How to forget about round cheeks forever? How to quickly reduce sagging cheeks on your face without surgery: effective methods.

In this article we will tell you how to remove cheeks using all possible options: from special exercises and nutritional correction to cosmetic procedures and even surgical intervention for those who want to get instant results.

Causes of the problem

Before choosing any method, it is necessary to determine the essence of the problem and its cause:

  1. Genetic predisposition not a basis for inactivity, any part of the body can be modeled.
  2. Behind chubby cheeks More often than not, the problem of excess weight is hidden, so an integrated approach is needed (diet, masks).
  3. Refusal of junk food will help you lose weight evenly from all parts of the body.
  4. It is recommended to chew food slowly, giving the facial muscles the opportunity to exercise.

For sagging cheeks, a set of 8 exercises is used. Daily use for a month will give excellent results.

Set of exercises

In order to remove cheeks, you can use the following set of exercises:

  1. In a sitting position, tilt your head as far back as possible. Use your lower lip to reach your upper lip, recording the result in a few seconds.
  2. With the head positioned straight,grit your teeth. Lunge forward with your lower lip, fixing the achievement.
  3. Leaning your head forward slightly, reach the left and right shoulders with your chin alternately. The body cannot help.
  4. Head position is straight. With the corners of your mouth down, try to tense the muscles of your neck and cheeks.
  5. Holding a pencil in your teeth, try to write any words in the air. The torso should not move. After activating the right side, move the pencil lead to the left side.
  6. The body position is straight, standing on the floor. Cross your arms so that your palms hug your shoulders. Start stretching your neck upward, fixing the top point with a deep breath and holding your breath for 4-5 seconds. Starting position and repetition of the exercise.
  7. Straighten your back while standing on the floor. Tilt your head so that your chin touches your torso. On the count of one, bring your chin to your right shoulder, on the count of 2, go back, on the count of 3, throw your head back, on the count of 4, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the left side.
  8. Standing, purse your lips and pronounce long vowels.

Repeat exercises 10-15 times. During the first days, you can perform repetitions in smaller quantities to develop the technique. All movements must be clear and unhurried. If holding your breath in exercise 6 is difficult, the effort that the body is able to perform is enough.

Another effective complex that removes hamster cheeks and promotes the formation of cheekbones:

  1. Exercise No. 1. Standing straight and holding your head straight, draw air into your mouth, inflating your cheeks evenly. Using your palms, lightly pressing on your cheeks, pump up. The resistance of the cheeks forces the muscles to work. The pressure of the palms should be fixed and held for up to 4-5 seconds. The repetition is performed 10 times.
  2. Exercise No. 2. Position the lips in the shape of the letter O. Use your tongue to press on the inside of the cheek, first on the left, then on the right, holding the pressure for up to 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each side.
  3. Exercise No. 3. Take air into your mouth and, with your lips closed, move the air like a balloon from left to right. Repeat 20 times slowly. The lips should be puffed out to the size of a tennis ball.
  4. Exercise No. 4. With your lips closed, pull your cheeks inward, trying to create a touch between the inner sides of your cheeks. Perform 15 times, recording the result in a few seconds.
  5. Exercise No. 5. The position of the lips is in the shape of the letter O. The face is relaxed. Direct the upper lip to the left, the lower lip to the right and vice versa. Perform the movements fixedly, slowly. Repeat 15 times.

The complex will give results after a two-week course. After a month's break, you can resume classes.

Folk remedies


Massages help increase blood circulation, which tones muscle tissue and allows you to remove cheeks. To achieve the effect, you must master the technique of massage movements.

Basic rules for the procedure include:

  1. Using the cream, better with a lifting effect, to achieve a sensual glide.
  2. Compliance with the sequence of techniques: stroking, patting, pinching.
  3. Performing a massage with moderate force pressure strictly along the massage lines.
  4. Elimination of skin stretching while smoothing.

Massage lines:

  1. From the point between the eyebrows to the temples.
  2. From the nose through the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. From the chin through the cheekbones to the temples.
  4. along the nasolabial folds.


Masks help activate biochemical subcutaneous processes, and this contributes to a facelift in general, including correction of the cheeks.

An important component of a course using masks is the absence of allergic reactions to the components used and the selection of active ingredients.

Simple secrets of lifting procedures allow you to carry them out at home. Before applying the mask, the skin must be cleansed. The course of each composition has its own indications. There is no point in using it daily for a long time.

  1. Recipes: Protein mask.
  2. Apply beaten egg white to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Use nourishing cream to enhance the effect. Weekly use for 2 months. Cereals

mix with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture along the massage lines, lightly patting (driving in). After 20 minutes, rinse and apply cream. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week for 1 month.

Compresses Compresses perfectly saturate the skin with active microelements that affect the subcutaneous layer.

Use activates cell function. Restoring metabolic processes helps burn fat cells, which create the effect of plump cheeks.

But to use this method, you need to test the composition to exclude an allergic reaction. Often the components of the compress are: St. John's wort, chamomile, iodized salt, celandine, and sage.


The correct selection of ingredients for your diet will help you correct not only your figure, but also your face, allowing you to remove a double chin and cheeks. It is worth introducing freshly squeezed juices of carrots, cabbage, and apples into the menu. Seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables also have beneficial properties. The regime has a main feature: a food intake regime.

The diet should not only be balanced, but also taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. Then all microelements will be efficiently absorbed by the body, without storing reserves in the cheeks or other places.

Drinking clean water, in the amount necessary for the functioning of the body, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and other food debris.

Plastic surgery

Surgical methods involve a complex process of removing fat from the inside of the cheek. Surgery does not leave any scars on the face. However, only a specialist can perform the surgical procedure without side effects. And the cost is not affordable for everyone. The advantage of this method is the quick result. The disadvantage is the cost and time for rehabilitation.

The use of liposuction and plastic methods has many years of experience. Based on the analysis, it should be noted that the cheeks are more often subject to correction at a young age. If you do not resort to surgical intervention, then over the years the cheeks take on a less pronounced appearance.

And cosmetic products now cope well with this defect. Those who have undergone surgery in adulthood have consequences: a tired appearance, pain. Therefore, it is extremely rare for modern women to turn to surgeons with this problem.

How to remove cheeks for a man

It may be hard for a woman to believe, but men also care about their appearance, particularly their face. And the problem of chubby cheeks also worries them painfully.

A set of exercises designed for men will help:

  1. Chewing exercise, repeating the use of chewing gum.
  2. Sitting straight, raise your head up. Pull your jaw down as far as possible.
  3. Smile exercise. It is performed with clenched teeth and a wide spread of the corners of the lips to the sides.
  4. Puffing and retraction of the cheeks.
  5. Wide lips perform visual pronunciation of vowels, holding the changed position for 5-7 seconds.

The exercises must be repeated 15-20 times. The daily complex will display the result within 2 weeks.


The most effective method, and most importantly - instant, is the use of RF technology. The results can only be compared to surgery. The lifting procedure is performed weekly for 20-30 minutes in specialized salons.

In total, the course requires up to 6 sessions. The result is noticeable after 1 day. This method helps to get rid of a double chin, wrinkles in the nasolabial fold, and sagging cheeks. The effect of exposure to radio frequency current lasts on average 2 years.

Using traditional methods in the form of massages and masks, you can achieve good results. In massage, the main role is given to the technique of execution, and in masks - to the ingredients. After a two-week course, you can notice a tightening of the oval of the face and cheeks, but the result does not last long. Therefore, after a break, it is recommended to repeat the procedures.

Exercises for the facial muscles are usually used for a month. The result lasts longer than after cosmetic masks. However, after a few months, facial exercises should be continued to maintain tone.

The best result at home is considered to be regular facial skin care, using lifting products, masks, and muscle exercises. A balanced diet will forever eliminate the problem of sagging or chubby cheeks.

A well-balanced diet is the key to slimness. To prevent excess roundness from appearing on the cheeks, chin and neck, you should adhere to a certain diet.

A low-calorie diet contributes to losing weight and maintaining a “slim” face. This does not mean that you should eat little. Products must contain fiber, protein, monounsaturated fatty acids, and have a low glycemic index. They must be chosen carefully, knowing the composition and slimming effect.

Carbohydrates. They are divided into light and heavy. Light carbohydrates are those that are easily absorbed by our body and little energy is spent on their processing. These include baked goods, bread, ready-made muesli, cakes and pastries, white rice, pasta, potatoes and chips. If you do not “work off” such carbohydrates on exercise machines or other physical activity, then very soon they become a bonus in the form of additional fat deposits.

TO complex carbohydrates include cereal porridges, brown rice, bread and pasta made from durum or whole wheat flour, bran bread, green vegetables, fruits, dairy products, soy, dark chocolate. The body spends more effort processing such carbohydrates.

Squirrels. They are actively involved in building muscle tissue. With well-developed muscle mass, even at rest, calorie burning occurs faster.

Animal protein contains lean beef, poultry (turkey or chicken breast), fish, low-fat dairy products, and eggs. Vegetable protein - soy, seaweed, brown rice, oatmeal, dark chocolate.

Proteins saturate the body much more than carbohydrates and fats. This means the feeling of fullness will last longer. If there is not enough protein, the body will pull it from the muscles. In this case, the fat mass will remain in place. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the amount of protein in the daily diet.

Calculation of the daily protein intake = 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. Include both plant and animal proteins in your diet.

Fats. They are also divided into light and heavy. Fats are also necessary for proper nutrition; they provide energy to cells. With the help of some of them, vitamins are absorbed. For example, keratin, which is contained in carrots, is absorbed by the body if the dish is seasoned with butter or sour cream.

Do not get carried away with large amounts of animal fats.

Healthy fats in your diet include sea fish, avocado, and vegetable oil (olive oil is especially beneficial).

Vegetables. Although they are low in calories, they are rich in fiber and water. Fiber absorbs liquid along with fats, processes it and removes it from the body. Cell renewal occurs faster, the skin is toned.

Fruits . Contain glucose, which nourishes cells. Some fruits also have fat-burning properties - pineapple, grapefruit, kiwi.

Fiber requirement per day – 35 grams. Therefore, we replace half of the daily diet (or maybe more) with vegetables and fruits.

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) prevent the process of fat accumulation and burn calories.

Sources of these acids are: olives, avocados, nuts, oils - sunflower, olive, flaxseed.

Low glycemic index foods. Such foods prevent fluctuations in blood sugar.

Legumes, beans, dairy products - yogurt, skim milk, plant origin - potatoes, fruits and grains can boast a low glycemic index.

There is no way to do without restrictions. If you are serious about your desire to look after yourself, then you need to make a decisive choice. Most products can be replaced with healthier ones.

And so, you can’t:

  1. Salt. Don’t give it up completely, but don’t add salt to already prepared dishes. Chips, nuts and other pickles for beer (and beer itself) are completely unnecessary in our diet. It often causes the face to swell.
  2. Sugar. Substitute honey if possible.
  3. Coffee. Dehydrates the body. So, we will get caffeine from green tea. And it has a bad effect on the skin.
  4. Seasonings. Especially spicy.
  5. Sauces, dressings. These include mayonnaise, ketchup, horseradish, mustard.
  6. Buns and Co. They are deposited first on the cheeks and chin. Or rather, sugar and carbohydrates, of which there are huge amounts.
  7. Chocolates, sweets and other sweets. Replace them with dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs.
  8. Alcohol.

Now all that remains is to collect a list of products and dishes that will make up our menu every day.

Plain unboiled water . 2 l. in a day. If this is difficult at first, then start with two glasses a day.

Vegetable salads. In the summer, you can make mixes from various fresh vegetables and herbs.

In winter, a salad can be made from carrots and cabbage. Vinaigrette (smaller potatoes), Greek, Caesar is also suitable.

Soups and lean borscht: all vegetable soups, chicken with egg, tomato, green and red borscht without meat, rassolnik.

Vegetables and herbs: Whenever possible, eat fresh vegetables and herbs without heat treatment. Cut them large, the body will receive more nutrients.

Fruits: Apples, pears - try to eat with the peel. Citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, grapefruit.

Porridge. Rice (preferably brown rice), buckwheat, oatmeal. Take regular cereals, not “instant” ones.

Drinks: Vegetable and fruit juices (preferably freshly squeezed, not store-bought), berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes. Tea without sugar

Protein products: Boiled eggs (whites), low-fat cottage cheese. Boiled chicken or turkey breast, lean fish.

Dairy products: Low-fat kefir, cottage cheese.

Bread. From “coarse” flour.

In order for the body to work like a clock, it must also be accustomed to a certain regime. Try to have your main meals at the same time every day. And also include sports, be active, even jumping rope will have a great effect.

What's for breakfast? Ideal breakfast dishes include oatmeal or muesli, buckwheat, boiled or scrambled eggs, low-fat fermented milk products - kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, and fruits.

Any drinks from the list and maybe a couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

Let's have lunch. Any products from our list.

Let's have dinner. In the evening, food should not be heavy. These can be vegetable salads with herbs, fermented milk products - low-fat kefir or cottage cheese, boiled dietary meat, vegetables, fruits, and drinks.

Add additional physical activity and special exercises to this diet. In just two to three weeks the result will be visible. A vegetarian diet is a great way to help you lose weight; the results will be noticeable in just 2 weeks.

Many people wonder how to remove cheeks at home? Despite its simplicity, the solution cannot be called easy. It is appearance that creates the impression of a person. And it’s not surprising, because first of all the gaze falls on the neck and face.

The slimness of a person directly depends on the elegance of the neck and the volume of the cheeks. With age, the face loses elasticity and the cheeks sag. If a person is well-fed, things are much worse.

Most people are interested in techniques that help remove cheeks in a week. We'll talk about this in the article.

The face is the last place to lose weight, so even regular visits to the gym and a strict diet will not quickly remove chubby cheeks. It will not be possible to achieve a good result without the means at hand. You will need a clean towel, massage at home, exercise, good sleep and diuretic herbs.

Women strive to remove chubby cheeks as quickly as possible. They apply a cream to the skin of the face, which is focused on removing fluid and losing weight. You shouldn’t do this, because your facial skin is sensitive and delicate. In addition, this approach in most cases causes redness, acne and irritation.

  1. Determine the fluid balance in the body. It is possible that chubby cheeks are a consequence of excessive fluid intake. If this is true, reduce your intake of spicy and salty foods, and minimize drinking water before bed.
  2. Don't shy away from physical activity. Healthy sleep also has a positive effect on facial beauty.
  3. Treat yourself to a facial massage. The massage complex includes exercises that will prolong youth, tighten muscles, eliminate wrinkles and swelling.
  4. A simple exercise. Bend your arms at the elbows and spread them to the sides. Place your palms on your cheeks. Tighten the muscles of your cheeks and move your fingers towards your ears.
  5. Morning massage including the use of a towel. Moisten a towel with herbal infusion, take it by the ends and pat it on the face near the chin. I make an herbal infusion from sage, yarrow, chamomile and linden blossom.

You learned how to remove cheeks at home. By following the instructions, you will get the first results in the near future. Let me remind you that only a reserve of patience and endurance will help completely eliminate the problem.

Chubby cheeks are a wonderful decoration for a baby. For an adult, they cause unwanted aesthetic problems. If the same problem arises, let's look at how to remove cheeks in a week.

  1. Cause. If heredity is to blame, you will have to be persistent and patient to lose weight in your face. In some cases, the problem can only be solved surgically, using the services of a doctor. If the cause is excess weight, the problem is much easier to solve. However, nothing will happen without maximum effort. To do this you will need: diet, a set of exercises, cosmetic measures.
  2. Diet. If you want to reduce your cheeks in a short time, reconsider your diet. For many women, the first thing that loses weight is their face. In some cases, losing weight becomes the cause of an emaciated and saggy face. A properly chosen diet and following the rules will help you avoid such a fate: drink a little water before meals, chew solid foods thoroughly, divide food into five portions, no hunger strike.
  3. Nutrition. If you want to remove your cheeks by losing weight, forget about fried, fatty, rich and sweet foods. Avoid eating ice cream and fast food. It is also better to avoid soda. You are allowed to eat seafood, fruits and vegetables, and lean meat. Do not ignore milk and fermented milk products, which contain a lot of calcium.

I told you how to remove cheeks in a week. If you want to meet this deadline, be sure to give up sugar and salt. It is salt that retains excess fluid in the body.

Physical exercises are aimed at tightening muscles or reducing the size of the hips and waist.

Facebuilding is gymnastics that will help correct the shape of the cheeks and shape the oval of the face. Constant training will get rid of wrinkles, tighten neck muscles, and rejuvenate your face.

  1. Pull your lips forward. At the same time, the facial muscles should tense. Take turns pronouncing vowel sounds.
  2. Pull your chin forward and tilt your head back. Use your lower lip to grab your upper lip. Open your mouth wide, stretch out your tongue and twist it in different directions. Close your mouth, clench your teeth tightly and pull your lower lip down with muscle effort.
  3. Close your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Take in air through the nose. Then release the collected air slowly through the mouth. Repeat the exercise, alternately puffing out your cheeks.

You can count on good results with daily exercise. Perform each exercise 5 times. Do not use creams and gels that burn fat. Such products are not intended for facial skin and can cause an allergic disorder.

Video exercises

Physical activity and diet will help correct your figure, but only face building will eliminate your cheeks.

Many women and girls are puzzled by how to remove their cheeks and chin. Unlike your figure, which can be easily corrected with the right clothes, you won’t be able to hide your face; all the flaws are visible.

A double chin and chubby cheeks most often bother fat women, older women, and genetically predisposed individuals. The second category is especially vulnerable, because with age, the muscles of the neck and face sag, resulting in blurred contours.

The easiest way to remove a chin is with Botox injections or surgery. This doesn't even require physical effort. However, the methods listed can be harmful to health. Even a highly qualified doctor is not immune from mistakes, and the body’s reaction to procedures is unpredictable.

I advise you to pay attention to the folk methods that our ancestors used. You can’t count on lightning-fast results, but safety comes first.

  1. Puff up your cheeks strongly and release the air after a short pause.
  2. Take air into the oral cavity and roll it between the cheeks like a ball.
  3. Close your lips, puff out your cheeks and squeeze with your hands. After ten seconds, take a break and repeat the exercise.
  4. Retract and extend the lower jaw, alternating a fast pace with a slow one.
  5. Stick out your tongue and pull down. As part of the exercise, pronounce a vowel sound loudly.

Along with the listed exercises, pay attention to your double chin.

  1. Try to reach the end of your nose with the tip of your tongue.
  2. Sit down, place your hands on the table, place your chin on your palms. Use your hands to lift your face while resisting. In this case, perform the movements down and up.
  3. Move your head from shoulder to shoulder.
  4. Lower your head down and throw it back.

Be sure to read the tips before doing the exercises.

  1. Perform a small number of movements at first. As a result, there will be no pain in the muscles.
  2. Be persistent and practice constantly. You will see the first results in about 40 days.
  3. Having achieved the desired result, repeat the set of exercises every four days.

So you have learned how to remove your cheeks and chin. Upon completion of the course, restore the contours of your face, making your appearance irresistible.

Correct contours of the cheeks are the basis of external attractiveness, which is commonly called beauty. Since men think less about appearance, in this article I will tell you how to remove a man’s cheeks at home.

The face gets better first and gets rid of fat last. Even significant body weight loss does not guarantee the disappearance of chubby cheeks.

This is explained simply. The basis of the plumpness of the cheeks are fatty lumps, and not subcutaneous fatty tissue. The lumps are located between the cheek and masticatory muscles. The fat pads protect the muscles from damage and provide cushioning when chewing or sucking.

  1. A simple operation in which fatty lumps are removed. It is performed through small incisions made on the inside of the cheek under local anesthesia for 30 minutes. After surgery, the cheeks will be secured with a bandage and removed after a week.
  2. If the cause of chubby cheeks is accumulated subcutaneous fat, liposuction can help get rid of it. The technique involves liquefying fat using a special solution, after which it is pumped out through punctures. The list of the main advantages of liposuction is presented by a stable and long-term result, a high speed of achieving the effect.

You have learned how to remove a man's cheeks. The methods listed are also suitable for women. In general, if you want to improve your face, prepare for a serious challenge.

I shared well-known techniques and methods that solve the problem under consideration. I hope that you succeed and that you will regain your former beauty.

There is no room for haste in this matter. If they offer you a quick result, it is better to refuse. Believe me, the high speed of achieving the effect also has a second, not at all positive, side. Always put your health first. Good luck!

In fact, many representatives of the fair sex are worried about how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones out of them. Moreover, plump people don’t always have to worry about the fullness of their face. It often happens that chubby cheeks appear in thin and slender women.

There can be many reasons why a face may become rounded and take on unsatisfactory shapes. The most common of them:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • regular contact with ultraviolet rays;
  • accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • improper body care;
  • overweight;
  • natural aging of the epidermis;
  • non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle.

At first glance, this task may seem impossible. For the face, gyms do not prepare special programs, as they do for any other part of the body. That's why some ladies believe that their only chance to remove their cheeks and make their cheekbones bigger is through plastic surgery. But that's not true.

One of the easiest ways to change your face shape is to go on a diet and start eating healthy:

  1. Although sometimes the cause of too large cheeks is, you cannot deny yourself fluids. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water or green tea.
  2. It is necessary to exclude such harmful foods as salt, sugar, various sweets, and soda from the diet.
  3. During lunch, it is advisable to eat as many vegetables as possible. And throughout the day it is useful to pamper yourself with different fruits.
  4. Women who regularly drink a lot of beer will find it very difficult to get rid of their cheeks.
  5. It is recommended to add dishes with more content to your food.

It turns out that there is also a special set of exercises for losing weight in the cheeks:

Besides diet and exercise, there are other ways to help achieve perfect cheekbones:

  1. Massage, for example, is extremely useful. And making it yourself at home is not difficult. To do this, you just need to take a towel and soak it in water or herbal infusion. Then they will have to slap themselves along the jawline, on the bottom of the cheeks, and then along the entire contour of the face. This procedure will help improve microcirculation.
  2. Regular tightening masks are never superfluous.
  3. In the morning, it is recommended to wipe the skin with cosmetic ice.
  4. If the problem is swelling, then you can try to remove it using contrast procedures.
  5. Regular night compresses have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, after which the epidermis must be treated with a tightening cream.

Just as there is a problem to lose weight in certain “problem” places, so there is a difficulty

get better

only on the face. Too thin faces visually add age, because a good oval face and rounded cheeks are a sign of youth. How to gain weight only on the face without gaining weight?


Stop being nervous. Very

the face becomes thinner from worries - this is how it reacts to constant

stress subcutaneous

fiber, the structure of which changes under its influence, and the skin loses turgor.

Take care of

face - you must cleanse, nourish and moisturize it well. Perhaps your face


thinner and haggard due to the fact that the skin has become gray and dull and has lost its “color”.


for facial muscles. It is generally impossible to get better or

lose weight

in a specific location through diet. And if the problem with areas on the body is easily solved in the gym, then it is impossible to “pump up” the face. However, gymnastics for the facial muscles will help maintain and improve skin elasticity and

outline the oval of the face.

Eat a diet rich in amino acids and proteins, which are valuable materials in the formation of skin cells. May be,

gain a lot of weight

it won’t work on your face, but your skin will glow


The oval will become softer, and the cheeks will be slightly rounded.

A person’s weight at any age should correspond to his height. It is especially important for a teenager to maintain balance. To do this, you need to eat right (eat foods that will ensure normal growth and development of the body, as well as the functioning of all organs and systems).


The most important thing in nutrition


This is the mode. It is imperative to take food at the same time every day and distribute it correctly throughout the day. If this rule is not followed, then the metabolism in the body can be disrupted, and in the future you can even get a serious illness

stomach and intestines

In addition, parents must ensure that the child does not “bite”, that is, does not


eating randomly, constantly, otherwise it will turn into a habit of overeating (and in the future, overeating will lead to the appearance of excess body weight, that is, obesity). A teenager should also not eat “on the go” or eat too hot or, conversely, cold food.

Don't lose sight

and nutrition

when a teenager is away from home, let his school bag contain not only textbooks, but also breakfast (some fruit, cheese,

In general, everything that a child can eat in the cafeteria). Be sure to have a bottle of regular water with you. Before and after playing sports, let your teenager drink a couple of glasses of water, this will help him avoid dehydration.


about the dangers of “fast food”, tell him to choose low-fat dishes whenever possible (you can also buy soup or vegetable salad in the school canteen).

Be sure to supply

teenager's body

“building” material, that is, proteins and carbohydrates. Of the proteins, you need to eat eggs (no more than three per day), meat (it’s better to choose chicken, it


much faster), fish. The diet should also include milk with cottage cheese, fermented baked milk,

If you dress a salad, use olive, sunflower or soybean oil. Carbohydrates include potatoes, pasta, and white bread.

Helpful advice

Buy special vitamin-mineral complexes, since a teenager constantly needs vitamins (with their help, food will be better absorbed, and accordingly, the teenager will gain the required weight faster).

For some, the process of losing weight naturally begins with the face, while others have to make an effort for this. To face If you have lost weight, you can use complex techniques that are responsible for reducing the subcutaneous fat in one problem area, which often includes the cheeks and chin.

Why face losing weight

Several reasons can be identified, but they boil down to the resorption of subcutaneous fat. As a rule, when trying to reduce body weight, many

face loses weight almost immediately, especially if a person has never had a double chin or chubby cheeks. But from excessive roundness of the face, making its oval more refined and graceful is not easy; for this you will have to follow a special diet. If you want to get rid of a double chin, you need to drink about two liters of purified water daily, preferably mineral water without gas, and also do not give up green tea. Often the roundness of the face is associated not with fat deposits, but with edema, but the latter can occur due to the fact that the body is forced to constantly accumulate fluid due to its insufficient supply. Although it is widely believed that edema occurs due to excessive fluid intake, this is far from true; over-salted foods contribute more to their appearance. Another recommendation

how to lose weight

face m, concerns the diet. So, 50% of the diet should consist only of fresh fruits and vegetables containing the right amount of fiber and vitamins, and only the remaining 50% is a combination of all other products. To

lose weight quickly

face m, fruit and vegetable dishes, including stews and salads, should be consumed three times a day, without skipping them at any meal, and one apple or grated carrots will be an excellent alternative to an afternoon snack. Swelling of the face, puffiness under the eyes, and lack of fluid are often associated with insufficient liver function, the functioning of which is impaired due to the negative effects of alcohol. A

face loses weight gradually if you completely exclude from the diet not only strong alcoholic drinks, but also harmless-looking beer. A special facial massage, which any woman can do herself, will help get rid of chubby cheeks and a full chin. To do this, you need to moisten a terry towel in a hot decoction of yarrow, sage, linden blossom and chamomile, twist it thoroughly, and then stretch it. If you slap yourself with such a towel at least 15-20 times on your chin and also on your cheeks, you can improve blood flow and dissolve subcutaneous fat on your face. But between blows with a towel, you should pause for about 10-15 seconds between each clap and strike too hard, as otherwise you can damage the skin.


  • face doesn't lose weight

After about 30-35 years, metabolism slows down. This leads to the fact that even people who are not inclined to be overweight can gain weight. To maintain your figure in adulthood, you need to monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle.


Moderate nutrition and exercise - to stabilize weight, the best has not yet been invented. At the age of 30-40 years, special attention should be paid to the diet. The menu should contain low-calorie, tasty dishes with a minimum content of fat and fast carbohydrates.

Small meals and adherence to a regimen will help you maintain your weight after 30. By eating at the same time, you can easily set your body to constantly burn calories and also improve digestion.

To reduce portions, you need to eat twice as slow as you are used to. It is psychologically difficult to immediately switch to smaller amounts of food. Therefore, by placing half a portion on a plate, stretch out the pleasure for at least 15 minutes. Then get up from your desk for another 15 minutes and do any distracting activity. If after this time you are still hungry, you can eat another half of the amount of food you have already eaten.

Maintaining a figure in adulthood is not so difficult if you know the rules of food combinations. Proteins and carbohydrates eaten together put a double burden on digestion and are often stored as excess weight. Therefore, you should not eat pasta and potatoes with meat, but sausage with bread. It is better to eat a piece of chicken with vegetables, and season the spaghetti with tomato sauce.

Nutritionists are confident that an artificially created deficit of 700-800 calories per week will help stabilize weight. That is, you will have to give up only 100 extra calories per day. For example, from one cupcake or an extra scoop of ice cream. In general, after 30, it is recommended to be content with a serving of dessert of no more than 50 g per day.

In addition, it is necessary not only to stop overeating, but also to burn calories regularly. To maintain your weight after age 30, you need to burn an additional 2,000 calories per week. These are four sessions of 500 kcal or daily workouts of 300 kcal.

You also need to regularly stimulate your metabolism. You need to do one of the following actions every morning before meals for 15-30 minutes: ride a bicycle (exercise bike), walk up and down stairs, run on hilly terrain, dance intensely, jump rope. You can also do bodyflex in the morning, which speeds up your metabolism and prepares your body to fully absorb food.

Remember, exercise should be regular, but not tiring. Working hard will lead to a constant lack of energy and increased appetite.

Some girls dream of having, instead of cute, chubby cheeks and a round oval face, more chiseled proportions of the chin and cheekbones. To achieve significant results, you need to spend a lot of effort: pay attention to your diet, include physical activity for both the body and facial muscles, learn certain massage techniques and implement them in your daily beauty ritual.

You will need

  • - diet;
  • - change of lifestyle;
  • - rejection of bad habits;
  • - massages;
  • - exercises.


Now that thin girls with high cheekbones and sunken cheeks are in fashion, many representatives of the fair sex often think about their appearance and want to be like models from magazines. Naturally, a sculpted face looks more attractive than an overly plump one, but everything needs moderation.

If you want to lose weight in your face, then be sure to take a closer look at its proportions, evaluate the width of the cheekbones and jaw bones, since if the latter are rather large in size, then losing weight in this area will visually make your face look much smaller. In all other cases, if you adhere to a certain diet, do massage and various exercises for “problem” areas, the result will not be long in coming.

Nutrition for facial weight loss

When it comes to nutrition, you should mainly limit your intake of foods with a high glycemic index. These include sweets, baked goods, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits (especially bananas and grapes), sugary drinks, pasta, etc. Otherwise, eat any food, but be sure to follow the rules below:

Avoid salt for a month. Eliminate salted and smoked foods from your diet, including herring, sausages, canned food and cheeses. If you can’t completely give up this seasoning, then you can lightly add salt to your food, but only during the meal itself.

Eat five to six times a day, leaving about 3 hours between meals.

Eat in small portions; the volume of one meal should not exceed the volume of a glass.

Drink enough water. Measure your weight and drink about 25 ml of water per kilogram of weight per day.


You will achieve much greater results in losing weight if you change your lifestyle: give up bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes), do exercises every day in the morning, and eliminate problems with sleep (remember, lack of sleep, as well as its excess, is negative affects overall health and appearance).

Exercises and massage

Massage will help you improve facial blood circulation and remove excess water. Zogan lymphatic drainage massage has proven itself well, study it and perform it daily in the morning. A simpler method to slightly improve blood circulation and lymph flow is to lightly tap the cheeks and face with your palms for five minutes daily, preferably twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

There are many exercises that can help you lose weight in your cheeks and slightly raise your cheekbones. To lose weight in your cheeks, use the following simple exercises:

Pronounce the letters “U”, “I” and “O”, trying to tense your cheek muscles as much as possible. Say each letter from 30 to 50 times, and in general, the more repetitions, the faster you will achieve results;

Pour 0.5 liters of water into a plastic bottle, close it, place it on the table, wrap your lips around the bottle (strictly with your lips, not your teeth) and try to lift it. Hold the bottle over the table for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times.

If you perform the above exercises twice a day, noticeable results will appear within two to three weeks.

To slightly raise your cheekbones, do the following exercise: fold your lips into an “O” shape and tense them well, try to smile to engage the cheekbone muscles. It is very important to tense your cheekbones during this exercise so that you feel slight pain. In total you need to do three sets of 20 repetitions. You will notice the first results after a month and a half.

How to gain weight only on your face

In order to remove excessive roundness of the face, reduce cheeks and highlight cheekbones, different techniques are used. These are gymnastics, surgical intervention and make-up techniques. Each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the techniques and techniques of the main options.

Causes of chubby cheeks

If we exclude genetic predisposition, then the main reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks is an imbalance of fluid in the body. The body simply does not have time to remove all the processed moisture. In addition, there are various external factors that directly cause the appearance of a round face.

  • Allergic manifestations. Not all histamine reactions occur with rash and itching. Very often, allergies manifest themselves as swelling of the cheeks and neck area.
  • Acclimatization. If your cheeks become plump after moving to another country or a long trip, then the reason lies in climate change. This process is strictly individual for everyone. Some suffer from migraines, some have a rise in body temperature, and some become “rounded” in certain parts of the body.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Many teenagers (especially males) develop large, fleshy cheeks against the backdrop of an ascetic physique. This is one of the manifestations of growing up. As soon as the hormonal system is regulated, the cheeks will disappear on their own. This item also includes hormonal imbalances associated with pregnancy and lactation.
  • Weight gain. This is the most obvious cause of plump cheeks and face in general. Adipose tissue tends to accumulate almost everywhere, and it does not bypass the face or upper torso.
  • Age-related changes. Flabbiness in the cheeks, loss of turgor, hanging folds in the nasolabial area - these are all unpleasant accompaniments of aging. Many women have wrinkles not only in the eye area and corners of the mouth, but also under the cheeks.

Depending on the cause of large cheeks, methods for getting rid of the problem vary.

But to use this method, you need to test the composition to exclude an allergic reaction. Often the components of the compress are: St. John's wort, chamomile, iodized salt, celandine, and sage.

If your cheeks have become rounder as a result of weight gain, then the only rational option for reducing them is diet. To make your face thin and make your cheeks smaller, you can choose any gentle diet (according to Dukan, BEACH, metabolic). But, first of all, you need to protect yourself from fast carbohydrates. What foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet:

  • Flour in any form.
  • Chocolate, marmalade, caramel and other dangerous carbohydrates. They are not eliminated from the body, but are deposited in less-used areas. In particular, on the chin, cheeks, lower abdomen.
  • Carbonated sweet water.
  • Potato.
  • Fried, smoked and highly salted foods.
  • Ideally, you need to stop consuming sugar and salt.

Most often, girls with an abdominal body type are susceptible to swelling of the cheeks. To lose weight for apples, it is important to maintain a balanced diet. Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: green tea with honey, toast with cheese, whole grain porridge.
  • Second breakfast: juice, a couple of eggs, any fruit.
  • Lunch: Broth, fresh vegetable salad with olive oil, croutons, green tea or compote, boiled white meat.
  • Afternoon snack: Smoothie based on natural yogurt
  • Dinner: Vegetable puree soup, coleslaw salad, steamed cutlets, tea with honey.

This is an approximate diet and may vary depending on dietary preferences. It is important to adhere to the optimal daily calorie intake. The required number of calories can be calculated using women's calculators.


The easiest way to remove sagging hamster cheeks is to make masks with a tightening effect. They will provide the necessary skin turgor, refresh the appearance, and improve lymph exchange.

What masks can be used to remove cheeks?

  • Blue clay. Clay products promote active tightening. To prepare a lifting product, you need to mix clay and water in equal proportions and apply to the face and neck. Leave for up to 20 minutes until the liquid mass hardens on the skin. Repeat 2 times a week.
  • Oatmeal and kefir. This product will help make large cheeks appear much smaller and brighten your skin. To prepare, soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in natural yogurt and leave the mixture for 20 minutes. When the mass swells, apply it in a thick layer to the skin. Keep for 30 minutes and repeat every other day.
  • Honey and clay. Saggy cheeks that are covered with wrinkles can be quickly restored by a clay-honey mixture. This is an excellent product for home lifting and skin whitening. The clay should be diluted 1:1 with water and ½ part of honey should be added to the resulting mixture. Keep for 20 minutes. If you make a mask every day, you can remove red cheeks forever.
  • Yeast and egg. Another simple and quick way to tighten your cheeks at home is to dissolve a spoonful of live yeast in the same amount of milk. The main secret is to apply the liquid in several layers. That is, apply it to your cheeks once, wait until the moisture dries, and apply it a second time. A total of five steps are required. You can repeat it every day.
  • Suppositories for hemorrhoids. This is the only method described that will really help remove bulldog cheeks from your face overnight. You need to buy “Relief” candles at the pharmacy and lightly heat them in a water bath. You will get a white creamy mass. It should be applied to the cheeks, chin and under the eyes. It is best to do the procedure before bed. In the morning you will immediately notice how fresh your skin is and how wrinkles are smoothed out. The only drawback of the method is that it cannot be used often. This is an emergency aid if you need to reduce cheeks in a short time.
  • If you don’t want to shrink your cheeks with injections, and plastic surgery is simply scary, then as an alternative, we can recommend masks with hyaluronic acid. Cosmetics containing this substance ensure blood flow to the treated areas and promote subcutaneous fat burning.

Exercises to help remove double chin and cheeks

To remove belly fat, girls torture themselves in the gym, attend various yoga courses and regularly get massages with wraps. The same applies if you need to remove a double chin or correct the shape of your cheeks. Exercises for the face are called face building. They help to straighten the oval within a week and provide a long-term effect.

To remove fat from the cheeks, it is important to activate absolutely all the muscles of the face. Otherwise, the effect will not be as obvious as we would like. And face-building trainers have one secret on how to smooth out sagging in the shortest possible time. This is to make faces as much as possible. It is believed that grimacing is one of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles. But this is not an entirely true statement. If you regularly train your muscles, the skin simply will not be able to sag - it will have nowhere to do it.

How to quickly tighten the facial muscles in the cheeks, forehead and chin at home:

  • Before each gymnastics, the face is warmed up with a massage. Use gentle patting movements to cover all areas: from forehead to chin. Then rub the skin in a circular motion and finish the “warm-up” with pinching. Please note that there should be no bruises after the manipulations.
  • Facebuilding of the cheeks, paradoxically, begins with the eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows up, lower them, move your eyebrows one by one. Repeat each movement 5 times.
  • Raise your cheeks as if you are about to grin. Make sure that no other muscles are worked in this exercise - only the cheek muscles. Do not do it for 3 minutes.
  • Do the same with your lips. Gather them into a “bow” and move them in a circular path. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.
  • Now make faces. Try to use as many facial muscles as possible. At first, it will be most difficult to control your eyebrows. They should move symmetrically with the cheeks. Repeat for 4 minutes.

Adjustment of shape and size

It is believed that correcting the shape of the face can only be done surgically, but it is possible to eliminate sagging cheeks without surgery. How to remove chubby cheeks and reduce the shape of your face:

  • Sit up straight, place your hands on your collarbones. Smile as wide as possible and try to fix this position of your lips. Slowly open your mouth and move your jaw down as if you were going to say, “Ah.” Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
  • Sit back to the starting position. Pull your head as high as possible and smack your lips (this is the movement girls do when they put on lipstick). The louder the sound, the better the muscles work. Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
  • It is impossible to correct the shape of the face and oval without working on the area under the eyes. This is where girls most often fail. Place your index fingers on your upper eyelids and press the skin against the bone. Open your eyes as much as possible and try to move your eyelids down. Repeat 10 times.
  • After the previous exercise, do not remove your fingers, but move them slightly away from the bridge of your nose. This will help relax the muscles in your frontal lobe.

Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

A girl with thick cheeks needs to pay maximum attention to the muscle groups of her neck. They are responsible for the correct distribution of load and fat tissue. To strengthen these areas, the following exercises are used:

  • Open your mouth and take in as much air as possible (encourage diaphragmatic breathing). Afterwards, stick your tongue out as far as possible and exhale loudly. Repeat 10 times.
  • In the same way, draw air under your upper lip; a flexible cushion should form there. Then press your lips together, as if smacking your lips, and loudly push it out. This will tighten the muscles of the neck, nasolabial and cheek areas. Repeat 10 times.
  • To tighten up sunken cheeks, you need to puff them up all the time and play with your cheekbones. Only then will the hanging areas become less noticeable. The simplest exercise: take air into your mouth and rotate it in a circular path. Repeat for 3 minutes.

Massage plays an important role in therapy. To achieve a more noticeable result, you need to stretch the muscles of your neck and lower face after each exercise. To do this, carefully tilt your head from side to side, rotate it at the maximum possible amplitude, raise your eyes up and lower them to the floor.

Swelling in the cheeks, their sagging, and the absence of clearly defined cheekbones are very often a consequence of underdeveloped chin muscles. As one of the signs of this problem, sagging cheeks are accompanied by fat deposits under the chin.

They can be removed in the following ways:

  • Open your mouth and press your tongue against your lower teeth. As you exhale, move your jaw forward as much as possible, and as you inhale, return it to its original position. Repeat 12 times.
  • To make round cheeks a little less noticeable and your chin more defined and vibrant, combine the Smacking exercise with jaw thrusting. With your mouth open, move your jaw down as far as possible, then lift it and smack your lips. The most important thing is to perform the exercise very slowly and measuredly. Perform 12 times.
  • Maximum stretching is used to remove sagging areas in the lower part of the face. You need to relax your muscles as much as possible, and then tense and tighten them all. The easiest way to do the exercise is to use an analogy with morning stretching. Repeat 15 times.

Getting rid of chubby cheeks

At home, you can make cheeks only with the help of face building. Without fillers, punctures with a hyaluronic cocktail or other non-invasive techniques.

To do this, you just need to do a set of exercises every day:

  • Stretch your face in a smile and take a breath into your mouth. Roll the “bubble” from one cheek to the other for 3 minutes. After this, move it in your mouth in a circular path, slightly holding it in the area of ​​your cheeks and lips.
  • Hanging cheeks can be corrected well with inflation. The main thing is to inflate the muscles to their maximum condition, so that they are like steel. First you need to hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, your goal is to achieve a 3-minute tension delay.
  • The “tube” exercise will help remove swelling. Extend your lips into a “tube” and make a drawn-out sound: “Uh.” The main thing is not to let go of the muscles, they should be stretched, like the strings of a guitar.

Combine these cheek exercises with the gymnastics described above, then the result will not keep you waiting. The first effect will be noticeable after the 5th session.

Making beautiful cheekbones

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful face with clearly defined lines without pronounced cheekbones. Of course, you can draw them using makeup, for example, concealer, corrector and bronzers. But few girls are familiar with contouring. If you don’t want to create the effect of modest cheeks with blush, then you can create beautiful cheekbones with gymnastics:

  • In order for the cheeks to become sunken and the cheekbones to become pronounced, you need to train them by squeezing. Close your jaws and try to move the distant muscles. The sensations should be similar to those that occur when chewing meat. Repeat for 3 minutes. In the future, gradually increase the time to a 5-minute interval.
  • The “Smile” exercise will help emphasize dimples and reduce fat tissue. Close your lips and gently, slowly smile. Try to act exclusively with the zygomatic muscles, without touching the forehead and eyebrows. Repeat 15 times.
  • Extra centimeters are removed from the cheeks when the cheekbones are pulled out. This is a great opportunity to highlight the “Mongolian” features on your face. Sit up straight and stretch your neck forward. As you inhale, open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position for 1 minute. Slowly bring your lips together and repeat the exercise 12 times.

To be most effective, face building should be complemented by mesotherapy or active massage with natural oils. The minimum course recommended by facial gymnastics coaches is 15 procedures. Afterwards you need to take a month's break and then, if necessary, resume sessions.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to get your body in order. But some girls have no less a complex about sagging cheeks. And age is not always the cause of such trouble. Heredity, sudden weight loss and much more can negatively affect the condition of facial skin. Today we will tell you how to deal with this problem.

How to remove cheeks and create cheekbones

In rare cases, when heredity becomes the cause of unsightly cheeks, the only way out is to consult a plastic surgeon. However, in most cases, with patience and perseverance you can achieve amazing results. First, decide on an action plan. It takes a lot of patience and work to remove the cheeks and highlight the contour of the cheekbones. So, to tighten your face:

  • specialized cosmetic procedures;
  • regular exercise.

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to apply cream with a slimming effect to your face. This may lead to skin irritation.

The most important thing is a properly designed diet. Some girls, starting to lose extra pounds, lose weight in the cheek area. But you shouldn’t starve yourself and severely restrict your diet, otherwise, instead of beautiful cheekbones, you will see a tired and haggard face. Just try to follow the general principles of proper nutrition:

  • eat small and often meals;
  • Try to chew solid foods as long as possible (additional training for the face);
  • drink more clean water, including before each meal;
  • limit the consumption of sweet, flour, salty foods and, of course, fast food;
  • try to ensure that most of your menu consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, boiled fish and poultry;
  • Fermented milk products should be present in the diet daily.

Don't forget about regular training for your facial muscles; it won't take much of your time, but it will help increase facial turgor and lift your cheeks.

How to remove a double chin and cheeks

So, in addition to diet, you need to do special exercises. If possible, perform the complex 2-3 times a day. There are many special trainings known, here are some exercises that you can perform to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time:

  • Close your lips tightly and puff out your cheeks, roll the resulting ball in different directions.
  • Stretch your lips with a thin tube and sing various vowel sounds, perform the exercise for 1-2 minutes.
  • With a pen clamped between your teeth, or any stick, write letters or draw objects. Here, not only the face is worked on, but also the chin, which should also be tightened if you decide to remove the cheeks.
  • Taking air into your mouth, hold it, and then push it out in small portions.
  • Pull your head back, tighten your chin, and push your lower jaw forward.
  • Tilt your head down and move your chin from one shoulder to the other, trying to pull your lower jaw to the sides as much as possible.

By doing the exercises several times a day for 1-2 minutes, you will soon notice positive results. Do not neglect other tips, which will be discussed below.

How to remove sagging cheeks

Saggy cheeks can ruin anyone's mood. Above we told you how to deal with the problem with exercise and diet. But there are ones that will help give your face an expressive look. Here are some of them;

  • try to sleep only on a low pillow;
  • During the day, watch your posture and keep your head straight with your chin raised;
  • massage your face regularly;
  • Pat with a towel soaked in warm salt water;
  • before the massage, apply a napkin soaked in a warm herbal solution of chamomile or calendula to your face for a while;
  • Masks have a good tightening effect, do them at least three times a week;
  • correct with the help of decorative cosmetics, applied correctly and visually tighten the cheeks;
  • Remember also about your hairstyle - for sagging cheeks, it is recommended to do curls, they mask this defect.

If our advice still did not help you, and the cause of sagging cheeks and double chin is heredity, visit a specialist. Today, the beauty industry offers many non-surgical options for getting rid of sagging cheeks. Among the most popular are:

  • bioreinforcement - introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin, which restores the swollen oval of the face;
  • biorevitalization - subcutaneous injections that help preserve youth and clear facial contours;
  • lifting – professional massage;
  • laser liposuction – restoration of appearance using specialized equipment.

But it is worth noting that you should only turn to professional procedures if nothing really helps you. After all, any intervention in the body can cause various negative reactions. In addition, each salon procedure has its own contraindications that you need to pay attention to.

The faces of many Russian women are characterized by round and plump cheeks. Some people find it cute. However, owners of this type of face often consider this to be their huge drawback. Their main dream is to get rid of it as quickly as possible, to make their cheeks sunken and retracted. In addition, this type of face is now in fashion. Today we will try to tell you what methods exist to solve this problem.

Diet and sport

When thinking about how to make your cheeks smaller, first look at yourself objectively. Perhaps excess weight is to blame? Then you need a diet that limits your intake of fatty and sugary foods. Do not eat salty, smoked or spicy foods. Avoid alcohol and coffee. In addition, daily physical activity can help you, thanks to which you can get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Semi-clear powder (preferably loose);

Tan colored powder;

Blush is dark;

Volumizing mascara;


Cleanse your face with a mild toner. Then apply a very thin layer of day lifting cream. Tap it into the skin with your fingertips - you need a light massage, and in addition, this way the cream penetrates the skin more easily.

To ensure that toning products blend naturally and imperceptibly into the skin, apply a suitable base to it - mattifying or highlighting. You should choose it based on your skin type and tone. It will ideally hide imperfections and prevent powder and foundation from getting into the pores. A high-quality primer gives an instant effect of a well-groomed and smooth face.

A successful combination of light and dark foundations will help reduce the appearance of your cheeks. Apply a lighter product to the center of your face, and cover your temples and cheeks with a thin layer of cream that is a shade darker. Buy cream, gel or mousse without oils - shine is contraindicated for chubby or sagging cheeks. Most of all, a foundation that is not very dense in texture, preferably with a velvety effect, will suit you.

Using a wide, soft brush, apply tan-colored powder in a stripe from your temples to your chin. Dark blush is applied under the cheekbone and shaded in a comma shape. Emphasize your eyes with dark shadows and eyelashes with eyeliner.

Monochrome dark makeup will enlarge your eyes and highlight your cheekbones perfectly - your face will appear thinner and more toned. Today we told you about how to make your cheeks smaller in different ways. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

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