Which low-calorie foods for weight loss should you choose? List and review. Low-calorie menu - losing weight healthy and confident

An ideal “chiselled” figure is the cherished dream of many representatives of the fair sex. However, not every girl can boast of it. To achieve this goal, all kinds of mono-diets, nutritional systems of overseas sorcerers, as well as various recipes for dishes on the advice of acquaintances and friends are usually used. At the same time, in the fight for harmony, not all means are equally good. The idea of ​​a balanced diet, supported by scientific research, while observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle, has recently gained particular popularity. It formed the basis of many reasonable types of diets, which ultimately contribute to the acquisition of a slender, graceful body, and also help to maintain and strengthen the immune system.

Scientists have called the combination of a proper diet and a sufficient level of physical activity the “golden key” to effective weight loss. Low-calorie food - an active weight regulator - can serve well in this matter. But you can only reduce the amount of nutritional value in your diet to a certain level, because to ensure vital processes a person still needs to consume the required amount of vitamins and microelements. Otherwise, the body may respond with exacerbation of chronic diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, disruptions in the hormonal system, as well as deterioration in appearance: dry skin, hair loss and brittle nails.

Today you can find plenty of advice on how to quickly and effectively lose weight. However, their side effect is not mentioned - a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to rapid weight gain, as soon as you return to normal nutrition. Low-calorie food should be selected strictly individually in accordance with a person’s lifestyle and physical activity.

In this case, the body switches to actively burning its own fat reserves. Gradually, a person gets used to low-calorie dishes, and this way of eating becomes the norm. Reviews from people for whom low-calorie food has become a regular diet indicate that many people losing weight were able to lose up to 7 extra pounds in 14 days!

How to determine your individual calorie intake? If a girl is impatient to become slim and tries to reduce her BMI as quickly as possible by sharply reducing the calorie content of her diet, this can lead to a painful condition - bulimia. The body is terrified of hunger, and such stress can first slow down metabolic processes and then lead to a breakdown.

Nutritionists consider the ideal option to be a gradual reduction in the number of calories in the daily diet to one thousand.

At the same time, it must contain all the necessary nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and even fats.

The myth of “negative calories” arose when scientists discovered the ability of some foods containing high amounts of fiber to be digested very slowly. As a result, the body, during the process of internal processing of this food, spends more calories than it contains. For example, broccoli contains 16 kcal per 100 g of product, and 18-20 kcal are needed to digest it. Thus, you can lose some calories in your diet by eating such a valuable and healthy vegetable.

However, not all so simple. In order to get rid of just 100 g of fat, you need to spend from 700 to 900 kcal. How much should you consume? Nutritionists consider it normal to consume foods containing fats up to 400 kcal. In this case, the healthiest combination of animals will be 1:3.

The lowest calorie foods are vegetables, individual unsweetened fruits, and fresh mushrooms. This category also includes: lettuce and watercress, white radishes, cucumbers and tomatoes (from 0 (water) to 20 kcal).

Lemon, celery, coriander, bell pepper, eggplant, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, champignons, asparagus and lingonberries contain only 20 to 30 kcal. A serving of stewed eggplant, cooked without fat, contains up to 35 kcal.

A little more - from 30 to 40 kcal - is found in grapefruits, watermelons, limes, green beans, green and onions, peaches, zucchini, melons, radishes and radishes.

Low-calorie foods may include leaf or root celery, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, or kefir. You can enjoy blackberries, nectarines, gooseberries, oranges, plums, pineapple, feijoa, apples or apricots. Moreover, per 100 g of such products there are 40 or 50 kcal.

Raspberries, cherries, blueberries, red currants, pears and jacket potatoes contain 50 or 60 kcal.

The “elite” of low-calorie foods - from 60 to 70 kcal - include the following delicacies: grapes, mango, pomegranate, cherries, beans, black currants, kiwi and leeks.

Low-calorie diets for weight loss include most of these foods.

People seeking to achieve noticeable results in fat burning are advised to familiarize themselves with the rules of a healthy diet. Be sure to include low-calorie foods in your diet. According to many scientific studies, it has been proven that vegetables and fruits contain relatively few calories. If you want to lose weight without unpleasant consequences, eat foods with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and a minimum amount of fat.

What are low calorie foods

Calorie content represents the energy value of food. In other words, this is the amount of energy that the body receives from food. Thanks to this energy, the vital functions of the body are maintained: cells grow, divide and are restored, blood circulates, the heart contracts, food is digested, and a constant body temperature is maintained. A person spends energy from food during physical activity and even during sleep.

The main components of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to these substances, some foods contain carboxylic acids - for example, citric acid, polyhydric alcohols - glycerin, sweeteners, alcohol. The most energy is spent on the absorption of proteins: mainly cheeses, cottage cheese, poultry, animals, fish, peas, beans, nuts. Next in terms of difficulty of digestion are fats (butter, margarine, chocolate, etc.) and carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, dates, raisins).

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are capable of releasing different amounts of energy. By summing this energy, the calorie content of the food is calculated. To simplify the calculations, average values ​​are taken: fats provide 9.3 kcal/g, proteins – 4 kcal/g, carbohydrates – 4 kcal/g. For example, if when absorbing 1 g of protein the body receives 4 kcal, then when eating 70 g of protein a person will receive 280 kcal (70 g x 4 kcal).

Remember that the digestion of animal proteins requires more energy than the digestion of plant-based substances. When calculating calories and having a desire to lose extra pounds, people often choose foods with no fat because they think that this approach will help solve the problem. Fats, like other basic substances, are necessary for our body to fully develop. Be sure to include vegetable fats in your diet within the established norm, then you won’t be in danger of gaining extra pounds.

When choosing low-calorie food, keep in mind that it includes products that, according to the calorie table, contain less than 100 kcal per 100 g of weight. It is worth listing the main types of low-calorie foods:

  • veal;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • flounder;
  • smelt;
  • natural yogurt;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • green beans;
  • seaweed;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • White cabbage;
  • bow (feather);
  • carrot.

What does caloric content depend on?

By determining the caloric content, you can understand whether a food is healthy. When making calculations, consider the following:

  • The more fat a food contains, the more calories it contains. Keep in mind that broken down fats go into reserve and are burned when the body has nowhere to get energy. To get rid of excess fat, protein diets are used: reserve reserves are spent on protein digestion and the person gradually loses weight.
  • Low-calorie foods contain a lot of fiber, which takes time and effort from the body to digest.
  • When losing weight, it is forbidden to use “fast” carbohydrates, because they are digested almost instantly and contribute to weight gain.
  • Vegetables are considered the lowest calorie foods for weight loss. This is followed by fish, fruits, dairy products, and poultry.
  • To ensure a complete diet, you should not give up butter and cereals - although they are considered high in calories, they are necessary for the development of the body.

Table of low-calorie foods

Do not completely give up high-calorie foods: for example, cereals and cereals. In their raw form, they contain a lot of calories; after cooking, the initial figure decreases significantly. Doctors recommend using legumes - an irreplaceable source of protein. As a rule, calorie content is indicated per 100 g of product. Based on this, food is divided into:

  1. Very low-calorie - 100 g contains up to 30 kcal: such foods include zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, and mushrooms.
  2. Low-calorie - 100 g from 30 kcal: cod, pike, pike perch, carp, rutabaga, green peas, carrots, potatoes, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
  3. Medium-calorie - 100-200 kcal per 100 g: includes lamb, turkey, rabbit, chicken, eggs.
  4. High-calorie - 100 g from 200 to 450 kcal: fatty meat, baked goods, sweets, snacks, chips, etc.
  5. Very high-calorie - 100 g from 450 kcal: various butter, lard, fatty pork, raw smoked sausage, chocolate, peanuts, Brazilian, walnuts, pine nuts.

The number of calories consumed must equal the amount of energy expended. If a large number of calories are taken in, they will be stored as excess fat. With little energy received, exhaustion occurs. If we are talking about losing weight, then a person should receive slightly less calories than he burns. The information below will help you choose the right food for your diet menu.

Vegetables and fruits

These products are included in many diets. It is recommended to consume vegetables raw in order to fill the body with nutrients as much as possible. Be sure to include low-GI greens in your menu (the glycemic index indicates how quickly insulin rises after eating a particular food). If you decide to use heat treatment, then choose short cooking (use a slow cooker) or the baking method using foil.

Baking is better than boiling, because when boiling, the beneficial substances go into the water. It is not advisable to fry vegetables for a long time, because the oil used will add calories to the dish. In addition, fried foods contain many toxic substances and carcinogens. An excellent alternative is quick frying: to preserve the substances necessary for the body, use a VOK type frying pan; the processing should be repeated with constant stirring (as Asian dishes are prepared).

Use cabbage, carrots, beets, herbs, garlic and onions as often as possible. Below are vegetables indicating their composition, number of calories (2nd column), GI (glycemic index). Use these data when planning a healthy diet:

Product name (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)


Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cabbage

Green pepper

Salted mushrooms

Zucchini caviar (data depends on composition)


It is recommended to eat fruits raw separately from the main meal: for variety in the menu, make fruit salads. If you have digestive problems, then mix fruits with fermented milk drinks (yogurt or kefir). Try not to drink freshly squeezed juice often, because it greatly increases the GI. Fruits are dangerous because they contain sucrose and fructose, so they are recommended to be eaten in the first half of the day. When choosing them, look at the number of calories, the amount of carbohydrates and the glycemic index:

Product name (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)



Red Ribes

Black currant

Avocado is the highest-calorie fruit (100 g 160 kcal), but it is recommended for people losing weight (especially on low-carb diets). Avocado contains a huge amount of useful elements and vitamins. Dried fruits are high in calories, but have a relatively low glycemic index, so eat prunes, dried apricots, figs, etc. when you need a snack or want “something sweet.”


Keep in mind that when following a protein diet, it is often prohibited to consume grains and legumes. This food is rich in carbohydrates and vegetable protein. Raw cereals are high in calories. When boiling them in water or milk (it all depends on your preferences and diet), the calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is reduced. An excellent option for weight loss is quinoa cooked in water: it contains healthy amino acids and is low in calories. When choosing food, focus on the glycemic index, the energy value of cooked cereals and legumes:

Name of dish (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Hercules porridge on water

Rice porridge on water

Barley on the water

Barley porridge with milk

Hercules porridge with milk

Wholemeal pasta

Quinoa cooked in water

Semolina porridge with milk

Unpolished rice cooked in water

Boiled beans

Boiled lentils

Millet cooked in water

Buckwheat on the water


Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese are rich in protein and calcium. Buy food without additives: it is advisable that the composition does not contain sugar, fruit pieces, emulsifiers, or flavor enhancers. Buy low-fat yogurt and kefir made at home from a starter culture with live bacteria. If the drink is low-fat, this will complicate the absorption of nutrients (for example, calcium, which promotes weight loss): the appropriate fat content of the drink is 1-2.5%. The compositions are recommended for protein diets and for people with hyperinsulinism.

Product name (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Whey from cottage cheese

Low-fat kefir

Milk (0.5%)

Ryazhenka (1%)

Milk (1%)

Natural yogurt (1.5%)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese (2%)

Fruit yogurt

Low-fat sour cream (10%)


Before you buy fish, pay attention to its size: often, the larger it is, the more mercury it contains. Fatty fish are useful in small quantities: red fish, pink salmon, contain Omega-3 acids necessary for beauty. Sometimes doctors advise replacing shrimp with chum salmon or sterlet. To lose weight, it is best to use steamed fish. Common options for dishes and fish are presented below:

Product name (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Sea kale

Boiled mussels

Boiled cod

Boiled pike

Boiled pollock

Boiled crabs

Boiled hake

Boiled trout

Boiled oysters

Boiled crayfish

Boiled sea bass

Boiled mullet

Boiled carp

Boiled chum salmon


When organizing proper nutrition, it is important to include in the diet dishes with a large amount of proteins, which are a source of amino acids necessary for cell renewal. Keep in mind that the norm for an adult is 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. 100 g of meat may contain different amounts of protein:

Product name (100 g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Boiled veal

Boiled chicken breast

Lean boiled beef

Boiled turkey

Boiled beef tongue

Low-calorie foods for weight loss

BMR – basal metabolism, the amount of energy required for the functioning of the body. Based on this value, you can easily create a menu without significant reductions. Remember that cutting off more than 400 kcal from the body’s body fat leads to some resistance from the body: it begins to “think” that it’s time to starve, so the metabolism slows down. GVE is calculated taking into account a person’s weight, height and age:

  • If you are a man, then use the formula: 66 + (14 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x age).
  • Women do the calculation like this: 655 + (9.56 x weight) + (1.85 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age).

The basal metabolic rate helps to avoid creating a menu with too low an energy value. Initially, the figure may exceed 1200 kcal; in the process of losing weight, the figure decreases, as a result of which the calorie content of food decreases. For example, if your total body weight is 1450 kcal, then you should eat in such a way as not to “deviate” from this indicator. Gradually losing kilograms, smoothly reduce RV by applying the above formula. With weight loss, the TVE can be 1380 kcal, then 1300 kcal. The body will not experience stress and will receive a minimum of food for normal functioning.

It is important to understand that a sharp decrease in calorie content is harmful to health; the body does not immediately obey the whim of the owner and uses special resources for protection. Metabolism slows down and after finishing the diet, a person, switching to his usual diet, quickly regains his previous weight with interest. Even by eating less than before the diet, a person risks gaining kilograms, because in the absence of accurate calculations, one can easily eat more than is required to maintain a slim body.

Lowest calorie

When dieting, feel free to use the lowest-calorie foods. Pay attention to the characteristics of food and what benefits it brings to the body:

  • Fresh cucumbers (100 g 13 kcal) are rich in potassium, carotene, vitamins C, PP, group B and complex organic substances. Vegetables improve intestinal motility and remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Asparagus (21 kcal per 100 g) is a source of dietary fiber, rich in minerals, vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, folic acid, and potassium. Regulates blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots, the development of cancer, strengthens blood vessels, improves body tone.
  • Spinach (22 kcal per 100 g) is rich in vitamins A, PP, B, C, E, D, H, K, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine and other trace elements. With regular use, the immune system is restored, tone increases, blood vessels are strengthened, and the development of hypertension is prevented. The vegetable is a mild laxative and is not recommended for use by pregnant women or people with kidney problems.
  • Broccoli (34 kcal per 100 g) is rich in calcium, proteins and other substances. With regular use, cancer is prevented; it is recommended to eat it if you have problems with the pancreas or increased stomach acidity. Broccoli is used raw or boiled. When preparing dishes, remember that cabbage should not be overcooked, then it will retain maximum nutrients.
  • Carrots (35 kcal per 100 g) are a source of carotenoids, an excellent antioxidant, have a beneficial effect on vision, increase tone, restore the immune system, and enhance intestinal motility. It is recommended to eat the vegetable raw: you can make various salads.
  • Chili pepper (20 kcal per 100 g) stimulates the body's production of a natural analgesic. When eating pepper, the stomach produces mucus, a substance that prevents the occurrence of ulcers. The vegetable prevents the occurrence of heart problems, prevents the development of oncology, and protects a person from aging.

Considering the above features of “light” vegetables, feel free to use them when creating a menu. The lowest calorie foods will help you create interesting dishes:

  1. Make a salad of fresh cucumbers: take 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of wild garlic, dill, parsley, green onions, low-fat sour cream or light natural yogurt. Cut the vegetables into slices, chop the herbs, season everything with sour cream or yogurt, and add salt to taste if desired.
  2. Boiled asparagus is prepared as follows: peel the stems, rinse with cold water, place them in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes, remove and drain in a colander, place in a bowl of cold water. For dressing, mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt. Place the asparagus on a plate and pour the sauce over it.
  3. Spinach salad: take 230 g spinach, 2 tomatoes, 1 avocado, 200 g feta cheese. Cut vegetables, avocado, cheese into slices, add olive oil, a little vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, mix.
  4. Prepare broccoli puree: divide vegetables (about 300 g) into florets, steam, lightly fry onion (1 head) in olive oil, mix everything in a blender, pepper and salt to taste.
  5. Carrot salad is prepared as follows: cut 2 carrots into strips, chop walnuts, mix everything, season with natural yogurt, add 1 tsp. honey, a pinch of grated fresh ginger.
  6. An excellent soup is prepared with chili peppers: take 5 tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, and remove the skins. Mix tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 peppers in a blender, and cook the mixture in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. At the end, add chopped herbs and salt to taste.

Weight will drop quickly if you take a few recommendations into account. Plan your diet based on the following:

  • Eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day (about 1300 kcal): bake, boil, stew, eat fresh, but do not eat fried zucchini and other vegetables in this form.
  • Dress your salads with low-fat yogurt.
  • Eat strictly according to schedule: 4-6 times a day; for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the portion should be small.
  • Drink water, green tea, vegetable juices.
  • Include dairy, low-calorie protein foods, fruits, and grains.

Hearty, low-calorie foods

It is important not only to lose weight effectively, but also to fill the body with nutrients. Hearty foods include:

  • lean veal;
  • chicken;
  • a rabbit;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey;
  • kidneys and heart;
  • seafood in the form of squid, shrimp, crabs, flounder, carp, tofu, river perch, blue whiting, pike perch, pike;
  • low-fat milk, cottage cheese, kefir.

During the diet, you should use special recipes. It is worth citing the most popular:

  1. Chicken salad is prepared as follows: take boiled fillet (300 g), chop it, cut 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, 100 g pitted olives, 100 g cheese squares, mix, season with olive oil, add salt, oregano taste.
  2. Squid can be mixed with bell peppers, onions, parsley, olive oil - you get an excellent light salad.
  3. The spicy salad is made from squid, shrimp with sweet peppers, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, celery, paprika and olive oil.

To avoid gaining extra pounds while dieting, it is important to consider a number of important tips. Know that hearty meals:

  • It is better to cook meat and seafood; in extreme cases, an oven is suitable for cooking;
  • eat hearty meat dishes for lunch;
  • For dinner, eat boiled fish.

Delicious low-calorie foods

Among people who are losing weight, there are also those who like to eat something tasty. Such food includes sweets, interesting dishes, and low-calorie foods:

  • marmalade;
  • marshmallows;
  • paste;
  • popcorn without salt and butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • bell pepper;
  • melon watermelon;
  • berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries;
  • fruits - pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes, persimmons, papaya, guava, apples, grapefruit, tangerines.

This list of low-calorie foods can be used when creating a daily menu. Baking should be present in the diet only in the form of bran bread without yeast, crispbread, biscuits. Remember that it is better to eat healthy dessert (sweets, cottage cheese, yoghurts and fruits, berries) separately instead of a light snack or for breakfast. Decorate your morning with a wonderful dish of cottage cheese, yogurt and berries. This will help improve tone and improve digestion. During the day, between breakfast and lunch or as an afternoon snack, treat yourself to an apple, pineapple slices, grapefruit, and healthy sweets.


In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is not necessary to go on strict diets or even starve. It is enough to eat food for weight loss that can speed up metabolism, reduce appetite and promote weight loss, prepare low-calorie dishes, and also correctly combine protein foods, fats and carbohydrates. In the article we will provide various grocery lists for those who want to lose excess weight, a calorie table and much more.

Nutrition Basics for Weight Loss

A balanced diet starts the processes of metabolism, fat burning and cleansing of toxins. Meals during weight loss should consist largely of fresh foods, since they contain the maximum amount of valuable minerals - fuel for the body. Metabolic functions are directly dependent on the food consumed during the day.

The wrong combination of ingredients in dishes and their uncontrolled consumption leads to the accumulation of fat.

By following simple rules for eating, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your quality of life:

  1. Introduce 4-5 meals a day(preferably at the same time).
  2. Reduce number of servings.
  3. Reduce volume daily calorie intake.
  4. Exclude harmful foods from the diet.
  5. Limit consumption of salt and other flavor enhancers.
  6. Sweet dishes transfer to use in the first half of the day.
  7. Regularly replenish water balance.
  8. Use more often raw vegetables for cooking. Heat treatment should be minimal.
  9. Eat food slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly.
  10. Remember that fried and smoked foods are prohibited when losing weight and do not provide any benefit to the body, so you will have to give them up.

List of foods that help speed up metabolism and burn fat

According to nutritionists, to quickly lose weight, you first need to create a diet of foods that accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. Because each person's metabolism occurs differently.

If calories are consumed more slowly, the process of fat accumulation occurs. Eating balanced food will not only speed up the process of its breakdown and weight loss, but will also free the body from harmful toxins.

Fat burning products are rich in active substances that normalize metabolic processes. Low-calorie dishes allow you to saturate the body with useful minerals, give energy, and have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Among the most effective products for weight loss:

  • vegetables rich in fiber (celery, broccoli, artichoke, cauliflower, etc.);
  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit with its choleretic effect;
  • green tea;
  • raisins combined with prunes and dried apricots;
  • olive oil and olive fruits;
  • fresh raspberries;

Products to reduce appetite

A diet containing foods for muscle growth will help with this:

  • oysters;
  • almond;
  • quinoa;
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • soybeans, etc.;

List of foods with a low glycemic index

Eating such food is allowed in large quantities, but not everyone can maintain a strict diet, especially sports and fitness enthusiasts. A lack of energy resources may cause weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness. Therefore, you need to create a menu for weight loss taking into account the rhythm of life, physical activity and health status.

The following diet products for weight loss contain a low glycemic index:

  • black currant;
  • tomatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • avocado;
  • pearl barley, lentils;
  • radish;
  • green tea, etc.;

Product combinations for weight loss

Compatibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

All weight loss products are divided into groups that contain:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;

A list of rules by following which you can learn how to correctly combine compatible products for weight loss:

  1. Vegetables/fruits that are sour to taste It is not recommended to consume simultaneously with carbohydrates: potatoes, legumes, bread, dates, bananas, etc.
  2. No concentrated carbohydrates mix with proteins: meat dish with pasta, potatoes or cheese sandwich, etc.
  3. Give preference fermented milk products. Eating dairy dishes should not be combined with other foods.
  4. Unsuccessful is a combination of proteins and sour fruits/vegetables: meat with tomatoes, nuts with orange.
  5. Starch with sugar causes fermentation, so taking it together should be avoided.
  6. Negative Impact the metabolic process is carried out by the simultaneous consumption of 2 proteins: meat - egg, cheese - meat, etc.
  7. High fat foods Do not combine with proteins: butter - cheese, cream - nuts.

Examples of compatible products that can be mixed

The following options for selecting products for weight loss are considered successful:

  • meat - vegetables (preference is given to steaming or stewing meat dishes);
  • fish (trout, salmon, tuna) – pasta (hard varieties only);
  • potatoes (baked in the oven, boiled) – cottage cheese;
  • cabbage (sauerkraut) – cumin;
  • rice - vegetables;
  • yogurt - nuts;
  • chicken breast (boiled) – avocado;
  • mushrooms - vegetables;
  • nuts - dried fruits;

After eating, you can snack on fruit only 2 hours later. Ignoring recommendations and changing incompatible foods will lead to a slowdown in the breakdown process and the formation of fermentation, rotting in the stomach and intestines. The only exception is banana, which does not cause negative reactions when combined with other foods and is acceptable for consumption with other foods.

The main course and dessert can be consumed 20 minutes apart. And during the day it is necessary to replenish the body with water. The liquid used is either pure water or herbal teas. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink decoctions of rose hips and others rich in valuable microelements. This will help the body cope with excess weight faster.

Calorie table for weight loss foods

Sample menu for a diet of weight loss products

To achieve quick but lasting results, try an effective weekly diet menu.

1 day


  • oatmeal (100 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • vegetable soup (150 g);
  • chicken breast (150 g) with chopped vegetables (150 g);
  • dried whole grain bread;
  • dried fruits compote;

Evening (no later than 19-00):

  • steamed fish cutlets (150 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • jelly;

2 snacks in between the main meal: apple, cottage cheese (100 g).

Day 2


  • omelette (1 egg);
  • chopped vegetables (150 g);
  • toast;
  • cocoa;
  • biscuits;


  • ear (150 g);
  • turkey breast (100 g);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • crackers;
  • herbal tea;


  • fish baked with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;

2 hearty snacks in between the main meal, for which the following products are suitable: dried fruits, nuts (100 g), cereals, kefir.

Day 3


  • rice with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • toast;
  • biscuits;


  • soup with meatballs (150 g);
  • tuna with pasta (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • sauerkraut;
  • herbal tea;

2 snacks in between the main meal: orange, cottage cheese (100 g).

4 day


  • coffee;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • steamed beef meatballs (150 g);
  • crackers;


  • lentils (100 g);
  • vegetable cutlets (150 g);
  • jelly;

You can eat 2 times between main meals: apple, kefir.

5 day


  • egg;
  • hard cheese (40 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • soup with chicken wings (150 g);
  • pasta with seafood (200 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • mushrooms baked in the oven with hard cheese (150 g);
  • herbal tea;

2 times a day in between the main meals you can eat: nuts, dried fruits, cheesecakes.

Day 6


  • chicken breast with avocado (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • biscuits;


  • Lenten borscht;
  • rice with vegetables;
  • dried bread;


  • steamed beef cutlets (150 g);
  • vegetable slices (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;

You can allow yourself 2 snacks in between the main meals: cottage cheese casserole.

Day 7


  • oatmeal (150 g);
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • cocoa;


  • puree soup (150 g);
  • turkey breast with vegetables (250 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • fish (150 g);
  • pasta (100 g);
  • green tea;

2 snacks in between the main meal you can eat the following products: apple, kefir, biscuits.

Dreaming of losing weight and changing their diet for this purpose, most people try to use low-calorie foods first. This is correct, but few people understand what effect they have on the body. There is no need to consider such information superfluous, because it will help you avoid common mistakes when organizing meals.

Benefits and harms

Calorie content is the energy that a person receives by eating a particular product. He spends it on physical or intellectual activity and on maintaining the vital functions of the body. It is necessary not only so that we can be cheerful, smart and cheerful during the day. With its help, important processes such as growth, division and restoration of cells, blood circulation, digestion, heart contractions, etc. are carried out.

However, most often a person spends much less than what he receives. In just one hearty lunch you can consume up to 800 kcal. And with a sedentary lifestyle, this amount is consumed in a whole day. But there is also breakfast, dinner, snacks and nightly gatherings in the kitchen. Everything that is not spent goes into fat depots. This is how excess weight is gained and folds, a sagging belly, etc. appear on the body.

That’s why it’s so important, when creating a new diet for weight loss, to include mostly low-calorie foods. For lunch, eat not fatty borscht with pork (200 kcal), but cold beetroot soup (50 kcal), not French fries (almost 300 kcal), but mashed potatoes (80 kcal), etc. Such a significant reduction in daily calorie content will contribute to a shortage energy. The body will have to extract it from the fat depots that it formed before. The result is weight loss.

However, the golden mean is good everywhere, and this also applies to low-calorie foods. They can be harmful to health. Excessive reduction in daily caloric intake is fraught with:

  • lethargic state;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • headache;
  • loss of muscle activity;
  • in women - menstrual irregularities;
  • vitamin deficiency and anemia.

These are not all the consequences of excessive passion for low-calorie foods. It can lead to slow and inadequate functioning of almost all body systems, which will be catastrophically lacking in energy. The most dangerous thing is hormonal imbalance. It can slow down your weight loss process and lead to new weight gain, despite a low-calorie diet. To normalize it, you will then have to undergo a long course of treatment.

Which exit? When creating a menu for weight loss, you do not need to focus exclusively on low-calorie foods. The diet should also include other healthy ones, but more saturated with carbohydrates and fats, so that the nutrition is balanced. This will protect your health from problems. And to start the process of fat burning and weight loss, you need to reduce the portion size. The approximate daily calorie content in this case should not exceed 1,200 kcal for women and 1,500 for men. These are average indicators, without taking into account physical activity and other individual parameters. Ours will help you calculate your daily calorie intake more accurately.

What foods are considered low-calorie

Different nutrients (the same BZHU) contained in foods do not release the same amount of energy. These indicators are summed up and the total calorie content is obtained. For example, 1 g of fat provides the body with 9.3 kcal, proteins and carbohydrates - approximately 4 kcal each.

In dietetics, low-calorie foods are those in which this indicator does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g (100 ml) of their weight. They are sometimes called negative calorie foods, although this term is controversial and not official. It is believed that they require much more energy from the body to digest them than they provide it with calories.

Most fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs fall into the group of low-calorie foods. But this does not mean that all of them are so useful for losing weight. For example, among vegetables (you can find lists of the healthiest and lowest-calorie ones), nutritionists do not favor potatoes and corn, since they contain starch, which disrupts digestion, and do not have much fiber. Or the situation with fruits: grapes and bananas contain a large amount of sugar, the consumption of which is limited by any diet.

The calorie content of fresh and thermally processed foods is different. The first ones are most often indicated in the tables. But when creating a menu, you must definitely find out how this indicator will change after you cook or fry the dish. Example: boiled pollock provides 72 kcal, and fried pollock - already 136. This means that in the latter case it is no longer included in the list of low-calorie foods.


An approximate list of the lowest-calorie foods that you can focus on when creating a menu for weight loss may look like this:

  1. - 0 kcal.
  2. Black tea - 0.
  3. Black coffee - 1.
  4. Chernushka - 9.
  5. Butter - 12.
  6. Cucumbers - 14.
  7. Beijing cabbage - 16.
  8. Lettuce - 16.
  9. Milk mushrooms - 16.
  10. Ryzhik - 17.
  11. Lemon juice - 18.
  12. Chanterelles - 19.
  13. Russula - 19.
  14. Radish - 20.
  15. Boletus - 20.

Few people know that among low-calorie foods, mushrooms are the real champions (this can be judged by this rating). They contain a lot of protein and are an almost complete replacement for meat. However, you should not rely on them when planning to lose weight, for 2 reasons. Firstly, they are difficult food for the stomach and can cause serious digestive problems. Secondly, during their growth, they, like a sponge, absorb too many harmful substances from the atmosphere, and therefore are considered sources of toxins.

Calorie tables

Calorie content in all tables is indicated per 100 g of each product in its raw form (except for cereals) and per 100 ml of drinks.

Distribution by food groups will make the search more convenient. Within each of them, products are distributed in ascending order in terms of calorie content.


Fish and seafood




Fruits and berries



Alcoholic drinks

Soft drinks


Sometimes, even with all these tables at hand, it is difficult to calculate the total calorie content of a dish. Therefore, we offer the lowest calorie of them with its indication per 100 g of ready-made dish.


Cucumbers in matsoni - 27 kcal

An hour before the main preparation of the dish, cut 1 medium-sized salad cucumber into small cubes and leave. After an hour, drain the released liquid. Using a knife, chop 10 g of dill and green onions. Crush 1 garlic clove (chop with a knife, grate - in any convenient way). Mix it with herbs. Divide the garlic-green mass into 2 equal parts. Mix one with cucumbers, the other with 50 ml of matsoni. Place the salad in a serving plate and pour dressing on top.

Seldeprush - 35 kcal

Place fresh peeled radish (1 piece) on a fine grater. Using a knife, chop 1 small bunch of herbs (ideal ingredients are dill and parsley). Do the same with a small stem (5-6 g). Season with 1% kefir (it will take no more than 20 ml). Mix.

Pineapple salad with mushrooms - 41 kcal

2 peeled grapefruits, peeled and cut into cubes. Mix with 300g canned pineapple (buy a can with the fruit already chopped, not rings). Place 300 g of raw champignons into thin slices and add them to the salad. Stir, pour 20 ml of pineapple juice from a can. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Mushrooms behave like a sponge in this salad: they absorb fruit juice and become juicy and tasty.

Panicle - 40 kcal

Finely chop 200 g of white cabbage and squeeze with your hands to release the juice. Cut fresh carrots and beets into strips (1 piece each). Peel the green apple from seeds and core (but leave the peel), and also cut into strips. Season with juice squeezed from ½ lemon. Mix.

Cabbage - 29 kcal

Finely chop 1 kg of white cabbage. Grate 1 medium-sized carrot. Roughly chop 3 stalks of celery with a knife. Peel 2 bell peppers, cut into arbitrary cubes, as well as 5 blanched tomatoes. Chop 5 onions and fry. Mix all ingredients, pour 3 liters of boiling water, cook until vegetables are ready. Add spices and salt before turning off the heat. Before serving, garnish with any chopped herbs.

From zucchini - 34 kcal

Grind 1 carrot and 1 onion. Cut young and peeled zucchini into cubes. First, fry carrots and onions in 15 g of butter, then mix them with zucchini, pour 1 liter of boiling water, add a pinch (no more than 2 g) of caraway seeds. Cook for 25 minutes. Cool. Puree using a blender. Before serving, garnish with chopped herbs.

Cold beetroot soup - 35 kcal

Boil 200 g of beets until tender, separately - 3 chicken eggs. Cool. Peel the beets, put them into thin strips and immediately pour 2 liters of boiling water over them. To prevent the soup from losing its rich color, pour in the juice squeezed from ½ lemon. Cut white radish and 100 g of cucumbers into cubes. Peeled eggs - into quarters. Grind 5 g of dill and parsley, 10 g of green onions. Pour all this into the water with the beets when it cools down. Serve with 10% sour cream.


Fruit and berry salad - 32 kcal

Peel and cut into random cubes 1 green apple, orange and pear. Do the same with 500 g of melon. Mix the fruits, add 50 g of strawberries and red currants. There is no need to top it up with anything, because the juice released by the berries and fruits will be enough.

Pumpkin-apple dessert - 63 kcal

Peel 5 apples, cut into large cubes. Do the same with 100 g. Mix them, add 50 g of sugar. Pour 50 ml of water into the pan (so that the dessert does not burn), pour the ingredients into it. Bake in the microwave. The time depends on the power of the device. On average, 10 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon before serving.

Cherry jelly - 52 kcal

Place 400 g of ripe cherries in a saucepan, add 50 g of sugar (preferably brown), add 0.5 liters of water. Boil after boiling for no more than 5 minutes. Switch off. Wait until the cherries settle to the bottom. Strain. Pour 20 g of instant gelatin into 100 ml of water, melt it in the microwave or steam. Mix the strained cherry compote with gelatin. Pour into molds. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours before serving.

Homemade fruit ice - 53 kcal

Pour 30 g of sugar into 150 ml of water and heat to obtain syrup. Pour in the juice squeezed from ½ lemon. Pass 200 g of overripe strawberries and 3 soft kiwis through a blender. Mix all the ingredients, pour into molds (you can use regular cups), and stick wooden ice cream sticks into them. Place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Baked pear - 73 kcal

Peel 3 hard pears and cut each into quarters. 50 g of sugar (for weight loss it is better to take brown) pour 50 ml of water. Heat to make syrup. Add 10 g of turmeric to it. Place the pears on a baking sheet and pour syrup over them. Bake for half an hour at 200°C.

Low-calorie foods and dishes are simply necessary for weight loss. But everything needs to be approached competently and without fanaticism. Weight loss should be safe for health, and without a balanced diet this is impossible (you can read about the basic principles of such nutrition).

Good afternoon, dear readers! Spring has finally arrived, which means that “weight loss” topics are becoming more and more popular. Millions of men and women are right now looking for a way to get their figure into shape in the next 2-3 months. Having read the advice of nutritionists about reducing calorie intake, the average person strives to fulfill the main recommendation - to reduce the number of calories consumed. And this is where low-calorie foods come to the rescue, which we will talk about today.

Various calories

When we type “Low-calorie foods for weight loss list” into a search engine, we most often come across vegetables or fruits that are very difficult to get enough of. This is because calories from different sources differ from each other. Some low-calorie foods can serve us only as a side dish, without being a full-fledged dish.

Today we will move a little away from the established tradition of taking calorie content too literally, and will divide low-calorie foods into several groups.

Energy sources

We are talking about food containing many long-lasting carbohydrates. Such products are often high in calories, and therefore they are not included in the lists of low-calorie foods. But there is an exception. This exception is cereals.

Cereals are sources of long-lasting carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This is a fairly low-calorie food and, at the same time, food that allows you to satisfy your hunger.

Let's highlight the main low-calorie cereals:

Note that we are talking about the energy value of the finished dish. That is, we weigh the portion, calculating the calorie content, after cooking, and not before it.

As for the other sources of energy that will help you get out of your lethargic state during the diet, you have to admit that they are all high in calories. Therefore, porridge is the only dish familiar in everyday life that can also be used on a diet.

Below is a small table comparing low-calorie foods and high-calorie foods.

Protein products

High-quality protein products of animal origin are the basis of any diet. Among protein foods, you can actually find products that can help you both remove the feeling of hunger and not gain extra pounds.

An emphasis on consuming high-quality protein foods should be made for men who plan not only to lose weight, but also to maintain existing muscle mass. So, the least calorie protein foods are:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese - 86 kcal/100 g. The absolute leader for losing weight for men and women. The basis of any protein diet. Moreover, cottage cheese is the cheapest high-quality protein food, which is important in our times of crisis.
  2. Pollock fish - 70 kcal/100 g. More expensive, but no less high-quality low-calorie source of protein.
  3. Squid - 75 kcal/100 g.
  4. Cod - 75 kcal/g.
  5. Perch - 82 kcal/100 g.
  6. Chicken breast - 113 kcal/100 g.

Here is a list of high-quality high-protein and almost low-fat products. We weigh all products, like cereals, after cooking. In this case, there can be confusion with calories, because after boiling the weight of the product often decreases.

On my own behalf, I advise you to eat poultry and fish, these are the best protein foods, by eating which you can easily lose a couple, or even a couple of dozen extra pounds.

Vegetables and fruits

Let's move on to the main point for which ordinary people are looking for “low-calorie foods for weight loss list” online.

Vegetables and fruits are also carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. But, firstly, you are unlikely to be able to get enough solely with the help of them, and secondly, eating only vegetables and fruits is a rather expensive pleasure, it is better to arrange for yourself. But, of course, if you want to lose weight and not bother too much with calories, which must be counted on a diet, it is better to get half of the energy gained during weight loss from vegetables and fruits. So here's our list:

This list can be continued endlessly. The bottom line is that vegetables and fruits have a lower glycemic index, which is closely related to calorie content, making it virtually impossible to gain weight by eating vegetables and fruits. And you can get rid of extra pounds.

How to create a diet?

To create a diet based on the consumption of calories with low energy value, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Moreover, we are talking about both moral and material possibilities.

If you don’t know how to create a diet and want to get everything ready, then this course is for you!

Find out more about the course »»

It is known that eating vegetables and fruits is an expensive pleasure that will cost you a pretty penny even with a low calorie content. In addition, a decrease in the glycemic index of food means a decrease in blood glucose, and therefore, eating kilograms of celery and cabbage, you will still feel lethargic and constantly want to rest.

Of course, in emergency cases, when you need to lose a few kilograms in 2-5 days, such a diet may be suitable, but only if you plan to lose weight in one week.

The ideal situation would be to get 25% of your calories from cereals, 25% of your energy from low-calorie protein foods, and another 50% of your energy from vegetables and fruits. Add 2-3 liters of water to this regimen and your tactics for losing weight as quickly as possible can be considered ideal.

Well, that's all. Subscribe to updates, leave your comments and share information with friends. See you again!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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