What professions exist for men? The most profitable professions in Russia

Men can do everything: deliver babies, rule a country, bake pies, write music, make people laugh, build rackets, do hairstyles, create religions. This means that the list of male professions is endless.

However, men very rarely like routine work. Men love to take risks and create, invent new things, and explore the mysteries of nature. They are capable of highly abstract thinking and highly intelligent humor. They are aggressive. They are physically strong. They understand hardware better than women. What does all this mean?

The most masculine profession

This means that engineer, physicist, philosopher, fireman, policeman, carpenter, boatswain, pilot, foreman, deboner, composer, programmer, cook, surgeon, stuntman, rescuer, pilot - as a rule, the most masculine professions.

However, men are truly capable of any profession. Men can work well not only with their heads, but also with their hands. Male working professions live in the construction, manufacturing, transport, cultural, and agricultural sectors.

In real life there is no time for romance. A man needs to earn money, and he is forced to look towards the most popular male professions (they are also the most popular professions). And this, as a rule, is a variety of engineering, information technology, sales, logistics, restaurant business, aviation, business, and sports.

What profession should a man choose?

There are many professions, but you are alone. Maybe you like several professions. But you have to choose. Choosing a profession out of everything in the world is a real job, and not just like that. If you go the wrong way, you will lose years.

To determine which profession is right for you, we offer you 7 steps, after which you can choose a profession. We also offer

From time immemorial, all over the world it is believed that a man should not only be able to provide for himself, but also take care of his parents, his beloved and his children.

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The concept of a highly paid job

In each country, the concept of the level of security is different. It is directly related to the standard of living in a particular country. Somewhere in southern Africa, for example, a stable income of 100 euros is considered the ultimate dream, and in European countries 100 euros is just a small part of the subsistence level.

When considering the issue of high-paying jobs, it is impossible to understand which jobs will be considered good and which ones will not, without reference to a particular country. We can highlight the basic indicators of prestigious and highly paid professions.

They will look something like this:

  • Piques interest.
  • Brings moral satisfaction.
  • Brings material satisfaction.
  • Doesn’t take up all your days, leaving time for communication with your family, activities with children, personal time and time for relaxation.
  • At work, you learn new things all the time and improve as a professional.

Considering the issue of such specialties in Russia, we will see that the overwhelming number of men, if you ask them a question about what kind of job would be considered highly paid and prestigious for them, will answer approximately as follows - one in which you don’t need to do anything, but also They paid a higher salary, like a boss.

In Russia, a lot of myths and legends are associated with the issue of highly paid positions. It is believed that if someone receives a large salary, it means he is a “thief”, a “careerist” or has a “hairy paw”. And only a few will think that a person can have an excellent education and be a highly qualified professional.

Highly paid jobs for men: main activities

So, what do you need to do and who to work in order to have such a job?

Numerous sociological studies show that today the main types of activities that need to be engaged in to get a well-paid job are the following:

  • Office. This includes a large army of office employees of various companies and institutions, bank clerks, etc. It is in this job that you have the opportunity to prove yourself and quickly climb the career ladder.
  • With people. This type of activity includes people conducting all kinds of seminars, lectures, trainers, lawyers, advocates, etc.
  • Extreme hobbies. The work is related to people's passion for extreme sports. As you know, people do not save on their hobby. So, why not make money from it? All kinds of trainers, instructors, rescuers, etc.
  • Creative professions. If you are not offended by talent in some area, for example, you like to draw or are well versed in cinema, know how to design structures or write articles competently, then this field of activity is just for you.

Rating of the most prestigious and highest-paid professions

Every year, sociologists conduct research on the labor market, the most in-demand, prestigious and profitable professions. This is done in order to help young people decide on the choice of a particular profession and to orient already employed people in the sea of ​​job offers.

In 2015, such studies were also conducted and their results can be used to judge the state of the labor market around the world. Thus, according to the results obtained, the highest paid professions are:

  • IT workers. These are programmers, system administrators and other workers. Specialists in this field of activity are ahead of even the owners of their own businesses in terms of profitability;
  • Owners of their own business. Representatives of this type of work are legally in second place in the ranking, since having your own business is a more profitable type of activity than working for someone else;
  • Top managers and hired directors of companies. It is also quite reasonable for workers in this field to be included in the ranking. As you know, a good manager is worth his weight in gold. Hence the large incomes of such workers;
  • Lawyers and attorneys. The presence of workers in this field in the ranking of the highest paid professions is understandable and understandable. Their income is directly related to their professionalism. The higher the professionalism, the higher their fees;
  • Doctors. Although the medical profession is respected all over the world, it is not paid well everywhere. For example, specialists in this profession in our country can hardly be called highly paid. Although, on the other hand, if the doctor is a specialist at a paid clinic in Moscow, and even a professional in his field, then, probably, his income will not be comparable to the income of an ordinary local pediatrician somewhere in the province.
  • In first place, just as in the case of the highest incomes, is the profession of a programmer.
  • In second place is an IT specialist.
  • The third is a lawyer.
  • The fourth place is again associated with the IT sector. The profession of a web programmer is located on it.
  • In fifth place is a stylist/make-up artist.
  • Sixth place in this ranking unexpectedly goes to the dental profession.
  • In seventh place is the design engineer.
  • In eighth place is a personal driver.
  • On the ninth – the auditor.
  • And on the tenth level is the purchasing manager.
  • Firstly, at the top, in both lists there are professionals.
  • Secondly, in any position on the lists there are specialties either creative or related to servicing business and the business elite (you must admit that it is unlikely that an ordinary engineer will be able to afford to hire a personal driver or a highly paid auditor.)
  • Thirdly, the lists contain professions associated with in-depth study and specialization of a particular field of activity. For example, a dentist. He is a doctor, but of a narrow specialization.

Highly paid jobs for men on the Internet

With the development of Internet technologies, the strong half of humanity has an additional opportunity for self-realization. Some use it as additional income, others as their main job, but one way or another, finding a job with decent earnings on the Internet today is quite possible.

What do you need to do to ensure that your work is properly rewarded?

  • If you understand computers and IT technologies, if you know how to program and get along with accounting programs, then you have a direct path to making money on the Internet. Depending on your preferences, you can work remotely as a web designer, programmer, system administrator, develop program codes, etc. The entire range of these jobs pays quite well and is in great demand.
  • If you are a creative person. If your inclinations can be realized on paper - paintings, architectural projects, design projects, music, books, etc., then you have a direct path to the Internet. What prevents you from using the Internet to find an order for a painting or for the development of an interior remodeling of a painting?
  • Journalist. Do you write texts well and are you not satisfied with the salary in a small editorial office? The Internet will help you too. Today, many different resources offer to make money by writing all kinds of articles.
  • Not enough money to start your own business? Then go to the Internet. Here you can easily and much cheaper create an online platform where you realize your ideas.

The most in-demand professions

In 2015, in Russia, the most popular professions were:

  • IT specialist.
  • Design engineer.
  • Teacher.
  • Lawyer.
  • Medic.
  • Marketer.
  • Personnel specialist.
  • Professional worker.
  • Beauty industry specialist.
  • Ecologist.

Thus, summing up the article, we can safely say that today men in our country have every opportunity to get a well-paid job of their dreams. Moreover, if you are “unlucky” with parents and relatives who would give you a job as vice president of the Gazprom corporation, do not despair.

It is enough to show perseverance, determination, be a professional in your field and use all the opportunities and chances that life gives you.

In the present century, men's and women's professions, with all equality of the sexes, have a very conditional division. Baking sweets, sewing modern clothes, looking after children - all this is an interesting job for many men. Of course, not in the absolute majority, but rather in isolated cases, in the presence of exceptional abilities for a given profession.

But the physiology and psychology of men are still different from women’s, and such differences are associated primarily with the anatomical structure. Nature has assigned representatives of the stronger sex a more developed muscle structure due to their hormonal levels. Therefore, a man always performs better in work that requires physical strength.

Often men are interested in work that requires physical strength along with intellectual abilities, with the implementation of real masculine qualities, including fearlessness, determination, and a willingness to take responsibility.

Heroic professions of men:

  • pilot,
  • sailor,
  • rescuer,
  • astronaut,
  • firefighter.

Also, men always provide financial independence and constancy. Specialties related to the development of domestic production, such as engineers, technologists, and marketers, have become especially popular. In these industries, men demonstrate themselves at their best, offering interesting solutions, creating something new to increase the competitiveness of production.

If we talk about, then here we can highlight a list of the following specialties:

  • nanotechnologist,
  • logistician,
  • chemist,
  • biotechnologist

The demand for these areas is high. Choosing one of them guarantees a decent income. What other male professions are considered interesting?

List of the most interesting male professions

  1. Programmer

In terms of self-development, this is the most popular and exciting job for men, coupled with high wages. This kind of thing is suitable for those who are friends with the exact sciences. The combination of iron logic and creative spirit will bring success in this industry. Development of technical innovations, high demand, opportunity to work abroad. Doesn't this seem interesting?

  1. Financier

It is very prestigious and interesting to be a specialist in the financial field. For those who know how to use economic levers and know how to work with financial instruments, and know the laws of the financial market, this is an excellent opportunity to prove themselves. This work is interesting for men who are inclined to analyze, who are well versed in formulas and simply like to count money. By the way, they pay quite well for this.

  1. Cook

The profession of a cook is considered to be very creative and promising. By the way, many are sure that the representatives of the stronger sex are the best cooks. And statistics confirm this - in most famous restaurants, as a rule, only men work as chefs. And their fees are also quite decent.

  • Metallurgist

A very suitable job for men. At one time, songs were sung about people of the fiery profession, but later such physical work lost its popularity and prestige. However, now this direction is also of interest. Managing fiery steel flows, while feeling your power over future steel, is quite a profession for real men, in which everything is now automated, and the role of manual work is noticeably reduced. A specialist who has chosen this profession must have a higher education.

There are many interesting professions for men, and each is special in its own way. All that remains is to choose a job you like, and it will benefit those around you and the chosen one of this profession.


A mystery of nature: why do men understand female physiology better than women themselves? It’s not even a matter of love for a woman (a professional gynecologist most likely does not suffer from this) and not a matter of firmness of hands, but… curiosity: “what is that inside her?” How, after so many women in gynecological chairs, male gynecologists can have sex - history is silent.

Mikhalkov’s character Vova once categorically stated: “And Leva’s mother is a cook. Mom is a pilot? What’s wrong?” A female pilot is a rarity. Throwing a car into a steep dive or doing a loop are exclusively male jokes. However, Vova, the profession of “cook” also has little to do with mothers...

The best chefs are men. This is a scientifically proven fact. They say that men (experimenters in life) approach the cooking process creatively, which is why their dishes are tastier and more interesting. They simply cannot turn out to be “average”, since they are either masterpieces, or... THIS goes down the toilet.

In Soviet times, all boys dreamed of being cosmonauts. "Like Gagarin and Titov." To shout “Let's go!”, to walk on the moon in a fashionable silver helmet, fly around a ship in zero gravity and eat sausage from tubes. True, today's boys dream of being bankers...

How can one not remember Uncle Styopa! (Mikhalkov Sr. is simply the highlight of the program today.) Although history also remembers women entering burning huts. But since no one except Nekrasov saw this desperate woman, we suggest not to think about her anymore. But everyone saw the valiant guys, happily driving around in a red car with flashing lights and loud (albeit monotonous) music.

Hard, backbreaking work, which is beyond the strength of wimps! These heroes with jackhammers only sometimes knock their helmets on the Moscow asphalt, the rest of the time they are in the face (not to be confused with a binge!) - beautiful, big, black (in the sense of being smeared with coal) men, risking their lives for the sake of warmth in our homes! And some fake men (let’s not point fingers) then take away this warmth from us!

Another dirty job, worthy of patriotic paintings and sculptures in the genre of "girls with an oar". Black gold miners are our pride and our answer to Hussein! Supermen! Try to imagine women in the place of these heroes - you are unlikely to succeed. Although, perhaps, women's bodies doused in oil would look very sexy...

Hunting for meat is very masculine. Moreover, if my memory serves me right, this is exactly where it all began for people. Nowadays, to get meat, you just need to go to the market. Nevertheless, men are still engaged in meat production and butchering. Call of nature.
Whoever says that this is a profession for women, let him throw a stone at me. Have you ever seen them doing this? That's it. But to be completely honest, it should be noted that mostly boys do shoe cleaning. Those. males at an early stage of development. They will grow up and understand that this is not a master’s business.

No one has ever seen a woman lying under a car, or a woman changing a tire BY MYSELF in real life. Perhaps only in a nightmare. Moreover, what is typical: how to drive a car - they are for gender equality, but how to spend half a day in a garage, they do not understand anything “about all these terrible wiring”!

10 most unmasculine professions

ROAD WORKER (in an orange vest).
Women's answer to male gynecologists. They took away our right to walk on the roads in orange vests and are not giving it back! They lay asphalt and tinker with tram rails. So that's why our roads are so bad! Trust the women with the responsible task!

This is the exclusive responsibility of old women - God's dandelions. And who else should be thrown into such a dangerous task - to protect the facility from robbers and hooligans? Any granny, from the height of her life experience, will immediately give everyone a worthy rebuff!

One of the heroes of Soviet films once tried to take on such responsibility. Nothing good came of this. Keeping an eye on a bunch of snotty kids, washing pots after them and stuffing porridge into their mouths is a feminine thing. And how do they do this if we can’t even keep track of one (our own offspring)?

Wonderful profession! Proud and beautiful. You sit, looking down at the passing cars (you can also stick your tongue out at them), use a special button to open and close the doors (you can periodically squeeze passengers you don’t like), announce stops into the microphone (you can read obscene poems) - beauty!!!

Taking money from women is low and undignified. Well, maybe just once. And for a very good reason. And if this becomes part of the system and becomes a way of life, this type is not worthy to bear the proud title of a man! Get him out of our ranks.

We tried to find a masculine analogue for the name of this profession... Nothing came of it. “Cleaner” is something completely different. More sublime. Hence the conclusion - this is an exclusively female responsibility - buckets, mops, rags... Of course, those who are more advanced can use all sorts of fashionable powders and gels of the Domestos system and brand new imported self-squeezing mops...

The same nonsense with semantics - this is the first thing. Secondly, “maid” is not even really a profession, it’s already a kind of erotic image. (This refers to a beauty in a short dress and a white apron with a lace clip in her hair, who is charged with not only changing bed linen, but also...)

No, of course there are great dancers! But, firstly, they all died out at the same time as the “Russian Seasons”, and, secondly... calling all of them “men” is a very big stretch. Moreover, if we are talking not about just dancers, say, ballet (although everything is not easy there...), but about strippers, for example...

A flight attendant is also a very feminine profession. Soda and candy during the flight, demonstration of life jackets with a whistle - not a single man can master this science, and if he tries, he does it very clumsily. Well, besides, this is a rather risky profession. What if the plane starts falling? We men still have many important things to do in this life.

Let's tell you a big secret: there are more women in our team than men. They all pretend to be smart, knowledgeable about male psychology, and sometimes write articles based on these unproven facts on behalf of a man and under a man’s name! (Which, in fact, is what I’m doing now...)

In our urbanized world The stronger sex needs to earn a lot of money in order to be able to provide not only for themselves, but also for their family in the future. For this reason, already in the 10th grade, young boys begin to think about choosing a profession that would bring them maximum income, and not just work and a sense of satisfaction. Success these days is measured by money, and no self-respecting man would agree to work even as a director of an enterprise if the salary they offer is the same as that of a simple engineer.

If you remember old proverb: “Whoever has it in his hands, he has it in his mouth,” then we can assume that the most profitable male professions are directors of enterprises, heads of regions, regions, housing and communal enterprises, city mayors and other officials of various stripes. Oil workers, bankers, businessmen, show business stars, athletes, jewelers, heads of real estate agencies, astronauts and chief doctors of large clinics have good incomes in our country. However, only a few manage to reach such heights in career growth, so let's look at the list of the best male professions that a young man who has just graduated from school can realistically master:

1. Purchasing or Marketing Manager. Unfortunately, in our country, the first place is not production, but sales and purchases. Therefore, a purchasing or marketing manager can earn good money these days if he masters all the intricacies of the purchasing and sales process. Despite the dismal financial situation of many enterprises, the eyes of the young guys working there in these areas and receiving a small official salary are burning. This, of course, is not related to their desire to profitably buy or sell something for the enterprise, but the result of the opportunity to earn leftover money for their wallet. In addition, these professions open the door to commerce and help you learn skills that can help you start your own business and become a successful businessman.

2. Information Technology Specialist. A modern office is unthinkable without a computer and telephone. Therefore, specialists in Internet technologies and telecommunications are in demand in our country and can count on a stable, well-paid job after graduating from university. The most prestigious are 1C programmers in the field of creating and maintaining websites, software for ATMs, POS terminals, and modern technologies for transmitting and receiving information. As they say, as long as there is demand, there is supply. A good programmer himself tells the employer what salary he is willing to work for.

3. Truck driver. Many guys try to get a higher education in order to get a job that does not require serious physical effort. Meanwhile, it is natural for a man to have developed muscles and a fit appearance. Of course, the professions of truck driver, miner and people working on rotation in the North are far from the image of a successful man imposed on us by cinema and television. However, by working in these specialties, you can earn good money and have an annual income that is many times higher than what an engineer or doctor with a higher education earns in a year.

4. Chef. Nowadays, a chef in luxury restaurants is considered one of the most prestigious. You just need to study at a food college or take a good culinary course, then take advantage of the privileges of this profession while serving in the army and prove yourself to be a good culinary specialist at your first job. This profession definitely guarantees a good salary and a buffet.

5. Traffic police inspector. A military man, a firefighter, a representative of the FSB, riot police, a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other men in uniform have always aroused and still arouse the respect and admiration of others. These professions are associated with courage, honesty and courage. Unfortunately, in our country traffic police inspectors cannot be proud of this for obvious reasons. But, despite this, the number of young people who want to get a job in the traffic police is only increasing every year.

6. Auto Mechanic. One of the most popular and highly paid professions today is the specialty of an auto mechanic. In recent years, there has been an increased growth rate in the number of cars and car services in our country, which gives a professional auto mechanic freedom of choice when applying for a job. He himself can propose his candidacy for a prestigious car service and set himself the maximum salary level that exists in car services.

7. Working professions. Labor market researchers are confident that in the near future workers will receive the highest salaries. The number of young people with higher education is steadily growing, but there is a catastrophic shortage of workers. Already today, in many enterprises, management is ready to pay skilled workers a salary two to three times higher than the earnings of an engineer and technical worker. Therefore, in the near future, such specialties as tool maker, CNC machine operator, and turner-milling operator may become the most prestigious.

8. Doctor. If you ask a modern girl the question: “What profession do you like working men in most?”, then, of course, the answer will be: “Doctor.” Thanks to numerous TV series, a slender male doctor with a kind face in a white coat has today been elevated to the cult of a sex symbol. The main character of the series beloved by girls is a noble surgeon. He works in a private clinic, lives in a luxurious house, performs complex operations and is ready to sacrifice everything to save his patients. Unfortunately, being a doctor in real life is very different from being a doctor on screen. After graduating from a medical university, finding a job with a decent salary is very difficult, although the medical profession is considered one of the most in demand. A good income can only be brought by being a dentist or having an international medical diploma. In the USA, doctors receive the highest salaries, and obtaining a doctorate in medicine is very expensive and difficult. Therefore, doctors who graduated from a university in our country and got a job in an American clinic are very satisfied with their profession.

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