What business to open during a crisis. Business in crisis is not fantasy, but objective reality

Alternative lending methods, especially against the backdrop of the Central Bank’s recent increase in the key rate, are now more relevant than ever. Traditional banks have many disadvantages, for example, high loan rates, non-transparent pricing, and the desire to work only with large borrowers. The emerging peer-to-peer lending model is helping to solve some of these problems. The niche leader, Lending Club, launched its IPO with incredible success in December; the company’s capitalization now stands at more than $9 billion. Lending Club allows you to borrow money from ordinary people; the platform itself makes money from commissions for organizing transactions and does not bear credit risks.

The process looks like this: the borrower fills out a form on the website, indicating his personal data and the desired loan size, then Lending Club evaluates his creditworthiness and assigns him a credit rating. The level of interest rate depends on the rating (from 6%). Loans are issued for periods of three and five years. Lenders review the list of applications and select the one with whom they are willing to cooperate. At the same time, they have the right to determine for themselves the amount of funds they are willing to allocate. Therefore, a borrower often has several lenders at once. Since its founding, more than $6 billion in loans have been issued through the platform, and the company's revenue for 2014 amounted to more than $150 million. In Russia, Lending Club has several analogues with slightly different models: Vdolg.ru, Credberry, Loanberry, Fingooroo.

Selling old phones

The average lifespan of a phone is 18 months. What subjectively becomes rubbish for us, which gathers dust in a desk drawer for a long time, for some continues to have a certain value. Sprint collects used phones for those who are interested in them. There are a lot of options. Firstly, there is India and Africa, where the second-hand equipment market is thriving. Secondly, these are industries that require valuable metals that are used in the manufacture of telephones. Third, it's Sprint's own store. Restoring a phone to its original appearance requires much less money and effort than producing a new one. Often you just need to update the scratched case and change the battery - and the phone looks like new. The client brings a phone he no longer needs to the Sprint office, and a company employee, assessing the condition of the gadget, calculates how much he can get for it from the partner company. He gives a percentage of this amount to the owner of the phone.

A seat at the dinner table

A crisis is not the best time to go to restaurants: you have to overpay for too much. The waiters are arrogant, the music is stupid, there are strangers around, the food is pretentious and cooked without soul. Overall - uncomfortable and expensive.

The SupperKing app aims to do for restaurants what Airbnb did for hotels. SupperKing allows well-cooked hostesses to capitalize on their talents. Thanks to the application, anyone can invite additional guests to dinner, thus creating an inexpensive home restaurant. Guests come, eat, meet the owners, and then can rate this mini-restaurant. If you're afraid to invite strangers over, you can simply prepare food to go. A great way to earn a little extra money from your cooking.

Taxi with fellow travelers

The idea of ​​sharing resources has been in the air since past times of crisis. If the car sharing system (renting out your car for a short time), offered by companies such as Getaround, RelayRides and JustShareIt, seems too extreme for Russia, then the idea of ​​giving a ride to someone who is on the same road with you sounds more familiar. For such car enthusiasts, the services SideCar and BlaBlaCar were invented. The first one can be used while traveling around the city, the second one can be used for traveling. Both services allow you to set a price for a trip and find travel companions willing to pay. Relatively speaking, the driver temporarily turns his car into a taxi. If he often travels along a certain route, he can take regular travel companions, thereby reducing his spending on gasoline. Applications allow you to divide expenses between several travel companions, so that for them the cost of the trip is reduced significantly.

All books at once

For lovers of reading, the crisis is a dark era when buying ordinary printed books for 500 rubles turns out to be too expensive. For those who plan to read as much as before, but for less money, there are libraries and electronic subscription services. The most successful are Russian Bookmate, foreign Oyster and Scribd. They differ from each other in the cost of subscription, the database of books, and the quality of recommendation services. More than $38 million has already been invested in Scribd, and $31 million in Oyster. This year, Apple bought the book recommendation platform BookLamp. Experts consider this a sign that the company is working on its own subscription service.

Dinner for the week

Subscription services are suitable for times of crisis because they allow you to plan your expenses. It’s nice to know that you’ll spend exactly 150 rubles a month on books. It would be great to plan other expenses as well. For example, for shopaholics there is

Business is going through hard times during the crisis. A sharp drop in income leads to a decrease in consumer activity of the population. The crisis is merciless to all types of business, but the sector of secondary goods and services is the first to lose profitability. When your income is only enough to pay for utilities and food, the desire to spend money on entertainment suddenly disappears. On the other hand, during a crisis new market segments open up. It is necessary to catch fluctuations in consumer sentiment in time and fill the opened niche.

Features of starting a business in times of crisis

In addition to the difficulties, during a crisis, a new businessman also has some advantages. Firstly, a sharp drop in income among competitors who were unable to adapt to new conditions leads to the emergence of free space in certain market segments.

Secondly, as a result of a general reduction in prices, the costs of starting a business are significantly reduced. Thirdly, new goods and services that are better adapted to crisis conditions are gaining popularity. For example, the production of affordable food, or essential goods that can be produced at lower costs. And fourthly, as a result of mass layoffs, qualified specialists who urgently need work are left without work.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise starting a business during a crisis with minimal borrowing. High risks reduce the attractiveness of even very profitable projects. Another feature of business in difficult times is increased pressure from the state.

A sharp decline in treasury revenues forces officials to look for additional opportunities to replenish the state budget. Particular attention should also be paid to legal issues. You should not rely on the honesty of your partners, because financial hunger often pushes people to dishonest acts. Contracts must contain clauses with clear and precise wording.

Market segments that stagnate during the crisis

The businesses that suffer the most from the crisis are those focused on the production of goods and the provision of services that begin to interest customers only after basic needs have been satisfied. The most common losses from the crisis are:

  • cinemas;
  • manufacturers of confectionery, meat, dairy, alcohol and other products;
  • distributors of sports equipment and nutrition;
  • fishing markets and pet stores;
  • manufacturers of various equipment;
  • various entertainment venues;
  • construction companies;
  • manufacturers of building materials.

Large enterprises are suffering the most from the crisis. Even minor downtime can lead to large debts, which, if production rates remain low, will be impossible to pay off.

Market segments not affected by the crisis

Some services and goods, despite the decline in consumer activity, remain consistently popular. As a rule, this is the production of low-cost and essential food products (for example, baking bread), inexpensive textiles, hygiene products, car repairs and farming.

In addition to the above areas, such areas of business as:

  • network marketing;
  • educational courses;
  • design services;
  • production of original art objects.

Small businesses are the easiest to adapt to the economic crisis. The ability to freely reduce and expand production capacity is key to survival and prosperity.

Current ideas for business during a crisis

Small businesses are the easiest to adapt to constantly changing market conditions. Some goods and services gain additional popularity during a crisis.

Business without investment

The implementation of some ideas does not require financial costs. Using tools available to everyone, you can create complex and sought-after products without the use of any material material. Information technologies open up vast opportunities for creating useful goods and services.

YouTube channel

A video blog on YouTube allows you to convert your own creativity into real money. Earnings come from advertising, but you can receive a stable income only if you have a large number of subscribers and views. The main difficulty in such a business is the correct choice of channel topics and attracting the attention of the audience. As a rule, charismatic bloggers become YouTube stars. If you have 100,000 followers, you can expect to earn $1,000 per month.

Website layout

Despite the crisis, the relevance of this type of service will only increase in the near future. Large IT companies charge decent money for their services, but for small businesses such an information product is, firstly, too expensive, and secondly, unreasonably functional. Layout of business card websites for private entrepreneurs can bring good income. Salaries of IT freelancers can reach $1.5-2 thousand per month.

Article writing

Business with minimal investment

There are many small business options that don't require a huge financial outlay but have excellent ROI.

Selling second hand

In the context of a sharp deficit in the family budget of the majority of the country's citizens, second-hand goods are of particular relevance. Inexpensive foreign-made clothing allows you to look stylish even with relatively low earnings. To open a business, you need to rent a premises, carry out repairs on it and establish contacts with a supplier. Start-up costs for a small store can range from 200 to 300 thousand rubles. In just a few months, you can fully recoup your initial investment.

Production of designer items

When you don’t have enough money for an expensive gift, you can replace it with original designer items. The production of beautiful ikebanas, gingerbread cookies, mugs, pictures, vases and other decorative products will allow you to earn a decent income by selling your creativity without any special expenses.

Service business

Some services lose their popularity a little during a crisis, but their profitability still remains high.

To open your own auto repair shop, it is enough to have a garage space and standard plumbing tools. The auto repair shop can carry out repair work, replace tires and tune cars. For repairs in a garage, it is necessary to install a special recess in the floor. The costs of opening such a business can range from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. Despite the crisis, the popularity of car repair services does not fall.

Accounts on social networks gradually become the information face of their owner, so high-quality content directly affects the image. Thanks to the growing popularity of social networks, professional photographers have additional opportunities to earn money.

High-quality sweatshirts and portfolios for aspiring models, in addition to traditional accompaniment to weddings and special events, have become an excellent option for starting their own business. Photography and image processing skills will allow you to earn from $300 to $1000 per month. You can find out how to make money from photographs on the Internet here -

Concerts for weddings

Despite the crisis, every wedding is accompanied by live music. By organizing a small ensemble you can make great money at several weddings a month. Earnings, depending on the level of the event, can range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

How to properly develop an existing business in crisis conditions

To prevent the crisis from ruining the implemented business project, it is necessary to reconsider its development strategy. Models that were effective in pre-crisis times lose their relevance in conditions of a sharp decline in household incomes. Before the negative consequences of the crisis begin to affect business, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Close investment projects.
  2. Reduce some staff.
  3. Close business development projects.
  4. Conduct general cost optimization.
  5. Reduce the salary and bonus fund.
  6. Sell ​​non-core assets of the company.
  7. Close unprofitable areas of production.
  8. Develop a new strategy for doing business in a crisis.

It is necessary to approach management decisions carefully, which is why managers of large enterprises hire anti-crisis managers.

Let's sum it up

An economic crisis is, first of all, a time of fundamental change. Skillful asset management and the ability to adequately assess the market situation will be an excellent help for successful business activities even in the most difficult times.

How to open a business during a crisis - the opinion of a professional business coach

Everyone is familiar with the word crisis.

The risk of depreciation of everything accumulated frightens ordinary people.

It would seem that then what can be said about entrepreneurs.

The danger of investing money in a period when not today or tomorrow everything could collapse stops many.

And this is a rational fear, rather even caution.

But, as we know, only those who are not afraid to take risks achieve success.

Therefore, it is worth putting aside the prejudice that business in crisis– this is something that should not be considered.

Contrary to this popular belief, even a beginner can implement some business ideas that will successfully exist in a crisis.

The main thing is to rely on services and goods that are in demand and accessible to the population (whose pockets have become significantly thinner).

You can study a selection of the best ideas below, after delving into the theory under which a business operates in a crisis.

Many companies really have to “curb their appetite” or stop work altogether, fire employees, or sell off assets.

At the same time, especially favorable conditions unfold for others, which allow them to successfully start and gain momentum.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in modern Russian realities one can say that the crisis has become something absolutely familiar.

Now entrepreneurs are not just thinking about a plan of action in the event of a crisis, many are starting from this particular economic situation!

In any case, the business sector is fraught with many risks.

It is better to get to know the enemy “in person” as much as possible in order to minimize losses.

Business during a crisis: 4 rules for success

A profitable business in a crisis means no losses.

An entrepreneur must do everything possible to move the business as far as possible from the brink of bankruptcy.

The main key to success is a careful and calm approach, as well as reducing any third-party expenses.

There are still some ideas that will allow you to maintain profitability at the level.

1) Anti-crisis business: just forward!

The business will exist as long as it develops.

The crisis undoubtedly ruins many plans.

But it should not hinder the development of the company.

Management just needs to show flexibility and be able to adapt to new circumstances.

Then we can talk about such an important factor as liquidity.

2) The importance of liquidity in times of crisis

The liquidity indicator of a company in times of crisis is more relevant than ever.

Remember those troubled times when, during the 2008-09 crisis, construction was frozen due to a lack of funding for these projects.

The lack of the required level of liquidity is the highest risk that affects the existence and functioning of an enterprise in changed conditions.

To maintain the desired indicator, it is important not to stop the development of the enterprise.

Let the slightest steps be taken, but still in the direction of new ideas, methods, experiments.

3) Start experimenting

Types of business are different, but business as a system remains the same, regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets.
Peter Drucker

For many this will sound completely unexpected.

How can you organize experiments when, due to a crisis, even the calm daily existence of a business is under threat?

However, times of crisis are an excellent opportunity to implement new ideas.

If you do not want to change the direction of movement radically, you can take a closer look at adjacent directions.

Writing it is a separate science.

But it is worth highlighting the following points in particular detail:

  • a deep and detailed analysis of the current situation on the market, which should also include a forecast for the development of the sector;
  • it is also worth assessing all possible risks and providing ways to minimize them, which will add confidence in your abilities and become a “guide” in the event of difficult circumstances;
  • potential development options and how much money they will require also need to be assessed at the time of creating a business plan.

The funds that you could use to start developing an enterprise under normal circumstances can be used as a powerful launching pad in the event of a crisis.

After all, if an undertaking is obviously unprofitable, it is better to declare the company bankrupt and avoid unnecessary waste of money and time.

9 business ideas for business beginners during a crisis

What business should you start during a crisis if you do not yet have experience in entrepreneurship?

It is believed that keeping a company afloat at such a time is difficult even for experienced workers, and opening one is completely stupid. But there are certain areas that are either independent of changing conditions, or, on the contrary, function more profitably in such conditions.

In times of crisis, when investing becomes too risky and finances are slipping through their fingers, many people need advice from a specialist who will help regain control over the situation.

If you have a financial education and work experience, the business of providing advice to the public will be especially in demand.

2. Home staging.

This word, unfamiliar to many, hides a rather simple explanation.

Experts in this field are those people who help give a favorable image to real estate for its successful sale, which will be as profitable as possible.

If you have ever rented an apartment, you know that many realtors display some decorative or household items for photographs to make the shots more attractive.

Home staging is something similar, but on a much more impressive scale.

Specialists carry out furniture rearrangement, design planning, and engage in various types of landscape work.

This is a relevant business during a crisis, because it is the sale of real estate that suffers greatly from the lack of clients in such conditions. You can attract people this way, and many actively use it.

3. Repair of equipment and cars.

Another potentially successful business in a crisis is repairing household appliances or cars.

When people have financial difficulties, buying new equipment and vehicles is rarely possible. But without these items, a comfortable life is simply impossible.

Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the path will most likely be to a repair service, and not to a household appliance store or car dealership.

Thanks to this, you can open a business that will definitely be in demand.

You can attract new customers in inexpensive ways - advertising through the Internet, social networks, newspapers.

In the automotive sector, there is an interesting idea for future entrepreneurs.

You can buy one of the failed car stores (and in times of crisis there are many of them).

And on this “base” open a workshop, sell available spare parts and provide maintenance services.

4. Cosmetic sector.

But the idea of ​​starting your own business in the beauty industry will be especially welcomed by girls.

Even in the darkest times, the fair sex continues to take care of itself, pamper itself with small gifts, and become more and more beautiful. And all thanks to the purchased cosmetics, care products, and perfumes.

Thanks to this, you can find a job even without starting capital and in times of crisis.

For example, thanks to sales of products from network marketing companies (Oriflame, Avon).

From a small part-time job, with due diligence, everything can develop into a serious business.

5. .

What kind of business should you open during a crisis, given that the population has much less money?

An idea worth considering is how to open a store with especially low prices.

Since the advent of various second-hand stores and the Fix Price network, their popularity has only been growing. And even more so in a crisis.

Therefore, this business option will definitely be in demand.


Whatever the external factors, people will always need these products.

And if the pharmaceutical sector is an idea exclusively for entrepreneurs with large capital, then even a novice entrepreneur can open a grocery store.

The only factor that needs to be taken into account when implementing this business idea during a crisis is a decrease in purchasing power.

People cannot afford to buy expensive products.

But at the same time, they do not always want to purchase only low-quality goods.

We need to rely on this, and focus mainly on pensioners and families.

7. A profitable business in a crisis is work under government orders.

If you decide to look for ideas for business during the crisis of 98-99, you will notice that enterprises working under government orders turned out to be especially resilient. This trend remains relevant today.

Road repair and construction, geological exploration, housing and communal services - all this is worthy of attention and has great potential for development.

But not everyone has the opportunity to invest the necessary funds in this direction.

In this case, it is worth considering purchasing shares of various state-owned enterprises.

It is also possible to implement the idea of ​​purchasing a business in related sectors (building materials, machinery, various equipment).

8. The best business in a crisis is security companies and safes.

People are obsessed not only with how to make money and save money. But also the issue of preserving their capital during a crisis.

This makes the business of security systems and the production of safes particularly relevant. After all, trust in banks is falling, which means that the majority prefer to keep their money at home.

This area of ​​entrepreneurship is not only surviving the crisis, but has even gained significant momentum.

Affording to start a business producing security equipment for a beginner or medium-sized entrepreneur often turns out to be unfeasible.

But the corresponding direction in trade is accessible and promising.

It is difficult to predict the future path of development of the industry.

According to experts, in the worst case, revenue will continue to remain at the same level.

9. Current business during a crisis – lawyers and debt collectors.

Another option for what kind of business to start during a crisis is to organize services for “knocking out” debts.

Not all businesses stop paying their debts because they have no funds.

Many simply use the crisis as an excuse not to pay.

This makes collection services especially in demand in times of crisis.

Sometimes even “dirty” methods of collecting debt funds can be used.

But in this area you can achieve great success and profit with legal activities.

Another interesting idea for a business during a crisis

presented in the video:

The options above are just a few of the ideas what business to open in a crisis.

Anything is possible if you maintain clarity of mind, do not succumb to general panic, and know how to turn existing conditions to your advantage.

It is also worth considering the fact that costs should become more careful.

Analyze all planned expenses for their importance and be more attentive to hiring.

Many specialists lost their jobs due to the crisis, which is why their level of requirements has dropped significantly.

If you take the necessary precautions, your business will survive and even grow.

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While the dollar is having a great time riding a crazy roller coaster, our country is stuck in a state of weightlessness. The next crisis gave us a powerful slap in the face; against the backdrop of a general rise in prices, we are trying to save as much as we can and not plan new business projects. But for some people most affected by the crisis, who have lost their jobs or homes, the only way to make money is to start their own business. Opening a business during a crisis seems quite risky, but even here you can minimize the risk and develop a competent plan based on a potentially winning idea. Let's talk about what business can be profitable in these difficult times and what business is better to start during a crisis.

Business in crisis: where to start?

First of all, don't panic! A business can be opened in any conditions. All you need is start-up capital and ideas for business during a crisis. You can also find many options that do not require large starting capital. All that is required of you is just a goal, a desire to achieve it and experience, skills and knowledge in the business you are going to do.

In fact, there are several time-tested business ideas that work quite well in a stagnant economy. These ideas will allow you to start a business and carry out your business activities, even when all circumstances indicate that the volumes of all markets are only falling.

Let's talk about a few ideas that are worth thinking about over a cup of morning coffee.

Business at home during a crisis

You have hundreds of options for making money at home. Just use your creativity and mind, think! Let's say you can get into manufacturing. So! Precisely by production! It's easy to start at home.

For example, you can make:

  • Toys and then sold on the market;
  • Jams, pickles, marmalade, jams;
  • Bake cakes, pastries and cupcakes that are fashionable today (a very good idea!);
  • Candy stand;
  • Bouquets of fruits, and the like.

Of course, production is not the only area. There are thousands of options. Here are the most interesting and extraordinary of them:

  • Create your own blog and make money from advertising;
  • Create a website and get paid for advertising again;
  • Upload videos to YouTube and earn income from advertising;
  • Open your own courses in business, accounting, psychology, meditation, learning English, etc. - start teaching people on Skype what you are an expert in.

Just sit down now and think about what you do best and how you can make money.

  • You can provide various services to the population, such as “Husband for an hour”, equipment repair services, and the like;
  • Clean apartments;
  • Caring for pensioners;
  • Open your own hostel, because during the crisis people will save on hotels.
  • Rent apartments, a room in an apartment, etc.

In cities, first we analyze the market, discard all the pros and cons, weigh, calculate and begin to implement any business ideas. If the city is small, keep in mind that not all goods and services are in demand. Before starting your business, analyze the market yourself, or contact a marketer who will analyze the market, supply and demand. Then you will understand what kind of business you can start during a crisis in the city.

You can’t even imagine what opportunities the village provides for developing your own business. Yes, and there is nothing complicated here. According to statistics, 50% of metropolitan residents want to move outside the city, buy a plot of land in order to earn money from crops and livestock farming.

There are a lot of options for what kind of business to start during a crisis in a village, for example:

  • Grow greens for sale;
  • Grow raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes;
  • Grow oyster mushrooms in the basement;
  • Grow champignons;
  • Raise broilers;
  • Raise pigs;
  • Breed rabbits;
  • You can make honey.

And the list goes on ad infinitum. It may seem strange, but in fact, business ideas simply do not end in a crisis in the countryside!

Get a loan online
Bank Amount (rub.) Interest rate Borrower's age Design
before 300 000 from 19.9% ​​per annum from 18 to 70 years
from 10,000 to 1,000,000 from 10.9% per annum from 22 to 70 years
from 30,000 to 1,000,000 from 11% per annum from 21 to 75 years

before 1 000 000 from 16.99% per annum from 22 to 70 years
before 1 000 000 from 11.5% per annum from 25 to 68 years
before 1 300 000 from 11.99% per annum from 23 years old
before 3 000 000 from 9.99% per annum from 21 to 70 years
before 3 000 000 from 11.5% per annum from 21 to 70 years

It should also be mentioned that rural tourism is relevant in times of crisis. And all because people today do not want to spend large sums of money on holidays in Egypt or Turkey, but prefer inexpensive eco-tours. Residents of megacities dream about such a vacation all working year, who simply dream of getting away from people and noisy life during their vacation.

Women can make money from their hobbies and passions. That's the whole point. Let's look at the ratings of the most popular business area - hobby:

  • In the first place are design services. You can start sewing clothes, making jewelry, toys, embroidery, and much more.
  • Freelancing is firmly in second place. Now it is fashionable, popular and modern. Anyone can find freelance work. Do you know how to write beautiful essays, take photographs, and program? Another woman can start trading online. And we’re not just talking about the distribution of Oriflame and Avon products.
  • The third place is cooking, which we have already talked about. These are baked goods, marmalade, jams.

The Internet is the best answer to the question “what business to start during a crisis?” The Internet provides ample opportunities for earning money. You can promote services, products, promote other people's websites, groups on social networks, portals, forums.

Now let's look at other most promising, in our opinion, business areas during the crisis, grouping them by industry:

Massive products

During tough times, people stop thinking about iPads and other fancy gadgets. A person begins to worry only about how to fill his stomach and how to feed his family. Moreover, buyers try to make bulk purchases because it is cheaper and the food lasts for a longer period. If you want to organize your business in difficult conditions, then pay attention to selling products that are in greatest demand. Sell ​​in packs, carts, large boxes. Simply put, focus on wholesale sales, putting in the first place a slogan something like “Buy in bulk - you’ll last longer!”

Accounting services

Business owners who have stayed afloat begin to pay attention to their financial affairs during difficult times. Strange as it may seem, it is companies that provide accounting services in economically unfavorable times that feel quite free. Entrepreneurs hire experienced accountants to help them make responsible financial decisions that will help the company stay afloat.

A 2009 study found that during a recession, 80% of small business owners felt more confident knowing they had experienced accountants on hand to help solve any problems they might encounter.

Any business that saves small businesses money

In fact, any business that saves businesses money is a good idea, be it selling discounted printers, cheap office furniture, internet marketing or other cost-cutting items for companies. The main thing is to stay in the game and solve people's problems, which during a crisis take on completely different proportions.

Food industry

Following the logic from the first point, people also need to eat. The crisis will not affect your business if it is food production. And as you already understand, tough times call for tough measures: try changing your profile and investing in starting your own bakery. This business can bring in $2,000 a month or more. The most important thing in business is to choose the right niche, set the optimal price that will be available to every potential buyer. And, of course, you need to decide in which area of ​​the food business you will try your hand and start producing in your kitchen.

Car repair

Nowadays, most people cannot afford to buy a new, more expensive car, so they have to repair what they have and carry out technical inspections from time to time. This approach is very beneficial to owners and workers of auto repair shops, especially at this time of year.

Jewelry business

Oddly enough, the jewelry business is thriving in these difficult times. People, fearing to lose their savings and trying to make a profitable investment, buy jewelry. This, in their opinion, is a more profitable alternative to bank deposits, which were withdrawn urgently. According to experts, the biggest benefit from such increased demand will not be consumers who hope to protect their savings from depreciation in the future, but owners of jewelry stores who are increasing their fortunes now.

Security business

Manufacturers and sellers of safes, as well as various security systems, are also successful, despite the crisis. Again, the fear of losing what you have accumulated creates the need to store your money somewhere. As a rule, people do not take their savings outside their home. Here there is considerable interest in security systems and safes.

But before you start your business in a crisis, try to answer the question: “What do people want in a crisis?” And “What will they give their last money for?” If you know the answers, you can safely start implementing your business ideas.

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