How can a young family get a mortgage for a house? Social mortgage loans for young families - features and application rules

Who should consider a young family when applying for a mortgage?

Mortgage lending programs for young families can be of two types.

1. With government subsidies. In this case, only one requirement is put forward for clients - the birth of a second or third child in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. That is, the length of marriage, the age of the spouses, etc. does not play any role in the ability to use this program.

2. Developed by the banks themselves. In this case, there are no general standards for defining a “young family”. Each credit institution independently puts forward a number of requirements to comply with a personally developed program, the name of which contains such a concept.

There are often four main conditions that can be found.

    Officially registered married couple. A common-law marriage will not allow you to take advantage of the mortgage in question.

    Age limit. The husband or wife must be within 35 years of age. Often applied to one of the spouses. That is, the second one may be older. Even acting directly as a borrower.

    Having common minor children. In general, one child is enough to qualify for the program. Less often - two. Guardianship or adoption is acceptable.

    Availability of the fact of being in the state queue for receiving real estate. This requirement is made most rarely.

What are the advantages of such a mortgage compared to standard lending programs?

The issue under consideration should be divided into two blocks.

    State mortgage program for young families.

    Programs developed separately by banks.

Each type of debt obligation with the intended purpose of purchasing real estate has its own advantages. Therefore, they should be considered separately.

In the first case interest rates are subsidized by the state. The client pays a commission for the use of borrowed funds at the rate of 6% per annum during the first three (the second child was born) or five (the third child was born) years of the contract. The remaining part, stipulated by the terms of the loan, is repaid to the bank by the state. In fact, this is the only advantage of this option. It is impossible to highlight any other advantages. Other conditions are standard.

Regarding the second option. The development of such programs for young families is carried out by commercial structures themselves. That is, they adjust the conditions at their own discretion. Including benefits. The three most popular directions are mainly used.

    Reduced interest rate. The most common option. The reduction generally, compared to standard programs, is 0.25-0.5% per annum.

    Minimum down payment. Less often - its complete absence. The bank does not perceive the lack of its own savings to pay for part of the housing as insolvency. This fact for him is associated with an actual lack of time due to the client’s age.

    Providing a grace period for debt payment or credit holidays. During the first 6-12 months after the loan is issued, the client pays only accrued interest. The principal debt is repaid later. This reduces the burden on the budget, allowing you to purchase furniture, appliances, make repairs and move to a new home.

If you compare the two options, much will depend on which bank program is chosen. If we look at it as a whole, we can highlight one main advantage. In the case of a state program, there is a financial benefit. For the first three or five years, a significantly lower rate of 6% per annum will be established than for any other mortgage lending programs.

In the version with a commercial structure that has been developed by itself, there is the opportunity to purchase real estate not only on the primary, but also on the secondary market. State subsidies provide compensation for debt obligations for which the apartment was purchased exclusively from the developer. This advantage is relevant for many. Especially for citizens living in small settlements where new houses are not actually being built.

Do the terms of a mortgage issued for a young family change after a divorce?

No. The terms of lending after the official divorce, during which the mortgage was issued, remain unchanged. Moreover, regardless of which option was issued. Be it government subsidies, or the bank’s own program.

In the first case, no demands are made on the married couple at all. In fact, even a single parent can apply for such a loan. In the second, mortgage is a standard lending program. Differing only in some conditions. Moreover, only those that the bank has the right to change at its own discretion. The legislative and regulatory framework for these mortgages is identical to standard ones.

The only nuance in this case is the division of the mortgage. It is carried out in accordance with specific legal regulations. Depends on different conditions. Starting from the participants in the debt obligation and ending with the number of children. That is, there are no separate requirements for these loans. They are divided identically to standard programs.

The Young Family housing program has been operating in Russia for several years. But, alas, the queues for housing subsidies are moving extremely slowly. Tired of waiting for subsidies from the state, many citizens are beginning to resolve the issue of purchasing real estate on their own, applying for loans from commercial banks. It is from this category of people that you most often hear the question of whether it is possible to participate in the “Young Family” program if you have a mortgage? Let's try to figure out this problem.

Rules for participation in the program

To receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing, young spouses must meet the following requirements:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • be no older than 35 years of age;
  • have an income sufficient to purchase real estate on credit (including subsidies);
  • have the status of those in need of improved housing conditions.

Important! If there is a child in the family who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, only one of the spouses can have Russian citizenship.

After a certain period of time allotted for consideration of the application, a family that meets these requirements can receive a subsidy from the state for the purchase of real estate. The amount of the subsidy is determined as follows:

  • up to 30% of the cost of housing – in the absence of children;
  • up to 35% of the cost of the apartment - if there is one child.

The amount of payments for families with two or more children is calculated individually. Program participants receive funds in the form of a certificate, which can later be used as a down payment on a mortgage loan or as an additional payment for purchased housing. Subsidies are not issued in cash.

“Young family” and available living space

When lining up for a subsidy, government officials consider the current housing situation of the spouses and determine whether it needs improvement. In a situation where at least one of the family members (owned or where he is registered) accounts for a certain number of square meters of living space, the new unit of society will be denied participation in the program.

Important! It is not necessary to be the owner of a large number of square meters of housing. A person can live in a separate apartment provided to him under a social lease agreement, or be registered with relatives. What is important is what proportion of the area falls on it, and how it relates to current standards.

Moreover, the housing history of each spouse also plays a role. If one of them previously owned a home, but it was sold, and less than five years have passed since the sale, the family will be denied participation in the program. It does not matter whether the sold living space was separate or existed as a share in the parental apartment. If its size complies with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you can forget about putting it in line for subsidies.

As we can see, in the above requirements for program participants there are no restrictions regarding the availability of housing loans. But in many regions, families with a mortgage are denied inclusion in the queue to receive subsidies. And if the housing loan was issued after enrollment in the program, the family is excluded from it.

Officials explain these actions by the fact that the mortgage itself is an improvement in living conditions. But is this really so? Perhaps the apartment/room/house purchased on credit simply does not meet the standards for residential premises. In order to understand in what manner to conduct a conversation with officials, it is necessary to understand who belongs to the category of persons in need of state support.

How are area standards determined?

All existing standards for residential premises are established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to this document, when identifying a citizen as a person in need of expanded living space, his or her existing housing is assessed according to two standards:

  • provision rate;
  • accounting norm.

The first is the minimum value used to determine the area of ​​housing transferred for use to a citizen by the state under a social tenancy agreement. The second is the minimum value used when calculating the degree of a citizen’s need for housing and placing him in line for participation in the state program. If in the premises where a citizen lives, there are fewer square meters per registered resident than provided for by the accounting norm, this indicates that it needs to be expanded.

Thus, a young family who has taken out a mortgage on an apartment can qualify for participation in the state support program. But only on condition that in the credit apartment the number of square meters for each of the residents does not exceed the accounting norm. Yes, children are also taken into account in this case, the main thing is that they are registered in this living space.

How to find out the size of the accounting norm? It is determined individually in each region. In addition, the value of this indicator, even within one administrative unit, varies depending on the type of housing - a separate apartment, a room in a communal apartment or a private house. The exact value for a specific situation can be found out by contacting the social protection committee at your place of residence.

Important! If the area of ​​the mortgaged apartment does not meet the standards, and representatives of the administration refuse to place the family in line for housing subsidies, we advise you to obtain a written refusal from a government agency employee explaining the reasons. With this document, with the support of a competent lawyer, you can go to court.

What plays a role besides the area of ​​the apartment?

The Housing Code, in addition to the requirements for housing space, establishes a number of criteria under which a citizen can be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. In particular, a family living in an apartment whose condition does not comply with housing legislation must be put on the waiting list for a subsidy. But in this case this is hardly applicable. We are talking about housing purchased with a mortgage. And if its condition does not meet the housing code standards, not a single bank will issue a loan for its purchase. But you can appeal to factors such as:

  • a young family living in an apartment with a chronically ill relative;
  • whether the family or one of its members has the status of a low-income citizen.

Regarding the first point, a relative suffering from a chronic disease does not have to be one of the owners of the apartment. He may simply be registered in it, but he must live in this area. The list of diseases that can be considered as a reason for housing registration is indicated in Decree No. 38 of the Government of the Russian Federation, issued on June 16, 2006.

It is more difficult to appeal to the status of a low-income citizen. As we remember, a prerequisite for participation in the “Young Family” program is that the spouses have a certain income. But you can provide evidence that after paying off the existing mortgage, there is very little money left at the spouses’ disposal. Perhaps this argument will work in your favor.

Important! To obtain the status of a citizen who needs improved housing conditions, you must have permanent registration in the region whose administration you are applying to. In addition, you need to live at the place of registration for some time (the specific period is set by the regional authorities).

Who can apply for housing out of turn?

The legislation of the Russian Federation determines the list of persons to whom state support in the acquisition of real estate should be provided in the first place. If one of the spouses (or their children) is on this list, most likely, the “Young Family” program will be available to them if they have a mortgage. The list of beneficiaries includes:

  • orphans (who have lost both parents);
  • persons suffering from an open form of tuberculosis;
  • civil servants as prosecutors;
  • judges, as well as a number of other employees of government organizations (a complete list can be obtained from the housing department of the local administration);
  • employees of the RF IC;
  • persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
  • military and police officers with the rank of colonel or general;
  • families of military personnel killed in action;
  • scientists with a degree;
  • large families;
  • families with children with disabilities.

In this case, it is worth collecting documents confirming the family situation and contacting the housing department of the administration or social security at your place of residence. It is possible that you will be denied participation in the “Young Family” state program, but an administration employee will be able to select another housing subsidy that fits your category of benefits. In any case, receiving such a subsidy will help reduce the overall loan burden on the family.

What to do in case of refusal

So, formally, having a mortgage is not a reason for refusing to participate in the Young Family program. It all depends on the characteristics of the property for which the loan was issued, as well as the personal status of the spouses.

If local authorities refuse to put you on the queue for a housing subsidy or exclude you from an existing queue, citing only the presence of a mortgage, we advise you to fight. Demand that the refusal be issued in writing, indicating the reasons, as well as indicating the details of the employee who made such a decision. Have the received paper certified by the local government reception office. And then go to legal advice for the help of a good lawyer and apply to the court.

Naturally, the proceedings will take some time. But the matter will most likely be decided in your favor.

When young families are created, they often do not have sufficient savings to buy a home.

At work, as a rule, young people are at the very beginning of the career ladder, and therefore have a low income corresponding to this rank. And if a child is born, then you no longer have to think about an apartment, but about how, with our galloping prices, we can more or less ensure a decent existence for ourselves and the child.

That's why many people stop at one child, because they are not able to have a large family. In order to level out the housing problem for this category of citizens and ensure their comfortable living, the Russian government, together with the Ministry of Construction, developed a special target subprogram “Affordable housing for young families” as part of the comprehensive “Housing” program, which has been in effect since 2006.

Participation in this program involves receiving a subsidy from the state for the purchase of housing, and, in some cases, financial assistance in fulfilling contractual obligations under a mortgage.

As part of this program, more than 360 thousand young families were able to solve their housing problem.

Campaign "Young Family"

The implementation of this program was expected to be completed in 2019. However, given its popularity among the population, as well as the effectiveness of the results obtained, the government of the Russian Federation decided to extend the subprogram aimed at creating comfortable living for young social units.

On August 25, 2015, it was signed by D. Medvedev. He approved the third edition of the Federal Target Program “Housing” for 2019-2020 with the subprogram “Providing housing for young families.”

(click to enlarge)

Extension of the deadline for the implementation of assistance for young people who have started families will provide an opportunity for another 235 thousand families to receive a subsidy for the purchase or construction of their own housing.

In addition, the new resolution provides for close cooperation between federal and regional authorities in providing assistance to Russian citizens, as well as the development of the banking sector of financial products such as mortgage lending.

Mortgage conditions for a young family

Depending on the estimated cost of the housing purchased under the terms of the mortgage program for a young family, state assistance is provided in the form of a subsidy in the amount of 30% of the total costs of purchasing an apartment.

The money allocated by the state can go:

  • to pay part of the cost of the apartment under the purchase and sale agreement;
  • to pay the down payment under a mortgage agreement;
  • to contribute part of the debt to repay the loan.

But this applies only to that part of the purchased housing that corresponds to social norms.

The norms are set for a married couple in the amount of 42 square meters. m., and if there are three or more members in the family, then 18 square meters are added. meters for the third and subsequent family members.

The concept of social housing standards was introduced by RF Law No. 4218-1. Due to the subsequent adoption of the Housing Code, it lost force, but the concept of social housing standards remains and is used when calculating subsidies and social support measures for certain categories of citizens.

Regulations for residents of different regions of the country may differ, so be sure to obtain the necessary advice from the municipality in your region of residence.

So, for example, for Moscow residents the norm for each family member is set to 10 square meters. m, and for residents of Northern Palmyra - only 9 sq. m. m.

Not every young family can receive a state subsidy, but only those that meet the requirements specified in the Decree:

  1. Young spouses must be citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. The age of one of the spouses must not exceed 35 years. If at the time of waiting in line one of the spouses turns 35 years old, the family automatically stops participating in the program.
  3. Have a total family income that allows you to pay for a preferential loan for young families to purchase housing in excess of the allocated subsidy.
  4. Be in line to improve your living conditions, which means:
    • a) live in a living space that is less than the social norm;
    • b) the living space for each family member does not correspond to regional standards;
    • c) live in a communal apartment in which there is a mentally ill person.

If a young family meets the above criteria, then it has the right to submit a package of documents to the municipality to participate in the subprogram for providing housing to young families from the beginning of 2019 until July 31 of the current year. Municipalities form lists of those wishing to improve their living conditions and submit them for consideration to the Ministry of Finance.

Within a month, the family receives a certificate for participation in the subprogram, but can only receive a subsidy the next year after registration.

Based on the number of applicants and the required amount of subsidy to satisfy everyone, the data is transferred to the Ministry of Finance. After that, the accumulated need for subsidies from all regions is included in the budget expenditures of the future period.

The generated lists are sent to Rosstroy, on the basis of which the department plans the nationwide development of apartment buildings.

Young families will purchase housing in these houses. After receiving a certificate for participation in the program, you need to find out which financial organizations are accredited to it. Then, in this bank, within the framework of subclause 11, clause 9 of December 21, 2013, a special current account is opened, into which state aid funds will be accumulated.

After purchasing an apartment or obtaining a mortgage, funds will be debited from this bank account to pay for the transaction or service.

No down payment

Many people ask, is it possible to get a preferential mortgage loan without making a down payment? Having monitored the conditions of most banks that offer such a product, we may be disappointed with the answer - banks do not risk issuing mortgages without a down payment.

But if a young family takes part in the “Providing Housing for Young Families” subprogram, then the subsidy received within the framework of this promotion can be transferred towards the down payment.


What is a subsidy? In this case, this is not some specific amount of assistance allocated by the budget, such as, for example, for military personnel to participate in the savings-mortgage system. Here it is differentiated and for young families it amounts to 30% of the total amount of the purchased house or apartment.

As part of the participation of regional executive authorities connected to this subprogram, a young family can increase the subsidy amount by 5-10% depending on the region of residence.

Under the terms of the current resolution, it is prohibited to purchase apartments on the secondary market, since this category of housing will not be subsidized by the state. The average subsidy amount allocated by the state for this category is shown in the table.

Table. Amounts of subsidies for different categories of needy citizens.

Program participants should pay attention to the fact that the subsidy is not issued in person, as under the terms of any targeted loan. If the commission makes a positive decision, the amount allocated by the state is transferred as a non-cash payment to the account of the program participant.

Below is a table from which you can trace the dynamics of funds allocated by budgets of all levels for these purposes. In 2019, the amount of the subsidy increased by 43.8% compared to 2011 and amounted to 22.8 billion rubles. The actual amount of assistance was 30%.

The young family must repay the rest of the amount themselves from their own income or by taking out a mortgage loan from a bank.

Table. The amount of funds allocated to compensate for the amount spent on purchasing housing for young families.

Sberbank conditions in 2019 for a young family

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table, which shows the conditions for preferential mortgage borrowing for young people participating in the state program.

Table. Bank conditions for young families who have taken out a mortgage loan.

How the lending conditions will change qualitatively depending on the size of the down payment made for the purchased housing can be seen in the following table.

Table. Dependence of loan conditions on the down payment.

Required documents

In order to obtain a certificate as a participant in a youth housing program with government subsidies, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  1. Application, handwritten by one of the adult family members, about registration.
  2. An extract from the bank where the current account was opened.
  3. Certificate of actual place of residence from the house register.
  4. A certificate stating that you are registered as in need of improved living conditions.
  5. Certificate from the Housing Office confirming that there is no debt in payment of utility bills.
  6. A copy of the social rental agreement (if such a fact exists).
  7. A copy of documents confirming the ownership of housing as an owner (if such a fact exists).
  8. Identity documents of all family members.
  9. Marriage certificate (copy).
  10. Extracts from work records of adult family members.
  11. Certificates of their income in form 2-NDFL.
  12. Divorce certificate, as well as a handwritten statement stating that the applicant is not married (if such a fact exists).

The prepared documents must be delivered to the Housing Policy Department of the region of residence and registration. It is worth taking into account that the list proposed here can be expanded depending on the requirements of each region separately.

We recommend that you first seek advice from your local municipality so that you do not have to resubmit your documents later. After your documents are accepted, after 15 days you will receive a notification about the municipality’s decision to participate (or refuse, indicating the reason) in the program.

It is important to know that the issued program participant certificate has its own “expiration date”. The legitimacy of such a certificate has a period of 9 months from the date of its receipt.

It is used only for purchasing housing. It cannot be used for other purposes, for example, to pay the rent of rented square meters. A family can receive a certificate for receiving state assistance for the purchase of housing only once.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Many people dream of participating in a youth campaign to provide government assistance for purchasing a home. What advantages or disadvantages does participation in this program offer for young families? Let's look at each of them.


  • for the purchased apartment, the family pays 30% less than its appraised value;
  • the percentage of accredited banks for special mortgages is lower compared to similar offers from other banks that do not participate in this program;
  • the opportunity to purchase an apartment within 2 years and live in it, i.e. is in comfortable living conditions, gradually paying off the debt.


  • the need to take out a mortgage loan, and, hence, the risk of failure to fulfill contractual obligations to service the loan, possible fines and penalties;
  • even if all the bank’s conditions are approximately fulfilled, more than half of the subsidy issued by the state is consumed by mortgage payments;
  • Mortgage housing cannot become your full property until you pay off all debts to the bank. Of course, you can live in an apartment and register in it, but, for example, you cannot rent it out or otherwise dispose of the housing as an owner;
  • If you fail to pay the debt to the bank, the court has the right to deprive you of the purchased housing.

Thus, a mortgage for a young family with a child has a number of advantages, the importance of which cannot be underestimated. Poor living conditions for young families largely influence their decision to have children.

This situation negatively affects the demographic situation in the country. Comfortable living conditions for a young family largely determine the longevity of the marriage.

The implementation of state assistance in arranging their nest for newly created married couples is intended to strengthen their relationships. After all, it is no secret that the catastrophically huge number of families that broke up during the first 3-5 years largely has its own reason - an unsettled life.

Video: Money for housing for a young family.

Mortgages for young families fall into the category of social mortgage loans. But not every family can qualify for a loan: to do this, you need to meet certain conditions and requirements. A young family can take out a mortgage by contacting either the state or a bank. Let's take a closer look at their proposals.

Where to get a mortgage

There are 2 types of mortgages that a young family can get:

  • banking social programs for young families (for example, a loan from Sberbank “Mortgage for young families”).

Federal target program "Housing"

Requirements for entry into the federal program for young families:

  • each family member must be under 35 years of age;
  • you need to get in line to improve your living conditions.

Conditions for state subsidization of mortgages for young families:

  • Depending on the region, the amount of subsidies may vary. For example, in Moscow, a family without children is given 42 m2 of housing, if there are children - 18 m2 per person;
  • Also, if there are no children, the state pays up to 35% of the cost of the apartment. If there are children, an additional 5% is paid for each.

The amount of the apartment that the state did not cover must be borrowed from a bank that provides social mortgage lending services to young families. Minus the amount from government support, you get a good preferential mortgage.

To join the federal target program “Housing”, you need:

  • obtain the status of a family in need of improved housing conditions;
  • join the “Young Family” program;
  • receive a certificate confirming your right to subsidize;
  • contact the branch of OJSC "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (AHML), created by the Government of the Russian Federation to implement the state program to improve the living conditions of needy young families.

Loan from Sberbank “Mortgage for young families”

Conditions for providing a mortgage loan for young families from Sberbank:

  • at least one of the spouses must be under 35 years of age;
  • interest rate 11.5–13.25%;
  • loan term up to 30 years;
  • down payment - 10% if the family has children; 15% if there are no children;
  • In the event of the birth of a child during the lending period, a deferment is provided: for the period of housing construction - 2 years, for the birth of a child - 3 years.

What's the best way to get a mortgage for a young family?

In order for newlyweds to be able to profitably take out a mortgage loan, first of all, they need to try to get under the federal program of subsidizing mortgages for young families. This way you will save a significant amount of money and be able to pay off the loan faster.

The family can use the funds received to purchase housing on the secondary real estate market, during the construction phase, as well as to build their own housing.

Regardless of whether you received government support or not, you need to contact the bank to apply for the remaining or full (if without government support) mortgage loan. First of all, contact banks that have social credit programs for young families.

But be careful: some banks create social loans just to attract attention, but in fact, the conditions for preferential lending to a young family and a simple mortgage may be practically the same.

Be prepared to be denied a mortgage loan, since banks are reluctant to give a loan if the spouse is not yet of military age or the spouse is on maternity leave.


List of documents that must be submitted to the bank to make a decision on issuing a social mortgage to a young family:

  • application in two copies;
  • passports of spouses and birth certificates of children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • proof of income (or availability of about 40% of the loan amount for the down payment). Additionally, a copy of the work record may be requested;
  • extract from the house register;
  • certificate for the right to improve living conditions.

These are the main documents. Depending on the bank's policy, it may request additional documents.

You can get a mortgage loan on preferential terms, becoming a participant in the state program of assistance to socially vulnerable categories of citizens. A mortgage under the “Young Family” program is an opportunity to receive a significant government (support) subsidy when purchasing a home.

In addition, you can use on general terms existing mortgage programs of banks for young families, which are available in many credit institutions. They certainly differ from each other, and also differ from the state subsidy program for participants in the Young Family program.

A mortgage for a young family in Russia in 2017 is practically the only opportunity to become the owner of their own home. It is very difficult to save up to buy an apartment or build a house yourself. The reasons for this are: high inflation, high cost of living (including housing), and the difficulty of finding a permanent job with high wages for a young specialist.

Mortgage programs for young families in 2017

Now, in most cases, in order to get affordable housing for a young family, it is necessary to take out a mortgage. If the spouses decide to do this, then the bank should be chosen especially carefully.

The main difference between the so-called bank assistance to young families and the federal program is that state aid - free of charge.

  1. State provides a free subsidy for the purchase of housing if citizens are recognized in the appropriate manner as in need of improved housing conditions.
  2. Banks, in turn, do not “give” anything to their clients, but can offer one of the following profitable options for their mortgage programs:
    • reduced interest rate;
    • no down payment or minimal down payment;
    • the possibility of deferring payment without imposing penalties;
    • preferential lending.

To join the mortgage program, a young family needs to do the following:

Few will doubt that taking out a mortgage for a young family is the same as signing an obligation to voluntarily work all your life for the benefit of the bank. Nevertheless, the majority of Russian young families decide to take this risky step.

How to get an apartment with a mortgage

Offers its own conditions for the “Young Family” mortgage program. However, several universal ones can be distinguished.

General terms for this the following:

  • age limit;
  • the need to pay a down payment (it is usually calculated as a percentage of the cost of housing and ranges from 10%);
  • Having a stable income and a permanent place of work.

Among additional conditions receiving government subsidies, the following should be highlighted:

  • age of spouses (up to 35 years);
  • the need for an official recognition of a family in need of improved housing conditions;
  • compliance with the condition that citizens must be registered in a certain region for at least 10 years.

How to get a bank loan for an apartment

Among the general documents usually required by bank employees to apply for a mortgage are the following:

  1. Original and copy of passport.
  2. Original and copy of the certificate of registration at the place of residence.
  3. Copies of documents on marital status.
  4. Education documents.
  5. A copy of the work record, certified by the employer.
  6. A copy of the employment contract (with additional agreements certified by the employer).
  7. Original certificates in form 2-NDFL.
  8. A completed request to the employer to confirm information about the income received.
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