Why do women dream about hedgehogs a lot? Did you see a hedgehog in a dream? Full description and interpretation of dreams about hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are forest animals that evoke affection in people. They get along well not only in the wild, but can also consider a human home as their home. If everything is clear with the usual life emotions that arise when meeting a hedgehog, then why do you dream about a hedgehog? Dream books will tell you about this.

Hedgehogs are forest animals that evoke affection in people

There are many dream books that interpret dreams about hedgehogs.

  1. According to Freud's dream book a dreamed hedgehog is a symbol of the dreamer’s true nature: in real life, a person perceives any attention to his personality in a hostile manner and immediately prepares for his own defense.
  2. Dream Interpretation Maya defines a dream of a hurrying hedgehog as the future complete security that will be ensured to the dreamer. If a person sees in a dream a hedgehog that has curled up into a ball, soon some danger will arise in the dreamer’s life path.
  3. Based noble dream book, dreaming of a hedgehog means a quarrel with a loved one, or a great loss. Also in the interpretation of such dreams there is a possibility of receiving some kind of physical injury or an incorrectly chosen path in life. The feeling of hedgehog prickly needles in a dream means a serious conflict in reality, excessive self-confidence. If a person dreams of a hedgehog that he holds in his palms, in reality he needs to be prepared for a conspiracy being prepared against him.

According to Freud's dream book, a dreamed hedgehog is a symbol of the dreamer's true nature

Dream InterpretationHasse claims that hedgehogs seen in a dream warn the dreamer of increasing envy of his person. The more hedgehogs you dream about, the more the person will envy the dreamer.

Hedgehog in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets dreams in which hedgehogs are present as follows:

  • a hedgehog is a favorable symbol that promises stunning success, which will be achieved through dangerous contacts or contrary to social norms;
  • if the dreamer took an animal in his palm in a dream, in reality he will have an unpleasant conversation or an active family showdown;
  • a dream in which a hedgehog is in the dreamer’s hands, but the person does not feel the needles, suggests that the sleeper is mistaken about his new comrade;
  • if the dreamer senses hedgehog needles well, it means that a lying person will soon appear in his inner circle;
  • if you dream of a hedgehog curled up into a ball, in real life a person will try in every possible way to get away from the problems that have arisen, but in the future they will still require a solution.

Hedgehog in the dream book (video)

Why does a married woman or girl dream of a hedgehog?

If a married lady has a hedgehog dream, she needs to be vigilant.

  1. If a woman dreams of a large number of hedgehogs, most likely she will soon get sick, and the dream book states that the illness will be gynecological in nature.
  2. If a married woman dreams of hand-feeding a hedgehog, soon there will be discord in her family.
  3. For a married lady, a dream in which she takes a tiny hedgehog in her arms is a warning: you should not trust strangers, as they are capable of committing a vile act.

If a young girl recently got married and dreams that she is holding a hedgehog in her hands without feeling the sting of its needles, she will soon realize that she has the wrong opinion about her chosen one.

Seeing a living or dead hedgehog in a dream: what does it mean?

It is worth considering that when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of the animal. Most often, people dream of active living animals.

  1. A dream in which a living hedgehog leads her offspring promises the need to provide assistance to the dreamer’s children.
  2. For businessmen, a dream in which a large number of living hedgehogs are involved promises a quick check.
  3. According to the esoteric interpreter, a dream with living hedgehogs foreshadows acute insults inflicted by loved ones.

Most often, people dream about active living animals.

Why can dead animals dream? Typically, such dreams in which a dead hedgehog appears have the following interpretations:

  • the dreamer will soon experience powerful personal growth;
  • eliminating all enemies that prevent the sleeper from implementing his plans in reality;
  • targeted training, gaining practical knowledge.

Why do you dream of a small or large hedgehog?

How can you interpret a dream in which small hedgehogs are present?

  1. A dream about him with small hedgehogs foreshadows the danger of destruction of the dreamer's plans in reality, so he needs to be careful.
  2. The same plot promises imminent financial problems.
  3. Feeding the animal from your hands means the need to complete unfinished business.
  4. Dreaming of small hedgehogs can promise the imminent appearance of outbursts of anger that will affect either the dreamer himself or his lover. Such a dream may foreshadow the impending emergence of feelings of guilt or inferiority.

The dream of him with little hedgehogs foreshadows the danger of destruction of the dreamer’s plans in reality

If a large hedgehog was present in the dream, a dark streak will soon come in the dreamer’s life, and getting out of it will require a lot of effort.

Why do you dream of a hedgehog with needles or a bald one?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the needle-like cover of the animal:

  • to see in a dream an animal that has no needles on its body means that soon the dreamer will have to prove his own worth;
  • a dream in which a hedgehog carries mushrooms, fruits or berries pinned on its needles promises a worsening financial situation. Perhaps the dreamer will not have enough money even for food;
  • If a man has a dream in which he feels a hedgehog being pricked, the dreamer needs to pay attention to the relationships in the team, since it is in this group that a person will soon appear who will spread unpleasant rumors about the sleeper. Moreover, this gossip will become an obstacle to the development of relations with his beloved woman;
  • if someone else holds a prickly hedgehog in his hands in the dreamer’s dream, soon this person will lead the sleeper in real life;
  • A hedgehog with soft needles is dreamed of in order to warn the dreamer that a liar and deceiver has appeared in his environment.

Seeing in a dream an animal that has no needles on its body means that soon the dreamer will have to prove his own worth

Why do you dream of a hedgehog at home?

Hedgehogs often become pets, which is why in dreams they can live in the dreamer’s house.

  1. If the dreamer breeds hedgehogs at home, in reality he will be able to resist the pressure of other people without submitting to their opinion.
  2. Seeing in a dream how your own house is filled with hedgehogs is a sign of a difficult and unpleasant situation, the resolution of which will require a lot of effort.
  3. If in a dream this animal feasts on milk at the dreamer’s home, in real life the person will have to deal with unpleasant individuals.
  4. A dream in which a hedgehog was running around the house can promise a lot of problems for the dreamer due to the fact that he has become too self-confident.

If a dreamer sees a hedgehog sleeping peacefully curled up in a ball next to his home, located in a forest area, soon a person will appear in a person’s real life who greatly disappointed him in the distant past. If the animal runs peacefully, the dreamer will meet an influential person who will help him move up the career ladder.

Why do you dream about a hedgehog (video)

Most often, hedgehogs that come to a person in dreams are a warning about the troubles that fate has in store for them. However, such dreams in some cases also have a positive interpretation. In order to determine what a dream promises, you need to carefully remember the plot of the dream, the state of the animal, its activity, as well as the nature of its needles.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people wonder why a hedgehog dreams? Towards dangers, worries or joy and achievement of success... a complex question and depends largely on the surrounding circumstances. A dream is similar to real life and, accordingly, is surrounded by various objects, emotions and characters, which need to be remembered for a more accurate interpretation of the vision.

Note! Most dream books are inclined to believe that a hedgehog seen in a dream foreshadows a crafty person and a cunning enemy, but this is not certain.

Every person interested in dreams needs to choose one dream book, one interpreter, so as not to make mistakes in the future. Ideally, you should compile your own personal archive of visions, memorizing the plot and later comparing it with reality. Further in the article you will find a huge number of interpretations and explanations, choose the most suitable one for yourself and be happy.

Dreams about a hedgehog according to Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, a hedgehog in a dream is a fairly favorable symbol - it promises significant success achieved thanks to dangerous contacts in society, and perhaps despite them. If in a dream you pick up a hedgehog in your arms, expect a conversation with someone very unpleasant to you or a stormy showdown in the family.

  • Hold a hedgehog in your hands, but don’t feel its thorns - you judge your new friend incorrectly.
  • Do you feel the pricks of hedgehog needles?
  • Such a dream can be deciphered as the machinations and machinations of an insincere, insidious person from your social circle.
  • If in a dream a hedgehog curls up into a ball, in reality you are trying to get away from problems, but in any case they will require a solution.

Freud's Dream Book - I dreamed of a hedgehog

A dream involving a hedgehog indicates the true characteristics of your nature. It means that in reality you perceive any manifestation of attention to yourself with caution and hostility, immediately take a defensive position and “let out the thorns.” The source of such mistrust lies in your past - you once showed excessive frankness towards a person who took advantage of your kindness and gullibility in a vile way.

In intimate relationships, you are timid and shy, cannot fully open up, and do not accept any kind of experimentation.

Dream book Maya, Noble dream book - why do you dream of hedgehogs

In the Mayan dream book, the hedgehog that appeared to you in a dream has two polar meanings: if the animal is in a hurry somewhere, it means that in the near future you are guaranteed absolute safety. Your peace will not be disturbed by enemies, intruders, or illnesses. However, a hedgehog curled up in a ball portends imminent danger, the risk of being attacked.

  • According to the Noble Dream Book, a hedgehog symbolizes an upcoming quarrel, or even serious losses.
  • There is some likelihood of physical injury, and there may also be doubts about yourself and the correctness of your chosen path in life.
  • Such a dream may foretell the acquisition of new, previously unknown knowledge and skills, or anxiety and excitement for minor reasons.

Did you feel the prick of hedgehog needles in your dream? This means that in reality you will enter into a serious conflict. It can also symbolize your self-confidence and satisfaction with life. If in a dream you hold an animal in your arms, someone has evil plans against you.

What does it mean to dream of a hedgehog in Aesop’s dream book

This forest animal symbolizes thriftiness, a tendency to care about tomorrow, as well as a sharp mind, independence and energy, but at the same time caution, distrust, apprehension and the ability to withstand any enemy. A hedgehog, like a person who saw it in a dream, is not alien to such qualities as courage, endurance, and cunning in protecting one’s own interests.

A dream about a hedgehog may portend help and support from an influential and strong person if in a dream you found this animal in a thicket.

Do you breed these animals in your dreams?

  • Consequently, in reality you will not tolerate subordination to anyone, and in any case you will prefer absolute independence.
  • If a hedgehog painfully pricks you with needles in a dream, it means that the one you feel sympathy for does not want to maintain a personal relationship with you.
  • If you dreamed that a hedgehog got into a fight with a snake, in reality you will receive the participation of loved ones and their help, provided on time.
  • Do you dream that an animal eats a mouse with gusto? This means that in reality you are trying to eradicate your own shortcomings and weaknesses.

An original dream in which your body is covered with hedgehog thorns symbolizes the strength of your character - you will be able to protect yourself in any situation. A dream in which you felt acute pain after stepping on a hedgehog foreshadows changes in your lifestyle, a change in priorities - you simply need it.

Why else do you dream about hedgehogs?

The esoteric dream book interprets a dream about a hedgehog as acute grievances from loved ones. According to Miss Hasse’s dream book, the animal symbolizes envy towards you, and the more hedgehogs in the dream, the more people will experience it. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the appearance of this forest animal in your dream foreshadows troubles, and absolutely unforeseen ones.

There are also other interesting interpretations of dreams about hedgehogs:

  • There are a lot of hedgehogs, the house is literally full of them - to an unpleasant situation, which will be quite difficult for you to resolve.
  • Little hedgehogs, hedgehogs - in reality you will need the greatest caution, since your enemies are ready to do anything to prevent your plans from coming true. The dream may also portend financial problems.
  • Dead hedgehogs - you will soon need help, but you will win. However, you should moderate your own ambitions.
  • White hedgehogs - your dream has more to do with the spiritual aspect than the physical.
  • Feeding a hedgehog by hand means you have unfinished business that should be completed in the near future. Your stamina will be very useful in this.
  • A hedgehog without needles - you will have to prove to others that you are not at all helpless.
  • An animal lapping up milk - in reality you will not be able to avoid communicating with an unpleasant person.
  • A hedgehog with mushrooms, berries, and fruits pinned on needles - a “rainy day” is approaching, you need to take care of supplies.
  • An animal with soft spines - your environment is insincere with you, you are being used.
  • An attacking hedgehog - in trouble you will be left without help, none of your loved ones will be nearby at the right time.

Animal behavior in a dream

As you can see, a dream involving a hedgehog can have quite different meanings - depending on how these animals behaved in your dream and what position they were in. If this cute creature bristles, a quarrel awaits you; if you took the animal in your arms, it means that in reality you will try to resolve the conflict.

If the hedgehog behaves affably and friendlyly, the quarrel will soon settle down, and it stabs you painfully with its needles - the conflict can drag on for a long time. An animal eating prey - a snake or a mouse - symbolizes your victory over an enemy who poses a significant danger.

  • A hedgehog with offspring predicts that your children will need your help.
  • Do you feed an animal in a dream? A worthy victory awaits you, triumph over life's trials.
  • A peaceful hedgehog going about its business portends complete safety and protection, and the protection of others.
  • As we can see, this animal is more of a positive symbol in your dreams than a negative one, and often promises good luck and support in reality.



Why do you dream about a Hedgehog in a dream?

Hedgehog for a woman - you will meet an extraordinary person. It can also mean a quarrel with loved ones or serious damage to property.

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog - if you hold it in your hands, you will unravel someone’s evil intent. Entering a house and seeing a lot of hedgehogs there means getting into an unpleasant situation from which it will be extremely difficult to get out.

A hedgehog that eats a mouse is a symbol of your struggle with your weaknesses.


Why does a woman dream of a Hedgehog, what is this dream about?

To dream about a Hedgehog - The appearance of a hedgehog in a dream warns the dreamer against a cunning, insidious ill-wisher, this is how the Hedgehog dream book interprets it.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog, interpretation of the dream:

Hedgehog - News // danger, cunning enemy, dispute, trouble; picking it up is an unnecessary hassle.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog - interpretation of the dream:

Hedgehog - Symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain.


What does a hedgehog mean and why do you dream:

Hedgehog - Seen in a dream, foreshadows a crafty person and a cunning enemy.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog in an everyday sense?

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence and thriftiness. He is smart and efficient, with the help of his needles the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to repel any enemy. He is brave, resilient, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: “I was looking for a knife, but ran into a hedgehog.”

  • Hedgehog - A dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.
  • Hedgehog - Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you must be careful; your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent your plans from being realized.
  • Hedgehog - If in a dream you breed hedgehogs, this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.
  • Hedgehog - A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.
  • Hedgehog - Seeing a house in a dream with a lot of hedgehogs is a sign that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it. Seeing in a dream how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.
  • Hedgehog - If you saw a hedgehog without thorns in a dream, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as you seem.
  • Hedgehog - A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.

The beast eats the mouse

Dreaming of a Hedgehog - A hedgehog eating a mouse - symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings. If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain, this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something. Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you will need help.

If you dream of a Hedgehog - a dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns growing on your body - indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always fight back against an offender. They say about such people: “He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles.”

If you dream of a Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog with soft spines in a dream means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are taking advantage of you. Seeing a hedgehog attacking you in a dream is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will be no person next to you who would lend you a helping hand, this is how what you dream about in your dream is deciphered.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog according to the dream book?

Hedgehog - If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily. If a hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream foreshadows a vacation in the company of close relatives or an important conversation. If the hedgehog is hiding from you, you will need patience and special caution in business. Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday - you simply need hard work and patience in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that you would be foolish to refuse.

By the way, in Madagascar, soldiers were not allowed to eat hedgehogs, since it was believed that this animal’s habit of curling up in defense and hiding could be passed on to whoever eats the hedgehog.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog, dream analysis:

Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety.

  • In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual.
  • In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.


Hedgehog - seeing a hedgehog in a dream means a fight, troubles, difficulties, this is the interpretation of Hedgehog according to the dream book.


What does it mean when you dream of a Hedgehog?

Hedgehog - When you dream of a hedgehog, someone will have sharp, hedgehog conversations - arguments.


I dream about a Hedgehog, what does it symbolize?

Hedgehog - “Prickly like a hedgehog” or “bristles like a hedgehog” - an unfriendly, unpleasant person; “Even a hedgehog understands” - complete clarity.


Why do Hedgehogs appear in dreams?

Hedgehog - Trouble.

Hedgehog - To a conversation with a person who is sarcastic in nature.


Why do Hedgehogs appear in a dream?

Hedgehog - To trouble.


Hedgehog is dreaming, why?

Hedgehog - Constant envy.


Why do you dream about a hedgehog, interpretation:

Hedgehog - To injections from loved ones.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog? The dream book interprets it this way:

What is the Hedgehog up to - Constant envy; meeting with an old friend


Hedgehog - Trouble, slander, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.


Why do Hedgehogs appear in dreams at night?

Hedgehog, hedgehog - A hedgehog seen from the snow is a symbol of trouble, envy, and deceit. Holding it in your hands means meeting a cunning and insidious enemy.


Why do you dream about a hedgehog in the fall?

  • Hedgehog - Catching a hedgehog in a dream and pricking yourself on its needles means dealing with a dangerous person.
  • Hedgehog with hedgehogs - Seeing this family in a dream means barbs directed at you.


Why do you dream about a hedgehog in the summer?

  • Hedgehog - Seeing a snorting hedgehog in a dream means that someone is very angry with you.
  • Dreaming of a Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To a scandal with neighbors over children.
  • Hedgehog with hedgehogs - For pregnancy.


What does the Hedgehog dream about in a spiritual sense?

Hedgehog - You will safely overcome dangers and achieve success. Imagine that the hedgehog is drinking milk. It will be good if you can imagine that you are treating the hedgehog, for example, pouring milk into his saucer.


Why do you dream about a hedgehog in spring?

Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To a scandal with neighbors over children.


Why do you dream about a hedgehog in the fall?

Hedgehog with Seeing a prickly hedgehog in a dream means barbs directed at you


Interpretations in the most popular dream books

The hedgehog, as a symbol of inaccessibility, caution, security and the ability to cause unexpected pain, is interpreted differently in well-known dream books.

Miller's Dream Book indicates that:

  • 1. Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means dangerous connections and, at the same time, great success in later life.
  • 2. Holding a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means communicating with a bad person or family quarrels.

If you dream that you do not feel the sharpness of thorns, your opinion about a new acquaintance is superficial and false, and feeling pricks means the presence in your life of an insidious acquaintance who is purposefully causing you harm.

  • 3. A hedgehog curled up in a ball symbolizes your attempts in the future to escape from unexpected problems that are preferable to be solved.

There is a dream book in which a hedgehog is a harbinger of trouble (Tsvetkov’s dream book). And in Hasse’s dream book, hedgehogs dream of the envy that others feel towards you.

The esoteric dream book claims that this prickly animal dreams of “injections” that your loved ones will inflict on you. A modern dream book will help you find out in more detail why you dream about hedgehogs. If you dream:

  • A hedgehog without any accompanying circumstances or characteristics means serious success awaits you in any endeavor.
  • A killed hedgehog and troubles that appear in reality will not harm you.
  • A hedgehog heading in your direction promises a serious conversation or the opportunity to have a good time in a friendly atmosphere.
  • A hedgehog hiding from you foretells the emergence of a situation that requires maximum caution and patience.

What else does this dream mean?

A prickly hedgehog dreams of gossip with which you will be surrounded without damaging your image, and a milk-drinking hedgehog symbolizes the impossibility of avoiding contact with a person you find unpleasant.

A small hedgehog lying in the palm of your hand in a dream, which does not prick your hand, indicates that you are mistaken for the better in your assessment of a new acquaintance.

According to this dream book, it is also important what day of the week you had this dream. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that to successfully combat gossip you need to show patience and hard work. In addition, they may make you a very tempting offer.

The Mayan dream book notes that dreaming of a hedgehog can mean both positive and negative phenomena in your life. A running hedgehog symbolizes the absence of a threat, peace, health and well-being, while a curled up ball symbolizes a possible attack by bandits.

Grishina's noble dream book indicates that in a dream:

  • Seeing a hedgehog means serious damage or a quarrel, doubts about your partner’s fidelity, or minor injury.
  • Holding it in your hands means someone’s machinations.
  • Pricking yourself on its thorns means disagreements with others or an opportunity to be convinced of the correctness of your decisions and plans.

The Russian dream book interprets a dream about a hedgehog as an opportunity to meet an extraordinary person. And Shereminskaya’s dream book is like a nuisance or a meeting with an enemy.

It is also interesting to note why hedgehogs dream according to Freud’s dream book. Freud believed that the hedgehog is the personification of your essence: due to your suspicion and distrust, you meet any manifestation of attention with “thorns”, going into deep defense.

This reaction is caused by trust once violated. You tend to withdraw into yourself even in a sexual relationship with your loved one, so sex may not bring much pleasure.

Interpretation of sleep in Aesop's dream book

If you don’t know why you have unusual dreams about hedgehogs, you can find the answer in Aesop’s dream book. This dream book pays attention to the circumstances under which you saw a hedgehog in a dream:

  • An animal you meet in the forest promises the protection of an influential person.
  • The little hedgehog calls on you to be careful in reality, since ill-wishers will try to interfere with your plans.
  • Pricking yourself with animal needles means an unsuccessful attempt to make friends with a new acquaintance.
  • Feeding a hedgehog means being able to avoid trouble with the help of endurance and courage.
  • Separating them means a desire to gain independence in reality and get out of subordination.
  • A hedgehog without thorns indicates the need to prove in reality that you can stand up for yourself.
  • The fight between a hedgehog and a snake symbolizes the help that close people will provide you in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog with soft spines indicates the insincerity of the people around you.
  • You dream about hedgehogs and their mother when your children need help.

It happens that dreams about a hedgehog are very unpleasant and painful, but their meaning is quite positive.

So, you dream of dead hedgehogs when you need help, and a hedgehog eating mice means that in reality you are trying to cope with your shortcomings. A hedgehog killed by you means that you have fewer enemies.

  • The hedgehog thorns covering your body mean your ability to stand up for yourself. And even the severe pain that arose after you stepped on a hedgehog in a dream just means the need to change some life principles.
  • What is important to pay close attention to when analyzing sleep is the number of hedgehogs. A house filled with hedgehogs portends an extremely unpleasant story for you, from which it will be difficult for you to extricate yourself.
  • A hedgehog attack is considered a bad sign - in reality you will face a difficult and unpleasant situation in which you will not be able to count on anyone.


Features of the animal

Dreams carry hints and answers to exciting questions. A hedgehog in a dream is an ambiguous concept, which can relate to both the dreamer’s personality and his life and problems with interaction with others. To understand why a hedgehog is dreaming, you need to carefully recall your vision, analyze it and look at the interpretation in the dream book.

  • The needles of a small animal symbolize a person’s attitude to reality, as well as the influence of others on the dreamer himself.
  • According to Miller's dream book, a hedgehog in a dream is a sign of unfinished business that should be completed.
  • Unfinished ponytails will interfere with the implementation of your plans and the realization of your own ambitions.

Achieving success

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream is interpreted by Miller’s dream book as achieving incredible success through great difficulties and obstacles. In terms of business, it is possible to cooperate with unpleasant people, which in turn will bring many difficulties in achieving the assigned tasks.

Why do you dream about little hedgehogs? Baby hedgehogs in a dream are interpreted by the dream book in two meanings. Firstly, such a picture promises minor troubles at work or squabbles with relatives. Secondly, it personifies small outbursts of anger at oneself, one’s chosen one, or a feeling of one’s own guilt, a feeling of inferiority.

  • If a businessman dreams of many hedgehogs, it means, according to the dream book, that inspection authorities should appear, or several lawsuits.
  • For a woman, the meaning of dreaming of a lot of hedgehogs predicts illness; she should be examined by a gynecologist; minor problems with the genitourinary system are possible.
  • Why do you dream about dead hedgehogs? Such a dream is interpreted in the dream book in two interpretations. From the standpoint of self-development - the personal growth of a person as a result of targeted practices and training.
  • From the second position - the elimination of enemies and the disqualification of people who prevent one from realizing oneself in a career.

Interaction with the animal

To understand what a hedgehog means in a dream and why the animal is dreaming, you should pay attention to the interaction with the animal. Feeding a small animal by hand is an opportunity to make friends with your worst enemy. For a young girl, such a dream speaks of her naivety and ignorance in amorous affairs, whose gullibility an unscrupulous young man can take advantage of.

According to the dream book, holding a small hedgehog in your arms warns a young woman against communicating with an unfamiliar person who is capable of vile acts. For family people, such a picture foreshadows an unpleasant quarrel. For a girl to hold a hedgehog in her arms and not feel that it is pricking in a dream means that she has formed the wrong opinion about a new acquaintance.

A guy who feels like a hedgehog’s needles are pricking in a dream needs to be on guard. Perhaps a person has appeared in the team who is spreading untrue rumors about a man, which can lead to the loss of a beloved woman.

To see a hedgehog curled up in your palm in a dream means unpleasant news or squabbles with colleagues. If the animal simply sleeps calmly in this position and does not defend itself, then the dream book foretells the appearance in the near future of a person who in the past greatly disappointed the dreamer and undermined self-confidence.

If you dreamed of a hedgehog that someone was holding in their hands, it means that soon this someone will hold the dreamer with a tight grip.

Finding a hedgehog in the forest means meeting an influential person who will help bring some of a person’s plans to life and help him advance up the career ladder. For young girls, such a vision promises an acquaintance with a strong patron, but one should not have high hopes about the gratuitousness of his services.

A more detailed transcript of the vision


Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation:

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Hedgehog

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation Hedgehog
  • This forest dweller symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, and protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence and thriftiness. He is smart and efficient, with the help of his needles the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet.
  • The hedgehog is ready to repel any enemy. He is brave, resilient, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: “I was looking for a knife, but ran into a hedgehog.”
  • A dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.
  • Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you must be careful; your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent your plans from being realized.
  • If in a dream you breed hedgehogs, this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.
  • A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.
  • Seeing a house in which there are a lot of hedgehogs in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.
  • Seeing in a dream how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.
  • If you saw a hedgehog without thorns in a dream, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as you seem.
  • A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings.
  • If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain, this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something.
  • Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you will need help.
  • A dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns growing on your body indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always fight back against an offender. They say about such people: “He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles.”
  • Seeing a hedgehog with soft spines in a dream means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are taking advantage of you.
  • Seeing a hedgehog attacking you in a dream is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and there will be no person next to you who would lend you a helping hand.
Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
See a Hedgehog in a dream
  • trouble;
  • envy.
Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation Hedgehog

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Hedgehog

  • Seeing a hedgehog is a nuisance.
Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Hasse
Why do you dream about a Hedgehog?
  • Constant envy.


If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog means a fight, troubles, difficulties.

Ukrainian dream book

Hedgehog - When you dream of a hedgehog, someone will have sharp, hedgehog conversations - arguments.

Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - “Prickly like a hedgehog” or “bristles like a hedgehog” - an unfriendly, unpleasant person; “Even a hedgehog understands” - complete clarity.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Hedgehog - Trouble.

  • Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April
  • Why do you dream of a Hedgehog - To talk with a person who is sarcastic in nature.
  • Lunar dream book online
  • Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - To trouble.
  • Hasse's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of dreams
  • Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - Constant envy.
  • Esoteric dream book
  • Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - To injections from loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Dream Interpretation Hedgehog - Constant envy; meeting with an old friend

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What does Hedgehog dream about - Trouble, slander.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation Hedgehog, hedgehog - A hedgehog seen from the snow is a symbol of trouble, envy, and deceit. Holding it in your hands means meeting a cunning and insidious enemy.

  • Why do you dream about a Hedgehog - Catching a hedgehog in a dream and pricking yourself on its needles means dealing with a dangerous person.
  • Why do you dream about a Hedgehog - Seeing a snorting hedgehog in a dream means that someone is very angry with you.
  • Hedgehog with hedgehogs - To a scandal with neighbors over children.
  • Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December
  • Why do you dream of a Hedgehog with hedgehogs - Seeing this family in a dream means barbs directed at you.
  • Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream of a Hedgehog with hedgehogs - Pregnancy.


Hedgehog and the difficulties associated with it in reality

  • If you saw a curled up hedgehog in a dream, it means that in reality you will try to avoid the difficulties that have arisen. The dream suggests that the task that has been started must be completed.
  • If you are holding a hedgehog in your hands and it is injecting itself, then in your close circle there is a person who is making bad plans against you.
  • If you saw in a dream that you were holding a hedgehog in your hands and felt that it was not pricking, it means that you have the wrong view of your new friend.
  • Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that you will talk to a bad person. A family quarrel is likely.
  • If you dreamed that a hedgehog was snooping after you, then most likely in reality you are tired of the need to constantly talk with people and feel the need for solitude.

If you dream that a hedgehog has appeared in your house, then in real life you will have the opportunity to contact a very original person.

If you saw a hedgehog in a dream, it predicts that, despite dangerous acquaintances, enormous success in business awaits you.

A dream in which you saw a hedgehog catch a mouse suggests that some selfish person will try to use you for his own purposes.

If you tried to touch a hedgehog and injected yourself, they will falsely accuse you and slander you.

Killing a hedgehog in a dream means that you will get rid of an old enemy.

To dream of a hedgehog means your naivety. You trust people too much; if you continue to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, some envious person in your circle of close friends will do something mean to you and make you suffer greatly.



Why do you dream about a Hedgehog according to the dream book:

  • Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, this portends you a cunning enemy.
  • See also: why do you dream of needles, why do you dream of a porcupine, why do you dream of a forest.
  • The next interpretation of why you dream of a Hedgehog, further.


Why do Hedgehogs dream, how to understand the dream:

  • Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, then events will develop as follows: trouble, quarrel, accusation of bad acquaintances, but everything will end in your triumph.
  • If you dream that you picked up a hedgehog, then you will fall under the influence of a bad person, as a result of which your reputation will suffer and you will be condemned by your loved ones.
  • Holding a hedgehog in your hands in a dream and not feeling its thorns - you will be fascinated by your new acquaintance, but do not rush to loudly praise his virtues, your opinion about him is false.
  • If you dream that you prick yourself on a hedgehog, then among your friends there is an envious person who is waiting for an opportunity to trip you up, and until such an opportunity presents itself, he is engaged in petty dirty tricks.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog:

  • Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, then you will meet an old friend.
  • You will also have a conversation with a liar.
  • For what reason does the Hedgehog dream, read on.

V. MELNIKOV'S DREAM INterpretation

Why do you dream about a Hedgehog at night?

Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, this portends you a meeting with a deceitful and treacherous person.

If you dreamed of a hedgehog running away from you, this is a sign of an upcoming and inevitable quarrel and abuse. Picking up a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means you will get involved in a dubious matter, in case of failure of which you will have to answer before the law.

If you dreamed of a hedgehog drinking milk from a saucer and running around the house, this portends a meeting with an old friend.

If you saw in a dream a hedgehog curled up into a ball and bristling with thorns, this indicates that someone is constantly being torn by black envy about your successes.


Hedgehog - Dreamed of a hedgehog - this symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension.

Why do you constantly suspect the worst and expose thorns? Apparently, you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety.

Intimately, you are timid and insecure.


Why do you dream about Hedgehog? Interpretation of sleep:

Hedgehog - If you see a hedgehog in a dream, then such a dream warns you against future imprudent steps. The dream also calls for prudence and worldly wisdom, which you will need soon. If the hedgehog is sick, then such a dream means your inability to use the opportunity presented to you for your rise.

  • If a hedgehog loses its thorns in a dream, then this promises you serious illness and other evils that will lead you to failure and loss.
  • If you dream that you are picking up or pulling out needles from a hedgehog, this means that the dream was sent to you by evil forces, so very serious life complications may follow. If in a dream you kill a hedgehog, then this promises you rash actions.
  • The dream is also a warning against excessive gullibility when communicating with strangers. Eating hedgehog meat in a dream means that you will be careless in choosing the means to achieve your goals, and your enemies may take advantage of this to deal you another blow.
  • A dream in which some kind of predator is hunting a hedgehog means that you are in danger of some kind of trouble, followed by alienation in relations with your family and relatives.

Dreaming of a hedgehog symbolizes the nervous tension that you will experience in the near future. If in a dream a hedgehog crawls across your path, then in reality be careful with random acquaintances: you can be seriously deceived. If in a dream you feed a hedgehog, you, without knowing it, will attract the attention of scammers with your gullibility, kindness and openness.

Feeding in a dream

Feeding a hedgehog in a dream means seriously getting burned in reality by trusting people. Holding a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that in real life you will control the situation and will not allow yourself to become a victim of someone else’s machinations. To dream of a hedgehog with an apple on its back - your love for “free cheese” will make you a mouse caught in a mousetrap.

Seeing a hedgehog in your home means that soon you will have to receive unpleasant guests. Many hedgehogs in a dream are a sign of change for the worse; as a rule, this concerns professional activities. If in a dream a hedgehog crawls over you, then in reality be careful: they are watching you from the outside and evaluating your actions, forget about your bad habits for a while, show yourself in the best light. Seeing a whole hedgehog family in a dream means get ready for a series of minor problems in your life that will flow from one another.

To dream that hedgehog thorns appear on your body means that in real life you will hide your true face in front of a person who will be truly dear to you. If in a dream you want to pet a hedgehog, but it curls up into a ball, then in reality you will not be able to insist on your own and convince the people around you that you are right, as a result of which these people will greatly regret it later. If you were bitten by a hedgehog in a dream, you will suffer greatly from people you trusted as yourself. Your best friends will turn out to be selfish people who are ready to do anything to gain their own benefit.

Sitting on a hedgehog in a dream means that in reality you will be haunted by your complex, due to which you may even miss the chance to get a prestigious job. Catching a hedgehog in a dream means that you will soon be offered a new job and you will hesitate for a long time in your decision to accept or refuse the offer.


Hedgehog dreams, why?

A dream about a hedgehog is a sign of a quick acquaintance.

  • If the hedgehog curls up into a ball when he sees you, it means that pretty soon you will meet a person who you really like, but who turns out to be shy, and you will have to work hard to stir up the silent one.
  • If the hedgehog did not curl up into a ball, but sniffed you with interest, it means that your new acquaintance will be very sociable, and it will be very easy and pleasant for you to communicate with him.
  • If you caught a hedgehog in a dream and brought it home, it means that relatives from another city will soon come to you, and you will have to greet them very hospitably.

Find out why you dream of a Hedgehog in the interpretations of other dream books.


Seeing a Hedgehog in a dream:

Hedgehog - To see a hedgehog in a dream means that in reality you will meet a sarcastic person, a cunning enemy. Another dream about a hedgehog means that you are ready to fight the world around you, which is fraught with so many temptations and treachery. Holding a hedgehog in your hands means some kind of trickery, intrigue, someone’s envy.

But if the hedgehog’s thorns don’t hurt you, if the hedgehog doesn’t curl up into a ball, then perhaps you are about to meet a friend, and your negative opinion about someone is wrong.

A hedgehog with ripe apples pinned onto its needles promises good luck in financial as well as love affairs.

In order to understand why hedgehogs dream, you need to try to remember even the most insignificant, at first glance, details. The interpretation will be more accurate if no points are missed. Such animals can be harbingers of not only good, but also bad events in life. The dream book will help you unravel the meaning of the dream in which these cute animals found themselves.

The prickly little animal is a direct personification of contradictions. Why does a woman dream of hedgehogs is an interesting question. Many different dream books give designations to such dreams.

When you meet a hedgehog, you can notice how he looks with his eyes, and the person breaks into a smile of tenderness, completely forgetting that he is, although small, a nocturnal predator. The needles of a hedgehog in a dream symbolize the attitude towards harsh reality and influence of close environment:

  • Small hedgehogs indicate the presence of minor troubles at work or conflicts in the family, as well as anger towards oneself or an unreasonable feeling of guilt.
  • If a girl holds a hedgehog in her hands and does not feel its thorns, then in reality she does not pay attention to the fact that some close friends are impersonating the wrong person and are deceiving her.
  • In a dream, feeding a small hedgehog means that in reality there is a chance to smooth out the conflict with your old enemy.
  • The guy in the dream felt the pricks of the hedgehog's needles - he should be careful. There are people around him who will try to ruin his personal relationships.
  • If the hedgehog is curled up into a ball in your hands, bad news will come in the near future or there will be disagreements with colleagues. If he is sleeping, then a recent acquaintance will appear, whom it is better not to trust.
  • If the hedgehog is in the hands of another person, then in the future you will be under his control.

A girl can easily dream of a hedgehog who is married. Such a dream will mean that she completely lacks support and understanding from her man. At the same time, she doesn't trust other people and doesn't let them get closer. You should forget about the failures that happened in the past. This does not mean at all that the same thing can happen again; you need to let go of the situation.

If an animal runs away in a dream, you need to stop forbidding yourself to do something new and worry about anything. The dream suggests that the person is safe, under reliable protection.

When a pregnant girl dreams of a hedgehog, it means that you can expect vile acts from recent acquaintances. Perhaps this will cause a quarrel in the family.

An animal in a dream for a man, child or girl

If a hedgehog appears to a very young girl in a dream, it means that her affairs will be successful and beneficial. But you should be more careful, since a cute hedgehog in a dream can be a warning about a possible meeting with dangerous people.

The dream book interprets such a dream as an opportunity to encounter some problems and a desire to hide from the outside world. And if you stroke a hedgehog in a dream, it means that a new acquaintance will be pleasant, you need to try to be open and sincere.

Also, a hedgehog in a woman’s dream means that she clearly does not have enough faithful friends, and she is limited in male attention. It also serves as a hint that there are no relatives who you can trust in life, since needles, which represent a complex character, scare them away.

For a man to see a hedgehog in a dream is a wonderful sign. In ancient times, the hedgehog was considered a very wise animal because it threads prey on its needles. That is why a hedgehog in a man’s dreams symbolizes well-being and also promises success and good luck in all matters.

If in a dream a white hedgehog came to a child, then this is considered a sign of isolation, or, perhaps, a new stage in his development as a person. A hedgehog in a dream also serves as a reflection of a child’s behavior in a close environment. Parents should remind their son or daughter that the world around is very friendly, and there is no need to stick out your needles in front of everyone and defend yourself.

The child, as a rule, is highly susceptible to external phenomena, and his psycho-emotional state is quite unstable. Difficult relationships in the family or complete immersion in various thoughts, often being alone, can turn out to be a serious disturbance in the child’s psyche. Any dream can serve as the beginning of childhood neurosis, even the most harmless one.

And especially impressionable young children, after some dreams, even refuse to sleep. Of course, this is not a solution, and this situation needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Parents and a good psychologist in tandem will quickly come to a solution to this problem.

Many hedgehogs in a dream

If you dream of a large number of hedgehogs, for example, for a businessman such a dream is a serious reason to think about his employees. It would be worth checking all the reports and communicating with subordinates more often. And if a woman saw such a dream, this is an indicator of some health problems, in which case it is best to see a doctor. After all, as the practice of psychologists shows, many hedgehogs in a dream mean many problems in reality.

A lot of animals in a dream also means that in the near future troubles and problems will begin that cannot be solved quickly. The dream book foretells that in real life you can be deceived. It is better to beware of vile people, not to make large purchases, not to lend or make compromises in this difficult period of life.

Soft or hard needles

Softened spines on a hedgehog serve as a sign that those around you are not completely sincere and are not saying something. But in business, luck will be a faithful companion. When in a dream a hedgehog curled up in a ball shows soft needles, a person tries with all his might to somehow get out of it in order to avoid unwanted questions

Stroking a soft hedgehog is a new stage in a love relationship, and for lonely people this dream promises a meeting with their soulmate.

If the needles on the back are very noticeable, it means that there is a lot of gossip and fictitious intrigues around. And if the hedgehog is completely without thorns, you need to improve your abilities and defend your personal interests.

Small or adult individuals

The dream book did not ignore the interpretation of why small hedgehogs dream. If a small hedgehog comes in a dream, then such a dream is a warning. You should be careful and take a closer look at people; perhaps there are ill-wishers around you who will try to interfere with your plans. It is advisable to endure this period and not talk about your ideas.

A large hedgehog in a dream is a bad sign. Seeing such a large animal means trouble in life. No matter what, you must try to overcome all difficulties. Sooner or later they will stop and a white streak of life will begin.

And if a person saw a hedgehog with her cubs in a dream, in such cases the dream book promises the appearance of a patron in the near future. It will prove to be a reliable protection and support. If there was only one baby with the hedgehog, then there are probably unscrupulous and envious people around. The dream book speaks of problems with reputation in this regard; one should have been more careful.

Breeding hedgehogs in a dream means in reality you want to become independent. Gradually, fatigue from eternal command accumulates. The dream book warns to be careful if you saw a hedgehog giving birth in a dream, and then a whole family. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a strong conflict.

Actions of hedgehogs

A hedgehog running towards you is a symbol of relaxation. The company of good friends and loved ones will help you relax and prevent depression during difficult periods of life. Also, such a dream may have the meaning of an upcoming important and serious conversation.

If in a dream an animal felt frightened and began to run away or hide, then it should become especially attentive to all its affairs. You need to beware of gossip from envious people. They can do a lot of harm both at work and in your personal life.

A hedgehog swallows a mouse - a large-scale undertaking will turn out to be empty and unwinnable, and all the efforts that were directed towards it will become useless. However, if a squirrel attacks a hedgehog, you can say that you have to deal with the weaknesses of your character.

If the picture in a dream shows a hedgehog and a hissing long snake next to it, you need to pay attention to your health; perhaps it is under threat. Do not neglect seemingly minor problems with vision or tingling in the chest area. A specialist must conduct a thorough examination.

Dead animal in a dream

Undoubtedly, death, even if not of a person, but of an animal in a dream, makes you think about a lot. This one is not very nice the dream has several interpretations:

  • In terms of self-development - the growth of a person as an individual, thanks to determination, practice and constant learning.
  • Interaction with people - stopping any actions from ill-wishers and rivals that interfere with your career.
  • If a hedgehog is killed, it means a favorable resolution to a serious problem.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Often, in an unconscious state, a person is able to see or hear something unusual - some kind of warning or sign about something. In order to be able to understand and interpret what you saw, you need to make a thorough analysis of all the details of the dream. Famous dream books come to the rescue with this question.

Miller's Interpreter

According to this dream book, hedgehogs in a dream mean small insignificant troubles in life. Holding a hedgehog and feeling a prick - perhaps your friends are hiding something and not saying anything. If, on the contrary, the hedgehog does not inject himself at all, then there was an unfounded condemnation of someone from his close circle, and a bad opinion about this person is not entirely justified, you need to understand this situation and put everything in its place. A hedgehog curled up into a ball symbolizes the beginning of rather dangerous actions, with the help of which material as well as emotional enrichment will come.

Vanga's Dream Book

The famous fortune teller considered the hedgehog to be a very neutral animal. His positive qualities were the ability to make and store supplies, as well as the desire to work. Thorny needles are a way to protect themselves from attacking individuals. Despite all the good qualities, we must remember that he is a predator and hunts other animals. Thus, the dream in which the hedgehog finds himself has not only a positive, but also negative interpretation:

  • Stepping on a hedgehog means an unexpectedly important conversation will take place in the family circle.
  • Feeding him in a dream means finding out about envious people in the near future.
  • Hedgehogs with hedgehogs - you can rejoice, a new addition to the family is planned. Such a dream brings with it the news of a planned and desired pregnancy.

According to Sigmund Freud

A world-famous psychotherapist named Sigmund Freud gives the following interpretation to dreams with the presence of animals - self-awareness, the opportunity to understand who you are in real life. In his opinion, animals of any kind in a dream are capable of revealing the real animal essence in people. Freud gave a rather neutral interpretation: if in a dream you simply saw a running hedgehog, then it would be useful to reconsider your life needs.

The psychotherapist regards a dead animal in a dream as the past, which he strongly advises to let go of. To make this easier, you need to think about changing your job or place of residence.

Dream interpretation of modern times

This dream book offers the following interpretation of a dream about hedgehogs: the animals sincerely want to warn the dreamer that in his environment it is quite possible that a new acquaintance will appear who has a bad character. Finding a hedgehog in a huge forest, then the dream book foretells the appearance of a wealthy, popular person in life, meeting whom will bring only positive emotions.

A hedgehog almost always turns into a ball if its life is in danger. Dreams with the presence of these animals serve as an indicator that such a method of defense also occurs in the dreamer’s nature.

Dreams about hedgehogs are important. This cute and curious forest inhabitant is a prickly and rather formidable predator. To correctly interpret why you dreamed about this animal, you should remember what the hedgehog did, what color and size it was, as well as other details of the dream.

Interpretations from famous dream books

The hedgehog has long been a symbol of prudence, care and wisdom. Dream books interpret dreams about these animals differently:

  1. According to Miller's dream book, a person who sees a hedgehog will experience success.
  2. Holding this animal in your hands means trouble.
  3. The clairvoyant Vanga warns that feeding an animal in a dream means unexpected troubles and worries.
  4. According to Hasse's dream book, a person who has dreamed of a hedgehog may face the envy of others.
  5. Gypsy interpreters believe that the dream foreshadows the appearance of crafty and cunning people in life.
  6. The ancient Mayans believed that a running hedgehog was a symbol of positive things in life, such as health, well-being, tranquility and good luck.
  7. Freud is convinced that a hedgehog in a dream can tell about the dreamer’s character traits. So, a person who dreams of a prickly animal most likely takes any criticism addressed to him with hostility in reality. The origins of such a reaction lie in the past, when someone basely took advantage of the dreamer’s excessive openness and goodwill.

There is a legend that the hedgehog has such wisdom that even God, when creating the Earth, listened to his opinion and advice. Although the origin of this animal is rather dubious: the devil combed his skin and threw the fallen fur down. These hairs then turned into hedgehogs.

According to Miller, a hedgehog in a dream predicts success

Who dreamed of a forest dweller: a woman, a man

A very common interpretation of a dream is that a girl sees herself trying to catch a hedgehog (or other small animal). This may be a harbinger of pregnancy.

Other interpretations of why a woman dreams of a hedgehog:

  • if a woman dreams that she is treating an animal with something tasty, and at the same time the energy is joyful and calm, then most likely she is very dependent on someone;
  • to see a hedgehog with soft needles in a dream means success in any undertaking;
  • a married lady who met a prickly animal in a dream should think about her excessive rigidity, because in fact she needs the care and protection of a stronger person.

A hedgehog with soft needles portends a woman’s success in any business

If a man dreams of a hedgehog, then in the near future things will go well for him. Warnings for a male dreamer include the following dreams:

  • a dream in which an animal sits in your arms, but does not prick, means that in real life you need to be more careful, since you may soon meet a person who is not who he claims to be;
  • a guy who feels the pricks of a hedgehog's needles should beware: evil tongues can lead to a breakup with his beloved girl;
  • a man who dreamed of a hedgehog lapping up milk from his plate will soon meet an unpleasant person.

Animal size: small hedgehog or large hedgehog

A small hedgehog in a dream can warn of evil, envious people who will put a spoke in your wheels and want to interfere with your plans by any means. In this case, it is important for the dreamer to think through his every step so as not to fall for the tricks of such “well-wishers.”

If a woman dreams of a small, prickly animal, she should worry about her health and visit a gynecologist just in case.

Remember whether the hedgehog from your dream was big or small

Dream books claim that big hedgehogs in a dream foreshadow major troubles. You should prepare for the onset of a dark streak in life. Such visions can also mean the appearance of an evil and extremely dishonest person in the dreamer’s environment.

What does the color of a hedgehog mean: white, black, colored

  1. A person who dreamed of a white hedgehog needs to take a closer look at loved ones. Perhaps there is an acquaintance around you who skillfully manipulates you, pretending to be a good friend.
  2. A bristling black animal means indecision and internal fears, which must certainly be gotten rid of.
  3. For someone who has seen a colored animal, such a plot means that he has moved too far from reality. The dreamer needs to take off his rose-colored glasses and look at the world soberly, since soon someone who can easily deceive him may appear.

It is important to consider what color the animal was in your dream

How many animals did you dream about: one or many

  1. A dream in which there are a lot of thorny animals is considered an unkind sign. Anyone who has seen so many animals may soon find themselves in an unpleasant situation, and it will be quite difficult to get out of it. If a businessman dreams of something like this, he should prepare for an unscheduled inspection by authorized bodies.
  2. A dream about a hedgehog with one hedgehog warns that a person is surrounded by envious people who are ready to slander him at any opportunity.
  3. A vision of an animal with a whole litter that the dreamer met in the forest means the appearance of a serious patron soon.
  4. Observing the birth of small hedgehogs suggests that you need to take a closer look at your immediate environment, as there are too many ill-wishers.

An abundance of hedgehogs in a dream does not bode well

What the animal did: bit a person, lapped milk, bristled

  1. When a hedgehog bites a person in a dream, it always foreshadows the onset of a dark streak. You shouldn’t count on anyone’s help, because no one close to you will be there at the right time.
  2. If a good-natured animal suddenly bristles and begins to show aggression, you need to expect a major quarrel. Catch and take the hedgehog in your arms to calm it down - try to resolve the conflict yourself.
  3. A dream in which a forest dweller behaves friendly means that reconciliation will soon come after a skirmish.
  4. Hedgehogs are predatory animals, so you shouldn’t be surprised if in a dream he starts eating a mouse, snake or other prey. Such visions occur on the eve of victory over the offender.
  5. You dream of a hedgehog lapping up milk if in life you cannot avoid contact with a very unpleasant person.
  6. The person whose path he crossed should take measures to stay in his position, because it is quite possible that someone will also try to “cross” the road at work.

The dreamer's actions: hand-feed the hedgehog, stroke it, kill it

  1. A person who dreamed of feeding a hedgehog from his hands needs to hurry to finish the work he started.
  2. When someone dreams of petting a prickly animal, this may be a sign that the person is too reserved, which is why others do not trust him. If at the same time the dreamer feels the hedgehog’s needles pricking, his new acquaintance is being cunning and deceiving. The needles turned out to be soft - you need to change your opinion about your newly made comrade.
  3. A person will experience a change in life priorities if he steps on a thorny animal in a dream.
  4. The one who sees how he releases the animal into the wild can be called a self-sufficient and independent person.
  5. An unpleasant dream in which the dreamer kills a hedgehog in reality means victory over his main enemy.

Feeding a hedgehog in a dream indicates your slowness

Meeting place with the animal: street or house

  1. A hedgehog at home is dreamed of by someone who puts his opinion above everyone else. Such a person wants independence, and he does not care about the opinions of loved ones. That is why the dreamer can expect frequent quarrels and discord both in the family and at work.
  2. If a meeting with a hedgehog took place in the fresh air, then in reality the person will soon make acquaintance with a very influential person who will help in moving up the career ladder. If a girl sees such a dream, then this most likely means that she will soon have a wealthy admirer. True, she needs to beware - lest she have to pay for it later.

What else can hedgehogs be like in a dream: without needles, dead, pregnant?

A dream in which a sea urchin appears carries a special meaning for a person. It seems to suggest that the friend whom the dreamer considers a traitor actually remains a very sincere and fair person.

Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream means victory over the disease. You will literally drive the disease out of your body, and you will succeed.

A sea urchin in a dream symbolizes a faithful friend whom you have unfairly offended

Pleasant news awaits anyone who sees a pregnant hedgehog. Such a vision portends an improvement in financial situation.

An animal deprived of needles in a dream symbolizes that in real life a person looks insignificant in the eyes of others, so you will have to make a lot of effort to prove to everyone your skills and abilities.

Hedgehogs are considered cute and good-natured forest dwellers. But dreams about them do not always mean something pleasant and positive. To correctly interpret a dream with this animal, you need to pay attention to all the nuances of the dream. Only then can we understand what clues these prickly animals give us.

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Seeing a hedgehog in a dream

according to the dream book of animals
In Christianity it means elodea, who does evil. The hedgehog steals grapes just as the devil steals people's souls. Among the Sumerians it is the emblem of Ishtar as the Mother Goddess.

Russian dream book

Meeting an unusual person
Noble dream book of Grishina


Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means quarrel / serious damage

Or even minor injury/doubt of fidelity

Plans or teachings that you adhere to, a meeting with someone else’s wisdom that is unfamiliar to you, great anxiety for small reasons.

Holding a hedgehog in your hands is someone’s trick.

To prick yourself with a hedgehog - to quarrel with someone / to make sure that your path and your plans are correct.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya


A hedgehog is a nuisance, a meeting with an unexpected enemy. Be careful.

Interpretation of a dream according to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov


Intimate dream book

If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.

Medium Miss Hass

Constant envy

Modern dream book

To dream of a hedgehog means your naivety. You trust people too much; if you continue to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, some envious person in your circle of close friends will act meanly on you and make you suffer greatly. Killing a hedgehog in a dream means that you will get rid of an old enemy. If you tried to touch a hedgehog and injected yourself, they will falsely accuse you and slander you. A dream in which you saw a hedgehog catch a mouse suggests that some selfish person will try to use you for his own purposes.

Esoteric dream book

To injections from loved ones.


Why does a woman dream of a Hedgehog, what is this dream about? To dream about a Hedgehog - The appearance of a hedgehog in a dream warns the dreamer against a cunning, insidious ill-wisher, this is how the Hedgehog dream book interprets it.


Why do you dream about the Hedgehog, interpretation of the dream: Hedgehog - News // danger, cunning enemy, dispute, trouble; picking it up is an unnecessary hassle.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog - interpretation of the dream: Hedgehog - Symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain.


What does a hedgehog mean and why do you dream: A hedgehog - seen in a dream, portends a crafty person and a cunning enemy.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog in an everyday sense? Seeing a hedgehog in a dream - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence and thriftiness. He is smart and efficient, with the help of his needles the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to repel any enemy. He is brave, resilient, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: “I was looking for a knife, but ran into a hedgehog.”

  • Hedgehog - A dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.
  • Hedgehog - Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream - if you dreamed about this, then this is a sign that you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of your plans.
  • Hedgehog - Why did you have a dream in which you breed hedgehogs - this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.
  • Hedgehog - A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.
  • Hedgehog - To see in a dream a house in which there are a lot of hedgehogs - if you dreamed about this, then this is a sign that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it. Seeing in a dream how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.
  • Hedgehog - If you saw a hedgehog without thorns in a dream, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as you seem.
  • Hedgehog - A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.
  • Dreaming of a Hedgehog - A hedgehog eating a mouse - symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings. Why did you have a dream in which you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain - this means that in reality you need to reconsider your views on life and try to change something. Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you will need help.
  • If you dream of a Hedgehog - a dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns growing on your body - indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always fight back against an offender. They say about such people: “He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles.”
  • If you dream of a Hedgehog - Seeing a hedgehog with soft spines in a dream means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are taking advantage of you. Seeing a hedgehog attacking you in a dream is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will be no person next to you who would lend you a helping hand, this is how what you dream about in your dream is deciphered.


Why do you dream about a Hedgehog according to the dream book? Hedgehog - If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily. If a hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream foreshadows a vacation in the company of close relatives or an important conversation. If the hedgehog is hiding from you, you will need patience and special caution in business. Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday - you simply need hard work and patience in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that you would be foolish to refuse. By the way, in Madagascar, soldiers were not allowed to eat hedgehogs, since it was believed that this animal’s habit of curling up in defense and hiding could be passed on to whoever eats the hedgehog.


Why do you dream of a Hedgehog, dream analysis: Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.



What does it mean when you dream of a Hedgehog? Hedgehog - When you dream of a hedgehog, someone will have sharp, hedgehog conversations - arguments.


I dream about a Hedgehog, what does it symbolize? Hedgehog - “Prickly like a hedgehog” or “bristles like a hedgehog” - an unfriendly, unpleasant person; “Even a hedgehog understands” - complete clarity.


Why do Hedgehogs appear in dreams? Hedgehog - Trouble. Hedgehog - To a conversation with a person who is sarcastic in nature.


Why do Hedgehogs appear in a dream? Hedgehog - To trouble.

Dream book of a Siberian healer

For those born from January to April, the dream of a hedgehog warns of danger.
If you were born from May to August, seeing a hedgehog in a dream means that someone is holding a grudge against you.
For those born from September to December, pricking yourself on a hedgehog in a dream means a dangerous person.

Male dream book hedgehog

You will have great success in the type of activity that you will engage in in the near future.
If you hold a hedgehog in your hands, but it does not prick, you are mistaken about your new acquaintance. Take a closer look, maybe everything is not as good as you think.
Prickly hedgehog - you will be upset by gossip about you, but don’t worry, they will not harm you.
A hedgehog drinking milk from your plate or cup means you will have to communicate with an unpleasant person.
A hedgehog lapping wine from a glass - be careful at a banquet. A hangover is a tough thing.

Dream Interpretation of Mayan Indians

If you dreamed of a running hedgehog, then nothing threatens you in the near future - neither illnesses, nor bandits, nor enemies.
If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up in a ball, and in the near future you may be attacked by bandits.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Hedgehog - meeting with an old friend.

Eastern women's dream book

seeing a hedgehog, or even better, taking it with you, means getting rid of an ill-wisher. If you prick yourself on a hedgehog needle, your plans for revenge are not destined to come true, but this is for the best.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

HEDGEHOG WHY DREAMING about a hedgehog is a nuisance, slander.

Dream book of catchphrases

HEDGEHOG - “prickly like a hedgehog” or “bristles like a hedgehog” - an unfriendly, unpleasant person; “Even a hedgehog understands” - complete clarity.

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