Which horoscope signs are compatible? Compatibility horoscope by date of birth

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage. A complete list of all Zodiac Signs.
Find out how suitable you are for each other according to your zodiac sign. Every woman dreams of finding a man with whom she could create a strong and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that this is the chosen one whom we have been waiting for all our lives, but after a while we realize that we were mistaken.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to break up with a man if he is not suitable according to your horoscope. It’s enough just to find out what problems may arise in a marriage with this man, and be prepared for them.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage by year is a great thing! With the right approach, it helps to get around many sharp corners in relationships. Do we want this? Undoubtedly! So let's ask the stars how we should behave with a spouse who is a representative of one or another zodiac sign. So…

Compatibility of Zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Aries Woman

With an Aries man, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, the wife should be more compliant. Marriage with a Taurus man is also difficult - Taurus is pragmatic, and this is annoying.

An alliance with Gemini can be very successful. Both are tireless, inquisitive, active and able to complement each other. A relationship with a Cancer man promises initially powerful sexual attraction, and then quarrels over trifles. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the union.

A marriage with a Leo husband will be successful if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.

The Virgo spouse is also a very suitable match. You just need to forgive him for his restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with Libra, with their tendency to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along - you will have to live up to your husband’s ideal.

The Scorpio spouse is so independent that if he is not given freedom, this can lead to serious disagreements.

The Aries-Sagittarius union promises to be quite good if you approach conflicts with humor. Aries and Capricorn will also get along, as soon as the wife awakens a strong libido in her restrained husband.

You need to be very tactful with your Aquarius husband, and then the connection with him will be excellent. The Aries-Pisces union is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Taurus Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. The union of Taurus with Aries is successful only when the wife does not cool her husband’s enthusiasm and forgives him for rare infidelities. The connection between Taurus and Taurus is ambiguous - Taurus men love to pursue women.

If the wife does not attach any importance to this, the connection will become strong and pleasant. Marriage with a Gemini husband is difficult.

Gemini is dualistic and changeable, and Taurus, who is prone to constancy, finds it difficult to constantly adapt to his half. Taurus can have a successful marriage with Cancer if the physical side of it satisfies both.

The Taurus wife will have to constantly please the Leo husband. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. There won’t be any special problems with a Virgo man if you don’t pay attention to your spouse’s puritanism. A good marriage is also with a Libra spouse, who will try to satisfy his wife in everything.

The relationship with a Scorpio husband promises to be stormy, and it will require tolerance. A Sagittarius man is a good option for an alliance, if you don’t try to put him on a short leash. Marriage with a Capricorn husband is unromantic, but stable, provided that Taurus curbs his stubbornness.

Life with an Aquarius man is problematic due to the difference in temperament. It will be difficult to cope with a Pisces husband if you do not tactfully help him in realizing his fantasies;

3. Gemini Woman

The union of Gemini and Aries has good prospects. The two of them are not bored. But with a Taurus man there is almost complete incompatibility in everything. Taurus are jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of Gemini, who will not tolerate this.

The Gemini-Gemini connection is unstable due to the impulsiveness of both. The combination of Gemini and Cancer is not very successful.

Cancer is trusting and will take Gemini seriously. Once he realizes that Gemini is playing, the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of a Gemini with a Leo man is simply an ideal option! The Leo husband will react to all his wife’s antics with admiration and will not interfere with her in anything.

Gemini and Virgo are unlikely to create a happy union. Virgo men are not adventurous and tend to criticize Gemini's unpredictability. With a Libra husband, the marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not possessive, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But Gemini will have a hard time with jealous Scorpio. The passion will quickly cool down and the relationship may become hostile.

A marriage with a Sagittarius husband is not bad if the spouses do not make excessive demands on each other. It is not easy to create a strong alliance with Capricorn, if you do not take into account his conservatism.

With an Aquarius husband, Gemini will be fine. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies, which Gemini loves so much. But relationships with a Pisces man are unstable due to an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust;

4. Cancer Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. Relationships with an Aries man are complex. Cancer is possessive, while Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer's jealousy can destroy a marriage. The marriage with Taurus is successful - Taurus is able to understand the mood of Cancer and smooth out the problems that arise because of it.

A good union with a Gemini husband is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. The Cancer spouse is too similar to his wife. A marriage is unlikely to be happy unless the partners become more friendly.

Cancer and Leo - a successful relationship, provided that Leo dominates, and Cancer constantly admires him. Cancer and Virgo have a good marriage, they understand and complement each other perfectly. Libra is difficult for Cancer to get along with due to Libra's fickle nature. The union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passion and need to protect.

The relationship with Sagittarius can be stable if you allow him to satisfy his desires for wandering. It is difficult for Cancer to find a common language with Capricorn - Capricorn has too many interests that are alien to Cancer. The union will be unstable.

Aquarians are too fussy, adventurous and do not suit the needs of Cancer. It is difficult for them to create a good partnership. Cancer and Pisces are a wonderful union. They suit each other perfectly in everything;

5. Leo Woman

Aries is very suitable for Leo for marriage - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage Leo Taurus is questionable, because both are too stubborn. Leo will have an excellent relationship with Gemini if ​​Gemini is courteous and allows Leo to dominate the union.

The prognosis for the connection between Leo and Cancer is favorable when Cancer loves Leo very much and worships him. The Leo man is able to make his lioness happy. They are both extremely romantic and sexy. Leo will have a hard time with her Virgo husband.

Virgos are conservative and do not like the royal authority and extravagance of Leo.

Leos can get along well with Libra if they learn to control their mood and admire their partner. It won't be easy with Scorpio because of Scorpio's possessive tendencies. A Sagittarius husband is an excellent option for Leo. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will make a good match only if Leo gives in to some of his demands and becomes less extravagant. The marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

The Aquarius analyst undermines Leo's self-confidence. The union of Leo and Pisces is also unsuccessful. They just don't understand each other;

6. Virgo Woman

Aries is an unsuitable match due to the difference in interests and temperaments. Virgo will be happy with Taurus, since they are completely compatible in almost all areas of life.

An alliance with Gemini is successful only in sexual matters. Otherwise, freedom-loving Gemini annoys Virgo. The connection between Virgo and Cancer will be magnificent. Virgo wants to take care, Cancer is prone to dependence.

Virgo is unlikely to come to an understanding with Leo. Virgo is pragmatic, while Leo is expansive and does not tolerate criticism. An alliance with a Virgo man is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

Communication with Libra is not easy. Libra, who allows frivolity, and Virgo, who is intolerant of it, have little in common. The union with a Scorpio husband will be successful if Virgo allows him to awaken his sexuality.

Sagittarius is not a suitable candidate for a husband for Virgo. He will not tolerate Virgo’s prudence both in life and in sex. The marriage of Virgo and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They are both practical, reserved and have a lot of common ground. Virgo is better off not messing with Aquarius.

Virgo is a puritan, Aquarius is a madman. The union with Pisces is also complicated - Virgo is restrained in love, and for Pisces love is the main thing in life;

7. Libra Woman

The relationship with Aries is tense. Aries is tireless, and Libra craves peace. A marriage with a Taurus is unlikely to be successful. Libra is romantic, Taurus is possessive and materialistic. The partnership with Gemini is ideal. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage to Cancer is difficult. Libra is impulsive and fickle, Cancer is pragmatic and economical.

The union with Leo is warm if Libra is inferior to the domineering Leo. The mercantile dictators of Virgo are unlikely to make their Libra wife happy. She will get along well with her Libra husband if both take a more practical approach to life.

Scorpio leaders are too jealous for Libra. The relationship can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Sagittarius, Libra is happy if they forgive his desire for independence.

An alliance with a Capricorn spouse is very unfortunate, because the workaholic Capricorn is irritated by Libra’s laziness, and Libra cannot stand Capricorn’s practicality. The union with Aquarius is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife both at home and in bed. It will not be easy for Libra to live with Pisces. None of them will want to take responsibility for the family;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. Relations with Aries are uneven due to the selfishness and ambition of both. Scorpio can only be united with Taurus by bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to an understanding.

Gemini for Scorpio is constant tension. Geminis are too changeable, Scorpios are persistent and stubborn. They can create a wonderful union with Cancer. With him there is almost complete compatibility both in sexual relationships and in character.

It is better not to mess with Leo Scorpio. They are both very hot-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With Virgo, Scorpios face incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If it is not there, the union will turn out to be good.

The marriage of Scorpio with Libra is complicated. Libra is lazy and sensitive, Scorpio is active and jealous. The union of Scorpio with Scorpio is also unsuccessful due to the almost complete similarity of difficult characters.

The connection between Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom-loving, Scorpio is possessive. Scorpio will easily find a common language with Capricorn, and the marriage will be harmonious.

The union with Aquarius is unsuccessful. Scorpio will not be able to accept his sociability and impracticality. A good marriage between Scorpio and Pisces. They will gladly obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius Woman

Has many common interests with Aries. The marriage will be excellent. A good relationship with Taurus will require self-discipline. Taurus is a practical homebody, Sagittarius is restless.

Geminis are too active and unpredictable. Serious connection is problematic. The union of Scorpio with Cancer is also unreliable. Cancer loves stability and security, Sagittarius is adventurous and craves adventure.

Leo is the ideal partner for Sagittarius. They have a lot in common, which allows them to understand each other perfectly.

The connection with Virgo is fragile. Pedantic Virgos cannot stand the recklessness of Sagittarius. But the Libra husband suits Virgo’s practicality and even really likes it.

An alliance with Libra is promising and will be long and happy. The Sagittarius wife will irritate Scorpios all the time with her independence.

The marriage between them is not easy. The Sagittarius-Sagittarius relationship is unpredictable due to the similarity of natures. The union of Sagittarius with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius is impulsive and irrational, Capricorn is cautious and tight-fisted.

Sagittarius and Aquarius will understand each other perfectly, as they have similar characters. A good family for Sagittarius and Pisces is doubtful. Pisces are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. She will compete with Aries in everything. The marriage will be successful if both enjoy fighting.

Relationships with Taurus will work out perfectly due to the similarity of life values. Gemini and Capricorn are opposites.

The union is unlikely to last long. The connection between Capricorn and Cancer may also be short-lived - they are too different. Leo is also an unimportant partner for Capricorn. Both are too independent.

Capricorn and Virgo will have a strong union. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and careful. Communication with Libra is not easy.

Libra is selfish and unable to satisfy Capricorn's needs. The marriage of Capricorn and Scorpio is successful. Capricorn is able to accept Scorpio's tendency to dominate.

The union with Sagittarius is difficult due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. The Capricorn to Capricorn connection is satisfying. Both are hardworking and thrifty.

A marriage with Aquarius is successful if friendly relations are established between the spouses. Capricorn's connection with Pisces is great. They complement each other perfectly;

11. Aquarius Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. With Aries, if he becomes a leader, the union is excellent. Aquarius has constant clashes with Taurus - both are uncompromising and have a strong will. The marriage of Aquarius with Gemini is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly gives in to Aquarius and shares their interests. An alliance with Cancer is problematic due to Cancer's excessive emotionality. Relationships with Leo are complicated.

Leo is more interested in their physical side, Aquarius is more interested in the spiritual side. A good marriage with Virgo is possible only if there are common interests.

With Libra, the relationship will be happy. Aquarius and Libra have similar aspirations. Marriage with a Scorpio is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, which is difficult for Aquarius to put up with.

Aquarius and Sagittarius have an excellent partnership. Both are not jealous, they like to fantasize and be in society.

The union with Capricorn is contradictory. Capricorn is possessive; it is difficult for him to endure the sociability of Aquarius. A marriage between Aquarius and Aquarius will be reliable - they have a lot of common interests. Aquarius has a fragile connection with Pisces due to the difference in goals;

12. Pisces Woman

Compatibility of Zodiac signs. She is happy with Aries if she does not attach importance to his harshness. Marriage with Taurus is successful when he pays a lot of attention to his wife. Pisces will also get along with Gemini if ​​both become less self-centered.

Pisces and Cancer with the leading role of Cancer are a good couple. The union of Pisces and Leo will be difficult. Pisces are secretive and sentimental, which irritates the intemperate Leo.

The connection between Pisces and Virgo is not easy. Virgos are practical and picky, which hurts the overly sensitive Pisces.

The union of Pisces and Libra is not very favorable. Pisces needs a leader, but Libra does not like to be a leader. In this regard, Pisces will be satisfied with Scorpios. They love to dominate the family.

An alliance with Sagittarius is undesirable. Lethargic Pisces burdens the independent and active Sagittarius. With a strong and powerful Capricorn, Pisces will feel protected.

The connection between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius will not be able to provide such support to Pisces, so marriage is problematic. The Pisces-Pisces couple, in the absence of a leader, faces emotional exhaustion and indifference.

It’s not customary to talk about this out loud, it’s only for you and him. The subtle energy of the planets controls your secret sexual desires. Find a partner who is perfectly compatible with your zodiac sign!

ARIES compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - ARIES

The fiery Aries girl demands, first of all, chivalrous behavior and worship from her chosen one.

  • Your energetic pressure will be perfectly withstood by an Aries just like you. It will be a tornado of fiery passions, a fireworks display of unforgettable impressions.
  • Libra's reasonable lover will be able to cool your ardor (which is also not bad) and will have a calming effect on your union. Soon you yourself will feel yourself drawn to him.
  • Cancers and Capricorns will completely fall under your influence and, enchanted by the heat of Fire, will voluntarily follow you to the ends of the earth.
  • Taurus and Pisces will create a relaxed atmosphere in the house. Not everything can burn, you need to be able to smolder quietly in anticipation of a hot night.
  • Give up your claims to a dominant role in an alliance with Leo or Sagittarius. A showdown can douse any flame, and then the passion will quickly fade away.

TAURUS Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - TAURUS

You are the owner of everything, including love. In a relationship, the main thing for you is decency and loyalty.

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius agree to voluntarily come under your subordination. Communication with Libra will bring harmonious love. Here respect is added to the passionate feeling.
  • Cancers and Pisces can ignite true passion in you. However, you will not find peace with them - you will always wait for the day when they “float away” from you forever.
  • It won't be easy for two Taurus. One of you will begin to “butt heads”, the second will prove his superiority. To maintain a relationship, you need to adapt to each other.
  • Relationships with a Virgo partner promise anxiety. It is difficult for you to tolerate his desire to lead. Capricorn's indecisiveness will throw you off balance. With him, be prepared for the fact that you will have to decide everything yourself.

Compatibility GEMINI


Compatibility Horoscope - GEMINI

With your eloquence, it doesn’t cost you anything to “talk” anyone. And then imperceptibly and charm him.

  • An alliance with Aries, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will be successful. They are able to listen to you for hours, admiring your speeches and receiving true pleasure from them.
  • Two Geminis are already a whole harem. You deserve each other - freedom-loving, flighty, fickle. Harmony is possible if you learn to listen to each other. A similar situation awaits you in alliance with Pisces. Here there is mutual understanding at the level of feelings, but it is very difficult to make reasonable decisions.
  • Love relationships with Libra and Aquarius are easy at first, but over time there is a risk of mutual claims. The skirmishes will be very stormy. Bed is not the place for showdowns and intellectual battles. Remember this, and your union will be strong.

CANCER compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - CANCER

Under the mask of impregnable coldness lies a volcano of passions. The Cancer girl is very sensual and sexy.

  • A good match for you is Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and especially Capricorn. With such a man you will always feel desired. He will not be afraid of the avalanche of feelings and manifestations of reverent care with which you invariably surround the object of your passion. By the way, it is your excessive affection that can really “strain” representatives of other signs.
  • Doubts haunt you: he loves you - he doesn’t like you, he likes you - he doesn’t like what you do. This may cause a break with Scorpio and Pisces. A marriage with an Aries and explosive Aquarius will most likely be short-lived. Excessive emotionality can extinguish passion.
  • Cancer is a great lover. But only. Unfortunately, this hot macho man will not be a good husband for you. Your ultimate goal in a relationship with a man is family.

LEO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - LEO

Leo is the central figure of the Zodiac. It is no coincidence that you feel like the center of attention all your life. You evaluate the situation and people according to one criterion - in relation to your person.

  • The Leo couple can only be described as brilliant. They will spend their whole lives demonstrating to others how strong their love is.
  • You will be drowning in compliments if you have an affair with Gemini, Libra, Taurus or Aquarius. These men understand how important external attention and gifts are for you. You will be the leader in such a tandem. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise your desire to dominate will lead to quarrels.
  • The fire of your element will be cooled over time by the cold Water of Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. Two other Fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, may be too active lovers for you. And their lack of restraint and causticity will serve as a reason for quarrels and conflicts.

VIRGO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - VIRGO

A woman born under the sign of Virgo is incredibly attractive and charming. Sex brings you pleasure, because the range of your sensations is incredibly rich.

  • Oh, what fiery love awaits you with Aries, Sagittarius or Gemini! A good and even emotional union will develop with Cancer and Scorpio; strong feelings are likely in an alliance with Pisces.
  • The easiest way for you to find a common language is with Virgo. True, one cannot expect strong passion in this novel. But both of you will be quite satisfied with an even, respectful relationship.
  • It is difficult for you to penetrate the inner world of Leo or Libra, and even more so to live for a long time with such a man - he will only irritate you. It is difficult to understand and accept Taurus or Capricorn as a partner, although you can divide spheres of influence, that is, agree in advance on the rules of your cohabitation. Then the relationship will last a long time.

SCALE Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - LIBRA

Not a day without love is the motto of Libra! There is love - there is an incentive to live.

  • True harmony awaits with Cancers and Capricorns. It is with representatives of these signs that a long, reliable marriage is possible for you. An alliance with Aries promises ardent passion. At first you are drawn to each other, and then, after a loud showdown, you run away. This is the case when apart it’s boring, but together it’s cramped. You are comfortable with Leo and Sagittarius - provided that you yourself want to maintain this relationship.
  • Gemini and Aquarius will not give you peace. You are interested in being together, but you constantly quarrel, so it’s better not to even hope for a long-term relationship. But a short-lived but passionate romance is quite possible.
  • Virgo and Scorpio are attractive, but inaccessible. And for the better. Stay away from them. A romance between representatives of these signs and a Libra girl is very rare.

SCORPIO Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - SCORPIO

You are very selective in your affections. You maintain friendly relations with many people, but you are friends only with a few.

  • Relationships with Taurus and Libra will work out well. You have the same sexual potential and common desires. Relationships can be complicated by mutual stubbornness. Leo and Aquarius will stroke your ego. It's nice to go out with them. In addition, their originality will give you a lot of unique sensations in bed.
  • A Pisces lover is not the best option for you. However, if you are more tactful and tolerant, Pisces will be a good match for you.
  • A meeting with Scorpio promises passionate love and no less passionate jealousy. Emotions run high and this greatly complicates relationships. Skirmishes are likely with Cancer. You act openly, while Cancer acts on the sly. And his touchiness can extinguish your desire.

Sagittarius Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - SAGITTARIUS

You are a tireless hunter, always on the move. Applicants for your favor must be prepared for unusual actions and exciting adventures.

  • Look for your other half among Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They are also active and temperamental. In bed you have complete harmony and mutual understanding.
  • You will find a common language with Virgos and Pisces. The latter can make a happy married couple with you if they overcome their natural melancholy and conservatism.
  • Sagittarius is a symbol of love of freedom. Anyone who tries to limit your freedom automatically becomes an enemy. More often than others, your independence will be encroached upon by Fiery Aries and Leos, pragmatic Taurus and Capricorns, as well as homebody Cancers. Of course, you can meet your love among them, but this will be a happy exception.

CAPRICORN Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - CAPRICORN

There is no more contradictory nature than Capricorn. You are sensual and amorous, but you are very strict with yourself and try to comply with all norms and decency.

  • The best match for you is Capricorn. This is one level of emotions, a similar perception of the world around us. You will easily come to an agreement with representatives of the Water element Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. And if you allow yourself to open up and not hide your feelings, a mind-blowing romance awaits you. You will get along well with Aries and Libra. With them you can experience true pleasure.
  • You develop passionate relationships with Gemini and Leo. Their ardor and readiness to easily break away do not give you peace and require exertion of strength. Their rhythm of life does not match yours, which you obviously don’t like. However, they are sexually attractive to you.
  • It won't be easy with Sagittarius and Aquarius. They see right through you and you feel uncomfortable.

AQUARIUS Compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - AQUARIUS

The image of Aquarius is deceptive - you are sociable and witty, but bed pleasures are not very important for you. You value a lively, exciting conversation much higher than any sex.

  • Leo and Aquarius are a brilliant couple that shines thanks to the brilliance of the former and the originality of the latter. You will also feel great when paired with Aries, Pisces and Sagittarius. A very erotic union and good prospects for marriage.
  • A strong mutual attraction will arise with Scorpio and Taurus. The first one will charge you with his emotionality, the second one will take on the role of a leader (which you don’t always like). But Libra, with whom communication is always easy, can disappoint in bed.
  • Love with Gemini and Capricorn most likely will not work out. After a certain time, quarrels will begin based on the struggle for leadership. No one will want to give in, and this will inevitably lead to the complete collapse of the relationship.

PISCES compatibility


Compatibility Horoscope - PISCES

As a romantic and slightly exalted nature, you are capable of imagining any feeling for yourself.

  • The ideal lover for you is Pisces. You both know very well how to give each other sexual pleasure. In an emotional union with Gemini and Sagittarius, all your talents will be revealed. In alliance with Aries and Aquarius, a real fireworks display of emotions awaits you. It will be an incredibly sensual connection.
  • It will be difficult for you with Taurus and Capricorn; emotionally, the relationship will not bring much pleasure. However, representatives of these signs can be good lovers. It doesn't always work out smoothly with Scorpio. His sexual potential is much higher than yours.
  • Problems may arise with Cancer and Virgo. You either attract or repel a man. Understanding what you really want is not easy. Be consistent in your words and actions, this will strengthen your relationship.

Often, when planning a long-term relationship, it becomes necessary to determine what kind of person is inside. In this case, the best solution would be to find out the date of birth and familiarize yourself with the necessary information about this zodiac sign.

An ideal relationship is one in which a man and a woman fit each other, and therefore understand. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, because we all have different temperaments and characters.

Very often people make the mistake of choosing a partner who is not suitable for them. Information about how people born at different times get along with each other will help to avoid this. The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs will help you get acquainted with the nature of relationships between different people and find a suitable partner.

Navigation by zodiac signs:

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but don’t delude yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. A small number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any Scorpio or Taurus by date of birth has its own unique code.

Just one zodiac sign is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific zodiac signs, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to draw up a compatibility horoscope on your own; the result is unable to cover all the variations in the relationships between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic character traits and help avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

When someone's paths cross, not many people can tell in advance how the nascent relationship will turn out. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and will soon want to unite their lives.

Will their marriage be happy and lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing a partner for a serious relationship is not only useful, but often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is this connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes and avoid difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and shared happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed. How many people have so many temperaments? One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relationships, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of your partner, even before the first intimacy takes place.
  • Marriage compatibility. A beautiful couple in love does not always become a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same as the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a specific person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another one of the most popular aspects of drawing up a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries, smart bosses, not wanting to get into trouble, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help to draw up a horoscope for each of their employees.

Of course, you shouldn’t take the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and rely solely on its advice when building relationships. It is not a panacea for solving problems and is not a final verdict about the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person.

When applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.


How do constellations affect the relationship between two people?

The direct character of a person depends on the influence of the elements, planets, and constellations. Moreover, it is formed from the moment of birth. A zodiac compatibility horoscope will help you figure out what your relationship will experience in the future and whether it is destined to continue.

A guy and a girl in love, after a “candy-bouquet” period filled with romance, at some point certainly decide to live together. But here it may turn out that they cannot get along at all. This is explained by the fact that young people simply do not match their zodiac signs.

The sign under which a person was born affects his attitude towards absolutely everyone:

  • to parents;
  • To friends;
  • to classmates;
  • to work colleagues;
  • and, of course, to the chosen one (or chosen one).

It is useful to have at least the slightest knowledge about the signs of the Zodiac and occasionally use the horoscope of compatibility of the signs.

There are special people involved in drawing up a detailed love horoscope, which will show how they can develop in the future. But no one is immune from quackery. Many modern astrologers are simple amateurs trying to extract as much money as possible from the customer.

Fortunately, today the Internet makes it possible to create (and very easily and quickly) a compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs for free. This option is available to anyone, and therefore is very popular.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and a woman is based on the similarity of their astrological passports.

It is she who determines whether two people will feel good together. “The ideal relationship” sounds nice, but it is a utopia, since such relationships do not exist. Even if there is complete mutual understanding, passion and love between you and your significant other now, this does not guarantee that at some point you will not start to quarrel and conflict.

  • It is worth saying that a person’s character depends both on the zodiac sign and on the specific date of his birth.
  • Although there are only twelve constellations, there are an infinite number of options for destinies and compatibility.
  • Each sign is a variety of characters.

This means that it is extremely difficult to write a horoscope of compatibility according to zodiac signs in love on your own, and to be more precise, it is completely impossible. But even a superficial forecast will allow you to avoid many conflicts when building romantic relationships.


Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage and love

Since ancient times, the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage has been of constant interest to humans. Falling in love is inspiring, but this is not enough to create a strong relationship, and even if so, it often turns out later that the partner is not at all what we imagined him to be.

Thus, knowledge of the zodiac characteristics is designed to save us from annoying mistakes and choose a happy future, which largely depends on the compatibility of partners in love.


The sign of the fire element, Aries, is suitable for the same fire signs, overflowing with energy, emotions and passion.

  • Aries and Aries. Their love is like a fire that burns everything in its path, since both partners are overly emotional, if not “explosive.” Because of this, a bright and ardent union cannot exist for long; it often turns out to be fragile.
  • Aries and Taurus. If Aries is active in love, then Taurus even shows practicality in his thoughts, which becomes the reason for their breakup. Although they are able to create a favorable love union if they make concessions to each other, and also show sensuality in an intimate way.
  • Aries and Gemini. They will make a strong tandem, since the partners have many common features - active and original, which has a positive effect on their intimate relationship. But in order to maintain love as long as possible, they sometimes need to take a break from each other, for example, going on vacation with friends.
  • Aries and Cancer. The love compatibility of these partners is based on mutual understanding, both in spiritual life and intimate life, however, the romance can end just as abruptly as it began, if it is not constantly supported by beautiful and sweet actions that both partners should perform.
  • Aries - Leo. These signs are very similar in temperament and character, which is why it seems that they are made for each other. But this is not at all true: both are domineering by nature, which negatively affects mutual understanding. However, even in such a trend, a compromise can be reached - the subordination of Leo to Aries.

  • Aries - Virgo. They are two opposites that attract each other with magnetic force. Lovers constantly quarrel, but immediately make up, and very passionately. Conflicts seem to bring them closer; without them, love is impossible.
  • Aries - Libra. The romantic compatibility of these signs is not only acceptable, but also similar to a fairy tale, in which Aries stops showing aggression, and Libra avoids “sharp corners.” If the partners do not get rid of these shortcomings, then their connection will gradually fade away.
  • Aries - Scorpio. For these signs, love is based on passion, so they spend a lot of time in bed to prove their feelings. However, they will not be able to build matters of the heart on intimacy alone - for ideal compatibility they also need spiritual harmony.
  • Aries - Sagittarius. This couple has excellent amorous compatibility - they are unable to overcome the passion that has arisen. This could go on forever, but after some time both begin to fight for their own independence - a frequent cause of conflicts and even separations.
  • Aries - Capricorn. The attraction of these signs is very low, since they have completely different temperaments and views on relationships. Capricorn prefers calm, and Aries prefers passion, moreover, in full view of everyone, which greatly irritates his passion.

  • Aries - Aquarius. They can be a harmonious couple, but on one condition: they immediately agree which of them is the boss and who plays the role of a subordinate. Their tender feelings depend on mutual respect for each other.
  • Aries - Pisces. The compatibility of these signs in love depends entirely on their physical attraction. If it is short, it will leave only pleasant memories, but if two people fall passionately in love, then forever.



An earth sign that personifies loyalty and reliability, going back to the ideal idea of ​​a life partner. In a woman of this sign one can detect a powerful nature, which is justified by the unshakability of family values.

  • Taurus – Taurus. Their relationship can hardly be called love, since Taurus does not know how to love romantically due to its down-to-earth nature. But at the same time, the compatibility of Taurus in love is quite high, but both will have to fight for it.
  • Taurus - Gemini. These two signs attract each other with great force; they just need to trust the fate that has brought them together and trust their passionate feelings. Not only a physical connection can arise between them, but also a mental one, but for this you need to make a little effort.
  • Taurus – Cancer. The coexistence of these signs can be called ideal, since they have a lot in common - thoughts, ideas and plans for the future. They will be able to build a strong alliance based on complete mutual understanding.
  • Taurus – Leo. In such a couple, love is passionate intimacy. They have no spiritual connection - everyone is trying to prove their leadership, which is why quarrels often arise. As a result, Taurus' patience runs out and the couple ceases to exist.
  • Taurus - Virgo. The compatibility of these signs is relatively high: both are realists who do not expect romance and passion. What is more important to them is the peace of mind that they feel when they are around. Their union can be called quite strong.

  • Taurus – Libra. These two are like a key and a lock, perfect for each other. Their love relationship is stable and strong, since both are of the opinion that feelings should be heard not only with the heart, but also with the mind.
  • Taurus – Scorpio. There will never be mutual understanding in this couple, since Taurus is a down-to-earth sign that expects from love, first of all, spiritual unity, and for Scorpio, physical attraction is more important. Because of this, conflicts arise between them, leading to separation.
  • Taurus – Sagittarius. Two jealous people who cannot calmly love each other without being plagued by suspicion. The love compatibility of these signs is quite low, so a strong Taurus + Sagittarius couple is a rarity; in a short time after meeting, they scatter in different directions.
  • Taurus – Capricorn. This union can exist, but under one condition, Capricorn must stop annoying Taurus with his nagging. It is very difficult for him to keep his emotions under control, so in an offended state, Taurus can put an end to the relationship.

  • Taurus - Aquarius. The romance of this couple will resemble a hurricane, demolishing everything in its path. Taurus will be busy remaking Aquarius, which is a rather futile task. As a result, disappointed, he will come to a decision - to break up. Aquarius won't mind.
  • Taurus – Pisces. The love compatibility of these signs is almost perfect - they will have no conflicts or claims against each other either in intimate terms or in their views on life. The only obstacle to creating a wonderful union is the jealousy of Taurus, so Pisces needs to be more careful in communicating with the opposite sex.



As an air sign, these people tend to be flighty and somewhat with their head in the clouds, so it will be difficult for them to find reciprocity with earth signs that require stability.

  • Gemini - Gemini. Love is possible in this couple, but it is quiet and calm - without the manifestation of violent emotions. Partners are not even jealous of their significant other, which is quite strange for lovers.
  • Gemini - Cancer. The percentage of coincidence between these signs is low, since they are very different people who rarely find common ground. Although there are strong marriages between them until old age.
  • Gemini - Leo. A harmonious relationship, full of romance, develops between partners. They will never be bored together, because they have so much in common.
  • Gemini - Virgo. In order for them to develop real feelings, Virgos need to soften towards Gemini, who is not always collected and less pedantic than them.
  • Gemini-Libra. Their romance is initially doomed to break up, although at the beginning of the relationship everything will be romantic and passionate. But then the negative character traits of the partners will take over.
  • Gemini - Scorpio. Love between these signs is like a swing: initially - passion and complete mutual understanding, and then a huge gap in the relationship due to different views on common coexistence.

  • Gemini - Sagittarius. For a strong union, flexibility and sensuality are needed, which these signs lack so much, so they will not have an ideal relationship.
  • Gemini - Capricorn. Different views on relationships - serious for Capricorn and fickle for Gemini - will negatively affect their love compatibility. It comes down to zero.
  • Gemini - Aquarius. Passionate partners will be able to build a wonderful marriage. They understand each other perfectly, their hearts beat in unison, so they can be called an ideal couple.
  • Gemini - Pisces. A wonderful friendship very soon develops into a strong love union built on trust and mutual understanding. They have perfect compatibility.


The water sign is the most calm and stable in relationships, focused on creating a family and raising children.

  • Cancer - Cancer. They are wonderful friends, which cannot be said about them in love. Even if they feel some kind of attraction towards each other, it will be a fleeting feeling that will very soon return to friendship.
  • Cancer - Leo. This couple will never be able to reach a compromise in their views on relationships: they constantly argue, swear and try to prove that they are right. Therefore, their couple breaks up very soon.
  • Cancer - Virgo. A wonderful tandem, as the partners know how to make their other half happy. They are sensitive to each other's feelings, protecting them like a crystal vase.
  • Cancer - Libra. Their romance is more reminiscent of mutually beneficial cooperation rather than passionate feelings. The reason lies in their completely different characters and life views.

  • Cancer - Scorpio. Seeing each other, they immediately fall in love, maintaining their tenderness for the rest of their lives. As a couple, they constantly strive to renew their feelings in order to preserve the emotions of the first date.
  • Cancer - Sagittarius. Partners rarely compromise, which is why their relationship can hardly be called ideal. But over time, having learned to give in to each other, perhaps they will be able to build a strong relationship.
  • Cancer - Capricorn. This sign can create a wonderful love union if they stop pulling the blanket over themselves. Although it is difficult for them to do this, they can still try for each other’s sake.
  • Cancer - Aquarius. Their relationship is quite complex, since both signs are not used to adapting to others, so they often have conflicts that end in long silence.
  • Cancer - Pisces. There is no need to talk about eternal love between them, but they will be able to create a harmonious union, which, perhaps, will be strong and last a lifetime.

a lion

This zodiac sign has a more moderate temperament compared to other signs of the fire element. Leos are sensitive to infringement of their own rights in family life; such a situation is unbearable for them.

  • Leo - Leo. They will have bright and passionate relationships, which they do not hide from anyone, rather, on the contrary, they like to expose their emotions to people. They often compete for the right to dominate the pair.
  • Leo - Virgo. They can create a wonderful union where respect and mutual understanding will reign. Initially, Leo and Virgo will become friends, and only then will they realize that there is something more between them.
  • Leo - Libra. This couple will have a bright and strong love relationship. They will never be bored, as they adore going out and public events, which just cement their ideal connection, making it even stronger.
  • Leo - Scorpio. They will be able to build a wonderful tandem if they do not fight for leadership. For them, what is important in love is intimate compatibility, which is ideal for them.

  • Leo - Sagittarius. Their relationship is built not so much on feelings and passion, but on mutual respect. This couple can be called happy and harmonious.
  • Leo - Capricorn. The romance between these two is a little strange, but they are comfortable with each other. Although they are completely different in character and in their outlook on life, mutual understanding reigns between them.
  • Leo - Aquarius. Their tandem can hardly be called pleasant. Quarrels and nagging out of nowhere are possible. Everyone has their own personal life, which will become an obstacle to the love union they created.
  • Leo - Pisces. By showing their best qualities, they will be able to create harmonious love relationships that they will preserve for life.


People of the earthly element are distinguished by a particularly complex nature, which applies more to men. Regardless of the sign, Virgo's companions will have a hard time.

  • Virgo-Virgo. Their relationship will be similar to mother and son or father and daughter: they constantly tell each other how to live, what to eat and say, and also choose clothes. You should not expect tenderness and ardor in their union, so it will not be strong.
  • Virgo - Libra. If they pacify their selfishness, they will be able to create favorable soil for a strong marriage. Otherwise, the attraction will gradually become obsolete.
  • Virgo - Scorpio. They attract each other like a magnet, so they can create a wonderful love union where there will be complete mutual understanding.
  • Virgo - Sagittarius. Only patience and compliance will help preserve the initially passionate emotions. If partners do not stop showing their negative character traits, they will soon separate.

  • Virgo - Capricorn. In love, a complete idyll awaits the couple, since they rarely quarrel and argue, having the same views on marriage and life in general.
  • Virgo - Aquarius. Their love seems a little strange to others, but they are comfortable with each other, especially since they rarely pay attention to other people’s opinions.
  • Virgo - Pisces. Love at first sight, based on respect and understanding. They are open and sincere, trust each other.


Optimistic and friendly, sweet and cheerful - these characteristics are ideal for people who were born in the autumn months under the constellation Libra. Libras strive throughout their lives for beauty and harmony, for justice and peace.

The planet Venus, named after the beautiful and mysterious goddess of love, patronizes these amazing personalities. In ancient Greece, Venus was called Aphrodite, she symbolized tenderness, passion and attraction. It is no coincidence that the pets of Venus are considered the most attractive among the other signs of the zodiac - Libra is simply impossible not to admire.

The element of Libra is calm and cool air, the main strength of which is persuasion. Airy guys are full of all kinds of ideas and plans, Libra constantly lives in a world of thoughts and dreams.

  • Libra – Libra. The tandem is ideal, as the partners understand each other perfectly. They are romantic and caring. They retain the warmth of feelings until the end of their lives.
  • Libra - Scorpio. Complex relationships, but only until lovers begin to consult with each other. In a couple, Libra takes the main role, but they also show their feelings more strongly.
  • Libra - Sagittarius. There may be a struggle for primacy in the union, which will negatively affect feelings. Gradually they will fade away.

  • Libra - Capricorn. By constantly keeping their emotions under control, they will be able to create a strong love union. They need to devote as much time as possible to each other’s interests and hobbies; this will strengthen their marriage.
  • Libra - Aquarius. They are a perfect couple, because they have so much in common. Their love will be eternal - they rarely sort things out, often holding the same opinion on many issues.
  • Libra - Pisces. If at the beginning there is still romance in their relationship, then gradually claims and dissatisfaction with each other will lead their union to an unhappy ending, where the partners become enemies.


The emotionality and inconsistency of the sign, intolerance to criticism excludes partnership with a representative of their own sign, so they will only have to dream of peace. Given the power of their love potential, Scorpios need a partner who is ready to share passionate feelings with them, but who does not provoke an explosion.

  • Scorpio + Aries. Scorpio's compatibility with this zodiac sign is high. Aries is the most suitable woman for our sign. Scorpio, whose compatibility with Aries is 100%, finds a true friend and passionate lover in a woman. In marriage, the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Scorpio man and Aries woman is also high.
  • Scorpio + Taurus. These signs are primarily distinguished by their sexual compatibility. As for married life, a Scorpio man will be very lucky with a wife who can surround Scorpio with care and not pay attention to his attacks.
  • Scorpio + Gemini. In love, this couple is quite compatible. But their family relationships often deteriorate due to the jealousy of the Scorpio man. Compatibility cannot be called ideal because of the woman who is not in the mood to be chained to her partner.
  • Scorpio + Cancer. Compatibility of signs is high, but not in marriage. Scorpio, who is used to achieving high goals, does not understand Cancer’s worries about home and family. As a result, the woman, having accumulated grievances, leaves her husband. To prevent this from happening, Scorpio should be a little kinder.
  • Scorpio + Leo. This is a vibrant union of two leaders. Compatibility of signs is better in love than in marriage, because... in family life they will not yield to each other. But in their sex life everything is going well.
  • Scorpio + Virgo. A stormy man and a calm woman – who else could go together better? The union of these signs is wonderful both in love and in marriage. Understanding each other throughout life, Scorpio and Virgo can achieve a lot together.

  • Scorpio + Libra. These signs are good at sex, but otherwise their union is quite complex. A sensual woman often suffers from attacks from a jealous Scorpio. And if he does not moderate his ardor, the marriage will fall apart.
  • Scorpio man + Scorpio woman. In love, these signs know no equal, but in marriage these two “time bombs” do not always get along. If both representatives of the Scorpio sign do not learn to give in to each other, then they will not be together.
  • Scorpio + Sagittarius. In this case, the marriage of signs also does not bode well for anything positive, and everything is usually spoiled by the Scorpio man. In love, compatibility with Sagittarius is excellent, but in family life the man limits the freedom of Taurus.
  • Scorpio + Capricorn. Their pairing can be called ideal. Both are romantic and do not strive for freedom. Capricorn calmly tolerates the character of Scorpio, and therefore their marriage will be long and happy.

  • Scorpio + Aquarius. These signs are equally bright and stubborn personalities, and they do not know how to give in to each other. Scorpio does not like a woman’s excessive love of freedom and reluctance to bother around the house. Therefore, these signs do not stay long in marriage. But in love they are doing great.
  • Scorpio + Pisces. These signs are surprising in that each of them may not fully understand their partner, but, nevertheless, remain with him in love and in marriage for a long time.


He has a hot and capricious character; for a future together, he should pay attention to representatives of the related element - Leo and Aries. You may get the impression that Sagittarians do not agree with any of the representatives of the zodiac circle in family life.

Sagittarius and Aries

The union of fiery creatures is something. The relationship between Sagittarius and Aries will be vibrant and passionate. As for ideal compatibility, the pets of Mars and Jupiter don’t even think about it. And harmonious communication in the understanding of fiery guys does not come down to sitting together by the fireplace. Sagittarius and Aries will not be bored next to each other, and every day spent together will become like a fairy tale. The only question is how many days will this fiery idyll last?

Sagittarius and Taurus

Eccentric Sagittarius will be able to charm Taurus. But the patience of earth signs can burst as soon as they find out what unpredictable guys they got involved with. Is the relationship doomed to fail? There will be a way out: Sagittarius should learn perseverance from Taurus, and it is advisable for earthly children to live for some time without rules and restrictions. And there, perfect compatibility is just a stone's throw away; moreover, a very strong attraction arises between the pets of Venus and Jupiter.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Windy Gemini and frivolous Sagittarius are an ideal couple, there’s no other way to say it. Fire-air creatures will find each other and will not be able to part. Sagittarius will only think about entertainment, and Gemini is right there with a bunch of ideas and plans. Pets of Mercury and Jupiter will also get together in bed - there will be enough passion for a lifetime, and there will be some left over. Is this perfect compatibility, or did it just happen that way? The fiery-airy guys don’t care about any heavenly laws.

Sagittarius and Cancer

Passionate romance? Please! Strong friendship for life? No problem at all! And the pets of the Moon and Jupiter are afraid to even dream about ideal compatibility in family life, the differences in character are too obvious. And the elements have let us down - the water of Cancer and the fire of Sagittarius just can’t get along. Sentimental and impressionable Cancers suffer with carefree Sagittarius, so the stars advise water-fire guys not to rush to the registry office.

Sagittarius and Leo

Perhaps the universe will shake when Leo and Sagittarius come together. Idyll and harmony, compatibility and similarity in literally everything - the pets of Jupiter and the Sun will invent all sorts of problems for themselves, just to diversify these wonderful relationships. Sociable fiery creatures will become the envy of everyone and will rush around the world in search of adventures until they are very old. The family will turn out to be wonderful, and the children in the fiery union will be a feast for the eyes.

Sagittarius and Virgo

Cheerful and restless Sagittarius are able to captivate anyone - sweet Virgos will not notice how they find themselves in the arms of fiery guys. But demanding earthly creatures will begin to teach Sagittarius life in just a week of communication. Are Jupiter’s pets capable of obeying any rules? In no case - Sagittarius will run away at the first opportunity, and will not even say goodbye. True, there is one point - attraction in an earthly-fiery union cannot be hidden, and the romance can last for years.

Sagittarius and Libra

Pets of Venus and Jupiter are independent and freedom-loving creatures. Sagittarius and Libra will be enchanted by each other in the first moment of meeting, but air-fire guys will have to go on and on before they get into a serious relationship. But if Libra and Sagittarius are not in a hurry, they can enjoy a rare but unusually bright open relationship, stretching it out for twenty to thirty years. According to the wards of Jupiter and Venus, they go to the registry office as a last resort - it’s better not to risk it.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

Water-fire creatures can become friends, Sagittarius and Scorpio are able to experience harmony in intimacy, but for compatibility they lack a small but serious detail (the elements of the pets of Pluto and Jupiter are completely unsuitable for each other). But if the fire-water guys are attracted, they will have to survive in extreme conditions. Powerful Scorpios and restless Sagittarius will arrange tests every day and test each other's strength.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Two Sagittarius in the same boat - you can imagine such a situation, but the fiery guys will not sail far. After all, each of Jupiter’s pets will rock the boat and row in the direction it needs. But fiery relationships are not threatened by routine - Sagittarius will roll with laughter and come up with entertainment and funny adventures for each other every day. In addition, the intimacy of Jupiter’s wards is at its best - live and enjoy until you get bored.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Calm and practical Capricorns will fight the frivolity of Sagittarius in the hope of remaking the fiery guys in their own way. However, the efforts of Saturn's pets will turn out to be completely meaningless - the cheerful and restless wards of Jupiter cannot be changed. Reliable earthly creatures will even become acquainted with jealousy - amorous Sagittarius will never take an oath of fidelity. But fiery-earth guys can think about friendship - in this case, compatibility is quite possible.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Impatient and impetuous Sagittarius will be able to surprise Aquarius - airy guys will be glad that they have found pleasant interlocutors and charming partners. However, soon the fire signs will begin to get on the nerves of calm and practical Aquarius - Sagittarius are completely incapable of planning, and change hobbies ten times a minute. But the compatibility of air and fire is obvious - pets of Jupiter and Uranus can try and not be afraid of disappointments.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Fussy Sagittarius will irritate quiet Pisces from the first minute of their acquaintance. Strange and mysterious Pisces will also make Sagittarius worry. And not everything is in order with the elements - water and fire will never find a common language. You can hope for the attraction of opposites, especially since the pets of the Moon know how to hypnotize - if they wish, they will inspire dear Sagittarius with anything they want. In principle, a water-fire couple has a chance and compatibility is possible, albeit not ideal.



It symbolizes stability, reliability, and a materialistic beginning, which is why he is at odds with those born under the signs of the fire element.

Capricorn and Aries

Earth-fire horned stubborn people can butt heads all their lives and never agree on anything. However, superficial and frivolous Aries can fall for the bait of patient Capricorns. Earth guys can arrange the situation in such a way that fiery creatures agree with all the rules and requirements of Capricorns. Ideal compatibility is not expected between the pets of Mars and Saturn, but the relationship promises to be interesting - so why not try?

Capricorn and Taurus

Practical Capricorns and realistic Taurus - the earthly guys have many similarities, but there is still no mutual understanding. Maybe it’s a matter of different patrons - Saturn and Venus, of course, are far from each other, but the planets have nothing against the union of cute earthly pets. The stars guess the reason for the disagreement - perseverance among earthly creatures comes first. But if love comes into this relationship, then Capricorns and Taurus will happily throw off their horns and learn to give in to each other.

Capricorn and Gemini

Capricorns can watch the pranks of Gemini for years - earthly guys won’t say a word unless the fiery creatures cross the line. And Mercury’s pets won’t even notice that they are being monitored. The stars advise the air-terrestrial creatures to come to an agreement on the shore - love can settle in the union of Capricorn and Gemini if ​​the wards of Saturn and Mercury learn to trust each other. And even if there is no mad passion in the relationship, everything is reliable and clear, like in a bank.

Capricorn and Cancer

Calm and taciturn Capricorns will appeal to quiet and modest Cancers at the first moment of meeting - water-earth guys will feel a kinship of souls. For several years, the pets of the Moon and Saturn will keep an eye on each other, expecting a catch, but the stars advise them to relax. Water-earth creatures are unlikely to achieve ideal compatibility, but Capricorns and Cancers are not upset. No surprises, shake-ups or clarification of relationships - one can only dream about this.

Capricorn and Leo

Temperamental and impulsive Leos will charm Capricorns in a couple of minutes, and the fiery guys themselves will feel attracted to mysterious earthly creatures. True, the earthly-fiery couple cannot count on perfect compatibility - stubborn Capricorns will drive the power-hungry Leo crazy as soon as they read the two main rules of living together. What remains is a whirlwind romance, or a strong friendship for life - in this case, the pets of Saturn and the Sun will be satisfied.

Capricorn and Virgo

Practical and demanding, precise and neat - Capricorns and Virgos seem to be made for each other. Quarrels in the earthly union are possible only because of the pedantry of the pets of Saturn and Mercury, but against the background of the rest of the idyll, this will seem like complete nonsense. But earthly creatures will never be late for a date - you can set your watches by Capricorns and Virgos. Although earthly guys won’t have many dates, why waste time on this nonsense if you can do something useful as a couple?

Capricorn and Libra

Cool and imperturbable Capricorns will shed their serious mask as soon as bright and cheerful Libra appears in their life. Earth-air creatures will have something to talk about, however, this is not enough for a happy family life. Well, why don’t the pets of Saturn and Venus remain friends - the relationship in this union will be strong, honest and reliable. Libra will even forgive their earthly friends for being too demanding, because you can rely on Capricorns in any matter.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Strong and tough Scorpios, oddly enough, can become true friends and allies for Capricorns. After all, earthly guys are not particularly sentimental, at least at first glance. The compatibility of water and earth is obvious, and the pets of Saturn and Pluto will get along very well. There will be no daily love confessions or other romantic nonsense in water-earth relationships, but Capricorns and Scorpios are one hundred percent confident in each other’s reliability.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

For the first time in their lives, stubborn Capricorns will be faced with an impossible task - they will not be able to change the cheerful Sagittarius. Fiery guys will not agree to serious changes in their carefree life. For pets of Saturn and Jupiter, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​ideal compatibility and think about a friendly union. In this case, the relationship will only bring joy - Sagittarius will bring bright adventures into the life of Capricorns, and the earthly children will teach the fiery creatures order.

Capricorn and Capricorn

At first glance, it may seem that two earthly stubborn people will never find a common language and compatibility between them is unattainable. In fact, the pets of Saturn will understand each other perfectly - one patron and a common element will do their job. Capricorns can become true friends, reliable partners and passionate lovers - all that remains is to choose which role earthly creatures like. In any case, the earthly union will be strong, long and reliable.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Independent and active Aquarians are unlikely to be a good match for calm and stubborn Capricorns. Of course, there are some similarities in the characters of the earthly and airy guys, but for ideal compatibility, this will not be enough. If the pets of Uranus and Saturn decide to start a family, they must be prepared for an eternal battle for the main role. Aquarians may give in to Capricorns, but this will only be an illusion of mutual understanding. The stars advise the guys to stick to friendly relations.

Capricorn and Pisces


An Aquarius woman will be comfortable with a partner who will allow her to be herself without trying to limit her freedom.

Through reasonable compromises, an Aquarius woman can create strong and long-lasting relationships with an Aries, Libra, Leo and Gemini man. Her relationship with a Taurus man cannot be called ideal, because they are so different! But it is precisely on this difference that the couple will converge, and will be ready to exist together for a long time. Two Aquarians can become both ideal partners, suitable for each other in everything, and complete antagonists - it depends on what degree of freedom they allow each other to have in the union.

It will be very difficult for an Aquarius woman to find a common language with a Scorpio man - he remains incomprehensible to her.

The Pisces man may seem at first to be an ideal ally and like-minded person to the Aquarius woman, but it will soon be discovered that this man has a “double bottom”, and it will be very difficult - or impossible - for his partner to reveal his true essence.

The Aquarius man attracts the attention of women with his intelligence. But lovers of bright, hot temperaments will have to be disappointed - he is not used to putting sensuality at the forefront of personal relationships, preferring the “love-friendship” model.

He is certainly attracted to beautiful women, but more so as muses for his new inspirations in life. Although the Aquarius man can be very creative in his sexual life, he does not strive to establish relationships through bed, always settling on strong friendships.

He can be a reliable partner for an Aries woman, a Gemini woman or a Leo woman, if they both respect each other’s independence and make some concessions. It will be difficult for them to find a common language with a Taurus woman.

However, such couples are formed quite often, and the relationships of the partners are built on the pursuit of one common goal in life. An Aquarius man will be calm and comfortable in the company of a Pisces or Cancer woman, but they must deal with their internal contradictions that prevent the relationship from developing.

The relationship between an Aquarius and a Sagittarius woman will be imbued with mutual sympathy, and with a Scorpio woman the partner will have persistent disagreements leading to divorce.

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can be considered the most mysterious and mystical - they are so elusive even for their partners that they make them constantly doubt their existence. Only thanks to a sense of humor, partners can find a common language and make the relationship more real.



It is difficult for them to choose a life partner due to the ambiguity of their nature. The water element is the best partnership option for them, although in this case there is no guarantee of stability in the relationship.

Pisces and Aries

Powerful by nature, Aries will try to subordinate Pisces to their influence, regarding their calmness as a weakness of character. But Pisces are not so easy to catch in their nets; they sense everything and easily avoid the traps placed on them. This couple cannot avoid a whirlwind romance; they are so drawn to each other that it is obvious to everyone around them. And even if Pisces wants to swim away, they simply cannot do it. A whirlwind romance can develop into a family union, in which you will have to fight for happiness.

Pisces and Taurus

The elements of these guys complement each other perfectly. Problems can only arise because of characters. Pisces and Taurus are completely different. Taurus may be irritated by the suspiciousness of Pisces and their love of dreams. Pisces will also not be delighted with the overly pragmatic Taurus. Even if this couple doesn’t make it to the registry office, they have every chance of becoming best friends. Pisces will help Taurus make many amazing discoveries, and Taurus will teach Pisces not to get upset over trifles.

Pisces and Gemini

Air and water are well compatible, but this couple will have to fight for their happiness. Geminis are restless, they cannot live without adventures and new impressions, but Pisces can live perfectly in their inner world, and the fact that it is illusory does not bother them at all. Gemini will try to drag his partner to a noisy party, and Pisces will only wrap themselves more tightly in a warm blanket, well, why go somewhere if it’s so cozy at home. It is better for these two to be friends at a distance or have an easy and beautiful romance.

Pisces and Cancer

This union is capable of conquering those around them; everything is fine and smooth with them. The couple can find true love and they have perfect compatibility. Both signs are prone to mysticism, understand each other perfectly without words, sometimes it seems that they are able to penetrate each other’s thoughts. In a word, there is complete mutual understanding between the wards of Neptune and the Moon. If Cancer and Pisces meet, they can immediately go to the registry office, this marriage will withstand everything, and the partners will be happy. And they lived happily ever after - that’s just about them.

Pisces and Leo

Falling in love between Leo and Pisces will arise immediately, but this is not a reason to start a family; this relationship does not promise to be long-lasting. This couple may break up before they can even adjust and understand what they need to have a happy life together. The pets of Neptune and the Sun are very different, most likely this is what attracts them, they will not be able to resist. It’s better to immediately agree on friendly relations and not try to go beyond pleasant communication and slight infatuation.

Pisces and Virgo

The elements of this couple complement each other perfectly. Only the character of picky Virgos can ruin everything. They are idealists who are trying to improve everything in this world, so they will definitely try to re-educate and improve Pisces. But Pisces are so self-sufficient that there is simply no point in changing them, and Virgo’s attempts will lead to nothing, except that they will ruin the relationship. If Pisces resort to their mystical talents and are able to convince Virgos that everything is fine, then the couple will live together happily ever after.

Pisces and Libra

This couple can work together to build castles in the air, they will be great at it. They can be friends all their lives, and there will never be betrayal or major quarrels between them. Different elements will prevent closer relationships from becoming ideal; it is difficult for water and air to form an alliance. Pisces will be too impressionable and melancholy for the optimistic Libra. However, there is a mutual attraction between Pisces and Libra, and if sympathy develops into true love, they can try their luck in marriage.

Pisces and Scorpio

These guys are united by a common element, perhaps this is what predetermines their amazing compatibility. The characters of the wards of Neptune and Pluto are completely different, but this does not matter when they have common hobbies. Surprisingly, their talents and habits are also similar. Pisces and Scorpios will have no disagreements about how to arrange a house, where to relax and which school to send their children to. Scorpios, who love power and always strive for it, will mysteriously become docile and sweet next to Pisces.

Pisces and Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, life is movement. It is important for them to travel; they physically need new sensations and adventures. This spirit of adventurism, Pisces will not be able to understand why look for impressions in the outside world when you can find everything within yourself. Sagittarius will be annoyed by the mystery of their companions, they will be bored, or maybe just too lazy to unravel secrets. What can you do, the stars warned, fire and water cannot be satellites. The chances of compatibility for this couple are minimal. Read more…

Pisces and Capricorn

At first, Capricorns will seem too cold to Pisces, they will be put off by gloom and equanimity, only upon closer acquaintance will they change their minds. Patient Capricorns can pursue their chosen ones for as long as they want until they get what they want. Impressive Pisces will love being admired, and if Capricorns truly love, they will carry their mate in their arms. They have every chance to create a strong family. Read more…

Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarians can be very demanding, but in the case of Pisces they can get confused, but really, how can you make demands on something you don’t understand. And even though Pisces is not the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac, they definitely will not allow themselves to be remade or educated. Aquarians will very soon leave this idea and enjoy the relationship. This couple can have an ideal relationship in the intimate sphere, so Aquarius and Pisces will have an exciting and vibrant romance. Over time, they will want more, and they can safely go to the registry office, this couple has compatibility. Read more…

Pisces and Pisces

One element and a common patron, but they can become cramped next to each other. An ideal partner who understands you and feels like yourself may be good, but not for Pisces. It may seem strange, but the cause of conflict and possible separation will be complete mutual understanding. Pisces are original creatures and with an ideal partner they will get bored. If they overcome this stage of the relationship, the marriage can be saved and even lived happily in it


Types of relationships between zodiac signs

The Compound aspect is an orange symbol. The couple's motto is common interests.

When two identical zodiac signs meet, a certain unity immediately arises between them. Often they can feel each other at a glance and understand each other perfectly.

  • This is the common energy that is shared by a man and a woman in love.
  • The danger for such a union will be boredom in love and excessive predictability of the partner’s behavior.

The advantage is that many problems can be avoided in this union. For example, they don’t have to spend a long time looking for something in common or trying to adjust their life to the wishes of their loved one.

Aspect Semi-sextile is a symbol of blue color. The couple's motto is the desire for harmony between two dissimilar people.

Neighboring zodiac signs are in this aspect. Such couples often meet in life. And although mutual understanding between partners does not arise immediately, they seek harmony in love and often find it.

This union is more favorable for the previous sign. He perceives his loved one as an understandable and predictable person with whom he can confidently go through life.

But the next sign perceives the partner as a mystery, whose inner world is so complex and diverse that it is difficult to understand its depths.

The Sextile aspect is a blue symbol. The couple's motto is mutual sympathy.

Here we are talking about the love compatibility of signs located one after another. They belong to related elements. For example, a sextile consists of the signs of Fire + Air or Water + Earth.

  1. In these relationships, people sympathize with each other, they feel mutual understanding.
  2. But at the same time, these are representatives of different elements; there are noticeable differences between them, which attract each other even more strongly.

This is a favorable aspect not only for love, but also for friendship or business alliance. Partners don't have to put in a lot of effort to understand, interest, or please each other.

The Square aspect is a red symbol. The couple's motto is dynamics and passion.

In this aspect there is little harmony and peace, but a lot of drive, dynamics and passion. A stormy relationship awaits such a couple, because they are completely unable to negotiate peacefully and calmly. Read more in the article about the most incompatible zodiac signs.

  • A man and a woman are drawn to each other, a spark easily flares up between them.
  • But due to the fact that the characters are very different, a feeling of irritation or misunderstanding often arises in relationships. They find it difficult to achieve stability.

Partners tend to move in different directions, pulling the blanket over themselves. For love to be long and productive, they must learn to seek compromises.

The Trine aspect is a yellow symbol. The couple's motto is harmony and grace.

In the zodiac sign compatibility chart, the triangle symbol corresponds to the trine. This is the most stable figure, which hints to us that the love between these people will be just as stable and harmonious.

Both partners belong to the same element. This generates a sense of unity and mutual understanding, a commonality of views and interests. Often a deep connection arises between them, which only grows stronger over time.

It is good for zodiac signs in the trine aspect to enter into both love relationships and friendships or business relationships. They will always find common ground and be able to develop in the same direction for each other’s benefit.

The Quikunx aspect is a symbol of green color. The couple's motto is the inconsistency of characters.

A man and a woman whose signs are in quincunx aspect have little in common. This is one of the reasons for the increased interest in each other.

Partners explore each other with enthusiasm, each time being surprised by their discoveries. The aspect enhances erotic attraction and desire in a couple.

Two people often don't understand why they want to be together, because they are so different. This is not even the attraction of “plus” and “minus”, but rather they are inhabitants of different planets.

The aspect is good for a short-term romance. But in order to build a long and stable union, you will need to make a lot of effort, strive to understand each other and be tolerant of your partner’s shortcomings.

The Opposition aspect is a crimson symbol. The couple's motto is opposites attract.

The zodiac signs of these people are opposite each other. From this symbolism it becomes clear that we have partners with directly opposite characteristics.

This is a difficult, but very promising aspect for love relationships.

A man and a woman complement each other’s missing qualities, creating a stable couple. Together they are stronger than alone.

But the opposite also means that it will take a lot of time to grind in. Their entire life together will consist of searching for compromises and striving to take into account the interests of their partner.

The zodiac sign does not play a determining role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs.

The typical Aries, strong Gemini, self-sufficient Virgo, developed Capricorn and independent Aquarius suffer less from loneliness than others. They may avoid marriage for a long time.

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs whose representatives get along well with representatives of their sign and live in a happy marriage, for example, a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman.

But Leos and Taurus have difficulty getting along with representatives of their signs; in the first case, selfishness is to blame, in the second, stubbornness.

Marriages between representatives of signs of the same element can also be short-lived, for example, unions of Aries-Sagittarius, Gemini woman - Libra man, Cancer woman - Pisces man often break up. Relationships between neighboring signs rarely lead to a harmonious marriage, especially if the male sign comes after the female one.

Sign compatibility cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are looking for an independent partner, someone who will help realize their goals and dreams, and will also take on a significant or equal share of family responsibilities. If the marriage is successful, then these signs will provide a reliable rear and prosperity for the whole family. Negative qualities in marriage are intransigence and high demands, intransigence.

Sign compatibility fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius show more constancy in matters of marriage and partnership, because they do not like change. They take a long time to choose a suitable partner and are in no hurry to divorce him. If the marriage is successful, then these signs guarantee a wealth of sensory experiences for many years of life together. Negative character traits for partnership are stubbornness and selfishness, immoderation.

In all horoscopes, a mandatory item is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of the general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And understanding them will help you figure out once and for all who is compatible with whom and, importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • the signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first point it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water are compatible. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and look at them clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and within, is very natural: Air helps Fire to flare up stronger, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs of Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parities - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - there is no positive union observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how compatibility of zodiac signs works in general at the compatible/incompatible level. But there are also a number of characteristic features that depend on the relative position of the pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a couple can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the count, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's look at how this works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from yours
Pair type: “Best friend and best enemy” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Taurus(2), Aries(1) - Pisces(12)
Description: the most popular pair of signs among all the others. They quickly make friends, but a serious relationship is hampered by the conflict of the elements. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference in interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 digits from yours
Pair type: “Older brother and younger brother” - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "elder brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience or character.

Location: +3 and -3 digits from yours
Pair type: “Patron and Advisor” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Cancer(4), Aries(1) - Capricorn(10)
Description: a pair of elemental signs that are in conflict, but can, if desired, find common ground. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. It is better for them to choose a common business than a home.

Location: +4 and -4 digits from yours
Pair type: "Child and Parent | Student and teacher" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: a wonderful pair of signs of the same element. The “parent” must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” not to be too capricious and wayward.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from yours
Pair type: “Boa constrictor and rabbit” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Virgo(6), Aries(1) - Scorpio(8)
Description: a couple about whom romance novels are written. No happy ending. First a storm of feelings and emotions. In the end - boredom and fatigue of the "boa constrictor", a broken heart of the "rabbit". We advise you to avoid it, especially if “rabbit” is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from yours
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is strongly recommended only to experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes with such a couple and are rarely able to unleash its full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: “Me and my mirror” - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: a frequently encountered pair among young partners. There is nothing easier than starting a relationship with someone just like you. But subsequently there is nothing more dull and annoying than seeing your own shortcomings side by side.

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