How to calculate your maximum heart rate for running. Control your workout intensity using heart rate zones


I don’t even want to repeat that a heart rate monitor is a very useful thing. The importance of knowing your heart rate and training in certain heart rate zones has become a kind of axiom. Purchasing a heart rate monitor at one time gave me an unprecedented feeling of meaningfulness in my runs. I began to understand what I was training and what physiological processes were occurring in my body when I ran with a particular pulse. I remember running a lot with a heart rate of 120-130 beats per minute. I also quickly realized that monitoring the heart in HR% is not very convenient. Only exact numbers in the form of BPM provide specific data on heart rate online. I discovered that according to different methods, pulse zones can range from two to seven. And unfortunately or fortunately, I did not train according to pulse zones. At the starts I didn’t focus on heart rate at all. I ran by feeling; knowing my heart rate was more informative. Knowing my “pace” was much more important for me during the race.
And after the new year, I decided to put things in order in my training peaks, which I use as a “runner’s diary”. The idea is to set pulse zones to suit your needs. Training peaks offers me 20 different settings for these zones. And not one of them suits me. I will create my zones, and then in training peaks I will be able to see how long during training I was in a particular zone. Count the total training time spent in the target zone. And it will be easier to set the target zone for training on the heart rate monitor. And since I am not a physiologist, and I don’t want to come up with a gag, I will rely, as far as possible, on scientific and sports literature for setting up pulse zones.

Step one - determining heart rate max:

"Maximum heart rate (HRmax) is
the maximum number of contractions that the heart can
complete within 1 minute."


The first thing you need to find out is your heart rate max. I had to correct this figure a little. I dug around on the Internet - “And here an interesting thing turned out: it turns out that the most common formula for calculating the maximum heart rate for an individual (“220 - age”) was taken out of nowhere. This formula was invented in 1970 by doctors William Haskell and Samuel Fox. invented because no traces of the research that led to these figures have yet been found, it is only known that the above-mentioned comrades used as many as 11 other people’s scientific works, both published and unknown to anyone, to calculate it. The formula gained popularity after that. how the Polar Electro company began to use it in their monitors (which greatly amused Dr. Haskell himself, who did not even pretend to be correct).

If the Haskell-Fox formula takes into account only a person’s age, then the compilers of other formulas turned out to be more inventive and mixed in gender and height. In 2002, scientists decided to put an end to such confusion and examined 43 different formulas for consistency with reality. Not a single formula satisfied them. The least erroneous of them was adopted as follows (in which, like in the “220-age” formula, neither gender nor height are taken into account):

According to this formula, my max heart rate is 183. This seems closer to the truth to me than 188 according to the formula “220 - age”. With the most maximum and intense work, I have not yet managed to accelerate my heart beyond 180. And it was hard! Although the author of the study writes that the probability of error in this formula is unacceptably high - “Sxy = 6.4 b/min” (I don’t understand what “sxy” is). But in my case, apparently the error is not so big, and I won’t go specifically to the laboratory to determine my max heart rate. Maybe I’ll try to determine my max heart rate using this method:

"The maximum heart rate is determined during a test in the laboratory or
in the field. Heart ratemax can only be achieved if
athlete's well-being. Complete
recovery from the last training session. Before
The athlete must warm up well with the test. It might be easy
jogging, cycling or skiing. The warm-up is followed by
intense exercise lasting 4-5 minutes. Final
20-30 s of load are performed with maximum effort."

Step two - Vo2 Max zone:

"If heart rate is the tachometer, then oxygen consumption is the amount
gasoline per kilometer required to maintain a certain speed. IN
In endurance sports, the success of an athlete largely depends on his
maximum aerobic capacity. The more oxygen there can be
delivered to the working muscles, the higher the energy supply and the faster
the athlete will be able to overcome the distance."

Rob Sleemaker
Ray Browning

Vo2 Max or speaking in Russian MOC - maximum oxygen consumption - the sum of all the human body’s capabilities to transport and consume oxygen. This indicator largely depends on the result in races from 1500 meters to 10 kilometers. These are the distances I want to run this summer. Therefore, for MPC training, I decided to create an MPC zone.

"The highest training effect promoting the growth of VO2max,
achieved by training with an intensity of 95-100% of the current


With this formula, we can do the inverse function and try to calculate the heart rate corresponding to 100% of VO2 max.
%VO2max = %HRmax * 1.28 - 28.12.
My heart rate MPC max = 171 beats per minute. This is of course not a test in a laboratory, but based on subjective feelings it may well be true. And if my max heart rate was 183, then 171 is 93% of my max heart rate.

"Appropriate intensity for training to increase
BMD can also be determined based on heart rate. MPC training pace
approximately corresponds to 95-98% of heart rate reserve or maximum
Heart rate."
"During this
type of training, it is necessary to maintain a heart rate that will be at
a few hits below maximum."
"You will achieve the greatest training impact by
aerobic abilities of your body, if during MPC-
training you will accelerate your cardiovascular system to
95-100% MOC and maintain this intensity for as long as possible."

I need such a zone in order to ensure that the intensity is not too high, as a result of which the training will be shorter and the training effect promoting the increase of VO2 will be less. And when I come home after completing MPC intervals, I can see the total amount of time spent in the target zone and evaluate whether I completed the training task.

“Interval training at intensities above VO2 max may not provide the additional stimulus to improve maximal aerobic capacity or lactate threshold and may be harmful.”
"Intervals of 4-8 minutes should be performed at an intensity of 85-100% VO2max. This intensity and duration is optimal for maximizing/maintaining cardiovascular strength."
"Towards an understanding of interval training"
Stephen Seyler

"Intense aerobic training with short intervals
consists of a series of accelerations lasting 2-8 minutes. Heart rate during
acceleration time is about 90% of HRmax. During this
training, the oxygen system is fully activated, and
intensity is at the level of the anaerobic threshold (HRot)
or just above it."
"The intensity of acceleration is approximately 3-4 mmol / l in
in terms of lactate, or approximately 85-90% of heart ratemax."

After thinking and analyzing all this data, I came up with a table like this:

Looking at it, I came to the conclusion that I would place the Vo2 max training zone between heart rate 171 and 160 beats per minute. It doesn’t go any higher, where the so-called “red” zone begins - the zone of anaerobic processes, and oxygen does not play a big role there. It’s also not worth lowering, since at a lower heart rate, the VO2 max will be used by a smaller percentage, and I will not receive the proper load for the development of VO max. This pulse is quite consistent with my feelings and what I see when looking at the histogram of my training - MPC intervals.

Step three - aerobic zone:

Let me take a short lyrical historical digression and tell you about the most enduring man on earth according to ESPN Programs “SportsCenter” and “Sport Science”. This is Mark Allen - triathlon legend. He is a 6-time gold, 2-time silver and 1-time bronze medalist of the largest Ironman World Championship tournament and has been on the podium in 90% of all races in which he has participated.

Although it took him 6 attempts to beat the great Dave Scott in Hawaii, once he was able to do so, he began a period of dominance that no other athlete has been able to achieve since. The world closely watched this famous race in 1989, when two equal rivals fought neck and neck throughout the race.

He came to win in Hawaii 5 more times, but this is only a small part of his global dominance. Mark took gold at the inaugural Olympic distance race of the World Championships in Avignon, and also won 10 times at the long race in Nice, which at one time was equal in prestige to the Hawaii Ironman.

Allen was unbeatable from 1988-90, during which he won 20 races from sprint to Ironman. The American is the world's greatest triathlete because of his skill at every distance and his consistency. 6 direct victories at the Ironman World Championships and 10 in Nice are simply amazing. These are probably the two toughest races in the world, and there are a few athletes who have managed to win both, but none who have done it that many times.

Known as “The Grip” due to his high mental focus. Mark never showed pain or emotion to his opponents. He also never attacked in a hard or explosive manner, preferring a solid and constant rhythm without jerking. Competitors might make mistakes or hit a losing streak, and Allen would catch up with them.

Allen's breakthrough began when he began training with physiologist Dr. Phil Maffetone. He taught him how to build an aerobic engine, where the body primarily uses fats for fuel rather than carbohydrates. This is important for an Ironman because fat reserves provide enough fuel to power you through 1,000 miles of training.

Using a heart rate monitor, Allen trained for four months at a time below 155 beats per minute, his maximum heart rate for burning fat. Over time, the body adapted to the regimen and it became super efficient at using fat.

The formula for calculating your maximum aerobic (fat burning) zone using the Muffitone method is:

1. Take 180
2. Subtract your age
3. Take the resulting number and adjust it:
· If you don’t train, then subtract 5
· If tren. 1-2 times a week, then minus 2-3 strokes
· If tren. 3-4 times a week, then leave the number unchanged
· If tren. 5-6 times a week, then also leave the number unchanged
· If tren. 7 times or more, then add +5 hits
· If you are over 55 years old or under 25, then add another +5 hits
· If you are over 60 or 20 years or younger, then add +5 hits

In my case, according to this formula, the upper limit of the heart rate of the maximum aerobic zone is 148. This is 80% of the MHR and 86% of the max. I'm quite happy with this figure. This pulse is perfect for long, even cross-country runs.

Step Four - Low Intensity Zone:

Lowest training intensity zone. In the literature and the Internet you can find different names for it - “cardiac”, “restorative”, “first aerobic” and so on. I'll call it the low intensity zone, and the upper heart rate limit of this zone will determine the lower limit of the aerobic zone. In the book "SERIOUS Training for Endurance Athletes" the boundaries of the first zone are given as a percentage of MOC and a percentage of MHR. In the first case, 65-55% of Vo2 max is indicated, in the second, 70-60% of the maximum heart rate.

For myself, I will set this zone at a heart rate limit of 128 - this is 70% of MHR, and a heart rate of 94 is 55% of Vo2 max. Again, these boundaries fit perfectly with my experience. For example, in this zone I walk on a home stepper - I simply cannot accelerate my heart to a higher pulse. Or else, I get into this zone when doing yoga. So that's it.

"All ultra-distance training is carried out at the first level
intensity. Although the load may seem ridiculously light at first, it is very
It is important to maintain control and not leave the relevant area. By the end
workout, you will somehow feel tired due to exhaustion
energy reserves and dehydration. For these reasons, ultra-long distance
workouts lasting more than 75 minutes, despite the low intensity, should
be considered as loads causing stress tension from medium to
high level. Most strength training is also done at heart rate,
corresponding to the first level. Intensity during strength training
depends on the types of exercises performed and the pace at which they are performed."
"SERIOUS training for endurance athletes"
Rob Sleemaker
Ray Browning

Step five - fill in the blanks:

So, I have decided on the main training zones, all that remains is to fill in the gaps.

The first gap is the zone above heart rate 171. I’ll call it anaerobic so as not to complicate my life too much. I don’t intend to stay in it for training for a long time, and it’s harmful to my health. I run into this zone when accelerating, running uphill and up stairs, and time is counted in seconds.

The second gap is the zone between the aerobic and Vo2 max zones I called. Everything is much more interesting here. I will define the lower limit of this zone at heart rate 149 and call it “tempo”. Based on the name, you can understand that this is a zone within the boundaries of which it is advisable to run long distance starts. It can also be called "developing". In this zone, the body learns to process lactic acid secreted by the muscles. The upper limit of this zone will go beyond the Vo2 max zone, and I will set it at 90% of the MHR - 165 beats per minute.


OK it's all over Now! I'm sure I can be criticized. To say that I set the zones incorrectly does not take into account certain “threshold” values ​​and physiological processes. That exact numbers of heart rate and zones will only be given in the laboratory. Only there you can calculate the maximum heart rate and VO2 max. But I can object to all this - the laboratory is too expensive, and I am not at the level to periodically (and only then does it make sense) to go to the sports laboratory. What I did was much better than studying according to certain average zones, written unclear when and unclear for whom. Here I at least take into account my own experience and feelings. These zones are primarily TRAINING - and not zones of certain threshold values ​​and physiological processes. I need them for more effective training sessions and subsequent processing of GPS and heart rate monitor data. And if my zones have an error of two or three heartbeats, then this is much less important than the skill of being evenly in a certain zone without leaving or falling out of it.

P.S: By and large, there are only two zones - aerobic and anaerobic. That is, a zone with the participation of oxygen in physiological processes and without the participation of oxygen. You can add another zone - in the middle. The anaerobic zone can be divided into two zones. The aerobic zone can be divided into smaller zones. But keep in mind that the more zones, the greater the error in their determination. Any values ​​of this kind are not constants. They change due to age, training or lack thereof. Therefore, pulse zones are not a dogma. but just one way to train.

The closer we get to summer, the more people we see jogging, in the gym on treadmills and on bicycles. The purpose of this is usually to lose excess weight. This article will help you figure out how to spend time on the “track” with maximum benefit for the body and whether a heart rate monitor is needed during training.

Pulse, or heart rate (HR)
This is a measure of how many beats the heart makes in a certain period of time, usually per minute. This value is the most objective indicator of how much stress your body experiences during training.

How to determine your pulse
You can measure your heart rate either using a special device - a heart rate monitor, or by feeling the pulse on your wrist or neck. The heart rate monitor is, of course, more convenient: you can see the current value at any time without being distracted from the training process. If you prefer to measure your heart rate manually, it is better to count the number of beats in 15 seconds and multiply the indicator by 4.

Maximum and minimum heart rate
First you need to determine the minimum value of your heart rate. The best indicator is the morning pulse, which is best measured in a sitting position after you wake up (do not drink coffee or tea beforehand). The resting pulse is a fairly accurate indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system. Measure your pulse in the morning 4-5 times during the week and later calculate its average value, for example (56+58+59+56+60)/5=58 beats per minute.
Next, you can calculate your maximum heart rate. For a more convenient calculation, go to link . In the table you need to indicate your age and resting heart rate.
Now we know what the pulse zones are (they are listed on the link where the calculation is made). In the picture below, the pulse zones are calculated for a man with a resting pulse of 50 and age 31.

Pulse zones are calculated using the Karvonen formula

Each pulse zone is highlighted in its own color for convenience. The chart below was made using Polar's H7 heart rate monitor and the Polar Beat app. Now we will analyze each zone separately.

Recovery zone (gray color in diagram)
In this zone we develop the respiratory system, strengthen the heart and overall health
Heart rate: 55-62% of maximum.
Load duration: 20 minutes or more.

Training in this range will be useful for those who have not exercised for a long time or have poor training. It is recommended to warm up and cool down in this area.

Fat burning zone (blue color in the diagram)
General endurance is strengthened and fat burning processes are stimulated.
Heart rate: 62-74% of maximum.
Load duration: 40 minutes or more.
Feelings: slight strain on the muscles, slight sweating.

Suitable for anyone with frequent, low-intensity workouts. When exercising in this range, the body uses fat as much as possible for energy. Loads of this intensity help reduce body weight by reducing subcutaneous fat.

Aerobic zone (green color on the diagram)
Physical fitness and endurance improve, fats and carbohydrates are actively burned
Heart rate: 74-82% of maximum
Duration of the load: 10 minutes or more (depending on the level of training).
Feelings: average muscle fatigue, easy breathing, average sweating.

Suitable for standard workouts of medium duration. The intensity of the load becomes higher, the body begins to spend even more calories and uses both fats and carbohydrates for this purpose.

Anaerobic zone (yellow color on the diagram)
Anaerobic endurance increases and the ability to achieve maximum results increases.
Heart rate: 82-90% of maximum.
Load duration: 2-10 minutes (possibly more, depending on fitness level)
Feelings: muscle fatigue, difficulty breathing.

Suitable for well-trained people and experienced athletes. The oxygen carried by the blood begins to be insufficient for oxidative reactions, so the cells switch to an oxygen-free anaerobic mode. Fats in this anaerobic zone are practically not burned, and carbohydrates are used for energy.

Maximum zone, VO2 max (red color in the diagram)
Develops maximum sprint speed and performance.
Heart rate: 90-94% of maximum.
Duration of the load: about 2 minutes (possibly more, depending on fitness).

Suitable for professional athletes. The body works to the limit of its capabilities, using up all available reserves, and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems operate with the highest possible efficiency.

Anaerobic-alactate zone (red color in the diagram)
Develops maximum endurance
Pulse: 94-100%
Load duration: from 3 to 15 seconds with maximum intensity
Feelings: severe muscle fatigue, heavy intermittent breathing.

Suitable for professional athletes. Heart rate indicators in this intensity zone are not informative, since within 15 seconds the cardiovascular and respiratory systems cannot reach their near-maximal operational performance. The body works to the limit of its capabilities, using up all available reserves, and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems operate with the highest possible efficiency.

And what to do with all this now, you ask?
And you will do the right thing. Now everything is in order.

Before starting your workout, you put on a heart rate monitor. The administrator or trainer will tell you and show you how to secure it correctly. In a special application on your phone or watch, the trainer enters your personal data, age, height, weight, gender, and the program automatically calculates your heart rate zones. Now everything is ready for training. We start the program at the beginning of the lesson and always stop it at the end. All data has been successfully recorded and you can take a look at how your heart works during the entire session. For clarity, below is a pulse diagram of a girl who did TRX strength training

The numerical values ​​in the left column indicate the pulse value for this person (you remember that everyone’s pulse value is different and is calculated using the formula shown in color in the link above). It is not always convenient to view heart rate values ​​in numbers, so each heart rate zone is highlighted in its own color.
- There is a timeline along the bottom edge, from which you can see that the training took 55-56 minutes.
- Also after training we can look at the maximum, average heart rate, distance traveled, but more on that another time. Now we are considering only the pulse diagram.

What do you see in the picture? Something similar is shown in films on screens in hospitals. Everything is much simpler here and we will figure it out now.

The red curved line is our heart rate, which changes throughout the entire workout. After all, we do not stand still, but perform exercises according to the trainer’s program. We squat, do push-ups, run, jump, just walk or stand in a plank. At the beginning of the workout, the heart rate value is minimal, about 70 beats (red round dot on the lower left), because we just came from the locker room and there was no active heart work there. The warm-up begins, and the heart, following the swings of the arms and legs, begins to work faster. The more active you exercise, the faster your heart beats.

Warm-up usually lasts 7-10 minutes, and after it we begin to do exercises at a faster pace. Please note that the heart rate value (red line) moves to a different color zone, the so-called main part of the workout begins. I marked the warm-up zone with the number 1 below, and the transition to another part of the workout with a yellow arrow.

Do you remember how the training goes? A set of squats until the legs burn, a short rest pause, then a set of lunges and again a rest pause, and so on. All this can be seen in the diagram below. Each approach of the exercise is accompanied by an increase in heart rate and the red line of the pulse entering the yellow and sometimes red zone. When the heart rate increases during exercise, this is called the active phase, and when we rest, this is the recovery phase. I marked the main part of the training with the number 2, and the transition to another zone with a yellow arrow. During training, depending on the goals of the lesson, you and I will be in different heart rate zones, this will be written a little below.

The last zone, indicated by the number 3 with the minimum heart rate value, is the cool-down and stretching. In the group lesson format, 5-7 minutes are allocated for this. This is a time to relax and lower your heart rate to normal.

Let's imagine a simple situation from life.
You bought a heart rate monitor and wore it for a run. Run, think about what I’m doing here, enjoy the good weather and look at your heart rate. But it’s not entirely clear what heart rate to run at; maybe you need to run faster or slower? If you are doing a recovery or health run, then keep your heart rate in the blue zone (fat burning). The greatest amount of fat will be burned in this pulse zone. If we are in the green pulse zone, we will increase endurance and burn not only fat, but also carbohydrates. Remember that specific training is carried out in each heart rate zone and if you run regularly, you will learn about this from a trainer or from sports sources.

Let's imagine a different situation. Training on TRX loops.
You came to lose weight, tighten your muscles and make your butt more beautiful. You told the coach about this, put on a heart rate monitor and squat together with the whole group. And then look at your pulse, and its value is 150, 165, 153 beats (shown by an arrow in the picture below), and you are in the yellow pulse zone, and not in the blue one where fat is burned well... And you think to yourself, I’ve already burned calories per pack of chips, is this really a normal trainer? I don't think he's following me at all! I want to reassure you, the trainer is watching you and selecting exercises in such a way that your heart rate changes from low to high during the workout and you train in different heart rate zones. Each zone trains its own qualities, such as endurance, heart strengthening, fat burning, speed and others. If you have a heart rate monitor during training, then inform your coach and he will help you better control your heart rate throughout the entire session.
But don't forget that 70% of success in losing weight depends on nutrition. And training is a pleasant addition where you strengthen your muscles, heart and burn extra calories.

And the third situation, life, is difficult.
You came to training with a heart rate monitor and are actively doing squats with the whole group, but you feel that it’s already too hard and the heart rate value is 175, and the coach keeps shouting, come on, come on. The set of squats is over and there is a little time to rest. Each trainer gives different rest time and it depends on the previous exercise performed. 10,20,30 seconds. While you are resting, your heart rate should become lower, and it is advisable to drop to the green or mid-yellow zone. That is, during rest, the recovery process, as it is usually called, occurs. But each person has his own time for recovery (decrease in heart rate) and some will have time to recover completely, and others partially. The trainer usually focuses on the majority during the lesson. So, let's get back to our training. After a short rest, the squat approach begins again and already at the very beginning of the approach you see that the pulse is 170 and is in the red zone, and you have to squat for another 30-40 seconds. What to do? You need to start squatting at a very slow pace to restore your breathing and lower your heart rate, or better yet, just walk or drink water. The diagram below highlights the training area where the heart rate value is in the red maximum zone for too long (3-4 minutes). For an untrained person this will not be entirely useful.
Now we come to the most important thing. If you constantly see a very high heart rate during training, then reduce the load and do not react to the trainer’s shouts, let’s push it, because he is shouting to the whole group. Tell about the high heart rate and that it is very difficult for you to do the exercises. Over time, the body will get used to the load and the heart rate during the same workout will be lower.

And finally, about heart rate changes

The pulse of people leading a sedentary lifestyle and athletes is significantly different. During regular training, the heart strengthens and becomes more elastic, and each contraction is more powerful. Therefore, over time, those who exercise regularly have a lower average heart rate and a higher heart strength. And if earlier you ran 1 km in 6 minutes and your heart rate was very high, then after some time at the same distance its value will be lower.

A smart approach to training should include measuring your heart rate. Maybe not every time, but sometimes be sure to wear a heart rate monitor and monitor your heart function. By monitoring your heart rate, you will make your exercise more effective and safer for your health.

At the Zaryadka fitness club you can use the Polar H7 heart rate monitor for free for the first time or rent it for a whole month of training.

It's no secret that in order to get rid of extra centimeters and fats in your body, you should train a lot. However, how do you know if you are training correctly or not? Have you put in enough effort to make your efforts worthwhile? Do you need to train hard? Or do you need to exercise in a gentle manner so that your body has rest?

How to calculate your heart rate?

It is believed that The normal heart rate of a healthy person is 70-90 beats per minute, but how can you calculate the only correct heart rate at which the optimal amount of fat in your body will be burned? And here comes the first problem - since there are two interchangeable theories regarding this issue, you will have to choose one of them. All we can do is introduce you to each of them.

Regarding the first theory, the correct heart rate is a low heart rate, since it burns much more fat. Proponents of this theory are nutritionists. And in some ways they are definitely right, since there is quite adequate evidence that with a low heart rate the body begins to feed on its own fats. There is also a miracle tablet that you simply need to familiarize yourself with.

Pulse rate Carbohydrates used,% Fats used,%
Up to 80 About 20 About 80
124 65 35
142 74 26
159 90 10

If we decipher our table, we will clearly and clearly see that with a pulse rate of only 80 beats, the body uses as much as 80 percent of fats, burns them, and only 20 percent of carbohydrates that are valuable to us. But with a maximum number of 159 strokes, we have a not so positive result; it turns out that the body burns only 10 percent of fat, and 90 percent of useful carbohydrates. It is not for nothing that it is now so fashionable to exercise at a reduced pace, to get the lowest heart rate during training.

But even here there is one BUT - what to do with this famous formula for measuring heart rate, according to which 220-age * 70? What does it mean? Or has science gone far ahead and left it far behind?

Here we move on to the second controversial theory. This formula became famous thanks to its famous creator, in honor of which it received his name - the Karvonen formula. In fact, it is not so simple, because it has three options:

The so-called simple - as we have already mentioned (220 minus age) - is maximum heart rate during physical activity(MCP)

The so-called gender - (220 minus age) - PIL for men and (220 minus age minus 6) - PIL for women.

And the last one (the so-called complex) – (220 minus age minus resting heart rate)

So, in order to start burning fat, the optimal heart rate should be 60-80% of the highest. This means that if we translate this into the language of our formula, we get the result that you need to keep the optimal heart rate between (220 minus age) * 0.6 and (220 minus age) * 0.8. So we get that for a thirty-year-old lady, the optimal heart rate will be the one that is between (220-30) * 0.6 and (220-30) * 0.8. If we make simple mathematical calculations, we get the numbers 114 and 152. Finding the arithmetic average is not difficult - it will be 135 beats per minute.

So, the problem facing us says: if we train at a rate of 135 beats per minute (after all, this is the result that Karvonen’s formula showed us), then the greatest amount of fat will be burned. But if you trust nutritionists, then with such an intensity of exercise we will burn a huge amount of carbohydrates, and almost all fats will remain in their places, not counting the unfortunate 30 percent. And how do you know who to trust and who not? Who to consult?

And here it is - the answer. To be completely honest with you, we tell you with all responsibility that neither one nor the other can be trusted. Of course, somewhere deep down in their souls, both of them have some kind of common sense, but the result is simple. If you trust nutritionists, then even the simplest walk should bring stunning results. Although, according to our calculations, to get rid of half a kilo of fat at a normal walking speed of 3.2 kilometers per hour, you will have to walk 232 kilometers! So, to get real results, you will have to work hard one way or another.

And if you take a closer look at our formula, then there is no need to be clever here; the author himself sometimes doubts its plausibility, and constantly emphasizes its conventionality. One way or another, this formula has sunk into the soul of the population, and it is now used quite widely, in particular for calculating the PPP, although even a hedgehog understands that the result of this PPP should not be the result of subtracting age, but the result of the training of the individual himself (or his lack of training). Your maximum heart rate will depend only on your physical fitness, because all this is the result of your work. So, only specialized cardiological tests can help you determine this frequency, which will tell you the optimal frequency of your pulse, and not the pulse of a man or woman. And by the way, this result will constantly change, it is not given for life, so if you once did it, but decided to repeat your training results, we advise you to start by re-checking with cardio tests.

Another important indicator is the frequency of your training. American scientists have conducted research and shown that the most optimal frequency of training is from three to five times a week, it is during this time that your body has time to work hard and have plenty of rest. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Each age has its own heart rate zones. The heart is a muscle, and like any muscle, it can be trained. And the best exercise machine in this case is cardio exercise. If you start running, your heart rate will drop over time. In ultramarathon athletes, the resting heart rate can be 37 beats per minute, with an average of 60-100 beats per minute (children over 10 years old, adults and the elderly) and 40-60 beats per minute in well-trained adults athletes.

Average heart rate

  • Newborns from 0 to 3 months - 100-150 beats per minute,
  • infants from 3 to 6 months - 90–120 beats per minute,
  • infants from 6 to 12 months - 80-120 beats per minute,
  • children from 1 year to 10 years - 70–130 beats per minute,
  • children over 10 years of age and adults, including the elderly - 60–100 beats per minute,
  • well-trained adult athletes - 40–60 beats per minute.

Heart and running

What happens to our heart when we start running? Your heart rate decreases - nature tries to maintain balance, and if your heart works well, then other organs will work properly. If you have a fast pulse at rest, it means either there is excess cholesterol in the arteries, or they are underdeveloped and their walls are not elastic enough.

Running speeds up blood flow, increases blood pressure and increases body temperature. This pressure and increased temperature can help flush out some of the fats and waste products from the arteries and throughout the body. If you increase the intensity, the body will begin to use cholesterol as fuel for these exercises.

The vascular system of a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle is several times less efficient than that of a person who performs a significant amount of aerobic exercise.

In addition to the fact that your heart begins to work like a new pump and the body receives enough oxygen, the quality of your blood also improves: the number of red blood cells in it increases, which are responsible for moving hemoglobin, which is necessary to combine with oxygen and oxidize the main combustible body - glycogen.

Formula 220 minus age

This is a very common empirical formula for determining the maximum allowable pulse (heart rate) based on a person’s age. This is an approximate Haskell-Fox formula and, as you can see, it only takes into account the age of the person. It has no scientific basis, but is actively used due to its simplicity and convenience. For most people, this accuracy is sufficient.

Refined formula

The least erroneous formula for determining the maximum permissible heart rate in the world today is the following:

HRmax = 205.8 - (0.685 * age)

*HRmax is the maximum allowable heart rate for a given person.

**age—a person’s age in years.

This calculator calculates your maximum heart rate using the two formulas given, as well as various zones (warm-up, light exercise, aerobic exercise, strength training) using the Karvonen formula.

Karvonen formula

Heart rate during exercise = (maximum heart rate - resting heart rate) x intensity (in percent) + resting heart rate

You can transform this formula so that it shows the required intensity:

Intensity (percentage) = (Workout Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate) / (Maximum Heart Rate - Resting Heart Rate)

The FOX-calculator project is pleased to present a new online calculator - calculating heart rate depending on age. Knowing your individual heart rate is extremely important! After all, it is by this criterion that we can judge how well our heart works. It is by determining your pulse that you can suspect that you have many cardiovascular diseases and immediately consult a doctor!

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Calculation of heart rate

It is no secret that when playing sports, you need to pay special attention to the state of the cardiovascular system, trying to avoid increased heart rate. During physical activity, the heart rate increases, but this indicator should not exceed the normal increase. You can only assess how much the norm is exceeded by knowing your maximum heart rate.

What is maximum heart rate?

This term refers to the number of beats the heart makes per minute and does not cause stress to the body.

If a person is calm, then the average heart rate is from 60 to 70 beats. in a minute. As for athletes, this figure can vary from 40 to 50 beats. in a minute. In this case, heart contractions cannot exceed 100 beats. in a minute. But the maximum heart rate can be different.

How to calculate maximum heart rate?

According to the research of scientist Karvonen, the calculation of the highest indicator can be done in several ways:

– simple (the most common);

– taking into account the gender of the person;

– complex.

According to the first method, the simplest calculation is carried out - this is 220 - the age of a person. However, the obtained figures are approximate, because the heart rate depends on many factors, for example, the gender of the person.

The maximum heart rate according to the second method for men is determined in the same way, and for women using a different formula: 220-age-6.

If you calculate using a complex method, which is the most accurate, then you need to use the following formula: 220-age-pulse at rest.

In addition to those listed above, there is another way to calculate your maximum heart rate. There is an opinion that it is the most effective for fat burning. The calculation formula is as follows: (220-age)*60%+(220-age)*80%. The resulting figure must be divided by 2 - this result will be the desired indicator. But there are those who believe that the most intense breakdown of fat occurs if a person has a low heart rate and a trained heart.

Causes of increased heart rate

Having calculated the maximum pulse, it is advisable to keep the heartbeat under control, and if the readings are elevated, try to reduce it, neutralizing the causes of tachycardia. And the main ones are:

– stress;

– excessive physical activity;

– injuries;

– various diseases, including arrhythmia.

The first two reasons can be eliminated on your own, but for others you should consult a doctor.

Table “Pulse rate depending on a person’s age”:

Age Pulse min-max Average value
0-1 month 110-170 beats per minute 140 beats per minute
From 1 month up to a year 102-162 beats per minute 132 beats per minute
1-2 years 94-155 beats per minute 124 beats per minute
4-6 years 86-126 beats per minute 106 beats per minute
6-8 years 78-118 beats per minute 98 beats per minute
8-10 years 68-108 beats per minute 88 beats per minute
10-12 years 60-100 beats per minute 80 beats per minute
12-15 years 55-95 beats per minute 75 beats per minute
Adults under 50 years old 60-80 beats per minute 70 beats per minute
50-60 65-85 beats per minute 75 beats per minute
60-80 70-90 beats per minute 80 beats per minute

A professional cardiologist talks about the causes of heart palpitations:

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