolism to work properly and achieve the desired result.

English kefir mono-diet

Another excellent and highly effective type of diet, with which you can lose 9 kg. in 12 days, this is . The recipe is simple, you only need to use kefir (yogurt), apples and tomato juice in the following order:

- first, second and third days, only fermented milk product is consumed (1.5 liters per day);

- fourth day - one and a half kilograms of fresh or baked apples (divided into six doses), and unsalted tomato juice (half a liter).

- fifth day - eat only apples (1.5 kg).

- sixth day - food, same as on the fourth day. Only tomato juice with apples.

- seventh day - fermented milk products (kefir or yogurt).

- eighth day - apples and tomato juice.

- ninth day - kefir or yogurt.

- tenth day - apples and tomato juice.

- eleventh and twelfth days - you need to drink only kefir or yogurt.

Flax seeds with kefir

Flax seeds have unique healing properties; they are a very valuable product that can be used to treat and prevent many diseases. After all, it contains minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and fiber. These components help us lose weight and maintain a normal weight.

Every day, instead of a daytime snack, we eat one hundred grams of ground flax seeds mixed with kefir (1 tablespoon of flax per 1 glass of kefir). It is very useful to take flax seeds with kefir at night. To achieve a sustainable effect, you need to take a mixture of kefir and flax for 2-3 months, then take a break of 1 month and repeat the procedure.

Express diet with beets

For those who urgently need to lose a couple or three kilograms, an express diet will come to the rescue. Beets are a low-calorie product, containing from 40 to 60 kcal, and in combination with kefir, it not only promotes rapid weight loss, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves hematopoiesis.

If you follow the instructions, you need to consume 1.5 kg per day. beets, drink 1.5 liters of kefir, and up to 1.5 liters. spring water. You can also prepare a fat-burning cocktail; for this, boiled beets (1 kg) and kefir (1.5 l) are crushed in a blender, and the finished product is consumed throughout the day. Beetroot with kefir has a somewhat specific taste, so without harming your figure, you can flavor the cocktail with finely chopped herbs (cilantro, celery, dill, parsley, etc.). It wouldn’t hurt to diversify your menu during the beetroot diet with fresh juice. Squeezed beets (juice) are mixed, carrot juice is added, and cucumber juice is added in a ratio of 3:1:1. Also, the beetroot diet involves alternating beetroot soup and a cocktail of kefir and beets. To prepare beet soup, chop the beets, carrots and onions and simmer the vegetables in water. After 20 minutes, add finely shredded cabbage to the pan and simmer for another 20 minutes. Then, pour boiling water over everything, add a spoonful of tomato paste, two cloves of garlic and the juice of half a lemon. Cook the soup for another 15 minutes over low heat and turn off.

How to get out of the kefir diet

You need to get out of diets based on kefir very gradually. The body has been receiving food in small quantities for some time, so a sudden switch to the previous diet and portion size threatens gastrointestinal diseases. The first time after finishing the diet, give up heavy or fatty foods, sweets and smoked foods. Refusal will not only help your metabolism and gently return to its previous mode of operation, but will also prolong the weight loss process.

Kefir recipes

Diet pancakes with kefir

For those who want to diversify their menu, but at the same time lose weight. It is important to know that many dishes can be made dietary. Pancakes are a good option for a proper, hearty breakfast; you just need to replace or exclude some ingredients.

  • Classic pancakes with kefir and eggs. 250 ml. low-fat kefir, 1 egg, 40 ml. water, a third of a glass of flour and a pinch of soda. Instead of sugar, mix substitute or honey into the dough. Mix all the ingredients with a whisk into a homogeneous mass (it should be thicker than for pancakes). And fry the pancakes until golden brown in a heated frying pan.
  • Oatmeal pancakes. 250 ml. low-fat kefir, a glass of oatmeal (or any wholemeal flour), an egg, a pinch of salt and soda, and any sweetener to taste. The pancakes are fried, as in the first recipe, in a heated frying pan, but their color will be slightly darker.
  • Apple fritters. 250 ml. kefir, half a glass of flour, an egg, a pinch of salt and soda and a finely grated apple. Mix all the ingredients, although due to the lumps of grated apple, you won’t get a homogeneous mass, and fry like other dietary pancakes.

Although pancakes are dietary, they are primarily calories and carbohydrates, the consumption of which is prohibited when following a number of diets. But if you have chosen a diet that allows you to consume such products, you need to eat pancakes only in the first half of the day to replenish energy; in the evening, such a product will only replenish fat reserves.

Diet pancakes with kefir

It is advisable to eat pancakes only before lunch, then they will become a source of healthy carbohydrates and give energy, rather than replenish fat reserves.

The kefir diet has recently become very popular due to the availability and low cost of products. Of course, not everyone can follow a kefir diet for 3 days, so you can take any diet option as a basis and use it as fasting days. The result will undoubtedly please you.

Kefir of varying fat content is one of the main components in various weight loss methods. This is due to the fact that the drink allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a short period of time. At the same time, the fermented milk product is nutritious, rich in beneficial bacteria, and has a beneficial effect on the body.

Features of losing weight on kefir

It’s easy to lose weight with a kefir diet, but most of them are quite strict and do not have a varied menu. It is best to drink a low-fat drink, but some methods involve the use of a fermented milk product with a fat content of 1.5%, 2%.

Benefits of a drink rich in prebiotics and lactocultures:

  • mild diuretic effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • regulation of purification processes;
  • preventing the development of microbes in the intestines;
  • normalization of digestive processes.

The essence of kefir diets is to consume the drink in large quantities. You can supplement the diet with other components, but this does not make the technique more gentle.

With strict restrictions (low-calorie diet, limited menu), the effect is noticeable almost immediately: rapid weight loss of 5-10 kg, depending on the initial weight.

It is worth noting that tiring physical activity is not recommended during this period. It is best to put aside all the hard work for a while and devote more time to relaxation.

Types of kefir diets

There are many options for eating kefir: from one-day mono-diets, when only liquid is allowed, to long-term ones with a more expanded diet. The duration of the course also varies. In any case, you need to monitor your well-being and the body’s reaction to the new diet.

Kefir-curd nutrition

Duration – 7 days. The basic rules are to eat 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese, dividing this amount into 5-6 parts, and drink 1,000 ml of kefir. In addition, several cups of green tea without sweeteners are allowed.

Kefir-protein diet

For 5 or 7 days, kefir is drunk in the morning, after lunch and before bed. You can drink black coffee for lunch and herbal tea for dinner. Acceptable foods include a few pieces of hard cheese, boiled eggs, lean meats, salads with vegetables. The effect is minus 3 kg per week.

Nutrition on buckwheat and kefir

- one of the most common. Its basics are the consumption of cereals brewed in boiling water in unlimited quantities, at least 2 liters of water and a low-fat fermented milk drink (fat content no more than 1%). You can lose weight up to 10 kg in just 14 days.

An effective method from Larisa Dolina

The famous singer is a fan of the kefir diet. In 14 days it is possible to achieve amazing results - up to 12-15 kg. The nutrition is designed for a week, and then everything needs to be repeated until the desired effect is achieved. It is based on drinking 0.5 liters of fermented milk drink daily, alternating fruit, curd and meat days. You should drink only water once a week.

There is also a more gentle option - this is the so-called “striped” diet. Its essence lies in alternating days with normal nutrition and days with kefir. It is worth noting that “habitual” means a healthy, balanced menu.

Kefir diet - menu options

Depending on what goals need to be achieved, the timing of the kefir diet and, accordingly, the menu are selected. There are options for a day, 3 or 5 days, a week or more. This rather strict method of getting rid of fat deposits has won recognition among many women due to its excellent results.

One day on kefir

This option is an excellent opportunity to give the organs of the digestive system a “rest,” especially after the holidays. In 1 day it is quite possible to lose up to 900 g of weight, as well as cleanse the body.

The menu is as follows:

  • In the morning - kefir 0% fat in the amount of 0.25 l.
  • Before lunch – 2 green apples and the same amount of fermented milk drink.
  • In the daytime - no more than 250 g of any lean fish, boiled or steamed.
  • After lunch - the same amount of kefir and unsweetened fruit.
  • In the evening - one apple and a few slices of hard cheese.

At night you can make a delicious and nutritious cocktail: 1 tbsp. l. Mix bran with a glass of fermented milk drink and add a little honey.

Kefir diet for a week

Many women lose weight using this system. The kefir diet menu allows you to achieve amazing results in a week - minus 10 kg. The serving size of permitted foods is calculated individually, the main thing is not to be hungry, but also not to feel heavy after eating.

There is no strict delineation of what time you should eat. Additional foods, in addition to the fermented milk drink, should be eaten in 4 or 5 meals per day.

Example system:

  • Day 1. Boiled or steamed lean meat (no more than 250 g) + kefir (1,500 ml).
  • Day 2. Cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat (no more than 300 g), the same amount of drink as on the first day.
  • Day 3. 3-4 large apples + kefir (same amount).
  • Day 4. Boiled fish with white meat, same drink volume.
  • Day 5. Fresh cucumbers with tomatoes (total quantity - 0.5 kg) + fermented milk drink (1.5 l).
  • Day 6. Dried fruits, preferably prunes (no more than 125 g), the volume of kefir is the same.
  • Final day. Only fermented milk drink (2,000 ml).

Kefir diet menu for 10 days

Every day during this period you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water without gas. If you follow basic nutritional rules, a positive result is guaranteed.

Day 1, 4, 7 and last:

  • In the morning - semolina porridge, 1 boiled egg and tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • For lunch - stewed meat with cabbage + mushroom broth soup.
  • Dinner – carrot salad with prunes, any tea.

In between main meals and at night, you should drink a fermented milk product (1 glass).

Day 2, 5 and 8:

  • After waking up - a dried slice of bread + 250 ml of kefir.
  • At lunchtime - boiled fish meat (no more than 200 g) and fresh vegetables.
  • In the evening - one large apple and 2 pieces of cheese.

During lunch, you should also drink a low-fat fermented milk drink, and at night - a glass of milk with 0% fat.

Day 3, 6 and 9:

  • After sleep – sauerkraut + black coffee + omelet.
  • At noon - chicken broth soup, vinaigrette, 1 slice of rye bread.
  • In the evening - baked fish, jacket potatoes or in foil, herbal decoction.

In between main meals, take a glass of a drink rich in lactobacillaria, and before bed, take homemade yogurt.

Pros and cons of kefir diets

Any effective nutritional method has a number of advantages and disadvantages. A diet where the main component is a fermented milk product rich in beneficial bacteria has great advantages.


  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • effective removal of toxic substances;
  • fast weight loss.

The main “disadvantages” of the kefir diet are the limited diet and the rather difficult tolerance of such a menu. In addition, with excessive consumption of the drink, intestinal disorders cannot be ruled out.

Please note the contraindications:

  • stomach diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, gall bladder;
  • allergies to the products used;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • development of a tumor of any nature;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

In any case, you need to seek advice from a specialist and eliminate the possibility of dangerous consequences.

As a rule, it often happens that in the crazy pace of life we ​​do not always have time to monitor the condition of our figure. And then the holidays are just around the corner or some important event, when you really need to look just one hundred percent. You look at yourself in the mirror and notice that you have a few extra kilos, and you need to remove them very urgently, literally in a couple of days. This is where the 2-day diet comes to the rescue.

There are many 2-day diets. Such express diets can provide indispensable help in cases where losing weight is very urgent.

Unfortunately, experts insist that you should resort to such diets only as a last resort, because you have been gaining excess weight for a much longer time. Therefore, it is advisable to fight it systematically, step by step and measuredly.

The 2-day diet should not be abused; prolonging it is not recommended. It is important to understand that the 2-day diet is designed specifically for this short period of time, and by prolonging it, you can earn yourself serious health problems.

As a last resort, if you really like this diet, you can arrange a 2-by-2 diet for yourself and follow it for two weeks or even more.

Negative aspects of the 2-day diet

When following a diet for 2 days, weight loss occurs mainly due to the removal of fluid from the body and loss of muscle mass, and not due to the loss of body fat. But the body is the last to dispose of fat. In addition, all kinds of diets for 2 days and even diets 2 after 2 are fraught with the occurrence of a deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements.

Express diets often cause unwanted side effects. Thus, due to a lack of carbohydrates, poor health and inhibition of mental activity occur. And along with water, calcium and potassium are washed out of the body, which are extremely necessary for bones, muscles, hair and teeth.

It should be noted that there is such a disadvantage of the 2-day diet as the rapid return of excess weight. This is due to the fact that the body, experiencing acute stress, begins to actively store fat in case such a shock is repeated.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that when following all kinds of express diets, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes and try to ensure that your daily calorie intake is not less than 1000. And in order not to gain weight sharply after leaving the diet, it is recommended to do physical exercises and not increase sharply consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

Diet for 2 days: lemon and honey

This diet is quite strict. You will have to consume a special honey-lemon drink for two days, and all other foods are prohibited. The amount of drink consumed per day should be three liters. We can say that this is not even a diet, but two fasting days, during which the body gets rid of toxins and waste. It should be noted that lemon is very beneficial for the condition of the skin, and in combination with honey it removes excess cholesterol from the body. Thus, this diet for 2 days allows you to get rid of 2-3 extra pounds.

And the drink for this diet is easy to prepare. You need to take 15 lemons, squeeze the juice out of them and mix with three liters of still water. You should also add 70 g of honey here.

Before going on such a diet, you should consider that lemon increases the acidity of gastric juice and can irritate the mucous membrane, causing heartburn. Thus, people with high stomach acidity and various diseases of the digestive system should not follow this diet. It is also not recommended to follow this diet for people with urolithiasis.

Diet for 2 days on kefir

For this 2-day kefir diet, it is recommended to use a drink with 1% fat content. For one day you need 1.5 liters of kefir, and you should drink it in 5-6 doses. Other foods are prohibited while following this diet, and water can be drunk in any quantity.

This diet allows you to easily lose two kilograms in two days. If you need to lose more, then the 2 in 2 diet is recommended, which involves two days on a normal diet and two fasting days on kefir.

It should be noted that a 2-day diet on kefir is contraindicated in cases of high acidity.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is very beneficial for the body. Kefir can be used to prevent many diseases and to treat them. Consumption of kefir promotes rapid recovery of the body after serious illnesses.

Kefir helps improve the functioning of the nervous and vascular system. But kefir has a particularly good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir will be of great help in stabilizing the functioning of the intestines, for example, it will relieve a person of the tendency to diarrhea. For patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, kefir will help stop nausea and heaviness in the pancreas.

In addition to the gastrointestinal system, kefir helps with anemia, scrofula, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, such as exudative pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kefir is widely used as a basis for diets for many diseases. Kefir diets are used for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, nephritis, urolithiasis without phosphaturia, and insufficient blood circulation.

There are several options for kefir diets.

Kefir mono-diet

According to this diet, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of fresh kefir for three days. Do not consume any more products. The diet is designed for 3 days. Allows you to lose 3-4 kg of excess weight.

Winter kefir diet

The menu for this diet is as follows:
Breakfast - sauerkraut salad, omelet, coffee with milk, or semolina porridge, egg, sandwich with butter, tea with honey.
Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir, or an apple and a piece of cheese.
Lunch – vinaigrette, chicken soup, stewed carrots, a slice of bread, or mushroom soup, stewed meat with cabbage.
Lunch – 1 glass of kefir cocktail, or baked apples.
Dinner – fish fried in vegetable oil, baked potatoes, tea, or carrot casserole with prunes, tea with honey.
Before going to bed - a glass of skim milk, yogurt, or kefir.
The diet is designed for three days, no more. The weight that can be lost with this diet depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Unloading kefir diet

Breakfast – a glass of kefir. You can add a slice of toasted bread to it.
Afternoon snack – a glass of juice or kefir, two apples.
Lunch – 200 g of boiled fish, sauerkraut, vegetable salad, vinaigrette.
Lunch - fruit (preferably apples), a glass of kefir.
Dinner – 1-2 apples, a piece of cheese, or carrot casserole, bread.
Before bed - a glass of milk or kefir.
The diet is designed for one day. The diet helps to return to normal after heavy feasts during the holidays. If you apply this diet after the holiday table, excess weight will not appear. In addition, the use of this diet will not allow the body to get used to overeating, which will prevent excess weight from appearing in the future.

9-day kefir diet

Days 1-3 – 1% kefir in any quantity, 100 g of boiled, unsalted rice.
Days 4-6 – 1% kefir in any quantity, 100g boiled unsalted chicken fillet.
Days 7-9 – 1% kefir in any quantity.
fresh apples in any quantity.
The diet will save you from extra 8-9 kg. You need to get out of this diet gradually. You should not suddenly start eating high-calorie foods in large quantities.

5-day kefir diet

7:00 – unsweetened tea
9:00 – medium plate of grated carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil.
11:00 – 200 g of boiled white chicken or beef.
13:00 – apple.
15:00 – 1 hard-boiled egg.
17:00 – apple.
19:00 – prunes, 10 pcs.
21:00 – a glass of kefir, an “Iodine-Active” tablet
The main requirement of the diet is strict adherence to meal times. You can lose up to 5 kg.

Weekly kefir diet

Day 1 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes.
Day 2 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled chicken (preferably white) meat.
Day 3 – 1.5 liters of kefir, and 100g of boiled lean meat (preferably veal or beef)
Day 4 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled low-fat fish.
Day 5 - 1.5 liters of kefir and vegetables and fruits (except for grapes and bananas which are too high in calories).
Day 6 – 1.5-2 liters of kefir.
Day 7 – mineral, preferably still, water in any quantity.

All products must be prepared without sugar and salt. The number of kilograms lost depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The diet should be repeated no more than once every 2-3 months. The daily dose of kefir should be drunk in a glass at intervals of 3-4 hours. Kefir does not have to be the same; for example, you can drink regular low-fat kefir in the morning, then bifidokefir, and in the evening - fruit kefir. You can drink water. It is better to buy a bottle of mineral or regular drinking water in the store; you can also drink spring water. You cannot drink tea and coffee.

Have you tried this diet? We will be grateful to you for review!

Do you want to lose weight quickly, in a short time? Then the kefir diet is exactly what you need. There are several options for kefir diets, but not all of them are effective, and if you decide to lose weight using this diet, then you should choose the one that is ideal for you. After all, we are all different people, some have willpower, some don’t. Some people have 5 extra pounds, while others have 50 or more. Some people have a slow metabolism, some don't. In order to ensure that the time spent on the kefir diet is not wasted, and the extra pounds are gone, you should approach the choice of diet thoroughly. I will offer 5 of the most effective kefir diets, write about the features of each diet, as well as reviews of people who have tried this diet on themselves, but all you have to do is choose the ideal kefir diet for yourself. Before going on a kefir diet, do not forget to read the contraindications of this diet, which I will describe at the end of the article.

1. Kefir diet for 3 days

This diet is also called the express diet. As a rule, it is used before any significant day, if you urgently need to lose 3-4 kilograms. You will not be able to lose more than 3-4 kilograms of excess weight on this express diet. Well, you will still be able to fit into clothes of a smaller size.

Every day you are allowed to drink from 1 liter to 1.5 liters of fresh kefir, naturally without sugar. It is advisable to drink this amount in 5-6 doses, at regular intervals.

This diet is designed for people who have willpower, because not everyone can eat only kefir for 3 days. But after the diet, the volume of your stomach will decrease and you will eat less.

2. Diet on kefir with fruits

This diet, like the previous one, is designed for 3 days. Many people use it as a quick diet. With its help you can lose 2-3 kg. in 3 days. This is somewhat less than on the previous diet, but it is not so strict and much easier to follow.

Every day you are allowed to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of fresh low-fat kefir, of course without sugar. It is advisable to drink this amount in 5-6 doses, at regular intervals. Also during this diet you are allowed to eat fruits, everything except bananas, since bananas are very high in calories.

As a rule, this kefir diet is combined with apples, because the effect with apples is better than with other fruits. However, you can eat other fruits for variety. Many more use the menu of this kefir diet as a fasting day. You can lose up to 1 kilogram per day.

3. Kefir diet - fasting

This diet is used not only for weight loss, but also to cleanse the body after the holidays or a large and tasty feast. The advantage of this diet after a heavy meal is that it allows the body to rest after a feast, and also does not allow the habit of overeating to develop. But, as is already known, the main problem of obesity is overeating. Just one such fasting day on kefir is enough so that the food after the holiday does not affect your figure.

Breakfast: A glass of kefir and 1 slice of black rye bread.
Afternoon snack: 2 apples and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: Vegetable salad or sauerkraut.
Lunch: A glass of kefir and 1 apple.
Dinner: A piece of cheese and 2 apples.
For the night: A glass of kefir.

Staying on this diet is not easy, especially after a heavy meal. However, if you want to have a beautiful figure and lose excess weight, then such kefir fasting days must be arranged after all festive dinners and lunches. In general, it’s ideal if you eat this menu once a week. You will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse your body.

4. Diet on kefir and apples

This diet is designed for 1 week, during which time you will lose 5-9 kilograms. It all depends on your body, and the more excess weight you have, the more it will go away. It is not recommended to stay on this kefir diet for longer than 1 week, because it can negatively affect your health. In 1 week you will cleanse your body and lose a sufficient amount of kilograms.

The first 2 days of the diet: drink 1.5 liters of low-fat fresh kefir per day.
Second 2 days: eat 1.5 kilograms of apples per day.
Last 3 days: drink 1.5 liters of low-fat fresh kefir per day.

It is very difficult to stay on this diet and not break down; you will constantly want to eat, especially in the first 2 days. During this kefir diet, it is advisable to take multivitamins, because during the week the food will be monotonous.

5. Diet on kefir and cottage cheese

This diet is often used as an express diet if you need to lose a few kilograms in a couple of days. The diet is designed for 2 days, after which you will lose 2-4 kilograms. The diet is quite difficult for people who do not have willpower, but patient people achieve good results even in a couple of days.

Day 1 of the diet (kefir): On this day it is allowed to drink from 1 liter to 1.5 liters of fresh kefir in 5-6 doses.
Day 2 of the diet (kefir-curd): On this day you can eat 300g of low-fat cottage cheese and drink 750 ml. kefir. These products must be divided into 5-6 doses.

This kefir diet is very effective because kefir and cottage cheese activate metabolism. The body begins to spend energy more actively and begins to lose weight.

Contraindications for the kefir diet:

Like any diet, the kefir diet has contraindications. Before you go on a diet, read the list of diseases for which a kefir diet is contraindicated. After all, the most important thing for a person is health and it’s not worth risking it for the sake of beauty; it’s better to choose the diet that’s right for you. The kefir diet is not suitable for you if:
- you have high cholesterol
- you have kidney stones
- you have high stomach acidity or gastritis
- you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer

Kefir diet - reviews

Review 1“Using a 3-day kefir diet, I lost 4 kilograms and wore my favorite dress for MCH’s birthday. It’s difficult, of course, to endure, but when you have a goal, then anything is possible.”
Review 2“I love fruits, so the diet on kefir with fruits was easy for me without any problems or feelings of hunger. As a result, I lost 2 kilograms in 3 days.”
Review 3“After a fasting diet on kefir, I feel like fluff, my body feels very light. I have been suffering from the problem of excess weight for more than 5 years; if I eat something wrong, then the extra kilos immediately come out. I save myself by fasting on kefir, if I allow myself to eat something forbidden, then a day of fasting diet and everything is ok.”
Review 4“I lost 7 kilograms in a week on a diet of kefir and apples, and additionally went to water aerobics in the pool. I felt disgusting and I constantly wanted to eat, but I set a goal to lose 20 kilograms, and thanks to this diet I achieved the first 7.”
Review 5“I use the kefir and cottage cheese diet systematically; even my doctor prescribed it to me during pregnancy. With its help, I lose 1-2 kilograms in 2 days, the most interesting thing is that my stomach goes away. That’s why this diet is great before the holiday.”

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