What is the name of the city where Bilan won the Eurovision Song Contest? Why did Dima Bilan win at Eurovision?

The triumph we've been waiting for. Russian representative Dima Bilan won Eurovision - the most prestigious music competition in Europe. He had many strong competitors. Bilan sang his song second to last. He was able to cope with his anxiety and performed brilliantly, which was highly appreciated by the audience. Now, for the first time in history, the next Eurovision Song Contest will be held in our country.

Report by Galina Filonenko.

The dream of the magnificent trio and all of Russia came true. The song "Believe in" won the hearts and voices of viewers from 43 countries. For the first time there are so many participants at the European Song Contest, and for the first time our country has won. Immediately after the results were announced, Dima Bilan gives an interview, barely containing his excitement.

Dima Bilan: “To be honest, I believed in our team. Thanks to the people who believed in me.”

25 countries competed in the final battle for the crystal microphone. The competition was so serious that even in bookmakers the top five changed almost every day. Only the gold medal contender, Russia, remained unchanged.

Evgeni Plushenko: “We supported our country - Russia is now in such favor - hockey, football, Eurovision!”

The highest score - 12 points - was given to the Russian team by Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Israel, Armenia, Belarus and Lithuania. In total, our team received 272 points, 42 ahead of its closest rival - Ukraine.

The audience fell in love with the Three Musketeers long before the final concert - they applauded tirelessly even during rehearsals. The soul-touching singing of Dima Bilan, who, by the way, is no stranger to Eurovision - two years ago he already took second place, the enchanting sounds that Hungarian musician Edwin Marton extracted from a Stradivarius violin, and music on ice performed by Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko. The 20,000-strong audience watched this performance with bated breath, and then burst into applause.

For everyone who could not buy tickets for the final concert and did not want to stay at home that evening, a huge screen was installed in the very center of Belgrade. Thousands of people in the square dance, sing along and support each and every performer.

The second place was taken by the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak with the song “Shady Lady” to the music of Philip Kirkorov, and the third by the Greek Kalmira. She was considered one of the favorites of the competition; at the beginning of the voting she fought with Russia for every point, but then dropped two places down. Fans of Dima Bilan froze in anticipation - “Trust me,” the singer said to his beloved model Lena Kuletskaya and promised to propose if he wins. Whether he will keep his word is still a mystery, but there is no doubt about where Eurovision 2009 will be held. Next year Moscow invites you to the European Song Contest.

President Dmitry Medvedev congratulated Dima Bilan and his team on their brilliant victory. He personally called the triumphant. “It’s great that the prize will come to Russia,” the head of state emphasized.

The result of the international music competition “Eurovision” is the victory of Russian Dima Bilan and Ukrainian Ani Lorak. Based on their own data on bets placed on the finalists of the competition, they confidently Slavic Victoria.

And the small gap in points between Bilan and Lorak is further proof that they are right.

So, the main award of the competition - the Eurovision crystal microphone - went to a Russian representative for the first time. The final part of the competition took place late in the evening on May 24 in the Serbian capital Belgrade. During the 15-minute international telephone and SMS voting, Dima scored 272 points from 43 countries, ahead of his closest rivals - performers from Ukraine, Greece and Armenia.

The highest score - 12 points each - was given to him by viewers from Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia and Israel. In addition, Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Finland, which gave him 10 points each, as well as Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Malta and Spain (8 points each) helped Bilan’s victory.

This is Russia’s first absolute victory at Eurovision, although during the existence of the European music competition such Russian stars as Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Alsou, Ilya Lagutenko, the Tatu group, etc. took part in it. Previously, Russia’s best result was second place: in 2000, silver went to the singer Alsou, and in 2006 - to Dima Bilan. Last year, the “Silver” group, specially created for the project, took third place.

Dima Bilan believes that fortune itself contributed to some extent to his victory at Eurovision. He drew attention to the following coincidences: the final of the competition took place on May 24, where he performed under number 24, and Bilan’s birthday was December 24. Lucky number, and that's all!

Dima’s main assistants at the competition were the Hungarian violinist who performed with him in a 3-minute show Edwin Marton with Stradivarius violin and Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeni Plushenko.

Without a doubt, Bilan’s number was one of the most expensive in the history of Russian performances at Eurovision. And although Plushenko claims that he performed selflessly, the music community is arguing about the size of Edvin Marton’s fee. And more than a million euros were spent on staging Dima Bilan’s number alone.

At the final press conference after receiving the coveted prize, Dima beamed with happiness and generously shared it with journalists: “I believed in victory. It seems to me that you just need to move forward. The most important thing is not to give up. I am very happy, please don’t laugh.”

However, Bilan evaluates his victory as a victory for all of Russia: " We have extended a series of beautiful victories that go on and on, one after another. In sports it’s basketball, football, hockey, getting the Sochi Olympics 2014.” Obviously, these notes appeared in him after the singer received a telephone congratulation from President Medvedev and a telegraph from Prime Minister Putin.

Ukraine took silver at Eurovision for the second time in a row (in 2004, we recall, the representative of this country, Ruslana, won the European music competition). Sent to Belgrade Ani Lorak with the song Shady Lady written by Philip Kirkorov, scored 230 points. Ani was also sincerely happy about her second place, not yet knowing that a few hours later the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko The best is still her, not Bilan. They say that the “chaste” Europeans were alarmed by her striking beauty, as well as the likelihood of the Eurovision being held again in Kyiv if Lorak wins, so the “old world” spared the highest scores for the Ukrainian...

The Greek singer also had a high chance of winning Kalomirs– she was in the lead for a significant part of the time allotted for counting votes. But in the end, alas, she had to be content with third place - 218 points for the song Secret Combination.

Judging by the first reaction from Russia, Bilan’s triumph will bring him considerable material and moral benefits. In addition to increasing popularity, cities in Karachay-Cherkessia, where he once lived with his parents, are promised in his name. Another republic is on the way - Kabardino-Balkaria, which also claims to be considered his small homeland. In any case, the president of this Russian region has already made such a proposal. Dima will also make money on the European music market. According to the terms of the competition, next week the winner will have to tour European countries. The largest concert venues in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium and France are waiting for him.
And after this tour, serious changes are expected in Bilan’s personal life. On the eve of the competition, Dima promised, if he won Eurovision... to register a relationship with his girlfriend Lena Kulitskaya: “After Eurovision, I think this global event will happen in my life. Especially if I come home with a victory. Then I’ll definitely get married! I’ve long considered Lena a member of my family.”

Finally, this is not just a victory for the Russian performer. He actually made Russia the host of Eurovision 2009. Artist Producer Yana Rudkovskaya that the next competition will be the best in its history. The president Dmitry Medvedev also expressed confidence that Eurovision 2009 will be held at the highest level." And the Prime Minister Putin has already instructed the Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov prepare proposals for the formation of an organizing committee for the preparation and holding of this European competition in Russia. According to preliminary information, the first semi-final should take place on May 12, the second on May 14, and the final on May 16, 2009.

We waited so long for our victory at Eurovision that when we finally got it, we don’t know what to do with it now. Apparently it has already burned out. We are so accustomed to considering Eurovision unfair that even after becoming the winning country, we cannot get out of the habit of it. Therefore, Dima Bilan will remain in the history of Russia not only as an artist, thanks to whom the international competition will be held in our country, but also as the most controversial winner.


Even before his victory, Bilan was not liked by the Western press for his arrogance, “sick appearance” and lack of knowledge of the English language. After the first semi-final, the British media joked that " If the Russians don't win, they'll poison us all with polonium."After Russia took first place, and Ukraine second, the same journalists began to trumpet the strengthening of the Eastern bloc. Later, they even proposed organizing music competitions only for Western European countries.

"It's a shame that such a bad person sings such a good song.", a Dutch TV journalist told me when Bilan sang the first verse of "Believe" in the finale. " This is an amazing song, I'm so happy for you all! Well done! You really deserve it“- he exclaimed when Dima was declared the winner. And when I looked questioningly at my interlocutor, he smiled strangely and said: “ Winners are not judged"Unfortunately, this rule does not always apply. Many people doubt the fairness of this victory. Days.Ru conducted a survey" Why did Dima Bilan win Eurovision?"The majority of respondents believe that a miracle happened. The second most popular answer is only thanks to Evgeni Plushenko.

There is no need to talk about miracles in show business. But Evgeniy’s merit, most likely, really exists. In Belgrade, the European press received him enthusiastically. If Bilan had to be content with only liquid applause, Plushenko was always greeted with a standing ovation, sometimes even standing.

Eugene’s popularity is comprehensive and undeniable. One Serbian taxi driver, when I asked if he knew the Eurovision participants, replied: “No, I don’t know anyone. Yesterday I was just driving the famous figure skater Plushenko, There was also this brunette guy with him, he was driving all the time and humming something under his breath. And the violinist was with them."

“I think Dima would have won in any case, even if he had gone on stage completely alone,” says the singer Valeria. “Dima is a very talented performer. He is a real fighter, he has such determination and will to win that he could not help but win. Although, of course, he needs to work on his English,” his colleague picks up the thought Larisa Dolina.

Let me remind you that Bilan was given the highest rating by Israel, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Armenia, Switzerland, Belarus and Lithuania. This could not be expected from the Baltic countries at all. Why those who have always rated Russian artists low changed their minds remains a mystery. After all, judging objectively, our composition was not the strongest among 43 countries. I remember how after the dress rehearsal many Russian journalists said: “God willing, we will get into the top ten. We definitely will not overtake such strong rivals as Ukraine, Portugal, Sweden, Greece and Israel.”

Dima is currently on a promotional tour of Europe. He started it from Helsinki, the city where 2 years ago he lost his victory to the Finns. As part of the tour, he spoke with the local press, gave a concert at the large Stokmann shopping center and held a small autograph session for fans. After Finland, Bilan went to Sweden. In Russia, Bilan's first concert is scheduled for June 5. Dima has a difficult year ahead, under close supervision he will carry the honorary title of winner without the right to make a wrong move until it passes to another performer on May 19, 2009.

In his small homeland - Karachay-Cherkessia - Dima has already become a national treasure. He was given the title of Honored Artist of the country and even renamed one of the streets in his honor.. In Russia, Bilan has so far become only the hero of jokes. The most popular of them: “If Dima Bilan had not won Eurovision, next year he would have come to sing with Valuev.” Although, as Ani Lorak, Dima’s rival in Belgrade, once said, “lightning only strikes the peaks.”

Dima Bilan is considered one of the most popular pop performers not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. An idol of millions of women and men, his career grew at an amazing speed: victory after victory, song after song. It is not surprising that it was this young and ambitious musician who brought his country its first victory at the main European song competition in 2008.

Today, perhaps, everyone already knows that Dima Bilan is a successful stage name. The singer's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. The new name was not chosen by chance. Dmitry was the name of the singer’s grandfather, whom the boy always loved and respected very much. Besides, he wanted to be Dima for as long as he could remember.

Music studies began for Vitya in the fifth grade, when he entered a music school (accordion). Already from the first years of his studies, he began to actively participate in various competitive events for children. To achieve even greater success, it was necessary to move to the capital, which the young man did.

The first success he achieved here was a brilliant performance at a children's festival called “Chunga-Changa”, organized in honor of the anniversary of the joint work of two famous people - Yu. Entin and D. Tukhmanov. The young singer received his reward for participation in the form of a diploma from the hands of Kobzon himself.

Convinced of his capabilities, in 2000 the young man decided to enter one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Moscow - the Music College named after. Gnesins, and three years later became a certified pop performer. Having decided to replenish his knowledge, as well as professional skills, the vocalist entered the acting department of GITIS.

Bilan's rapid career growth

Before Dima Bilan had even studied for a year at a higher educational institution, his first video appeared on Russian television screens. A video from the shores of the Gulf of Finland, filmed for the single “Autumn,” was played on MTV Russia.

Following the first appearance on the air of a popular youth music channel, Bilan met Yuri Aizenshpis, who later became the next producer to take over the musician’s persona.

The debut on the big music stage took place in 2002. It was the famous New Wave festival, traditionally organized in warm Jurmala. The song “Boom” helped the singer win a worthy 4th place. After the new success, more popular works followed: a video for the song “I am a night hooligan”, in which Dima starred in a daring image that made young fans fall in love with him, as well as for the composition “I was wrong, I got it”, “I love you so much” and others.

The end of 2003 was marked for Bilan with the release of his debut album “I am a night hooligan”. A year later, the musician presented an updated edition of the successful album, supplemented with four new tracks.

In the year of the release of the 2nd studio album, which was called “On the Shore of the Sky,” Dima began work on a new album, this time entirely in English. Foreign authors took part in its writing: D. Warren (America) and S. Escoffery (England). This was followed by a collection of video clips entitled “You, Only You” and “New Year from a New Line,” which included 4 New Year’s songs.

A new stage in Bilan’s career

In 2005, Bilan’s favorite producer died, which threatened serious changes for the artist. A lot of new proposals for cooperation rained down on him. And Aizenshpis’s company (which was now headed by the wife of the departed producer Elena Kovrigina) not only terminated the contract with the singer, but also demanded that he give up his pseudonym. Fortunately, the talented and perceptive Yana Rudkovskaya appeared in Bilan’s life and work in time, who helped quickly and painlessly eliminate the brewing conflicts for both sides.

2005 brought Dima Bilan two awards at the Golden Gramophone music awards ceremony, two awards for the sensual song “You Should Be Nearby,” as well as a prize from Channel One, awarded to the artist as part of the “New Songs About the Main” music festival by a professional jury .

2007 was one of the busiest years for the musician, who was gaining unprecedented popularity:

  • 3 awards as part of the Muz-TV ceremony;
  • participation as one of the jury members of the television show “STS Lights a Star”;
  • visiting “New Wave” as a headliner;
  • three MTV Award nominations;
  • the title of “Favorite Citizen of Russia” in the category “Singer of the Year”;
  • line in the Forbes magazine ranking among the highest paid and professionally in demand residents of Russia.

Every year the artist became an increasingly highly paid, in-demand and popular performer.

Second place in Eurovision 2006 and victory in 2008

The first attempt to win laurels for his country at the International Competition took place back in 2005, where he presented a song called “Not that simple.” At the semi-final stage, he was overtaken by Natalya Podolskaya, who later became twentieth in the final.

The second attempt was made a year later, and this time Dima was nominated by the leadership of Channel One as a representative of his country. In 2006, thirty-seven countries participated in the finals, and Bilan won an honorable 2nd place. For Russia, even such a result was a real achievement, since Alsou had only once occupied such a close position to a winning position (2000). The number presented from Russia, in which Dima performed his famous composition “Never Let You Go” with the same jumps by which the singer can now be recognized in any parody, turned out to be very impressive. As part of the production, a pair of ballerinas performed on stage with the performer, one of whom gracefully emerged from the piano.

As they say, the third time is a diamond, and it was this attempt that became the most successful for Dima. At the qualifying round, which was to determine the country's representative at Eurovision 2008, he performed a life-affirming song called Believe, with which he was ahead of such candidates as S. Lazarev, A. Panayotov and Zh. Otradnaya.

On the big stage in Belgrade, Dima Bilan performed together with the virtuoso violinist from Hungary Edwin Marton and the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Using all possible techniques to win, Dima conquered the entire voting world and won.

Being quite popular even before Eurovision, Dima Bilan used his victory in the competition to the fullest. The Eurovision 2008 star is still one of the brightest stars on the Russian musical horizon.

For the first time in the 53-year history of Eurovision - in fact, the European Pop Song Championship - an artist from our country won. Although on the eve of Dima Bilan’s trip to the competition there were plenty of skeptics.

In the final, Dima Bilan won with a clear advantage, drawing conclusions also from his not very convincing performance in the semi-final. Then, in particularly dramatic fragments, it was felt that the singer’s voice was trembling a little, which, however, also added sensuality and tragedy to the performance. And he sang on the ice (albeit plastic) barefoot... However, Bilan and his team did not waste the remaining time before the final: they discussed how to make the performance even more convincing. And all together: Dima, his producer Yana Rudkovskaya, figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edvin Marton.

The role of the latter two cannot be underestimated. Olympic champion Plushenko is a very popular person in Europe, and Zhenya added artistry and entertainment to the act. And the charming and virtuoso Hungarian, who was born in Western Ukraine and studied at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, even plays stadiums with his music as a solo artist. In a word, someone voted for Bilan, and someone probably voted for Plushenko or Marton. In addition, the song Believe fits very well into the Eurovision format: it has a melody that immediately sticks to the ears, a hook chorus that you want to hum. Therefore, it is not surprising that with such a thoughtful production approach, Dima Bilan and his team at Eurovision 2008 had no equal.

Russia scored 272 points, ahead of Ukraine by a huge margin. Singer Ani Lorak and her current producer Philip Kirkorov, who walked on the sidelines with the Russian flag, took second place and 230 points. The advantage of the leaders was enormous. Third place went to the pretty Greek girl Kalomira (218 points). Fourth (199) - to the very original and melodious Armenian performer, singer Sirusho, who was let down by a not very expressive song and a too chaotic show.

Then there is almost an abyss: Norway was not very far away (172), but the lag of the subsequent ones is disappointing: Serbia - 160, Turkey - 138... Azerbaijan, which debuted at the competition (whose stage and very contrasting vocal duet "Elnur and Samir" was eighth - with 132 points) and Georgia (for which Diana Gurtskaya sang very proudly and artistically - 83 points and 11th place) can be proud of their results. But the last place was ultimately shared: Germany, Poland and Great Britain - 14 points each. This gave the English commentator Sir Terry Wogan a reason to grin angrily: they say, from the very beginning everything was heading towards Russia becoming the “political winner of Eurovision” (Bilan received the highest scores from neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia , and even from Israel). But here it’s time to remember the classic: “There’s no point in blaming the mirror...” After all, the singer from England Andy Abraham was so boring and unartistic that in Russia he probably wouldn’t even be included in the “Star Factory”. would take...

At a press conference, Dima Bilan said that he had a long and difficult path to victory. But first of all, he wants to say personal thanks to Evgeni Plushenko and the authors of the song. Questions immediately began to pour in about the singer’s future plans. He said that after Eurovision he would continue his usual career - go on tour, prepare for the presentation of the next album. And he clarified that at least three days must pass for him to realize what this victory means to him. They questioned both Zhenya and Edwin. The first explained that he remained a skater and was not going to sing from the stage. The second dismissed the suspicion that he was playing under plywood, clarifying that, probably, someone was simply hard of hearing. And he couldn’t help but take the chance to play the Stradivarius violin “live” again.

While the support group in Belgrade and spectators in different countries were cheering for ours, some artists and journalists spent a sleepless night in Moscow in the studio of the Rossiya channel on Shabolovka.

A stylish studio with a huge plasma screen was built right in the open air park. Let me remind you that on the night of May 24-25 in Moscow it was 5-7 degrees Celsius and it was raining non-stop. At the same time, guests and channel employees sat outdoors for five hours (three hours of broadcasting the competition and almost two hours of live broadcasting).

Everyone chose their own. Music critic Artemy Troitsky applauded the Englishman and the group from Croatia, jazzman Igor Butman - the representatives of Iceland and Poland. During commercial breaks, the chairman of the Eurovision 2008 selection committee, composer Vladimir Matetsky, asked Igor Butman about Cannes (the musician had just returned from there). And Nikolai Baskov, who was most inspired by the Spaniard’s song, sang “Chiki-Chiki” and predicted victory for him. However, at some point Nikolai could not resist and tried to hide his feelings, or perhaps show himself, at that moment when a channel employee came out to wipe the shiny floor in the studio before the live broadcast, Kolya snatched the mop from his hands and masterfully it's yourself. One could consider this a good omen - as soon as Basque washes the floor, we are ahead. Gave us victory!

What was going on in the studio, when it became clear that Russia’s lead was already such that we couldn’t catch up with ours, is impossible to convey - there was a groan over Shabolovka.

The producer of entertainment programs of the Rossiya channel, Gennady Gokhshtein, did not have time to answer calls on his mobile phone and give parting instructions to the presenters Anton Komolov and Daria Subbotina. One can only imagine who called him, if the first thing Anton and Daria said was that the president was awake and congratulated him on his victory. Moreover, Dmitry Medvedev called Belgrade at night. And by the morning it had already been decided who would head the organizing committee for Eurovision 2009 in Moscow - Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov.

how do you like this?

Konstantin Orbelyan, composer, conductor, director of the State Academic Chamber Orchestra of Russia:

It's always nice when Russia wins, no matter where or how. And Eurovision is a worthy competition. It’s nice that Dima Bilan won there and brought joy to our entire country. I have a different path in music, now we are preparing for concerts with Dmitry Hvorostovsky. But I also know Dima Bilan well - he sings well and moves wonderfully. And it brings people joy, and this is the most important thing.

Igor Butman, jazz musician:

The group "t.A.t.u" after Bilan's victory stated that their producer Shapovalov in previous years was offered to buy first place for them at the Eurovision Song Contest, and gave rise to talk about the fact that one can pay for victory. Nonsense. My opinion is that no one bought the victory. This is impossible to do. Dima in the final, it seemed to me, was really great. I wouldn't say it was better or worse for me. He was on point. Good song. I'm just glad that we won, that recognition came. I was surprised that some countries did not give Russia any points at all. So I think that if the victory had been bought, they would have given some points. If some countries did not give a single point, they could not have known that someone would give so many - 12 or 10...

By the way, if I were offered to participate in some number at Eurovision with a saxophone, like Marton with a violin, I would also agree. Firstly, there is a huge audience watching the competition. Whether I like it or not, everything in Belgrade was done very beautifully. I liked almost all the artists. Everything was original and colorful and differed for the better from many concerts that are shown on TV. So there is a lot to learn from our Serbian brothers.

Oleg Nesterov, producer, composer, leader of the rock band "Megapolis":

To be honest, I didn’t expect victory, like maybe some others. But in my heart, of course, it’s always nice when your compatriot wins. This is something to be proud of. On the other hand, he didn’t expect anything other than the fact that Bilan would go for the second time; he believed that it was a big mistake for him to participate in the competition. Nevertheless, a miracle happened. I liked Bilan’s last performance at Eurovision more.

And after this one, I wasn’t so much disappointed - interest in the issue was fueled, and it’s clear what kind of work all this required to make an impression on Europe. But I myself did not expect such a reaction from Europe. Something in the world is changing...

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