How to develop the ability to express your thoughts. How to learn to express your thoughts correctly


Look for any opportunities to practice your speech. To do this, you can turn to your professional activity: students can join the scientific community and speak in public with research papers. And if you work in an office, you can always ask your boss to entrust you with preparing a report or report, which you will also present to your colleagues.

Practice spontaneity. Speaking without preparation seems very difficult at first, but in the future it will help you improve your speech and make it fluent. To do this, meet and communicate with new people more often. Learn to quickly select a topic for conversation depending on the situation, and also quickly respond to your interlocutor’s remarks.

Learn the grammatical and syntactic norms of the Russian language if you have problems with the correct or individual phrases. If you have difficulty finding the right words, then you can read various dictionaries and lexical collections. Be sure to pay attention to the emphasis in words.

Read more books. It's better to do it out loud. In addition to the fact that this will significantly improve your vocabulary, you will learn to emphasize the right words when talking with other people, speak and express yourself more clearly.

Use standard speech training exercises used by announcers, politicians and other people who are important to learn and fluent. Say various tongue twisters quickly and out loud (you can make the exercise more difficult by putting a small object in your mouth or saying tongue twisters while running). Speak while looking at your reflection in the mirror, imagining that you are talking to another person or an audience. Read reports and give speeches in front of your friends or relatives.

Try not to stammer, don't swallow your words, keep it even. At the same time, add emotionality to your speech: use more interrogative and exclamatory sentences, refer more often to quotes from famous people. You can even add a little humor. All this will make your speech truly beautiful and free.

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The ability to speak beautifully is not given to everyone. Very often a person cannot convey his thoughts to his interlocutor. Nobody wants their speech to be uncertain and uninteresting. How to learn to speak correctly and achieve success in eloquence?

You will need

  • Tape recorder or voice recorder


Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn at least one new thing every day. This is especially true for people who are forced to use a large number of special terms in their speech. Talk only about what you really understand.

Pay special attention to the emotional coloring of speech. Change your intonation, highlight the main thoughts in your voice and help yourself with beautiful gestures. This will definitely attract the attention of your interlocutors and will be remembered by them.

Be a speaker. Don't be afraid to speak in front of a lot of people. To relieve fear, write short speeches on paper and practice them in front of the mirror. Ask people close to you to listen to you and evaluate your speech. Rehearse during friendly gatherings and holidays - say toasts, lead the evening. Boost your self-confidence.

Practice constantly. Achieve flawless coordination and . Don't jump from topic to topic, be consistent and logical. When speaking, be calm and convey your thoughts without monotony. However, you should not speak too emotionally - this may scare away listeners. Pay attention like announcers and radio. Analyze their speech and try to remember what attracted you.

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Many people dream of learning to speak beautifully - very often the ability to clearly express their thoughts is considered one of the main factors of success and fulfillment in life, primarily, of course, in professional activities.

Conversation is an important component of interaction between people. Often, his professional career depends on how correctly, freely and beautifully a person speaks. This is also important in everyday communication. But speech also affects the well-being and confidence of the person himself.


Learn to formulate your thoughts correctly and clearly. This is often easier to do in writing, so practice writing down your thoughts on paper. Try keeping a diary.

When you talk, don't rush. Try to speak clearly and understandably. Breathe through your belly to make your voice louder.

Find the middle ground between overly emotional and monotonous speech. Use intonation, then people won’t get bored listening to you. At the same time, do not express your emotions too violently if there is no reason for this.

Try to speak concisely. If the interlocutor constantly jumps from one topic to another without finishing his previous thought, people get tired and find it difficult to follow his train of thought.

If you have any speech impediments, try to correct them. If, for example, you cannot pronounce the letter “r,” take a few lessons from a speech therapist. Attend training on. The more correctly you speak, the more willingly you will do it and the more pleasant it will be for you to listen to yourself.

Work on improving your self-confidence. A confident person feels free and does not worry about the impression he makes. He is focused not on his experiences, but on the interlocutor and on the topic of conversation, so it is easier for him to find words and be resourceful. Interesting ideas come to his mind more easily.

When you are alone at home, imagine that you are a famous person and a TV show host is interviewing you. He asks a question, and you begin to answer it out loud. You can stand in front of the mirror. Then evaluate yourself - whether you answered the question quickly, how you formulated the sentences, whether there were pauses in your speech. Pay attention to your intonations, whether you liked them. Next time, you can record a monologue on a voice recorder to hear yourself from the outside.

Tell your loved ones more often about things or events that interest you. Try to convey your idea to your interlocutor. The wider your horizons, the more topics you will find

Get rid of fear and phobia

Psychologists say that the low level of training of people in the field of public speaking indicates the presence of complexes and modesty in a person. The main thing is that you recognize your fear and understand where it comes from. You need to understand that courage and confidence, as well as the ability to speak clearly when speaking in public, need to be developed in yourself. This is not at all difficult and not a talent with which individual outstanding individuals are gifted. Famous speakers say that the audience is a stimulus that helps them get inspired and makes them work with more intensity. Don't be afraid to voice your new thoughts and ideas, it's important to start practicing hard.

Learn to speak beautifully and competently

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find trainings or courses in rhetoric and public speaking, but they all cost money and often do not coincide with your work schedule. There is a less expensive, but quite effective way - to learn from other people's examples. It is necessary to watch the performances of people of a wide variety of professions all over the world in order to understand what unites them and why they attract the public. Pay attention not only to the dialogue from the audience, but also to the prepared phrases and clothing of the speaker.

Practice your speech in front of a mirror. Think over the text that you would like to voice in front of the public. Imagine that the mirror is the people for whom you need to broadcast. Your speech must be convincing. Try to pronounce each word as clearly as possible so that the audience can hear you. Hold a small meeting in front of two or three real people. There is no need to worry, it is important to be confident. A useful technique is interaction with the public. You can tell some stories from your life, but most importantly, don’t overdo it. Take small pauses in your speech, this will make your speech seem more natural and emotional.

Look at the public

There is no need to constantly look at your prepared notes. It is necessary to raise your eyes and address the audience. You can choose the friendliest ones from the entire audience - those who approve and support your words.

Don't criticize your speech

Even if your performance is not perfect, praise yourself. You managed to overcome your uncertainty, went out to the public and communicated with them. Don’t give up speaking, because this is the only way to become a good speaker. By addressing your audience again and again, your fear and uncertainty will disappear, and your performances will be freer, livelier and more exciting.

Video on the topic

Nowadays, many people are concerned with the question of how to learn to express their thoughts correctly. Because simple communication at a business meeting, with colleagues, with loved ones requires certain skills. And everyone can learn them.

You can talk to business partners in a frivolous manner, but with relatives during dinner, you should not communicate in a presentable tone. Maybe each of you has noticed that people who communicate at work, school, or official receptions are often not sincere in their communication. A man who cares for a woman, a woman who flirtatiously communicates with a man, does not suspect that they are using complex psychological techniques.

Communication brings people a new impulse, joy, pleasure; they allow them to cope with boredom, the routine of everyday life, and can raise their professional activities to a new level. Communication is the process of establishing and developing relationships between individuals, the ability to understand each other, the exchange of information, and so on.

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How to express your thoughts correctly?

A person’s ability to express his thoughts is the ability to communicate. Agree that it is difficult to communicate with a person who is not able to say what he wants. For example, if you are talking to a person while intoxicated. He has many philosophical thoughts, but he cannot express them in words.

Naturally, this is an extreme case, but in life, every sane person has a minimum vocabulary.

You may have met a person who lacked words to explain his emotions, his own impressions. He could not identify the images and thoughts in his head. Some words can be often heard in conversation, for example “um” and others. Maybe this happened to you too? Then you have a little problem with expressing your thoughts. It is small because it is surmountable. Next, we will tell you about exercises that can develop this ability.

How to learn to communicate: exercises

Read more

In order to be able to express thoughts smoothly and consistently, you need to have a large vocabulary. In order for him to be such, you need to increase your own level of reading, read books, magazines, newspapers, literature, etc. You will remember words that have similar meanings, and you can learn the meaning of new words from dictionaries.

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Communicate more

By discussing various topics with people or just chatting, you can learn more. If you have a large vocabulary, this does not mean that you will be able to use them correctly. If you have encountered this, now we will give you some advice.

  1. Take any word and give it a definition in the form of a coherent, complete sentence, as if you were asking yourself: “What is... a smile?”, “What does it mean... to breathe?”
  2. Think of 3-4 words for yourself and use them to make a sentence, and the more you make up, the better. It is also useful to conduct such training with a small child.

Difficulty communicating with people

When a person communicates in incomprehensible words

It is impossible not to remember the difficulties that arise in communication if a person speaks in phrases or words that are incomprehensible to other people. This could be scientific terminology, a set of slang phrases, or obscene language. This has to do with culture and education. In this case, you should feel the interlocutor, ask whether he understands these words, or explain them to him.

Communication approach

This is a rather important point, since the ability to choose words for the audience that is listening to you is worth a lot. This is a manner of communication, a style. It is necessary to use words that will be appropriate and understandable to this circle of listeners. In different social groups, you need to use different words, for example, among friends, some words, and others at a meeting.

To find out whether the words will be appropriate or not, just put yourself in the place of the person you are addressing and evaluate yourself from the outside. For specific situations, it is better to use specific phrases and expressions.

If you loudly say “Respect and respect” during an interview, you may be immediately kicked out the door. Communication is expressed by the degree of his interest and attitude towards the interlocutor.

Required speech rate

It depends on the situation, for example, for a heated debate you can use a fast pace, while in another situation a slow pace is suitable. But it is important that the pronunciation is measured and even. Even if there is a desire to convey some news or there is a surge of emotions, you must try to first arrange thoughts in your head into coherent speech, and only then turn them into words.

There is an exercise that will help you express your thoughts at the same pace. As you walk, simply say something, either silently or out loud, and for each subsequent step say the same number of words, about two words per step.

Sense of humor

Any communication cannot do without this component. Using humor you can defuse tense situations. Even during a meeting, a joke will be quite appropriate, only inserted at the right moment.

Video lessons

Smart people have long understood that in order to succeed, you need to be eloquent. But many cannot even put two words together, although they are simply bursting with thoughts and ideas. How to learn to express your thoughts correctly to avoid misunderstandings? After all, it is the inability to accurately express your feelings and desires that leads to quarrels, mistrust and unfavorable attitude of others towards you. No matter how smart you are, tongue-tiedness makes you seem almost mentally retarded.

There are several steps, by climbing which you will be able to express your thoughts competently and logically.

Step one

Start a diary or start blogging right away. Many people find writing easier than speaking. Every day, describe what you saw, trying to use different figures of speech. Don't be afraid of mistakes. At this stage they will be inevitable. If this is a diary, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, if it is a blog, then poorly written sentences will immediately catch your eye and you will have to correct them.

You are not Ellochka the Ogress with a vocabulary of 20 phrases, are you? Keep a notebook and write down every day a new turn of phrase, phraseological unit or a successful phrase that comes to your mind. And try to use new words every day to describe how your day went or what you did to learn how to express yourself correctly.

Step two

At the same time that you have started a diary, start. And not modern detective stories, but classical literature. Boring? Not at all. Imagine yourself in the place of the main character and try to speak his language. Believe me, it's even fun to ask a friend to bring a camera, using phrases from the 19th century or even the Middle Ages.

Step three

Memorize poems and passages from novels. Prose is even preferable because:

  • It’s more difficult to remember, which means the brain works better (sic);
  • Phrases will firmly settle in your memory, and on occasion you will operate with ready-made phrases that do not need to be invented.

Step four

Communicate as much as possible. With grandmothers at the entrance, fellow travelers on the bus, salespeople in the store. Communicate means entering into a dialogue, and not silently listening to someone’s opinion. At first it will be a little difficult, sometimes shy, sometimes unpleasant, sometimes scary. Don't be afraid - no one will hit you for answering or defining your position on any issue. Speak firmly, quietly and looking your interlocutor in the eyes. You're a human being, you have something to say, don't you?

Step five

Step six

Play some theater. Do you have a favorite actor (actress)? Or a TV presenter? Several times a week (ideally every day), devote at least half an hour to reflecting his manner of speaking, gestures and facial expressions as accurately as possible. Practice near a mirror, record your voice on a voice recorder. While listening, change the timbre of your voice, add phrases specific to this person, in general, try to imitate his speech as much as possible. This, by the way, will help not only to construct competent and logical sentences, but also to give the necessary “velvety” to your voice.

Step seven

This step is perhaps one of the most important, since it will not only allow you to learn how to correctly express your thoughts, but also develop logic and innovative thinking.

We take any established phrase and find at least twenty reasons that prove the diametrically opposite. For example: Cheating on your husband (wife) is bad. Not true. There are reasons why this is good:

  • New sexual experience is acquired;
  • New sensations also bring novelty to boring, established family relationships;
  • Sex on the side is a release of emotions and adrenaline, which has a good effect on the general physical condition, etc.

Is the task clear? Try to prove that not using a computer, telephone and automatic washing machine is good. Which is great. Prove to yourself that laziness is the engine of progress, and smoking is pleasant and healthy.

The first statements will be very difficult for you. After all, we need to break the stereotypes of our thinking, find the reasons why what we are used to is no longer so good/bad. Do this exercise every day and very soon you will see changes not only in your speech, but also in your thinking - the ability to convince even the incredible will appear. Sophists use this technique - you can learn it.

These are all the main steps in the struggle for a competent and correct presentation of your thoughts. Just seven steps - and you are a speaker who can captivate people. Practice daily, confidence and eloquence will not take long to appear, and you will gain the glory of a master of words. Believe me, the effort is worth it!

Image: imagerymajestic /

Be able to express your thoughts correctly is a skill that most of us have to master. In fact, at school they constantly tried to teach us this skill: remember what the homework was - to learn and retell a paragraph in class? But it’s clear that somehow we were taught wrong, if not everyone manages not only to retell the information they read or heard, but also to correctly express their thoughts. Clear and precise.

If you do not fully understand whether you are able to say what you want to others in a literate language, test yourself: see how other people perceive your speech, or record your speech on a voice recorder and then listen to it. Both tests will give an absolutely correct picture: whether you need to further train your speaking ability, or whether you will understand that the result satisfied you.

Yes, the ability to express your thoughts competently is a skill that must be trained. Surely you have met interesting people in your life whose speech was illiterate, uninteresting and boring. As a result, the impression of the person deteriorated, which, in fact, could happen in relation to you. Learning to speak in a way that is literate, beautiful and convincing is not an easy task. Some people are given this gift by nature, while others try to master this skill all their lives.

Are you also familiar with this situation? Or another example: many people express their thoughts better in writing than in conversation. The ability to delete, correct bad places and having time to think about a proposal make this skill more accessible to many than participating in a dialogue or own monologue. But realizing that ours directly depends on this skill, we have to learn the secrets of the masters in order to learn to correctly express our thoughts and reach a qualitatively new level of communication and interaction with other people.

So, let’s outline an important problem, because of which we may want to learn how to correctly formulate our thoughts.

Misunderstanding between people

The ability to communicate is the ability of a person to express his thoughts. Analyze your communication with your environment. Do you often quarrel? Do your friends and relatives not understand you? Are you unable to convey the main idea at a presentation or in a conversation with your boss? It's time to change the situation, because the reason is not what you say, but how you say it. It's time to become a person who makes a good impression.

All recommendations are practical and will definitely help you learn to express your thoughts correctly. You must understand that you should not expect quick results, but the process is so interesting that from the first days you will begin to notice the changes that will occur. The most important thing that you need to really want and achieve is the desire to communicate on equal terms with a large circle of people and to be an interesting interlocutor for them. Your life will sparkle with new colors!

comments 33

    At our institute we had such a subject - rhetoric, which teaches how to correctly construct a sentence, remember other people’s statements, and captivate an audience with the help of “words”. The ability to speak greatly gives confidence in life, communication, work... For those who want to master the art of oratory, I can recommend rhetoric courses. Expressing your thoughts correctly is a truly valuable skill.

  1. Interesting article, Elena! I know for sure that you can learn to speak coherently and not be afraid of the audience. Repeated experience in public speaking is the best school. The advice with a voice recorder is great, it really helps you hear yourself from the outside, be horrified and start working on yourself).

  2. Good afternoon
    I seem to know a lot of words, but when I start talking to my opponent, I suddenly run out of words))), I can’t find the words, I seem to know in my head what I want to say, but I can’t use my tongue, I start to get nervous, I start to twitch and in the end I look like a person who cannot connect two words(((.
    All this affects my self-esteem, I begin to consider myself a loser, stupid (((
    At the moment I am looking for a job, they invite me to an interview and it seems to me that I look insecure and complex there.
    Please advise what should I do?

  3. Hello! I write stories and poems very well, but after giving birth I felt stuck, I can’t put two words together, even with friends I communicate with pauses, I try to remember the middle of a sentence, this is actually some kind of brake, because of the birth I’m in such a stupor, the birth is over ok, or have I completely switched to the role of mom, and my thoughts just won’t come together? I don’t understand anything, I always communicated well with everyone!(

    Hello! I’m 23 years old, I used to be sociable, I was the center of attention in a company, I always found a common language with people... I knew what to say and how to react. Since childhood I have had a speech problem, stuttering, I didn’t pay attention to it before , everything was fine. A couple of months ago I changed my place of residence, I had a very hard time with the move... in the new place I sat at home for days, naturally alone, waiting for my boyfriend, he is an officer. I missed people, communication, fuss. Then I gradually withdrew into myself , I began to get obsessed with little things, to take everything very close to my heart. Now I have returned back to my native land.. but this feeling remains.. I can’t put two words together, I want to run away and hide so that no one sees me.. the stuttering has returned again. , which doesn’t make me happy. I started spending a lot of time on books. But it doesn’t help. It seems to me that everyone is looking sideways at me, I feel out of place, I want to get rid of this, I want to become the same cheerful, sociable girl. I’ll try to use the same methods, described in the article, I really hope it helps ((((

  4. Good afternoon Elena! My problem is that I don’t know how to express my thoughts correctly. I can't write sentences correctly. When I try to explain something, apart from a huge number of words of parasites (well, damn it, as it were, I think, etc.), I can’t give anything away. I have reviewed a huge number of different trainings, mostly they teach you to be more courageous, they teach you how to present yourself correctly, they teach you to be self-confident. But I haven’t come across a single training that specifically teaches how to form sentences and phrases. I have not seen a single training that would teach the correct language spoken by, for example, announcers, news anchors, etc. I also saw this suggestion of advice for those who want to learn public speaking, read more books. But my problem is that I read a lot, but nothing sticks in my head. Perhaps this is due to my poor memory. I work as a commercial department manager in a construction company, and when I communicate with clients, I very often lack the right and necessary words that will hook the client and interest them. Please tell me something that can be done. The only thing I can see is to take an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and learn all the words, but this is not realistic.

The ability to correctly express one’s thoughts plays a huge role in a person’s life. Even if a person is at least three times interesting, if he has at least a thousand amazing stories, if instead of a coherent story he turns out to be an incoherent moo, they simply will not listen to him. You also cannot hope that the interlocutor will understand what you wanted, but are unable to say, because for each person the meanings of even obvious words differ. However, you can learn to express your thoughts, although the work will require a lot of patience.

You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted away by your mind.
Correct speech distinguishes an educated person from an uneducated one, and this difference is very striking in many life situations, such as communicating with a cashier in a store or interviewing for a good job. Does education help the formation of correct speech? Of course, one of the main ways to learn how to express your thoughts correctly is reading.

From Dontsova to Lermontov
Books help you educate yourself, learn new interesting things about the world and build your vocabulary. Human memory is structured in a “photographic” way: a new word is imprinted in memory, and at the right moment emerges from the subconscious, helping to formulate a thought. Of course, not every book will help you cope with the expression of your own thoughts - scientists have proven that classical fiction copes best with this task. It is with its help that you can remember some stable expressions, learn new words and glean interesting thoughts for further analysis.

Logical thinking is necessary even for humanists
By the way, analyzing and constructing logical chains can also improve the expression of thoughts. In addition, the ability to analyze will help you discover many hidden subtexts in seemingly ordinary situations. This way, you will develop the habit of thinking about all possible events and forming your own point of view based on them, which will allow you to become a more interesting interlocutor.

Fear of a blank page and how to cope with it
A rich vocabulary and the ability to analyze will not yield results if you do not constantly train to use them. Write! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a diary, a now fashionable blog, or congratulations to friends on every more or less significant occasion. The same phrase out loud and on a sheet of paper is perceived completely differently, and when writing it, you can see factual errors and, for example, insufficiently effective word order. Make sure that phrases flow freely from your head when writing, and practice not “stumbling” while forming individual phrases.

Bedtime stories are good for your health
And not for the one to whom they are told, but also for the one who is telling the story. Read aloud every day, whether it's a couple of paragraphs from a book or an article from a magazine. When a person reproduces a thought correctly expressed by someone, his brain remembers the order of words and creates unique settings that subsequently help him express his own thought. And a nice bonus to this brain function is improved diction.

So much! So what should we do?
As you can see, you can learn to express your thoughts correctly, but to achieve a decent result you will have to work hard. The most difficult thing in any business is to take the first step and start from scratch, but what you get in the end is much more important than the difficulties that will arise along the way. Conscious, competent presentation of thoughts helps to increase self-esteem and instill the habit of learning new things, and the constant acquisition of knowledge opens up new horizons for you. Don’t be lazy, and one day you will notice how a spark of interest and respect for you flares up in the eyes of your interlocutor.

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