How to set up traffic on Android. How to save mobile traffic on Android

The Internet has become an integral part in our time, and many people cannot imagine their life without mobile Internet. But there are problems with the Internet.

Almost all users of Android devices (devices) are wondering why Internet traffic runs out so quickly? This is especially noticeable for those users who switched to Android from other operating systems.

Why does this happen to Internet traffic in Android? This system constantly works on the network, it is oriented and configured for such work. Almost all applications are aimed specifically at using the Internet, and this is the Android mobile Internet. This focus is an obvious advantage of this system.

Although this plus works mainly where there is cheap or free and accessible mobile Internet, for example, where there are free Wi-Fi networks. In reality, everything is somewhat different; free Wi-Fi is not available everywhere, and mobile operators are in no hurry to reduce the price for Internet access. For this reason, there is a question of saving Android traffic.

Let's try to figure out what leads to a constant decrease in Internet traffic, and how to prevent it.

1 Applications in the background

In my opinion, the main reason for the rapid loss of traffic in Android is Internet applications running in the background. Many background programs do not require the Internet, but they constantly contain advertising that is loaded from the Internet. This leads to unplanned traffic consumption. How to prevent some applications from working with the Internet?

Let's look at this using Android version 4.4.4 as an example.

1.1 How to disable Android mobile Internet

Rice. 1 Android Settings

To disable mobile Internet in Android version 4.4.4:

  • you need to go to “Settings” (1 in Fig. 1),
  • in “Settings” select “Data Usage” (2 in Fig. 1),
  • uncheck “Mobile data” (Fig. 2) (completely prohibit the use of Internet traffic from the mobile operator).

Rice. 2 Disable mobile Internet in Android 4.4.4

By disabling the mobile Internet, we completely disconnect Android from the mobile Internet. There will be no traffic consumption, but there will also be no opportunity to work with the Internet and Internet applications on Android in the absence of Wi-Fi networks.

These restrictions apply only to mobile Internet. Everything will work fine on free Wi-Fi networks once you connect to them.

1.2 Traffic limitation in Android

Instead of completely disabling the mobile Internet, sometimes it is better to simply limit it so as not to completely exclude the possibility of working with the mobile Internet in the absence of free Wi-Fi networks (see Fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Limit mobile traffic

In “Settings”, return the checkbox next to “Mobile data” (Fig. 3) to return the ability to work with the mobile Internet.

To set restrictions, do the following. On the graph (Fig. 3), we move the yellow bar for limiting the amount of data used, for example, to 2 GB, if, say, our tariff from a mobile operator provides a maximum volume of 3 GB per month, and check the “Mobile data limit” checkbox. Then we will receive a warning when the traffic reaches 2GB.

1.3 Restrictions for Internet applications

You can not check the “Mobile data limit” checkbox (Fig. 3), but you can manually set restrictions for each application. This will limit the Internet traffic of each individual Android application.

Rice. 4 Traffic for Internet applications

To do this, click on the application icon (for example, Google Drive) on the “Data Usage” page (Fig. 4). In the window that opens, check the “Limit background data” checkbox (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Limiting mobile Internet for applications

From now on, the Google Drive app will only access the Internet when Android is connected to Wi-Fi (assuming by default that Wi-Fi is free for the user).

Similarly, you should manually set restrictions for all applications that, in the opinion of the Android user, should not consume paid mobile Internet traffic.

This is not done quickly, but it gives a good effect. After this, only the remaining applications, for example, only Google Chrome, will be able to use mobile Internet traffic under the control of the Android user.

1.4 Disabling data while roaming

In order not to waste very expensive Internet traffic while roaming, you need to uncheck the “Data usage” - ... - “Data in roaming” box (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 Disable data usage while roaming

In this case, for example, abroad, Android is guaranteed not to use the Internet traffic of an expensive foreign mobile operator, and not for any applications.

2 Widget updates

Another reason for the consumption of Internet traffic is updates to widgets that use the Internet for this. Of course, if your desktop is strewn with various widgets, such as weather, reminders, news, etc., then traffic leakage cannot be avoided.

These applications are automatically updated using the Internet, which leads to increased traffic. Therefore, it is simply recommended to remove all unnecessary things from the desktop, and this will already lead to savings.

You can also use the above recommendations for limiting traffic for each individual widget (Fig. 4) and (Fig. 5).

3 Android updates

The Android system itself is also updated automatically. Updates are important, so you don't need to disable them completely.

But you need to make sure that updates are installed only when working on a free Wi-Fi network.

Rice. 7 Looking for where Android Updates are located

To configure the use of Internet traffic for Adroid updates, go to “Settings” – “About device” (Fig. 7) – “Software update” (Fig. 8) – uncheck “Auto-update”, check “Wi-Fi only” ( Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 Update Android only when Wi-Fi is available

From now on, our Android will receive and install updates only when it is on a free Wi-Fi network. Mobile traffic will remain untouched; it will not be wasted on fairly frequent updates.

4 Android market

The Android market also consumes a lot of traffic, especially since the automatic update function has recently appeared there. It can also be controlled by disabling the “update automatically” feature. At the same time, it remains possible to make updates manually when there is access to a free Wi-Fi network.

To prevent unnecessary advertising from wasting your traffic, before installing any new applications, you should check for advertising in these applications. This often occurs in paid versions of applications. If possible, it is better to disable advertising.

Some people put an Internet shutdown widget on their desktop. To do this, download from the Android market, for example,

  • APN Switch
  • or APN OnOff,
  • APNdroid.

With their help, it is easier to control Internet traffic without going to the Settings menu.
Sometimes, again instead of standard Android settings, they use an application

  • 3G WatchDog.

It allows you to avoid unplanned waste of traffic by controlling it and setting a limit on Internet use. But I prefer Android's default Settings menu over similar apps.

5 Unlimited Internet

And of course, the easiest and most reliable way is to purchase unlimited Internet. For example, a mobile operator provides this opportunity. Also, many well-known operators offer tariffs for 150 rubles and more with fairly high traffic restrictions from 500 MB to 3-5 GB or more.

This helps you save a lot on mobile Internet, and, equally important, control your traffic costs. It is also important here that, as a rule, the options offered by cellular operators also work in intranet roaming. This means that when moving from place to place (for example, from one region of the Russian Federation to another), you can continue to use the provided traffic without additional payment. This is very convenient for mobile users who go on business trips or vacations.

6 Useful habits

It is important to make it a rule to connect to the Internet only in free Wi-Fi zones, especially if you plan to download a large amount of information (downloading new applications, watching videos, etc.)

And further. When installing any new attractive application, you need to pay attention to how much Internet traffic this application will require to operate. All kinds of “useful” applications about weather forecasts, horoscopes, taxis, etc. require constant updating and pumping of new relevant data. And this will happen at the expense of the Android user’s traffic, at the expense of the money of the user who installed these applications on his smartphone (tablet).

By adhering to these rules, you can significantly reduce your Internet traffic consumption and save on the Internet.

In general, mobile Internet is far from the most expensive in Russia. Those who have had experience using mobile Internet abroad simply dream of such options as mobile Internet for a fixed fee, or generally unlimited mobile Internet traffic, for example from Yota. Analogues of such services are difficult to find anywhere else.

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Long gone are the days when Internet providers everywhere kept track of megabytes spent by users on the Internet. Tariff plans for home Internet these days differ mainly in speed. But cellular operators are in no hurry to provide completely unlimited Internet and, as a rule, allocate only a certain amount of inexpensive traffic.

But today not only people, but also smartphones themselves cannot live without the Internet: it happens that he himself downloads something in the middle of the night, updates a couple of applications, and in the morning there is no more prepaid traffic left to download attachments from mail. Well, let’s think about how we can deal with this and how to save on the still expensive Internet.

⇡ Traffic control using standard operating system tools

First, let's see what we can do without installing additional applications. In the Android settings there is a “Traffic Control” item, with which you can separately monitor data transfer over Wi-Fi and through mobile networks. You can also turn off data transfer altogether, that is, the use of mobile Internet.

The operating system displays a graph of traffic usage for a selected period of time (you can change it by moving the sliders along the graph) and shows which applications consume the most data. By clicking on an application, you can see a consumption graph generated specifically for it.

On the mobile Internet tab, you can also set a limit on traffic consumption for a certain period. The limit is set on the same chart, and a threshold is selected using a separate slider, upon reaching which the system will display a warning about the imminent exhaustion of the limit. If the traffic ends, the device will automatically turn off data transfer.

Many Android applications communicate with the Internet in the background and, as a result, traffic is consumed even before the phone owner has time to wake up. To prevent this from happening, you can prevent certain applications from using mobile traffic in the background. To do this, click on the application name in the traffic consumption window and check the Restrict Background data box.

This feature can also be disabled globally. To do this, being in the “Traffic Control” section, go to the settings and check the box of the same name. You can also disable automatic data synchronization here. However, with a global ban on downloading via the mobile Internet, some important applications - such as an email client - may not work as you expect.

A lot of traffic is spent on application updates. To prevent downloading updates from eating up expensive traffic, you can go to the Google Play settings and in the “Automatic application updates” section, select updating only via Wi-Fi or (as an option) disable automatic updating altogether.

By the way, don't forget to check the settings of your favorite applications. In many, you can enable synchronization and downloading of data only via Wi-Fi.

⇡ Traffic control in Google Chrome

The data compression function is also available in the mobile version of the Google Chrome browser. It works like this: the content of web pages is first sent to Google servers, where it is optimized and loaded in a compressed form. The quality of the images, of course, suffers, but much less traffic is consumed.

You can find and enable this option in the “Settings → Traffic Control → Traffic Reduction” menu. Depending on what web pages you view on your mobile device, the savings can be significant - up to 50%. True, data compression will be useless when loading web pages that use traffic encryption - Google will not be able to send such data to its servers. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that compression will not be performed even if you enable incognito mode in the browser.

To save mobile traffic in Google Chrome, you should also disable the function of preloading web pages. It is located in the same “Traffic Control” settings section. You can allow the browser to download pages in the background only when there is an active Wi-Fi connection, or disable downloading altogether.

⇡ Control over traffic consumption using specialized applications

The main purpose of mobile traffic accounting applications is to help you save money. For this, both simple consumption statistics and restrictions for different periods of time are used.

Perhaps the simplest traffic metering program is Internet Speed ​​Meter Lite. It only performs monitoring and statistics collection functions. The application monitors mobile and Wi-Fi traffic consumption in real time. The current data transfer speed can be seen in the notification panel, and if you expand the notification menu, you can also see the name of the current network and the amount of traffic that was consumed today.

The application window shows how much traffic was used in the last month by day, the amount for the last seven and thirty days, and the total since the beginning of the current month. Mobile and Wi-Fi traffic is counted separately.

The Data Usage application is interesting because it can count not only mobile, but also Wi-Fi traffic. And not only count, but also notify when a specified limit is exceeded, and also block data transfer when a certain value is reached. Why might you need Wi-Fi traffic metering? For example, some hotels practice providing free Wi-Fi access within a certain limit. If it is exceeded, you must pay additionally.

In the application settings, you can specify how much traffic (mobile and Wi-Fi separately) is provided for a given period. Data Usage will not only collect statistics for the day, for the week and for the reporting period, but also calculate how much traffic should be consumed ideally so that the Internet does not cost a penny. It also shows predicted consumption, separate statistics on received and transmitted data and, most importantly, how much free traffic remains until the end of the reporting period.

Data on mobile Internet and Wi-Fi are shown on separate tabs, but you can view the total history of traffic consumption on a visual graph.

Data Usage can warn you that your prepaid traffic is about to expire. Moreover, there may be three such warnings. The default is when using fifty, seventy-five and ninety percent, but this parameter is configurable. In addition, the application can completely turn off the Internet when a certain value is reached (99% by default) and automatically turn it on when the next reporting period arrives.

Another traffic monitoring application that may be useful is “My Internet Manager” (My Data Manager - Data Usage. Its feature is the ability to set separate data plans for roaming and mobile Internet. You can set a traffic limit, as well as the date and plan start time.

As for data received via Wi-Fi, it is impossible to set a traffic limit here, but you can specify when the number of downloaded data is reached, the program should notify the user. “My Internet Manager” displays information about traffic consumption in a convenient form, with each type of connection located on a separate tab.

A full report of total data consumption can be seen in the graph. Also, information on consumed traffic is displayed on the notification panel.

The app also keeps track of the data consumption of different apps. This information can be presented in chart form or as a list.

Pleasant bonuses of the application include the ability to backup data to an SD card and quickly restore it.

⇡ Non-standard approach: not only control, but also traffic reduction

Even before the advent of smartphones, mobile browsers from Opera Software were extremely popular. And one of the most popular features of Opera Mini was traffic compression. Thanks to this, on the one hand, the loading of web pages on a slow connection was accelerated, and on the other hand, mobile Internet bills were reduced.

The same compression technology that was used in the Norwegian company's older products forms the basis of the Opera Max application for Android. It is currently being tested, but is already available for free download from Google Play in our country. The main difference between Opera Max and the corresponding function in the browser is that it works with all applications. That is, if Opera Mini compresses only the content of web pages, then Opera Max works with any browser, as well as applications for viewing video content, reading RSS, downloading photos, etc. In particular, with the help of Opera Max, traffic in the VKontakte, Viber, and Odnoklassniki applications is significantly saved.

Technically, Opera Max works through a VPN network. All network traffic from a mobile device passes through Opera servers, where it is compressed whenever possible. Thus, the user downloads much less data.

How much data has been saved is shown in the application window. Detailed statistics by date and by application are also available. As our testing has shown, web pages and photos are best compressed; with video, the situation is worse. But the application does not work with Facebook and Twitter at all - this is because these social sites use an encrypted connection. Accordingly, the application is unable to intercept this traffic in order to send it to Opera servers. It's also worth keeping in mind that the app isn't useful for compressing web pages if you're using the Google Chrome browser with data compression enabled. In this case, you cannot save even more. Opera Max also does not compress application updates or files downloaded to the device.

Opera Max only works with mobile Internet. As for Wi-Fi traffic, it is not taken into account and is not saved. But the application has a convenient option for banning the use of mobile traffic for individual applications. This can be handy since the Wi-Fi update option may not be found in all apps.

Finally, when using Opera Max, it's worth keeping in mind that the app works offline for seven days. For its further operation, you need to “recharge”, that is, click on a special button on the corresponding tab of the application. For now (at the testing stage) it is free, but in the future, most likely, you will have to pay to extend the service.

However, if Opera Max becomes paid in the future, then it is worth keeping in mind that this application is not unique. The same functions have been available for more than two years to users of the lesser-known Onavo Extend program, the developers of which came under the wing of Facebook in 2013.

Like Opera Max, this free app works through a proxy server and compresses all mobile traffic from the device. When you turn on Wi-Fi, it turns off automatically. In the application you can see statistics on saved traffic for a week and a month. And in the settings you can control the quality of graphics, as well as set the cache size for saved graphic elements. This is true if you constantly load the same web pages. Onavo Extend saves the graphics from them, they are not re-downloaded, resulting in even greater savings.

⇡ Conclusion

I really hope that in five to ten years the demand for all applications for saving mobile traffic will decrease. Perhaps very soon they will become as rarely used as programs for monitoring traffic on a PC are now rare. And just as inexpensive internet via cable came to our homes without taking into account traffic, so our smartphones will receive inexpensive unlimited access to the Internet.

In modern society it is difficult to live without mobile Internet, gadgets, smartphones and other equipment that attracts users. But as practice has shown, “any” technology turns into a “brick” without Internet access, so today we want to tell you how to save mobile traffic using 5 interesting applications.

List of programs participating in today's review: Opera Max, Onavo Extend, Data Status, Osmino Wi-Fi and WeFi Pro.

Developer: Opera Software ASA


Onavo Extend

Developer: Navo

Version: 1.4.6-0ex

Onavo Extend is a simple and easy-to-use application that perfectly compresses data of any kind. The principle of operation of the program is as follows: the mobile phone contacts the operator providing the connection, then the data goes to the Onavo server, and after that you receive compressed data, which, in fact, is several times smaller than the original, and the quality does not suffer from this. Before you start using the program, you must allow the program to send mobile data to Onavo servers, after which you can start working. The application itself works through a VPN connection, which allows you to save data and also safely use the global network.

Data Status

Developer: Flavor Monkey

Version: 6.21

Data Status– a convenient program that allows you to save mobile traffic, which will also pass through third-party servers and compress it. The program will delight you with its clarity; on the start screen you will see all the graphs, scales, comparative indicators, various numbers and much more, which makes it clear how and where your traffic is going. It is not necessary to run the program in order to make sure it works; you can simply pull out the curtain and see how many megabytes were compressed and how many megabytes were spent by the user. Even though the application is in English, it is very easy to use.

Osmino Wi-Fi

Developer: RIWW

Version: 5.25.03

Osmino Wi-Fi is a useful program for Android, which is a Wi-Fi network manager with community support. According to the developers, their application you will no longer have to worry about high-speed Internet on your device, since the program itself will find the desired Wi-Fi access point and connect to it, even if you do not know its password. We launch the applications, click on the large round button located in the center of the display and our smartphone/tablet will connect to the available network itself, while skipping settings and entering a password. You can also view a list of available Wi-Fi hotspots on a city map located near you, test your connection speed, and even view the location of nearby augmented reality hotspots (with your camera turned on). The program is in Russian, it is easy to use, and its effectiveness has been proven by hundreds of positive reviews in the Google Play store.

WeFi Pro

Developer: WiFi


WeFi Pro is an application that will automatically connect to the most available Wi-Fi hotspots. It’s immediately worth noting a very nice feature - automatically turning Wi-Fi on and off to save battery power. That is, Wi-Fi will automatically connect in places where there is a constant signal (for example, at home or at work) and disconnect where there is none. There are convenient Push notifications about open networks, as well as networks that have passwords. If you wish, you can specify public networks that should be avoided (a blacklist, in other words). If you travel often, but do not want to pay for mobile traffic, then use this application completely free.

The list of applications given is not final; on Google Play you can find a huge number of similar programs, each of which will be unique in its own way and will allow you to save mobile traffic.

It happens that a month’s supply of Internet traffic “flies away” in a few days. Therefore, today we will tell you what to do to ensure that the traffic limit is not exceeded.

Why is it important to limit Android data transfer?

If you don't have unlimited internet on your phone or don't always have Wi-Fi at hand, it's very easy to exceed the monthly limit of your internet plan, which can lead to increased costs. In this article we will tell you how to reduce the amount of traffic consumed on Android to a minimum.

When choosing a tariff plan for a phone, the user cannot immediately predict how much data he will download. It's very easy to underestimate your Internet traffic consumption, especially since many devices have 4G support.

Traffic is lost not only when watching videos on YouTube or chatting on Facebook. Many applications run in the background and require a constant Internet connection.

  • For example, email, since the application may send a refresh request every few minutes to check for new messages.
  • Application updates also eat up a lot of traffic, but in Google Play you can configure the download of updates only when there is a Wi-Fi connection.

I'm glad that applications that consume Internet traffic are easily monitored. Smartphones with the Android OS have tools with which you can make sure that you do not go beyond the limits of your tariff plan, and also set a limit on the Internet traffic used. Or you can turn off the Internet altogether. Today you will learn how to reduce Internet traffic consumption on your device to a minimum, and not go beyond the limits of your tariff plan.

How to make apps update only when connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi

how to save Internet traffic by disabling auto-update via mobile network

Very simple. You just need to launch the Google Play application, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper left corner, then go to “Settings”. Next, in “General”, find the item “Automatic application updates” and set it to “only via Wi-Fi”.

How to completely disable your Internet connection

Go to “Settings”, click on the “Data transfer” item and near the line “Mobile traffic” change the position of the switch from on to off. Any existing Internet connection will be terminated.

Note: The Internet will still be available when connected via Wi-Fi, and you will also be able to use all online applications.

How to save the amount of traffic used

Those who need to set a monthly (or for any other period of time) limit on the traffic consumed by an Android smartphone, and also enable a notification when approaching the limit, will need to again follow the well-known direction: “Settings” → “Data transfer”. Here we set a limit on mobile traffic in accordance with the tariff package of our operator.

You can also look at the graph showing the amount of traffic used per month. We set the maximum allowable amount of data for a month, and if you approach the limit of the Internet traffic package, the system will notify you about this.

Reducing the amount of mobile traffic consumed

Those who simply want to reduce Internet traffic consumption on Android to a minimum will need to block background data transfer in the settings of each downloaded application.

Let’s again follow the well-trodden path, namely “Settings” → “Data transfer”, go down below and see the traffic consumption from applications.

To prohibit background data transfer, select the application and click on the “Limit background” option. Please note: Selected apps will now only update over Wi-Fi. For example, if you set such a restriction on WhatsApp, Facebook or Gmail, notifications about new messages will not be displayed until the application itself is launched.

Especially in order to save Internet traffic, the social network Twitter recently introduced a lightweight version of itself - Twitter Lite, and also added a traffic saving mode to its application. It is claimed to reduce traffic consumption by up to 70% by blurring image previews.

Now mobile Internet is relatively inexpensive, but this is not a reason to throw it away left and right. Full unlimited service still costs a pretty penny, and many operators, by the way, are already giving up such luxury.

Most of the available tariffs are conditionally unlimited, that is, they provide a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. If you exceed the limit, the speed will drop to the level of a dial-up modem and it will become impossible to use the Internet.

Perhaps you do not fit into the volume provided under the tariff or are dangerously close to the limit. Perhaps you want to save some traffic reserve so that you can use it when urgently needed. In any case, it is useful to be able to save megabytes, and now we will tell you how to do this.

Get rid of pest apps

Increased traffic consumption is not always related to your appetite. Often the unjustified gluttony of individual applications is to blame. Such scoundrels sit in the background and constantly transmit and send something. You can find them using a standard tool that is built into any current version of Android.

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select Mobile Data Transfer.

Here you will see a general graph of mobile traffic consumption, and below it - a rating of the most voracious residents of the system.

To curb the ardor of an individual application, tap on it and turn off the background mode. After this, the sly one will not be able to receive and send data in the background.

The problem is that in order to identify scoundrels, you need to understand what the normal Internet consumption is for a particular application. Obviously, the browser, music and video streaming services, as well as maps are capable of eating hundreds of megabytes, but offline-oriented and working with a small amount of data have nothing on this list.

Set up a warning and traffic limit

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Payment Cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the subscription fee is charged. Usually a new Internet package is given on the same day. Specify it so that the system knows the date the traffic counter was reset.

  1. Enable "Alert Settings".
  2. Select Alerts.
  3. Specify the amount of traffic upon reaching which the system will notify you about it.

If you want to strictly limit traffic consumption, enable “Set traffic limit” and specify the value, upon reaching which the system will turn off the mobile Internet.

Disable app updates via mobile network

  1. Go to the Google Play app store settings.
  2. Select Auto-update apps.
  3. Select the "Wi-Fi Only" option.

Enable data saving in Android

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select Data Saver.

After enabling traffic saving mode, the system will prohibit background data traffic for most applications, which will significantly reduce overall traffic consumption. To allow data sharing in the background for individual applications in economy mode, tap on the appropriate item.

Save data with Opera Max

In fact, the Opera Max application does the same thing as the traffic saving mode built into Android, that is, it blocks background data, but it looks a little nicer and more visual.

Enable data saving in individual applications

Any normal developer, if his application works with potentially large amounts of data, can optimize traffic consumption using settings. For example, almost all Google tools can save precious megabytes of mobile Internet.

Google Chrome

  1. Go to Google Chrome settings.
  2. Select Data Saver.

In addition to Google Chrome, the traffic saving mode is provided in the Opera browser.


  1. Go to YouTube settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Turn on the “Traffic Saving” mode.

Google Maps

  1. Go to Google Maps settings.
  2. Turn on “Wi-Fi only” and follow the “Your offline maps” link.

Offline maps allow you to save hundreds of megabytes of traffic. Be sure to download the area where you live and don’t forget to add areas you plan to visit in the near future.

  1. Click Other Area.
  2. Use pan and zoom gestures to select the area to download and click "Download".
  3. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Downloaded Areas menu.
  4. Select "Download Settings" and select "Wi-Fi Only".

Google Press

  1. Go to Google Press settings.
  2. Select Data Saver Mode and select On.
  3. In the "Download" section, turn on the "Wi-Fi only" mode.

Google Photos

  1. Go to Google Photos settings.
  2. Find the “Use mobile internet” section and disable the option for photos and videos.

Google Music

  1. Go to your Google Music settings.
  2. In the Playback section, lower the quality when streaming over a mobile network.
  3. In the “Downloads” section, allow downloading music only over Wi-Fi.

If necessary, allow music playback only over Wi-Fi.

Google Music can save albums for offline listening. You can download music to your device if you have Wi-Fi and play it without an Internet connection.

  1. Go to the artist's album list.
  2. Click on the vertical ellipsis icon in the lower right corner of the album and select “Download” from the menu that appears.

Google Movies

  1. Go to Google Movies settings.
  2. Under Mobile Network Streaming, turn on Show Warning and Limit Quality.
  3. In the Downloads section, select Network and select Wi-Fi only.

Monitor your carrier's rates and options

Often a person overpays for communications simply because he is on an outdated tariff. Find out what's new with your operator. It's possible that you can get more internet for less money.

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