Why dream of swimming in clear water. Swimming place - river

Seeing the sea in a dream is most often pleasant. It’s especially joyful to see such a story for those who haven’t been on vacation for a long time. But this is a very ambiguous symbol that can be both positive and negative. The following explains in detail why you dream about the sea.

Why do you dream about the sea - interpretation from dream books

In Miller’s dream book, the sea becomes a very favorable harbinger for the sleeper if dolphins swim in its calm waters. Such a plot promises a person a long period of good luck and luck. He can boldly take on new things, try himself in completely unfamiliar areas, experiment endlessly, trying to make his life better.

In Vanga’s work, water with a lot of sea foam promises the dreamer negative events in reality. It is difficult to predict in advance which areas of life they will be associated with. But, most likely, troubles will affect the self-realization of the sleeper, as well as his relationships with loved ones. But the sea surf in warm weather is dreamed of as a harbinger of a calm, measured life and unhindered spiritual development.

In the psychological dream book, sea water is a symbol of a person’s internal state. If she is calm in her night dreams, it means that the dreamer in reality feels quite comfortable. If it’s raging, something urgently needs to be changed, since the sleeper is categorically dissatisfied with his situation. Anger boils inside him and negative emotions accumulate. This definitely needs to be fixed.

Swimming, sitting in a pond in a dream

Often in a dream a person has to not only admire the sea, but also swim in it. If in night dreams a man or woman swims in water, it means that in reality we should expect favorable changes. Life will turn in a radically different direction, but the sleeper will like it.

If the dreamer splashes merrily in sea water during the daytime, then his help will soon be needed in reality by a close friend. If a person lends a helping hand to a friend, then together they will very easily be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. The dreamer's responsiveness will certainly be rewarded in the future.

It happens that in a dream a person swims at great depths. This is a dubious sign. On the one hand, it promises the sleeper the acquisition of new knowledge that was previously unavailable. On the other hand, the information received can greatly upset and even frighten the dreamer.

If a woman or man is simply sitting in the water, and the waves are raging around him, then such a plot can be considered a harbinger of family quarrels. Was he seen by a married representative of the fair sex? This means that she can feel her husband’s distance and suffer from his constant outbursts of jealousy.

I dreamed of a turbulent, dirty, muddy sea

If you dreamed of a very turbulent sea with huge waves, then in reality the dreamer may find himself in a turbulent cycle of unpleasant events. The current situation will not be his fault, but it will not be possible to avoid or prevent it. Therefore, you will just have to bite the bullet and wait out the difficult period.

It happens that in a dream the sleeper watches huge waves roll onto the shore. This is a clear sign that in real life he will have a strong quarrel with his significant other or some other close person. The conflict will be so strong that it can lead to a final break.

A storm with heavy rain, during which the dreamer found himself in the middle of the sea, is an important clue for him. Surely the person is dissatisfied with his position in society, but does not try to correct the situation. His subconscious tells him that it is time for a change. Leaving everything as it is, the sleeper will doom himself to depression and despondency.

Did you have to swim in a very dirty, smelly sea? In reality, a man or woman will face serious health problems. Often, such a plot suggests that the failure occurred precisely in the functioning of the immune system. She needs to be given special attention.

Muddy sea water from a dream is a harbinger of unpleasant conversations and minor squabbles. This plot can also be perceived as a warning that you need to be careful when communicating with colleagues. Someone at the workplace wants to frame the dreamer.

Drowning, choking in water

The most unpleasant version of the plot of dreams about the sea are those in which a person drowns or chokes in it. Surprisingly, such eerie visions may well turn out to be favorable harbingers. For example, if a sleeper had to drown in clean, transparent water, then in real life he will experience many positive emotions.

If the dreamer plunges into the sea, but cannot even move or help himself in any way, it means that in reality he does not know how to cope with his feelings and emotions. Often such dreams are seen by women suffering from unhappy love and committing reckless acts for this reason.

Drowning in dirty water also means health problems. If in the process the sleeper was saved by other people, then in real life he was lucky to have truly faithful and devoted friends.

What does it mean to dream in which the sea is calm and clear?

If a representative of the fair sex saw a dream with a calm, clear sea, in reality she is probably completely satisfied with her relationship with her boyfriend or spouse. Harmony in love will help her actively develop and improve in other areas of life.

Calm in a dream, which does not evoke any vivid emotions in sleeping people of both sexes, indicates a person’s boredom in real life. The dreamer needs new hobbies, acquaintances, and travel to other countries.

A clean and very transparent sea is a harbinger of a “white” streak in life. If the sleeper has had a lot of problems and troubles so far, then you can be sure that they will soon resolve on their own.

Swim at night

Did you have to swim in the sea at night? This means that in reality the dreamer’s well-being and success depend on the mood and favor of some superior person. This will be very stressful, but he will not be able to correct the situation without outside help.

If at night the sleeper began to swim in the sea, and then saw dolphins next to him, this is a wonderful sign. Such a plot promises him good health and a large supply of vital energy, which will be enough to achieve all his cherished goals.

The dark night sea, in which the dreamer cannot see his feet, foreshadows a serious conflict with old enemies. Due to open war, a woman or man will experience many negative emotions. We must remember that stress can greatly worsen your health.

The meaning of the dream depends on the dreamer's gender

The interpretation of the dream plot under discussion also depends on the person of what gender saw it:

  • A calm sea with dolphins from a woman’s dream indicates that the sleeping woman is completely satisfied with her appearance and position in society. Self-confidence will help her conquer new heights. A storm at sea is a hint that in reality the girl lacks sexual pleasure. The young lady craves new bright emotions in this area.
  • For a man, strong waves on sea water promise “oscillations” in reality. The sleeper will have to make a difficult decision on which his whole life will depend. The warm sea, periodically pouring over the body of a representative of the stronger sex in a dream, suggests that a sexual surge is coming in reality. A man will have a new partner or his relationship with his current one will sparkle with bright colors.

swim according to the dream book

If you swim in pleasant, warm water and the weather is sunny and good, joy awaits you and your well-being will soon improve.
Swimming in water full of turbidity and other dirt means you will lose something very valuable to you, which you valued so much.
If you dream of a whole sea voyage, wait, soon the inheritance will knock on your door.

why do you dream about swimming?

Watching yourself bathe in a dream - the charges that fell on you by mistake will soon be dropped. Seeing strangers swimming - you will have a clear opportunity to build bridges with those who have left your life, but were very dear to you, or with whom you are not on particularly pleasant terms.
Much depends on how clean the water in which a person bathes while sleeping is. Clear water, in which even the smallest inhabitants can be seen, is a favorable symbol, usually meaning recovery, tranquility and relief from troubles. Dark, dirty, unsightly water is a bad change in the life of the sleeper, which will lead to even worse consequences. Swimming while dressed means monitor your health, the threat of a serious illness looms over you, which has dire consequences. When swimming, a lot of splashes fly off from you - luck will go hand in hand with you in all matters and endeavors, you will be extremely happy and satisfied with yourself.

what does it mean if you swim in a dream

Swimming - success/luck in your affairs.
Lovers who swim together - an unexpected separation that will shock both.

swim in a dream

Swimming in a dream and putting clothes on your naked body that are new to you - if you were in power and lost it, then wait, it is about to return to your former hands.
Swimming in new clothes means your sorrows and anxiety will disappear into emptiness, and your health will improve. After swimming, to see how you put on things that do not fit each other at all - your worries will disappear, but some kind of need will appear that will not give you peace. Perform ablutions, but do not complete it completely - the work that you carried out so diligently will not be completed by you and the goals will not be achieved.
To bathe not alone or perform ablution - the thing that was previously yours will no longer be yours, because it will be stolen from you.
Perform ablution and begin to perform prayer in a dream - worries will go away and be forgotten, you need to give gratitude to the Almighty.
If ablution is performed by someone who is not at all allowed to do so, the one experiencing anxiety and worrying about something wants to be freed from these feelings, but he never achieves what he wants.

why do you dream about swimming?

Taking a bath while in the bath means illnesses and anxieties will go away.
Swimming in the room - your wife/husband will be extremely good and very rich.
Swimming in a river - you will suddenly feel an influx of strength and willpower, hitherto unprecedented. If the water was cloudy, minor changes will affect your position; warm water - a profitable offer or deal is waiting for you.
Bathing in clothes means your inheritance will greet you unexpectedly.
Bathing your own feet - you will find an excellent household that everyone will envy.

  • If one sees himself taking a bath and putting on new clothes in a dream, it means that if he has been removed from power, he will return to his previous post. If he was poor, he will become rich, if he was a prisoner, he will become free, if he was sick, he will be cured, if he was a merchant, a business or craft that was not going well, he will feel an improvement in his affairs within the country of residence, if he was joyful, he will perform Hajj, he felt anxiety -Allah will ease his condition; he was a debtor; Allah will help him repay his debt.
  • It is known that Ayub (Nov) (peace be upon him) after bathing was dressed in new clothes. Allah returned him to his people and made him an example to follow. His worries disappeared, his body was cleansed, and he became healthy again.
  • If someone sees in a dream that he has bathed and put on various clothes, his worries will disappear, but some kind of need will appear. Anyone who performed ablution in a dream, but did not complete it, will not be able to complete his affairs and will not receive what he wanted to get. If someone sees a dream that he is performing ablution or bathing more than once, he will find the thing that was previously stolen from him.
  • Those who complete their ablutions and begin to pray in a dream will be liberated from worries. He will thank the Almighty for the help provided. Whoever sees a dream that he seems to be performing ablution, although this is not allowed for him, he, experiencing anxiety, hopes for his liberation from this feeling. However, he cannot achieve his desire.
  • A certain merchant had a dream. He prayed without performing ablution. This means that the mentioned merchant was engaged in trading operations without having the appropriate capital for this. The Emir had the same dream, who later failed to connect with his soldiers. A similar thing happened to some artisan. He never managed to improve his affairs.
  • Anyone who sees in a dream that he is performing prayer without ablution in a place where prayer cannot be read will expect amazement in a matter from which he will not be able to find a way out. It is said that bathing in a dream is a guarantee of the fulfillment of a dream, or a loan that will be repaid, or a certificate that receives an appropriate price.
  • It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I saw a man from my community. In the grave he was overcome with suffering. We will perform ablution on him and save him from torment."
  • Anyone who sees a dream that he is washing with sand will receive consolation and peace will overtake him, since washing with sand in a dream indicates an imminent meeting with Allah Almighty.
  • (See also Cleansing, Ablution, Prayer)

A dream in which the dreamer has to swim is a positive sign. Most often, it means the completion of some important task, symbolizes the general prosperity of a person and personifies satisfaction from life. But in order to more accurately interpret what dreams of swimming in water mean, you need to take into account the smallest details of the dream’s plot. It is very important to remember where you had to swim in the dream. For correct interpretation, it is also important to remember the quality of the dreamed water and the emotional component of the dream. If the dreamer enjoys swimming, then success awaits him in reality, and if a feeling of fear arises in his night dreams, then things in real life will not go well.

Swim in swiming pool

The most common question is why you dream of swimming in a pool. If you have to swim alone, this indicates that the person is tired of everyday worries. It is advisable to contact your household and ask for a little help. If you swim in the pool with your loved one in your night dreams, this indicates that separation will soon occur in reality.

You need to remember how you swam in the pool:

    To swim confidently means to expect the onset of a joyful period of life; To swim with difficulty means to experience disappointment in life. It is also a sign of the dreamer's lack of self-confidence.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a clean pool filled with very cold water, then this foreshadows that in real life you will have to endure serious trials. But they will help change it for the better.

What kind of water did you swim in in the pool?

Dreams about swimming in a pool can be interpreted as follows:

    For a young girl, swimming in clear water means that she will soon meet a true friend, and her financial condition will stabilize. If you happen to swim in clear water with pleasure, then in reality you will soon be able to make a big profit. If you had to swim underwater, then this indicates to the fact that in real life you have to deal with a difficult matter. Success will depend entirely on the dreamer’s assertiveness.

Swimming in the sea - dream book

The sea symbolizes inviolability and eternity in night dreams. Therefore, swimming in the sea in a dream means that significant changes are coming in real life.

At the same time, the appearance of the sea surface is of great importance for interpretation:

    A calm sea predicts the fulfillment of desires; Slight excitement means that small problems in life will be easily overcome; A rough sea indicates that obstacles will arise on the path to happiness.

Night dreams are interpreted similarly when you have to swim in the ocean. The scale of predictions is only increasing. Thus, a raging ocean in a dream means that it will take a lot of strength to overcome life’s difficulties. But the calm, endless expanse of the ocean indicates that a period of very calm life is beginning.

If in a dream you have to swim underwater in a natural body of water, then this indicates that in reality you are trying to hide from real problems and try not to notice troubles. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in reality needs the support of friends and loved ones.

Interpretation of sleep based on water quality

When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention to the quality of water in a natural reservoir:

    When you have to swim in clear water in your dreams at night, this portends a life without problems and worries. If you have to swim in cool water, then for a sick person such a dream foreshadows a speedy recovery, and for a healthy person it promises good luck and predicts that you will meet true friends in life .When you have to swim in clear water, this symbolizes good health and success for the dreamer. Also, such a dream personifies the spiritual purity of a person and speaks of his creative nature and desire to improve himself. When you have to swim in muddy water, this foreshadows the emergence of various obstacles in the real world. If you have to swim in dirty water, then troubles and sad events are coming in real life . Such a dream can also be a harbinger of illness if, according to the plot, dirty water gets into your mouth.

Why does a woman dream of swimming in the sea?

Very often, dreamers ask the question why a woman dreams of swimming in the sea. If during the process of swimming a feeling of unforgettable pleasure arose, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of almost all desires in real life. In addition, after such a dream, a woman’s life will develop very well, surrounded by loving and beloved close people.

If a woman had to swim with an unfamiliar man, then most likely there will be a need in reality to help her friend in solving a very important problem. This must be done, since a person will not be able to cope with difficulties on his own. When you have to swim naked in a pond, this symbolizes a strong inner will, a balanced character and a calm conscience. But if in a dream you experienced discomfort while swimming naked, then this foreshadows an unpleasant situation in reality. Swimming with your lover means that your existing relationship in real life will bring joy and pleasure.

Due to the variety of interpretations, the plots of night dreams in which I happened to swim in the river are especially highlighted when interpreting dreams.

There are the following variations of interpretations:

    If you had to swim in a river and at the same time you did not feel the strength of the current at all, then this indicates a favorable course of life and a happy family life in reality. Swimming in a seething river stream means that in reality you will have to develop active activity. Swimming across a river with a strong current means in real life, do a huge amount of hard, exhausting work. But the result will be worth it and will be rewarded. If you had to swim in a river that turned out to be very shallow, then this portends the onset of difficult times in life. Also, such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not have enough energy to successfully overcome life's difficulties.

A young man's dream of a floating girl in the river predicts a waking meeting with a beautiful stranger. Moreover, she could become his betrothed.

Swim in a lake or pond

Miller's dream book contains an interpretation of what it means to dream of swimming in a lake. Moreover, if you had to swim alone, then the dreamer will experience changes in life. When, while swimming, you are lucky enough to see your reflection in the water surface in your night dreams, this eliminates loneliness in reality. You will make wonderful friends in real life, and your life will be filled with new bright impressions. For single people, swimming in a natural body of water means expecting in reality a fateful acquaintance that will lead to the creation of a family. But if the water in the lake is dirty and cloudy, then a long-awaited romantic acquaintance will most likely end in severe disappointment, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. When interpreting a dream, be sure to pay attention to the general condition of the reservoir:
    If the shore and bottom of a pond or lake are clean and it is very pleasant to go into the water, then this is a favorable sign that predicts success in all areas of life. When you have to swim in a pond and see the bottom of the reservoir through the clear water, this indicates the high decency of the dreamer and his impeccable conscience. If, when you are swimming, you observe a beautiful reflection of the landscape on the water surface, then this foreshadows a joyful meeting in reality. When, while swimming in a pond or lake, you see sun glare on the water surface, then this indicates that in in real life you will soon find family happiness.
Swimming in a dirty pond foreshadows repentance for past mistakes. You need to be careful not to make new mistakes under the influence of surging emotions. If there is a lot of duckweed around you, and there is a lot of silt at the bottom of the reservoir, then this is a warning that you should not waste time and effort on an obviously doomed undertaking. When, while swimming on a dirty lake, a strong feeling of disgust arises in night dreams, this indicates that in reality the person is in a state of severe stress or nervous strain. Such a dream suggests that it is time to fully relax.

Dreamed of swimming with turtles

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a pond next to turtles, then this indicates that things at work will be very successful. You will be able to realize your new ideas or implement original projects. All this will be duly appreciated by management.

Swimming with fish in a dream

Swimming with fish in a dream in any natural body of water is a very good omen. Such a dream foreshadows happy mutual love and complete harmony in relationships with a partner. A school of fish seen in night dreams is interpreted a little differently:
    If the fish was small, then minor disappointments are possible in life; A large fish portends financial well-being.

Why do you dream about a lot of swimming fish?

It’s very interesting why you dream about a lot of swimming fish. Such a dream foreshadows the onset of an interesting life period, full of new acquaintances. But if an unpleasant feeling arises in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer is tired of publicity and strives for loneliness.

Swim with dolphins

It’s very good if in a dream you had to swim with dolphins. This means that in real life you are surrounded by pleasant people, whose support you can count on in difficult situations. But also swimming next to dolphins symbolizes your willingness to submit. Some features of dreams:
    Holding on to a fin during a swim means timely receiving support from a friend in reality; Sitting astride a dolphin means subjugating one of the people to yourself; Falling from a fast-swimming dolphin means expecting problematic situations to arise.

Sail on a ship

Sailing on a ship is a very good omen. After such a dream, a successful period of life will begin with many new impressions. The dreamer will have meetings in real life with very interesting people. Sailing on a large ship across a body of water in a storm, which, according to the plot of the dream, abruptly gives way to calm, means that fate in the coming period of life will be favorable. Traveling across the surface of the water in calm and sunny weather on a large, beautiful and comfortable ship portends good prospects in real life.

If in a dream you have to sail on a boat, then this symbolizes that in real life the dreamer will have to urgently resolve important issues. It is necessary to pay attention to variations in storylines:
    If there were other rowers there, then this foreshadows a fun time with friends; When it happened that the boat capsized, this warns that in reality you should not spend large sums of money, otherwise bankruptcy cannot be avoided.
The type of boat used is also important for the interpretation of dreams:
    Sailing on a motor boat means realizing the transience of the world around you; Using a kayak means having good health; Sailing in a canoe means receiving a responsible task; Moving along the water surface in an inflatable boat means being afraid of troubles in life.

I dreamed of a floating child

When you dream of floating people, it means that the dreamer’s wishes will soon come true. And when you dream of a floating child, then in reality you will have to take care of someone in the near future. In addition, such a dream personifies the presence of complexes in the dreamer associated with communicating with people. When a child chokes on water while swimming, this indicates that the person’s financial situation is not very good. When you have to save a drowning child, this indicates a fear of losing a loved one. When interpreting night dreams associated with swimming, you should definitely listen to your own intuition. And we can definitely say that if, upon waking up, a person remembers his night dreams with positive emotions, then everything in life is going well and there is nothing to worry about.

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Swimming in clean water is a good sign, which symbolizes a person’s harmony with the outside world. If you happened to swim in dirty water, then the interpretation is the opposite. Dream books offer accurate interpretations.

Why do you dream about swimming - Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed that you were bathing in pleasant, warm water, then prosperity and prosperity will settle in your home. If the water was hot, then there is a high probability that you will soon get sick. Cold water in which one bathes in a dream symbolizes superiority over one’s enemies.

Transparent, clean water is a sign of happiness, the disappearance of currently troubling problems, sorrows and any worries. If you dreamed that you were swimming in muddy, opaque water, then you will soon lose some valuable thing or object.

Calm water in a bathing area is a harbinger of joy, protection from poverty and other troubles. If after swimming you went somewhere on a small boat, then you should compare your desires with reality. Often dreams do not come true.

A sea voyage after swimming is a harbinger of receiving some kind of inheritance. If in a dream you are swimming and see an accident related to water, then soon you will meet a person whose feelings will not be sincere. All actions of such an acquaintance, pretending to be in love with you, will be aimed only at achieving personal gain.

Swimming - Vanga’s dream book

Seeing yourself bathing in a dream is a harbinger of the speedy removal of some false charges against a person. If you dreamed that strangers were swimming, then you will be able to find a common language with those with whom you had a fight and are not on very good terms.

Often a dream can be interpreted by the purity of the water for bathing a person. Transparent, clean water is a symbol of a carefree, calm life and a speedy recovery. Muddy, dark and opaque water in a swimming area is a harbinger of unfavorable changes in life.

If you swim in clothes, you need to monitor your health, since there is a high probability of developing a serious illness. Swimming somewhere, creating a lot of splashes, portends good luck in all endeavors, affairs, a feeling of joy and happiness.

Why do you dream of swimming in a dream - Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which the sleeper bathes as a cleansing. It may be associated with remorse, which does not give peace for a long time. If you bathe someone in a dream, then forgiveness will soon occur. Bathing children is a sign that you will be forgiven for a long-standing offense.

Bathing the elderly is a symbol of cleansing your soul from grievances that have tormented you for a long time. If in a dream you bathed your peers, then this is a sign of your guilt in those circumstances for which you blame other people.

Swimming in a dream – Lunar dream book

A dream in which you bathe and then put on clean, new clothes suggests that you will soon gain the power that you previously had, but for some reason lost. If after swimming you put on different types of clothes, then soon your worries will leave you, but a certain need will appear.

If in a dream you were prevented from taking a swim or were not allowed to complete it, then in reality your affairs will not be completed properly. Your dreams and plans for this will not be fully realized. If in a dream you were not swimming alone, then you will soon find something that was once stolen from you.

Why do you dream about swimming – Zedkiel’s Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you swam in clear, clean and pleasant-temperature water, then success in your career, study, and self-development awaits you. Victory is guaranteed for you in personal relationships, on the love front. However, if the water, on the contrary, was dirty, cloudy, and you swam in it, then you should be more attentive to your health and relationships with loved ones, since it is in these areas of life that troubles can occur.

Bathing – Eastern women's dream book

Success in all matters awaits those who dream of swimming in a calm body of water, clear, clean water. And illness and gossip can accompany those who swam in dirty, unpleasant water in a dream. Bathing in the bathtub often brings disappointment in reality.

What does it mean if you dreamed of swimming in a dream - Modern Dream Book

Success, joy and good news await those who in a dream swam in calm, not seething water of a pleasant temperature. If you dreamed that you were bathing in the bathroom, then soon you will be seriously disappointed in something or someone. If a young girl dreams of swimming with a friend in a lake who is a better swimmer, then her shortcomings will not be noticed by others.

What does it mean to swim in a dream – Hasse’s Dream Interpretation

If in a dream a young girl or guy was bathing in a room, then a rich bride and groom awaits them. Swimming in muddy water is a sign of changes in life that will not please you at all. If in a dream you only washed your feet, then you will have a good farm that will bring you additional profit.

Why do you dream about swimming – Dream Interpretation of Health

If you dreamed about yourself bathing, purification will soon occur, and not only spiritual, but also physical. If you saw in a dream how a person of the opposite sex was bathing, then this indicates that you are sexually unsatisfied. Bathing in hot water symbolizes upcoming surgery or treatment.

Dream interpretation of swimming in something - meanings and interpretations

  • If you dreamed that you were entering a river, a new period will soon begin in your life, which will give you a lot of positive emotions. If you dreamed that you were bathing someone, then this indicates a possible promotion.
  • Transparent clean water is a symbol of success in personal affairs, finances, and work. Swimming in clothes promises winning or receiving an inheritance.
  • Swimming in the sea suggests that you will soon be able to correct past mistakes that have been haunting you for a long time. Warm sea water symbolizes an improvement in your financial situation. Muddy water warns against possible troubles, envy, and gossip. Swimming in the sea is often dreamed of by those who are tormented by their conscience.
  • Bathing in the shower means a speedy surge of energy and strength, which will allow you to accomplish everything you have planned. In addition, taking a shower is a sign of an imminent meeting with a person who will not remain in your life for long, but whom you will constantly remember. If the hot tap suddenly supplied cold water, love disappointment awaits you.
  • Swimming in the pool symbolizes immediate strengthening of one's position and career growth. If you didn't swim in the pool alone, you will soon find a new friend. If a young girl dreams of bathing and finds herself without a swimsuit, then this is a sign that she must do her job, and then pursue her personal life.
  • Bathing in the bath promises young people heartfelt experiences associated with their soulmate. If you are married, then this may be a warning of adultery. If the water in the bathroom is cloudy and dirty, then there is an evil person next to you who wants trouble for you. If you are pregnant, you should be careful as there is a risk of accidents.
  • Swimming in icy water in winter foreshadows pleasure that will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.
  • Bathing in milk is a sign of success and wealth that will soon happen to you.
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