How to open an ice cream parlor: business plan. Your own business: how to open a summer cafe

Ice cream is always popular, especially in the summer. But even in winter, if you organize your business correctly, you can make good money, ultimately receiving a decent annual profit. You can organize sales in different formats: ice cream parlors or smaller points of sale (a corner in a store or a stall).

Business formats

Products sold may come from various sources:

  • Wholesale purchases from other manufacturers.
  • Own production.
  • Mixed source (partly purchasing ready-made ice cream, partly making it on site)

Producing and selling your own ice cream is an interesting business, but it requires expensive starting purchases, which include:

  • Ice cream production line.
  • Packaging conveyor.
  • Cooling chamber.

The largest amount of costs will be on equipment for the production of hard ice cream. Thus, a production line with a capacity of 250 kg of ice cream per shift costs about 90 thousand dollars. The cost of the refrigerator, rent and utility bills will be added to this amount. As a result, the starting capital that will be needed to open your own production and point of sale will be about 130 thousand dollars.

But you can start with a smaller initial capital, focusing at first only on sales, purchasing ready-made ice cream in bulk. According to experts, the amount of funds needed to open an ice cream parlor will be only 20 - 25 thousand dollars. The starting capital when opening a kiosk will be even less: the cost of the kiosk ($1000), refrigerator (can be used - $250), rent (depending on the location and region), initial purchases of goods. After the investment pays off, part of the income can be used to expand the enterprise by purchasing, for example, a freezer for making soft ice cream, and if desired, you can then completely switch to your own production.

When is it beneficial?

It is believed that the real experts in the ice cream market are the Italians. It was the specialists of this country who developed an equation on the basis of which one can find out whether it will be profitable for an entrepreneur to produce and sell ice cream. It looks like this: Price of one ice cream = Cost of raw materials * 10. That is, if the price of one “ice cream” is 10 times higher than the cost of the ingredients for it, then the business will be profitable. In the case of your own production, it is best to focus on producing exclusive varieties from natural raw materials, since it will be difficult to compete with large producers of regular ice cream or ice cream.

Franchise as an option

Another option would be to work on a franchising basis. This format has certain advantages, the most important of which is working with an already well-known and popular brand and a ready-made model, which only needs to be executed exactly.

Some of the well-known brands in the Russian retail space include Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia, which offer their franchises under certain conditions. Both proposals may be of interest to entrepreneurs.

Baskin Robbins ice cream is perhaps the most famous brand that is very popular as it offers very tasty ice cream.

However, the conditions for purchasing a franchise are quite strict and not feasible for everyone. To begin with, the required starting capital ranges from 70 to 150 thousand dollars. The entrepreneur will have to pay a lump sum fee of 11 thousand dollars, and also pay the copyright holder monthly 4% of the gross purchases of materials and ice cream. You will also have to pay advertising fees - 1% of gross sales monthly. In addition, in many cities, chain grocery stores already sell Baskin Robbins ice cream, and if food stores in the city already have experience of cooperation with this company, then the franchisor will have to compete with the sales points of these chain stores.

Compared to Baskin Robbins, the Mia Dolce Giulia franchise may seem more loyal to a wide range of entrepreneurs. The company produces products using Italian technology and does not set strict conditions for partners. Thus, work can be carried out in a format of any size - from a cafe to a small kiosk with a logo. Depending on the type of institution, the entrance fee ranges from 5 to 30 thousand dollars; royalties - from 300 to 500 dollars, plus 17 thousand insurance investments. Under these partnership conditions, the company’s managers promise a return of 150% per annum.

Franchising cooperation in many areas is now actively developing. But it should be noted that even in this format, the technical side of the business will actually remain the same as in the case of independent work, but risks are still present. Thus, the entrepreneur has a choice: use a franchise or open his own business.

Own business: features and capabilities

If you start your own business, you should first of all decide whether it will be your own production or retail trade in ice cream purchased in bulk. In order for the enterprise to break even within one to two years, it is necessary to achieve sales of at least 300 units of products per day. And this is throughout the year. At the same time, in winter, as a rule, there is a decline in demand, especially for points (kiosks and stalls) located on the street.

To ensure year-round good demand, the location should be chosen carefully. A shopping center is the ideal location for a kiosk or ice cream parlor.

But in many cases it is more interesting, and what is even more important - It’s more promising to open your own production. In this case, it will be possible to offer customers special, high-quality varieties of ice cream made from natural products. By purchasing ingredients directly from manufacturers in bulk, you can ensure that at the same cost as in the case of purchasing ready-made ice cream, the taste and quality will be significantly better. This will allow you to distinguish your ice cream outlet from competitors and ensure year-round good demand.

In order to open your own small ice cream production, you will need to purchase a plant for the production of hard ice cream, a pasteurizer and a blast freezer. To store the goods you will need a freezer display case and (or) a chamber. You can also purchase a freezer (from $900) for making soft ice cream to diversify the assortment.

Maximum expansion of product positions to increase profitability is very beneficial for the cafe format. In addition to ice cream, you can offer drinks (tea, coffee, juices, milk and berry cocktails), cakes, and chocolate. At the same time, the drinks can also be alcoholic: do not forget that the main consumers of ice cream are children, but they most often come to the cafe with their parents. However, everything needs moderation.

The appearance of an extraneous assortment may already lead to the fact that the establishment will resemble an ordinary cafe, and its profitability may be in question. If this is initially an ice cream cafe, then it is better to take care of the maximum variety of ice cream varieties and its taste: after all, this is what visitors will expect, first of all. The minimum variety of ice cream varieties for a cafe is at least 10 - 15 types. In this case, the rule applies: the more, the better. If there are so many types of ice cream that the visitor’s eyes run wild, then he will strive to try everything, if not at once, then coming again and again.

According to researchers in this market segment, Russians prefer brands with a high fat content. Chocolate, vanilla and pistachio varieties are popular.


The minimum area for a cafe that sells its own ice cream is 50 m2. The layout should include a sales area, a service area and a production facility. If a minimalist option with a stall format was chosen as the initial step, then 5 m2 will be enough.

As already mentioned, the location of the cafe or kiosk is important, which should be located in a walk-through area. It is beneficial when the cafe is located on the territory of a food court in a shopping center. But, renting this zone will, accordingly, be expensive. Stationary free-standing cafes on busy streets and in popular parks are also a profitable option.

Ice cream parlor staff

If the format of a cafe with its own workshop is chosen, then you will need personnel to provide both production and customer service. Depending on the size of the cafe, you will need to hire 10–20 people, among them will be:

  • Bartenders.
  • Sellers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Confectioners working in shifts.
  • Operators working with equipment.
  • Part-time or permanent equipment maintenance engineer.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator (director).

The owner of the cafe can also be the director.

Profit and payback

If we take Moscow as an example, then, according to experts, the average monthly profit of establishments located in a shopping center is 12–15 thousand dollars per month, and of free-standing stationary cafes – 21–24 thousand dollars. The payback period for the initial investment is one to one and a half years. For example, for an ice cream parlor renting an area of ​​60 m2 in a shopping center with a staff of 12 people, the gross monthly revenue is 60 thousand rubles. Of this, 45% will need to be deducted for the purchase of ingredients and products, 17% for rent and utilities, 8% for staff salaries and 3% for maintenance and repair of equipment. As a result, profit before taxes will be 27% of total revenue (in monetary terms - $16,200).

In the case of a stall and wholesale purchases from the manufacturer, the profit from selling ice cream during the high season will be about $1,200. Even if we take into account that revenue will be lower in cold weather, this small point of sale will pay for itself in 3 to 4 months.

MS Word Volume: 40 pages

Business plan

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We present a business plan for a children's cafe that will allow you to gain self-confidence and prioritize your endeavors. In many localities, there is a shortage of children's catering establishments, but this business is profitable, and, moreover, the occupancy of the establishment will be constant. Much depends on the room, which should be cozy, clean, with interesting compositional design solutions. Tables and chairs should be comfortable for children and adults, and the choice of products should be varied.

Having received a sample business plan for organizing a children's cafe, you will understand, for example, how many varieties of ice cream should always be available, where to look for suppliers of this nutritious and tasty product, and there should also be no shortage of soft drinks, a variety of desserts: from fruit salads to cream and jelly. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just a sweet assortment; babies grow quickly, and a growing body constantly wants to grab a piece of something tasty. Therefore, the menu of a children's institution may contain full meals, sandwiches, hot dogs, etc.

By studying the business plan for a children's entertainment cafe with a playroom, you will be able to obtain a theoretical basis for a highly profitable business and assess the prospects of the undertaking. Manufacturers are constantly expanding their line of products for children, striving to satisfy all the needs of children in a variety of toys, games, and products. Therefore, it is important to respond to fashion trends by purchasing popular models of dolls for the playroom, which will definitely attract little visitors to your cafe.

It’s so easy to please a child: just say a few words – “Let’s go to the cafe!” Many parents love to pamper their kids, which means that a business like an ice cream parlor for children has very good prospects. Establishments that you can visit with your children, where they can enjoy their favorite desserts and have fun, are becoming increasingly popular. But so far the number of children's cafes in many cities is not able to satisfy the growing demand.

Opening your own ice cream parlor for children makes many entrepreneurs think about whether this project will bring the expected profit. In fact, profit will not be long in coming if you manage to attract customers to your establishment. All children love the festive atmosphere and sweets. If you can provide these basic components, then you can assume that success is just around the corner.

When looking for premises for a cafe, give preference to spacious areas; for example, organizing a children's cafe with 100 seats requires a room of at least 150 square meters. meters. After all, in addition to tables, the cafe needs to have a play area, as well as a place for entertainment events.

For most kids, visiting a cafe is a real holiday. And you have the power to extend it, fill it with vivid emotions, so that the time spent within the walls of your establishment will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, do not forget about entertainment - these could be performances with clowns, various game events.

When opening an ice cream parlor, you should carefully consider the correct design of the menu, because you will not feed your visitors only an ice-cold dessert. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that serious requirements are imposed on children's nutrition, and there are many dishes that are contraindicated for babies.

The menu can include light snacks, pastries, juices, milkshakes, and various desserts, except ice cream. The latter, by the way, should have at least 10-15 varieties on the menu, so that each visitor can choose a cold delicacy to suit his taste. Please note that portions of dishes should be small, otherwise the child simply will not be able to finish everything.

Only a few businessmen risk opening a children's cafe from scratch; to do this, you need to have serious experience in this field. For those new to business, the best option is to open a children's cafe as a franchise. At the same time, it’s up to you to decide whether you will purchase ice cream from suppliers, or ensure the full production cycle of the delicacy in your cafe. To do this, you will need high-quality equipment for an ice cream parlor, as well as fresh raw materials for its production. It is possible to purchase base mixtures that are produced abroad.

Opening a children's ice cream parlor can become a source of not only endless pleasure for you, but also a very impressive profit. The key to success is the competent organization of the process, which can be simplified by an example of a business plan for opening a children's cafe with ready-made calculations, which describes in detail the process of creating and opening a children's cafe from A to Z.

In this material:

Beginning entrepreneurs can be advised to open an ice cream shop. Such a business will not require large investments and will help you quickly generate income. It is possible to sell packaged products or sell soft ice cream; each type of delicacy has its own fans. With the right assortment and a good location, success will not be long in coming. Over time, you can expand your network and achieve greater profits.

Ice cream business: advantages and disadvantages

Selling ice cream is a simple and affordable business option for beginners. Among the advantages of the business:

  • high profitability, reaching up to 200%;
  • small initial investment;
  • mobility;
  • possibility of expanding the assortment with drinks, desserts, frozen semi-finished products.

Despite the obvious prospects, the business also has some disadvantages:

  • seasonality of the business, in winter the product sells worse than in the summer heat;
  • trade through kiosks requires permission from the SES, fire inspectorate, district administration and other authorities;
  • high competition;
  • the level of sales greatly depends on the location of the point;
  • The product is perishable and requires special storage conditions.

Soft or packaged ice cream: what to choose

An entrepreneur who decides to specialize in selling cold delicacies is faced with a choice of which product to prefer. Packaged industrial ice cream is better stored, and its sale requires minimal documentation. However, such a product also has disadvantages. You will have to compete with brick-and-mortar kiosks and supermarkets offering similar products at a lower price. The quality of industrial ice cream does not always meet the needs of customers who prefer a more natural product.

The advantages of packaged ice cream include a wide range of products and low cost of equipment for sale. To organize the point, you will need a battery freezer; you can get it for free from the company that produces the product. Please note that the supplier may insist that only their product be sold, which will reduce potential profits. Beginning entrepreneurs who do not want to commit themselves can buy a used stall or lease it. In this case, the formation of the assortment will depend only on your tastes and capabilities.

Soft ice cream allows you to make a higher markup, and there are significantly fewer points of sale for it. To organize a point, more significant investments are required. It is necessary to purchase a counter, a freezer for making treats, scales, a cash register and small equipment (metal spoons, water containers).

The disadvantages of a point selling soft ice cream include increased requirements from the SES. A good option is to open a point in a stationary store. It is also possible to rent a counter in a pavilion selling fast food and located in a busy, high-traffic area.

Sales subtleties: how to achieve success

The basis for successful implementation is a properly selected assortment. It is advisable to create an assortment of brands that are not sold on every corner. You can rely on more expensive varieties of natural milk and cream or specialize in the products of small factories. In the summer, cups and popsicles are in demand; in winter and autumn, cakes and ice cream rolls sell better. The assortment will be complemented by popular frozen yoghurts with fruit additives, granitas, sorbet and other options for cold delicacies.

It is better to locate ice cream spots in crowded areas. These could be parks, busy streets, areas near cinemas, supermarkets, schools, colleges. It is advisable that there are no stationary cafes or supermarkets with a similar assortment nearby.

A good option for the location of the point is a dacha area. Busy villages can bring good profits in the summer; in winter, the mobile counter can be moved within the city limits. Trade can also be expanded in large rural settlements, where there is no serious competition.

Consider expanding your range. You can add cold or hot drinks, packaged vegetables and fruits, and other options for frozen semi-finished products to ice cream.

Before concluding an agreement with a supplier, choose the most favorable terms. Make sure that the wholesaler or manufacturer has a freezer van that allows them to deliver the goods without disturbing the temperature.

Profitability and expandability

Costs for one point selling packaged ice cream will not exceed 20,000 rubles. Selling a soft product from a freezer will cost more. To organize one counter with full equipment you will have to spend 80,000-100,000 rubles. To the one-time costs you will have to add the monthly costs of purchasing goods and salaries of employees.

The average markup on ice cream is 200%. The point will pay for itself in 3 months, after which it will begin to generate stable profits. Having achieved success, you can think about expanding the network.

For optimal profitability, it is better to keep 4-5 counters in the busiest places.

An ice cream business should be started in the summer, during the seasonal rise in sales. During the cold season, trade can be curtailed or the range expanded by adding frozen semi-finished products and hot drinks. In order not to burn out, you should not open several points at once. Start with one and expand the business only if you are absolutely successful.

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Opening an ice cream parlor is a very promising business, attractive to investors.

Its features are fast payback, constant demand, and lack of competition. This market is quite developed all over the world, in Russia everything is just beginning. Moreover, this business does not require large investments. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to open an ice cream parlor and consider the prospects for its development.

Such a pleasant and tasty delicacy as ice cream deservedly enjoys love not only among children and women with a sweet tooth. Statistics say that 40% of his customers are men. Cafes are designed for consumers of different social status and age, so they provide a stable income.

The fashion for such establishments makes them a popular place for families with children, for meeting students and representatives of the middle class. The combination of formats is especially popular: ice cream parlor and coffee shop, ice cream parlor and confectionery shop. This increases the establishment’s profit significantly and expands its capabilities. But the basis of trade turnover should still be ice cream sales. It is advisable to present at least 15 types of delicacies, so that with such abundance, visitors’ eyes will widen and they will want to come here again and again in order to try something new.

A cafe can be of two types: stationary and located on rented space in a shopping and entertainment center. The second type has its advantages: cheaper space rental, constant construction of new centers, no need for renovation of the premises, demand for the product is available almost all year round, if the shopping center is popular, then there is no need for advertising. The location of stationary cafes is preferably in crowded places, near the metro, in business districts, the city center, and near educational institutions. The attendance of a stationary cafe should be at the level of 300 people per day.

Options for starting a business

Those who want to start a similar business have a choice: buy a ready-made established establishment, create their own “from scratch” or through a franchise. The first option is difficult due to high demand, low supply and high price (approximately $260 thousand). The second option is for professional restaurateurs who already have similar experience. If there is not much money and there is no experience in working in public catering, then this is the most relevant option.

Today, the market for ice cream parlor franchises is represented by Mia Dolce Giulia and Baskin Robbins. Branches of these brands will receive benefits and delight visitors, especially if there is no obvious competition nearby.

The condition for participation in the Baskin Robbins line is the payment of a lump sum contribution of 11 thousand dollars plus a royalty of 4%. The company will help you draw up a business plan, choose a location, calculate the amount of investment and payback period, ensure the supply of equipment and furniture that matches the image of the establishment, train staff and provide advertising and marketing support for your brand. To open a point, the initial investment will be 70-150 thousand dollars.

The Russian company Mia Dolce Giulia specializes in the production of ice cream using Italian technologies. Offers investors options for opening points - from installing a simple storefront to a full complex for the production and sale of dessert. In this regard, the lump sum fee varies from 5 to 30 thousand dollars, the royalty is constant - 300-500 dollars. per month. The franchisee package includes preparation of a point project, provision of equipment at special prices, supply of raw materials and branded accessories, and the right to use the brand. Investments start from 17 thousand dollars.

Whether independently or through franchising, the owner must decide: to purchase ice cream from suppliers or create his own production. The second option is preferable if a cafe opens in a small provincial town, where the price of ingredients is much cheaper, or if the cafe is going to sell exclusive desserts from base mixtures brought from abroad that have a patent. To make a decision, you need to compare wholesale prices, including transportation, with the cost of production.

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Stages of opening a cafe

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Selection and renovation of premises

According to sanitary standards, the premises for a cafe, where the entire cycle of production and sale of ice cream is carried out, cannot be less than 50 square meters. m: production area - from 25 sq. m, retail - from 10 sq. m, living area - 5 sq. m, warehouse - up to 10 sq. m. When creating a cafe with a production workshop, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor on the suitability of the premises for production and work in the catering industry. Concluding a lease agreement, repairs, if necessary, are also important details.

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Purchase, installation and commissioning of equipment

Next, equipment for the manufacture of their products is purchased or contracts for the supply of ice cream are concluded. You will need: a freezer, a refrigerator, a beautiful display chest, a freezer, a mixer, cutlery, and dishes. Equipment is often imported; it is better to give preference to Italian manufacturers. The price of a set of equipment is from 75 thousand dollars. Supplier companies will provide both installation and commissioning of equipment.

It is advisable to buy furniture that is inexpensive, but comfortable and has a fashionable, modern design. You should also think about the interior of the room itself. If a cafe opens as a franchise, then the main company will help in resolving these issues. You can invite an interior designer.

Research what types of ice cream your closest competitors offer. You can gain your customers by selling new or better products. The right choice of location for a retail outlet is of great importance in the ice cream trade. Consider all possible options.

Before drawing up a business plan, study the offers of equipment manufacturers. High performance of the device is not always advisable.

Main risks

Seasonal dependence is not the biggest problem for indoor trading. Ice cream lovers buy it in any, even the most unfavorable weather. The ability to organize trade outdoors in the summer and move indoors with the onset of cold weather reduces this risk.

Selling ice cream is a very popular business. The competition is extremely high. The purchase of a modern device, a good location and the sale of related products will help minimize this risk.

Soft serve ice cream has a very short shelf life. When choosing the performance of the device, this factor should be taken into account. Selling a product past its sell-by date is fraught with serious fines.


The main criterion for choosing a location is liveliness and the absence of competitors nearby. If you successfully choose a place to sell ice cream, the initial costs will pay off within 1-2 months.

Renting a small space in a shopping center or any other premises with a large number of visitors is more expensive, but it eliminates the problem of obtaining a large number of permits, connecting to electricity and water supply, and storing equipment.

Selling soft ice cream on the street is more profitable in the summer. Look for areas with busy city traffic, near parks, educational and entertainment venues. Consider options taking into account the possibility of connecting to electricity and water supply. Also, consider where the equipment will be stored.


Equipment for making soft ice cream is offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Important criteria for choosing a particular model are:

- Dimensions.
- Electricity consumption.
- Warranty service life.

The difference in the cost of domestic and foreign devices is also significant. Let's conduct a comparative analysis of the two most popular and recommended samples by experts.

SaniServ (USA). Productivity – up to 15 kg/h. Weight – 70 kg. Reliable, allows you to make soft ice cream. Cost – about 150,000 rubles.

RICON-30 (Russia). Productivity – up to 30 kg/h. Weight – 160 kg. The ice cream is slightly worse in consistency. Cost - about 75,000 rubles.

To sell ice cream, you need to buy a standard glass refrigerator chest and counter.

Also, it is worth considering which special mixtures the device works best with. The most popular because of their excellent taste and ease of preparation are American Frosty Freeze mixtures. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 480 rubles. These mixtures are diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5. At the end you get about 6 kg of ice cream. At the same time, you can offer frozen yogurt to customers. YoSoGood dry mix (USA) is the most profitable and popular option. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 600 rubles.

The wholesale cost of a waffle cone is 1.5 rubles; plastic cups and spoons – 1 ruble.


On average, one package of dry mixture produces 55-60 servings (100 g) of soft ice cream. Under favorable weather conditions, 350-400 portions can be sold throughout the day. The average cost of ice cream in a vanilla cone is 20 rubles, with a plastic cup – 17-18 rubles. The daily revenue of one point is about 7,500 rubles, the monthly revenue is about 200,000 rubles. Not every day the weather will be favorable for ice cream sales, but on weekends and hot days sales increase sharply.

Current expenses:

Raw materials and consumables - about 80,000 rubles.
Salary – 50,000 rubles.
Rent, taxes, electricity payments and unforeseen expenses - 10,000-12,000 rubles.
Thus, the net monthly profit is about 58,000 rubles.


To operate one point, two salespeople should be hired in shifts. Offer employees a salary and bonus equal to a certain percentage of sales. Sellers must have health certificates with permission to work in the food trade.

If there are 2-3 points selling ice cream, the owner can deal with work with suppliers of raw materials and other organizational issues. When expanding your network, you should hire an administrator to manage it.

You can hire a part-time accountant to handle financial and tax reporting.

Documents and licenses

You can register an individual entrepreneur at the tax office. The optimal type of taxation is UTII. For trading on the premises, a lease agreement is concluded with the owner. For street trading - with city authorities.

To obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you must provide an agreement for waste removal, water and electricity supply, and certificates from the manufacturer of equipment and raw materials. Also, this organization very strictly controls the availability of medical records with employees undergoing a medical examination within the time prescribed by law.


The profitability of soft ice cream trading is extremely high. To reduce risks from poor location or weather conditions, expand the range and network of retail outlets at the slightest opportunity.

Offer refreshing mineral water, drinks made from natural ingredients, cotton candy, other types of ice cream, frozen yogurt, and sweets.

Place several tables under umbrellas near the machine. Create comfort. Flowering plants, pleasant music - all this will make customers stay near your point longer and buy an additional portion.


Despite high competition and seasonality, selling soft ice cream can become a successful and highly profitable business. The correct choice of location, expansion of the assortment and network of sales points will allow you to quickly achieve payback and generate net profit.

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