How to draw a nose sideways with a pencil. How to beautifully draw a person’s nose with a pencil

Let's look at one of the methods for drawing human noses for beginners. In this lesson we will do without serious construction, but we will learn simple ways to draw a completely realistic nose. To get started, we suggest doing a few simple exercises.

Draw a horizontal “ladder” on a sheet of paper, as shown in the figure, and practice “fitting” different noses into it in profile. Notice how different they are.

Now try another method that allows you to draw a snub, straight and curved nose (again, in profile). Draw two circles of different sizes, larger in front, smaller in back, as shown in the figure: if the nose is snub-nosed, the second circle is lower than the first, if it is straight, equalize the lower borders of the circles, and if it is curved, equalize the upper borders. Using this scheme, drawing the outline of the nose becomes quite easy.

Now you can shade the resulting noses. Please note that the highlights and darkest shadows lie differently on different types of noses. The darkest places in frontal lighting are in the nostrils and behind the wings of the nose. After lightly shading the entire shaded surface, apply cross strokes to enhance the contrast.

Now let’s draw the same three types of noses from a frontal angle. First, let's draw this auxiliary diagram. For all three types, we draw the same large circle - this is the tip of the nose, and two rounded lines - this is the bridge of the nose. We draw smaller circles on the sides (nostrils) at different heights: for the snub-nosed one at the bottom (and larger than the others), for the straight one we compare the lower borders of all the circles, and for the curved one we draw small circles along the middle line of the large circle.

Mark the bridge of the nose, tip of the nose and nostrils with lines.

You can start shading. Try to keep clear lines only around the nostrils, and shape the bridge of the nose and the tip using light strokes.

Drawing tutorials went pretty easy this weekend and for today I have prepared for you a new part in drawing a person - nose. We will look at the task of drawing noses in a very simple form. These tips and steps are very easy to follow. It's as easy as getting a ready-made result. Here you will see very different noses, looking at which you can even choose the shapes in general and the nostrils in particular. If you've ever struggled with drawing a nose, you'll find this tutorial very helpful. That's all for the introduction and now I still have time to think about some other parts of the face and body in order to learn how to draw a person completely. There will be something new soon, but for now let’s draw the nose and remember. and even we have already learned. Let's start digging deeper.

Step 1.

There are a huge variety of nose types and each one creates a unique effect. Note that each nose is different from each other except in the main angles. Again, when looking at women's noses, notice that they are much softer than a man's.

Step 2.

First we will start drawing the nose from the front (straight on view). Start by making a circle for the tip of the nose. You can outline the tip of the nose, then draw the sides that will be the nostrils and then add the bridge of the nose. Paint over the nostril holes.

Step 3.

Now try drawing a circle for the nose again, draw a slightly different shape for the tip, nostrils and bridge of the nose and add shadow lines for the openings of the nostrils.

Step 4.

A little more experimentation. Let's make a circle, the tip of the nose, the nostrils and the bridge for the bridge of the nose, then add details and shade.

Step 5.

Now let's draw the nose from the side (side view). Draw an angle for the nose shape you want and then sketch out the nostrils or one visible nostril, then add detailing on and around the tip of each nose.

To draw a nose, it is not necessary to delve into its anatomical features. I suggest starting from simple geometric shapes, which are useful in drawing any complex and obscure shapes. And then gradually complicate these forms.

Drawing a nose using a simple shape

The average nose is a symmetrical part of the human face, located in the middle. And it can be schematically depicted in the form of such a trapezoidal shape.

This is such a figure, similar to a prism with an isosceles trapezoid at the base. The lines that form such a figure along the nose are not exact, they are arbitrary, but they will help to draw the nose symmetrically, find its size relative to the entire face, and catch the inclination of the nose.
As an example, I'll take this nose, located about three-quarters on the face.

That is, the trapezoidal shape in which the nose is placed also rotates three-quarters. I outline this shape along the most prominent points of the rounded surface of the nose.

What dimensions and inclinations should we estimate so that our nose corresponds to nature:
- the midline relative to which the nose is symmetrical, its slope and length

- dimensions of the front edge of the lower and upper trapezoid

- the width and inclination of the lower trapezoid, that is, how visible it is to us, how much the nose is turned up or down.

- width of the posterior edge of the lower trapezoid

For this nose, this length coincides with the height of the nose from the tip to the forehead.
The directions highlighted in red practically coincide with each other (I will not mention the perspective, which slightly brings them together - that is, they are not strictly parallel, but slightly converge, but in this figure there is practically no such effect). That is, the direction of the nose coincides with the direction of the lips, eyes and face as a whole.

Once you have decided on this simple form, you can begin to refine the details.
There may be a hump on the upper edge, the nose can narrow and widen along this upper edge, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the bone in the nose. The place where the bone passes into cartilage may be quite clearly expressed, or may not be expressed at all.

The wings of the nose usually cause the most difficulty for students. We make sure that both wings, both above and below, are at the same level, and most importantly, we follow the nature: how the wings are rounded, what size they are, how visible the far wing is, or maybe it is not visible at all.

Under the wings of the nose there are nasal passages in the form of two holes. They are located symmetrically relative to the middle line and also at the same level. The nasal passage under the far wing may not be visible depending on how far the head is turned and how much it is obscured by the tip of the nose.

I outline the tip of the nose.

The sides of the nose blend smoothly into the cheeks.

We cover the nose with tone using shading

I cover the nose with tone using classic shading, which I apply according to the shape of the nose.
I start with the brightest and most contrasting place - with the falling shadow under the nose. Do not immediately apply the darkest areas with the full force of the pencil; when other elements are covered with tone, you can thicken them a little more if necessary.

The wings of the nose are characteristically rounded; I apply the stroke in the direction in which they are rounded. I leave the reflex.

Where the nose smoothly meets the cheeks, I also smoothly stretch the stroke from the side to the cheek.
The tip of the nose is rounded, I kind of round the stroke from one side of the tip to the other.

How to draw a person's nose with a pencil

Drawing a nose, step by step.

If you decide to draw a person’s face, it is important, first of all, to correctly draw the person’s eyes, but not only. There are no “little things” in a person’s portrait. All facial features must be drawn accurately, including the nose must be drawn correctly and beautifully. In this lesson you will be able draw a person's nose step by step. The nose drawing is made with a simple pencil.

1. Let's start drawing the nose with simple markings

Each person’s nose has unique characteristics, so it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract or, as they say, “academic” drawing of the nose. This is exactly the version of the nose that I suggest you draw. I hope there is no need to explain how to draw these two lines.

2. Contours of the “wings” and bridges of the nose

The human nose consists of “wings” and the bridge of the nose, and it is these contours that need to be drawn in this step. The segment of the width of the “wing” in my drawing is equal to exactly half of the perpendicular line from the beginning of their intersection. You need to draw the nose carefully, accurately observing the proportions.

3. The nose takes on a real shape

After precise preliminary marking of the drawing, drawing the nose correctly and beautifully will be easy. You can see for yourself that it’s not at all difficult to draw further. Outline the streamlined shapes of the wings of the nose. Draw two lines from the bridge of the nose and draw the tip of the nose.

4. Lesson "How to draw a nose" is almost finished

At this step, remove the extra contour lines, and you will get a real academic nose; all that remains is to draw a few small details. Be prepared to have to adjust the final shape of the nose in the drawing several times. Drawing a nose is not difficult, but the slightest inaccuracy leads to the nose becoming “plump” like Santa Claus or thin and skinny like Baba Yaga.

5. How to draw a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing and the next one will consist of only one thing. You need to apply shadows with a soft, simple pencil so that the nose looks voluminous, like in a painting by real artists.

6. How to draw a person's nose. Final step

When to draw a nose, at the beginning of the drawing of a person's face or at the end? Usually, when drawing a nose at the end of a lesson, the nose turns out to be distorted, either too small or, on the contrary, large. The eyes and nose are the most important elements of drawing a person's face, so it is better to start drawing with them. You can correct the chin, ears and even lips, but if you didn’t “get it right” with the nose and eyes, the person’s portrait will not look like anything.

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A special part of drawing is the nose, which is often overlooked by portrait artists. Although this shouldn't happen! If your nose doesn't work out at all, then the whole portrait will suffer. Therefore, we will learn to draw a nose!

Three images of the nose

The image in front of you is a regular sketch of a nose.

The nose has completely simple shapes: both lines running along the entire length of the nose, a rounded ball that indicates the type of nostrils and nose.

This drawing indicates the initial sketch of the nose, with shadows applied to it.

Here is a completely finished illustration of the nose.

In this drawing the sketch is no longer visible. Here you can notice that the features of the nose are no longer filled with sharp lines, but with shadow.

The illustration above indicates the structure of the nose using red lines. To adjust the appearance of the nose, we raise and lower our red lines.

Below in blue it is shown how you can draw a shadow that will be located directly under the end of the nose.

Occasionally the shadow will be heavier and sometimes a little lighter and softer, but most of the time when lit it will be exactly as shown.

Of course, it is clear that there cannot be much shadow on the side of the nose or on the side of the bridge of the nose, which is more illuminated.

In order to avoid making the mistake that beginners most often make, you should not highlight the entire contour of the nose on both sides. This is not beneficial because the outline makes the portrait look completely unrealistic. So it’s better to draw the outline of the nose using shadows.

When you draw or shade around the nose, try to apply less pressure with your pen or hand, because... they require light pressure. These three areas are shown in the figure.

If you are drawing a theme that does not contain many sharp shadow transitions on the face, then you should not draw these features too much. In normal cases, you can simply shade it slightly. For example, as shown above.

1) The area marked in blue has an almost invisible shadow and shows the nose from the side.

Here the area near the edge of the eye and the area where the invisible “ball” sign is located near the nose are shaded.

Typically where the highlighted side of the nose is, few portraits allow for a little more shading, but not much anyway. When shading, special attention should be paid to the bridge of the nose. In order to ensure the proper illusion of size and depth of the nose, it is usually necessary to shade and highlight the details of the nose in the dark side area, as shown on the left side of this drawing.

2) The next area, when working with which you need to press lightly when drawing, is the “smile line”, highlighted in green in the image. This line is usually called the nasolabial fold.

In this image you can see a slight smile effect. Imperceptibly downwards, the strokes first weaken and then disappear completely. There are types of faces in which the “smile line” is much darker and longer.

3) On the surface of the skin, on the upper lip, from the area of ​​the line located in the middle, a labial groove emanates, which joins the protrusion of the upper lip. In the figure, the groove is indicated in red and is also applied with light strokes.

You also cannot ignore the white areas near the nose, which are shown in the picture above.

As the highlighted image aptly points out, the areas near where the nostrils begin are not delineated in many cases. The pattern will look much rougher if you highlight the entire base of the nose (under the nostrils).

Let's pay attention to the area on the side of the nose, located between the beginning of the “smile line” and the nostrils. You don't have to place the "smile lines" directly next to the nostril. Some people have a gap between the nostrils and the “smile line.”

Pay attention to this nuance when you begin to depict the area near the nose. In this picture, the space is slightly increased. By paying attention to the various typical characteristics of faces, you will notice this space.

This figure shows the nose at an angle, located in the projection?.

If our portrait, instead of the front view, is depicted in a projection?, then the nose is also in the same projection, and that means it will look at a slight angle.

In the picture you can notice a purple line that is located in the very center of the face.

To the left of the purple line is a section of the nose sketched with red lines.
On the other side of this line there is a blue shading that indicates the nostril areas. In this case, the nose is drawn turned, and does not look symmetrical at all on either side.

The green color indicates that the edge of the nostril lives approximately on the same line as the corner of the inside of the eye. Likewise, when viewed from the front, they will be located on the same line.

I used an orange line to indicate how the edge of the nostril should be drawn in relation to the center of the mouth.

Although different people have different nose or mouth shapes, they are generally depicted this way. The girl depicted in the picture does not have a very large or very wide nose, however, we will apply the “line method” to her.

Those who are just starting to master drawing techniques depict their noses as too narrow. To achieve a successful nose width, pay special attention to this.

Look at the purple nose. This indicates how far away it is from the face. Don't be afraid to draw it. Feel free to experiment with your nose, but don't change its length too much.

Keep in mind that if the noses you draw are the same length, they will look completely unrealistic. Since people have different faces, their noses should also be different. Depict them as closely as possible to the original.

The proportions of your nose must be respected.

As you can see from the two red and two purple lines above, the length is not that much greater than the width.

Not everyone has the same size. However, some of the artists draw the nose either too long or very short. Mainly, your portrait should be realistic.

Draw a nose with a pencil, step by step:

1) First, draw a sketch of the nose. The lines on the sides of the nose should not be darkened. One side is usually shaded more than the other.

2) Now you need to shade the base of the nose and its side that lives in the shadow. Mark the nostrils in the drawing. Next you need to shade the nostril that is in the shadow.

3) Finish shading the nose. Using soft shading, we highlight the areas of the roundness of the nostrils and the area of ​​the “ball” of the nose.

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